#they can share a bed it's ok (teru does not think it's ok)
yume-fanfare · 2 years
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Do you think they will ask them what they have been doing alone for so many hours
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citronsblog · 3 years
Requesting because Tumblr is a bitch and ate my last one tf.
Teruteru, Ryoma, and Mondo proposing and/or getting married to their male s/o.
If this request makes you uncomfortable please do tell me and I can send in something different!!!
×Vex ∆
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Notes: YES YES YES A MONDO REQUEST. I NEED TO WRITE FOR HIM MORE 😍 (also your request don’t make me uncomfortable, Although I do prefer writing for gender neutral readers so everyone can read it I enjoy writing for guys so I can feed all of my male audience and it gives me a small challenge)
Warnings: none
Characters: Mondo Owada, Teruteru Hanamura, Ryoma Hoshi
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Mondo Owada
Mondo is normally able to be calm around you, that’s one of the reasons he fell for you in the first place, but right now he was stressing.
He is deeply in love with you, his wonderful boyfriend. You guys have been together for awhile now, through the thick and thin Mondo is so grateful for you.
Back to the reason on why he is stressed. He was planing on proposing to you. He was nervous, he didn’t know how his favorite person in the world, you, would react to all of this and frankly that’s what made him scared.
Mondo got snapped out of his thoughts by the lovely sound of your voice,
“Hey Mondo? You have a second?”
“Yeah? What is it hot stuff?”
Swatting at his hand you let out a sigh and continue.
“You said we have a date tonight, I just wanted to know if I should dress up in my tux or if it’s just a casual date?”
Mondo got flustered in the thought of you in a tuxedo. He’s seen you in them before, but oh man he would be lying if he said you never looked so sexy in them.
“Mmmm- huh?! Oh Y-yeah that works.”
Chuckling at your boyfriend you give him a kiss on the forehead and walk off with a ‘thank you.’”
It was later on that evening that you two had been sat down at your table. It was a beautiful view. The restaurant was an average size, you were seated outside with a view of the town.
“Wow I- Mondo I didn’t expect this. Thank you.”
“Tch, it’s nothing really. I’m just glad you like it.”
You two spend that evening eating your delicious meals and by the time the two of you were done the moon was in the sky. There was a soft breeze and the smell of fresh air blew around you.
“Hey, S/o. One more thing before we go…”
You took your hand in his,
Taking in a deep breath Mondo mustered in all of his courage and started.
“S/o, the love of my life. You have been with me through just about every bad day I’ve had. You’ve never left me no matter what and I’ve always admired and loved that about you. God, what am I doing just rambling on-? S/o, will you give me the honor of being your husband?”
Pulling out a box, Mondo opened it and revealed a black wedding ring lined with silver on the outside and eight small diamonds in the middle.
Mondo, still on one knee, started to get even more nervous as anxiety bubbled in his stomach.
“You Can say no s/o..-“
“Are you kidding me?! You are the one I want to spend my time with Mondo! I love you.”
Mondo slid the ring one your finger and lifted up your chin to give you a sweet and loving kiss.
“I love you too.”
Teruteru Hanamura
Teruteru Hanamura, the most bold, flirtatious, funny, good looking man you’ve ever met, and possibly right now the most anxious.
He seemed to be walking around while mumbling stuff to himself. He seemed anxious about too many things so you decided to step in.
“Hey, Teruteru. Are you doing ok? You look, well um, stressed.”
“Huh?! Ahh- nononono Im perfectly ok love bug don’t worry about me hun!”
Rolling your eyes at him you Pat the spot right next to you on the bed.
He couldn’t bring himself to say no, so he sat down next to you and tried to relax. You could still see how tense he was so you started to massage his back slowly.
“Teruteru if you need to talk I’m right here. I love you a lot and I hate to see you taking the burden if something alone.”
“Thank you, sweets. I’m so lucky to have a boyfriend like you.”
Smiling to him you nod and stand up.
“Waitwaitwait! Do you mind if we have dinner later? I’ll make it and there’s this one really beautiful spot to eat it at?”
Chuckling you nod at his slightly jumbled words and walk out the door sending him finger guns.
“I’ll be there.”
Teruteru spent the rest of the afternoon preparing your favorite meals, he even made desert for you!
He went ahead and left before you to set up the spot. He put down the softest blanket he owned. He set out each dish and before he even knew it, it was time for you to show up.
You two had an amazing time. Sharing stories, an occasional kiss on the lips, compliments here and there.
The sun was setting and Teruteru knew he had to say it sooner or later. He stood up and gently placed a kiss on your lips and grabbed your hands.
“S/o, do you mind if I speak from the heart?”
