#they don't need to know EVERY reason why I love that roller coaster XD
victorluvsalice · 6 months
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I got a friend for Christmas :D Say hello to -- well, I haven't settled on a name yet, but I've been considering "Smileon" or something similar. My parents were nice enough to indulge my desire for something Smiler-related to cuddle and bought them online for me. They're one of the bears you can see in the original Smiler Shop TV video -- supposed to be strawberry-scented. :) Best gift of the day!
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nessschurch · 2 years
ok im ready to tackle part two lmao. thank you for the ask btw Savvy!!<3 . You can see part one here though if you want more b&b songs :)
1. It's Different Now by Pentatonix - Me back at it again w/ another Pentatonix song for b&b. This one is from Brens perspective though and oooft the feels it elicits in me :'( I think this can fit from the 100th but i especially like it around the Blackout in the Blizzard ep, bc at that point Bren knows how she feels and she owns it and she's hoping that Booth will stop being a cranky little bish and apologise for the emotional roller-coaster he put her through being so angry at everything bc she feels he's the one that knows her best.
"You understand my hesitation Why I get quiet sometimes All the ways I've been conditioned What I think is real, you redesign It's how you catch me every time
I rewind our conversations Listen between every line To relieve my superstition I only reveal, it's only a sign That it all adds up this time
I've been holding my hopes waist-high so they don't tumble down And keep me yesterday-bound I've been holding my breath 'cause I don't wanna be let down But wе're too far for that now So I'm saying it out loud It's different now
I don't need special attention Just as long as you are mine Then there's no reason to mention What came before, the who or the why 'Cause it all adds up this time"
but yeah. To me its another really good fit and i spent a lot of time obsessively thinking about b&b whilst commuting and listening to music if ya couldnt already tell lmao
2. Run by Taylor Swift ft. Ed Sheeran - Honestly there are so many TS and ES songs that fit b&b that it could be its own playlist on its own. I however extra like this one for when Bren goes on the run bc of Pelant and its even better if you imagine Booth running away with her (like he did in a ff i read lmao)
"There's a chain 'round your throat, piece of paper where I wrote "I'll wait for you" There's a key on the chain, there's a picture in a frame Take it with you
And run, like you'd run from the law Darling, let's run Run from it all We can go where our eyes can take us Go where no one else is, run
So you laugh like a child And I'll sing like no one cares No one to be, no one to tell
I could see this view a hundred times Pale blue sky reflected in your eyes So give me a reason and don't say no, no And the note from the locket, you keep it in your pocket Since I gave it to you There's a heart on your sleeve I'll take it when I leave And hold it for you"
In my head its mainly sung from Booths perspective to Bren, esp the "I could see this view a hundred times Pale blue sky reflected in your eyes" and just yeah, to me its more a cute-sy happy one.
3. Magnetised by Emma Blackery - HOLY SHIT !! The way this entire song fits the whole Hannah/Bren/Booth thing they had going on omg. But yeah, it would be mainly from Brens perspective. It doesnt make me sad per se, just fits so well.
"I got out of the way To break your hold on me But we still talk every day Don’t we?
And now it’s giving me pain But we must be sadistic Because you feel the same For me
But I’m too weak to be cold And the story’s getting old I get too drunk and bear my soul And although I’m feeling stressed I can’t imagine the mess that’s going on Inside your head
Because you love me And you love her too What’s a boy to do?
And she’s what you think you need She’s sensible and funny But you’d be so happy With me
But I won’t steal you away I’m done with being a snake You’ve gotta figure it out Your own way"
i feel like i couldve included the whole dang song, but i managed to hold back a little XD but yeah, try and tell me it doesnt fit perfectly lmao.
4. Anchor by Pentatonix - (Another Pentatonix one wowza. They just have a bunch of songs on this album that fit so well so imma just roll with it) I like this song from Booth's perspective as he can feel Bren distancing herself after the 100th ep. Better if you use a little extra when you think about it. He wants to give her his all but cant see that she needs just a little time and that clouds his clear thinking.
