#they are transphobic or annoying or cringe or dont get them at all or like auf weidersehen sweetheart (my literal antichrist)
cowboy-robooty · 1 year
im sorry i never interact wif anybody ever on this webbed site its bc im always eating shit and i never check my notifications. i see shit on mai dash from people i followed when i was 11 and reblog the funnies and unfollow the lame posts and das it. robooty is not checkin the itager tag literally ever
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crazysodomite · 4 months
older lgbt art and writing is so refreshing because it's just. honest, fun, filled with love for other people in the community... some of this art was made during the toughest times for lgbt people and they still found love and support for each other.
people on social media are so needlessly cruel and mean spirited. its like the only thing people care about is how to let everyone know what they hate and what annoys them about other people and everyone just wants to find the meanest cruelest thing to say so they look like the Coolest Radicalest person in the room unlike those Cringe Lamers :/// its so fucking exhausting. as a person who has no community irl and lives in a place where lgbt people have no rights its so fucking exhausting to see how people in western countries do nothing all day other than talk about how much they hate other people who frankly did nothing wrong other than be mildly annoying (in their own subjective opinion).
people online get off to making others feel bad about themselves.
in my country being lgbt can end up with you being slammed face first into the floor by cops in full riot gear and going to prison afterwards. but full grown adults should talk more how obnoxious they find trans furries or whatever the fuck the "cool thing to shit on and find annoying of the week" is. i dont feel safe talking about anything online. and i don't. there's no community online or offline. just. constant immature bullshit.
i dont really want to tie this into something specific. just the general pattern. people follow 'trends' because they want to interact and be in community with other people. not everyone is trying to be Cool and Not Cringy by being irony poisoned and nihilistic or cruel 😐not everyone is pursuing the goal of being cool and better than everybody else. the constant fucking neverending stream of "xyz is so annoying" "omg finally someone said it i hate them too 😂" "theyre so embarrassing and make me feel homophobic/transphobic😂" (real funny joke btw) is so exhausting.
i really am just tapped out of social media. people (especially in western countries) act like lgbt oppression is basically no longer a thing because in Some countries there are Some lgbt rights. even though even in most 'progressive' countries those rights are constantly under attack. even though lgbt people still are being killed all around the world. people talk about being radical and yet they will not step up when someone experiences oppression because they were 'annoying'. lol. because they are constrained by their own embarrassment and cruelty.
whatever. i consider it quite pointless for me to say anything about this so i usually don't. because nothing i say will change anyones mind or behavior so im just speaking into the void.
i am happy when lgbt people are expressing themselves and idgaf if it's annoying or uncool. because im a fucking adult person living in a place where you cant even go outside as an lgbt person. 😐 social media is not safe and no one is to be trusted.
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circusclownfever · 5 months
lmao my duo partner got pissed at me n blocked me on everything ... so here i am , asking for a duo partner on apex , or 2 people for trios !! i dont mind at all
im lvl 359 (prolly 360 by the time anyone sees this)
im an average (maybe above average) and im not picky with kills . (as in , i dont give a shit if you steal kills lmao)
im a PC MnK player . no i dont care if youre playing PC roller or console , i find the aim assist debate cringe lmao (my profile below)
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saving you from my long post
i dont play to win , so just a heads up
currently no boundaries outside of the basic "dont be creepy , homophic or transphobic"
if you need help with anything in the game , im p sure i can help !! not with like .. aim . i come from phantom forces on roblox , so my aim comes from there . nothing i can really "teach"
im free basically whenever outside of school hours and after school hours when i have them . (5am-3pm EST normal . 5am-9pm makeup hours)
i swear , im annoying , and i like to troll and have fun . my main is mirage , but id play bloodhound if he isnt an option :]
i go by he/him , they/them is fine idrc .
