#they could've so easily (and lazily) used the 'oh they don't have cell phones' thing as an excuse for all kinds of bs
dirigibleplumbing · 1 year
why “the Winchesters” feels like fanfiction
I don’t mean this in a negative way but it feels like fic and here’s why:
Mary, John, Carlos, Lata, and Ada (and others to an extent) are 100% found family and an actual ensemble. in Supernatural, family didn’t end in blood but the brothers were the Main Characters and they’d known Bobby since before the start of the show. in the Winchesters, everyone who is working together is doing it because they choose to, and while everyone but John has history together, they fall into a TV Show Ensemble Cast immediately and John’s newness persists only for exposition purposes
because they’re all choosing to work together, they’re all nice to each other, give each other the benefit of the doubt, and generally assume everyone has the same goals and wants to be there and is doing the work
even though it’s the 70s and they don’t have cell phones, they use CB radios, pay phones, and walkies to constantly keep each other updated. the capacity to communicate is almost never an impediment. even when Carlos is trapped in a shadow dimension and Lata is in the house, they can hear each other yelling! 
the main group doesn’t hide info from each other. sure, John and Mary briefly attempt to hide their relationship, and Lata has a Deep Dark Secret she hasn’t told anyone before she put on the bracelet. but when it comes to hunting, they are all info all the time. Ada even shares the risk to her soul! can you imagine someone volunteering that on SPN?! even John’s mom knows about the Akreda and doesn’t for a moment think it’s at all possible John is a murderer! I guess this one is more fanon-vibe than fic, lots of fics are based on people withholding crucial info, but the “SPN but with healthier communication” thing is such a fandom concept
Dean hates that he died 
someone actually puts in a Led Zeppelin tape and it plays Led Zeppelin
the Impala is a CARDIS
John Winchester decides to get therapy
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