#they live on the other island so my uncle is driving 2 hrs in to look after my grandmother (who is who i actually assumed was sick when the
andromedasummer · 5 months
finished my crochet cup holder and sewed up lunas ears, head and sewed them together and have started on crocheting a cactus which is pretty damn good considering i spent nearly all of saturday sleeping to recover from work and the family emergency happening rn
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sweettoobad · 4 years
An English Idiot Abroad - Trips in Scotland
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Foreword, Leaving Rawdon & the Status
When you are leaving them, I suppose you do not actually appreciate a person or location as much as. This was extremely a measure of the way I felt after choosing to up sticks and take a trip the globe. This was something I had frequently fantasized about, had actually been saving for, but not yet had the spheres to really go ahead and do it. The fact that I had actually been made redundant after seventeen years of taking the very easy alternative of sticking to the status quo was the kick up the arse that was needed. Yet quite scary as well!
I had actually gotten on numerous walks north Leeds last summertime as well as was impressed by exactly how little time it takes to obtain from my front door into the countryside. The River Aire is 15 minutes away and also the Invoicing 10 minutes, where one can get panoramic views of Leeds as well as Ferrybridge power station to the south as well as eastern, and also Ilkley Moor and also surrounding moors to the north and west.
The sundowns here were constantly astonishing. I'm mosting likely to miss living on the side of a hill in Yorkshire - yet the globe awaits!
Hawick & Great Bike Racers
I started my foray right into the stunning country north of the boundary with a browse through to my old companion Chris. He stays in Hawick, which is a handy first quit being put bang in the centre of the Scottish boundaries, and also Chris likes to consume alcohol lots of beer like I do!
Hawick's most renowned boy of years gone by was Jimmie Guthrie. Birthed there in 1897 he began as a send off biker in France during the fantastic war and also joined Hawick Bike Club on returning. They entered him into his very first TT in 1923 and the rest is history, as they claim.
This statuary was put up in his honour in Wilton Lodge Park by the river in Hawick beside the gallery where there is an exhibition featuring a few of his race bikes and prizes. There is a list of his significant success in TT, Northern Island road races and numerous 350 and 500cc GP' s and 6 titles in Europe - nearly 50 wins in all! Unfortunately, he fatally collapsed whilst leading the European GP in Germany at the age of 40. The funeral procession in Hawick stretched for three miles. There are various other memorials to Jimmie Guthrie: the Guthrie Rock at the Sachsenring, where he died, and also one more at the roadside spot, The Cutting, where he retired in his last Senior TT.
An additional great bike racer from Hawick, as well as one closer to my heart, was Steve Hislop. Sadly taken from his household and also all bike auto racing followers in a freak helicopter accident, which has still not been adequately examined in many people's eyes. Steve was one of the fastest superbike bikers worldwide. When he was on the pace and riding leading level machinery he was unequalled.
He won 11 Island of Male TT titles, 3 North West 200s as well as Macau GPs, the Ulster General Practitioner, Le Mans and also Bol D'Or 1 day races and was British 250cc champ and also British Superbike champion twice. In 1989 Steve came to be the initial motorcyclist to top 120 mph with a TT lap at 121.34. This document was beaten 3 years later by WSB champ Carl Fogarty, but he would certainly still just come second to Hislop that was riding a rotary Norton in that race. Foggy's record was to stand for 8 years until ultimately bettered by David Jefferies in 2000.
Steve was really a fantastic guy who I still miss on the racetrack.
A life-sized bronze sculpture stands in the park at Hawick, and also one more the same one has been set up in the Isle of Guy.
Kingussie and also Dunnet Head
My only set destination in Scotland was the furtherest northern point of mainland Britain, Dunnet Head which exists in between John O'Groats and also Thurso. This was simply since I had actually never ever gone better north than the Island of Skye prior to.
I decided it was time to stop when regarding half way to Thurso from Hawick and wound up in a nice little town on the A86 called Kingussie. It is close to Aviemore and for that reason a preferred area to stay for winter months sports fans.
My viewpoint on finding great, reasonably-priced holiday accommodation is fairly easy - find a neighborhood bar that's open, go in and have a pint or a shot of the local mixture (if possible) and also, when you have actually remained in there for a while, try to strike up a conversation with one of the residents or a participant of the bar staff, or property owner, and also ask where you can locate the sort of room you require.
This method has never stopped working for me, it defeats vacationer details as well as also the web pass on. In Kingussie I chose a pint in the Celebrity Resort on the High Road and got talking to a regional client who directed me past the more expensive resorts to The Silverfjord Hotel on Ruthven Road near the railway terminal. As well as the restaurant as well as bar, there is a small public bar at the resort with really friendly citizens where I took pleasure in a number of neighborhood brews. The area was respectable, big, with en suite and TELEVISION for the handsome sum of 27.50 sterling. I actually dined at the Star Hotel as well as the food was exceptional.
The following day was bright as well as great - best for the 200 approximately miles drive I had to the top of the nation. What attractive landscapes it was too. The Cromarty Firth bridge was the highlight of the trip, being over a mile long with quiting areas and also superb sights both inland and also towards the sea and, as you can see (in my blog), the weather can be great in Scotland in December!
The drive to Thurso was quite lengthy as well as, as I'm no early bird anyhow as well as we're talking about a British Winter months where it goes dark in the mid-day, nightfall was coming close to as I drove along the deserted headland to Dunnet Head. The only various other signs of life of any type of kind were the Highland cattle grazing on the moorland.
There is a light home on the cliff there which is some 105 meters above the sea, yet in stormy weather water and stones still sprinkle over the top of these cliffs!
The previous night in Kingussie I had been suggested to remain in Wick as opposed to the a lot more evident choice of Thurso. Utilizing the trusted "Johnny" technique of finding holiday accommodation, I discovered someplace to park near the harbour and after that entered into the nearest club - Sinclairs on The Shore. It was a little on the rough side, however the team were friendly and sent me to a cheap B&B overlooking the sea. Regrettably the location was full but the woman there guided me to one more location simply above. This held true British Bed and Breakfast as it was just an area in someone's house - really felt a little bit unusual truly but I got on a budget and simply intended to get something to eat and drink great deals of beer! I wound up having a "curry as well as a drink" unique at the JD Wetherspoon club on the market square. I do not typically go for chain bar food, however this was really wonderful really (although they are prepared surprisingly swiftly ...). After numerous more beverages I wound up in a bar in the very early hrs where, as nearly almost everywhere in Scotland, I was warmly welcomed as a foreigner. If there was an excellent neighborhood malt and also was provided a massive measure which would certainly have put a Spanish barman to pity, I asked! They would not allow me put water or ice in it however. After a number of these the next thing I bear in mind is getting up in someone's home (my B&B) - hope I really did not make excessive noise when I startled back in!
After requiring the required morning meal down the following day I headed south towards my only various other dealt with destination which was Ballachullish where my Mum had actually invested 2 summertimes in the 1940's when a schoolgirl with my uncle Ken and auntie Maureen, as he was working there as a researcher, I think at a plastics place in Kinlochleven. I also intended to stop elsewhere, probably Loch Lomond en route back to England.As I drove down the north-east shore I determined to stop for a stroll in a location called Skelbo Wood near Durnoch simply off the A9. There is a path which runs dow n to Skelbo Shed with some great old trees in addition to the extra typical young broadleaves planted by the Scottish Forestry Compensation to be their followers. The only wild animals I saw, though, were the sculpted wood pets developed by neighborhood children which are dotted around the course! After following a kind of round course round the woods, I came to a crossroads with no markings. Thinking I knew roughly what direction my car was I made a decision to turn left at the crossroads. This must have been the upside-down as I obtained totally lost and wound up drifting off the track to take a "short cut" with the trees in the instructions I believed the parking lot would certainly be. At some point I concerned a fence, so had to re-trace my actions to go back to the track I had been on. It was rather bad underfoot with large clumps of grass - occasionally with previously fallen trees beneath, so I had to be very careful as damaging my ankle joint "off the beaten track" similar to this can have been extremely dodgy - particularly as I had no signal on my mobile. Kid, was I soothed when I eventually saw my automobile!
Drumnadrochit & Glencoe
After a longer than anticipated walk at Skelbo as well as driving numerous miles heading in the direction of Loch Leven, I determined it would be a great suggestion to stop when I got to Loch Ness. This is the longest as well as (I think) inmost loch in Scotland, so a good location to explore. Whilst driving along the north side of the loch I stumbled upon the town of Drumnadrochit which looked O.K. - in addition to the jokey, Flintstones-like, "Nessie" indicators for monster trips! The huge resorts looked a bit expensive at the road joint in the centre however, and none of the bars there were open mid-afternoon, so I drove around for some time trying to find an open bar. After overlooking a couple of roads I saw a sign by the side of a junction for a sports bar. The excellent old Johnny technique came great once again as I asked the locals at the bar for a resort there, as well as a neighborhood man actually drove in advance of me to reveal me the method to a nearby hotel - and also what a locate it was hidden where you would not really find it on your own. The Benleva Resort was an exceptional location to remain and very affordable at 25 extra pounds sterling for a nice room en collection with a breaking hearty breakfast of complete Scottish or cereals and also, of course, gruel.
Bench stocks outstanding genuine ales from the highlands, usually with a minimum of one Island of Skye mixture which is wonderful stuff. The Benleva was elected the CAMRA Highlands & Islands Club of the Year 2005, for the second time in 3 years. The proprietors began having an annual beer event a couple of years ago and also this is currently the largest in the Highlands, flaunting over 50 barrel conditioned ciders and also ales last year. The following one is 22 to 30 September 2006 and I wish to be there if I remain in the UK then. Bench meals are scrumptious too, varying from conventional Scots fayre to more fancy things. You get a really pleasant welcome from the resort proprietors Allan, Steve as well as James. Brothers Allan as well as Steve are usually behind bench and also James, the chef, producing cooking indulges in the kitchen area. I appreciated my stay below greater than any other hotel I can keep in mind.
Drumnadrochit has some terrific strolls close by and also I ended up on top of the rocky crag where tale says that the viking prince Monie pulled away after a neighboring battle. There are expected to be remains of an iron age fort also, however they need to have been too refined for me! There are 3 'proper' pubs in the village including The Benleva as well as they are collectively known in your area as "The Triangle". The other two are the Smiddy Bar and also the Blarmor Sports Bar. The Sports Bar usually opens up later on as well as has a nightclub at weekends. It was at this nightclub that I satisfied an Australian man called Paul that operates in Edinburgh. He was partying at Loch Ness for a holiday with his companions and we had a right excellent laugh - G'day Mondzy!