now , for the fun part . things i do that might deter you from playing with mee :DD
-im 16
-im really fucking annoying , but not loud annoying .. more like , wont shut up if you get me talking about something type annoying
-my gameplay is 50/50 . sometimes im good , sometimes im bad . just depends on the flow of the game
-im a heatseaking missle , if i see movement - i shoot . i dont mean to steal kills or damage , i just cant tell how low someone is
-99% of my dialog is mirage quotes .. its really bad im ngl
annnd thats basically it
dm me if youre interested ! i work around your schedule !! (to the best of my ability) if you want to stay up 12 hours playing apex , i will too if youre okay with that ! i can give you my discord for a discord call , or in game comms . i dont care , whichever you choose
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littlebabycrybtch · 4 years
bitches say “liking [insert media name] isnt a personality” girl then why do u block anybody who likes [blank]. why do you literally in your mind kind of thinking liking certain medias, and not even the intentionally offensive ones but specifically like random mildly controversial netflix cartoons or w/e, defines someone elses personality enough to be openly and presumptuously hateful towards the entire group of ppl who enjoy a media. and why do you behave like you think enjoying moomin and hosier gives you a higher social media user score or w/e. like can i be real you ppl are not real and you’re never going to make being an unnecessary bitch into smth valid i dont know why u all try this hard to get away with that underdeveloped selfish personality shit lmfao, being cruel and hating everything isnt a personality either??? and copying every trend u see wont hide toxic behavior, literally whoever told u this annoying constantly draining bc ‘ur allowed to be’ bullshit is normal and valid is just equally toxic and surrounded by the normalization of garbagey unsympathetic toxic traits, its so self centered and uncharming that yall need to be validated for loudly disliking things so bad that u have to piggy back on real activism and make up justified tm reasons why you dont like smth and then try to manipulate others with it. fiction 100% affects reality but REALITY ALSO AFFECTS REALITY,,, IF YOU SPEND MORE TIME WHINING @ FANDOM PPL AND TRY TO GET THEM TO FEEL BAD FOR ENJOYING PROBLEMATIC MEDIA WHEN THE ACTUAL CREATORS ARE JUST OUT HERE WITH A DAMN PUBLIC TWITTER OR SMTH,,,,, UR BEING SO BLATANTLY PERFORMATIVE AND CRINGE CULTURE FOCUSED,,,, ffs like. pls just accept u cant make everybody think ur right on every single opinion u have bc not every opinion has a right or wrong answer. u cant just, FORCE IT to have one no matter how good you are at bandwagoning ppl. not every preference is moralistic and yall are NOT very convincing thats where ur dumbass cringe feels actually come from when all u portray is irrelevant meanspirited clownery!! ur just broken and boring in the head and think imagination is weird but liking shit is so normal my guy humans have made and emotionally attached to stories since forever lmfaooo its ok to discuss it with a full range of thoughts and feelings like god pls i hate social media hiveminds so bad . please stop being fake for 2 seconds pls stop thinking su and voltron and w/e the catradora one is are going to undo human rights . it rly doesnt matter that much and ppl that like these are not the devil and arent deserving of your unfiltered wrath its a fucking cartoon they are fucking cartoons that are 90% fine you batshit weirdo so stop wasting ur efforts. its embarrassing u think anybody believes u behave like this bc u care like. pls try to let this sink in under the funnyman brainwashing yall are trying daily to get hp urls to deactivate bc they read and liked a wizard story 10 yrs ago when jkr literally still has a public twitter where her actual transphobic statements exist and not slid in with a fantasy and hidden under subtext or w/e just actual out loud bigotry right over here like oh my god its maddening how worthless your actions are when u try to claim this blatantly self serving meanass shit matters more like i!!! wanna SCREAM you are so incredibly FAKE mam
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winterywitch · 7 years
anyway heres a summary of my discourse beliefves:
cishet aces/aros do not belong in gay spaces, bi spaces, lesbian spaces or trans spaces
for me my whole life the LGBT community has been more than that. my perspective is not that of some sad brainwashed child, forced into being more ~tolerant~ than i should be. i genuinely believe and have always believed the LGBT community is more than that, and im not just gonna drop that anytime soon, because i dont think the right to only consider the LGBT community as for “SGA and trans” people is liberation.
therefore cishet aces/aros belong in ace/aro spaces, which for me, count as LGBT.
but not gay, bi, lesbian or trans spaces.
there will be overlap because they are LGBT. but no, cishet aces/aros should have no claim to anything specifically for the L, G, B or T of the community.
for me the community is
Gay men
Bisexuals [SGA or not - as an SGA bi person, i get to speak on this.