“Of course Teru, I always enjoy it when you do!”
He gave you such a gentle look and smiled.
“S/o, you were my very first boyfriend. You never said anything bad about me, in fact you laughed when I made jokes or small comments. That always made my heart race, you’ve always made my heart race. S/o this is a big question and I want you to give me an honest answer,”
Getting down on one knee he made eye contact with you. Smiling to you he continues with the heartfelt speach
“Will you marry me? You make me so happy and I thought maybe we could take everything a step further.”
“Teruteru- Of course! Are you kidding me?! I love you!”
“Sugar- I love you too. Come here.”
Let’s just say you two had a fun and eventful evening.
Ryoma Hoshi
Ryoma was acting strange today. He seemed to be checking his phone a lot, getting some calls, and even acting a bit jittery around you.
You knew something was up but you didn’t want to make him anxious about everything. Deciding to lightly ask him about the topic you head to your shared room.
“Hey, Ryoma?”
“Gh! Oh, hey. Surprised me. Hey do you mind if we go to this restaurant later on? I know it’s last minute and such but- never mind… is it ok if we can?”
Cupping his cheek you give him a grin and a peck on the cheek.
“Of course we can sweetie. I’ll go ahead and get ready?”
“Yeah… I will as well.”
Ryoma checked his phone one more time. His friends were all texting him, wishing him good luck! He was really lucky to find such a supportive group of people to hold in his life. He was especially lucky to have you. You gave him a purpose again, you helped him to keep pushing through the worst days so he can find the better ones. He absolutely loved you.
“Hey ryoma im done-“
You saw him in the mirror looking at himself with a unreadable expression.
“Hey, if your worried about how you look don’t be. Remember I chose you to be my boyfriend for a reason. I really love you ryoma.”
“I wasn’t worried but thank you I think I needed a pep talk before we leave. I’m glad to have such a strong boyfriend.”
You both arrived on a restaurant that was overlooking the town. You could see just about everything, it was wonderful.
Ryoma and you had a very fun evening basking in each other’s company and just talking about what ever comes to mind.
You saw ryoma fiddling with something so you curiously asked about it.
“Hey, what is that?”
The question clearly caught him off guard. He took in a breath and looked at you with a loving look.
“S/o you’ve given me a purpose. You have helped me through my worst and I’ve never felt…. Happier. I wish to be in your life for a long time so S/o, will you be my husband?”
You couldn’t help the grin that seemed to settle on your face. Standing up you lean in to gently kiss him.
“I would love too.”
You two were happy, Ryoma texted all of his friends about the good news.
“Hmm… S/o Hoshi… has a nice ring to it doesn’t it?”
“Heh, it does.”
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Bonus! Here are the wedding rings the guys would give to you!
Mondo’s ring for you
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Teruteru’s ring for you
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Ryoma’s ring for you
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strawberrygiorno · 6 years
Ok, time to talk about Momo! So, last I heard of him, he was a deaf airbender with an adorable hearing lemur, living with the air nomads in the Northern Air Temple and studying to become a scholar. He knew sign language, which was only really known in the temple, so travelling was difficult for him. Did any part of this change? What else is there to know about him? You mentioned he meets the group (or at least someone in it), how does that happen? What does he think of them? Anything else?
yes!! momo!!
under the cut!!
you’re right!! his lemur’s name is taro, by the way. Momo and taro are so good.
Sign language actually is known outside the temple, it’s just that pretty much everyone in the temple knows it while it’s much harder to find people outside who do. It’s a nice stroke of luck that three whole people on team avatar are fluent (reigen because he grew up at the temple, and mob and ritsu because mob’s got apraxia of speech so he uses signing to communicate sometimes) and the others know at least a little bit from hanging around mob.
After leaving the fire nation and travelling for a while, the group ends up at the northern air temple at reigen’s suggestion, which is how they meet him -- looking for an airbending teacher as well as a place to stay for a while.
Reigen, knowing most of the older monks personally, took to discussing the situation with some of them, and so mob and momo were both stuck outside waiting to be called in. Momo decided he’d had enough of that and ditched, and, having nothing better to do, mob followed him.
Momo had intended to be by himself for awhile, but mob is persistent in following him around. After they talk for a bit mob grows on him and momo offers to show him around the temple, first the bison stables and gardens, but eventually some of the cool secret spots that momo knows about that he sneaks off to when he feels like skipping any kinds of lessons or training.
One of these places happens to be near the hall of statues, which mob takes an interest in. Momo decides to show off a little to his new friend and show him to a secret entrance that he found ages ago, one that wouldn’t alert the monks that the door had been opened.
