#they aren't even fascinating to me in like a shippy way really just a human way
settofsofts · 1 month
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Nothing Twice - Wisława Szymborska, Trans. by Stanislaw Baranczak and Clare Cavanagh
Dawn Chorus - Thom Yorke
YouWouldn'tLikeMeWhenI'mAngry - Thom Yorke
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zykamiliah · 2 years
Do you mind if I ask your top 10 favorite characters (can be male or female) from all of the media that you loved (can be anime/manga, books, movies or tv series)? And why do you love them? Sorry if you've answered this question before.....Thanks....
I am SO SORRY for takings so long to answer!!! Q-Q You don't have to apologize, you're just enabling me by asking me about my faves :D
Okay so from recent to old:
1-Shen Yuan/Shen Qingqiu (SVSSS): There's a lot to say about him but he's just SO entertaining; his inner narration, the way his mind works, his use of comedy to cope with life, him being a Nice and Decent guy copped with his bitchy online and inner persona, etc etc I love him to the point I love reading fics about him even if they aren't shippy
2-Luo Binghe (SVSSS): Just... There's so much going on there. I like all facets of him, even the PIDW is fascinating.
3-John Silver from Black Sails: Can't really articulate why right now but he's also a fun character, has a great character arc that shows how someone can become a villain, but he's also very very human and doesn't know how to deal with his feelings. I think I have a thing for characters with inner struggles
4-Merlin from BBC Merlin: Another protagonist I would love to read about. Most powerful sorcerer who is also a klutz with a golden heart but due to circumstances and misunderstandings of what destiny and fate are turned a bit dark by the end. He's so full of love and goes through so much.
5-Maeve from Westworld: She's so badass! Her whole arc is so interesting and her personality is also really entertaining, specially in the first two seasons. I'm hyped every time she comes on screen!!
6-Alec Hardison from Leverage: Aaaah I really love all characters from Leverage but I always have so much fun when he's on screen. He's such a joy ❤️
7-Naruto: Not really obsessed with him but I really like everything about him and his journey (until chapter 698 ofc)
Hmm who else? I don't tend to hyper-focus on a character, more on dynamics and stories, and I cycle through fandoms every three months or so orz And I'm forgetful too hahaha qwq
Thank you for the ask dnana!! Have a nice day~
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thetentaclecommander · 2 months
Interesting Fic Traction Notes I'm not a stat/views whore but I do look at them in fascination. I swore I read somewhere that long fics don't get the most hits and that Ao3 tends to skews towards short fics and porn but in looking at my stats the highest engagement (hits/favs/comments/subs/bookmarks) is mainly on longfics (fics longer than 2 chapters and over imo is a longfic). In order it goes: -2 chapter smut (that reader fic of all things, odd.) -longfic smut fics -a one shot smut fic -longfic that isn't smut centered (makes sense cause of the amount of years it has been up) -more smut one shots -a smut compilation -longfics that aren't smut centered -that one canon compliant one -brutal violent sex fics (the rapey and or heavily murderkinky ones) -then one shots that are just dreamy weird plot heavy -newer canon compliant or not as smutty stuff at the bottom (or new stuff less than a few months old in general) Sorting by views/hits renders mostly the same result (and hits, like okay that's a lot to me even including my rereads to edit and read my own stuff and before I was cross posting to here).
So in one way, yeah 'smut sells' proves true, but the length doesn't. If anything my short fics tend to get passed over faster especially anything sub 1,000 words (in context my largest longfic smut fic is over 35k words). My highest engaged fics tend to with a lone 2k exception, cap out around 7-8k words. Also, only straight forward pwp or little plot are like this as too much emotional/plot investment ranks way lower. Well, the murderkinky violent ones rank lower too, intentionally as I know what I wrote - but also brings in a certain niche of reader so there's that. I can't even go by comment threads as sure, the top three are longfics understandably, but then it evens out to a similar range across the board no matter the length. Usually due to regular commenters (I <3 u guys!). Oddly, I find my human focused/human shippy ones aren't as well viewed but I also think it's a combo of my set niche of 'monsterfucker', doing exclusively rare pairs and being 'that asshole that writes N/J all the time' together so it could be simply not writing as expected of my account. Though getting engagement on those is pretty cool because of these 'hurdles', not in spite of them! I enjoy being convincing outside of my wheelhouse, too. So what I get from all this is the Ao3 adage of 'what is more likely to be engaged with' is on crack and just not reliable, at least in my case. Pretty on brand for me really (with the self-awareness I am niche in general). I both prove the adage both true and false oddly. Resi to note is not a huge fandom just vocal (we don't even rank in the larger Ao3 fandom poles) so that could be what's causing the skew? I also I see what you folks cheer for overall (readers, pwp and hyper erotic murder/violence in that order). I also think that one reader fic* I think hit the DBD crowd unintentionally - I've never played lol. Also to note, I see those bookmarks. The sheer amount of private ones for an account that is hard to miss in larger Resi tag and almost always in that specific rare ship tag is so high and it's hilarious and amazing to me. The thing about people who hide their porn habits through bookmarks is *very* true - I hope y'all were well fed! I cackle every time cause christ on a cracker the sheer amount of them solely on the porn, I see you /wink *Though I might...do that male!reader/Nem fic I've been saying that for like 2+ years now at some point because I like balance since I've already done female and gender neutral readers.
