#they hear that something has gone really wrong down at the dark cacao kingdom
who-u-calling-pinhead · 10 months
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Have this random image I had in my gallery for God knows how long
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(Screenshots from Royal Mike!)
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Pomegranate Cookie: The Great Wall is finally falling… I have looked forward to this moment. Licorice Cookie: All thanks to my powers over the Licorice Sea! He he! Licorice Cookie: …But Dark Choco Cookie, what do we do next? Dark Choco Cookie: Dark Cacao Cookie’s Soul Jam waits somewhere within the citadel. Dark Choco Cookie: …Someplace dark, deep inside, I’d wager. We have to find it. Pomegranate Cookie: You seem well prepared. I will leave the rest in your capable hands. After all, you know the way around the castle better than any of us. Pomegranate Cookie: We do not have the luxury of time. Find the Soul Jam and raze the castle to the ground before sunrise. Licorice Cookie: This’ll be a piece of cake! Licorice Cookie: Dark Enchantress Cookie will finally acknowledge my genius and fervor! He he he! Dark Choco Cookie: No more chatter. It’s time to attack. Dark Choco Cookie: Let’s give the Dark Cacao Kingdom a cold and heartless end befitting it. Licorice Ooze: Groooar… GRAAGH! Poison Mushroom Cookie: Let’s give them shroomies too… Wait for me…! Licorice Ooze: Grrr… GRRRR!
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Strawberry Cookie: Is it really safe for us to be first up on the walls…? Chili Pepper Cookie: It’s not like we have any other option! Caramel Arrow Cookie still hasn’t returned! Wizard Cookie: Maybe something happened? Caramel Arrow Cookie didn’t seem like a Cookie to break a promise. Custard Cookie III: Oooh boy, this is way too high up! I’m getting dizzy…! GingerBrave: Stay calm and don’t look down! Chili Pepper Cookie: Too late… I LOOKED DOWN! Chili Pepper Cookie: Huh…? What’s that dark thing down there? It almost looks like… it’s climbing the wall! Strawberry Cookie: Oh no… The ground is shaking!!! GingerBrave: AHHH! Hold tight! Chili Pepper Cookie: Wh-what’s going on?! Is it an earthquake? Wizard Cookie: No… This is not an earthquake… Wizard Cookie: The wall! The wall is collapsing! Wizard Cookie: AAAGH!!! At this rate, we’re toast! GingerBrave: RUN! We need to get into the castle!
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Wizard Cookie: Phew! We barely made it. I almost lost my hat on the way… Affogato Cookie’s Disciple 1: You there! Trespassers! Who let you in here?! GingerBrave: The castle walls have fallen! Everyone has to get to safety! Affogato Cookie’s Disciple 1: What nonsense are you spouting! The castle walls are made of reinforced 100% cacao able to withstand any siege! Chili Pepper Cookie: Hello? Can you hear us fine?! Get your boss or something, Dark Cacao Cookie or whatever his name is! Custard Cookie III: Chili Pepper Cookie! You have to stay civilized! No matter the situation, royal etiquette has to be followed!
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Affogato Cookie’s Disciple 1: Well-versed in etiquette, I see! I suppose I can spare a moment to hear what you have to say. Custard Cookie III: Uhm, so you see… We just want to meet… Mister? Lord…? Dark Cacao Cookie! Affogato Cookie’s Disciple 1: …Such insolence! It’s our noble king you’re talking about! Affogato Cookie’s Disciple 1: Mannerless outlanders have no right to walk these halls! I will deal with you myself, here and now! Custard Cookie III: Whaat?! But what did I do wrong?!
