#they liked playing cribbage btw
ace-aro-sasha-nein · 1 year
Hi. Good evening. Psychonauts is about being ten. It’s about learning about hardships in the lives of your mentors, and understanding them better, and looking up to them all the more. It’s about being in the car and asking your dad about his parents, who passed away when he was young, and your mom going “dad probably doesn’t want to talk about them sweetie,” and your dad saying “no, no, actually…” and telling you all about them. Psychonauts is about being ten short years old and wandering the ramshackle world in which you live—and giving the adults hope, because you’re just so intelligent for your age, dear, you could save the world twice over, you’re so gifted… yeah, Psychonauts is definitely about being ten.
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martyrbat · 10 months
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doom patrol vs teen titans – solo #7
[ID: Dick Grayson and Donna Troy in their respective costumes in Bruce Wayne's penthouse. Donna said it's like a party paradise, which causes Dick to unhesitantly rat out his mentor, “Naw. He doesn't really bring girls here. Once or twice a month he drags Wonder Woman or Batwoman up here to keep up his bored playboy façade. They mostly just sit around and play cribbage all night. A swinger he's not!” Dick pours chips in a bowl as Donna is looking at Bruce's vinyls with a displeased expression! She judges the middle-aged man, “I should say he's not! Frank Sinatra? Ed Ames? Ugh! Luckily, the hostess with the mostest brought her own mod tunes! Time to get this joint jumping with the keen teen scene!” END ID]
(the vinyls are ‘Sinatra And Swingin’ Bass’ and ‘Sings Who Will Answer? (And Other Songs Of Our Time)’ btw :))
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jamisonwritestf2trash · 9 months
TF2 Headcanons pt.3 I can't stop. The chokehold is now a death grip.
I guess I'm a TF2 blog now 😮‍💨 (not really complaining, also if you get tired of me posting nothing but hcs let me know what you want to see instead.)
Ice cream preferences? Ice cream preferences.
Demo probably ordered rum rasin once, thinking it actually had rum in it but actually ended up liking it. I think he also likes pralines and cream or pistachio. He likes wafflecones to an unhealthy extent.
Engie likes anything with peanut butter. He also likes chocolate chip cookie dough. He will eat an entire tub of ice cream, but he deserves it, so it's fine.
Heavy likes all of the traditional flavors, vanilla, chocolate, strawberry, and stuff like that. But he hates neapolitan. He's in the same boat as Engie. They just eat the entire tub together.
Medic loves Cherry Garcia, like unhealthy love. He also really likes anything with strawberry sause (looks like blood, he's a little freak he'd eat ice cream out of a human skull if you let him).
Scout likes cookies and cream. He also really likes dirtcups (hot fudge, chocolate ice cream, crushed oreo, and gummy worms, in case you didn't know). I genuinely think this man can't eat "boring" foods. Like he has to have crunch in his food. He's not allowed to eat in cones anymore. Don't ask him about it. (Also, hc him as lactose intolerant, he just doesn't care.)
When it comes to Sniper, never let him live down the fact that in Australia, they have "Golden Gaytimes." As a viable ice cream option. He doesn't mind them. He gave Scout an aneurysm when he asked if he wanted one. But he's more of a plain chocolate guy. He eats it in out of the tub or in a dish, depending on how he feels.
Spy he likes coffee ice cream and makes it his entire personality. He's so mature for liking it, right guys?? He's just sooooo refined. No scout, you didn't see him ordering a double fudge brownie with sprinkles. They just messed up his order. No, he can't return it now! that'd be rude. (It's in a sugar cone, btw)
Soilder. GIVE THIS MAN HIS RED WHITE AND BLUE BOMBPOPS GOD DAMMIT! I think he also likes Butterscotch and Rocky Road. He likes cake cones.
Pyro loves bubblegum, Superman, and Blue Moon. They eat it in those cones with chocolate and sprinkles on them! They also like the SpongeBob popsicles.
Pyro time!
They eat cinnamon candy all the time. It's so bad. They have at minimum 9 boxes of redhots on stand-by.
I think Pyro is agender. I think their just okay existing in their own world and have no care about gender.
Give them those fire snakes that change the fires' color and their ecstatic! Their favorite is blue.
I think these dumbasses have the most random fears ever. None of them are scared of frogs or bugs, but God forbid you mention wooden spoons, and one of them vomits.
I've seen people say the mercs have board game nights, and I love that idea, so....
Uno is banned. Strictly. It's not even funny. They played it once, and the moment the +4 card was played, all hell broke loose.
