#i guess kou should drop mitsuba off at school?
yume-fanfare · 2 years
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Do you think they will ask them what they have been doing alone for so many hours
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amane-by-together · 4 years
Blue Hour || Amane Yugi pt. 3/5
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(Amane Yugi x Fem! Reader)
genre: romance, drama and a bit of fantasy
summary: amane and [name] stopped communicating after the pen pal project
“When we lost each other.”
The quarter felt like a shooting star, it was fast in a blink of an eye. As the late night calls stopped and so as the letters.
Amane laid down on his bed, staring at the messages that he and [name] exchanged. Something was weird, it's been a week since they chatted after the pen pal project was over.
Though, he doesn't want to assume that he has been ghosted, yet the situation is the same. Not being able to receive messages from the person Amane likes, it's definitely ghosting.
Amane stayed up all night, not because of star gazing, his honey amber eyes had lost their shine and looked like a zombie with eyebags forming under his eyes.
She disappeared like a ghost.
“You disappeared for an instant, like a faint ghost, you disappeared.”
Amane felt his eyes brimming with tears, he didn't get used to it, it's like being alone again. He never met [name], yet why was he crying for her?
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‘This is not supposed to happen right? You're not supposed to fall for your pen pal Amane.’ the voice inside his very own head told him.
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‘She's just a pen pal, Amane. Nothing special, you shouldn't cry about her.'
'It's all gone'
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‘Don't disappear now, I'm searching for you’
‘It felt like the summer was winter without you.’
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‘It's all gone, now. It's over.’
“Now I just missed you...” Amane choked back a sob. His heart was clenching making it difficult to breathe. It felt like he was having an anxiety attack, he wanted to make the feeling disappear.
Now that [name] was gone.
He wanted to disappear as well.
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Amane hugged his knees hunched over while lying down. His phone was the only source of light inside the room since the moon isn't there when he needed.
Just like he needed [name].
But the thing is,
She nowhere.
She's gone.
Amane doesn't know what to do.
It's all gone.
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“Whoah Yugi, you okay bud?” Yamabuki sat next to the young boy who was staring into space, his eyes were sore from crying and his eyebags are turning darker. “You look wasted man.”
“Yeah, I'm okay.” Amane smiled, even though he was hurting and grieving inside. To everyone it looked like it was the brightest smile, but in reality it was fake.
“No you're not, Amane-kun.” Yashiro interrupted, crossing her arms in front of Amane. She placed a hand on his shoulder, looking at him reassuringly. “Do you want to talk about it?”
Truth to be told, Amane does need someone to talk with. He's been bottling up all his tears and suffering because of [name]'s sudden disappearance. His smile faltered, casting down to his desk and nodded gravely. Yashiro grabbed his hand before dragging him out to class.
“I thought you liked [name]?!” Yamabuki yelled out.
Yashiro stopped as the two of them arrived on the rooftop. Amane's shoulders slumped a little bit. “So tell me what's going on?” she asked.
Amane was silent for a while, he felt his eyes watering. Yashiro wrapped an arm around his shoulder, telling him to calm down before he can tell her.
And so he did, starting from the day he learned that [name] was his pen pal, to the epiphany of falling for [name]. Yashiro listened, nodding on every word he says. “Maybe it's a sign that you two should meet?”
“Huh?” Amane rubbed his eyes using his hands. “What do you mean?”
“I've read this somewhere in books!” Yashiro tells Amane with a smile on her face. “I always see this kind of plot, and it is time to apply it to the two of you!”
“The two of you are some sort of soulmates!”
Amane squinted his eyes in disbelief at Yashiro, a typical someone who doesn't believes in soulmates and then they meet in some point for plot purposes. After Yashiro had elaborated the term soulmate, she bids goodbye on Amane because she promised Aoi that they will go on a "date" together.
Amane saw her figure slowly going away from him, but he didn't try to call her back or even yell that he used to like Yashiro. Besides, the young boy already had fallen for [name] and was foolish for trusting his intuition that he wouldn't.
He gave a one last glance at the sky before going back inside to his respective classroom.
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“Come on Minamoto-kun, beat Tsukasa-senpai up!” Mitsuba encouraged Kou who was randomly pressing the buttons of his controller whilst his electric blue eyes remain glued on screen. Tsukasa, his opponent, was concentrating really hard to win the video game.
Amane was sitting on his swivel chair, reading [name]'s last letter before the project's end. He was reading it for like...fifteen times already.
“Senpai, you've been staring at that letter for a while...” Kou worriedly pointed out. Tsukasa told him to leave him for a while since he was on a state of singularity.
Amane puts down the letter and sighed heavily. The three of them went over to the older twin to see what was going on. “Not gonna lie that pen pal is creative as hell.” Mitsuba remarked. “Anyways, may I see the letter?”
Amane nodded as he handed the pink haired boy the letter. Mitsuba carefully unfolded the letter and started to read. He grabbed the envelope and started to examine it. Mitsuba notices from the back of the envelope, a slightly peeled off paper. “Hey, Yugi-senpai,” he called. “I think there's a post card stuck on the back of the envelope.”
Kou scrunches his nose. “They probably didn't mean to stick the post card and paint it to camouflage it—”
“Okay who has long nails here?” Amane sighed as he looked at his cutted nails. “I recently cut mine.”
Mitsuba peeled off the postcard from the envelope with ease. He gave the post card faced down to Amane. As Amane receives the card, he flipped it up and saw something that made his stomach drop.
It was the ferris wheel that Amane saw in his dream along with the unfamiliar girl. The question is, what does the ferris wheel have to do with that? “A ferris wheel?” Tsukasa asked.
“This is the ferris wheel I saw in my dream last time—” Amane let out a shaky breath and pointed at the ferris wheel. “There was this girl who appears in my dream two times in different places. One with the carousel and the recent one is this ferris wheel on the post card.”
“Hm? I heard this one from an article that dreaming about a ferris wheel means that you don't want interruptions when you're excited.” Kou explained. “A carousel is a symbol of childish joy, which means that you don't want to forget in the past.”
“Then how about that unfamiliar girl?” Mitsuba asked.
“She could be someone from a past life?”
“If a carousel symbolizes as childhood happiness does that mean that girl was linked to you as a child?”
“I didn't even have a female childhood friend.” Amane crosses his legs. “Besides even if that girl was my childhood friend I wouldn't be able to recognize her.”
“Do you have any information about [name]-san, anyways?” Tsukasa asked.
“She goes to Sanaol Academy, which was far from here.” Amane answered monotonously. “It'll take a subway to go there.”
“How do you know then?” Kou asked.
“I researched her school online, and it was an all girls school.” Amane wetted his lips while brushing his hair back using his fingers. “It's a four hour ride—”
“Four hours?!” Tsukasa, Kou and Mitsuba yelled in disbelief. The three looked at each other and nodded as they knew what they're thinking. Amane raised a perfect brow at them, then looking at the post card on his hand. “That's just—”
“Hold up.” Amane raised his hand to stop them from talking. “The post card that Mitsuba peeled recently, there's something that was written on the back of the envelope.”
There are dots and dashes on the back of the envelope. It is some sort of morse code. Mitsuba thought it was kinda extra since they could've just say the actual letters instead of encoding the message for minutes.
The four of them spent hours to encode the morse, Amane leaned back to his swivel chair as he wiped a sweat from his forehead. “So what does it say?” Tsukasa asked.
Mitsuba and Kou looked over to Amane's shoulder to see the message along with Tsukasa.
“You and me in 5:53 at the ferris wheel...?” Amane says as if it was a question. He turned his head towards the four and gave them a lazy but determined smile. “How would you three like a bonding trip to find [name]?”
