#because 90% of people who love germany x italy fucking suck
cowboy-robooty · 1 year
im sorry i never interact wif anybody ever on this webbed site its bc im always eating shit and i never check my notifications. i see shit on mai dash from people i followed when i was 11 and reblog the funnies and unfollow the lame posts and das it. robooty is not checkin the itager tag literally ever
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rach-hell · 7 years
a-z my question: am i ur fave
A - If I’m in love.     i genuinely don’t know. and if i am idk if it’s just one person. either way i’m definitely over it so… fuck me, right? :/ my emotions are a mess and i just have so much affection to give this sucks
B - Who the last person I talked to on the phone was.my roomieeeee he thought i was drunk cause i was ranting a million tangents at once lmao
C - How long it’s been since I’ve kissed.february 18th :/
D - If I have a preference for boys or girls.definitely girls. it’s probably about 90/10 women/men.
E - How many piercings I have.zilch, idk if i want any or not i haven’t really thought about it. if i transition i’ll def get my ears done but as is?? eeeeeehhh
F - Give me any options, like ‘hot or cold?’ sunflowers or roses?R O S E S
G - The last person I said ‘I love you’ to.    in a casual way? u :’D romantically? my ex :/
H - The last person I hugged.     roomieeee he gives rly good hugs when i need them honestly i’m so grateful to him ;w;
I - The last time I felt jealous, and why.    literally today, i feel like i haven’t done anything fun ever tbh, i feel like i missed out and it sucks like i’m bitter but not at anyone just at the fact that i’m not really living my life and others are and that hurts
J - Are you insecure. What about?    god… everything… my face my voice my body in general my complete inability to do anything my lack of any actual skills or talents my lack of passion or drive for anything, my lack of life experience the feeling that i’ll never experience or achieve anything… tbh i’m completely and fundamentally unhappy with every aspect of my life and who i am as a person lol
K - What my full name is.    eeehhhh not on the internet sorry, hmu girlie, but it’ll be a trade
L - If I have siblings.    nooooope
M - If I forgive betrayal.    not on your fucking life. tbh i don’t forgive easily in general
O - Where would I like to travel    i reeeaaally wanna see more of the americas, the wilderness there is beyond gorgeous, i also absolutely adore italy and iceland those two are my bucketlist tbh. and i have heeeaaps of family in germany and some in france so i wanna go there for sure. and spain. and i’d really love to take a trip to japan and do lots of photography the urban environment there is so different from ours it’s gorgeous dang.
P - What kind of music I like.    like… everything. lately i’ve been listening to absolute trash my current faves are halsey, dua lipa, hey violet, missio, saint PHNX, dreamers, 21p, but i also adore shit like globus (who are criminally underrated fr go listen to black parade and come back to me without goosebumps and tears in your eyes), missy higgins, arctic monkeys, grinspoon, chilli peppers, pearl jam, mcr, i have too many faves to list i’m giving up, when i was younger i was reeeaaaally into like, maiden and rob zombie and judas priest and shit… i know, i know.
Q - Favourite flower?    arum lillies
R - Is cheating ever okay?    fuck off. if anyone asks this seriously take their teeth out and ditch their disgusting asses.
S - 2 habits.    
ugh i bite my nails SO bad it’s awful :/
uh… fuck idk i’m struggling here… not really a habit (and nsfw avert ur eyes kiddies) but if i don’t cum daily i get super grumpy and also kinda needy and whiny it’s not pretty i’m a mess
T - 3 things I love unconditionally.    
my friends
good music
good food
i know these are all kinda cheap answers but i don’t have much else :/
U - Favourite time of year, and why    autumn, i love the colours and the smells and the overcast skies and the raaaaiiin and it’s perfect photography lighting and the temperature’s just right
V - Big dreams?    i used to have them, i’ve kinda just settled down to “survive” now…
W - If I’ve done something I regret very much.a lot of things, none of which i feel comfortable discussing in the open other than my last breakup that was… poorly handled on my part. like… it’s done now and i’m (trying to) deal, but i think i fucked up a mostly good thing because i was going through a rough time and i’m pretty sure i made the wrong choice. if you’re interested in the rest hmu when i’m drunk hun, they’re super personal and don’t shed me in a particularly great light
X - 3 turn ons    goddd how can i list just 3 hhhhh
for sake of ease ima just say power exchange, p much any dynamic that falls under that umbrella is A+++
idk what we’re going for here?? like things that get me goin’ for sex or sex things i like?? maybe i just go for the former?? fuck this is Hard um… if u drop your voice real low and breathy and husky and get in close and piurtehorijkwgesfsds WRECK ME
lots of super gentle touching like touch my thighs or my tum or run your fingers along my spine or in my hair i’ll be messy tbh
Y - 3 turns offs    
ok this sounds ridiculous but like… lack of interest, if you don’t put any effort into whatever shenanigans we’re into and you’re just kinda flat it just gives me the impression you’d literally not care if we were doing anything else and idk like… don’t be a fucking board during sex like that ruins errything for me. like i know it’s not always 100% like… “dragging moans from ur throat whether u want to or not” but like… damn put some effort in homeslice, show me you’re actually enjoying yourself like sometimes ya just make a bit of noise or get a lil theatrical for ur partner’s sake and that’s fine, doesn’t mean you’re faking it. this got long soz.