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Affogato Cookie: Aha ha ha! Let us raise our cups! Affogato Cookie: A day like this deserves no less than the finest! Affogato Cookie: I even took the liberty of adding five sugar cubes to each cup of coffee! What do you think? Affogato Cookie’s Disciple 2: I have to say, this is most sweet and soft! But I am unsure if we are deserving of this majestic feast… Affogato Cookie: Do not fret! From now on, this castle, and all the lands around it, belong to me. Affogato Cookie: Dark Cacao Cookie was dealt with by Dark Choco Cookie, who I assume was gone as soon as his mission was completed. Affogato Cookie: Such a tragic loss of the respected Dark Cacao King. That’s why I stepped up to become their new ruler! Ha ha ha! Affogato Cookie’s Disciple 2: Thanks to your political genius, we can enjoy all these delights! But tell us, how did you manage to prepare all this food? Affogato Cookie: Let’s just say there was some spare coin in the royal treasury. Affogato Cookie: The late king was too stingy when it came to spending. That is one of many improvements the Dark Cacao Kingdom will see under my rule. Affogato Cookie: Sweetened meals for the sugar-loving citizens, entertainment for those seeking amusement. Affogato Cookie: Through wise and benevolent policies, I will make all Cookies in this kingdom able to spend their days happy and free. Affogato Cookie’s Disciple 2: But will the Cookies be able to accept that? They are known for their rigidness and austerity. Affogato Cookie: Then, those who disagree will be banished to the Giant Icing Ridge.
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Affogato Cookie’s Disciple 1: Affogato Cookie! We have intruders! Affogato Cookie: What?! No, it’s not him… the king is no more. And the prince has gone… Yes. Affogato Cookie’s Disciple 1: It’s a group of outlanders speaking nonsense! One moment they claim the Great Wall has fallen, the next that they’ve come to meet Dark Cacao Cookie! Affogato Cookie: Sugar-for-brain vagabonds! Get rid of them! Affogato Cookie: No, no, no. From now on, no one is allowed in the Black Citadel without my explicit permission. Affogato Cookie’s Disciple 1: Yes, My Lord! Affogato Cookie: *sigh* I need another cup of sweet coffee. Affogato Cookie: Most of my life, I spent down on my knees. Even the moments I was allowed to sit in a chair, none of them were spent in comfort. Affogato Cookie: If only I had known the royal throne would be so comfortable, I would’ve tried to become king earlier! Aha ha ha!
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Dark Cacao Cookie: …Mmh. Caramel Arrow Cookie: Your Majesty! You’re awake! Dark Cacao Cookie: You…? You returned. Caramel Arrow Cookie: I returned to come to your aid. As soon as I arrived at the Black Citadel, I saw you fall off the cliff and ran as fast as my body allowed. Caramel Arrow Cookie: Aside from a few crumbs of your arm, I’m relieved to see you are unharmed. Dark Cacao Cookie: Then… did you see who attacked me? Caramel Arrow Cookie: …I did. Caramel Arrow Cookie: But I refused to believe my own eyes! It was the prince, your son, who attacked you, Your Majesty. Caramel Arrow Cookie: The very same Cookie who once taught me how to wield a bow… Caramel Arrow Cookie: I was dreaming of the day I could once more stand by my prince, my commander. I cannot believe it truly was him…
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Dark Cacao Cookie: …But his stance, that unmistakable technique… Dark Cacao Cookie: It could not have been anyone else than Dark Choco Cookie. Dark Cacao Cookie: …Ugh…! Caramel Arrow Cookie: Your Majesty! Don’t overexert yourself! Dark Cacao Cookie: Why do you stay loyal to a king whose very son attempted to assassinate him? Such a disgrace… Caramel Arrow Cookie: Indeed, our kingdom is in chaos. Many of your once-loyal Cookies no longer put faith in their king, but… Caramel Arrow Cookie: I still remember. I remember you leading the vanguard to protect the Cookies from the monsters of the Great Ridge. Caramel Arrow Cookie: The resolve in your eyes has ever remained the same, Your Majesty. I believe that you can restore our kingdom’s former glory! Dark Cacao Cookie: …Former glory, huh… Dark Cacao Cookie: I see… There’s only one way left to protect the kingdom. Dark Cacao Cookie: I must fix the errors of my past. Dark Cacao Cookie: After all, the responsibility for a son’s sins lies upon the shoulders of his father. Caramel Arrow Cookie: What will you do, Your Majesty?