"If you're gonna go, then give a warning I don't wanna be the rock that holds you down
This ship has run aground And I'll be an anchor for you, But you're always cutting me loose
I'll be your night watch Your lighthouse, your North Star Your red sky, your harbour Your ocean, your shipyard But you want to sail With the night wind exploring So how can I love you If safe waters bore you
You're out there looking for the answers I'm here just tryna be your anchor But I will never try to hold you down"
Yes i get a lil emo to this one, plus the song itself is quite a bop.
5. Let it be Me by Rosie Thomas - I figured we'd end on a happier less angsty one bc you need some uplifting stuff sometimes lmao. I like to imagine this as the song for their first dance bc who doesnt love some mad fluff? Also it would be followed by them singing this song to both their kids as a lullaby bc heck thats cute. I feel like if you alternate the verses Bren, then Booth it works extra well, you can even have the whole thing from Booths perspective bc he is the canonically mushier one.
"I'm blessed the day I found you I want to stay around you And so I beg you Let it be me
Don't take this heaven from one If you must cling to someone Now and forever Let it be me
Cause each time we meet, love I find complete love Without your sweet love What would life be?
So never leave me lonely Tell you love me only Now and forever Let it be me"
but yeah.. i wanna one day make a masterpost with maybe my top 20/30 b&b songs and explanations like this bc i just have so many haha
Hope you enjoyed this long, long post and honestly it was hard to figure out my top 10 b&b songs bc there are so many i had to leave out :'( i also decided to leave out all the soundtrack songs bc otherwise we'd literally be here forever lmao)
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lokis-lady-death · 6 years
Interview with a God Pt 9
Tom Hiddleston/Loki x reader
Prompt: I have always heard  people joke that Tom Hiddleston is actually Loki playing Tom playing Loki. So, let’s write about it XD
Part 1 , Part 2 , Part 3 , Part 4 , Part 5 , Part 6 , Part 7, Part 8
Interview with a God Part 9 Warning: violence
You were confused but you didn't know why. You were standing in your apartment, just in from work. But what was this feeling that something was wrong, that the world had gone from color to gray all of the sudden?
Loki stood in front of you. As he stepped towards you, you remembered calling him, begging to come. Reaching out for him, you quickly knew something was the matter. His jaw was tight, his normal playful smile gone. His brow was furrowed while his eyes were dark and filled with rage.
“Loki?” you said, pulling back. What was this? Why was he so angry?
He grabbed hold of your wrist and slung you onto the bed.
You lifted yourself off the bed, only to be shoved hard in the chest back down. “I'm a monster, am I?”
“What?” More confusion, your mind hazy as he watched you try again to get up. “I don't think you're a monster?”
“Then what is this?” He asked, holding up a People magazine. It was an article with your name, detailing how Tom Hiddleston was, in fact, Loki, a deranged monster that was cast from Asgard for killing his mother.
You gasped and went to move towards Loki, explaining, “I didn't write that!”
The back of his hand cut through the air so hard it rolled you onto your stomach. You were crying now, realizing he was too angry to listen to reason. You knew you hadn't written anything of the sort. Knew you'd never betray his trust. Knew you didn't see him as a monster.
Before you could move again, Loki’s hand's were on your waist, pulling you backwards to him. Your nails dragged into the bed, desperately trying to get away. His hand caught your hair and brought you to a standing position in front of him.
“Please, Loki!” you begged, “I didn't write that,it had to of been Elliot!”
“Ah, yes,” he mused,  not loosening his grip on your head. “The editor that likes to play with your underwear.” He threw you to the ground, brought his foot back and kicked you in the side. “GET UP, Y/N!” And you did, unable to fight it. He reared back and backhanded you again, sending you face first against the footboard of your bed. The wood split your lip and you tasted your blood. “Get.Up.” You were sobbing when you managed to stand up.
“Loki…” you whimpered in between sobs
“Look at me!” he commanded. Your body was convulsing as you tried to fight the tears from falling. You met his hateful eyes and braced for another hit. Instead, he instructed, “Remove your clothes.” Your hands were shaking as you undid your blouse, now looking him in the eyes.
