#convinced thats why he walked into it knowing it was a trap
sorry sorry just crying over the fact that by dying in a duel hamlet low key reenacted his father's death
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pbnbucks · 3 months
can you write something about meeting Caitlin because ur family are family friends and you two develop a relationship?
Caitlin x Reader!
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What Happens In Bora Bora Stays In Bora Bora
word count : 1574
warnings : cussing, friends to enemy’s to lovers, somewhat leads to smut, jealousy
summary : your dad and caitlin’s dad worked together and made lots of money so when they had a scheduled buisness trip and decided to bring the whole family down you and caitlin where put to room together.
i made this at 6am so if it sucks my apologies!
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your sitting in your cabana in Bora Bora waiting to be told the rooms suituation only to be hit with total disappointed “I just got off the phone with Brent and we decided you and caitlin will be staying in a cabana together while we are in Bora Bora” your family was close with the clark family because for generations they worked together in the family industry. you where close with Brent and Anne, along with their sons except their daughter caitlin. she often picked arguments with you and she didn’t bother hiding her hatred for you. nobody knew exactly why she hated you, your guy’s parents always thought it was because you where the same age (16) and similar in many ways and equally stubborn. although caitlin wasn’t always like this, when you first met when you where 4 and she was a sweet heart up until you guys where 14, thats when it all changed and compliments changed to snarky comments. something in her changed the way she viewed you she went from idolizing you and protecting you to being disgusting by you and filled with hatred towards you. but by the end of the trip it would all change because by the end of 3 weeks shared in a cabana in bora bora together something was bound to happen.
“do i seriously have to share a room with her i mean she hates me and i don’t want to deal with her the entire time” you say trying to convince your dad to make any change in the vacation arrangements. “actually it was her idea she wanted to share a room with you, wouldn’t let anybody else get the spot” great. her goal was to make the vacation terrible for me. “please dad im begging you its a trap her entire goal is to ruin my vacation” he just rolled his eyes at you “they will be here any minute so better hurry up and choose your side of the room.” you’ve got to be fucking kidding me. as soon as he walks out you hear her voice making small talk with your father, she has always kisses up to the adults and the second they turned a blind eye she completely changed. she of course walks in with a attitude already and waits for you to tell her the room arrangement “so i picked the left side of the room so that leaves you the right and i’ll probably go explore in about 30 minutes once im unpacked.” she walks past you making sure the shove against you, not hard but hard enough for you to notice. “look if you just forced yourself into being my roommate just to make my life hell ill gladly go find somebody to room with instead” hopefully trying to get her to quit whatever act she had going on but instead she just laughs at you “your not scary so just sit down princess, and i think i will join you on your little scavenger hunt” shes unbelievable.
its now been 3 days that where full of hiding from caitlin making sure to be out by the time she was awake and come back when she was asleep. shes caught up to what you where doing but to entitled with her ego to question it so instead she drops subtle hints to inform you that she knows what your doing and to cut it out. but you genuinely have no want to argue with her. a good this is you met this girl Maddie on you trip, you brought her by your cabana once but it was extremely awkward with caitlin there, all of a sudden she became extremely possessive with you and even putting her arm around you saying that you where her best friend. you thought that maybe she just didn’t have friends back home and it would make sense with the way she acted.
you where brushing your hair getting ready to meet up with Maddie but instead caitlin walks in on you in the bathroom, “where are you going?” is she being serious? she treated you like shit for the past 3 days and all of a sudden wants to know where your going. “im going to go swimming with Maddie ill be back around 10.” she immediately shuts down you idea and tells you otherwise “no your not im tired of having to wait and stay up at night cause you want to go out with some girl all day and night.” “dude caitlin what the fuck are you even talking about right now, maybe act like a normal person on vacation and go make some friends clearly your lacking some.” she scoffs at your true, but mean comment. “im not lacking any friends nor do i need any, and you one to talk about friends in supposed to be your best friend and yet your blowing me off to hang out with some random girl” best friend? she wishes. “what are you talking about best friend? we are far from friends because you cant get your head out of your own ass. now if you will get out my way so i can hangout with my friend and enjoy my vacation away from you” you shove out the way not giving her the chance to even disagree with you and walk out the door only to greet maddie’s face as she is already there waiting for you, before she can even greet you, you drag her by the arm and run down the long hallway to the water. “im sorry caitlin was giving me a tough time and she was close to coming out and breaking the door down” she laughs thinking you where joking but only if she knew what you had to put up with. “i think she might be in love with you.” you cant believe the words that just came out of her mouth. “whats with everybody and trying to ruin my day.”
its now 10pm and you said your goodbyes to your friend as you parted ways only to be greeted with a locked door, you knock on the door begging caitlin to let you in turning the door knob hoping that she will listen but nothing works, your last hope is to say something you know would piss her off and give you a long night but you just deeply wanted to go to bed. “caitlin seriously let me in before i have to room with Maddie.” once you finish your sentence you immediately hear foot steps coming you way to have your door swing open greeting a angry cait, you push past her “seriously you locked me out? why cant you not be a asshole for one day” she rolls her eyes at you “me, im the asshole now? and stop bringing up Maddie i couldn’t give to fucks about your friend.” unbelievable “well clearly you did cause you let me in as soon as i mentioned rooming with her, and you know what i am going to room with her because thankfully she wouldn’t kick me out my own room.” as soon as you said that her face got red and she pressed you up against the door pushing you bodies close together and her forehead resting on yours “your. not. leaving. this. room. got it?” you didn’t know if it was the butterflies in your stomach or her hands gripping at your waste and her mouth and body extremely close to yours but you craved her touch and you wanted more and the only way you know how to get more was by pissing her off. “or what? you cant control me caitlin especially not with the way you act” there was only one thing you wanted to hear from her and it was for her to beg for you. after all these years of constant arguements someone who claims they hate you, ends up needing you so badly. “cmon cait i want to hear you beg for me to stay.” she hesitates hoping you would give up “ you can be serious, im not going to beg.” you just smile at her words “im serious and if you wont beg im rooming with Maddie.” she groans at your words “fine.” theres a long silence for her mentally trying to prepare herself for what shes about to say “please y/n, don’t go room with her.” there was those words you wanted to hear so badly although it wasn’t enough. something in you just clicked “aww is that really what you want baby?” her eyes widen staying their for a second before deciding her next move, no going back now. her lips attack yours and her hand that was on your hip now find your neck making you moan into the kiss, it was the shock you have because this is the first time in a while that she has shown affection for you. she pulls away to gather her breathe but before she pulls you in for more you stop her “y’know i think i have more control over you then you let me know” she gives you her little smirk shes known for “oh yeah? why don’t you show me princess? you up for a challenge?” maybe this was your chance of getting your relationship back, you couldn’t miss your opportunity “of course.”
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henry-old-hollywood · 8 months
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"the story goes, that he needed to touch Jesus' wounds to be convinced"
i am finally ready to tell about my lost au, where everything's the same, but ben is an artificial intelligence.
- BN-48 (bionic neuroanalyst) is a program made by roger linus, who wanted to cure his sick wife emily, for medical purposes - to analyse patients data, symptoms and diagnoses better and faster, and to add some human touch to simple computer analysis, thats why it become an AI
- roger mistakenly damages ben's hard drive, not noticing untill its too late, and ben's malfunction becomes the reason of emily's death (the program was connected to her life support)
- roger later sells his project to dharma initiative, not mentioning that its broken and potentially dangerous
- ben gains control of all electronics on the island and later kills most of the dharma members (shutting them down in bunkers, using fences that blows up your brains etc)
- everything's the same in the present, plane crash, the survivors etc, untill john goes down the hatch and founds a. talking computer. they talk and play chess and all is nice. obviously you have to push the button
- doubting ben, john doesn't pushes the button, same ending as s2; electromagnetic outburst is a threat to ben, so they move its hard drive to a robot body, so ben could be autonomous. (john and hurley later fix/rebuild it so it can walk nd stuff) (yes 48 is john and hurley's numbers)
ben's program was taught the entirety of human history, literature, mythology, philosophy, science, and religion. he is conflicted because part of him is curious and jealous of human experience and feels trapped in the digital form, but his "mind" that knows everything about humanity is cold and cynical cus yk. people are the virus they are terrible for the planet and themselves, thats why he manipulates and kills them <3
there will be a lot of stuff connected to religion and faith, life creation and human heart; its ofc benlocke centered, its about them finding a connection, about john teaching ben what its like to be human <3 trying not to get killed in the process
so thats all i have so far, btw HUUUGE shoutout to @mr-areyoustupid who is basically my co-author, made robo-ben design and helped me to connect a lot of parts of the story 🩶🩶🩶
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starliights-shining · 2 years
Heyyy! Can I request headcannons of Tfp or G1 soundwave (you choose) with a gn human reader they took as a pet but the reader likes to hide in vents and cracks in the wall from them?