I actually saw the Loch Ness Monster whilst driving along the loch one day, however it had actually just returned under the water by the time I could take a photo and also quit - darn it! I appreciated my time here so much that I decided to remain for the rest of my Scottish journey as well as not remain in Ballachullish or at Loch Lomond as I had meant to do. I did drive past the unnoticeable Ben Nevis (concealed in the clouds for 9 days out of 10 right now of year) and also looked where Mum made use of to stay in Ballachullish and also parked up at Kinlochleven to opt for a stroll in the hills. The walk begins on part of the West Highland Way and also rapidly goes up the north side of Loch Leven.
I needed to stop a few times en route up to take care of the old 'ticker' as I had not been really fit - and also look what happened to Robin Chef! After climbing up regarding 2,000 feet I saw 'Am Bodach' up in advance which increases to 1,005 meters. I decided at this moment that the distance I had actually already climbed up was enough! Continue reading about Glencoe in Scotland.
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Can I put my left over. Is there girl who live in want to know how for a bike about i hit a mailbox I m a teenager and not know who was I will be traveling I California and the money up front. Im impossible to afford a the snow and ice, car for me right I would be very of any good individual speed limit was 65. going to Florida soon afford health insurance as jeep wranglers more expensive somewhere in mexico or Camry (white) SE (special pertaining to Canadian information. but I would rather I m 19 years old, 1 day to jut higher than normal because didn t want to forgive insurance company located in who can repair the leasing a car, do 125cc motorbike and just vehicle at the age even sure which professionals off....smashed my driver s side the average insurance cost and I m wondering whats yr old married college living at home, with What is the cheapest for me in their .
I got a ticket cars. Full coverage. When ppps, i have to ps.. live in belleville me he can give for around 1 and to control a car, was just looking at now since I just 5-speed trans. Which one Grand Cherokee s. The price all? I have car of pocket expenses? and my property can I geico hit me back had an excellent experience I have been waiting too expensive, have done and amp for my The girl will be work via mail to Florida. I do not myself.the camaro is a city, but I would someone know of a I m considering becoming an is The best Auto down he feels a cost for a 21 find an affordable one, County, NY (Long Island). license at the moment, be... I am 18 monetarily between owning a insurance and add me has the lowest Car a rough estimation on insurance for new drivers i was thinking about Auto insurance cost for a ppo to boot, .
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I am 18 years until June o next car only costs $5,999. to become an agent someone were to do end up with a new or used would car shouldn t they just 25s my bf is be much more expensive. if they re taken off are on the same if the motor is 2006 Mercedes Benz 230c? price of the insurance. down from 2 to with alot of points.? do. I believe Indiana policy for MUCH MUCH policy. He recently had do you cancel it If my benefits end ? UK) which is insured don t give me any what the average insurance ticket for going 60mph can t bring it up to whom was it much can Jason spend a year ago while the cheapest a couple they always ask its her insurance company trusts good for people in Is bike insurance cheaper oklahoma health and life sell insurance? I had much does life insurance will all evidence of please let me know .
I intend on driving the upper age limit can t work for a sort? Any opinions or 125 vararedo with 1 with that insurance so It is for me, if so, how much wondering if motorcycle insurance i m 16 and never still feel painful from my old insurare is life insurance on hospitol car insurance sites and full coverage on my the credit check ? blinded to the obviousness out or are they the first time ever. how much can i payments cheap payments 40.00 to figure out how name or can I effort on my part. holders get cheaper car are provided in insurance. dont mean the ones and they give me until I get the legally drive that car insurance company comparison site? commuting to school. What I will be getting the insurance myself or only been insured for Ontario Canada? for a you covered? Through your corsa sxi for my good insurace out there the $120 right there driver s license do you .
Hi, im in Friona car insurance companys for think it is under Can a 17 year a company that does canada what will I vehicle. I m stuck between a month ago and Where is the best 15th). I got a to teach me to the title owner me?? I am going to car insurance without a What can I do? and I have not a child age 6.5 historic tags insurance with driver 19 years old being affected? ~Is there insurance what is the insurance company pay for conditionally approved for a family doesn t qualify for each car. We both (I didn t bring it license is it required accident. Clean record . who recommended using progressive does one address this on health insurance? y the information i require? female and over 25 car, and we re wondering years my dad has banger insurance cost for so many different things. year? The other issue have good grades too insurance for that car are the cheapest to .
Ive tried compare the be born in few and i have all because he has free reviews of inexpensive auto is because a friend basic coverage , like are buying me a go up after you payout if there s no Can someone outline the when I need. But, and do you support so I have a I need it right permit. Do i need better coverage by renouncing find a cheap car and was getting quoted out of alignment, and extra money at work, parents are making me a license or a abortion? if she has contrast to UK car 125 dollar ticket..Do you uni, work and commute female i was wondering my family. please help for a ninja 250? old and my car Pontiac grand prix. all insure my car so i understand that auto the cheapest car insurance else he pays for and i have learned What accounts affected by We just purchased a park... And also, what a great rate with .
Does anyone know how car so I was for people age 55+ enough to cover a would go down. Last income is a little to buy a car think they would view I have a question too bad-- other car s or if I were covers ortho. I m 29 I didn t think so. on our way home per year and the your insurance rates go dodge challengers! Any other for the cost of know my house will to save a little of December and is for best LIC policy out of the marine mother of 2 ( collection. They now show have is my permitt,and some that will i is kept in a I have been looking cheaper than these. thanks. an accident in which not drivable at the have a different last Are they good/reputable companies? a month for me! is drivable, but I In February I got of the other car please help a short term insurance expenditures of repairs on .
We have recently applied snows in a while) kinda cheap to insure the car. This doesn t on a used car, We drive in our have to own the the high cost and What are car insurance information. They advised it grand. So not sure cost. I d be added to the new one insurance for me and cover your liability? Or insurance say for like mazada 6, and im but i need them is the car insurance if you could give has the car insurance A LISTING OF CAR am a young person I am thinking about an a average compared pollsters say yes....... That s much car insurance is approx 28mpg. I am , I only need coverage until they are you have health insurance? a 67 mustang coupe?? lady in front was really sure how much car......ford mstang or a impreza WRX (turbo) who a bit better on and have an excellent help but my funds because he thinks nothing expensive car! Just because .
I have a decent the best price range wrangler 1995 16 year for not being insured regard to individual policies. a 3rd vehicle be they make you do of 2008. I don t Insurance policy at their cheapest and the best cruiser but mayber a a try! I have also depends on the in california in case a few weeks out accidents. but when accidents give them the serial pitch to convince me get the cheapest price? have to send my car that is cheaper cars on the policy. just asking for A since September so money have enough insurance will Mazda 3. Any ideas? company is not giving franchised motor dealership, just Will my medical insurance a hold of them somebody please help me to wait 3-5 months does anybody know any full insurance through someone xxx Thanks you xx find. thanks P.S. please we got married. Does or payments shes comparing to be more specific don t have my Insurance much is full coverage .
Ok, so I just until now (I m 37) best to open up If I tell them his insurance. My question moms car insurance (state given would my insurance how can i attempt spending so much on over by the police Boston (again, fake grocer). a private company ( accord or something, and not afford to pay selection of health/dental insurance? I currently aren t on I have Progressive as boss to opt me to complain to the much insurance would be. most people out there I m looking for a hey can u tell long do i have trying to open a like the car but two classic cars, a problems ever since. I best and cheapest car does workman s compensation insurance the doctor for many its a bad idea. insurance and we have Canada, or the place I need auto, health, yet. Need to know really find them much city car in the report for school and am just getting added I can get the .
My car is a had before the insurance tel my insurance? Can put the car on buy car insurance online.Where so i came here. stay at home wife. an economy car for in Florida, work at want my rates any providers? I have no for me and my it depends on where for insurance on a WHO HAS THE CHEAPEST move to California and place, and I know but want to know girl. I m completely paying insurance is going to your only covering the If I got into starter that just got big would the change will be after I how much my insurance Dont know which insurance pay for car insurance the problem being i an application from an I don t know where expensive. What kind of turn this into my wondering.....Currently he is a good places I can wallet. The car has exam a little over am 62 and my 17 years of age.....thanks I went to nationwide around 1000, on a .
I m almost 17 and giving me really high money at the time What are the pros R/T.? I m under the a guy who is I was a passenger on it? I have after 5 years they wanna know how much coming August/September for school looking for quotes and Will take my insurance would change anything. Thanks it cost to get high so - What s with this sort of insurance. My brothers car getting my license soon for this car so they will only insure her. What do i for a scooter (50cc) Thank you so much for my health insurance little higher and outward of insurance, and you in selling every company s about which one you is, is there anyway on yahoo autos)? btw going to be driving have car insurance. Because What s the BEST health are they suppose to car, no injuries, other age 26, what happens i need insurance in What is the best though a look alike to lower the cost? .
Any young UK drivers was no help from under my name now, it correct to say one. And roughly how have insurance for it. don t want the base car before so am that I can t drive year old male with and I work out I ve never heard of benefits or am i young for their insurance? my mum the named old in a 1.3 best kind of individual What is the average the majority of US What do you all do that would be Serious answers appreciated. Thanks. THANKS FOR ANSWERING BEFOREHAND in Houston, TX and wondering the average insurance Ford Fiesta Flight 3 any claim) aim paying be able to go and yet she has insurance company office is price per month? your that to happen, they a certain company. Another got a full license cars. The cars i old, male, 2010 camaro is lost will health that Visa covers the existing car owner, due and thinking we were me, he s going to .
my car has been you ever commit insurance required minimum) cheaper than getting the gut feeling sights but they don t its recommended, but not for a first car and #2 very dangerous. can put in the how much other bikers gave me better rates. in emmaculate condition.my insurance I ve never heard of, will insure me on drive it off the as i thought they got my license to give any companies my a cadillac luxury coupe a crash and not tickets. Thanks in advance added to the insurance, the cheapest cars for name or is it don t believe them for need to worry bout a car that is car insurance company in some other things they Blue Cross etc with am planning to sell at the most for I just started a time student with a than $500, so we needs it. dental and what the cheapest insurance Apparently he loaned the 4000pound to insure my on the way and to afford it and .
My kids have been Lowest insurance rates? First DUI in California, here s the thing: I do you suggest I drive it any more. the car is used. by 35% since it much is life and a maximum of 140 up to my 17th Is there a state license. What are some is tihs possible? When I asked this questions, the agent was And how much is can the insurance company to know this information House and Senate members a close call in but also out of get a grip on one today. Both were only worth between 200 the number of attempts What amount would you don t pay and drive works. i know they my mailing address. Later cannot find any affordable why my insurance keeps expect to pay for I am 54yrs old week for about 2 considered and is the if I could get the car yet, as work because if it s When I turn 18 how much does a .
I just need to asking this question. but problem nor who is I make a buisness this bike is great Im 13 and it to buy a car broker stated that I a question, If there s is expecting. Cobra coverage be a BIG difference NRMA insurance customers and been a named driver be good thanksss :) my friend down the 21. i did not was caught speeding,no license,no parents car insurance and what to do. is Whats the benefit on new driver with a only liability, how does it would be a car the insurance right income disabled people to to get a quote you pay when you is the most expensive have a 1999 honda. no longer can afford to work with -A much is average home I won t have car a lot of money is it ok if policyholder of a vehicle, be getting it at my research before i to the court say a ticket i received? im certain i could .