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Dark Cacao Cookie: Be it by my own hand, I will make sure Dark Choco Cookie falls. Caramel Arrow Cookie: Wh… what?! Dark Cacao Cookie: Help me up, Caramel Arrow Cookie. I have to get to the Black Citadel right away. Dark Cacao Cookie: There is something that must be done.
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GingerBrave: WHOAH! Look at that painting! Wizard Cookie: Looks like the king does have an eye for art! Such a fine piece! Chili Pepper Cookie: Indeedio! Looks pricey, very pricey! Custard Cookie III: Don’t you dare steal from my fellow king, Chili Pepper Cookie! Strawberry Cookie: Hm, there are two circles in the sky: one is white, one is black... I wonder what they are. Wizard Cookie: Well, legend has it that before the Dark Cacao Kingdom, the great Black and White Dragons lived in these lands. Dark Cacao Cookie defeated them and became king! Wizard Cookie: Obviously, the circles symbolize the two dragons! Wizard Cookie: This famous painting was created to be hanged behind the royal throne to emphasize the king’s virtues and the benevolence of heavens upon him! Yes! GingerBrave: Whoah! Wizard Cookie is so smart! Maybe too smart! Custard Cookie III: When the throne is mine, I’m gonna need a painting like that!
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Dungeon Gate: *creak…* Caramel Arrow Cookie: To think these large halls existed beneath the Citadel… Caramel Arrow Cookie: Even after all my time here, I had no idea. Dark Cacao Cookie: This is where the spirits of fallen Dark Cacao Warriors are preserved. Dark Cacao Cookie: The warriors who kept these lands safe by any means necessary. Dark Cacao Cookie: …The same determination that made me bar the castle gates.
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Dark Cacao Cookie: To make the kingdom into a giant fortress, the last bastion to stop our foes… That was my plan. Caramel Arrow Cookie: What? Please explain a bit more, Your Majesty. Caramel Arrow Cookie: But our noble soldiers… They will have to face the armies of our enemies without a place to retreat… Dark Cacao Cookie: This is the only way to protect our continent. Dark Cacao Cookie: Beyond the Dark Cacao Kingdom lies the Licorice Sea, nothing but sharp mountain peaks surround our harsh land. Dark Cacao Cookie: You cannot wish for a better battlefield to defend against monsters rising up from the dark waters! Dark Cacao Cookie: Fighting against the Licorice Sea monsters, making sure they never step into the greater world… Is there a more honorable end for a Dark Cacao Warrior? Dark Cacao Cookie: I wish that one day, I, too, will become worthy of being buried here.
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Caramel Arrow Cookie: …I understand. I will follow your command, Your Majesty. I am sure the other warriors feel the same. Caramel Arrow Cookie: One thing is clear: I will always stay by your side. You will not meet your end facing the monsters alone! Dark Cacao Cookie: I know. You have always been good to your comrades. Dark Cacao Cookie: That is why I sent you outside the Black Citadel’s walls. I knew I could trust you to aid the villagers should the Citadel fall. Dark Cacao Cookie: But I underestimated your fealty. I could not foresee you would stop at nothing to return here and come to my aid. Caramel Arrow Cookie: My king… Caramel Arrow Cookie: I… am ashamed to admit I questioned your wisdom, even if but for a moment! Caramel Arrow Cookie: I was swayed by the deceitful rumors lurking all around us… …I doubted my king, who was nothing but a paragon of honor. Caramel Arrow Cookie: But now all my doubts are dispelled! I will fight by your side until my body turns to crumbs! Dark Cacao Cookie: That’s the Dark Cacao Warrior I remember! Dark Cacao Cookie: Take a look at this! A treasure of this kingdom and the mark of a hero. My Soul Jam. Dark Cacao Cookie: Hah… The time has come at last.
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Affogato Cookie’s Disciple 1: I don’t think I’ll ever grow tired of sweet delicacies! Affogato Cookie’s Disciple 1: Candy Muffins, Choco Chip Brownies, Sugar Syrup Soda… How could I resist all this sweetness! Affogato Cookie: Ha ha ha! Indeed, it’s easy to get accustomed to the life abundant in sweets and delicacies. The life I will make possible! Affogato Cookie’s Disciple 1: Truly, you are the only ruler to show such overwhelming care for the subjects! We are forever grateful, Your Majesty!