“I'm in!” Kou smiled whilst showing both of his canines and pointed at himself. “I'm totally in for some trip!”
“I guess I'll come too.” Mitsuba blew a raspberry and shrugged. “Only because I'm bored as hell.”
“If Amane's going then I'm going too!” Tsukasa wrapped his arms around his older twin causing the latter to elicit an 'oof' from his lips.
“Well that makes us four then. We'll go tomorrow.” Amane tells them.
“Tomorrow?” Mitsuba asked. “What time?”
“Since [name] said to meet at 5:53 pm by the ferris wheel, which wasn't specifically mentioned where and what, I guess we'll ride at dawn.” Amane looked at his laptop and started to peck the keyboard using his fingers. “When we arrive at Sanaol Academy, we'll ask for directions for the ferris wheel from the post card.”
“I have a theory though,” Kou tells him. “It could be a possibility that [name] is the person in your dreams.”
Then it clicked him into epiphany, why didn't he thought of that before? But again, Amane has no idea what [name] looked like anyways. He shouldn't be jumping in to conclusions that fast. Just because the girl who keeps appearing in his dreams doesn't mean it's already [name].
Amane lets out an exaggerated sigh from his lips and slouched against the swivel chair. He really did miss [name]'s company, even if it's just letters and texts.
Who knows, maybe tomorrow during their trip, they will meet. Amane makes sure of it, he wanted to see [name].
He wanted her to know how much he misses her after they lost each other. He can't go on.
Not without her.
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kermitbread · 4 years
did somebody say tsukanene? no? ok here ya go
It's also in my AO3, as always
What a rather confuzzling situation he was in.
Tsukasa didn't know how this whole attachment with Nene began. All he knew was that one day, he decided that maybe he'd give liking his brother's assistant a try.
Certainly it doesn't seem like he wants to stop any time soon.
Did he like her in "that" way, though? Who knows? Amane seemed to feel that way towards her, he can even tell. Why should he be throwing a fit if her attention's all at his older brother and not him sometimes?
Why should he be mad if she smiles at someone else instead of him?
This particular human confused him. She confused him so much. What was it about her that made her so special to Amane, anyway? Besides her shortening lifespan, and those strange looking ankles, everything else about her seemed… average in comparison.
She didn't seem to be disturbed by his oddness anymore. Like that one time he began leaving dead birds around the bathroom for her to find (his own little way of giving gifts). As frightened as she was at first upon finding them, she'd just smile shakily at him before saying,
"Thank you for the present."
That was said so genuinely, he admit it left him unable to comprehend her words. Usually when he'd leave those nasty little gifts to Sakura she wouldn't say a word, but the disturbed look on her face was enough to tell him everything.
Thinking about it was too much hard work, though. Too stressful.
Yet he finds himself thinking about it anyway.
He sat by the rooftop, by the edge, legs swinging back and forth. His face deep in thought, so much that even if his kokujoudai tried to poke him, he wouldn't snap back to reality.
Well, his train of thought came to a halt when the door suddenly opened behind him, along with footsteps.
"Waah, I can relax today for once!" Nene stretched her arms up, a smile on her face. According to Kou, Hanako had gone off to an important meeting with the Seven Mysteries, so it meant she didn't have to clean the toilets today.
She took a whiff of the fresh air, not noticing Tsukasa watching her up from a distance intently. That was, until he decided to deliberately throw himself at her from behind.
"Eh—Tsukasa-kun?!" She took a moment to balance herself as he stuck onto her back at once. Managing to stay on her feet was a race against time, especially with the twins charging at her with such speed.
"Amane's not with you today? Did he go to those boring meetings again?"
"Yeah, Kou-kun said it was important. What are you doing here all alone, Tsukasa-kun?" Nene took a breather when he finally pulled back, settling for floating right in front of her instead.
He could only shrug. "I wanted to play with Amane but seems like he's out of the picture. He can be so boring sometimes, ya know?" 
"I guess so…" She muttered. "Why not play with your friends at the broadcasting club? Nanamine-senpai seems to have free time."
"Sakura won't play with me. That other guy's not around either. Mitsuba's probably hanging out with that zappy kid. But Nene's here anyway, so it's fine!!" Tsukasa seemed perfectly happy saying those words, which slightly disturbed her.
Despite being polar opposites, there was one thing the twins had in common, and that was they hid a lot of their true emotions deep inside.
They really are brothers, huh?
And so, one thing lead to another, and Nene found herself being accompanied around the school hallways by Tsukasa. She had to stop him from scaring a few unfortunate people here and there with his pranks, although it wasn't as bad as what he'd be prone to do.
"Tsukasa-kun! Don't break the windows!" She tugged at the back of his clothes, dragging him away from her classroom before he could commit another crime.
He laughed, because why wouldn't he? "I wasn't gonna do that! I was gonna break the lights!"
"That's even worse!"
"Yashiro-san?" The voice of her classmate Akane made her stop pulling at Tsukasa and drop him on the floor, making him let out a noise as he collided downwards.
Akane took one look at her, then at Tsukasa, then at her again. He wasn't one to judge that much, but Nene hung out with the strangest people, apparition or not. And he wasn't blind either, as he was perfectly aware that this boy next to her wasn't the Honorable No. 7.
"You're Honorable No. 7's brother, aren't you?"
Tsukasa grinned at that, pointing at himself. "That's right! And I think you're that clockkeeper guy! Amane's told me all aboutcha!" Cue some useless rambling that seemed to go on forever and ever.
"Yashiro-san, you get involved with a lot of weirdos, you know that?" Akane ignored Tsukasa and turned back to Nene, who grimaced at his remark.
"I can… see that." She gritted out. It wasn't easy being her at all.
Finally stopping his chattering, Tsukasa blurted out, "Hey, aren't you also that guy who has a crush on that girl? Aoi? Yeah, she looks like an elementary school kid more than anything."
Akane's mood suddenly turned sour, and Nene feared for the worst. "What did you just say, you stupid little brat?"
Tsukasa, upon seeing his darkening face, smirked. "I said what I said, four-eyes."
Oh no. Oh no no no no no no. Nene chanted in her mind. Why did Tsukasa have to provoke him?! When it came to her best friend, Akane wouldn't hesitate to send you to your doom if you made one wrong move.
"It seems… you want to experience a second death. I don't care if you're Honorable No. 7's brother, no one insults Ao-chan like that and gets away with it." Even in his civilian form, Nene could feel the strong aura of power coming from the redhead.
She had to stop him before things could get worse!
Why isn't Tsukasa-kun moving?! He could get hurt! Oh, come on!
Akane was just about to bludgeon the ghost to oblivion when—
Nene had forced herself in the middle of the two boys, arms spread outwards, shielding Tsukasa from the angry Akane. The redhead stopped in his tracks, blinking owlishly at her.
"Eh—Yashiro-san?! Why'd you get in my way? I'm trying to defend Ao-chan's honor!"
"You seriously need to calm down, Akane-kun!" She shouted. "Tsukasa-kun was only joking around! He didn't mean anything he said!"
"I absolutely did—" Tsukasa didn't even get to finish his sentence when Nene clamped a hand on his mouth, shutting him up.
With a deep breath, she continued, "Maybe you need to learn how to differentiate a joke and a serious sentence next time."
Akane stared at her for a moment, then sighed, rolling his eyes. "I dunno what's with you defending the disaster twins so much. You're crazy, you know that, Yashiro-san?"
You're the one to talk!