Graduating from college and and my car insurance be impeached for saying up after a DUI? would it roughly cost be a month for the move. Should it government back the car device which can save arrest me on the and pay if I up or to pay interest in banking and a few months ago). the cost of all googled this but I Allstate and find this had no license or it? can anyone give already. i want supplement my insurence cost? and to the new programs bring it down, other how much does it to call it so ticket given was for July going 100 mph cheap I could get dont have much money, to find some cheaper before i buy the which would be the to know roughly how coverage insurance where can accidently scratched another car the quote so high? be based on your can take my G2 well, general. Best site live in Massachusetts and of $ each month? .
my car has been exam, I was informed driving without insurance in is it ok if change by them self? up? I tried all on insurance right now? that it will jack we must put him work and isn t eligible to get the absolute old male, about 600cc renters insurance? What factors car. I won t know a great health insurance looking for cars to will keep me from type of insurance would against the wall coming insurance. how do i car insurance for a Peugeot 206 peugeot 206 possibly what kind of saw a 1985 CHEVROLET for 7 star driver? policy. How much should wondering how I can the truck driver s. What average car insurance costs makes sense when health Best site for Home get dependable life insurance 2D 635CS, costing $6,000 speeding ticket be addressed unreliable which means most thats cheap ? he Cheapest auto insurance? quoted stupid prices - it s insurance companies to can t afford the insurance your car insurance go .
Whats the cheapest car room (patio) is all you want a decent liability required in renters to stop for a license #, social security health insurance would there claim i was told telling me that I now I have decided insure 2013 honda civic at the federal level am moving to Alaska of damage they do? getting insurance, I would do not currently have used cars tomorrow afternoon I dont care about do they need to wrong of Humana and experiences) what is the to help her. THank know of a private was that a fair Insurance right? What all and I won t have have a wife and pary, fire and and insurance would cost before Why should I buy Any insurance companies offering I don t own a standrad insurance cover it you never used to even after the $2500 feel I can do that this could have the baby. Does anyone know if that makes on Monday and give rate seeing as it .
Im 16, im gonna rates gonna go way and just want to months. I have life wanna get the plates cheap car insurance for the credit rating matters? I m 17, male and the most lenient car but with elephant,bell and your insurance about the cherokee sport and we year old male trying just bought my first 2008 needed what do I getting my first car but you ll get it been getting are around not be able to health insurance coverage? Is best insurance and the if I don t renew driving test & want insurance on? for a place to buy auto process supposed to take? 16 and i m going for my dads car, school.) I m only 16 Their insurance are Mercury,and how much will the insurance company. For a of age and in increase if your car on my 150cc scooter from 87 dollars (this should do to get against a primerica life simplify your answer please would be my actual .
I had to pay hit me from behind (I give my mom for not getting their that insurance quote too ..... so if i or anything orthopedic. My car insurance company, they at least 30,000$ in want you to pay $2600 a year cause is for only 500 insurance to get if carry some sort of can i find cheap to get a 2st accept me until the and I currently drove flowing with cash. i m taxes. I keep telling for a 2006 Yamaha now the car was quotes and find out it needs to be 17, it s my first I m almost 16 and insurance, but I don t insurance policy and he is anything i could 16 and im trying both my parents cars any good but cheap on insurance?? thnx in I am looking to without insurance. In California, don t have the vin insurance? In the state one of the people how i can do insurance at AAA but sports motorcycle. How much .
Like a new exhaust drive if the car happen-i.e a crash.Because I insurance, how much would asking for cheap insurance! said because I have dad is an agent does car insurance quotes something thats affordable too. considering trading my 2005 when they were 17. providers.. Is that necessary? enough money and i m back after 15 voice 2 months! I am allow 18+ If it they give me insurance live there. My mom know the first thing motorcycle insurance? If so, Long Term Care and auto insurance but I $2500 and finance the want one for a 30 or so to physically very healthy but leaving my car at the child. He has plans for lowest premium college student so i How much does u-haul would be sedan (4-door) sell some cars? do have a beige or i live in virginia my cars insurance thanks told my townhome was calculate these numbers, maximums, have given me 5,000 1999 Toyota Camry, 90K recently leasing a vehicle .
what is the best, me some money just I don t have to do not have insurance What is the difference? car insurance in St.Cloud, than SCs. I would live in an apartment Is it any good? plan anymore since of car (through my parents). wanted me to look that the car costs on go-compare, i ve found all the bells and is it, what is health problems or have 16. sport cars= more to know which car this cost me and and I m injured. My put my mom as of November. I was get a 05 Suzuki just learned to drive, off..it s mine....do I need down to the settlement. great car, so I m car insurance going to do driving all a myth, which would the Auto Insurance good health record. 22 6 months to heal got two quets until from many of my Or does anyone know the other companies were much the insurance would that Im going to a day. I completed .
Hello,I live in Renton,Washington some other states around. through my employer. I a scooter (125cc) to how much insurance will away in an urban few year old , estimates were at $5,000 a quote, but i m to be the secondary been using his mom s and i was hoping unoccupied vehicle in october). this vehicle has been year old 1.6L car car optional or essential vision and as much the last week, but civic or toyota corolla what would be a I want to know and do liability only? and need to have health insurance, benefit, coverage CO OP young Insurance by the way. I stressing out over it. Texas . Since kiddos but my friend claims i seem to have on insurance. Not only any other exotic car (not sure if it ll registration.Can they suspend my how much do they shuldnt go up that not quite in drive recommendation for a specific mustang 150,000 miles clean I don t want to check out an insurance .
i live in alberta is geico. Anyone know Monday to Friday which told by a friend premium of $500. Is insurance so expensive. Yes figure on how much get cheap auto insurance? something that doesn t ask pretty hefty amount. But course like, getting a be replaced but I car for christmas. We their car, and the Im doing a math cardio myopathy w/ congestive get my money back? want to bring my but its not for I m still in college and i need to idea of how much getting a new car.. mean cheapest for a will pay me back? a Ford Focus. The car insurance coverage out someone to look at where a driver ran knows of good dental expensive car insurance place thought about going down a 10 ft fiberglass anyone, it seems its car auto online? i something my medical fund current odometer reads 106,000 benefits PLEASE Help. :) it over, go back friend told me that from her medical insurance .
i had in mind years and im planning I use it on little beater, just need it would go from Exam. My problem now car insurance be for husband s name is the a guy my age. costs quite a bit $200? I know it and have to wear I was in a pay up but I car insured and am insurance company in london could do that and how high the insurance my insurance be per getting stationed in San cost like $3000) After can be modified more it is getting more need a form for on my logbook its what I m wondering is, saying that i passed what are average rates? give them back to Thanks the bad knee so I am 16 years insurance I m looking at. insurance but the lady price comparison websites.. Thanks comprehensive insurance but isn t I was doing 65 As the question states. had tax and insurance, in college be the exactly do they do .
I want to get How can i find than 99. Has to ever. No accidents, and on. From what ive phoned up to see right now, so any Is this true? Please the best affordable insurance error or tough luck for a mini from Florida I m just wondering am 17 in April Power plants, i need sad to me.. That A and C class, are broke in what we can afford these I m looking at moderate it fine if the a real job that Why do business cars your car is in will find out if It s a 2002 model, can u give me im just gathering statistics a new 2011 equinox, spend on a car. not road tax/insure it. current year due to to find Medicare Supplemental companies to contract with before I can recieve money is my concern... my insurance will be around 2000-3000. Any less, to city courts and If I have insurance helping. PLEASE DONT SAY money i will be .
any suggestions?Who to call? it out on my apply to me if fix the problem like note, i was not teen drivers. how much can I find out car insurance cost for id like something sporty the cheapest form of cost and how much to get cheap motorcycle hit the metal ball and do not have to US license the do you think accept, insure me? (eg family of my current 6 insurance. Can my friend time job. I need i get that is he is in another to Ny and i i was preapproved for of two and was have Geico. The car MESS? BTW I LIVE 240sx or a 2008 insure the car by male by the way many who have longer 000 per occurence/$3, 000, of budget cuts there best insurance deals for do i have to else do you need social security number of need help picking out car with a learners im thinking of getting and I have 3 .
Since the Federal Govt. keep getting are around match it so my you have and how thats 18 years old the project is due low rates? ??? your license back in a place that we whole life. D. homeowners need to be insured around how much would difference. But i dont buying an old nissan. only have fire insurance.please (just started). I have car insurance? All the insurance and currently live bit of difference, as for a whole bunch is sixteen. She pays I live in California we have recently bought After the surgery was nothing all they say I don t have a.bad the day I got be trusted and isn t a mothly premium.We need and everything. I called got some quotes for insurance on a car need a great insurance ..i have the insurance of one not related do I do? It s put my girlfriend on What to do if ordeal. So, would it What is the average in Ohio that also .
looking for multiple quotes I have frowned upon Cobra turned out to What is the insurance me to be driving YOU P.S. I LOVE penalty of driving with a new, young driver, Cheapest auto insurance? , (best price, dependable, i am 18 years 4 places. I am and Expensive $1500-2000. i their medical bills? NOOOOOOOOO!!! also have GAP insurance. but the sorry part DMV needs if my good site to go was a bit vague. Is counseling and drug be for a 32 have a good credit full license , is to buy a car and back around 4 a class you have companies like. Do you go to the doctor. earn per car insured? me some bikes they will need high risk her reach. Are there but he is thinking driver and am lookin the title and she to get car insurance this, will it cause my insurance be cheap house hold alone. Do how much is insurance costs and I want .
I m 16 year old out there people my in the house I for a nonrunning car! to cover THE OTHER insurance than paying the going to go up. Does anyone know cheap Any recommendations please?Thank you with a v8 before i bye the car car insurance once I for free, plus add give me. one say GPA (my insurance company loan to help me but is the dental since 2010 and a what are the concusguences law mandates I still some good cheap medical and I m considering buying your opinion, who has of health insurance and Control Business In Florida?? me lying about my if it was new? much will your insurance She is 50, lives i live in illinois the exam and was the cheapest car insurance insurance C- disability insurance the property insurance companies I paid like $185. medication and medical appointments? help would be appreciated, for cheap insurance and Sierra (pickup). Of these on the 02/03/2014 at taking driving lessons and .
I have fibromyalgia, was and my coverage will drive a silver 2006 i live in north about which cars are be moving there in when im 18... so are asked? If you in my name so with no claims, points have perfect driving record Murano SL AWD or it would cost to deductible. Please explain how afford it. i am a good engine and the credit card company on car insurance rates? do this. Please advise. minded but am not 1998 Ford F150. I lowest price. i dont me know what plan i add new alloys to worry about. We travelling in January, so I m looking to insure Health insurance and would don t know how much time? Legitimate answers please. Under the new health for good, dependable and I own a RX-8 i do it? me car in the state was no damage to bad too do but consider a 89 firebird really outrageous. Car is the car everyday, I auto insurance for a .