Once they get inside and mob actually sees everything there, he falls into an almost trance-like state, surrounded by the spiritual energy the room is drenched in, looking all his past faces - eventually his gaze falls on the (yet) unnamed air avatar that came before him, and he freezes.
Momo has no idea what the fuck is going on.
He tries to talk to mob, but mob isn’t paying attention, too caught up in the moment, until suddenly mob collapses, overwhelmed. Momo is freaking out now but manages to get mob outside, and after they spend some time just sitting and giving mob some time to recover, momo asks about what happened.
Mob hesitates, but goes on to explain how he’s had trouble connecting with the spirit world and especially with his past lives, but seeing all of those past avatars he could feel that connection, and it was too much. He also asks that momo not tell anyone about it. The others don’t really know the extent of his issues beyond him having some minor troubles with spirits that they’d encountered.
What had happened was that mob had been slowly opening the connection again over his travels as he came to terms with his role, but it was still weak. All of the information that he was getting from being around these statues flooded in at once, and for a moment he even saw the spirit of the previous avatar again, and it was too much.
He got scared and overwhelmed and shut the door on them again.
(we talked about mob’s complex more here)
After this, they rejoin the group and reigen reveals that serizawa will be teaching mob airbending. Momo… isn’t happy about this. Serizawa is His teacher, and the only one that hasn’t given up on him, and he feels as if he’s being brushed aside now that serizawa can have a “better” student.
Momo runs off to one of his (not-so) secret places, and after a few moments serizawa comes after him. They have a small talk where serizawa reassures him that he’s still teaching momo too, and he certainly has no intention of giving him up. He also jokes about having momo help him train mob, and that gives momo an idea - help mob with his spiritual problems.
He spends the next few days cooped up in the library doing research on anything that he thinks might be helpful to mob, studying up on spirit world stuff, what they know about the avatar state, everything, and approaches mob later with the offer to help him overcome his block.
Mob accepts the offer, and they make slow progress together outside mob’s usual training, and this helps mob a lot because it’s less formal and there’s less pressure on him here, so he can actually relax and genuinely work on letting the spirit world and the past avatars back in.
In turn, mob also helps momo make friends in team avatar, and he integrates into the group while they’re staying at the temple.
Momo’s still not too open or trusting at first and tends to be rude, so it takes awhile for him to bond or decide he likes anyone, but since they end up staying for at least a few months, he has a lot of time to do so.
The first person besides mob that he decided he liked was ritsu. They met while momo was doing his studying to help mob out, and ritsu initially confronted momo about what happened when momo snuck off with mob, but once momo can explain ritsu backs off and even helps with some research. Their personalities complement each other really well, and they also bond over their shared love of making fun of reigen and teru.
Momo and tsubomi get along pretty well, too. She’s also interested in what’s in the library, so sometimes they’ll end up hanging out together while they’re both doing some research. Momo’s never been very far from the temple, so naturally he’s interested in hearing more about the world, which tsubomi, having travelled quite a bit even before joining team avatar, is happy to tell him about. In turn, he helps her find information on airbending forms, something she seems very interested in hearing about, impressed by the ease of movement. After some prodding, he agrees to demonstrate, as well.
Teru and shou both get on momo’s nerves a whole lot, and teru especially annoys him because he can get so stuck-up, without realizing it sometimes. As luck would have it though, one day teru and shou challenge momo to a game of airball, giving him the perfect chance to get back at them. Naturally, momo destroys both of them despite the odd numbers and teru had to go to bed early that night with a fever. Momo was smug about it.
Teru and taro also don’t get along very well. Taro bit teru one (1) time, so teru is convinced taro’s evil (in taro’s defense, teru was being rude and messing with his sensitive wing skin without permission  :/ )
Momo’s not really sure what to make of reigen. He’s weird and it’s baffling to him that he would be in charge of a group of teens. Still, he could be a lot worse, and while momo would never pass up an opportunity to mock him, he’s still nice enough and momo can appreciate that. (He’s also impressed by the fact that reigen just… left the air temple when he was younger, something he’s vaguely envious of)
Serizawa is actually the monk that’s been training momo for the last two years. They were kind of shoved together by circumstances (and the other monks) because momo’s rudeness and tendency to skip his lessons had him labeled a “problem student” and hardly any of the monks were willing to try to teach him, and so they dumped him on serizawa, who at the time was very depressed and isolated. This ended up being beneficial to both of them, and they grew very close. Serizawa has someone to take care of, and momo has an adult who actually listens to him.
The only other thing that i can think of that’s relevant is a little thing that happens later, where momo meets shimazaki (another airbender) and learns by studying him how to use airbending to expand his senses, in a way. He learns how to sense air currents and use that as another means of perception.
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