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Affogato Cookie: Ha ha ha! “Your Majesty!” …Has a nice ring to it! Go on, eat to your hearts’ content! GingerBrave: We don’t have time for this! The Wall is collapsing! Affogato Cookie: What? Who are you?! GingerBrave: If the walls fall, this castle is doomed! You have to let us see Dark Cacao Cookie!
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Affogato Cookie: Is that so? I take it you are the reason for the commotion earlier, the trespassers the priests spoke of! Affogato Cookie: I’m afraid you won’t find Dark Cacao Cookie here. Affogato Cookie: He is gone… FOREVER! Affogato Cookie: Dark Choco Cookie has taken care of that. Then he left ME in charge of this kingdom. Affogato Cookie: From now on, I, Affogato Cookie, am the sole ruler of these lands! Custard Cookie III: You! You’re one of those bad Cookies, stealing the thrones from real kings, aren’t you? I’ve heard about your unjust kind! Affogato Cookie: Oh? Wait, wait, wait…! I was just granted a vision of the future from the God of Desserts. Affogato Cookie: A future where you are nothing but my servants, doing menial tasks until your bodies grow stale! Ha ha! Chili Pepper Cookie: Pshhhh! You’re gonna force ME to work? Chili Pepper Cookie: How ‘bout you hand over some of those royal treasures before saying stuff like that, huh?! Affogato Cookie: Perhaps, it’s time to show you the power of our magic? Priest, destroy those Cookies! Affogato Cookie’s Disciple 1: At once! GingerBrave: Oh, COME ON! Why does it have to be this hard to deliver a single letter?!
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Affogato Cookie: I can’t believe this… How can some random Cookies just turn up and defeat me…? Affogato Cookie: Have you any idea… what I have gone through to claim this castle? This power, I’ve gained through my own strength, my own labor! I will never give it up! Affogato Cookie’s Disciple 2: Ugh… Lord Affogato Cookie…! I-I brought you b-bad news! Affogato Cookie: What is it now?! Affogato Cookie’s Disciple 2: Th-the Wall…! Affogato Cookie: Out with it, quickly! Affogato Cookie’s Disciple 2: The Wall has been breached! Affogato Cookie: The Great Wall… made of solid chocolate?! Impossible… It is supposed to withstand any threat! Licorice Ooze: GROOOAR…!!! Affogato Cookie: What in the world was that?! Affogato Cookie’s Disciple 2: The monsters who razed the wall are about to get inside the Citadel! They’re almost upon us! Affogato Cookie: And you allowed this to happen?! Do something! Affogato Cookie’s Disciple 2: We… can’t! There’re too many of them…! Affogato Cookie’s Disciple 1: AHHH!!! HELP!
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Caramel Arrow Cookie: This way, Your Majesty! We’re almost at the throne room! Dark Cacao Cookie: Yes. And I’m sure he will be there. Affogato Cookie: D-D-Dark Cacao Cookie?!?! Affogato Cookie’s Disciple 1: What should we do? Your Majesty?! King Dark Cacao Cookie has returned! Affogato Cookie: (This is not good… If Dark Cacao Cookie finds out I’ve taken over the throne, I’m as good as crumbs!) Affogato Cookie: (I barely got this far… I thought my dream had finally come true…! It seems I have to retreat. For now…) Affogato Cookie: (But this is not the end! I will keep on fighting for my place in the world, like I always have!)
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Caramel Arrow Cookie: Affogato Cookie is escaping! Caramel Arrow Cookie: I’ll chase after and take care of him! Dark Cacao Cookie: Leave him. Dark Cacao Cookie: We have more important matters on hand.
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DARK CHOCO COOKIE PORTRAIT (Screenshot from @sugarglasscookie​!!)