Trans people
Nonbinary people [counting agender, genderfluid, genderqueer, etc. non-cis, non-binary identities]
Intersex people (of course should they want to - the point of this list isn't YOU HAVE TO BE LGBT it's You Can Be Included)
Queer people [anyone who isn't cis or isn't het, including aroace people. non sga bi people im a little iffy on re: them 'reclaiming' queer]
Allies [i think this is important for people in the closet, as long as we dont let cishets get too big for their britches]
and hell, here’s a + to include anything i might have forgotten
aroaces are not functionally cishet.
straight privilege is straight privilege. it isnt not-homophobia privilege. to experience straight privilege you must be straight.
they definitely benefit from not experiencing homophobia. they can be absolute dumbasses abt homophobia for that exact reason.
but they dont experience straight privilege, because they’re not straight. that is all straight privilege has ever meant for me in my LGBT community.
cishet aces are cishet, and also aces. this means they benefit from cis privilege and straight privilege, but aphobia weighs down that straight privilege because they dont perform straightness in the Right way. i dont believe this necessarily makes them systemically oppressed the same way we are. but i dont believe aro or ace identities are privileged either.
there is no coherent Ace Community boogieman that is unanimously a bunch of homophobic, transphobic, racist jackasses, and if you believe that, you are a complete dumbass
yeah, the ace community is comprised of white cishets but, im gonna wager even more commonly, its comprised of literally every LGBT identity and race you can imagine. the ace community is not the white cishet community. it’s the community of everyone who IDs as ace or aro. this is not white cishets as a rule, as a majority, or even half the time.
that being said, inclusionists can say some stupid, shortsighted shit sometimes that is completely ignorant of LGBT history/oppression. i dont agree with the implications that i dont stand for every single thing they say and will not be held accountable for every single thing they say.
similarly, unless you wanna be held accountable for every single thing your side says/does before being allowed to call us out, uh, dont expect the same of us. the onus for this is on exclusionists, i have been around long enough to know you guys started this one. it is up to you guys to start being decent on that one, and then we’ll follow suit. those of us who dont are jackasses.
you are never at liberty EVER to explain to an ace person why their abuse or rape took place. that is called gaslighting, and no, you don’t get to throw a fit when someone calls this what it is. when you call a rape/abuse survivor an annoying disgusting freak for daring to talk about why their rape/abuse happened (since they factually know why it happened and you dont) and then proceed to insist that your headcanon of their trauma is the correct interpretation and theirs is not because theyre a filthy cishet ace (which they rarely are), that is quite literally the definition of gaslighting. and hey, don’t do it.
you are never at liberty EVER to explain to an ace person why their parents forced them into Therapy Specifically Designed To Convert Them Away From Asexuality (which may have a more efficient, shorter name). you dont know how that therapy worked or how the therapist worked because you werent there. you dont know that it was only because of homophobia so therefore this person has no right to claim their own trauma.
not everyone you hate is a cishet ace. don’t call people cishet aces unless you know for a fact they are cishet aces. i imagine you wouldnt want to call a trans lesbian a cishet, which exclusionists have done too many times for me to count. your platform should not be “you said something stupid and harmful, youre a cishet ace,” it should be “you said something stupid and harmful, end of statement.”
for some reason this is a controversial point in some discourse circles, but no one owes you sex. your partners don’t owe you sex. relationships do not equal sex. relationships do not even equal romantic love. relationships are a decision between multiple people on closer emotional intimacy.
if romantic and sexual aspects of a relationship are necessary for you, that’s understandable and okay! but you aren’t OWED that. people don’t need to out themselves as aro or ace for you. people dont need to feel pressured to give you anything they dont want to give. and you dont need to stay in relationships that dont make you happy.
allosexual privilege is not real. no one but white cishet men are 100% celebrated and privileged for experiencing sexual attraction. even white cishet women are oppressed for their attraction in many ways, and repressed from early childhood - so you can imagine how absolutely horrific sex-based oppression is for the LGBT community. we are not celebrated for sexual attraction, we are treated like we are dirty, and we are sexual predators.
WITHIN THE COMMUNITY, yeah, sometimes we are definitely, blatantly favored over aces, and people run around saying asexuality is unnatural, and sexual attraction is what makes us human. this is harmful and damaging, and it shouldn’t happen. i dont consider it systemic oppression and it definitely does not make allosexual privilege a thing.
calling people allosexuals is not something i condone. its not comparable to “cis” as a label, because cis people are an actual oppressor class towards trans people - non-ace LGBP folks are not towards ace people.
intracommunity bigotry is real and it is traumatic. people devalue it constantly and pretend it’s just a slap on the wrist, but it is an absolutely traumatic thing to have to face every day of your life. but it isnt the same as OPPRESSION, and we dont have to conflate the two concepts for intracommunity bigotry to be treated with the seriousness it deserves.
similarly, dont call people REGs unless they are not only aphobes but also truscum or TERFs. i also personally dont really believe in equating aphobes with truscum/TERFs but i dont believe in silencing trans people who openly talk about the similarities, either.
dont call people AERFs unless youre a trans woman holy shit
as someone who was directly affected by the truscum discourse when it happened [not debatable, by the way], this is pretty much recycled truscum discourse in my eyes. you dont need to lecture me on how its not.
just because someone on the “other side” called something you did ableist, misogynist, homophobic, transphobic, racist, etc., does not mean you get to shut your eyes and plug your ears. ESPECIALLY if you are part of a privileged class relevant to that accusation. for example as a white exclusionist you dont get to ignore the concerns of inclusionists of color or lecture them on the racism of the ace community. for example as a cis inclusionist [or honestly, even just a non-trans-woman inclusionist] you dont get to ignore the concerns of trans exclusionist women or lecture them on the similarities between TERFs and exclusionists.