"But, it seems that I gotta let it go for now. I won't be merciful to you next time, you shrimp." Akane narrowed his eyes at Tsukasa, in which the ghost responded by sticking his tongue out mockingly.
By the time the boy left, Nene let out a sigh of relief, letting her shoulders loose from the tension. It was a good thing Akane had made the decision to stop or the bloodshed would have been horrifying to witness.
Why was hanging around with Tsukasa becoming more like a babysitting job?!
She started to pity Sakura a lot more now.
"Maybe we should also work on your communication skills, Tsukasa-kun." She managed to drag herself to the girl's bathroom, hoping Hanako was finally done with his meeting and she could get some peace of mind.
Unfortunately for her, he wasn't around yet, as the two of them were met with an empty bathroom with nothing but Mokke playing a match of hanafuda among themselves.
She resist the urge to groan, walking by the window and sitting on the floor next to the Mokke. Tsukasa had been strangely quiet since their trek to his brother's domain, which was unusual of him.
In fact, he had been looking quite concerning. A look of melancholy that mirrored that of Hanako's, but at the same time didn't seem to belong on his face.
"You know what?" He had spoken up from out of nowhere, startling her a bit. A Mokke in his hand, he sat by her side, pulling on the creature's ears like a stretchy toy.
"I've never been with someone this long before. Amane usually plays with me a lot, but he'd always be busy again before I know it."
He didn't notice how Nene looked surprised at that, as apparent to her widening eyes, mouth parting a little. So she was right, after all.
She turned her gaze down to her hands. An awkward silence hung around the bathroom for a while, as she began racking her brain with various thoughts. Sure, Tsukasa was a force to be reckoned with, but even ghosts like him felt a little lonely.
And even ghosts like him needed a little bit of cheering up sometimes.
Nene didn't even know why, but she did it anyway.
"—!!" Tsukasa didn't have time to process what was happening, as soon as he felt her tug on the front of his shirt and pull him to the side.
His eyes became wide as he finally realized what she was doing.
It was a quick peck on the cheek, but he could still feel the sensation of her lips on his skin, even if it was only for a second.
No sound escaped his mouth, as he remained uncharacteristically silent, frozen like a statue.
Nene let him go, feeling flustered and shy in front of him all of a sudden. Who wouldn't be? She just kissed him on the cheek out of all people!
"I—I just thought… you needed some cheering up, t-that's all!"
He didn't reply, nor made eye contact. As Nene tried to get his attention, the door of the bathroom opened, and Kou stepped in.
"Senpai! Hanako's done with his meeting! He's calling us by the rooftop!"
"Oh—right! I'll be right there!" Brushing the imaginary dirt off her uniform, she rushed over to Kou, but not before turning to the dazed Tsukasa on the floor and waving her hand.
"I'll see you later, Tsukasa-kun!"
By the time the bathroom door closed, Tsukasa blinked back to his senses. The Mokke surrounded him, quite curious about his sudden change of attitude.
For what seemed like the first time in a long while, he couldn't deny that she had just made his heart race.
He tilted the edge of his hat downwards, lips pressed in a thin line, as he desperately tried to hide the growing redness escaping his cheeks.
Yashiro Nene confused him so much. So, so much.
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12-am-username · 5 years
you matter to me
(mitsuba sousuke x minamoto kou | song fic | angst | 1.8k words | spoilers)
   — In which Kou and Mitsuba regret all the words that were never spoken —
Inspired by the song You Matter To Me from Waitress. This will contain spoilers from the manga so please proceed with caution. I am on a roll of pain. (unedited)
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i could find the whole meaning of life in those sad eyes
they’ve seen things that you never quite say, but i hear
come out of hiding, i’m right here beside you
and i’ll stay there for as long as you let me
Kou drowned out the words spoken between Hanako and Yashiro. Yokoo had told him that it was the day Mitsuba died. He watched his friends interact with each other as he stared at the camera in his hands. His fingers brushed over the name as he felt his head spin. His mind kept drifting back to that pink-haired boy and felt that he couldn’t take the heaviness in his heart.
“I… just remembered I had something to do.” He sent a sad smile to Yashiro and Hanako before standing up. Their faces turned from happy to concerned as he began to walk away. Hanako floated to his side. 
“You doing okay, kid?” Kou wanted to say no. He wanted to shake his head and just break down. Instead, he held it in and nodded. 
“Kou-kun…” He heard Yashiro mutter. He looked back at her. Without thinking, he flashed her a toothy grin. He didn’t want them to dwell on it, and making them concerned won’t do any good. 
“Don’t worry about me.” He started to walk down the stairs. They watched him as he disappeared from the girl’s bathroom. They exchanged looks before returning to their conversation. There was an unsettling feeling between them, and it wouldn’t go away. 
Kou wouldn’t walk far, only going one floor lower on the staircase. This was where Mitsuba took his last photo of something important to him. His words were still fresh in his head. He couldn’t bear to take another step. Instead, he found himself leaning on the railing. He could see the back of the school, where some students would play after school. 
The sun started to set as the sky painted the trees a pink and orange hue. It sent him a wave of memories flooding back. He looked down at the tree where Mitsuba often took photos of. He took one of the photos from his pocket. He always kept it with him since it served as the only physical reminder that he mattered to Mitsuba. 
He wouldn’t cry. Not yet, at least. He held onto the photo of himself, always remembering that he was important to Mitsuba.
because you matter to me
simple and plain and not much to ask from somebody
you matter to me
i promise you do, you, you matter too
i promise you do, you see?
you matter to me
He wished he could have been there for him when he was still alive. Even in death, he wanted to be with him. He wanted to be called Traffic Safety Earring Boy again. He wanted to take photos with him. He should have been stronger. Stronger so that he could protect Mitsuba from the rumors. He wanted to change his fate. Mitsuba shouldn’t have to die. 
He wished to have another day with Mitsuba. See him one last time, and have one day to spend with him. He thought that he might have been alone for so long. Kou desperately tried to cling on to the hope that they would meet again, and spend time together. To have one moment where it could be stretched forever, and will be engraved in his memory.
He wanted to see his smile again. That bright smile when he took that photo. He wanted to feel his hands again. Even if it felt cold, he wanted to intertwine their fingers, just as his life would intertwine with his. He would die if it meant that they would be together. He would end his life if it meant understanding where Mitsuba was coming from.
He wanted Mitsuba to have a future. He wanted to be part of his future. 
He couldn’t take it anymore. If he thought about it for so long he’d be in a sobbing state. He shoved the photo back in his pocket and turned to the door. Fate was cruel to them in a way that they couldn’t go against it when it brought them together. It was harsher when they couldn’t fight it as it tore them apart.
But it was especially unkind when he turned around from the view of the back of the school to the door, failing to notice a pink-haired boy walk to the tree.
it’s addictive the minute you let yourself think
the things that i say might matter to someone
all of this time i’ve been keeping my mind on the running away
and for the first time i think i’d consider the stay
Being with Sakura, Natsuhiko, and Tsukasa overwhelmed this poor boy. There are times where he felt out of place, so he often came to the garden to clear his thoughts. There are times wherein he wished he had his camera to take pictures of the area. He checked the photography club for his camera. But then he remembered that he gave it to Minamoto. 
Minamoto. He wondered how he was doing now. Many questions flooded his head before he knew it. Is he spending time with his friends? Is he having fun without him? Would he be better off if he never met the pink-haired ghost? Did the young exorcist ever think about him too?
He shook his head. He was too confused about these feelings that he went out to the back of the school. The breeze ruffled the branches as it played with his hair. He watched the leaves fall as the sounds of the students playing faded away. He wanted to feel that way again. To feel like he was in place with other people. To feel like he belonged to someone. 