They all play poker or Cards Against Humanity at least once a week. Sometimes, they'll pick someone's favorite game to play.
Demo likes Yahtzee and Scrabble. He's just kinda chill like that.
Engie and Pyro both like the same games for the most part. They play Jenga a lot. Also, checkers!
Heavy really likes chess and connect 4.
Do not play board games with Medic. This man has anger issues. But if you really want to, candyland and life are his favorites.
Scout has a hard time playing video games. He can't pay attention at all. But if you play a card game like Red Flags or We're Not Really Strangers, he'll be able to focus on it.
Sniper, Spy, and Soilder all like traditional card games. Black Jack, Cribbage, Eucher, etc.
Sorry this one is short. Very tired and stressed out right now.
I'm so glad you guys have been liking my posts! I'm smiling like an idiot anytime I open tumblr.
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alexismccarvel-blog · 5 years
Day 1
     Today I woke up on the floor of my Boyfriends Apartment, Sprawled out next to the open window because it was soo hot in his room. Sleeping next to him doesn’t help because he literally feels like he is on fire. I also woke up slightly hungover from the night before playing a game of Pull Cribbage (it's exactly how it sounds). Once I got myself up off the floor, I downed a couple pills and chugged a bunch of water. Then I snuck out of his apartment and headed back up to mine. My apartment is in the same building as his btw.   
     Once I got to my floor I struggled to get the door open because you gotta stick the key in the lock hole and basically jiggle it till it opens. I think it’s stupid. Once I was In everyone was still asleep, so I did as much as I could in the living room so I wouldn’t wake people up. I did laundry and did some dishes. I'm trying really hard to stay clean because I'm not the cleanest person. The thing is I just moved into my apartment 3 days ago and I didn’t know any of these people and one of their requests was to keep the place clean they also told me some “nightmare” stories about past roommates who weren’t the tidiest of people. So staying on top of my game is a MUST. 
      After my morning of doing things I hate, I had 30 minutes to get to my 11:45 class on St Paul. so I walked over to the bus stop keeping an eye on the 122 bus which would bring me to the stop where I would get on the 121 bus. A bus started to pull up to the stop and I panicked so I started sprinting to the bus stop to get on that bus. I hopped on and I was on my way! UNTIL the bus decided to turn and take me to west bank! WEST BANK! 123. I hopped on the 123 bus. uh I hate myself. 
     Anyways I finally got to class and did all things good and after class, I got a nice little message Nigibh (bf’s roommate) about how he needed a hula hoop for his party tomorrow. If you ask me I think its weird but I was in for hula hoop adventure. Before we left he said he did some research on where to get a hula hoop. Literally went to four different stores and could NOT find a hula hoop. We pretty much had given up after that. He dropped me off at my last class of the day and it was one of the shortest classes ever. The class was supposed to last 1.5 hours and instead, it was less than 30 minutes. About 20 minutes into the class I started feeling just terrible, like really bad cramps terrible. So, once class was finished I went to the bathroom and without a doubt, the Blood Baby had returned A.K.A. my period lol. No worries tho I had some lady stuff with me. But I made tommy (bf) rush to the store to get more lady stuff. It was awkward! He had an opinion on everything I was getting!!! LIKE HELLO, I AM A GIRL AND YOU ARE A GUY YOU DON’T GET A SAY IN WHAT I GET AND DON'T GET OKAY THANKS! 
     Now that all the boring stuff is through, on to my night (Almost done I swear). Tonight was a good night I started it off at tommy’s apartment playing smash with some of his friends. One of them’s name was B-Shaw and he was soooo bad it was great! We were on a team kicking everyone’s ass! Given no-one else was playing but that’s besides the point. Tommy and his friends were going bowling in a bit and were drinking, so I took a few shots but I was going to support my friend James for his A-cappella auditions. I sing, but I don’t like the rejection so I went as a supporting friend! He did alright in his first audition and then absolutely KILLED it in his second audition! I have never been more excited in my life! After all that excitement I met back up with tommy and his friends. Tommy had his shirt off in Coffman bowling, so my first thought was to swipe it and go running haha. He chased me pretty far down the hall and then caught me when I was trying to get through a door. He was looking mighty fine (wink wink). ANYWAYS we met back up with his friends at some bar. It was fun to hang out with them but I just wanted to leave because all they had was beer and gross tator tots. Not really my scene.
     On the way home Tommy and I had a deep conversation about past relationships. He was pretty drunk so it was kinda funny. But after that we walked back to the apartment and I slept in my own bed! SCORE        
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