#they hate the Dothraki cause they're associated with Dany but then want to use them as props against her lol
fromtheseventhhell · 10 months
Actually I am DONE with “conservations” about racism in this fandom everybody got something to say about Dany but ain’t nobody say shit about the cotf or the depictions of “ugly” starks as brown in fanworks or the cultural appropriation done by martell stans and mind you these people all stan the most rancid male characters while saying this shit
Hypothetically, I'm always open to convos about racism...it's just that this fandom is full of circus clowns with no critical thinking skills who only want to discuss the topic if it can make a character they hate look bad. Otherwise? They're coming up with racist headcanons and patting themselves on the back for stanning a group of white characters they've decided are people of color. And these will also be the same people calling the Dothraki "smelly savages" and fear-mongering about them invading Westeros. They're so hypocritical that they can't even get out of their own way and come up with a consistent point. The focus of these takes isn't even on characters of color it's just "Dany bad cause white" while ignoring that a majority of the characters in the book are also white.
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