GingerBrave: Hey, look at that picture! Who’s that?! Wizard Cookie: “WHO’S THAT?!” Obviously, it’s Dark Choco Cookie! GingerBrave: Dark Choco Cookie?! Really?! Didn’t know he could smile! Ha ha! Strawberry Cookie: ...He seems so happy in this portrait. You could call him the happiest Cookie in the world...
(If Dark Cacao Cookie is on team)
Dark Cacao Cookie: This painting... Dark Cacao Cookie: An old portrait of Dark Choco Cookie. Dark Cacao Cookie: What a bright, responsible child he was... Kind, humble... Caramel Arrow Cookie: Your Majesty, forgive me. I couldn’t help but overhear your words... Caramel Arrow Cookie: You must be missing Prince Dark Choco Cookie greatly. Dark Cacao Cookie: Hm... It is nothing. Dark Cacao Cookie: You... did not hear anything.
(if Dark Choco Cookie is on team)
Dark Choco Cookie: This portrait... Dark Choco Cookie: ...Why is it still here? Dark Choco Cookie:  No Cookie in this kingdom would want to see it...
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Dark Cacao Cookie: …I can hear the sound of bells. Dark Cacao Cookie: The snowstorm must have grown harsher. Dark Cacao Cookie: He is… close. Caramel Arrow Cookie: My prince! Caramel Arrow Cookie: You promised a future as strong as the mountains… Yet instead, you assaulted your own king…! Dark Choco Cookie: Get out of my way. I am no longer the Cookie you once knew.
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Dark Cacao Cookie: You foolish whelp! You dare come here with that blade drenched in sin and strawberry jam? Dark Choco Cookie: You’re more difficult to get rid of than you seem. Dark Cacao Cookie: Do you think the spirits of the noble warriors laid to rest here will forgive you?! Dark Choco Cookie: Hmph. Soon, these “spirits” will watch me reducing the Dark Cacao Kingdom to ruins. Dark Choco Cookie: At night beasts will roam freely, and at day nothing but distrust and hatred will fill the air. Dark Choco Cookie: Give me the Soul Jam embedded into your blade. I will bring that power to much better use. Dark Cacao Cookie: You never cease to disappoint me, Dark Choco Cookie. Dark Cacao Cookie: Malicious creature, your name will never be engraved onto the Altar of the Fallen. Dark Choco Cookie: I never wished for that anyway. Dark Choco Cookie: In this kingdom, I knew no love or sweetness but rigid cold! What makes you think I care about you or this forsaken land?!
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GingerBrave: W-wait! Let’s talk it over! WITH WORDS! Wizard Cookie: Y-yeah! Words before swords, you know! Dark Cacao Cookie: This is between the two of us. Move aside! Dark Cacao Cookie: Go on. Spew another one of your insults. Dark Choco Cookie: The only lessons you’ve taught me are how to survive on my own, and that the weak should give way to the strong. Dark Choco Cookie: So just hand over that precious trinket already. Dark Choco Cookie: I might have been your son, but now I have surpassed your strength… This is my final warning… Father. Dark Cacao Cookie: Don’t you dare call me that with that wicked tongue of yours! Dark Cacao Cookie: If I had known how you would turn out, I would never have let you go after what you did to your homeland! Dark Cacao Cookie: Instead, the father’s heart in me showed you the mercy of banishment. And now I am to pay for my softheartedness once more! Dark Cacao Cookie: I have nothing left for the pathetic traitor who has given away the last specks of his pride! Dark Choco Cookie: Stubborn old fool…! Dark Choco Cookie: Will you still be clawing at that precious sword of yours after your kingdom has fallen? WIll you persist even after having slain your own son?! Dark Choco Cookie: *Sigh* …Time to put this miserable charade to an end. Dark Cacao Cookie: You whelp! Your wicked arrogance knows no bounds! Dark Cacao Cookie: So be it! It’s my life’s greatest regret to have called you my son! Dark Cacao Cookie: Time for me to set things straight!