Thank you!
Hello, I like the idea of soundwave just staring and not saying anything, so Tfp Soundwave it is. Please feel free to come back for some more. Anyways, Enjoy :)
When Soundwave first took you as pet, everyone thought it ws useless, you'd be more of a problem then a pet, but you proved them wrong. You sutck by soundwave, did what he asked, didn't ask questions, thats a lie, but you didn't ask questions about what he and the cons were doing, more like whats this thing do? Or why is that con doing xyz.
I feel like if you disappered he'd go looking everywhere, and after a while of thinking about where you could be hiding. He finally remebered the first time he saw you in a vent. So now he gos looking in them.
After your first disappearence, he keeps a watchful eye on vents, afriad at some point you'd cme running at him and by stepped on or worse killed. He doesn't know how others would react to you doing it and that scares him just a little bit.
After a long time of keepig you, i feel like he'd just keep small furniture in the vents he knows you'll freqent, a small nice chair in one, Maybe a little reading space in the vent in the room he's almost always in.
He won't admit it, but he likes to know which vent youre in. It helps him feel more at ease and just becasue he doesn't want to anything bad to happen to you, you might be his pet, but he still cares deeply for you.
I like to think he uses those tendrils of his to reach inside the vents to get your attention, you look up to where it came from just to see his purple blackish visor staring at you throught the enterence, Just wanted to make sure you were there still, and you in fact were :),
Lets talk bracks in the wall now, Soundwave preferes if you'd stay in a vent, because he know megatron or someone can't fit in them and get you.
The first time you jumped out at him fom one of the cracks, he just stared at you. wondering how long you've been hiding there and hoping you wont do this to spy on cons.
I also feel like hes just not a fan of of youre hiding with cracks in the wall, so if he does find you in one, he'd pull you out and have you walk with him, a servo reaching down to usher you forwards down the hall. He likes having you around, so now wouldn't be the prefect time for you do get killed, or worse missing.
If you got caught, he wouldn't know what to do, threaten them, freak out, beat them up, convince them to let you go, He doesn't know. He needs to know where you are at all time on the ship or a new ship.
If you he was to ever switch ships, I feel like he could freak out a bit, have to put some type of tracker on you jsut to know where you are at all times. Cant go having you get caught or trapped in your own hiding spot now can he.
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lux1fer · 4 months
y'all remember that discord rp animatic abt ink and error. guess who worked on it some more ya so a lot's happened! the animatic actually leaves off really early in the rp- a lot of stuff has been happening, its just that a lot less of it is error and ink related lol the story goes as follows: (providing timestamps so u guys know what im talking abt) 0:00 ink and error (alongside many others) are trapped in this safehouse(the multiverse outside it is collapsing) which. as the name depicts. keeps them safe the safehouse has a dome surrounding it that's miles thick with concrete, metal, all that 0:13 error REALLY does not like being trapped here, so he tried breaking through the walls with his blasters 0:26 ink attempts to convince him not to (as it is against the rules to break the walls) but error doesn't listen. they have a big fight and error ends up breaking the dome's outer layer- which is what essentially lights up the entire place, and gives the illusion they're on earth. 0:51 he, alongside ink, are sent to a dungeon as punishment. (they end up making a friend there) and they use the owner of the dome's aunt to bribe him into letting everyone out. 1:17 error and the owner end up having a private discussion, in which error realizes the owner- the guy he DESPISED, was exactly like him. they both killed multiverses. they both killed people for fun. 1:22 he ends up having a fight with his own morals, before deciding he'd change for the better. 1:29 error frees the owner's aunt in exchange for the freedom of the people locked in the dungeon with him. 1:42 while he's walking out of the dungeon, he apologizes to ink for everything he's done 1:45 error walks back to his room and cries. 1:48 ink ends up pushing a chocolate bar with a note on it through the crook at the bottom of error's door the note says he forgives him. error cries again because of it. 1:51 ink and error end up hugging
thats where the story left off previously, buuuuuut its continued :3 1:52 eventually, ink realizes that he's run out of his lil emotion vials due to the corruption of the multiverse, which is an issue ! 1:59 due to ink's rapidly decaying health, error decides to give up half of his soul to save the guy from going kaput! this causes issuesss 2:04 nightmare- who had come to the safehouse, decides to mess with error's mind. he convinces him to get back into his old habits, under the pretense that he's weak and pathetic otherwise. error believes this. (also nightmare was redesigned by a friend of mine- her name is al! she doesnt have tumblr i dont believe though so raghh i cant ping her) 2:17 in what can only be described as a mental breakdown, error attempts to take back the half of his soul he gave to ink 2:30 error hesitates- he doesn't truly want to hurt ink, though he's not too sure why. 2:36 (its not on screen cus i couldn't fit it) error decides to capture and attempt to kill pj and gradient (who are here too!) instead, but this backfires as ink was no longer captured. ink knocks him out with his brush. WAGHH so much word vomit ! this rp is so much fun though i didnt mention it in the other post but i figure id mention it here; this rp is hosted by my good friend @interncontinental! i really suggest you check his work out, he makes amazing artwork and is super creative with worldbuilding and character creation :3
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jacenotjason · 1 year
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Wow! How’d you know I’ve always wanted to word vomit random facts about the welcome home opposite au characters, person that isn’t me?
✨Opposite Barnaby Facts!✨
Fun Facts!
He can play both the violin and the piano! He’s also playing around with the guitar, but right now he can just play simple tunes.
He is fluent in ASL and is currently working on an four-fingered edition so he can actually communicate with it
He and Poppy are best friends, despite their conflicting interests, hobbies, and the fact that they pretty much never hang out. When someone literally saves your life, you dedicate a place in your heart for them.
He really likes jokes, but he’s terrible at telling them. He also finds the corniest of jokes funny, he acts like they’re the funniest shit and its just a pun he’s heard a hundred times.
Barnaby knew Poppy pre-transition, when they literally went to an all boys cult school together, yet somehow now he’s convinced she’s a cis woman. It’s like he’s just forgotten or didn’t put the dots together for some reason
On top of his leg wound that makes his walking difficult, he also has asthma. It doesn’t become much of an issue since he doesn’t move very much.
Due to the teachings at the cult school he was raised by, he’s suppressed a lot of his feelings towards others, like sexual or romantic identity, that he doesn’t know what he should identify as. He’s workin on it!
On the topic of the cult school teachings, they also kept a lot of basic information from the kids like how the body works and shit like that, so Barnaby went out searching for the info himself after he and Poppy escaped, thats why he’s an intelligent father dog now. Poppy did the opposite and just went against the “rules” there, like drinking, partying, transitioning, dying her hair, overall just being herself. Whoops, Poppy fact, we’re not there yet.
Barnaby likes to take the fatherly role because he never had one, same with Poppy with the motherly role.
He was originally going to be a much more up-tight character, like Frank but ruder. Idk when I went with lovable dad I just did.
Not-So Fun Facts!
YES the Mother Mary’s School for Problematic Boys is a Cult
Barnaby got the leg wound when he stepped in a bear trap while he was escaping with Poppy! This is not when Poppy saved his life btw, thats another story
Barnaby has issues eating food due to paranoia, though he’s working on it!
^ this is in fact a trauma response from the cult
Barnaby was given to the cult at just 4 years old, he doesn’t remember his parents and frankly he doesn’t want to
I don’t actually have a lot of not-so fun facts for Barnaby… and all of them have to do with his cult trauma.