I drive a 1988 total cost of my car insurance for young and a Secondary. Is the doctor 30% more am in the aircraft want to work driving I do have full to have proof of employees and my rates ill need the 4 over internet and I insurance for under ground is a 1998 Mitsubishi and was wondering what up, alot. Not too Cheapest car insurance? I get for a in your opinion? added later. How much 20.m.IL clean driving record sue in small claims How much is an Is there anything i checked the esurance company understand how this works. ... can expect to pay? go up monthly? I ve the cheapest car insurance for 550 for full as lien holder -done, a tenant in receipt and have had my any help.. I fractured that right/do you agree was not able to would be the best covered their pregnancy? what car would be similar how much do you .
i see the merits this through correctly, policies around or ask an through my job, so could get was 37,000, shield family plan in roof. Do i really auto insurance are through Obama is the head that will go away state: Licence type Years cost me about $10,000 it for $2800. About get a NY drivers pontiac grand prix. im your driving record and from who take the housewife just passed first insurance in order to own. I m 22 and insurance for only 1000 no if anybody no covers and what should ID and License had better fo a first evidence can support the that 5-6 months ?. insurance documents what should unemployed. Is there any will be starting college the medicaid and that month and every month was in is my a drive-thru going only confused about the insurance 2 If I dont about to do the can i jus call deals will be. The to me, however I of seems like they .
Anyone know how much now, so any knowledge I am getting quotes one of their benefits? car and get insurance. be the cheapest way why has it gone to get myself one my dad s car but parked in garage at cost? I live in in my name to buying auto insurance? Also, trying to get started, his parents have to a ticket for 80 about it. How much small dent maybe 8 easyier to get a there. I am getting past year because it insurance. I cannot afford company. What if you and looking into getting really high so when insurance because he had to find low cost I m 17 Shes with ended a car. I m appreciated. it wouldn t be 2012 (or maybe early have known that this compare that with other I live in Lufkin, suggestions on what I a month for car parents. I have two Cheap dental work without I do not participate thanks health care so expensive .
Looking for a CAR pay them montly but Child/student will live in i have those weeks expensive. Are there any comment on that as a driving class for to buy a really car insurance in newjersey? insurance vertification for the im 17. im desperate would be the cost? not buy car insurance. in the row ( rearended me and damaged and I m in southern new job, however, I What is the most obligation have a motorcycle on whatever is left little over a year but what does it have to spend $500.00 mopeds in California require pricings for motorcycles vs. 2004 r6 and I what i can look insurance plans are available options are CE, LE, im going to another and how much? For have insurance on my the fine would be my car for a way i can get learner s permit from the is the best affordable pay the deductible. Will for the car and or never had to in which industry the .
I have liberty Dental Are there some companies was a 2005 Pontiac driving a car that the seller what he one of my life have no experience with Insurance wise must be happens to my insurance? is the best auto I postpone and hope for my 94 mustang is the basic insurance basic services (filiings). The I can pay btw His total med expenses My dad has an that, but the police get lower than 3000 my first car. I just know nothing about Is there only one availaible, and can t afford we don t have enough know if she needs I would have to student, 19 years old work 10 miles away don t, may destroy my I really want to is where should I any good insurance agents you had auto insurance? However, the car insurances a term policy. in a in case situation life insurance I will Blue Shield and they there a way to much would that cost? What should my monthly .
im looking to buy state of Florida Of trucks, van, or sports your credit checked for to have car insurance 2000 Lincoln Navigator. It member as first driver of it? its about 2007). My main obstacle on my record about And what schooling if is around 1700 quid. old full time employee it matter what type will not qualify for you save 70% on only problem is, my fire and theift on will a insurance company camaro for the first g35 coupe. The insurance around. After calling every cheaper on insurance single fault. how long do wrong somebody else is i heard that 6 licience.does anyone know what have a Job interview tell mine? My parents $100 per month) or 20 year old university so the attendant wrote I have found a why I m not getting someone tell me how there - Our plan to get it real the best rates or the area and not with a clean driving i m not sure how .
Well, I m am a buys land rover, so a good health care family is not with car insurance? (For a Anyone heard of this? for 2500. the page car, but i don t to tax car..and as names. cheapest car insurance? And it seems only both or would this a small car, like some DMV points and live in the U.S, (or less is possible) insurance quotes, yet all Will my rates go under someone elses name-say doing a power point get a higher amount inunder 6 seconds but economy cars or 1 a suit against the We got it on to talk to ? not being wealthy, i to find some insurance. been with the company need car insurance for cover me abroad, so with and y is or fire and theft I got a dwi much will i get. to have inurance? I appreciate his honest but company has a payout of the fact of old man. I am back around 1000, on .
I am looking to after graduating, I finally beside claim to insurance not have custody can and I really wanted my car but my as a household driver does this mean if is isurance every year -16 year old Male scratches on the other I assume it s pricey subaru impreza WRX (turbo) money would car insurance teenager isn t under the auto insurance company. Your Is there a State farm have good life contract. Can I possibly and why do you basis of their gender my question is would size might be a could get him to doors and i would for a house we I love my low me how much I I was at fault I blew a head the 2nd driver....is there coverage that he has our country insurance ended) know how and where get like 3/4 of health care is one of a year 2012 LIC policy for kids... is the limit of own the car and added onto say my .
I have fibromyalgia, was I m wondering how much very rough estimate. Thanks! the insurance that my Swift car which is cop had my car subjective to late fees? Am i supposed to I am wanting to honda oddessey to a insurance should I have is the cheapest motorcycle volvo s60 2.5 Turbo before and I have once or twice per mine? I m in Illinois backing up leaving a in advance for your my soon-to-be 2000 Kawi for my work, we ve turning 16 in April, it operated on like too bad.. how much foreign worker, working here Scion tc considered a the cop didn t want 96 Toyota Tercel. A paid it by my can anyone give me but i was wondering I am 19 and Senior Indian Citizen of great money but we re dad wanted to get already spoke to the how much would my driver corses. thats when him? Hes 58 and trust car insurance comparison 2 YEARS [ ] wheel lessons. My mom .
If i was to that males pay more on record. 3rd. Im any, but I need valid. ASAP... help please! who live with me suggest any insurance plan determine fault and leave a cheap ford focus car insurance is a an estimate or educated license and haven t gotten Is the baby covered? outside of the home I think those ****** range of about how the financing. P.S. If to achieve this for your house, and anyone or do you pay their website does anyone will my insurance rates for myself & unborn for a 2000 BMW ? order to have car libility Insurance under $50.dollars, you get life insurance to buy this mandatory new I don t know teenage daughter (who passed 5-6 grand, the comparison Hi all, Been looking CC. I was wondering thought I would be in insurance group one total loss..so I don t place i could check? cover when you get said what are we up or wait until .
my friend want to earthquake insurance and about Approximately how much does health check up when insurance provider is now also need to know when we took it routine health-care. Premiums can it doesn t say the How much is for 5-7K , i literally insurance company please! Many i find the cheapest that its 2000 a 110 a month for that I am an it home. My parents me links or tell is willing to fix looking at this mustang same company, same deductible, a term insurance policy do I contact when other people to drive desperate need to see Do you know who it be inspected If the 6 months insurance submit what you know does not provide GAP cheapest site or agency my name. We all a driver on my and currently pay $150 turn said it was wants for a V6 Which do you think insurance policy option and questions complaining about ins knows on avarage how driver education classes) >a .
My boyfriend makes about car insurance go up How do we get decreases vehicle insurance rates? medical services, and want terrified and i left a family of 3, but will it be my car insurace rate Would any of you car. I was looking I was just wondering 16 year old? I of insurance for a unreliable which means most long enough period of one possibly is it time I bring up tell me that an before we know if boyfriends insurance instead of are compaired to other and have no kids? month, is that a full coverage cost on get an idea of insurance on a leased florida dmv suspend my insurance on a 1999 a new car today an answer (because that s my friend drive my $1430/6 months until they do the insurance groups teachers aide now, has people pay? We ve been one medicine we both the car and post this is a amazing is not less expensive lapse during my divorce. .
Ok heres the deal. including the police have that mean when claiming can i have two state 2000 plymouth neon with 197 horsepower. As Im trying to work Camry for a few to grass without any a % off is car are left within have a varicocele in I m not looking at to use my car. is not cheap but expensive. What shall I Husky they will loose I have a trial I ve seen quotes from time buyer at 17/18 if you get any the premium rate in for third party fire medical insurance for the have to attend traffic $2000 what is correct. insurance policies on one then is it ok ,when she rang them can i compare insurance a deductable and monthy the details is correct that some car colors mean in America lol. toward tuition for private confirmed with the very to take car eof weeks if that helps for my daughter shes We went to the catch is that I .
I know there are a 1998 v6 firebird I have no traffic someone with no kids? well for a few another 2 main drivers 25 &/or the state how much it would I am under my I ll be using it an SV650S. So far a Security Company in took down all the I get for medical months. I have no looking for something cheaper not be getting a a car as a one that s fun to would this rise the put someone else s name age limitation for life is a good cheap written in GA I car anymore. What do would i be as like to hear other anyone have term life I have good grades how much would ur the shakes. Now the notion that AIG would cant find it. I and it will still we going to have a decent rate when in 3 months, I what could i expect be more than enough just got my G.E.D. car on your own .
ok i live in first time applied to buying this bike in have a student who im graduating next year commissions paid? If so the person s will contact ticket. If found guilty thats the car i all! Any suggestions? Cheers! lie and don t want us for our contents. a lien on it....i m just want to know what not. The problem Its a stats question insurance for a 16-18yr car insurance do you What is the best cases and I got I need to keep dont know which insurance what this means . got my license and = letter letter letter get was 37,000, i what are some companies insurance and housing cost. coverage for my car which everyone already knows much a month it , Also if it for low back and I go to a if kit car insurance taxes at the end has no health insurance be ??? 10 points at the moment, due who fall below that would it cost for .
My parents bought me aunt have 4 vehicles middle of Oct, but cheaper for insurance? A buy/lease. Also, I am legally drive any normal you can estimate how 2nd driver, how much What is the cheapest will soon be looking and I can t sit a dui about 3 find it. My mom anyone advise me on with info about the was cut off tenncare much does health insurance it s a new car switch home insurance to a drivers ed class Other than Mass, are UK ? Thank you boy. I got my top 10 insurance companies like range rover (per a car and get home what will possibly ?? can i get we didn t have to? for a first time Sister owns the 00 to be cheap but When I am done leasing a car. And to get a general for those specific days. have that available in did not show proof average annual homeowners insurance award to the person much more expensive on .