again this is gonna sound weird but like… idk in my sex life i have a history of being w/ people who like… didn’t wanna touch me? like if ur not suuuuper into dicks fine but also idk don’t make me feel like you think my body’s gross honestly longterm that’s really fucked w/ my self esteem not just a turn off lol
Z - Ask any question you want. am i ur fave?homegirl i’m at least 23% in love with u duh what kind of dumbass fucking question smh you really are a stupid girl
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mynameismette · 7 years
100 questions
1. List 5 things you want to do before the year ends. - Lose weight - Get side/undercut - Get a piercing - Get a tattoo - Fuck a nice guy for a change...
2. What color are your pants? - Black
3. Favorite motivational quote. - “Great things never came from the comfortzone”
4. When was the last time you drank coffee? - Last thuesday
5. What was the last thing you ate? - Potatoes and sausage.
6. Favorite animal. - Cat...
7. Favorite song. - Right now.. “Sorry” by Halsey or “Den Grimmeste Mand i Byen” by Povl Dissing.
8. Last movie you watched? - Scary Movie 5
9. Any turn ons? - Beards, humor, confidence, self esteem, irony, sarcasm.
10. Any turn offs? - Being shy, fuckboys, arrogance, being stupid, being mean..
11. List 4 big words off of the top of your head. - Men - Peace - Selfconscious - Alone
12. What are some meaningful movies? - La Vie D’Adele, The Road to Eldorado
13. 2 most important people in your life right now? - My parents
14. What are 3 things you want to do before the month ends? - Get drunk - Kiss someone - Put a song at the internet.
15. When was the last time you read a good book? - 2 months ago.
16. How long do you study for usually, if you study? - I depends at the time of year and the lectures
17. Do you have any nicknames? - Metz, Mette Putte Bak, Putte, Metski
18. Favorite kind of perfume? (fruity, alluring, etc.) - “Body” by Burberry
19. Do you have any international friends / friends who live out of state? - I’ve been on a few dates with a guy from Norway - I’ve slept with a guy from Norway - I’ve got a friend that lives in Spain right now
20. What is something unique that you do every single day? - I try to find someone to talk to, so I’m not being alone? Hahaha
21. If there was a movie based on your life, what would it be called? - She Was Different
22. When was the last time you bought a gift for someone? - Last weekend
23. Are you a shopaholic? - When I have the money, yes...
24. What are some songs that always make you feel better? - “Den Grimmeste Mand i Byen” and “Light My Fire”
25. List 3 activities that you can only enjoy by yourself. - Drawing - Taking a walk - Cycling
26. If you could live in any biome (and survive) which biome would you live in? - I do not know...
27. How do you like being roused in the morning? - With nice music and a good breakfest.
28. How was your day? What did you do? - Kind of good. - Studied, came to Viborg, made som music and covers, slept.
29. What did your last text message say? - “Okay, I’m at Mimersvej now”
30. Do you respond to texts quickly? - Kind of, I think. As soon as I see it.
31. Who was the last person you called? - My mother
32. List 5 things that are on your wish list. - Money - A family tattoo - A cat - A bigger apartment - A boyfriend..... Yes... I’m single AF.
