#right before pure vanilla and gingerbrave go off to beast-yeast for dark enchantress cookie
who-u-calling-pinhead · 10 months
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Have this random image I had in my gallery for God knows how long
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Doing Things Fairy Tale Style
White Lily multiship not so mini fic for @pinkvaquita <3
Polyamory my beloved when you cannot choose one choose all of them
Only real warnings are non-canon-conforming and, reverse harem in a way- oh and Dark Cacao in beast-yeast because we need the whole white lily shipping squad in here (bonus points of me trying to write pv being blind)
(minus shadow milk) (sorry buddy you'll get your own version of this fic eventually)
Alright enjoy your reading below the cut!! Try not to get jumpscared by unfiltered Gingerbrave
"Have you tried kissing her?"
The question was sudden, unexpected.
Pure Vanilla, eyes wide open in shock, turned to stare in Gingerbrave's direction, the one who had asked the question in the first place.
"P-pardon?-" The vanilla kingdom's king and healer stuttered out, stunned by the far younger boy's question.
"There's no way she doesn't still have some of her own life powder left, wouldn't her body be all crumbled if she didn't?" Gingerbrave continued, crossing his arms as he raised an eyebrow. The gingerbread cookie had a slight frown to his face.
"I'm not wrong! Dark Enchantress couldn't have all of her life powder even if she wanted to, most of it maybe, but not all of it." The young cookie's frown grew, his stance shifting as he placed his hands on his hips.
"We have her soul! We just need to put it with her body, and wake her up."
Pure Vanilla went to speak, "That isn't how that-" yet he was cut off by a hand on his shoulder.
"It's worth a try." Dark Cacao said, his voice a low rumble.
"Cacao?! You can't be-"
"It's settled then." Elder Faerie interrupted, and Pure Vanilla turned his head to the two taller men in astonishment. Were they out of their minds?!
Gingerbrave, alongside the two cookies who had chosen to ignore the healer's distress, rushed over to the glass casket, Pure Vanilla scrambling after the sound of their footsteps through confused stutters.
"T-this is insane! There's no way this is going to work! W-we're not in some fairytale!" Pure Vanilla murmured in a scattered manner, pacing back and forth as the three cookies worked to lift the lid off the casket.
"'Nilla," Dark Cacao's voice piped up, causing the healer to stop in his tracks, lifting his head in his direction.
"When was the last time we, as a group, had a normal day?" The emperor asked, tilting his head to the side. "We practically are living in a fairytale, this is at least something we can give an attempt."
Pure Vanilla narrowed his eye, before letting out soft sigh as he realized that Dark Cacao did have a point. The taller man was right, a normal day wasn't something they ever had, and it certainly wasn't something they were going to have anytime soon.
Yet this still felt wrong.
It felt selfish, in a way, to try and see if a kiss would wake White Lily. Was it really to wake her?
Or was it to finally get something out of the centuries-long pining all three of them experienced for her? To feel some closure before they went through with what they knew would work?
"Pure Vanilla." Elder Faerie's voice snapped the healer from his thoughts, his head turning to follow the sound of the fae's voice. "It is not wise to dwell."
"I know you're stuck on the morality of this, and I do understand, but we have all suffered many losses throughout these years. I believe we can allow ourselves this moment of selfishness, if only on the prospect that it may just work."
The healer could feel a soft, sleeve covered hand on his cheek, a huffy sigh falling from his lips as he allowed himself to close his eyes, leaning into the touch from the fae king.
"…Alright." His shoulders slumping as he resigned, allowing Elder Faerie to turn him to face the casket.
Cautiously, Pure Vanilla moved forward, reaching his free hand foward into the now open casket, his nimble fingers prodding hesitantly at White Lily's still body.
His fingers glided over her body, feeling the almost searing warmth still radiating off of it…Gingerbrave had been right, she still had some of her own life powder, though a very small amount.
"Place her soul jam here, please." The healer instructed, as his hand found where he could feel light thump of her heart in her chest.
Gingerbrave did as told, placing the soul jam, the pieces of White Lily's soul, under Pure Vanilla's hand, before backing away.
A soft sigh left the cookie's lips as he stood there, furrowing his brow. He was unable to shake the feeling that this was wrong, but he knew he had to push forward.