“Loki, I didn't…”
“Do not speak, do not make a sound or I will make you remove your tongue.” The threat was unnecessary, the words themselves enough to ensure you never opened your mouth to him. When you were completely nude, he led you to the balcony. “Climb onto the rail.” and you did. You heard a small crack in his tone, the words now coming out hurtful. “I thought you saw past it, y/n. I thought that you truly understood me how no one else could. But in the end, while I was falling in love with you, you only saw a monster.” Tears silently falling down your cheeks, you heard him give the final order. “Jump.”
You were screaming, your stomach leaving you like you were on a roller coaster. Something wrapped around you, holding your arms down, keeping you from failing.
“Shhhh, y/n, you’re alright!”
You couldn’t wake up or hear the person calling out. You saw him again. Loki. Accusing you of betraying him, of calling him a monster, of hurting you, all before having you jump off the balcony. And every time you jumped, you screamed until you hit the ground. As soon as your body should have met with pavement, you woke back up to Loki, his hateful eyes piercing into you.
Finally, in the middle of the vision, right before Loki had you climb the railing, he stopped. He looked around, confused, looked down at your naked and bruised body more confused. You were crying. “Y/n,” he whispered while he reached for you. You hung your head down, but didn’t shy away from him.
“I’m so sorry, I swear didn’t do it Loki, please believe me….” you sobbed into his chest.
He pet your head and you felt a shift in the room. When you opened your eyes you were back in your apartment, slunk against a wall, fully dressed like you had just come in from your dinner date.
And in front of you sat Tom. 
“You’re alright, y/n. Breathe.” His arms wrapped around you and pulled you into his arms. His lips brushed the top of your head, trying to process what it was he had just seen you living through. He gave you another minute, rocking you slightly, calming you down.
Finally he couldn’t wait any longer. He moved to look at you. “I need to know what happened,” he stressed. “Who came here after I dropped you off?”
You hadn’t stopped crying, still trying to make yourself believe that it was all an illusion and this was real life. He reached up and wiped the tears away, holding your face. “Y/n, this is very important. Do you remember what happened?”
“I only remember you,” you whimpered, unwilling to meet his gaze. “You were so angry with me. You wouldn’t listen... “ Bringing your knees to your chest, you couldn’t stop trembling. You were trying to remember everything, what could possibly have happened before Tom arrived in the vision, but you couldn’t. It felt like you have relived that moment for an eternity and you couldn’t remember anything that happened before. “Oh my god, Tom, what was that?” You met his eyes this time, tears falling, body shaking.
Tom didn't answer, only held you tighter. “Can you tell me what happened in the vision then? You were…” He cleared his throat. “Naked. And bleeding.”
Your busted lip quivered as you tried to explain it. “You showed up. Mad, you were so mad. Something about an article about you being Loki printed in People with my name on it.” Your eyes widened and you looked up to him, exclaiming, “But I didn’t, Loki, I would never write….”
“Shhh,” he soothed, bringing you into his arms. “Shhh, it was a dream. Tell me what else.”
You sniffled and went on, telling him all the way to the part where he had you jump. “And then I just kept repeating the cycle. It was like seeing my death over and over and over.” You swallowed hard and tried to reaffirm that it was a dream. That this was real. That you weren’t about to jump off a balcony.
Tom took a deep breath before pulling you both up to stand. “I need you to pack a bag of anything you could possibly need in the next few days,” he instructed, straightening his jacket.
“What for?”
“You’re coming with me to my hotel, y/n. I am absolutely not letting you stay alone.”
You didn’t know if you were relieved or more on edge. You knew it was a dream but seeing Tom so collected, it made your nerves shake. Running on autopilot you packed your things and followed him down to the car.
When the door of the escalade closed, something curious crossed your mind. “How did you know to come save me?”
Tom was typing away on his phone, the first time you had ever seen him on it. As soon as your words resonated with him, his eyes fell on you like a ton of bricks. “I didn't. Your bag was left in my car. I thought as much as you worked that you would be upset without it.”
“Even after our fight you brought it back….”
Tom leaned closer to you, lifting your chin to look at him. There was something hinting at a warning when he told you, “That wasn’t a fight. That was a minor disagreement. If I were angry with you, I promise, you would know. Do you understand?” You nodded. He sat back, still watching you. “Good. Now. A better question, darling, is why on earth didn't you call for me?”