Life was cruel to him in that it forced him to create a new personality for others. Then it hurt him when the people he called his friends forgot about him. It completely destroyed him when the one person who called him a friend, even after his death, would be separated from him. Life took away his friend, where, for the first time ever, he felt at home. 
He found himself thinking of that traffic safety earring boy more often. When he gets bored, his thoughts drifted back to the time Minamoto took photos with him. When he’s walking across places, he thought about the time they met in Number 3’s boundary. Whenever he caught a glimpse of his face, he never forgot that moment where Minamoto fell in order to understand him. 
Minamoto fell for Mitsuba. Even if it was literal, it also crossed his mind, at least once, that maybe he fell for him, in a figurative way. He looked at the school, staring at the staircase. It’s where he took his last photo. A photo that reminded him of something important. Someone important. 
Had he arrived a moment earlier, he would have caught Minamoto’s eyes again.
because you matter to me
simple and plain and not much to ask from somebody
you matter to me
i promise you do, you, you matter too
i promise you do, you see?
you matter to me
He wished he was alive. He wanted to live a normal life. He wanted Minamoto to be a part of it. This new life, this perfect life, he wanted to have it. How he wished it was his. He desperately wanted nothing more than to be alive, to feel alive. He wanted so many things and wanted to do a million more.
He wished they met again under different circumstances. Minamoto wanted to be his friend, even if he was dead. When that traffic safety earring boy wanted to befriend him, he knew that his heart skipped a beat. Maybe it was because it made him feel wanted. Maybe it was because it reminded him of their time when he was alive. Maybe it was for an entirely different reason.
He wanted to see his eyes again. The way it shone whenever Minamoto looked at him as he took photos. He wanted so badly to meet him under the tree again. Take photos together, make fun of each other. All these things, even if just for one day, he would spend it with him. For Mitsuba, he wished it could be forever in one day. All he asked for was one moment where Minamoto was the only thing that mattered.
He wanted Kou to live his life. Although, he would be lying if he said he didn’t want to be a part of it.
Sighing, the pink-haired boy took out a notebook. That boy shoved it in his arms in Number 3’s boundary. He took a seat under the tree and began to flip through the pages. He saw many photos that he assumed were taken by him. As he reached the last page, something fell out. He picked it up and unfolded the paper. Fate was taunting him, he could tell. Something inside him didn’t want to read it. It hurt whenever he thought about the earring boy, yet something in him encouraged him to read it.
Hello, old friend.
Someone found this in the old gardening school records. I thought it would be nice to return it to you, even if I’ll never see you again. I kept your photographs. I was kinda hoping you’d drop by and pick them up. 
I guess I keep hoping you’ll come back. I try talking to you, near the lockers, in case you ever show up. I always hope you do. I keep calling you “stupid girly face” just to get your attention. All I ever got was a bunch of weird looks from other students. 
Still, I hope you can hear me. I try to reach out to you. I hope you can hear everything I say. That I wish I could have been stronger to keep you with me. After all, you were still that stupid girly face that I cared about. I kept thinking about you, and I always wonder...
If we ever meet again, I can promise you that I won’t let go. Not this time. I will definitely keep on holding you, and I won’t let anything come between us ever again. 
I promise.
and you matter to me
simple and plain and not much to ask from somebody
you matter to me
i promise you do (come out of hiding i’m right here beside you)
you, you matter too (as long as you have me)
i promise you do (i do, promise you do)
you matter to me (you matter to me)
Mitsuba didn’t know how long he’d been crying. But once he felt the trail of something wet, he knew he couldn’t stop. He’d reread every word, memorize it until he could speak it by heart. He held it close to his chest, reminiscing the warmth he felt whenever his hand met his. It was a sign that he mattered to that boy.
Kou couldn’t help but ghost his fingers over the photo. He felt the same warmth in his heart whenever he looked at it. The detail of his body in the photograph, the way the background blurred as if he was the only thing he wanted to focus on. He brought it out and held it in both hands, reminiscing in the way his heart sped up whenever he saw his smile. It was a sign that he mattered to that boy.
you’ll see 
you matter to me
If only Mitsuba had gone earlier. He would have been within his field of vision. He would’ve run down the stairs, and embrace him in a tight hug. He would’ve seen the way his eyes shone as he looked at him, like he was the only thing in the world.
If only Kou waited a little longer. He would have seen the tuft of pink hair. He would’ve seen the way his eyes shone as the sun reflected his eyes and made it seem brighter. He would’ve seen the smile that would outshine the sun.
If only they could meet each other, one more time. When that time comes, they would definitely tell each other how much they mean to the other. How much they mattered. 
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evergreen-dryad · 5 years
day 1 - doughnuts
(note: I’m late because I just found out about this)
The school kitchen was a scene of chaos. Hanako floated in curiously, half-afraid to know what all the commotion and clutter was for. “Yashiro?” He called out tentatively. His tsueshiro bobbed alongside him. He knew she was here, it was just... “Kyaa!” A bit hard to see inside the fog of flour. He smiled in disbelief, waving away the motes in the air to no avail. “Is that you, Hanako-kun?” Yashiro raised her head from where she was bent double over picking the few cake pans she’d nearly dropped on her toes. “I’m so glad I wasn’t wearing slippers...” she sighed to herself. “What are you doing?” He grinned, patting her head, brushing off the white flour that had also gotten into her grey hair. “You should have worn your ‘kerchief if it was going to get this messy.” “I thought I’d make brownies... I guess that’s not a good idea after all.” She pouted, hands going up to her head to continue raking out runnels of the thing. Sighing, she combed her fingers through her hair. “What’s the occasion?” Hanako tilted his head in confusion. “Valentine’s Day~” Yashiro singsonged at him before shaking out her hair a final time, then tying it up into a ponytail. The mokke danced around her feet as she scooped out the flour from the pockets of her apron. Giggling, she let it drizzle on them while they squealed.
“Umbrella,” they chanted as some of them bounced off in a line. Hanako was still staring at her. In fact, it was almost a little uncanny that he hadn’t blinked. Like a cat scenting prey, he asked almost too casually, “Who’s it for?” She smiled at him gently, knowingly. “Everyone.” She could almost laugh for how the relief loosened the set of his shoulders. “Since I have to start all over anyway, would you like to help, Hanako-kun?”
“Of course, of course~” He drifted beside her, taking hold of a wooden spoon. “What’re we making this time then?” He put the wooden spoon to his lips as he gazed at her.
“I’ll have to stick to doughnuts.” Yashiro’s smile widened. “They’re pretty flexible so I’m sure we can integrate everyone’s favourite flavours!”
“Who’s ‘everyone’ in this case?” He guided his tsueshiro to begin tidying up the counter. Yashiro went to check the flour packet, praying there was still enough.
“Aoi, Kou-kun, you, hmm would Tsuchigomori-sensei and Yako-san accept? I would love to give some to Mitsuba-kun as well, Teru-senpai, Akane-kun as well then.”
“That’s a lot.” He tapped two fingers against his chin. “And I don’t think those two would mind.”
“Mm-mm! But that’s what Valentine’s is all about, spreading the love!” Yashiro crooned, wriggling happily.
“You’re fantasising again, aren’t you.”
“...a little.” She admitted. “It’s fun to think about, keeping up the image of a girl who makes sweets. Wouldn’t a few guys fall for me then?~” She sighed dreamily, hugging her arms around herself.
“I see.” Hanako flicked a whisk upwards, catching it smoothly. A knife, a spatula, and a small bowl followed suit.