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sebastard69 · 2 years
Not Quite At The End Shadowbringers Thoughts:
Literally had to step away for a hot minute because of a reveal so here's some more thoughts!
- Ok so I was half right about Vauthry but mostly wrong. I don't know WHY my brain went to primal when OBVIOUSLY we're dealing with sin eaters and lightwardens and given his control over eaters, it's the obvious answer. But I was right about the meol in that he was using it to enthrall people, essentially tempering them. But uh, the fact it was not only made of sin eaters but it was made of sin eaters he'd turned people into was not on my radar and that fucked me up. Sweeney Todd type shit. Anyway, I really hate him lmao.
- Every scene that Emet-Selch is in, the more I like him. And I like the route this expansion is going in general with the whole "Things aren't black and white." and that it extends beyond the events of the First. He's making me sympathize with the Ascians, which has me feeling conflicted in some ways, but none of them necessarily bad. It's good writing. Finding out that Hydaelyn and Zodiark are primals confirmed a suspicion I'd had since the beginning - because what, ultimately, is the difference between a god and a primal? And hints were dropped in things like the Resistance members reportedly trying to summon Rhalgr. In the end, there is no difference. Learning about the Sundering, about what Ascians are exactly, has been endlessly fascinating, and in some ways Emet-Selch is right that Rejoining all the shards would result in the least casualties - in that leaving men to their devices will always inevitably result in disastrous conflict that in the long run would render more casualties than the calamities necessary for a Rejoining. The comment he made about not seeing the other characters as truly alive was kind of eye-opening, too. I mean, compared to the kind of humanity he knew prior to the Sundering, they're half-formed and incomplete. None of this makes him correct in causing the calamities, but the perspective has shifted and my understanding of motivations is drastically different. He's trying to save something that doesn't exist anymore. And how many people have we ourselves slain in the name of 'the greater good'? How many of the enemy were innocent people who had been sent to war against their will or outright lied to? How many "heretics" did we cut down when they were desperate for the iron fist of the Church to be lifted? This isn't some "Oh, we're no better than the enemy." thing, it's a "Things are complicated, and we have more in common with our enemy than previously thought."
- Speaking of Emet-Selch, there's.... something there between him and the WoL. And like I don't necessarily mean that in a shippy way, I just mean that he's.... unusually fond of them. His demeanor when talking with them or even just seeing them seems.... impossibly soft? Obviously not all the time, but I can't shake the feeling he knows the wol. This is supported by him talking about Amaurot and telling the wol, "Not that you would remember." And all of this just fuels my theory that the wol has an Ascian soul just... can't remember. If that's true, did they know Emet? Were they close? Is Emet sticking around because they were someone important to him? In the same scene he talks about how before the Sundering, they had families and friends and loved ones and how even Ascians' hearts can break, and given that that's in the same conversation it just makes me think there's something there. That his interest in the wol is beyond just being bored and wanting to see what happens. What are the high hopes he has for them? Why does he speak to them with such familiarity? Why does he look so soft when he sees them? He plucked Y'shtola from the Lifestream because the wol is sad and heartbroken that their friend is lost, and I just cannot fathom that he did it out of the goodness of his heart. Whatever feelings exist there, romantic or platonic or fucking whatever, there has to be SOMETHING. It doesn't make sense otherwise.
- Thancred and Urianger are married. They're married and Ryne is their daughter and they are a family and I am going to lose my mind at the end of this expansion when everyone goes back to the Source because she won't be able to go with them and that's not FAIR.
- Speaking of Ryne! I really, really like her and her arc. It was heartbreaking sitting through all the scenes where she talked about being positive that Thancred hated her because she wasn't Minfilia and Thancred refusing to speak to her about it because he didn't want to influence her decision, but her arc overall was very good and well done imo. I loved the scene where everyone talks about giving her a new name, and that Thancred chose the fae word for 'blessed', and just!! Everything about their little family makes me so emotional. That scene made me cry! I loved it!
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