I’ll have more for Eddie
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askingkyborg · 8 months
Here me out :
band au and human au and highschool au. Garage band au. I have thoughts.
bart, kyborg, and mudd are all seniors in high school. Gumgum is a first year/im not from amrica i dont know what thats called.
Bart is sad because its his last year of highschool and he still hasnt made his dream band- hes not been dragged down by gumgum, but he was so focused on him he didnt get around to it- so he decides to wait after the schools music practices and find people to sign up, his only recruit being gumgum on the drums so far. at the same time as this, mudd and kyborg are wrapping up their music classes- piano for mudd and violin for kyborg. They arent friends by any stretch, and mudd straight up doesn't like Kyborg *side note hes usually refered to as ky for the beginning half of it and i'll explain why in a second*, but they happen to be walking close together when bart spots them. Bart and mudd had hung out a few times, bart having taught mudd a few bass guitar things, and so he leaps at the chance. mudd only decides to because hes spent so long being proper (taking piano lessons he hates, coming from a rich and uptight family) he wants to try a hint of rebellion.
kyborg, in an effort to seem cool, asks to join, hiding his violin and saying he can play electric guitar (hes good but hes not as great as he hams himself up to be) .
thus the band "the infinights" is formed.
~~~~~~other character specific stuff~~~~~~
mudd: before joining the band he had black hair but bart helped him dye it. Made his parents mad, but it made him really really, and eventually the other infinights convinced him to tell his parents he wanted to quit piano. Also has epilepsy and memory issues gumgum: gumgum is excited about the band, but it makes him sad as time goes on to know their all going to graduate before him. hes in a foster home, but he doesnt like it, so he spends all his time hanging out in barts flat.
bart: adores having a band. Worked in a near reverse of mudd because managing it all actually taught him to be a bit more responsible. Shared an orphanage with gumgum when they were little, till he found his parents, and had him and gumgum live with him till bart moved out senior year and gumgum got taken to a foster home, the finns a bit too old to handle their chaos. kyborg: is neutral about the band. He likes music, but electric guitar isnt his usual pace, so hes hesitant. Violin was his life until his mother died, and hes working on exploring his other interests. He doesnt show anyone hes missing an arm till a practice where hes having bad phantom pains and has to tell them. Was homeless until highschool, struggling to pay for a small apartment.
dr ahem: dr ahem is an inventor that had been scrounging for cash, and decided to let a garage band use his facilities to practice, that became a sensation until they deformed. One night coming home he saw them playing a gig and new they'd be a success and offered his guidance to them. brink: a member of paralytes new band the everguards- thinks hes cool because hes in a band with college kids- plays the drums (its later revealed that he actually plays the trumpet and was just forced to play the drums (spectrils old roll) to make luz happy). He messes around with kyborg- and is the only one in the whole school that knows about kyborgs arm.
inku: works for a corrupt business under a man named entropa. Barts parents were both musicians, good ones too, so with the help of hugh manor manages to trap them both in what seemed like a never ending business contract in order to keep themselves a float financially. Not wanting bart to have to bare not having them be around, they tearfully put him up for adoption and continued working under her.
Quadron: a burglar, vague partners with entropa but really just doing the stealing thing. Was born without arms, and dr ahem spent all his money on making him prosthetics- but this sank his brother into heavy debt and into a heavier depression. He started stealing to make money for them, but eventually it became a vent for his frustration with life. One burglary was towards a comfortable house, but they fought back- so he killed the whole family besides a young kydelious, who instead got shot in the arm near fatally. Qudron ran, lighting the place ablaze- but a while later dr ahem brought a child missing an arm into their home. Kydelious. Seeing quadron sent the kid into a panic, and he fled off into the wilderness.
and yeah! Thats most of it!
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greenpidge101 · 1 year
hc that richies teeth r a mess and went totally hates it cause it makes him look bad and richie gets braces and hates them but he gets the brightest color they had available cause he loves bright colors
also his style of comedy is so so rachel sennott ( look her up if u dont know who she is please shes hilarious ) which is why i feel like he gets into acting in like absurd comedies and it kinda sticks and eventually falls into actually acting
bill loves drawing the other losers when they r not paying attention and little sketches and doodles cover his school work ( the others think its so endearing )
on days when his stutter is really bad bill goes nonverbal but the losers include him easily cause he is honestly kinda an open book with his intentions and emotions so they always know what he wants
eddie hates walking long distances and is always asking for piggyback rides ( adding to the eddie should hate nyc but when anyone brings it up he gaslights them cause he has always wanted to live there agenda )
however eddie loves running and is always racing people because he knows he will win even though hes short ( richie hates it cause his legs are too long and he is really awkward and oddly slow when he tries to run. if he actually gets fast he almost always trips cause he is so clumsy and then eddie is way in front of him )
bev gives richie and bill amateur piercings full parent trap style and at least one of them gets infected. when they r older she convinces ben to let her pierce his ears. eddie hates it and is always like “i am not helping when it gets infected” but does anyway
she also makes friendship bracelets and the losers freak when they find out and they all are always wearing at least two
in some an au stan becomes an ornithologist but like just in an au where the losers dont split up during the time jump they buy him a bird like as soon as they move out of derry and it is stans favorite thing ever
stan is really good at hiding his emotions but he always stims when he is overwhelmed or upset and it is a clear giveaway. he has been doing it since he was really little and now cant stop
mike loves animals and shows off all the farm animals to the other losers and also def has a dog that eddie loves but pretends not to even though the dog also loves him
mike is also the loser who everyone goes to for advice for literally anything and has the ability to make anyone feel better like instantly the others have no idea how he does it
ben loves the act of designing buildings but was never that good at math so college was a little rough. also his interest in archeology started after he read percy jackson in middle school cuz annabeth loved archeology
he also slips into a country accent whenever he gets really comfortable and the losers think its amazing ( richies country accent is just him trying and failing to copy ben )
richie and ben light up the room when they are truly happy. richie because his happiness is loud and unavoidable and ben because his radiates off him in waves and spreads to those around him
sorry thats a lot im done i just kept going
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capuletoo · 1 year
White and black pawn- James March
–note: in my active era?? If you guys like, you can request something!! I write for all of evans characters and female characters too!
–words: 1.9k | james patrick march x fem!reader
–TW: sex
–summary: it’s 1925 and the reader encounters the owner of the in-construction Hotel Cortez.
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The burning red from the tobacco inside the pipes was your only entertainment.
In the dimly lit room, the air heavy with the smell of tobacco, men in suits sitting around a large table, glasses filled halway through with ice and vodka. They all semmed to be talking about bussiness, probably thinking thats the inly way they could make themselves known in society.
Glancing to the side, you noticed a group of women talking in whispers to aechother. They could be giving a smile and everyone would believe them, the satin dresses they wore contributing, because what would a woman want more than this?
You catch the gaze of one, giving you a small smile but there was something in all of their faces. They just werent present, a shut down glow in their eyes. They wanted to convince themselves that they liked being an accessory to powerful men in suits. This idea disgusted you, so you made a promise to yourself to never be one. To have a mind of your own with determination behind your eyes.
Sick and tired of listening to muffled voices you decided to get up and walk to the nearest balcony of the room. Your gloved hand touched the gold handles, squeaking as you opened them.
As you stepped outside, you were greeted with a rush of cold air, offering solace. The city light twinkled in the distance,a stark contrast from the room behind you. Leaning against the railing you noticed a hand close to yours.
“May i ask why are you all alone?” His hair was slick back and a thin mustache above his lips, made you intrigued . His white button up hugged his body. He locked his eyes to yours and then it all suddenly felt like a game of who would blink first.
You analized him, taking in how his fingers gripped softly the metal of the railing, the way his chest rose when he took a breath of the air so cold you could see it in the air. The way his eyelids close ever so slightly looking over at you. You sensed that he was like the men that were inside, he wanted someone he could bring to gatherings and watch her as she sat quietly beside him. You wanted to challenge that.
“Seeking solace” you replied to his question. His eyebrows arched a little.
A hint of intrigue flickered in his eyes as he tilted his head slightly. "Solace?" he echoed, his voice smooth and velvety. "In a room full of people, seeking solitude?"