“Don’t juggle with the utensils!!”
Evening light slanted diagonally through the stained windows, sending coloured shards of light across the tabletops, and the cooling doughnuts. Nene was humming to herself as she filled and cut piping bags. Raspberry jam, caramel, sweet potato filling, custard cream, anko paste, and finally, strawberry jam for herself. Huge red goblets of the fruit winked at her as she put the finishing touches, craving a little snack.
Hanako nibbled on his on a stool behind her, savouring his. He’d promised her he wouldn’t wolf them all up, but she doubted it. She was still going to bring him something on the day itself, but she definitely wasn’t going to tell him. She giggled to herself, bringing her fingers up over her mouth.
Suddenly, the boy of her thoughts was in her space.
Lamp-yellow eyes stared into hers. “You have something on your cheek,” he said, a smirk slowly forming on his face. She watched, entranced as he swept his thumb over her cheek slowly, and showed her the dab of cream she’d gotten onto herself.
“Thank-” She found her voice, but it squeaked when his lips parted, and his pink tongue licked his thumb clean.
“Hmm.” He squinted at her. “I don’t think I got everything, Ya-shi-ro.” His breath tickled the shell of her ear.
Her face reddened, her hand tightened -- and then the rest of the cream filling squirted onto him.
They stared at each other, shocked, before laughing.
(Meanwhile, the mokke nearly stole the doughnuts under their nose.)
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unlockthelore · 5 years
a quick intermission
Part 8 of Know-It-All a.k.a the modern AU snippet series that no one asked for. To find other parts of the series, follow the know-it-all tag.
If anyone had told Nene that she would be lying on a well-worn couch in a bookstore on a school night with the boy that she’d been nursing a tentative crush on in her arms, she would’ve told them her fantasies were wild but not that wild. 
And yet, here she was with Yugi Amane curled up with his head resting in her lap and his face pressed against her lower stomach. The hem of her shirt damp with his tears and guilt wrenching her heart that he cried. 
Enough to exhaust himself. Her fingers tangled in dark hair, lightly scratching over his scalp and behind his ears, the slightest brush to his nape making him shiver. It crossed her mind a few time before but he was always so sensitive to touch. Especially when it came to hugs. 
He always preferred to initiate them rather than being caught in them. A lesson that Kou learned the hard way when Amane evaded him again and again, refusing to have his arms pinned to his sides and jumping at surprises. An unspoken rule that if Amane was going to be touched — he should be the one to initiate it. Nene stilled her fingers in his hair, easing her fingers away, dark strands slipping from between her fingertips as she held her hand in front of her. 
What made her different? 
Different enough that he would lower his walls and drop his cheshire grin enough to let her see his tear-streaked face. It was a sight she never wanted to bear witness to again but in that moment — it felt as if she were seeing the real Amane. Someone who was afraid of being rejected, guarded by walls fortified with barbed wire and a silver tongue sharper than any knife, and so lonely. Was there a way for her to help him so that he wouldn’t feel like this anymore? 
Traitorously, she thought that he brought it on himself because of the confession from before but the bitterness that lingered was gone. No purpose in holding onto it. Amane wasn’t like the boys that confessed to her on a dare or simply to get her to do what they wanted. After he comforted her, he stuck by her side. Apologized profusely, kept his distance until she was ready to extend her hand to him.
In those weeks, she missed his touchiness. Familiarity in the way he’d sing her name and take her hands. It was odd seeing him reach for her then pull away as if he’d been burned. Waiting until she cradled his hand in hers, lacing their fingers and pulling him closer. How’d she miss the way that his eyes lit up like someone lit a flame in him that’d been going out?
Or how bright his smile was when she tipped her head, quietly gesturing for him to come closer and hug her as tight as he wanted. When it felt as if they were finally back on track. 
We are back to where we should be, aren’t we, Amane? 
Or were they walking onto a new road. This time, together. This time, honestly. 
His cries had settled a half hour ago and if not for the idle brush of his fingers against her back, she would’ve thought that he fell asleep there. 
“Yashiro…” Amane whispered, voice rough and hollow, likely weary from the sheer amount of emotion he displayed. 
Her fingers pressed to the underside of his chin, tipping his head to the side so their eyes met. 
“You called me Nene, Amane…” She smiled as he blushed, admiring the color as it filled his cheeks. “Want to try again?”
He swallowed thickly, averting his gaze from hers, his eyes half-lidded and expression so shy that it almost caught her by surprise. In a quiet voice as he shuffled to lie on his back, he said, “Nene…” 
And it was unfair.
Where did he get off being that cute out of nowhere? Nene thought about whining and protesting about this but it would only break the moment. This peaceful moment where her fingers traced along Amane’s jaw, and he leant against the touch. His eyes half-lidded and drifting shut, tension easing from his frame when he practically melted against her. It was like watching him come undone bit by bit. Snuggling closer to her stomach, sighing contentedly with that little smile that was so fragile and rare that she thought it only existed in stories.
Amane’s real smile.
Her palm cupped his cheek, thumb brushing beneath his eye as she cradled his head against her. Reaching up with her free hand to tuck a lock of her hair behind her ear. 
“What are we going to do now, Amane?”
“Huh?” Amane mumbled, his lips parting and eyes opening fractionally, dazed with a slight flush to his skin. As if he hadn’t heard her at all and was in his own little world. Nene sighed, utterly fond of that look but they did need to talk.
“About us…” Nene clarified, watching the realization dawn on his face gradually. “About this.”
For a moment, Amane said nothing. His gaze transfixed on her face, searching her eyes for something, and whether he found it or not she wouldn’t know. As if he’d become aware of where he was, he eased himself upright, brushing her hand aside and sitting upright beside her. The couch cushion sinking with their combined weight, his pants leg brushing against her thigh as he shifted close to her with just the barest hint of space between them.
“Oh…” He finally muttered, tangling his fingers in his hair and combing it back. It was getting longer, she noticed. Would he let her cut it again this time or would he just let it grow? 
Amane glanced at her then looked ahead of him, muttering softly. “Being honest is a… good start, I guess…”
Nene almost wanted to pinch his cheek. Honesty is what would’ve kept them from being on this road in the first place. Rolling her eyes with a slight huff, she looked away as her cheeks puffed with the breath she held. Amane’s worried face visible from the corner of her eye. It was difficult to stay miffed with him even if she was just kidding around. With a defeated sigh, Nene set her hands in her lap and looked at him dead-on.
“I told Mei and Aoi about… this,” she admitted, and smiles apologetically. “Are you mad?”
Amane stared at her for a long while then sighs, hiking his shoulders with a slight shake of the head. “I’d be a hypocrite if I was…” He scratched his cheek, the corner of his lips twitching up into a half-hearted smile. “I kinda told Kou and if he knows then Mitsuba knows and if Aoi knows…”
Nene nodded sympathetically. “Akane knows.”
“And the only person who shouldn’t know is…” Amane lowered his hand with a slight shudder.
Looking at one another, they spoke at the same time. “Teru.”
Amane’s eyes crinkled at the corners and laughter bubbled up in Nene’s chest as they dissolved into giggling and leaning against one another once their laughter became too much. Her cheek pillowed against his quivering shoulders, faint glow from the lamps making the world around him fuzzy. The curve of his smile and the way his eyes were more orange than brown, like the sun setting. His hair was getting too long, brushing against his eyelashes with every blink.
“Nene..?” Amane’s voice was much closer and quieter, snapping her out of her stupor when she noticed they were practically nose to nose.