“aspec” is not exclusively for the autistic community and i have NEVER seen claims that it was until ace discourse started. thats transparent as fuck to me and youre not fooling anyone. dont just make shit up lmfao
jokes about how Oh Lol Cringe aces inherently are, arent funny especially considering how many of these Jokes are steeped in anti-autistic ableism
idk when this happened but recently ableist jokes are the new Hot Topic of Comedy and thats like, mind-numbingly bad
i dont care what side youre on, IF YOU ARE USING THINGS LIKE FICTIONAL CP/PEDOPHILIC SHIPS/INCEST/RAPE CONTENT TO COPE WITH YOUR TRAUMA, YOU BETTER BE DOING THAT SHIT IN PRIVATE, ONLY SHARING IT WITH LIKE-MINDED, ADULT SURVIVORS, AND NEVER LETTING THAT CONTENT CIRCULATE OUTSIDE OF THAT GROUP. end of story. no ifs, ands or buts about it. speaking as a survivor who uses stuff like this to cope, being a survivor does not give you a free pass to, inadvertently or not, contribute to the pedophilia and circulation of grooming material on the internet. it is your RESPONSIBILITY as a survivor to not continue that cycle. if you avoid that responsibility, you have no right to play victim or pull the “im a survivor ;-;” card when people call you out on this.
educating kids on asexuality is not pedophilia, grooming or sexual abuse. jesus christ lmfao you dont have to assume people word it in a way thats inappropriate or predatory just because theyre pro-ace. kids NEED label/identity options, they are discovering who they are and without a label that fits for them, theyll likely feel like shit. let them have their labels. knowing about asexuality might greatly improve their life if it fits them!
for this reason, stop being weird about mogai labels/trying to “ban” them from everyone’s vocabulary/trying to turn them into some Cringe Joke that is only about Cishets Trying To Be Special. they didn’t fuck over EVERYONE.
inclusionists, in advising kids and questioning people who ask you for answers, be more open-ended. the insistence of “oh youre not a lesbian you’re a quioromantic demi-homosexual!” without also making it ok to just be a lesbian is what hurt and confused so many people on their journey to discovering their identity and its why they resent the whole mogai thing, fairly so. make it okay to just be a lesbian, or just be gay, or just be bi, or just be trans, while letting people know their other, more specific options.
asexuality is not an NSFW or TMI orientation
ace headcanons arent INHERENTLY homophobic, racist or ableist. they absolutely can be and ive seen that shit with my Own Two Eyes [pure innocent baby ace autistic papyrus headcanons back in the undertale fandom (shudders)], but they are not INHERENTLY so.
headcanons for characters with marginalized identity labels that arent identical to the ones you headcanon that character with are not oppression. and you dont get to police this shit as if its factually wrong
absolutely zero sexual interactions with minors ever, thanks!
trying to Bother The Pure Aceys by talking about sex is unacceptable
posting bullshit in ace positivity tags is unacceptable
stop calling people doing nothing but talking about their experiences “freaks”???
dont engage in the whole Oh There Are Valid Identities And There Are Special Snowflake Identities thing its not a very good look
biphobia is its own thing independent of homophobia
biphobia perpetuated within the community isnt necessarily systemic oppression but its traumatic and wrong and shouldnt be treated like some Lol Cringe Joke
you cant just say UM THAT LITERALLY NEVER HAPPENS???? when someone calls your side out on shit lgfkhghgfh especially when it literally does, all the damn time
ace [IRL person, whether or a celebrity or god forbid a flat out bigot] moodboards arent funny
you shouldnt agree to sex that you as an ace person dont want in a situation that you can control if the sex happens or not, but the pressure to provide sex to a non-ace partner is very real. stop blaming ace ppl for that pressure lol speaking as a victim of coercive sexual abuse, you cannot blame the one who didnt want it, even if they COULD have spoken up.