He felt Dark Cacao's hand on his own, then the shift of the larger male's fingers as he entwined them with the healer's. He could feel one of Elder Faerie's more slender, cold, hands join the connection, carefully lacing between the other two's hands.
Pure Vanilla knew they were trying to reassure him, and deep down, he appreciated it.
The fae king brought his other hand to White Lily's head, gently placing it atop her hair, to brush aside her disheveled bangs with silent care.
"…Okay, let's do this…" Pure Vanilla murmured, hesitance still lingering in his voice despite forcing himself to push past it.
The three all leaned over the edge of the casket, Pure Vanilla and Dark Cacao pressing small, light kisses to White Lily's cheeks, while Elder Faerie kissed her forehead.
They were late to notice it, but the moment their lips touched her skin, her soul jam snapped back together, pulling itself into place with strings of light.
Out of the corners of their eyes, the fae king and the emperor spotted something. As the soul jam rebuilt itself, White Lily's fingers twitched, her hand balling up into a fist the moment it was solidly back together.
The two cookies lifted their heads, looking between each other and Pure Vanilla, who had dipped his head to rest his forehead against White Lily's cheek.
The healer lifted his head only slightly, opening his mouth to speak, in a somber tone.
"…It didn't work, did i-"
Yet he was cut off, as a gasp sounded just beside him, and something firmly collided with his head as it rose.
Pure Vanilla couldn't help but yelp in surprise as he tumbled back, falling onto his ass with a loud thud. His head was throbbing, but he could hear breathing different from Elder Faerie's and Dark Cacao's.
Quicker, more panicked, like waking up from a cold sweat.
It didn't take the healer more than a second to realize, his wide sightless eyes filling with tears as he shot to his feet, quite literally jumping at the white haired cookie.
"It worked!" He shouted as he tightly wrapped his arms around White Lily, much to her surprise. His hold on her was firm, almost suffocating, but could anyone blame him?
"Wh…what?…" Her voice was quiet, as she stared in confusion. "…Pure- Pure Vanilla?…"
"Hey," White Lily's gaze snapped to her side, her eyes widening. "I'm here too." And Dark Cacao smiled at her, his usually hardened gaze softening as he moved closer.
The emperor's arms found purchase around her and Pure Vanilla, Elder Faerie joining the hug just as quickly, the fae king's face nestling into the soft white hair of the other cookie.
"D-Dark Cacao…wh-what's…what are you two doing here?…" White Lily stumbled over her words, trying desperately, and eventually managing to, get her words out, to question what two of the cookies she had known since her childhood were doing in the Faerie Kingdom, hell, beast-yeast in general.
"We're here for you." The two answered in unison, without missing a beat. She was somewhat taken aback by how quickly they answered, no hesitation in their voices.
Before she could speak again, the three men had tightened their arms around her, causing her to release a small huff as her gaze softened.
"There are things we need your help with, White Lily," Elder Faerie began, yet his gaze was gentler, not quite anything akin to a leader's gaze.
"But, I believe we all need some time, before we deal with our issues."
The fae king brought his free hand up, gently clasping one of the white haired cookie's bandaged hands. He pulled her hand up to his face, turning his head to press his nose into her palm, gently kissing the green wrappings.
White Lily's face flushed a bright red as she watched Elder Faerie, a small squeak managing it's way out of her throat.
"Elder Faerie-" White Lily tried to speak, but cut herself off with a yelp as the fae king climbed up into the casket with her and Pure Vanilla, tugging the emperor on the other side of the casket up with him.
Both White Lily and Pure Vanilla were caught off guard as they were sandwitched between the two taller, and larger (on Cacao's end), cookies.
Before Pure Vanilla knew it, Elder Faerie had begun to smother his face with kisses, causing him to squeal as his cheeks burned strawberry red.
Soft laughter filled the area, an uncharacteristically bright smile on White Lily's face as they took turns showering each other with affectionate gestures. Loud purring rumbled from Elder Faerie and Dark Cacao, both usual stoic cookies smiling just as warmly as Pure Vanilla would normally.
It was an unexpected sight, the four cookies laughing and smiling brightly. It offered some hope.
For the moment, they had all decided,
everything else could wait until later.
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