You stared up onto his eyes, trying to recall what happened. You couldn't swear with certainty but you really thought you had tried to call him to you.
When you didn’t answer, Tom frowned and grabbed hold of your shoulder. “Y/n. That's twice today you have been in trouble and I just happened to show up. What if I didn't?”
You didn't want to imagine replaying the balcony incident or dealing with Elliott, but you had no answer for him.
“I need to know you will call for me if you're in trouble.”
“Why?” The question was so simple yet incredulous at the same time.
“Because you’re mine.”
The car came to a stop and the door opened. Tom got out and reached in for you, but you didn’t take his hand. In fact you didn’t move. You realized you weren’t at the hotel you ate lunch at. “Where are we?”
“I booked a suite just a moment ago,” he told you. “Too many people know where I’m staying and we don't’ know who possibly attacked you. I’m not taking any chances. Now,” he held his hand to you again. “Come.”
And you did. You were aware of his command, knowing it wasn’t even meant to be such, but it was enough to set a fire in you.
The driver retrieved the room keycard before Tom took your bags up to the room. “Sir,” the driver said, “What about your things?”
“I have my overnight bag, I should be alright for now. I’ll call you to let you know what I need in the morning. You’ve done more than enough for me today, Dave.” They shook hands and Tom led you to the room. After the door shut behind you, you let out a breath you hadn't realized you were holding.
Tom set your things on the bed. “Would you like to take a shower?”
“Is that a suggestion or invitation?” Your tone wasn’t flirty and he recognized it right away.
His brow quirked at the comment and asked, “What if it was an invitation? Are you saying you would refuse it?” Tom stepped towards you now, his half cocked grin leering at you.
“It’s not like refusing it matters, does it, Loki?” The sharpness in your voice was evident, even the way you spat out Loki.
Tom’s smile didn’t fade but his brow did furrow. “I don’t recall asking you to do anything of that nature against your will. Have I?”
“But you could.”
“I could also have made your editor friend jump out a window today,” he said, his voice just above a whisper as he leaned closer to you. “But I didn’t. Because I listened to you when you asked me to stop.” The breath escaped you and you stared up, seeing his eyes flash green.
You waited a moment longer before grabbing your bag and walking to the bathroom. When you saw your reflection in the mirror, you had to do a double take. Your hair was disheveled, your eyes red and swollen from the crying. And even a cut on your lip that you thought was faked in the vision of Loki attacking you. When you brushed your finger against it, you flinched. It was definitely real. As you began shrugging off your clothes, you saw a few dark bruises along your shoulders, even one large one along your side where you had felt the kick.
Whatever that vision was, it reflected some truth. Your body was proof of that.
Silently, you went into the shower and cleaned off the day, repeated over and over that whatever happened wasn’t Loki’s fault.
You were startled when the door opened and Tom stepped in, his expression softer than before. You reached for a towel but he had already taken a full sight of you, his eyes widening at the marks.
“I…” He swallowed, utterly speechless.
“Please,” you said quietly, slipping on an oversized t-shirt. “Leave me alone.”
“That’s the last thing I want to do,” Tom declared as he wrapped his arms around you. “I’m sorry…”
“Why are you apologizing, you didn’t do anything.”
“But you’re treating me like I have,” he said, his voice halfway cracking. The sentiment surprised you after his comment before. “I’m afraid that mortal sentiments are somewhat lost on me, y/n. I most social constructs and behavior, but I don’t have any training in this.” He looked up at you, again with green eyes. “I have been trying, I swear I have. I don’t want you to be afraid of me, y/n.”
“I’m not,” you said quickly. His hand came up to your face, his thumb lightly grazing over your busted lip.
“Then why do I feel like you’re looking at me different now?”
You didn’t have an answer. Instead, you kissed him. You couldn’t help how you looked at him, but you knew you weren’t afraid of this god. You could tell it took him by surprise, but his hands quickly found your hair and held you in place while his tongue swept into your mouth. Following his lead, your arms went around his shoulders, letting him lift you up on the bathroom counter. You pulled back just a moment, enough to see his black hair in a mess around his face. He had transformed and you hadn’t even noticed. You were both breathing hard, his grip on your hair not faltering. You realized he was hesitating.