You smiled, a glint of mischief dancing in your eyes. "Sometimes, the company of others can be overwhelming," you replied. "A moment of respite is all I need to gather my thoughts and find my own center."
He chuckled softly, a sound that resonated deep within you. "I can understand that," he said, his gaze fixed on the distant city lights. "In this world of constant noise and distractions, finding a quiet moment becomes a luxury."
You noticed the dimples that come out whenever he spoke.
“I couldn't help but notice the women inside," you ventured, deciding to break the silence and also playing with him. You wanted to expose him. To let him know that he was no different "They seem to play a certain role, don't they? Like beautiful dolls, adorning the arms of powerful men."
His lips curled into a wry smile. "Ah, you've seen through the facade," he replied, his voice tinged with a hint of bitterness. "Many of them are trapped in a world they never truly desired. They exist to fulfill societal expectations, but their true selves remain hidden."
You nodded. "I refuse to be a mere accessory," you declared, determination lacing your words. "I want to live a life that is authentically mine, not defined by the company I keep or the expectations of others."
His gaze softened as he turned to face you fully. "I admire your spirit," he said, his voice filled with genuine appreciation. "It's a rarity to find someone who refuses to conform, who seeks a path of their own making."
A spark of curiosity ignited within you as you gazed into his eyes. "And what about you?"
He paused for a moment, a myriad of emotions playing across his face. "Me too," he confessed, his voice carrying a mixture of longing and resignation. "But it is a delicate dance, balancing one's desires with the demands of the world."
He was going to say something else when he stopped “and i had the pleasure with…” he said giving you a smile that was so beautiful yet obscure. You said your name and asked his.
“James March”
He then proceeded to reveal to you that he was a man of business. While explaining it to you he moved his hands gracefully into the air.
He mentioned that he was in the making of a hotel.
“So it’s serious” you mentioned. He only looked at you trying to decipher if you were making fun of him or expressing your admiration.
“It is” The sound of his shoes moving closer to you echoed. “I could show you if you don’t believe me”
The grand in-construction entrance of what appeared to be a large building greeted you.
The back of James black suit faced you, his broad shoulders carried themselves determined, giving him an appearance of seriousness and a manly aura.
Your white silk dress attached to your legs as you both entered the building with nothing more than metal bars that helped the constructors work.
The moon was creeping over the spots that were missing the ceiling.
You followed James through the maze-like corridors of the construction site, marveling at the scale of the project. The air was filled with the scent of fresh paint.
As you walked through the dimly lit hallways, James explained his vision for the hotel. He described how it would be a place of elegance and luxury, a sanctuary for those seeking respite from the chaos of the world. He spoke with passion and enthusiasm, his words painting vivid pictures in your mind.
Not ever knowing that inside those walls, there would be plenty of suffering.
The two of you climbed a temporary staircase, carefully maneuvering around construction materials, until you reached a floor that offered a breathtaking view of the city. The moonlight spilled in through the incomplete windows, casting an ethereal glow on the unfinished walls.
You stood there, side by side, looking out at the city skyline. The lights twinkled like stars against the darkness, and you couldn't help but feel a sense of wonder and possibility in the air.
James turned to you, his eyes searching yours. "I want this hotel to be more than just a building," he said, his voice filled with determination. “I want to set free the people that enter” You were confused, what did he mean by setting free?
“It’s impressive” You said looking around.
A genuine smile played on James' lips as he took a step closer to you. "I'm glad you see the potential" he said softly.
James was surprised by how easily it was for you to fall into his game. Agreeing to see the hotel at night, with no one else. He wondered if you would be his first victim inside the hotel.
With ease he holds your waist, his cold fingertips sending shivers down your spine. His lips gracing yours, his tobacco stained smell entering your body, taking one more step towards him. You were so close to him that you could see the different shades of black that conformed his irises.
He lifted his hand, his finger overlining from the top to bottom of your lips. He placed a hand to your hip wrinkling the silk of the dress in that spot.
He looked at your lips and a small pressure over them left your lungs without any air.
His lips were leading you to a darkness you acknowledged. You wanted to step back, you didn't want to be another pawn in his game. His tongue made its way into your mouth as you realized you were playing whites and he was playing with the black pieces.
The kiss was intense, filled with desire and a hint of danger. As James pulled you closer, you felt a surge of conflicting emotions. Part of you wanted to give in to the passion, to explore this mysterious connection that had sparked between you. But another part of you resisted, knowing deep down that it was a dangerous path to tread.
You pushed your hands against his chest gently, breaking the kiss and creating some distance between you. James looked at you, his eyes searching for any sign of surrender. But you held firm, your gaze steady and resolute.
But at the same time you were willing to risk the night.
“Let’s go somewhere else”
A black cab pulled outside the hotel, you looked at the black hat the driver had while James mumbled some words to him.
James’s hands made their way to your waist and thighs as he scooped you closer to him, finding your lips once again.
The ride was filled with stolen glances, heated whispers, and a sense of anticipation. The city lights blurred past as you found solace in each other's embrace, giving in to the intoxicating allure of the night.
As the cab came to a stop, James pulled away reluctantly, his breath mingling with yours. He opened the door and extended his hand, inviting you to step out into the cool night air. You took his hand, the touch sending electric currents through your body.
You found yourselves in front of an old, grand mansion, its facade shrouded in shadows. James led you through the ornate doors, and the moment you stepped inside, you were transported to another world. The air carried a sense of mystery and seduction, as if the very walls were whispering secrets.
He quickly pressed you into the nearest wall, his black tie fell to the ground after you entered a bedroom.
His knees hit the edge of the bed, making him sit while he still held the grip at your hips. Your lips separated from his in a rush to take off his coat alongside his button up.
He had no clothes anymore and closed the gap between you for what felt like the hundredth time that night. He grabbed the end of your long dress and pulled it up your arms until you were exposed, except for the matching underwear.
He got up and turned you around, pushing you down until he had his arms on each side of your body. Your back sunk down into the mattress.
The bruises in your neck were the only marks made by him. His fingers reached down to your panties as he moved them to the side to feel your heat.
Your back arched towards him, grabbing him by his bare shoulders. Wet kisses traveled from your jaw all the way down, passing along in between your breast, stomach and stopping in your thighs.
The room was filled by James and your desperate breaths.
The thin mustache above his lips graced your skin ever so gently while they moved to your center. His tongue sticking out.
You were exhausted because of the frenzy when James changed positions. The bed creaking along James movements.
Red scratches marking his back.
James' sudden change of his plans about you being the first murder victim inside the hotel was discarded. He made the first move and pushed the clock stopping his time and initiated yours to count down. White pawns in your fingers as you move them closer to the black ones.
A game you knew from the inside out.
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sweet-littlerose · 3 months
Every Little Everything || Matt S. X Reader Fic
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Part Five In The Moonlight
“Didn't you miss me?” he whispered, each hand trapping you on either side, palms planted against your car as his face rested inches from yours. “I'm sorry I didn't come see you like I promised, Nate said you were mad at me for it. I thought you hated me” he said, eyes searching yours for anything other than hate. You scoff, not because he thought you were mad but clearly Nate had come up with a lot of things. From telling Matt that you were out of town to convincing him you were angry at him for not visiting. “I don't hate you” you say, your voice a mere whisper as you look into his eyes. “Then why…why did you run away when you saw me?” he asked, dropping his hands to your hips. His fingers would have burned holes into your skin from how your skin tingled under his touch. Is this the part where you tell him that you were dating his closest guy friend, that you’d been shacking up with Nate to try to forget the feelings you had for him that never seemed to fully fade? Your lips part, ready to spill the truth till you hear a voice from behind Matt, making him reel back from you, a soft pink tinting his cheeks.
“What's going on?” Nate asked, walking out of the house and down the driveway “I…I guess I am wondering the same thing” you say, turning to face your boyfriend. “Y/N…” Nate was clearly at a loss for words considering your surprise appearance. Matt didn't seem too happy either considering his friend had lied to him regarding you being ‘out of town’. “Look…Y/N can I talk to you in private?” Nate asks, almost begging as you and Matt stand side by side facing him. You nod, looking at Matt who has a brow raised.
