#they don't play nice with anything else and you can't plug them to shit
jhalya · 6 months
Nine people I'd like to get to know better!
Tagged by @coraleethroughthelookingglass and @myfavouritelunatic
🎵 LAST SONG: Next to me by Imagine Dragons
🎨 FAVOURITE COLOUR: teal and pink and you-can't-make-me-choose
📺 CURRENTLY WATCHING: Life on our planet
🖥 LAST MOVIE/SHOW: Escaping Twin Flames
🍪 SWEET / SAVOURY / SPICY: sweet (gimme all the cookies) and spicy :3
⌨️ LAST THING YOU GOOGLED: best laptops for video editing (I just wanted an excuse to get myself a Surface)
No pressure tag @somebirdortheother @theriverwild @scriberated @pursuitseternal @thrillofhope @demonscantgothere @myrsinemezzo @eowyn7023 @ruleofexception
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Okay, here's a collection of three short clips from an episode of the Elis James/John Robins radio show I heard recently, episode 115 from April 2016. The first clip is from the podcast intro at the beginning, then one from near-ish to the end of the live radio show. Then one from the podcast outro, which is their Keep It Sessions Sessions, where John and Elis take turns picking a band that they love but can't play on the radio because it's not on the Radio X playlist, so they play a bit of one of their songs for the podcast.
So... is everyone reading this the same way as I am? I feel like I might be missing something, and I hope I am. Because it looks like what happened is John Robins was booked on a charity gig, but then Stewart Lee said he'd do that gig only if John Robins was kicked off the bill, and then they did kick John off because obviously Stewart Lee is going to bring in a lot more people than him. And fair enough if that's what happened, if the gig is for charity then the organizer (who in this case was Elis James) should be booking comedians based on who will sell the most tickets.
Fair enough on the organizer's part, I mean, I don't blame them. But what the fuck, Stewart? I'm really hoping I read that wrong, because that would be a really fucked up thing for Stewart Lee to have done.
The context, if anyone's wondering, is this routine from John Robins' 2014 stand-up show:
Obviously that was not a nice thing to say about Stewart Lee. But as John points out, Lee is the one who has claimed repeatedly that a comedian talking shit about another comedian on stage isn't personal, it's something he does in character and doesn't really mean any of it so no one should read anything into his actual personality about it. If Stewart Lee turned around and starting trying to retaliate in actual real life against the first person who did it back to him, that's not just being a colossal dick in one situation, that's invalidating his entire argument that what's said on stage can stay on stage and should be taken as just a joke and/or character. If Stewart Lee wants to start saying that actually that stuff does count in real life and should be taken personally, that opens a lot of other stuff.
I still think I must be missing something here, because that seems like too ridiculous a thing for everyone to have just been fine with. John Robins is being way too chill about it for that to be what happened. When Elis James got a Twitter verification checkmark before John did, John spent the entire episode and several minutes of several subsequent episodes constantly bringing that up. It is really weird that Elis James could kick him off a bill at the insistence of Stewart Lee, and John Robins would keep his on-air complaints to just a couple of little comments following the plugs for it and then one dig at Stewart Lee's music taste at the end (the clips I cut out for that audio file are the only references to it in the episode). So there are two options there, I guess. Either I've misread this and that's not what happened, or it turns out that John Robins does actually have a line past which a tension-causing subject is so tense that he'll refrain from constantly going on about it on air, and this is past that line. Because I can't imagine he's genuinely that chill about it, given that no normal person would be, and he is much less chill than a normal person.
One point in favour of the idea that I am reading the situation correctly: I do actually remember once having read, on some message board at some point last year while trying to look up something else, that Stewart Lee refused to appear at gigs with John Robins because he didn't like what John Robins had said about him in his stand-up. I tried to find that thing again today, but I couldn't find it. I just remember reading it, but I thought that just meant Stewart Lee avoided wherever John was. Not that he actually went around seeking gigs where John was already signing up and getting him kicked off of them.
You know, this does make that Tweet John Robins wrote about him more recently seem slightly more justified. John Robins wrote some Tweet a couple of years ago comparing Stewart Lee to Joseph McCarthy, and obviously Stewart Lee is not Joseph McCarthy, that was a stupid thing to say. But I can't blame John as much for thinking that way, if Stewart Lee has been going around using his considerable influence to get someone kicked off bills for talking badly about him. Specifically for doing the same thing that Stewart Lee does all the time and justifies by saying you can't hold stuff against him if he does it in character on stage. Fucking hell.