33. If you were famous, what do you think you would be famous for? - Music or comedy.
34. Winter or summer? - Winter
35. What is a quality that all people should have? - Acceptance
36. If you could have a large collection of one item, what would that item be? - Music instruments (Pianos, keyboards, guitars, basses) or cars (Mustangs)
37. What have you been thinking about lately? - Men and how to fuck them.
38. What is the secret to a happy life? - Acceptance
39. What are some phrases you say often? - “Fuck” “Suck my dick” “Suck it badly” “Suck it hard”
40. Favorite food? - Traditional danish food.
41. List 3 wishes. - I would like to find a nice guy - I would like to be more confidence about my self - I would like to be happier
42. What are some of your greatest fears? - Losing my hearing - Losing a bodypart - Being paralyzed
43. What is the last thing you downloaded onto your computer? - Pictures from a party a little over a month ago.
44. Most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen (in real life)? - The nature in Sweden.
45. Spicy food:Like or dislike? - Dislike
46. Scary movies:Like or dislike? - Like
47. Do you like to travel? - Yeah, but mostly in Scandinavia.
48. Any regrets? - Yes.. not being good with men.
49. Do you like rain? - If it’s pouring rain, then yes.
50. What do you spend most of your money on? - Food or cigarettes.
51. Would you rather visit the past or the future? - The past
52. Favorite clothing store? - H&M
53. What is the best advice you can give to those who are feeling down? - “Everything is temporary”
54. How often do you think about your future? Does it scare you? - Kind of, but I cannot do anything to avoid it, so I should do my best, to make it a good future..
55. What angers you the most? - Childish and selfish grown up people with no self-awareness.....
56. When was the last time you got majorly angry? - When my father didn’t told me he was at the hospital overnight.
57. When was the last time you got really sad? - When I found out my crush had a girlfriend.
58. Are you good at lying? - Yeah.
59. What foreign language would you like to learn? - I do speak french, but I would love to be much better at it.
60. How many languages can you speak and what are they? - Danish (Swedish and Norwegian) - English - French - German
61. How often do you go to parties? If you don’t, what do you do instead? - I party at least once a week, if not twice.
62. What books do you plan to read this year? - I can’t list them all...
63. Do you have breakfast every morning? - Nope, not at all.
64. Tell us a secret. - I’m really fucking bad at maths.
65. How many concerts have you been to? - Can’t count them
66. Last hug? - Line and I this Saturday.
67. Who knows you better than anyone else? - Maria and Findinge
68. Baths or showers? - Baths
69. Do you think you’re ambitious? - Yes
70. What song is stuck in your head? - “Redbone” by Childish Gambino.
71. Countries you’ve visited? - Sweden 3x, Norway 1x, England 1x (Scotland 2x), Ireland 1x (Northern Ireland 1x), Germany ?x, Belgium 3x, Holland 4x, France 2x, Schweiz 1x, Italy 1x.
72. What do you most value in your friends? - Honesty and humor
73. What helps you to sleep better? - An orgasm
74. What is the most money you have ever held in your hand? - Idfk.
75. What makes you nervous? - Men
76. What is the best advice you’ve ever been given? - If you do your best, you can’t do anything else.
77. Is it easier to forgive or forget? - Forgive
78. First mobile phone? - Oldschool Nokia
79. Strangest dream? - A sex dream with my math teacher spanking me?!
80. Best dream? - Me being married to my best guy friend
81. Who is the smartest person you know? - Maria, Jacob idk?
82. Who is the prettiest person on tumblr? - Idk.
83. Do you miss anyone right now? - Yeah, Michael
84. Who do you love? Why? - My mother, because she is always there for me.
85. Do you like sharing? - Yes, at some point it will return.
86. What was the last picture you took with your phone? - A video of me singing.
87. Is there a reason behind everything that happens? - Yes, you should go find i t.
88. Favorite genre of music? - Indie rock, Grunge, Garage rock, underground rock, just all time rock.
89. If you had one word to describe yourself, what would it be? - A Faker
90. Describe your life in 5 words. - Complicated - Fucked - Exciting - Musical - Extraordinary.
91. Describe the world in 4 words. - Fucked - Stupid - Lost - Uneven
92. Craziest thing you’ve ever done? - Ate a hash-cake before I turned 18 and ended in the worst bad trip ever.
93. First three songs in your favorite playlist? - “Redbone” by Childish Gambino - “I Was Wrong” by Chris Stapleton - “Sorry” by Halsey
94. Are you more creative or logical? - Creative
95. Would you rather lie or hurt someone with the truth? - Hurt someone with the truth.
96. What are you most proud of? - My being at this place in life already.
97. What personality trait do you admire in other people? - Honesty
98. When you imagine yourself as really, really relaxed and happy, what are you doing? - Drinking and smoking cigarettes with my friends at a small house party.
99. How do you usually start a conversation? - A bad or nasty joke.
100. What is the best news you could hear right now? - “I Love You”
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