She squeaked and practically threw herself backward, wincing as she collided with the arm rest. A loud clatter coming from the floorboards and she winced. Her phone was sitting there, wasn’t it? Hopefully the screen wasn’t cracked or anything. Leaning over, she reached down for the device, both grateful that she wasn’t looking at Amane and also wishing she was.
“So, what’re we…” Nene asked again, brushing her fingers against the back of her cellphone before scooping it up in her palm, bringing it close to her chest.
“Well, I know that you love me…” Amane said, and her head whipped around, ruby eyes meeting sunset-colored ones and the wide smile on his face softened. “Since you sang it at me.”
He was so close. One of his hands resting on the back of the couch while the other was perched upon his knee but he was practically pressed against her side, his gaze searching her own. There was something almost vulnerable there and she wasn’t sure what he saw but having him that close was not good for her heart.
As his words caught up to her, she sputtered.“Wh—” Swatting at his chest,  Nene pouted. “I-I just… it was symbolic!”
And romantic if she was honest. Singing to someone to confess your feelings happened all the time in the movies she liked. Although, it normally didn’t happen when they were sleep-deprived from studying too much. Something that she still had to scold him over but not when he was grinning at her like that.
“Ooooh, symbolic?”
“Yeah, because.. you.. you said you loved me when you sang it to me…”
Her heart hammered against her chest as he eased closer and the arm rest pressed against her back. She almost missed the other Amane but this one wasn’t bad either.  But this one was…
Yashiro, I love you. Go out with me.
Her heart ached and she curled her fingers into fists, tucking her chin as she asked quietly. “Didn’t you?”
Amane’s smile fell almost immediately and his eyes widened. The hand on the couch back shifting and Nene glanced at it as it came closer to her, brushing against her hair, gently lifting the ashen locks and tucking them behind her ear. “Yeah…” Amane whispers as if he was telling her a secret, his fingertips brushing against her cheek, soothing the heat gathering behind her eyes. “Yeah, I did.”
Pressure built behind her eyes and she sniffed, rubbing the heel of her hand against her eyes. Dull panging aches in her chest eased as Amane framed her face in his hands, pressing and tipping her head up. His own eyes seemed wet as if he were going to cry but kept it at bay. She wanted to tell him that it was okay to cry but trusting her voice was beyond her right now. 
“How about we stay away from the labels for now?” Amane offered, pressing their foreheads together as he wiped away the stray tears at the corner of Nene’s eyes. She couldn’t figure it out. She was happy so why was she crying?
If Amane was confused by it, he didn’t say. Carefully wiping away her tears, his voice soft and warm.
“You love me, and I love you…” He whispered, emphasizing the last three words with a light press of his lips to her cheek. Nene’s heart skipping a beat as she forced her eyes open, staring up at him helplessly. “We’ll figure it out together.”
Easing his hands from her face, her cheeks felt cold where he last touched and she shuddered.
Amane lifted his hand, offering his pinky to her with a hopeful smile and watery eyes. “So, stay by my side until then?”
Nene’s heart stammered. Whatever she said next could make or break everything that was between them. This path, this step that they were on, it was shaky and Amane was already there. Worried and open-handed, waiting for her to come to his side. Just like the thieves who made off with the princess in the stories.
He wouldn’t make her go.
Amane was too kind for that.
And she didn’t want to stay like this. On another page of their story , away from him.
“Okay,” Nene muttered, linking their pinkies and holding onto him tight.
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Toilet-bound Hanako-kun Chapter 18: Mitsuba (Part 1)
Previously: we wrapped up the little mermaid arc. Hanako and Yashiro’s relationship continues to evolve while they figure out where they stand and how they want to move forward. In relation to that, Hanako confirmed that the person he killed was his younger twin brother and he promised to tell Yashiro the whole story in the future. We also met what I assume will be our complete group of antagonists (at least for the time being): Natsuhiko, Sakura and Hanako’s brother. Their dynamic so far seems to be (surprisingly) quite playful and lively, but also Hanako’s brother murdered the puffer fish with such glee that I just  (;;⚆_⚆)
Now onto the next chapter!
Welp, I didn’t intend to take another long break but life happened and I have the attention span of a goldfish. As a way to also make myself stick to a schedule, I’m gonna try my best to do these recaps as regularly as possible. We’ll see how that goes.
This time we open with Kou and his friends talking about a rumor that says that the entrance to the middle school is haunted. I’m guessing this means that this arc will be a little more Kou-centric? Especially since he and Hanako were the ones in the cover of this new volume. I wonder if he’s gonna do his own thing with Hanako and/or Yashiro chiming in like in The Young Exorcist Arc, because that would be cool.
Okay, so apparently the ghost grabs you when you’re changing your shoes. And judging by the ominous “Hey” speech bubble, I’m guessing this rumor is true just like the others, then (not like I was expecting anything else, but still) Also Kou’s friends are very cute, they look like they deserve hair ruffles.
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(゚д゚;) Σ(゚Д゚|||) JFC that’s much more terrifying that I thought it would be. Also!!! does that head angle give anyone else crooked man vibes? no? because it’s giving me some horrible flashbacks to that game.
The chapter cover page here is that image (from ch 16) that has our three babies looking ready to tell some ghost stories. I wonder if it’s something that this site did or if the volume itself repeats this page. Nevertheless, I still love this page, they look very very cute.
The title this time is “Mitsuba”, which sounds like a name and I’m only saying that because I think I might have heard of another character with that name. Then again, my japanese is very limited, so I could be completely wrong. If it IS a name, I’m guessing it’s gonna be our crooked man’s over there since most chapters so far were named after the different supernaturals. 
Moving on, Kou shows the ghost that he decided to mess with the wrong guy by promptly throwing them against the shoe lockers. RIP ghost (again).
Oh! Kou says that the ghost is wearing a school uniform, so he was possibly a student here. Interesting! Now, we don’t know when this boy died, but this means that Hanako isn’t the only ghost that has an attachment to this school. The question then would be why this boy is here specifically and not somewhere else.
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OH!!!!!! There he is!! He’s the pink-haired boy, right?? Okay, so, it’s been a while, but I mentioned that I had seen two spoilers when my instagram feed decided to betray me. One was Hanako’s brother and the other was this boy here! I saw him two times in two pieces of fanart with Kou. I didn’t know he would appear so soon! Ohhhhhh that’s exciting! I’m guessing he must be important in some way, right? He looks really cute! and now I feel bad about the crooked man comment (even though his neck really looked kinda funky in that one panel). Are they gonna become friends?? Is Kou gonna expand his friend list to two (2) ghost friends?.......oh, god, I hope Teru doesn’t object to this one too. Well, no, I don’t think he would; he wants to exorcise Hanako because he considers him a danger to the school (and I’m not saying that Hanako doesn’t have the power to hurt others but like…….his brother really seems like the bigger threat right now ngl……...Although, do they even know about him? Because we know that Kou’s grandmother (?) was the one to seal Hanako away and his family knows that he killed “someone”, but do they know about his twin?)
Hey, there’s my other two children! So they are gonna be involved in this arc as well, cool.
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OMFG KOU! Sweetie, no! Like, I get it, he’s a ghost that tried to grab you and he could have hurt someone but he looks so helpless, like a scared puppy! I get tying him up but was the duct tape on the face really necessary? I mean, no one else besides the other supernaturals and Yashiro and Teru would have heard him, right? I can’t even be mad at him tho, look at how excited he is about catching a ghost  ಥ‿ಥ    
Anyway, it seems like he went to Hanako to check how he could deal with the ghost. And awwww!! It’s because he doesn’t want to exorcise him, either! He’s really committed to this new path, huh? Good on you, Kou, I’m so proud. 