About 18 months ago I made a bunch of posts weighing in on the feud between Mark Watson and Frankie Boyle, giving my opinions as though that were a current issue and not something that happened in 2011, because I'd only just learned about it so it seemed current to me. Well, at least I'm getting slightly more recent with the comedian feuds on which I weigh in, moving from 2011 to 2015.
I'm quite annoyed about this, so as a slight lift to the mood, here's a clip of the next time they brought up that charity gig, in the following episode when it was still coming up so Elis plugged it again, just because it's a fairly adorable exchange:
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Quack Pack Incorrect Quotes
@salvepersone this is for you cuz i literally liked all of your quack pack posts 💀💀 (this is, like, ONLY the triplets cuz i forgot to add donald to some of them sorry)
Dewey: You're pathetic!
Huey: You're pathetic-er!
Louie: You're both losers.
Louie: I am strong! I beat Huey at arm wrestling!
Dewey: Anyone can beat Hueson at arm wrestling!
Huey: Hey-
Louie: When will Ted himself...finally show up to the talk?
Huey: The final boss.
Dewey: You guys know TEDtalks stands for technology, entertainment, and design talks, right?
Louie: I will not let Ted hide behind these lies any longer!
Dewey: *looks at Louie*
Dewey: Baby boy. Baby.
Dewey: *looks at Huey*
Dewey: Evil.
Louie, watching power lines fall down: Huey, Dewey! The town is exploding and it's very pretty!
Dewey: Louie just insisted Huey and I remember a code word in case we’re ever confronted by his clone or a cyborg doppelgänger and we’re not sure which is the real him and which is the imposter.
Dewey: Some families have a fire escape plan, but not us.
Louie: Wow! Dewey made you cry?
Huey, tearing up: Yes, and he said some really mean things that are only partly true.
Dewey: Can we talk about that mass email you sent?
Huey: Why? It was important.
Dewey: All it says is, "I'm back on my shit".
Huey, shrugging: The people need to know.
Huey: Go ahead, Louie. Let it out, cry. If you don't, your tear ducts will get blocked up, and then when you get old, you won't be able to cry.
Dewey: Just when we thought it was safe to let you back into the conversation.
Huey: Nice rock.
Louie: Thanks, Dewey gave it to me.
Dewey: I threw it at you!
Louie: Isn’t he the sweetest?
Louie, to Dewey: Why is Huey not talking?
Dewey: I'm playing the silent game with him.
Louie: Well, then you just lost.
Dewey: I lost two hours ago. I gave him ear plugs and told him to close his eyes. It was the only way I could think of to get him to shut up.
Huey, in a jail cell: What about my Miranda rights!? You’re supposed to say I have ‘the right to remain silent’! NOBODY SAID I HAD THE RIGHT TO REMAIN SILENT!
Dewey: *in the cell next to them* You have the right to remain silent, what you lack is the capacity.
Huey: Dewey! This soup is flaccid!
Dewey: We need a plan to beat them.
Huey: Okay, listen up. First, we fill their shoes with wet cat food.
Huey: Judge me all you want, I get results.
Dewey walking into the kitchen and seeing all their limes peeled: Huey, I love you but, what the h-e-double FUCK.
Huey, sipping coffee happily: I love you too :)
Louie: What happened?!
Huey: Do you want the long version or the short version?
Louie: Sh-short??
Huey: Shit's fucked.
Louie: Okay, long.
Huey: Shit's very fucked.
Louie: Oh, here’s my award for the most rules broken!
Huey: That’s not an award, it’s an angry letter from our boss.
Louie, hanging it on their wall: Well, it has the word ‘most’ in it, so I’m calling it an award!
Dewey: I know one person who finds me funny!
Louie: Okay, who?... and you can't say yourself!
Dewey: Okay then I'm out.
Huey: Hey Dewey?
Dewey: Yeah?
Huey: What's your favorite color of the alphabet? True or false?
Dewey: ...What.
Louie: Anything else?
Dewey: Yeah. Stay away from me!
Louie: Alright. See you in the room we share.
Dewey: If I die, my funeral will be the biggest party ever and you're all invited.
Huey: "If"
Louie: Great, the only party I'm ever invited to and they might not even die.