you’re not a bad person for wanting sex if your ace partner doesn’t. there is nothing immoral about not being ace. you just dont get to have sex anyway and you arent owed it if you are set on this committed, monogamous relationship - if sex is a big deal to you, you need to leave that relationship or work out an open situation.
laughing off peoples’ experiences as The Discourse is completely unacceptable, it encourages people to shut up and never analyze themselves and their identities
its not cute in your ace ship headcanons if the ace character is an asshole that rolls their eyes @ or judges their non-ace partner
similarly its not cute in your ace ship headcanons if the non-ace partner is an asshole that rolls their eyes @ or judges their ace partner
you dont get to tell people “ok you identify as heteroflexible but ACTUALLY you’re [insert identity]” literally ever, i understand the concern with people using “safe” identity labels to avoid facing their LGBT identities but acting on that concern in that way is not concern, its concern-trolling and its not fuckin okay.
legitimizing your own identity by delegitimizing the identities of others is bad
we need more nonsexual, non-alcoholic spaces for LGBT folk that are safe for minors, trauma survivors and ace people, but thats not our fault, the prevalence of sexual and alcoholic spaces exists because we were literally not allowed to exist anywhere else until very, VERY recently, and even now it’s a Barely thing
you cant tell someone their experiences didnt happen like my god
we think ace discourse is about more than cishets because exclusionists make it about asexuality as a whole. you guys cant make it about more than cishets and then be like But Ok It’s Just About Cishets You IRrational Crazies?? :/
yes self harm through exposing oneself to the discourse tag is possible, no it’s not funny, no it’s not just ~cishets~doing that, triggers are not exclusive to PTSD survivors, shut the actual fuck up
you dont have any room to comment on the validity of quasiplatonic relationships if you’re not in one, most of the time you guys complaining about them and saying theyre Special Snowflake Things dont actually know what they are. mind your own business lol let people live
if youre not intersex, you dont get to tell people that the intersex community doesnt wanna consider itself LGBT, so they are wrong for saying intersex people are allowed to consider themselves LGBT. youre not being a good ally. sit down, shut up and let intersex people talk amongst themselves.
[to be added to at some point im sure]
asexuals STOLE dragons from CHILDREN to make themselves seem PURE AND INNOCENT, the MONSTERS
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iwillgivebirthtoyou · 5 years
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tumblr user bilesludge cringe comp
not to be le offended triggered tumblrina sjw libtard but like. im just so tired of seeing people openly saying awful racist / transphobic / homophobic / whatever shit without any fear of reprimand or anything. im just so tired of living in a society where your life is seen as a matter of opinion or some weird cringe lifestyle only crack weirdos do bc ameriga love da innernet. love poppaganda and not thinking critically about anything ever its so exhausting and it makes me feel like there’s just like, no point you know? you can’t trust anyone and even the “tolerant” people have to throw in some awsome epic badass tough guy online opinions or are just annoying as fuck and trivialize your identity. this is the most cringe shit ill ever say but it feels like a lot of boys just genuinely have no empathy. its probably just the internet brainrot and maybe theyll grow out of it once they turn 20 but theres grown ass men on this site that are fucking 30 years old and up arguing about how feminism ruined western christian aryan society or whatever absolutely crackhell shit. and its easy to say these people are just silly 4chan neeerds or whatever and dont go outside but like. they do. theyre all around us and i hear stupid shit like this all the time. and its exhausting. like no one is actually my friend. like if any of the guys i knew irl knew about my being bisexual or anything else id just be a crazy trender faggot dyke or whatever the fuck. i hear them talking mad shit about trans and gay people in my school all the time behind their backs. i know blah blah teen boys are just like that i know i know but if we really live in da libtard liberal hyper acceptant progressive PC society, why is this normal. why is this happening. no one fucking does anything when these people are screaming slurs and just saying despicable bigoted shit, they might get like the equivalent of a little slap on the hand but they dont care, no one cares and im really going to go insane bro. im really going to go jokester mode. gonna start radiating the amount of irrational boundless rage that the average comics man has. anyway just gonna make this be done because its cringe and im rambling but like. the fact that these people feel safe to just say whatever they want to anyone whenever they want really tips you off to where they think they stand in society. white men really are a fucking menace the way they blow up about shit that literally doesn’t exist or affect them. bitches will be liek people these days are so offended XD did you just assume my gender? but then when anyone is openly. anything really they scream white genocide and reverse racism and misandry and heterophobia whatever the fuck. but nothing happens to them. these people are saying the same things they were saying a year ago. they havent been hurt. but theres less of us every day
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