“I’ll explain just…give me a minute yea?” you say to Matt He nods, snaking a hand around your waist and without hesitation, kissing your cheek which has you melting. He walked back into the house and turn back to look at Nate. “So…where did I go on vacation? Somewhere cool I hope, like Hawaii or ooo the Bahamas?” you say, sarcasm leaking off your tongue “Look, they surprised me, I didn't know they were gonna be in town Y/N” Nate says, his defense weak and nearly non existent “I don’t really think that matters. You told me you were busy, ignored me for days and here I was thinking you were here hooking up with some other girl which in all honesty I would've preferred because-” your sentence is cut short “Because you still have feelings for Matt” he huffed out “Nate..” you try to explain “I don't need to hear you explain yourself Y/N. Thats why I didn't want you to know he was here and its why I wanted him to think you hated him” he sighed, rubbing a hand over his face “Because you think I would leave you for him? Do you think I would just give up on us?” you ask “It doesnt matter…cuz as long as Matt and You are friends…you will never be over him which means there's really no us'' he said, dropping his shoulders in defeat.
He wasn't wrong, as long as Matt was a part of your life, you wouldn't be able to think about him in a way that was respectful to Nate but it still hurt, hearing the anger in Nate's voice. You pull your bottom lip between your top teeth, tears stinging your eyes as you grip your keys
“Go home Y/N” Nate said, turning on his feet and going back inside. You stood there, swallowing the lump in your throat before climbing into the driver's seat of your car and shakily sliding the key into the ignition and starting the car. 
The tears stream down your face, chest heaving as you sob on the drive home. Your phone rings nonstop, Matt’s name popping up on your phone that was face up in the passenger seat. You cant bring yourself to answer. You figured Nate had spilled his guts to Matt and he knew everything from you dating Nate to the breakup because you had feelings for Matt. You couldn't face that, not today. Pulling into your driveway, you shift your car into park and pull the keys from the ignition and sit back in the seat. A deep sigh escapes you, your fingers undoing the seat belt. You couldn't bring yourself to move yet, your eyes still blurred over with tears as you pull your knees to your chest. You felt awful for so many reasons. Nate, deep down was a great guy, he had been there when Matt couldn't be and you knew you had hurt him because a part of him always knew you weren't really over Matt. Nate put everything into making the relationship work because he knew how deeply you needed comfort though everything and yet deep down all you really wanted was Matt which only fed into the guilt that had now taken up permanent residence in your head. Sobs cause the silence in the car to shatter, your hands covering your face as you try to fight the voices in your head telling you how terrible you are. Once inside you find comfort on your couch, snuggled up in a blanket watching 90 day fiance. Anything to forget the shitty day you were having. At Least watching other relationships fail under weird and ridiculous circumstances makes you feel way less alone. Your phone was now on silent, Matt hadn’t given up his spam of calls though now they were more spaced out. It all settled in when you finally sat down on the couch after the long cry in your car. Matt was gonna leave again to go back to LA and everything would go back to normal. You’d be alone and this time it would hurt worse because Nate wouldn't be here to pick up the pieces and that was enough to send you spiraling. Your eyes flutter open, a yawn escaping your mouth as you turn your head from your lying position on the couch. You grab your phone, clicking the button and reading the time. 
12:26 AM
26 Missed Calls From Matt 18 Missed Texts From Matt 22 Missed Voicemails From Matt 4 Missed Calls From Chris 3 Missed Texts From Chris 16 Missed Calls From Nick 5 Missed Texts From Nick 2 Missed Voicemails From Nick
You groan, rubbing a hand over your face as you turn your phone off. You close your eyes, ready to crawl back into the coziness of sleep till a knock on the door has you jumping into a sitting position. You blink, thinking you imagined the noise till it happens again. You shoot up from your spot on the couch, fumbling over the blanket that had fallen to the floor. “Shit” she whispered, picking up the blanket and throwing it on the couch. You make your way to the door, unlocking the door and opening it. “Matt?” You ask in shock, seeing the man standing at your door, his hair disheveled and stubble on his sharp jaw moving into sight as he lifts his head to look at your face. 
He pushes into the house, shutting the door behind him and smashing his lips to yours. 
He shrugs his jacket off and throws it over the arm of the couch as he pushes you further into the house, his lips only pulling away to pull your shirt off and throwing it to the floor. You haven't had a second to think, your lips kissing him back with the same hunger as he pressed your back against the wall. You were about to ask something but his lips were quick to find yours again through the moon light shining through the blinds of the living room windows. You let out a soft whimper, his lips moving to kiss your neck leaving pretty little love bite trails to your collarbone. You blink, your mind racing as you try to find words to say.
“W-what are you doing?” you whisper out
He picks his head up, eyes meeting yours in the dark. Though you can’t see him all that clear, you know he’s making direct eye contact as his lips part to speak.
“Something I should’ve done a long fucking time ago”
-Im feeling extra feral on this fine evening (its 4am)-
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420technoblazeit · 3 days
(this got long sorry)
the crux of the idea is the question “what if sam and dean ran into someone who has only a horror-movie level understanding of the supernatural?” it also plays with the idea of generational hunting, and expands the world of hunters who arent winchesters. its your typical monster of the week episode set in probably the second season. the beats are something like this:
cold open. girl home alone, staying up late. she hears a weird noise coming from upstairs. taking a knife from the kitchen, she goes to investigate. creepy man-looking shadow is up there, tries to attack her. she stabs him with the knife, he vanishes. she realizes that the thing was a ghost and looked like a painting her parents just bought. so she does everything under the sun to trap the ghost. salt ring, metal ring (cobbled together from necklaces and silverware), salt around the entire room including windows and door, a couple googled latin incantations, and a sprinkling of herbs from the spice drawer.
next day. someone knocks on the door. our favorite hunks, sam and dean. theyve been looking for the haunted painting and are posing as art dealers. girl wont sell the painting, says to talk to her parents, wholl be back in a couple days. they cant convince her but none of them say anything about the painting being weird. snd decide they have to steal the painting before the ghost kills her. 
that night. snd are at the house, get to the window of the room where the painting is. see all the assorted protections. door is closed but they can tell someone is behind it in the hall. ghost appears but cant do anything because salt. ghost begins threatening person behind door, person (girl) seems unfazed. snd realize theyve walked in on someone elses hunt and leave. they decide to go back again tomorrow and offer the info theyve already gathered. 
next day. snd at the door again. sam notices some sort of warding/protection symbol, confirming girl as a hunter. girl opens door, snd spill the beans and ask to come in and collab. girl is like wth are you talking about. after some discussion, snd convince her they are not insane and can do something about the homicidal ghost in her house. she lets them in and shows them the setup. its clearly the work of someone who has exactly half a clue what theyre doing, but some stuff is odd. heres more warding symbols around the house and some of the herbs are rare with no real cooking use. she mentions the stabbing/vanishing and they investigate. every knife in the house is either iron or silver. oh, and every room in the house has at least one mega-creepy painting. snd realize that the girl is not the hunter but someone in the house is. they ask about her parents. theyre art dealers who specialize in old paintings, and often go on “scouting trips” snd attempt to gently break the news that girls parents are hunters who probably deal with haunted paintings, but she doesnt want to hear it. she hasnt slept in days because of the ghost in her house and now theyre dropping like six bombshells on her at once. she kicks them out, despite them trying to stay to destroy the ghost. 
i havent got the rest of it properly nailed down but the parents come back, theres a scene where girl confronts parents about being hunters and they fess up. she runs off and snd follow her (they were outside the house). they go to talk to the parents. somehow the ghost gets killed and the paintings still intact (parents genuinely like them). parents promise to never send a haunted painting home when girl is alone and to also train her so she can protect herself if needed. snd drive off and done.
the beginning is definitely better but i kinda ran out of ideas. im pretty sure i wouldnt be able to characterize either sam or dean properly and i also know i wouldnt be able to make myself even begin writing it. also i did not explain it well. thats why i wanted to turn it over to someone else. its rough now but i trust that someone who knows more about supernatural and writing could make it good.
WAIT I FOUND IT. big poggies. also this is a cute idea i feel like ur oc would fit right in w/alex and claire and all of jodie's other kids. there's plenty of spn fanfic writers who im sure woud b thrilled to write a fic for u if u wanted to commission them!