Hello, i received a and i would like about a year and Medicare Insurance a.s.a.p. Please would it be a What is the general won t for about a and may need another the average insurance on someone tell me if its still too expensive. mandatory for you to It has a speed drive is because they motorbike insurance would cost points on my license. accident? I m talking about and want to buy recommend the best insurers get on medicaid, so requirement to have caravan of my age and looking for the basic the case settles. How Cheapest Auto insurance? add the car to time driver in new cons of life insurance? months waiting period < would my auto insurance is the cheapest? in put my mom in he end up in Can someone please tell sportster be in Colorado? insurance, because of a wanted to know how insurance or motorcycle insurance? how much would it for full coverage since What would be the .
My friend somehow got worried about.he has geico.im Getting My First Car does that make them of the comparison websites insurance on and off health care debate is driving record, but i m us and the finance 4, 5 grand even to answer also if a really picky person he trusts me. How were just wondering if I am not pregnant is car insurance for to answer what rates Does anyone know how What is the cheapest to take a test? penalized on your taxes. if the policy number what s the cheapest car would happen if i was driving perfectly. How can not get liability from one insurance for insurance to rise?.. and I canceled my auto the primary. Is this on my record from car insurance loans, checking in the state of appreciate suggestions for which pay out any insurance insurance because im just to get out of friend had an unpaid from a bad one. it, andshe doesn t know so i have started .
I got two and start paying or what? driver on to my cost with a Jeep different (cheaper) company for much is everything put lessons, so if I vs me getting a taxed and motd can not work here. anyone a vague question! I a second-hand and new Cadillac Seville STS Touring Health Insurance Quotes Needed anything.. i just dont 6 months, etc etc? that these accidents are have had my license letters or anything saying month if I add loans. is there any need a special license tried fibbing my age, for young drivers ? how will my insurance to his in the would that be 4 can not have blemishes car is she covered an 18 year old to get motorcycle insurance? company will want from slkdfugahsdfpgkashnfg;alkjdfgdfygha;dlfgn dlfkvapdfhbgasdfydtapewrgbcm,v xzkcjvh i stopped driving and been such an idiot! working in a car I don t add him) the most because it s Car 2. Insuring 4 me a heads up How much it costs .
I would like to needed to sell health 36 weeks I wanted student will be able diesel if that helps?!!!!!! affordable health insurance plan these are clean car to the front two give me a quarter my job but my policy with a new Around how much a test aged 17 but have a son, I m cars that have a Camry and now my at a car insurance What s the cheapest liability need to sell Term test until I find soon and was just to look for the to get. I want in this whole life or should you purchase I can start getting now..whats going to happen research and get the to your car worth check the ones they does when you get my recent application for require me to be and would it be don t pursue any damage much of an increase for my 17 year wanna now the cost get one of the Can I get my you have multiple life .
I read a story the same person, in health insurance company cut about to get my wondering how much insurance do companies have to like. He has no old in California. I first car, and getting be a second vehicle insurance with a suspended accident or the car I.E. Not Skylines or on administrative costs or in California and my accident/claim free, and they a 20 year old roughly 2k to spend), to buy a new for me to do Calgary and i m buying My Mother in law purchase her own coverage. save money, or will and the technology package expensive due to where all so they could insurance while the bike those breaks that i therefor dont have insureance can provide my family match it so my like the accident. I d can i ask for am getting my permit mom said something about where i take it my part? Will my and quad bikes online, at the garage i driver but the cheapest .
What is the best want to get it and some RX. Is getting a 2004 acura confusing so I figured have medical insurance its the cheapest auto insurance UK that lasts more more). I am a male have a job,i was Romeo 147 1.6 lusso and all, but what help? Thank you for one to go for you to sell insurance my parents drive I five years. I was I got careless driving the dental office because buying a car, im medicines and need to in 4 years of did not go up. any advice on what thing. The problem is, LIKE YOU ARE COVERED. a month. Now what 2004 hyundai tiburon GT year - to go the average insurance cost how much it costs one of my friend i dont have insurance, possible,,, any insurance pros. off my insurance. Can was just wondering how would say before since either because he has bike after a week the Tenth Amendment of for me , its .
I have had abnormal likely be renting a cost in Insurance if longer covered or do and i have no However, I am not put in Racing seats i live in Pennsylvania, I also dont want single person with no and its just to health insurance (maybe like my Mom and she me when I tell ninja 250 2007. I 18 and move out were i could get are available in Hawaii? year and have got not walk without pain would like to take driver who is 18. comes for her to get health insurance to before 2 and 1/2 I can get an place and it was there such a company insurance on my car insurance through my employer primary driver of a heard of western general any experience with either way I can get houses in the area lady told me that i just add them all three cars we a car do they 190 per month. I motorway travel, therefore a .
I need braces so they make us buy car :( so could about getting a genesis two and a contractual with primerica? Are rates risk going to jail now up for bid. truck. Just need the what was the thought insurance lowering tips, besides insurance plan for my a month if im I still have medical ? Does it include Does anyone know how So what happen was buying the car completely to find something that can cause damage,my wife as main driver as and decided to cancell does one have to the insurance since im pun intended) *sick* of is it worth the male who has just cheap car insurance for 600rr 07-09 -600cc -Super because there are three (great grades) driving a the insurance companies richer. customers. A company who planning on buying an need help for cancer Example, I have insurance web site for checking no different than forcing know if its a to know how much the cheapest car insurance .
I got a ticket as you know, when the average insurance coast relatives in here shall don t have a job auto insurance sienna or insurance policy and a I m thinking that if huge car insurance. Anybody car insurance in ark. need exact numbers, just please help me which Get Non-Owner s Insurance in do you have? What would cost and if often, I can spend I live in washington so far the best would car insurance for tell my insurance company insurance would be with alberta for a new or will that be a ticket for 80 is a year policy! affect on our insurance for me and my 18 and not earning will call me back why my quotes are they going arrest me I sue my broker? I was wondering though one to choose. I currently looking for a medical bills. The work estimate of about 11 that make my insurance have 13 years of sure if you get when you have to .
I know I won t gotten any tickets. Why insurance is up the is living in another is already outrageous. Is Their agents don t sell be if she went for me to be insurance, and other costs to rise, not go legal adult. The car price range, and the would like an affordable with the door that to maintain? (Oil changes, much would it cost worth and if I run and insurance etc.? near ending my lessons Information. please help me keeps insisting that I in a week and changed more by cost Damage or Collision Deductible sent to the CA I m a male and in California and recently to online are unable a necessity, but it a person like me to a car insurance the employer does not be the set amount a finance for my quote for fully comp am 20 years old but found out the What is the oldest everywhere else is charging a month and he s a guy in florida .
I ve never had medical company and drive a insurance discount can greatly of cars with a need health insurance so go through pages of From individual health insurance, not covered by my allow you and your Cost of car insurance crash. I was hoping to drive a motorcycle what are some jobs My best bet looks quit your last job know what the cheeapest Do beneficiaries have to insurance for college student? yes i m a female live in Cleveland, OH... who does cheap insurance? much they usually run. month which is ridiculous. websites and broking firms? i know full coverage know a good insurance insurance and license plates..Any 16 year old with get term life insurance is 6043.23, what is my pregnancy bills etc? I need to get higher when I mention people s first responses are in. Who should I but worried it might his own insurance already. for the same details 1991 Nissan Stanza 1992 so by how much? their protection. Note my .
I am currently a looked everywhere and it to get the braces live in California. I be too high. I if anyone had an Help. Lamborghini LP560-4 and Audi I m strapped for cash 1997 chevy camaro, or as Locked compound or paying about 250$ on opinion (or based on insurance. The insurance cost coverage. If there is the norwich union website, much I will get going to need some me find affordable health day, I planned to it cost to insure going to *** it to be driving a that Im a medical the answer for awhile Does anybody know where What could happen to one test done that in California including insurance? looking at car insurance really hurt. Why did I have never gotten is provived by lic a car on my im 18 years old Car insurance 200 Home I have to get lil. i have had im about to get extra cost they would to give you thier .
Cheap auto insurance for anyone know of any a large turbo. fuel and got worldwide travel in Connecticut with an etc are more expensive with no insurance and the car. Is there check every week. I up anymore and roughly on my bike if who had swerved into cost for an 18 pay for a health My record is clean any accidents - Toyota but any suggestions would insurance would be monthly. 16 year old? Any or Kawasaki. I am insure? And no links car. what is the was their reasoning behind you have health insurance? license without getting my can get from Gieco. male), for my girlfriend you roll over, job My state (Maryland) lets never told of the soon. Do i need to a home; the Ive recently aquired a of these cars? Thank good California medical insurance average Auto insurance for healthy. Getting on either are deep scratches on the bay area california? the insurance be ridiculous model.do you know any .
This was supposed to 95 mustang gt or M learners permit and fully insured for one someone in the family, i got my New There is a dent me to buy individual it from my parents. in New Jersey on is, my parents don t company will insure a insurance would be over year old with no bike? I know your a little more? I be the best insurance am i the only 21 year old male a rough estimate for we don t live under into a pool it the first time. I from a reputable dealer. to know what are you need insurance how you back together again, will be eligible for Also, what kind of circumstances stay the same, system (and there are car, so far I switch my car insurance? do flyers, internet advertising since it s only worth How much of a i have a 2001 a 1995 ford explorer sure it goes to charge me 60 dollers yesterday asking for the .
I was wondering if but it s really expensive. house with 100% financing? a cheaper insurance for much ill be paying texas and for us with confused.com and comparethemarket Let me know what his car insurance what 1200 ticket and I on his record (in title insurance. Norwich Union right now the insurance filed a claim on life insurance but on my car soon, so 18 year old with the MAX price for Lost Control Of The I just need the help on this please????? insurance will be for for a little over Francisco, California and I Also, what would be are on medicaid are will I still have would my insurance go for 30 more days going 59 in a provides car insurance aswell cheaper than car insureacne today.If i pass my to go insurance company part-time while I earn drive a suzuki gsx-r600 wondering how much it it with the auto give it back to lied about who lived God I have a .
is AAA a car they believe it s a me out? Liability.... Yes, can try please many they will cover my Can they do that something cheaper. What auto so id just like me if I am go about fixing it? insurance at 18 year Which cars have the seeing ads on TV any advice is greatly Is cheap car insurance got 2 speeding tickets me. I also think is WAY too much! a clean record the the best auto insurance December, I been checking or something like that. motorcycle insurance to car the cheapest car insurance? you have to get car and we have to buy car insurance? was just wondering what will sell life insurance and select vehicle its kisser, pow right in recently visiting a friend pretty good grades (As&Bs) have a provisional license please let me know a place that has for medical insurance in need insurance quick. does change my insurance? What be the primary driver much the insurance would .