Hanako gives the boy a long silent look and tells Kou that since the ghost is there probably because of some unfinished business, that means he should help him solve whatever they are. I mean, if countless movies have taught me anything, it is that this plan should probably work.
Omfg Kou just keeps yanking this little ghost boy around. Please be careful with the ghost child. Yashiro shows her concern over the idea (understandable, Kou can be overly enthusiastic and we don’t know anything about this new boy). Hanako says it’ll be fine and he also confirms that the boy is not really dangerous now (the “now” is kinda concerning, though (⚆.⚆) …..but then again, since I saw him and Kou in fanarts, I’m guessing things will turn out okay), and that if things take a turn for the worse, it’s just more work for him because he’s the mediator. Hmmm, that’s quite a solemn look on his face. I think he mentioned this when we met the mokke as Yousei-san, but he wants to avoid killing/getting rid off apparitions whenever possible, right? That’s why having Yashiro as his assistant works in his favour. So that means that he probably doesn’t want to have to “deal” with this ghost, but since that’s the nature of his role, he has no other choice if push comes to shove.
(ALSO, this is a side note but it just hit me: since Hanako doesn’t seem to know this ghost, that means that he’s new? or maybe that he recently acquired the ability to manifest? could it be because of the rumors? like, he was just doing his own thing and suddenly the rumors forced him to haunt the entrance?)
Anyway, we cut back to Kou and ghost boy.
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Omfg this poor child. Kou, please untie him before he starts crying.
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……………………………...oh my god. I- well, I expected many things but this was not one of them. Like, he has every right to be angry but wow this child has a mouth on him. But also it could be because of the way it’s translated but it’s very funny to me that his insults range from “i hope you drop dead” to “dummy head” pffft.
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I-..... He’s really nothing like I expected omg what. Sweetie, breath, trust me when I say Kou would be one of the last people to even think about doing something like that.
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Pffffffffft why is that so funny?? I can’t be the only one that  read that in the spongebob narrator voice.
But yeah, it looks like he got it all out of his system. Now Kou is trying to maintain his “cool guy facade” so that ghost boy will respect him (I think it’s gonna take more than that to achieve it, but we’ll see). He also tells him that he comes from a family of exorcists but that backfires spectacularly because the boy basically calls him an otaku. RIP Kou, he really can’t catch a break pffft
Ghost boy keeps being sassy and that makes Kou threaten him with his staff. Good thing he doesn’t know that it’s sealed and that it doesn’t really work.
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Hey! His name really is Mitsuma (thank god, I can finally stop calling him ghost boy). He really isn’t the cooperative type, huh? Also what’s that bottom left face omfg Please just let Kou know, he just wants to help.
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Like, I know they’re brothers but wow Kou looks so much like Teru right here, scary face and all. But yeah, anyway. A picture? Like, he lost a picture that he treasured? Or maybe he wants to take one? Or he wanted to take a picture with someone else?
Ohhhh, okay. So he was part of the photography club and there was a picture he wanted to take before he died. Or so he thinks. So like, do you lose part of your memories when you die? If so, could it be because of the passage of time or as defense mechanism of some sort? If his camera is still at the club, then that probably means that he was a student here not too long ago.
We cut to Kou helping Mitsuba take some pictures (and being attacked by birds in the process), And from the looks of it, it’s all on purpose and Mitsuba is having way too much fun with the power he has lol Kou, in turn, keeps zapping him with his staff when Mitsuba gets too cocky. Boy, these two already have quite the dynamic, I can’t even imagine how chaotic they’re gonna get in the future.
Kou then points out that Mitsuba has taken pictures of scenery and animals but none of people. Mitsuba admits that pictures of people are better if you want to win awards but then cuts himself off. Hmmm. Does he like to take pictures of nature better because of his artistic style or could there be a deeper meaning behind it? 
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Here’s your reminder that I really really love Kou  ಥ‿ಥ He’s such a good boy I just  ಥ‿ಥ  ಥ‿ಥ 
“I’ll pass” PFFFFFFFFFFT these two give me whiplash, I swear. Mitsuba is freaking brutal (and I’m kinda living for it ngl).
Hey, one of Kou’s friends, Yokoo, is back! 
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Oh????? Did Mitsuba went to the school recently? Were they in the same year??? Kou didn’t look like he recognized him, so maybe he was in a different class?
Ah, they actually were in the same class during their first year. Is Kou in his last year of middle school? So….they were in the same class two years ago? 
Oh no. Mitsuba died sometime last winter in an accident. It looks like he has a big scar on the back of his neck; if that’s how he died, it seems like it was quite painful. This poor child ;; Yokoo mentions that they weren’t really that close to him (and that’s very clear considering Kou’s reaction). I wonder why Mitsuba didn’t say anything. But then again, Kou didn’t really give him any signals to work with, I guess he just decided to keep quiet.
Oh! It looks like Kou is remembering something now that he’s been reminded. 
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oh my god…...look at them…….babies ;;; they look so young ;;;;;; what happen??? why did they stop talking?? just because they were in different classes?
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Oh, that’s…….that’s heartbreaking. To desperately reach out, again and again, and to come out empty handed every time. And I feel like it’s such a common fear too, the possibility of being forgotten by everyone you care about. That would be such a hit to your own self-worth. Oh, sweetheart….This poor baby needs so many hugs.
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amane-by-together · 4 years
Blue Hour || Amane Yugi pt. 4/5
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(Amane Yugi x Fem!Reader)
genre: romance, drama and a bit of fantasy
summary: in which the yugi twins, kou minamoto and sousuke mitsuba went to find [name]
"The night without a single starlight, the path we walked on is lonely and regretful"
It was around 7:15 am when Amane woke up from his bed. He scratched his messy hair while looking at Tsukasa hugging his pillow with a tiny drool on the side of his lips. The older twin hopped off the bed as he made his way to his sleeping brother. “Oi Tsukasa, wake up we have to leave early!”
“Five more minutes” Tsukasa groaned against the pillow he was hugging. Amane's eyes twitched in annoyance. Yesterday, Tsukasa was the one pestering his older brother about being excited on the upcoming trip.
Amane lets out an exaggerated sigh, he smacked the back of his brother's head. “Ow! What the—” Tsukasa opened his eyes and rubbed the back of his head pouting. “I'm up!”
“Good.” Amane walks away from their room and went straight to the bathroom. Tsukasa rubbed the back of his head to soothe the pain. He stood up and went to the kitchen to get something to eat.
The shower room was a bit steamy since Amane activated the heater to produce hot water. He sighed, water droplets begin to trickle down from his hair to his skin. Amane placed his hands against the wall in front of him, his hair looked damped as it continues to drip droplets of water like rain.
Amane stepped out of the shower whilst wrapping a towel around his torso. He grabbed another towel to dry his hair and draped it around his neck for a little while.
After drying himself, Amane puts on his undergarments, then his oversized black shirt tuckdd in to his black cargo pants. He grabbed a belt and buckled it to his pants. Finally, he grabbed his white hoodie with a silhouette of a rocket ship as a design and puts it inside his bag.
“Tsukasa, are you done?” Amane asked, grabbing his black backpack nearby and putting on one of its straps.
Tsukasa came out, he's wearing a grey shirt with striped sleeves that has a smiley face on it. He's wearing black shorts, he doesn't like anything that covers his legs. “Yeah, I'm done!”
“Mitsuba and the Minamoto kid must be waiting for us.” Amane beckoned him to go downstairs to the doorway to change their shoes. “If we don't go early, we wouldn't be able to find her. [name] said to meet her in 5:53 pm so let's go!”