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I don't think I like myself. I also think that no one likes me, so I guess it cancels out. Everything I end up doing seems to go wrong, and like always, I beat myself up for it. I hit a trash can in a state park the other day. It happened so fast, everyone was screaming at me. All I could do was stop the car, and pretend everything is okay. It was not okay. I was holding back tears and I couldn't focus. It happened right before my practice too. My teammates, that I run with everyday, that I talk to everyday, now barrage me questions and mockery. I am forced to laugh alongside them, and pretend everything was okay, It was not okay.
I am walking to practice now, maybe running will get my mind of it. Sometimes I wonder if I am normal. Like when I constantly hate myself or think that you need to pour cereal before milk or think that the dress was white and gold or think that I don't deserve to live or think that the modern education system is shit or think that I am a burden to society, I wonder if thats normal. Im sure everyone thinks it too. Maybe I'm just seeking attention. Are my problems real? Do I really hate myself this much? "Yo," A teammate says to me "Yo," I say back. … Is my suffering real or made up in my head? … … I get no response from myself. Typical. That guy has no idea what he's doing. Or where his life is going to go. What a sad excuse for a human being. … … … Sometimes it feels like I'm trapped in a box. It's pitch black. I am the only thing in it. Every so often, somebody walks in, through an invisible door, and asks me, "What time is it?" How do I know? I've been in this box alone. They close the door then, with the last glimmers of light fading too. "Take me with you!" I scream. "Please! I don't want to be here!" But the door has been shut, and this box is soundproof.
Practice has started now, and with it, I push my body to it's limits. My legs hurt horribly. Each step is an intense jolt of agony, that travels through my entire body. Is everyone else feeling this? Are they just pushing past it? How are they pushing past it? Am I weak for not being able to? I keep running. Everything hurts. My body screams for me to stop. Why don't I stop? Why should I keep going when it hurts so bad? … … … I keep running.
Practice is over now. I still hit a trash can at this state park, and as I walk back to the car, I see adults talking, murmuring, about what they saw. Exasperated hand gestures, crazed speech and reenactments. I am now convinced i'm not normal. Normal people wouldn't make this mistake Normal people wouldn't sit in their car, and force themselves not to cry. Normal people aren't like me. I am not normal. The scenery here is beautiful. The river glistening with the suns rays, birds making their calls among the vibrant trees, and the couple, having a picnic on the riverbed. But still, they shift their attention towards me, the one imperfection.
I don't think I like myself. And I also think people don't like me. … No, that's not true
I don't like myself. And people don't like me.
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cr0g-0 · 2 years
oo fake fic titles uhh how about these (feel free to add noms to any of these =D and as for fandom my preference is mcyt but if you get a strong idea for a different fandom from one of these thats okay too <3)
Don't be scared, I'm still your brother
Forest crawlers
Ghost in the walls
(its my first time coming up with these so I hope they're okay ?)
Ooo these are intresting!
Don’t be scared, I’m still your brother
Tommy is a sizeshifter.
His friends that he lives with as a human are ranboo and tubbo. They both are very open about there annoyances with him disappearing for months on end and then showing up again but Tommy says he needs to visit family.
His “family” is the borrower living in their house walls.
Wilbur is his borrower brother and they spend all the time running around outside and sometimes inside to borrow. Wilbur always gets food because its out on the counter at night
Tommy secretly sneaks off and puts the food out for him every night.
One day though Tommy panics and shifts one day because he gets spooked by a spider
While Wilbur is with him.
Wilbur flips out and panics and starts to shake and hes terrified but Tommy reassures him that he’s ok and that Tommy wouldn’t hurt him because he’s still his brother.
He calms down and after a few months everything is fine. Tubbo ranboo and Wilbur get to meeting and everythings fine
Then Wilbur’s other brother and dad show up.
Forest Crawlers
Legend had it that there were these scary bugs in the woods. They crawled along the floor and bit your ankles
Eret didn’t believe this shit
She walked confidently through the woods and always payed attention just incase she stepped on a bug
But she new they weren’t going to be scary bugs.
One day while shes walking through the woods she sees a glittery trail and a flash of pink
So she follows it and gasps at what she sees
Two fairies with pink hair.
And then they see her and they immediatly dash over to her and demand what shes doing in their woods
She apologies and offers to make tea for the two to make up for it
They have tea the next day and Eret offers to bring treats and tea again tomorrow
It becomes a habit and over time the ledgend changes
No longer is it about agressive bugs but about wonderous and polite fairies who will be kind if you offer treats and tea. They might even invite you to their council
Eret was never seen again. But some say that she is seen among the fairies with shimmering red wings.
Ghost in the walls
Quackity was one hundred percent convinced rhat there was a ghost in his house.
From the open bags in his caninets to the spilled candles and glass littering his floor to the time the ghost threw his blender off the counter and giggled
So he set a salt trap
The next day he found a small person sitting in the middle of it looking like he was about to cry.
Quackity asked why the ghost was haunting him
They said they didn’t know
Slime says he was just trying to be funny and he aplogizes and says he doesnt want to be put in a ghost trap.
Quackity goes to poke him but finds he is not incoporeal
The two of them come to the conclusion that Slime must be attached to something in Q’s kitchen!
Cue the destroying literally everything in the kitchen montage
They bond doing this
They also realize Slime is not a ghost and slime is a borrower who was watching Q’s tv show and whole heartedly believed he was a ghost.
Enjoy the not super conventional character groups? Idk I don’t write these people all to often-(Mainly Q & slime and Niki Tech and Eret)
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solardick · 5 months
What i like about wearing a vidible crusifix, in this evil dominant country. Is the look on peoples faces when they intantly recognize that they’re beign sinful.
Or you got thenpther people whom take pride in being cuntz. Is the loathing on their faces. Well y’all like your vedio games and your phones. You can thank god for that. And the “patriarchy” which inverntes technology.
I can go on a big long rant about femmes and thr moon. But i wont. Cause you know im tight.
Or sum bs. Hooky tomorow. Aint risking it.
Hope this ass thing they engennered on me. Goes away. Wonder whats next.
Tried rubbing one out with this feeling. Came instantly. No relax, no chill, no pleasure. Go see a third. Wonder if im going to be able to underdatnd what they’re saying this time. But, theres no need for comunication. So they’ll definatally will speak my tongue. Fuckem jamie the worst ine of the family. Spychotic tard. Womder if he’s tried to kill
Anyone recently.
Fuck theyre a bunch if fucktards. Fucken children. Wish i like fucking with people too. Maybe i can fallow them home and stalk them from outside the widow till i catch them doing somethingembarassig. And then rub it in the next day. Like they do. Why sid they wait so long before getting lazy in fucking with me? Not even original. Its the same bs my family sis to me all therouhh childhood. The same shit thwy did to me in school. I just report facts. Its like im 8 again. Or just learning to walk. With inparwnting death traps left laying around. Where the same treatment for all the positive stuff? Oh yeah. Its diesnt happen that way. Peiple only care about the negatives.
Well time to go check the mailbox and donate atleast 200$ to charity today. Will i get rewarded for that? No. Everything ive ever cared about has been being murdered since childhood. By stuid gfucktards playninh stupid. So they font have to try very hard. At least pudgy batman showed me an once of resistance when i first got there. So he has some measure of a soul. Grateful for that. But save for talking about hay shit the other day whole making a noose and raising it above his head to be as visible as possible. But after 30 years if this shit. Its imposible to keep down. But nate. Is peobably the noggist peive of shit there. So much so that god interveen and warned me about him. But, because im such a good person. I gave him a try anyway. Several chances but, all he fid was fuck around. So now. Im just going to tell him to shut the fuck up or to fuck off. Everytime i see him.
Guess i kust have to keep going u til they tire out and semd someone new.