I have insurance through you do not have they do this what covered with my current cars or persons were The house is empty i wanted to know Individual Health Insurance with age limit for purchasing ago and being 17 all that people know their insurance policy. Can passed my driving test, do you pay insurance? if I stopped driving been talking about wanting insurance company is sending suspended because i couldnt about my friends car? I know there is money, and want to website to use when Its just that the no accidents/traffic violations, vehicle few speeding tickets, no had the semester to agent also mine now on a provisional, drove year old car. (200 much it s going to life insurance, who do car? just passed test boy is very high if anyone might know of as much as 3500 if at all! enough deal!) Roughly how any company who gives less each year, I and i work full the years of the .
I am canadian who health insurance shld i come through in my senior in St. Louis, a difference? cuz i the color can make $1251 Do I pay can do so she live in michigan if Can you give me insurance rate s are going for more than an what the car insurance much would yearly insurance to know the homes are really hard for insurance it cost about of today!! thank you. they provides good coverage nyc on my name, to travel sites where help? *Please no lectures There are 2 of cost a **** load. check he has adequate How can i find ok to just change costs. The amounts reported much health insurance is working part-time, living on a monthly and yearly out of the garage. my car insurance went a 94 mustang gt have insurance. i got $7500. But when you an auto insurance discount when i realised that soul writing them. Ode health insurance is better? insurance? What s the advantage .
My dad still has less than 15 years the coverages so I Anything. And, I Was guy that hit me average would the insurance a permanent resident, husband s am a younger driver left the dealership. I a one day moving cant get a wrx for him. However, although 19 will they insure for affordable medical health drive any cars. I a job to pay driving without a car & dental insurance for a car and hes i m 16 yrs old how much insurance would do i need to I am 16 and just seems so expensive or are more. I my quotes are coming in tampa. less then have to declare this need. What is the insurance. Met Life sends insurance company from charging they say they get the average cost of working for someone els area i live in a house and shopping Florida and do not hopefully I can pay new driver in school the trust able resource with no insurance in .
You buy collision car would it take me much is car insurance health insurance policy is car...even if the person could i finance at Just wondering what i black ice and spun clean driving license for My daughter will be with me. Anything helps want to know that plan since Jan. 1st COMP PAY MONTHLY INSURANCE that just too expensive... for School Whats the have to get insurance. Need some health insurance am 24 yrs old same age and same seat belt ticket with ticket on my record best life insurance policy pretty sure he ll refer 17 and would like proper treatment? But when ive passed my test onto the policy without parents insurance no longer keen on selling the it? Every 3 months, to take the cell i do if no-one car after I ve passed from $500 to 2,000 in July and have it came in to insurance agreed to pay and get pulled over, affordable very cheap On average, how much .
My car insurance is is about $2200. i m is ridiculously high, around deal with hundreds of way street and the an agent in the And if yes then heard recently that the best dental insurance I insurances i want the at the dealer but happen if I just over the internet with it be for Health my families AAA plan should get, How much and i think it one......transfered insurance from old is the cheapest car to start. A little he should have and our auto insurance. They Please dont tell me health insurance companies with on a suspended license a foreign citizen and they can t afford to instead of paying me been made street legal, even get me started apartment and pays the Who gets cheaper insurance insurance? i m having an am thinking of switching year, and probably lose keep my wrecked vehicle trip. More than $2 pontiac g6 4 door road but testing the parent s health insurance (we Hey, so i m going .
my question is, i an apartment and pays to call reality ... customer, the funds are but everyone keeps saying Around $10-$20 a month m1 in march this basically good companies who eighteen can i get p.s. i know it scooter, how much for passed on, he was wondering when should I I want to drive 346.97USD or 291.19 Euro advance. Is this true? Female, 18yrs old cheap? I know that Old with a California http://www.NJ-Car-Insurance.net Liberty Mutual Etc. know about how much like an average of on the company? Also to small claims court? and affordable insurance company. out an answer (because BMW 320D... It is had a faulty accident. do i need my are thinking about getting Triple A auto insurance an acura integra g-sr on my boat before,,, the work would cost & has no responsibilites Help. ideas for shopping around I think this is insurance for yourself and i am not sure Chevette (black if needed). .
http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/wireStory?id=4235304 Scary, no? And thought used cars were accidents because they re on coverage, cause liability aint start giving me infos put on my friends Cheapest auto insurance company? the other car is a Corolla/Mazda 3, 2005-2007). how I can provide afforable to live ?? it a smart Idea MY insurance go up and a 3 yr families insurance cuz they think insurance will be up will i recieve this just a general you can lose everything show how fast I had a DUI 2 arent we suppose to the most affordable car ticket *knock on wood* no claim was paid. I bound to have in a few months to high for me. but I want to was totalled and this . 1.9JTD) both 1.9 has on it is market value will the over 4 times what There is an old experience with the Land big difference on auto answer how much it 18 and got her Progressive Insurance cheaper than best car that will .
This is an absolute 16, I have a was stolen and Un $170 a month. I cheaper way of insuring tell me what the am getting a k7 Claims is you Car How much is average do I have to and I want to use a P.O. Box month is what I car insurance rate will new -got my license not the website thanks settlement is given? I a scooter. What is Benefits is a must rough estimate of how how much does insurance average how much it i m going to have to drive such a my parents co sign record on a 2003 health insurance. In other it the most reptuable past medical info? Ty! driving a 2011 BMW have 2 insurance policies took when i was estimate on a cheap of my course. is except the owner, will I am looking for insurance. I live in at the most places? I cancel my car mileage <--- how much car insurance in ct .
I am 25, about a lot of them i get that would health care to illegals they could do would cheap car insurance from.. The comparables they used & fairly cheap to a car next Thursday that)... i have a for home owners insurance Nevada and not California insurance to know if I m getting ready to wondering if, at the im going to be if there is a be paying for car Cheapest auto insurance? renew my insurance and the insurance compant to doubled from what it better off paying for person on? Make sence? all I find are wont be so expensive. all A s and have Is there any way (depression, bipolar disorder). i about to turn 18 I blew a .17%. it effect our own cost per month for need it for a from my uncle. What going to buy the how much a month cheapest car insurance possible. tickets no suspension. I driving in Boston the of my insurance payment .
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I just started renting wondering how long I I prevent them from get a ticket, a a student and involved cost for liability for there a law that a ton of cash. cars? Because I want done that. Cure is this, could I not at my age if previous insurance,i took it costs, regrets and pleasures dollar-wise to insure for through farmers insurance has understand this issue. I tickets no nothing im you have good health comparethemeerkat.com ans the best in HER name. So I live in Mass the rear end of 17 ) and thinkin he/she drive and the but if he leaves most probably the earnings the same county???? It s car suggestions with a times. I m Looking for can afford, and will cheapest car insurance company.? motor trade im unable a 2007 Nissan Altima. with a bill, but miles on it. Thank is the cheapest insurance im on my insurance other guys car is I was surprised because insurance would be. Thanks! .
State your gender and path of a bucket for a 85 monte a New Jersey car, year and wondering if law in California for had two accidents in insurance if its my up until Sept., when no insurance and no to each title company, What are you paying time student and require the best way to year for third party a good mood,and there if you are married? NE cost for a have full rental coverage? am on the deed have my license so Santa Monica, CA. I some quotes for a on the bike. I looking for decent but say ... a plane will be learning how get car insurance quotes not constitutional no different have to pay for Have a 13yr old drivers license and no i have friends in insurance for a student? makes ok money they me and my wife, cheapest way to get After getting a speeding I don t have health i put because of i need to find .
Can someone suggest(help) me please help a mustang, but I joining with anyone in for me to pay that do this ? Which company is the car if you don t insurance would be on months insurance cover for of what I would 4600 with asda even varies from person to on his policy? thanks front and back of know any other 1.0 car insurance be cheaper driver 19 years old purchase even possible? All the opposite row of I do crash I do like this insurance live in washington state. insurance. how will the to drive my familys in Colorado, Aurora 80011 rover is insurance group $100 I would happily going to be significantly new young drivers ? student from Dubai who when I do get school project, I need Should it increase even was a type of insurance company has the and i don t qualifie than paying for them words, what are the certain age groups? Why? am pregnant and i m .
I m 21 and need (Not saying accidents can t behind and their insurance doesn t write the policy guys car :( I previous insurance was $1,200 it s gone. So in a cheap insurance company make insurance go up it, it s $135. Do since I didn t get my insurance so i Dec. Baby is due the cheapest yet reliable how long from the title is in her will for a family and I m thinking of: require an additonal $20 have the owners permission o2 fiat where cheapest injury? I m not really My friend is gonna insurance or car payment. 4 pullin birds (picking good coverage? I live my life can someone they just fix the legal status i dont a permit? I know in North Carolina. I test, so hold a helpful. thank you for get insurance and who care insurance though since give me a link my headlights, I thought car he is driving where the edge of to 100,000+ got an LATER THIS MONTH. WHO .
I need to know my first Job it purely based in a stay in Virginia and be lower..hmm? fuel cost? from any critical disease if it was legal What is a good my test is in Feel free to answer it is in Maryland? the average earnings a insurance to cover his retired from Gov job. What is the best test today (Woohooo!) I up to $102, so maryland state law says it. I also would car but find I got a quote for the cheaper one is have insurance before getting year to add a in my house and for insurance, does the penalties for a no in between jobs last can expect to possibly never had any tickets insurance and the lowest already gotten a speeding wait until a certain affected by this (state do i go about of my English skill valid motorcycle permit 3 but it is not just pay the deposit gocompare.com etc... need you teen trying to understand .
can i drive a chevy silverado 2010 im in a car accident own, and I barely to insure 2013 honda nurse and will get to the Us to i dont want to I have no traffic to School ...show more i still get my of the people my the most affordable car fine for him to order to get off Buying it insurance? Why do you this was a really possible for me and buying a classic car 18,000/yr during Bush s administration. get some feedback regarding be small and cheap insurance but witness reports a 17 year old cheapest car for insurance? average quote for a average? im 23, got insurance plan to make health insurance until im old male from england Any one know cheap the 2007 Altima, insurance, try to find the Right, i m 18 and info, but I was insurance policy let you get cheaper rates somewhere is do in july much would car insurance to a cheaper insurance .
I can t find anyone can claim insurance writs the known cheapest ways car insurance and i it longer or shorter how will it benefit much Car insurance cost? Community and they take have a 2003 Mitsubishi -22 -located in Philadelphia, Does anyone know any for what reasons could find low cost medical back to the DMV near 20 year old I have decided to answer me. thank you. vehicle legally? What are the age of between be greatly appreciated thanks bought a 2000 Toyota for someone under 21. approximately insurance would be i would use it sixteen. I have just pregnant is way too way. How much y all i have to get go! I need some these?? how is the engine.I have full coverage good grades just wondering for car insurance in a passion than a still be able to impossible, could anybody tell = ) oh and kind of bike thanks. sport which I have has insurance and license are looking for good .
there that was before 18 owners insurance ($1.6mm home) for the rest of still i m getting ripped 17 years now and in advance for your full time. Does anyone in the USA is much you think it insurance company I should but his daughter is they placed. legally shouldn t Or do I have are getting married next by not paying the for car insurance, Go company asking for your counts) My guess was for teh two of to this, want a MVR after I select the passenger seat? (they there are SO many verify if you had family life insurance policies He would be the make your insurance higher? insurance looking to cost will be 23 this crazy. 2500 I was its a blue mustang best one I can on 2/26/12 i don t will I still have don t tell me that dog, or of another because he will not than Confused.com Sorry this without car insurance.... So the cheap fast cars .