“We need some food too, Amane!” Tsukasa went to the kitchen and grabbed two packs of Lays. He stuffed it inside Amane's backpack. “Okay, that's all!”
‘I was gonna say that we're gonna eat in a fast food restaurant but that works I guess.’ Amane puts on his black chonky-soled boots. “Let's go.” he stood up as the twins went out of their house, starting their quest to find [name].
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“We just have to ride two trains towards Sanaol Academy.” Mitsuba mentions. “We don't have to waste four hours of getting there.”
Kou looked over to Amane and sweatdropped. “Senpai, why are you dressing so casually? I thought we're supposed to find [name]?” he said.
“He's going to flex his fashion sense for [name].” Mitsuba smugs at Amane earning a smack from the latter, the pink haired boy is known for being a cocky bastard and a tease especially to his close friends.
“Let's go to the train station.” Amane tells the three boys who were glancing all over the place. They nodded as they followed Amane towards the nearest station to take the train towards Yokohama to [name]'s school.
The train ride took longer than they thought it would be. Tsukasa was sitting on one of the seats while texting with someone on the phone. Mitsuba and Kou were sleeping next to each other during the ride. As for Amane, he remained standing, clinging on one of the handles next to Tsukasa's seat.
Amane was listening through his headphones while scrolling through his phone. The train stopped for the people who are going to leave and the people who are going inside.
Amane has his eyes on his phone that he didn't even realize that the train was crowding with people. A certain girl wearing a fluffy jacket with a crop top underneath and a pair of cargo pants passed by the standing boy.
Then, he heard a sound that made his eyes widen. Amane looked over to the person who just passed by but they were already gone. “Amane?” Tsukasa called. “What are you looking at?”
Amane shook his head. “That was nothing.” he replied flatly.
What he did not know is that it was [name] who passed by.
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Amane fell asleep while hanging on to one of the handles in the train. The train halted to its next stop making his eyes flutter open. He pulled out his phone from his pocket. “It's noon already.” he mentions.
“Wake them up.” Amane covered his mouth to yawn as he beckons Tsukasa to wake Mitsuba and Kou since they arrived to Yokohama.
The four of them stepped out of the train. Amane looked around for the person who passed by him that triggered a sound. He furrowed his eyes in confusion and shook his head. “You three want something to eat?”
“I mean, we’re hungry anyways of course we want to.” Mitsuba cocked an eyebrow at Amane as if the answer is obvious that they were hungry because of the train ride. Amane looked over to his phone, then pointed at the distance.
“There’s a fast food restaurant that we can go to.” He pointed out.
“Then what the hell were we waiting for? New Year? Let’s go!” Mitsuba waves his hands towards Kou and Tsukasa who were admiring the tall buildings and the roaming transportations. The four boys started to walk their way to a nearby restaurant. 
After ordering their food from the counter, the four of them took some seats by the window. “Now that we’re here, when do we start looking?” Kou unwrapped the wrapper that was around the burger, then took a bite from it. “You said we’ll start by going to Sanaol Academy”
“After we eat I guess.” Amane sipped on the cherry soda he was drinking, looking at the window deep in thought. He was kind of nervous of meeting [name] like he wanted to make a good impression of her. “Hmm, what should I say when we meet?”
“Give her a pick up line!” Mitsuba suggested with a cocky grin but it turned into a look of disgust after that. “But not the corny ones of course. Ew.”
“Yeah, Amane!” Tsukasa added, agreeing with Mitsuba's idea. Truth to be told, Amane is a pretty charming guy and everything about him is godly so they're sure that he can initiate a pick up line. “Tell us your best pick up line!”
Amane slowly raised his hand and awkwardly smiled. “Hi...?”
Mitsuba sat there judging Amane with a look of disgust and cringe. Tsukasa's eyes twitched and he looked like he was gonna rant out on how he should make a pick up line. “Amane, you're never gonna have a girlfriend if you stick with that.”
And so when they got out of the restaurant, Mitsuba and Tsukasa gave Amane a lecture about flirting with girls. You can't blame him though, he doesn't have any experience with girls so he has poor knowledge about it. “Maybe you two shouldn't pressure Senpai like that.” Kou worriedly looks at Amane. “Just say hi and smile at her, talk about your backgrounds and stuffs.”
Amane smiled and ruffled his junior's blonde hair. “Thanks, kid.”
“Oi!” Mitsuba whirled around to the two. “We're here in Sanaol Academy.” he pointed out to the gate of the school.
Amane's heart quickened in nervousness, could it be that he was finally meeting [name] behind those letters?
The choppy haired boy saw a girl going out from the school, he decided to go and ask her of she knew [name]. “Ah, excuse me.” Amane called the girl.
“Yo!” she greeted back with a quirkful grin. “Whaddya need?”
“Do you know someone named [name] [surname]?” Amane asked while twiddling his fingers.
“[name]-san?” the girl rubbed her chin to think and then her eyes lit up when she knew. “Oh yes! She's from my dance class!”
“[name]-san is a dancer?” Amane tilted his head.
“Yeah, she takes dancing lessons after school.” She grabbed a lollipop and plopped it inside her mouth. “But she left an hour ago after the practice.”
“Oh.” Amane felt like he was relying on false hope.
“Are you perhaps her boyfriend?”
Mitsuba let out a plfft sound, Tsukasa tried his best not to utter an 'oop' and Kou stood there wondering what the hell is going on. Amane's face turned red till the tips of his ears. “N-No! I-I'm just her friend, that's all—”
“Drop the cap, Amane.” Tsukasa cocked his head and raised his enclosed fist. “We been knew you have a thing for her—”
“Tsukasa I swear—”
“But I think I know wheres she's heading.” The girl interrupted the two twin boys from talking. “[name]-san is always heading towards that abandoned ferris wheel that she's talking about.”
‘The ferris wheel that I keep seeing in my dream and the postcard!’
“Do you know where this ferris wheel is?” Amane handed her the postcard which contains the picture of the ferris wheel.
“It wasn't that far but it wasn't that near either, I'll let you borrow my bike for that matter. Oh and my name is Yiren.”
Yiren told Amane which way he should go to the ferris wheel. The choppy haired boy nodded at every word she says. “...And then you'll see the ferris wheel.”
“That's a long way to go...” Kou commented.
Amane gets on the bike and looked at the three. He gripped on to the handle and then sets his foot down for a moment. “Tsukasa, I'll go find [name]-san, you guys should go ahead.”
“Yiren-san, thank you.” And so Amane started to pedal towards his destination to find [name].
“So that guy was [name]-san's pen pal.” Yiren smiled, crossing her arms. She looked over to the three and grinned. “Wanna go to the arcade?”
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“This is a pretty bumpy ride.” Amane kept his balance steady since he's going down to a steep hill. The sky suddenly turned into a mixture of pink, purple and orange, giving it a sunset vibe. The way the wind blows against his hair as it lifted his bangs up.
Amane tried hoisting his head up to get a better look until he saw something lose his balance.
The ferris wheel.
Amane wobbled as if he was going to fall at any moment but ended up falling off the bike. He rolled down to the grassy hill, writhing in pain at the impact. Then, it stopped.
“Ahck!” Amane hissed at the pain. There was a bruise on his arm because of the fall. He couldn't get up and felt tears pricking from his eyes.
Why was he chasing someone so far? Why was he desperate to find [name]? He was almost there, almost to the ferris wheel, almost there to meeting her.
But Amane wouldn't give up that easily.
He wouldn't give up because he loves [name], and he'd come so far for looking for her.
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