Dewey: The clock is ticking! We don't have time for this asinine tomfoolery!
Huey: This unmitigated poppycock?
Louie: Extravagant hogwash!
Dewey: Okay, stop.
Dewey: Your smug self-assuredness is revolting.
Huey: I think we need to validate self confidence more, lest you end up angry at others for having even a sliver of it. I've done nothing wrong and I have a heart of gold.
Louie: I think this message is extremely valid, but also Huey has implied wanting to set off the Yellowstone supervolcano, so what's the truth?
Huey: I want to set it off.
Dewey: You are irrationally angry 365 days a year.
Huey: Well, that’s just your personal opinion, I don’t have anger issues. Do you guys think I have anger issues?
Louie: Well, I wouldn’t really call it an issue. An issue is something you can fix.
Huey: Dewey is forbidden from monologuing.
Huey: Think you can answer some questions without the usual level of sarcasm?
Dewey: If you can ask the questions without the usual level of stupid.
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skelly-words · 10 months
JJK characters at the smoke sesh
I was smoking so I thought of this, just some little headcanons.
It's kind of reader insert because 'you' being there is implied, but not romantic, or just ignore it if that's not your thing.
also, I'm new to posting my writing on tumblr, so let me know if I'm doing anything wrong and what I should be writing, anyway... HCs
Do NOT give him aux, not that his music taste is bad, but he'd purposefully play some wacky bs (think Minecraft remixes and bad SoundCloud rap) just to piss off everyone else.
He gets the giggles when he's high, everything is funny and he's crying a little from how much he laughs.
Gojo's tolerance is so low that he's only in the rotation for the first couple of bowls. (guys I can't roll, but we get creative with the DIY bongs.)
He brings snacks, but they're all sweet and he eats most of them.
Talks the whole group into playing dumb party games (truth or dare, would you rather, 20 questions). And he's fully invested too. Nobody else actually cares and he's standing there scolding you, "no it's important. If you had to pick one of us to go, who would it be, me or Nanami?" Cries when everyone picks him.
Here's the better music option. I can't say exactly what he'd play because it's different every time. He has a playlist for every mood.
Brings the savory snacks, most of them are spicy. I think he'd also pull up with a tupperware of leftovers too, but just for him. There's never enough for everybody, but maybe you could talk him into giving you a few bites.
He'd start doing random conventional tasks so incredibly wrong. Geto would be baked, and just stand up to start doing laundry. As long as you keep him away from the kitchen, he's fine.
The English language no longer exists. He just makes up words that sound similar to the intended definition. Mixes these in with his long-winded monologues about life or when he's trying to convince you to let him use the stove.
He's a lighter stealer, don't let it out of your sight or it'll disappear. He'll help you look for it too, until someone just offers theirs (which will also be stolen).
Quiet. He's just in his own head.
The only one man enough to text the plug (even if he sounds like a fucking cop, he does his best).
Does not condone underage smoking, these are his loose college years. So if you're under 21 (sorry broski) gtfo.
He zones out a lot, just staring at the floor.
Swears up and down that he's not high when he's been counting the floorboards for the past twenty minutes.
You also have to keep him out of the kitchen because Nanami doesn't want cheetos, he needs REAL food. But if you let him cook before he smokes, the munchies are immaculate.
The only time you'll see his hair messy. It's like the hair gel gives up after the first hit.
She starts eating the snacks before you've even packed the first bowl. Also stashes her favorites for later before anyone else can get to them.
Funks up the function with her cigarettes too. Everyone groans when she pulls her pack out.
Highest tolerance of the group, or maybe she just keeps it together the best even when she's tripping.
And she never passes that shit either (it's okay 'cause she's pretty). Whoever's next to her is getting straight ash.
She's only there when Shoko is so she can have a Satoru buffer.
She'll get all soft and sappy though, complimenting random features and attributes of whoever's shoulder she's leaning on.
Honestly, really nice to be around.
She also likes sweets as munchies, but it kinda works out because she and Gojo only get along when they're stoned.
Gets bullied into getting fast food when the snacks run out.
Mei Mei
She only smokes girl blunts, rolls them herself, and doesn't share.
Probably doesn't even come most of the time.
She doesn't talk to anyone until she's hungry, and then all of a sudden gets friendly as she sneaks a hand into the pretzel bag you're holding.
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