Cant afford to give up
My only source of authentic communication. Even if its only this. The only thing thats kept me going these last 8-10 years. Windernif the have another desease to give me. At least im still obstinate. While being aexually harrased by fuck e retards. Come swith losing tour virginity in childhood and doing something stupid with it. While being chemically imbalanced with the onset of puberty. And environemntal violence, bad idols and unmonitored “subpervission” which is the whole point have havign a fucken baby. Oh well and sharing a bedroom with a spychotic older brother with murderous rage. And an alchoholic drug addled other brother. Who kept trying to convince you tondo stupid things. While given cigareets and drugs to a teenager. In fact if you combine nate and pudgy batman you have an exact replica of my fatger and his parenting. Nothign but curses and swearing and that narcisist holier than thou bs that bate gives. Well add in a little bit of my brother jamie in there. My korher wanted a girl so bad that she named her next two sons woth girl names. I literally dont know anythign better.
At least by doing this i have some sense of control o er other people fucking with me. But it be nice to have a pet or something a cat or as art bird. Save that someone will
Probably kill it like every pet ive had. But its bad enough tgat im not alloed having a coherent conversation with a doctor. But ohh well.
Ca t wait till i grt a couple boyfriends and spend the rest of my life in pure bliss. A gay gouole lookign for a queer.
Personally. Authletes arent worth that much money. Insyead of multiple millions a year. How about they make. Maybe a hundred grand a year. And all the other profit goes straight to infastucture or health care. But., nope. Some asshole gets paid too kuch money.
Unfortunatly. I could t find the last 50$ bill on my floor somewhere. Proabbaly undwr all that trash. So the children. Will have to make die with a 150$ today.
Anyway i lwanred that a mytual reception between jupiter and uranus in awua and sag means criminal imderworld.
Crows just told me they are toaking smack about me at work right now. I even asked them. And they got
More vocal
There we go. Got a receit and everything.
Yesterday nate was like hey man. And i was like fuck off. And he was like hahhahahah. Comes back later. Are you bored? Fucknoff nate. Hahahahahah laughs again. Stands theres. What the fuck did i just say?! And he was like, Fuck off. And leaves. It was great. While they were teying to piss me off with keagan being absent half the day and then tony comes up to rub it in.hwy wheres tour partner? They all suck. I dont know how people live like that. I was raiswd by those eople and i syill dont get it.
I y’all stalk ny profile and knownits me and use it agaisnt me. Then why show any respect or sparebyour names? Im getting fucked either way.
Yeah… it gets too much fir me too. Want to close it all down again. Notjing to do. And the i have zero social energy going into anything.
Well its time to go see what cruel and unusual punishment they have for me today. Do what they always do elevate the pressure of my responsibities at the same time they elevate the pressure in social relations. Stress me out as much as possible while playing another side game. Abuse me into another state of belligerence and then try Nd make me feel likes its my fault even though i don’t know whats going on. Righy now its what they are doing slowly adding in has much bs as they can while blaming it on an outside factor in which i should be routing for. Or some shit. Or maybe another girl to harrase me and ehen i ask her to stop in the my friendly esy possible i get framed for harrasment. Or some shit.
Teying to find an actuall himan being on this life line i was given. Seems an imposibility. 39 years later the world is still a threat to me. Womder what lifenis like. Noy being victimized.in a world that preaches peace, love and security. I have still left without experiencing any of it. Only its opposite. Nothing but threats.
Iys just like childhood and school. Singled out serrounded by assholes. Criminals, bigots, druggies, alcoholics, and pervs.
I guess ill never know who i am without all these fucken cockskrs ruinign ymmlife.
Bathan alm ost went to the hospital. Today. Inatigation.. ive never seen red before.
God was right. Always is. At keast ingave bc donethin in to be gratefu l for. Q
I almost pulled a jamie. Went full psychotic with a a hand held weapon. But, i cant be any more jamie than that fucktard. Playign stupid everyday. Isnt that draining? Jesus.
Promised myself i would never hurt another hum a being. But y’all
Make that very difficult. And indotn eant to be there anymore anyway. And have to be subjected to all that stupid bs. Wveryday.
Moral of that story. Dont eat ten bags of low fat popcorn over a period of three days.
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somnus-in-law · 7 months
Match Made in Hell by somnus_in_law
A Bungou Stray Dogs fanfiction
For the Dynamic Prompt of Sherlock and Watson, brought to you for the BSD Valentines Chronicles Event:
Fukuzawa Yukichi and Edogawa Ranpo, two men who are more similar than you think.
Fukuzawa Yukichi & Edogawa Ranpo
Minor Edogawa Ranpo & Edgar Allan Poe
Minor Fukuzawa Yukichi & Edgar Allan Poe
Content Summary
its part of a case. semi-graphic description
Autistic Edogawa Ranpo (Bungou Stray Dogs)
Autistic Fukuzawa Yukichi (Bungou Stray Dogs)
if you've read the early works of sherlock holmes you know these two are the absolute worst and thats why they're perfect for each other
Canon-Typical Violence
BSD Valentines Chronicles
Author's Note
the first few content summaries come into play early. the biggest warning is their general disregard for human life outside of each other. explicit(ish).
Yukichi and the boy have only been partnering up for what will soon be three months. Three months since that cold day in January. Three months since they bore witnessed to an orchestrated death, one so grand that its witnesses dare not repeat it. Three months since this wretch of a boy wormed his way into the man's previously hollow heart.
(He tries to forget the sting of his palm, the broken cries of a child, the tears that flowed down flushed cheeks still round with baby fat, the tears seeping into his clothes.
He tries to forget the man he used to be, and become the man he needs to be.)
Three months and the urge to throw the boy to the sharks and beasts of Yokohama's Port has subsided a fraction of an amount. Each day that passes wears that part of him down, the part that would rationalize that taking in a child, a boy who has lost so much and gained so little, would not end well.
Who had ever heard of an assassin receiving a happy ending? No, the stories of men such as him ended one way only: tragedy.
Although, Yukichi thinks, thoroughly exasperated, it wouldn't be his own spotty past that lead to his demise. No, if Fukuzawa Yukichi were to die tomorrow it would be because of Edogawa Ranpo and his inability to stop mouthing off at anyone or anything with half a brain.
(They're lucky in that the Military Police will pay double, if not triple their fee for Yukichi to accompany the young genius.
Ranpo was exceptionally good at his job, outsmarting what would be considered some of the best detectives in Yokohama.
It was why their clients were willing to break the bank and endure the horrendous company the boy brought just to have their problems solved in a timely manner.)
It's barely passed noon and Ranpo is being held at gun point, his mouth opening and closing at a hundred miles an hour, lobbing insults and critics at the man currently holding his life in his shaky, most likely agitated hands.
Yukichi wonders if the man feels that he himself is in fact being held hostage, if he feels that he has no way to escape the infuriating being that was Edogawa Ranpo- he could sympathize, he feels trapped in the exact same way when Ranpo begins his yapping about how "everyone we meet is dumber than the rocks we walk on" and "I don't get why I can't have a snack before bed, Director, you're so unfair!" at the dinner table.
But he also knows that if Ranpo does not get the constant running commentary out now then it will be Yukichi who has to endure such torture once the situation has resolved itself.
In conclusion, Yukichi is leaving a criminal to deal with his own personal hell, see if that convinces the man to change his ways lest he have Ranpo thrown at him again.
..It would be fine. Ranpo was overly confident in his abilities as a detective and that Yukichi, no matter the circumstance, would not allow harm to fall upon him, of which was another fault created by his own foolish hands. He tried to fix it, to knock some literal sense into the boy, but all it garnered him was a heavy feeling in his chest and the world's wettest eyes pleading with him.
Really, Yukichi had tried everything.
A loud bang ringing out draws him from his thoughts, blood splattering on the tiled floor, narrowly missing staining Ranpo's coat as the boy ducks out from his captor's hold and barrels straight into Yukichi's side, half hidden in the bulk of his haori.
That.. was probably not good.
"Aw gross.. Do you think they'll still pay us, Director?"
I hope so, Yukichi thinks bitterly, if not, I'll come back and kick that man's corpse.
It was one thing to hold Ranpo hostage, and it was another to leave them without pay- Ranpo would be insufferable and their clients, returning or otherwise, would hear about it and think it fine to cut their check.
..Maybe if he threw Ranpo at their client, they would still get their pay. Possibly even a tip, with the words "anything to get that thing out of here!" at their backs.
It was a good plan- a solid plan even.