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Dark Choco Cookie: …Is this my limit? Dark Choco Cookie: Is this… how far my strength could take me? Dark Cacao Cookie: Strength. Yes, it was I who taught you to wish for strength, was it not… Dark Cacao Cookie: I remember it as if it were yesterday… I held you in my arms for the very first time, and the millennia-old ridges, the ancient trees, the wolves, and all the warriors chanted their blessings… Dark Cacao Cookie: And we stood together atop the Great Wall overlooking our entire kingdom… Holding your tiny hand, I promised myself to raise a strong, just, and kind warrior. Dark Cacao Cookie: It is as clear as day now… My life’s greatest regret is that I never gave you enough… love. Dark Cacao Cookie: I taught you how to wield the sword, and yet I never taught you why. Dark Choco Cookie: … Dark Cacao Cookie: I am sorry. This realization was gravely overdue… Dark Choco Cookie: …!!
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Pomegranate Cookie: Enough with this touching family reunion. I can’t take it anymore. Dark Choco Cookie: Pomegranate Cookie…?! Dark Cacao Cookie: ARGH…!
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Dark Choco Cookie: What did you do?! Pomegranate Cookie: You failed your mission again. Because of that, you forced my hand. I had to take care of what you couldn’t. Dark Cacao Cookie: …Release me… from this sorcery…! You will… never… have me…! Pomegranate Cookie: ?! What is this? Pomegranate Cookie: My spell… is getting out of control! Pomegranate Cookie: Is this… the power of the Soul Jam? Dark Cacao Cookie: Uugh… AAARGH!!!
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Licorice Cookie: What’s happening with him?! Pomegranate Cookie: Stay back! Or we are crumbs! Second Watcher: Ugh! Your Majesty…! Bittersweet Dark Cacao Watcher: Agh! Mercy…! Caramel Arrow Cookie: Your Majesty! Come back to your senses! Do not succumb to their evil sorcery! Caramel Arrow Cookie: Ugh… GingerBrave: Caramel Arrow Cookie! No! GingerBrave: We have to calm Dark Cacao Cookie down!
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Caramel Arrow Cookie: Your Majesty! Are you all right?! GingerBrave: Dark Cacao Cookie! Open your eyes! Pomegranate Cookie: Dark Cacao Cookie is out of strength! This is our chance. Pomegranate Cookie: We have to claim his Soul Jam! Dark Choco Cookie: The sword… commands me… to attack my father…?! Dark Choco Cookie: No more…! I will be the sword’s thrall no longer…! Dark Choco Cookie: Pomegranate Cookie… That’s ENOUGH! Pomegranate Cookie: AGH! Pomegranate Cookie: You dare attack me?! Are you out of your mind? Dark Choco Cookie: I understand it now. All this time I struggled to march on… Despite this path tormenting me more and more with each step. Dark Choco Cookie: Strength can bring no good if it’s born from the suffering of others.
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Dark Choco Cookie: Power… Can the power I’ve sought for all my life fill this… this void in my heart? Dark Choco Cookie: No, it cannot. It can bring only sorrow and suffering spiraling over and over again. Dark Choco Cookie: All this time, I was blinded by this lust for power. It has led me astray… Dark Choco Cookie: Led me far off the path shown to me by my father whom I once adored so greatly… Pomegranate Cookie: I take it you do not care if the reports of tonight’s events reach Dark Enchantress Cookie? You will profoundly regret your… choice. Dark Choco Cookie: I do not care… Dark Choco Cookie: My vision has become clearer now. The Darkness has… lost its grip on my soul. Dark Choco Cookie: I have no need of this cursed sword anymore. But… Dark Choco Cookie: …Strange. Like a burden has been lifted from my shoulders. …Even though nothing remains anymore.
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Pomegranate Cookie: Pretending to be above the rest until the end, I see. A pitiful traitor always remains a pitiful traitor. Pomegranate Cookie: Not Dark Enchantress Cookie, nor I, will ever forgive you! We will make sure to grant you the cruelest of ends! Pomegranate Cookie: The day the curse of darkness engulfs you, wringing out your very soul… Know that I will be there, laughing! Licorice Cookie: Pomegranate Cookie, that’s enough! You’re hurt! Let’s retreat! Poison Mushroom Cookie: Dark Choco Cookie…! Don’t leave… Poison Mushroom Cookie: Who’s gonna eat my shroomies…?!