“What is it?”
“You’re really not afraid of me?” he asked.
“I’m not afraid of you, Loki,” you admitted. “I’m afraid of your powers. It's all so unknown to me and it just…”
“Is that all?” Loki’s eyes searched your face, waiting for you to finish. “Y/n,” running his hand down your back. “Do you remember what I said about a god not being able to break a promise?” You nodded. “I, Loki of Asgard, son of the Allfather, promise to never cause you harm. I promise to never use my powers against you in any way. I promise I will protect you. That I will never allow any harm to come to you.” His hand came around to your face. “I swear it.”
He lightly wiped away a single tear from your face as he smiled at you, the most sincere smile you had ever seen in his true form. “I believe you are overdue for some rest, darling.” He leaned down to kiss you again, lifting you up in his arms and toting you to the bed.
You had never felt as safe and content as you did wrapped in Loki’s arms, your head on his chest, listening to the steady rhythm of his heart. You breathed him in slowly, committing it to memory. After the day you had, you deserved something good out of all this and as much of a surprise as it was, Loki was that something good.
The next morning you woke to your usual phone alarm. Loki was still beneath you, only slightly stirring when the beeping began. It was surreal, seeing the god like this. Pure, simple, vulnerable. Something he had never allowed you to see of him before. Without thinking, your hand went to trace over his cheekbone and then down to his chin. Down his neck. His chest.
“This is a lovely way to wake up,” Loki spoke softly, but still managed to startle you. He let out a short laugh and kissed your forehead. “Good morning, y/n.”
You smiled. “Good morning, Loki.”
Despite his protests, you got ready for work.”You should stay with me, at least today,” he had reasoned.
“The article posts tomorrow, I have to make sure everything is perfect,” you told him as you gave him a kiss.
“Alright, but I would like lunch with you.”
“What an uncommonly nice way for you to ask me on a date,” you had to laugh. “Okay. Lunch is good.”
You were surprised to see the driver, Dave, downstairs waiting to take you to your office. It felt awkward, but you went along, thanking him for his time when you got out. You squeezed into the elevator with a few others and let out a sigh of relief. Loki had made you feel so much better after his promise, as silly as it was. You held your head a little higher, feeling a flutter in your stomach as you thought about Loki sleeping in bed. He looked so peaceful.
“Oh, excuse me, hold the door, would you?”
You snapped back to reality and held the elevator door open despite it already being cramped. A woman squeezed in, passing you a sideways grin. She stood beside you, much taller than you in her all black ensemble of kneehigh boots, trench coat, and sunhat. She looked like someone going to a funeral.
She looked down at you, her smile still plastered on her face like a china doll. “Everyone but you should get off the elevator.”
The doors opened on the second floor and you quirked a brow and as everyone deboarded.
Alone, the stranger continued staring at you, like some kind of oddity. Or like a car she was deciding the value of.
“Do I…” you squinted, trying to see past her exaggerated outfit. “Know you?”
“You do, sweet girl. But I’m going to need you to forget you saw me. Work and such, you know. Busy busy.” She held a finger to your lip, specifically on your cut.. “Shhh. Secrets make friends, darling.” She flashed you one last grin as the elevator stopped at the eighth floor and she stepped off.
Tilting her head to flash her black eyes at you, she laughed, “Just…. Utterly ordinary.”
And again you forgot your encounter with the goddess of death.
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IWAG:  @krystynespider @imeannooffensebabybut @tardis-is-mine@m4shtyx@intransittosomewhere @fit-m0mma317 @marvelc00kie35 @youveseen--thebutcher@sherlokiantheatrenerd@kinghiddlestonanddixon@lykaonimagines@laeticafe03 @avenging-blackwidow@hiddlestonstansworld    @casuallyobsessivewitchcraft   @writing-for-a-chance @hisxblackxqueen  @dangertoozmanykids101  @bambamwolf87 @godhateskyleigh   @sortaathief  @li-ssu   @wrappedinlokisarms   
ALL TAGS: @socialheartbreak @kcd15 @maladaptive-ninja-returns@nephalem67 @jessiejunebug @woodyandbuzz20-01@lokislilslut
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