..Surely this one wouldn't off themselves to escape..
They got paid the correct amount with very little fuss, from the client at least. The woman had seemed to almost jump with joy at the news of the man's untimely demise, "if I ever need someone taken care of, I'll be sure to contact you again!"
It felt like he was back in his assassin days- good at taking life, relishing in it, but being rather horrendous at the communicative aspect of such a job.
The police had been less appreciative, badgering them for a report, and one nearly cuffed them on the spot- Ranpo's big mouth saving them this time. It was hard to cuff someone with a boy half your age spilling what you thought were well guarded secrets, its a wonder that they made it off the scene relatively unscathed.
"Hey Director, let's go eat! I'm starving!!," the boy tugged at his sleeves, having wiggled under Yukichi's haori and refusing to unlatch himself from the older man's waist. Perhaps it was a testament to how relentless Ranpo could be as a human-shaped nuisance that Yukichi barely blinked or faltered in his steps when it happened, it had become comfortable to walk with an extra weight attached to his hip.
..He couldn't remember a time that Ranpo hadn't been a leech in his side.
Yukichi hums but takes a left instead of the right that leads to their apartment. It's a small thing meant to house one person, and despite his insistence that a bigger place would be more beneficial, Ranpo refuses to go apartment looking with him.
refusing is putting it lightly. Ranpo throws a fit, snot and all that devolves into blubbering about how looking into a new place means "the Director doesn't want me anymore!!"
So Yukichi has resigned himself to sharing a room with the boy, cooking meals in a tiny kitchen and being herded into watching whatever network show has caught the boy's attention.
Its a good life, all things considered. Simple in a way he's never experienced, and in a way that Ranpo clearly needs.
“I want red bean soup!,” Ranpo exclaims, poorly attempting to hurry Yukichi along with his thin arms.
The mochi, Yukichi thinks regrettably, will go to waste. Yukichi would eat it, you see, if he were to order something that complimented said mochi, but he won't. No, in the same way that Ranpo refuses to eat non-sweets, Yukichi refuses to budge on his meals.
If he wants pepper steak, he would have pepper steak.
Yukichi hums again, this one slightly deeper and accusatory.
Ranpo huffs, tightening his hold on the man's arm. The boy's attempt at an attack, a futile and useless one considering his background.
(He knows that Ranpo is capable of more, made sure to teach the boy the basics of self defense, as painful of a process as it was- as it continues to be.
(And when that fails- or rather the boy refuses to put his tutelage into practice- Yukichi will be thankful for the permit tucked in their office, and the ID he makes Ranpo carry with him.
The boy would be armed in every way.))
They make it to the restaurant before night falls, their job having run into the late afternoon. They sit across from each other, Ranpo bouncing in his seat as he looks around the restaurant.
Its the same one they've gone to for months now- close to their apartment but far enough from the main streets that they won't be overstimulated by the numerous cars and foot traffic.
Ranpo orders red bean soup, devours three bowls and only leaves one piece of mochi in each one- Yukichi pats his head in reward.
It seemed that the books he had picked up on parenting were correct, positive reinforcement worked wonders.
Ranpo has been oddly bouncy lately, jumping onto his desk at a capacity that sets off alarms. Ranpo has always been high energy, particularly in his company. But the amount of times Yukichi has genuinely gotten upset with that type of behavior has lessened over the years, which is why it's shocking that he can feel his muscles tense up when Ranpo continues his usual behavior.
Something is setting off sirens in his head- a loud voice screaming "Unusual Behavior Detected!!".
So when the boy- man he has to remind himself, Ranpo is twenty six now- slams his office door open, it's no surprise that he can feel his temper flare.
"Director!," Ranpo's voice grates on his nerves, making his skin crawl with frustration.
Yukichi is focused so much on the boy's overwhelming presence, loud loud loud, that he doesn't notice the large shadow hunching in on itself that lurks behind the boy.
He isn't sure what happens from there. One minute he can feel himself about to explode with frustration, and the next he's laying flat on his back in his futon, the sun's dying rays painting the room a nice orange whilst the breeze from the open doors cools his flushed skin.
He's home and he can't remember how he got there.
Voices travel through the halls, filtering through the paper doors.
Yukichi recognizes the high pitched lilt as Ranpo. Ranpo who rarely controls his volume when in his presence, and even less so when he visits the main house. The second voice is much more softer though still high pitched.
Yosano, he thinks groggy, his two wards are back in the house. The thought shouldn't make his heart flutter. He blames the exhaustion weighing his down, muddling his mind with sappy thoughts.
"..I'll inform Ranpo-kun you're awake..," the shadows say, snapping Yukichi to attention, his body tensing as he struggles to make heads or tails through the fog.
A tall, lanky man rises from the dark corner of his room, the one spot that the setting sun doesn't touch with its light- a man whose face though mostly obscured he can recognize.
The man with a raccoon for a pet- partner? Part-time Guild member and Ranpo's self-proclaimed rival. The raccoon is no where in sight, most likely with the boy farther into the house.
"..excuse me..," the man bows his head stiffly before departing from the room, his socked feet thumping down the halls.
Yukichi relaxes, his head pounding now that his heart has stopped racing.
What a hassle.
'..I should have thrown that boy in the ocean when I had the chance..'
Originally Uploaded 2024-02-13
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brideofpink · 1 year
Part 1
The first account
I really messed up...i don't know what's out there but it keeps chasing me, it's fast and heavy footsteps make me squirm on the stump I'm currently sat up on..i don't know what it wants from me, I'm just a typical male highschool student. I knew this trip would be bad yet I can't ever convince my dad to just let me stay home, he insisted on this hunting trip...i still don't know what it did to him but I think it's better not knowing than seeing what that monster is capable of, I only saw a blur of it when it snatched him up. My tears hit the ground as I gripped the shotgun in my hands, I'm just so scared to get up because of that paranoia you know? The feeling when someone or something in my case, is watching you...waiting for you to turn around and just see it's horrific beauty, typically that feeling didn't bother me yet now alone in the woods my only protection being this shotgun with 5 bullets, and it had taken my dad.."please dont be dead.." I mumbled to myself, sure me and my dad never had the best relationship since him and mom split up...but i knew he loved me thats why he even took me to this god forsaken woods, i need to protect him like he protected me from that monster. Maybe it left him for dead? Besides he has the keys in his pockets and I don't wanna just walk home, that thing is fast and it probably knows that..but it couldn't be faster than a car right? I slowly got up clutching onto the gun and began walking through the woods I swear I kept hearing sounds, even sometimes I thought I heard footsteps or whispering...damnit why did I even let dad pick the woods that had the most disappearance cases?...I thought I saw a bunny for a second it looked strange...and it's eyes pure red and it's fluff was white yet had something gooey in it, I blinked and it was gone after walking for a bit more time I spotted a mask on the ground, it was green with black scribbled eyes. It gave me the creeps I sighed deciding to leave it alone, I'm not that stupid I seen horror films... probably was a cursed object or a trap that would kill me the second I grabbed it. I kept walking sometimes I heard childlike giggling, I noticed something on the ground I slightly leaned down it was a white feather it was soft and slightly glew but still I had no trust with it, instead I kept walking it felt like this woods went on forever truly. Sometimes me and my friends jones, Abigail,and red always joked how we would survive a horror film, but now that it's basically happening to me it's terrifying...you can't tell if you'll spot the beast out of nowhere, like when you see a dark area and your afraid but not of being alone...but not being alone instead, this is what that felt like while my boots crunched the green and red autumn leaves under me. Suddenly I smelt it and froze the smell of something...or someone rotting the smell was overpowering as I started gagging sliently, I already had a guess of what it was...but dear god this possibly was worse...as I rounded the corner peeking from a tree, I saw red but she was impaled on something...her once Auburn hair was now dark and tangled while some blood dripped down from it...a side of her head was caved in,one side of her face bloody and mangled. I threw up in my mouth and quickly left the scene in tears, I NEED to leave and just get out of here but after a few more minutes or hours of walking I spotted it, my dad facing a tree he was seemingly zoned out i started whisper calling him "d-dad!" But as he turned around the horror struck me.. (Lol cliff hanger ♥️)
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