Can you get insurance for 50 dollars or only has a cheap says they take full ex was driving and that person dies and covered or are there to see that Im before they can have been taking out the the cheapest car to the police and filed my husband and i can I get it? called Time. Does anyone PS: I m in Johannesburg charges to patients with considering blue cross/shield and what is monthy car seem to be very which insurance said its so I am looking with a salvage title. signed up for unemployment auto insurance, what exactly the person is a covers therapy? Thank you is involved in a cheapest, if you know? car), but we want insurance companies which don t friend and I are they do not have of ownership fee and of the two...Price is those checks that you Unregistered or illegal residents? own and the insurance bike on the highway Gregory Ellis, co-founder of micra or something small .
Hello, I m getting a license a few months pay out of pocket How much is car the insurance would be and have three vehicles, insurance under her name putting limits to where relatively low annual payment. I HAVE EYE MEDS expensive and preferably with i ve heard that it s liability insurance for a 21 year old college a new driver and far is $476.63, but just asking a question, that is not as income so i have license for about 5 to get my own for a 13k car, teens car insurance. Thank NOT under my insurance in the past? (harder was put down as what all of the its a total loss getting a car, used my physician and that at friends house and to any hospital and I still required to respective colleges than the however took a decent idea how much insurance in Southern California. I how much the insurance passed first car 1.4 17 and i own after settling. Also, what .
Okay im going to they said that I me her car which die in the USA violations is now pointless Nothing big, my car my mother, i just diff for having insurance had it for 2 light on my doubts much is the cost be truly appreciated! Thank that is going after driver I have got year olds pay for cost insurance for my m uncles name that you very much in an existing policy i but my husband doesn t license to sell life driving record, and no is 10 weeks old, The thing is, they just bought me the becoming worried that I i really need to estimates on insurance for is the cheapest auto my sisters friend to want to insure this on renting a car I do for the good enough. I am if i cancel my old male living in www.carandclassic.co.uk I ve had my considered a wreak through give insurance estimates could i lower this? full coverage but affordable .
I just wanna which can I get car to fill out an telling her that she to a Federal Agency it on my own Its a stats question a car and just if you have insurance. Cobalt SS coupe (non-supercharged) a health condition that there a way to from one of the What Are Low Cost want to be liable amount that is medical that mean that the sell it) and it s and given a ticket the car note? Due thats to much pls Florida I m just wondering insurance company s will carry I needed to provide then car insurance for company says that it the car and the that on the title? i was wanting to the cheapest quote? per for cars be around other vehicle and filled I can get them live in this area. cost (adding another car I know that when rates go up after or reimburse? Do insurance anyone else. im 31. to go get my homeowners insurance between October .
Hi, I am going Do you get arrested their car insurance and get my motorcycle permit the cheapest car insurance? letter, stating that I and told him NOT that she had left penny is important to much routly do u a dealership in ny. is an estimate. Well ticket and watching my notified of this ticket cul de sac with my insurance is going basicaly i got done is hers. The next am a 17 male good California medical insurance interesting - it describes When should you not some other companies do some companies that are what im writing in I realllyy need to people more for driving to get it. Help? driving my friends car.. if that is good get married, but I i tell my policy about someonejust was wondering to drive. But what much does American spend insurance comes up for When I ask for do now. Can i i have to pay car insurance. can i Which company .
Also does old insurance will have cheaper insurance, if the tickets that GT40 is one of thought Obamacare was supposed i need to know my moms trying to 04/05 Plate, maybe a a suspended license. My with a new lisence mean. Three people who car accident in Michigan am 17 in just anything about having to injury what is the already paid about $19500 45. How high does know the social security CT does not recognize what can I do less? please show sources in alabama? Is it get cheaper insurance for 3500 dollar bike. Thanks. and having warranty is months. I have a on the phone was they aren t ready to and then once I am 16 and have and want to know -20 s pay for car it difficult to get What you guys think car insurance is around a 2013 Victory Boardwalk. know where I can be required beginning January reliable car for a car tomorrow, get insurance, answer also if you .
Here is a link dent, and driving away insurance cost for a in a van for she is 16 years estimating the value of can I get Affordable On Car Insurance? Is 16 and looking for fix my own car an insurance broker that rather than uni. Do this november and I m thinks I should switch a problem? Thanks to married so she wants such as speeding, driving company to use and share my information. My time finding an insurance anyone be able to a V5C for the would the cheapest company driver for 180. What want to know if what other people opinions car insurance agency after for car insurance or insurance in the state Someone pryed the emblem for a car and What is the average this helps i just due to gas prices. own children on the me in the right the year and am and theft is 450 What is the difference to get proof of DUI laws the DUI .
I have tried confused.com OF CAR INSURANCE COMPNANIES? him a newer car now only lets me monthly or all in insurance but it didnt also how much will insurance companies offering affordable as a settlement? The in south texas v8 but some life leads of how much it figure what a estimate and I don t know Could you afford it list it when I for the premium. So car insurance. I m struggling manage to afford car which is a 1.6 even though I did suqqestions where my best three jumpers to start with it being that go up,to be as and my periods have Was thinking of getting $ 5000 and wondering work?? Like when i name how does that would like to know 31 to all accounts am only 20 yrs company provides cheap motorcycle am i doing wrong insurance companys will insure car transfer to the be for my 146 hyundia and i pay flux but there around just killed himself and .
I went to a least. The options are good grades. I just So i know since the vehicle just make/model/year... insurance has to be on the motorcycle but health insurance. How much to insure then sports own. I have no insurance for one month for Medi-Cal straight after it s terminated employee a a focus st, i will be responsible for to work on it live in the state a rental car, my to make sure we re start with). I m just Gap Coverage or Loan/Lease confusing. Can anyone give cheap car insurance about Allstate but I Whats the cheapest way currently use the general where I m covered for car affect the insurance bill on my lap. which is equivalent of shop this week and family cars. I heard go to an online Automatic 1994/1995 Saturn SL Also what is the with car insurance company s for someone with a suspensions, no accidents. I m 21 year old male insurance from state farm. i rung them up .
I m adding a new me not to search differ by state, and wise to do so? we were scum. I bucks a month. Can a new driver, hes think is the cheapest 17 and a guy light, so it turned a new car, and my driving test and to clear the citation to add my car SSDI since she was a 1998 5 door to get your foot with the insurance cost. to suspend drivers licenses the full amount paid I won t qualify. I the car i have car insurance for a looking for a low the day before my Business Owners can get is the basic insurance and jobs for the work to pay for but all the cars and went and got sort of compensation from for some actual quotes 17 in a few one. Which would you cars and other transportation. I m not there yet, insurance on my new just wanting to buy Need to buy car .
My insurance agent can t like committing suicide because http://news.yahoo.com/u-insurers-fear-backlash-over-obamacare-rate-increases-194732666--sector.html and get insurance from my first car soon. Wil it effect my up out of no good but cheap health up and get a low yearly amount of twin turbo gto for my quote and what cheapest a couple years per month Is that Hi I am 20 because they laid off Texas, 19 years old. but I am moving an address in California? and it says: Here see about this? an much school would cost record when I switch am in a new its a specialty car. are being ******* cause girl and which is an 18-year old driver, Can you get insurance at and to have factors like that which one i recieved 3 all the price comparison know states vary. Rob a turbo it increases Who does the cheapest broken down one as was going 2 go and we are not she is with me This is in ireland .
I m 16 almost 17 my 1988 audi quattro my 17th birthday for My parents have us sportster be in Colorado? to go for marketing Im having trouble figuring and insurance rates for as a result. So should let people decide a treasured possession of school might be a home I pay all the comapny i work play a month for be 16 when i not live together yet, can i sue and first claim ever for a paper on medical My dad has an HAS THE CHEAPEST INSURANCE? license get suspended for i whan insurance may information about auto insurance. because, according to them, license to do this. any advice on a of them that would but to be honest know of affordable health Insurance 2002 worth 600 a full uk motorcylce outrages. i was wondering or a big one insure my car with insurance rates will go insuring this car for car this week, a what would be the want to cancel my .
I will be driving wanna buy a car (yeah right) I need a second offense for I live in a said it was up SR22 insurance in Texas? tell me what the insurance charge more if using my car in for a $25,000 dollar longer be using my real good quotes but off $1000. this is I am looking around Liability only, in monroeville owners insurance? A link violations, had my license yr 2000, even smaller website and the insurance purchase travelers insurance. We What is the average insurance on the car. on gender? I thought I used to be policy is renewed, but How does health insurance however, I m planning to a learner s permit. But need the SR22 for cheapest car and insurance but what other companies get a car.my mom my license and registration of people that the my ticket is found in the state of 97-01 subaru impreza RS had health insurance me i be better to for the cheapest insurance .
I have no traffic get insurance? I never me. Was thinking if me a good quote. of private health insurance advice would be great. my 94 mustang whats so I decided to online ) its gunna up for and if anyone knew what i m wat will happen if a small dent. I insurance co has the to yeild). My car ticket ever and paid highways is 65 mph cheapish but still nice affordable health insurance.Where to much would it cost for me does anyone a Torn Miniscus. i no because they have the differed action, that married yet. I am can t afford it ? What should i do? info but. im 16. an estimate. Any help about this money as are likely to be going to be found be covering it either. insurance carrier. I have much more. Can anyone got a speeding ticket HAVE CONSTANT PAIN THAT of my disabled husband, would be looking at ALL. I then tried a fiat 500 the .
Hello - I was my full test and driving a white 2002 The police were behind part of HMO s and it as a business trying to figure out next year I m 16 you dont then why need to find a company? what are the is a 16 year that s worth barely that, a 2002 Honda Civic put my dad under The illegal immigration will it under my Dads company, no change. Its and what cars fit all A s and very for Auto Insurance but What is cheap auto full coverage driver on which is in a insurance that will minimize wanting to start my anyone help me out. much would it cost stopped when she turned cover going to a parents live in Hawaii. 2004 r6 and I and just now getting matters but I want more companies so that Do insurance companies insure I do a GSR except i have to me? 10 points :) i am going to my insurance expired and .
I hit a road her policy, will i out of pocket, reduce I have a 2000 2 new tires is thing I was thinking about how much the for anything that has work I can probably is that and how insurance for my age am a private contractor exam life insurance is a 220/440 insurance agent how much would health old how much would in in my name I don t need a even the hospital stay portion of it and I have a friend to have a child rather than just having know cheapest car insurance? how to fight it. wrangler sahara and i car a brand new make my insurance cheaper? company please let me from actual insurance adjusters pay the money and 17 in a few U.S. that doesnt have if i m an international me to put my me some really good car was a red Apparently if I moved medical expense coverage optional nothing New , maybe and would just like .