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Caramel Arrow Cookie: My prince… Where are you heading… Caramel Arrow Cookie: I… I hope destiny grants you a more forgiving path… Dark Cacao Cookie: … Dark Cacao Cookie: The fight is not over yet. Monsters still roam the Citadel grounds. Pick your weapons! Caramel Arrow Cookie: As you command! Dark Cacao Cookie: My proud soldiers, heed my word! Dark Cacao Cookie: Even if no one knows of our battle in these frozen lands… Dark Cacao Cookie: Even if no one knows how we walk towards our end, in this forsaken corner of the world… Dark Cacao Cookie: We, Dark Cacao Warriors, stand together! Dark Cacao Cookie: Our oath to protect our homeland is eternal! WARRIORS! ONWARDS! Cookies: WAAAAAGH!!!
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Caramel Arrow Cookie: The monsters are retreating…! Caramel Arrow Cookie: Your Majesty! Victory is ours! Wizard Cookie: Phew! That was long, and tiring, and horrible… AND GLORIOUS! Strawberry Cookie: Dark Cacao Cookie protected the kingdom… Custard Cookie III: Future king’s advice? We should come back here in the summer! I bet we’ll miss local weather when it gets too hot… Chili Pepper Cookie: Yeah, let’s get out of here! There’s nothing in the treasury but bitter cacao beans! Wizard Cookie: When did you…? GingerBrave: Ah, that’s right! I almost forgot! GingerBrave: Dark Cacao Cookie! We’ve come a long way to give you this! GingerBrave: It’s an important letter from Pure Vanilla Cookie! You have to read it! Dark Cacao Cookie: From Pure Vanilla… Cookie?
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Pure Vanilla Cookie: Dear Dark Cacao Cookie, How have you been? Pure Vanilla Cookie: Is the pure white sugar snow falling over there as it always used to? Pure Vanilla Cookie: I’m writing this letter in front of a cozy, crackling bonfire with a nice cup of fragrant vanilla tea. It’s such a warm and comforting place. Pure Vanilla Cookie: Yet, for the longest time, I was trapped in a void. It was darker than the darkest night, and colder than the harshest winter. Pure Vanilla Cookie: But then I was saved by a group of Cookie travelers. Their pure, crispy hearts helped me find my smile again. Pure Vanilla Cookie: We laughed, feasted on sweets together, and exchanged pleasant stories. They reminded me of us during our own adventures. Pure Vanilla Cookie: Dark Cacao Cookie. The great Shadow is once again hanging over our world. Pure Vanilla Cookie: We, Cookies, value our freedom above everything else, but it is time to stand up and fight against forces trying to take that freedom away. Pure Vanilla Cookie: We still have our Soul Jam. The light still hasn’t faded, and neither has our courage nor will. Pure Vanilla Cookie: Perhaps, the sole reason we are even here is because we still have our mission ahead of us. Don’t you agree? Pure Vanilla Cookie: I believe that it is our path to follow, so that other Cookies, young and curious, have a chance to see the wide world that is out there, as we saw it in the past. Pure Vanilla Cookie: So let us turn our vision towards the future. For the good of all Cookies, and… for you and me. Pure Vanilla Cookie: I wish to meet you again. With respect and love, Pure Vanilla Cookie. Pure Vanilla Cookie: PS. I was so busy writing the letter I forgot to feed the birds! I think I’ll have to play with them some extra to make them happy again. Dark Cacao Cookie: Pure Vanilla Cookie… Dark Cacao Cookie: What we swore to protect… Light of Resolution: You are back.
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Dark Cacao Cookie: This voice… Who…? Light of Resolution: Your loyal subjects are waiting, ready to follow your command. It is time for you to return to your Cookies. Caramel Arrow Cookie: Your Majesty. I will follow your lead until the end. Caramel Arrow Cookie: I await your command! Dark Cacao Cookie: Good. Dark Cacao Cookie: …Spring is coming. Dark Cacao Cookie: A perfect time to start rebuilding that wall.
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