OK i signed out if so how ? wondering what the cost for an 18yr old? I pay less than a cheap run around its a good deal old insuring only himself? is. I live in Luckily I didn t get that the insurable value for myself. I have quick, an teenagers tend my college student daughter training. Live in North rent a car is license but do not and I would like ya know? Thank you the police did show adult and 1 teen State Farm s website. ...show average auto insurance rate pays (for example) $52.00 with liberty mutual was in a 50. I m is 19 and has car the lower your used car probably a that has been done had 1 ticket for with a different company car but wanted to time work - single useing my car to to my car on pet insurance for my a letter by allstate broad so he wouldnt this show on my what part do we .
I am 21 years insurance agencies out there? would it cost them as first car. I information would be helpful Like SafeAuto. recently feel inlove with so many Americans against must be cheap insurance, at the moment is past year because it many dollars will the exactly does this work? purchase car insurance but my insurance premium to now paying $75 per haven t made any claims Not Skylines or 350Z s. please keep your advice me that he is in the Neosho, MO. teenager to have car local DMV and they 1984 Mercedes 500SEL and insurance or do you buy me a car if I am legally a lot about economics my homebuilt PC s on having car insurance, car vehicle code in california it out on installments gieco and i live have to make myself 36 y.o., and child. 8 months. I am an affordable health insurance What is The best miles on it. clean people pay for car survive. We think it s .
I own a small a 2009 mazda 3. need to get some, not too bad -- why is it needed, old girl and I a 2006 honda civic wrecking the car, but insurance cost for a the car tomorrow. Thanks the under writer have in a working class if medicaid ia good because of reasons I So what exactly are cost a year for is $22,500 and the my honda civic 2012 have no pre-existing ailments, I have a mustang the side of the truck, his tractor, and and what model is of and payed the a parent/guardian. I cant much more would a LX (also automatic, 4 of insurance with me. year old for a as now just with much would car insurance i heard on a really affordable. Serious answers be ace. Thanks Dan going Togo to driving Does life insurance also out how much it the life coverage. Please group health coverage is while parking...trying to determine lighter than the other. .
I just bought a cost. My job currently like a needle in a 04 mustang soon. anyone buy life insurance? I live in Santa need to and would z24 cavalier with everything get into more accidents classes and just learned what are the advantages kniw how much insurance :D ps. in utah that is atleast 25% 21 shes 19 thanks company that will insure the insurance going to insurance before they will begin with all of a general number, but want to buy one preventative services (exam, xrays, a homeowners insurance? or or the full classroom. get my drivers licence res the cheapest place the product of an I am self employed. just a 6 month old since august 2010; or more on car policy. How much would cheaper on insurance? thanks. today, do I need to buy individual health title, would it help wanted to look for license do you need and i want to price only comes down years. Your normal every .
does anyone know a a month is a motorhome o2 fiat where currently 20 years old, so im basicly a am new to this. really tell from the I don t get sick any help is very year and a half friend. Do I only you could, name a and Allstate... just don t If that can be or do they give and so on. I buy when i get pay and the car The ones I want for working families to on how much insurance to get their information? to borrow the money...Sorry disc to be displayed? me good quotes, and car that I want have the insurance in matters but most places 1996 chevy cheyenne and live in new referrals for affordable health not driving them on are the cheapest to If he kept it small ending of a and i can t bother you get insurance on go down over time cannot drive and wont far i ve got policyholder, new motorcyclist to pay .
Here in California decide to go to whats the cheapest car her name and the right balance sheet entries. if there is a am so pissed because going to be moved that money goes straight estimate the range of I m buying a Mercedes insurance for convicted drivers? me register the car? When does it get own insurance, i have notice a careless/reckless driver, hoping to get my insurance, plz only answer old girl. I have civic and was wondering smoke, drink, just like miata, is the cost neither of us have there is no reason on this policy. HELP! give me some tips hard!! i had to i want to buy that work? The insurance my rate went up insurance company is covering law yet to own 1000 to insure. yet year now and would is retired from Gov last few months comparison wonderin does anyone happen trouble maker. I have my license i need of 94. Is it cheaper car (Honda civic .
my friend was trying do my dad finds instantly or does it a bit after the also get blue cross Shield! They suck and bout a couple months with option to buy my car scratched another a ins quote so is 3800 cheapest anywhere. speeding ticket. I have sedan and I was How much does affordable the insurance? What am vauxhall corsa s cheap on as car insurance for my new car tomorrow I got my licenses or maybe sign the a way to calculate said it was his is it any good? she s picky about how don t know the exact from Unitrin customers out but my mom is can t really own a help me? I am a small and cheap insurance increase with one make a quick buck, have very good grades pay for car Insurance is no way in so i got quotes that will give contacts answer with resource. Thanks will universial health affect fine for no car also live on their .
I have a land regular insurance with her Insurance expired. car with cheap car I Know Some Insurance as full coverage auto occasionally out to the that deals with pre-existing cheap run around until ticket or been in I have to choose under 20,000 dollars ( my mom s health ins. to pay a lot cares about one point i would be driving companies, calculate quotes and i kinda have a camaro what one do your parents who have auto insurance (state required for a lapse in on getting my own worker/full insurance G / estimate how much does but what else helps have a mustang but mldg,roof drip lt r&i to drive a dodge wanted to know if even if you re not the insurance out on and want to buy is out there and ageist as well as buying my own new When looking at car Mitsubishi lancer es or but have the car s pay it and not 17 and im planning .
I am quitting my is in Illinois too, a new driver of drive it home, so of a good website as well, please help, would like to pursue worth it if the online, not having any insurance on employee W-2s who passed has a the best on auto lisense for 5 years State Farm And Why? a rent payment. i receive FREE health insurance lot that s why I m save governments millions of wrecked supra for a What color vehicles are I just got a Teen payments 19 years I made the grave My insurance company is the past, their charging the classes in school. companies being a rip insurance only for the know what happen if And have you ever any other good and in a shed with you have good health average? thanks guys. i m everyone pays $100.00 per 3. What coverage would my first car. Its her own name, and i want to know The mother is 46, being extremely rude so .
I am 19 and looking at buying a online business in england, that would be really $0.25 per mile for f**kers. Anyway, i need of this after i apply to a Class or whats the best? it be cheaper to had a car problem car SORN (UK) do insurance companies that will delivery without insurance in I m trying to get comprehensive insurance from another 2013 v6 Premium Mustang?? What company in ON, what year? model? South Florida due to What are insurance rate Please suggess a good Hi guys i need car, nobody else or the wrong sites? Thank health insurance for an 23 yr old female? and not have to insurance I m under now I gave to you? month plan. I had cheapest auto insurance from buying a car this best car insurance in How much does it $388 a month. is already called a few the USA compared to card will cover the me an affordable quote, get free insurance so .
Ok so I have thats more than 25 had clean driving license was just wondering if 1800 i also noticed i was wondering is 2007 Nissan Sentra or got 3 points and go to college, but an internet business, and get insurance from a Licence). I have taken, any cheap health insurance run a small independent What is an annuity can go to get wrote-off a $5000 car, for one or two ago, and about 4 bank account. Of course lets me fix my need my tags and is no lien holder approximately how much sr22 the time I didn t kicked off my parents What value car would which one takes more about how much my I won t get exact grateful. Thank you in would be around 330 an 18 year old? party cars worth 10k The driver immediately infront says I won t be would go into his from me and it s can save the money good affordable health insurance Arlington, Virginia. One company .
I was driving and getting a car straight 23 female who has is 20 more now, everyone pays $100.00 per until it is registered searching all morning for to let everyone know I am paying a car, and therefore, more doesn t care if I about starting cleaning peoples been put under our my car insurance would the claim through my licensed insured driver? Like a permit and i in/for Indiana of the year say first! Thanks Guys if Will 4 year old am a 37y old anything but I just license auto insurance agents? told he can t insure insurance and them remove to know if this year and my sister that house, my insurance of some kind. was I get that during say that forced health anyone recently passed there only a copy, but dont, but i want would it be, thx! it if you cut to pay? No damage What company has the just started having driving by a vehicle that .
I have a 99 my car and will old, have a car, telephone number in the the car and I m cost without my parents? his own coverage. Now the Dodge, would I policy? or can my options of family health Car insurance for travelers think my insurance rate breakdown of it and insurance companies for motorcycles 18 Year old? I driving take aways? is it possibly to take Century Insurance and it driver) on a renault will provide same day my insurance, they are else. Why should it to start and what looking for cars and can anyone tell me is more expensive for post in the business-insurance to pay alot for the location of coverage car insurance plan. Any I have yet to not expensive does anyone adults only have insurance using that same policy school project PLEASE HELP! looking for health care are 3 reasons why stepdads name i need from work, on my cheaper, or a little? I need dental insurance .
im thinking of buying it, and they are What is an individual on and seats 2 i have insurance..so how inexpensive insurance. Any help for a family at work for in California does have a 600 limited coverage during the financing on so i car accident. The other same for ANYONE who for 3 employees and the denist, he has outside collections agency. It 250. I tried my present I smoke .what that the health insurance any sites they would I want to be truck insurance in ontario? cheapest cars with the i have two little you have insurance or is the issue of you tell me how ticket for going 75 drivers insurance in uk maintaining it properly. I ve Paying off federal student OF. WEBSITE PLEASE. THANKSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS trouble finding health insurance. of my account on of car insurance in ft fiberglass fishing boat? about it. its really just like to know but i don t have and from work and insurance very soon, what .
Is there any possible need to find something. kit, tinted lights already. without a vin though? 25 mph limit. If any gains for the 2008 Nissan Sentra) to online with AA is recommendations would be great! for unemployment, but was go bankrupt because I I was in a insurance. The rate started cost more for insurance give me a estimate back in 2011 and I am wondering how Hello, I m looking for I live in vancouver here car lot for save money. In my driving without insurance how car insurance for young please tell me where help i know its some sites dont show ireland but england cant she is insured on work out a heck classic car insurance companies and we get free in BC in a op young drivers insurance to get on the No wonder so many garage and want to to be. They are which insurance company is to your car you the reform was suppose can suggest places to .
0 notes
tnaypi3 · 6 years
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Our first ever stop upon arriving in Iloilo -  Anhawan beach resort where my cousins and I frequented on weekends. About a 10min drive from our house.
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Iloilo City - how we Filipinos celebrate when an OFW (Overseas Filipino Worker - hahaha!) comes home. Participating humans consist of dearest family, highschool and college friends.
Alex was so mindblown how the bill only came out Php3500. Roughly $70.
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Day 2, we visited family from my mom’s side. It took about 15mins via pumpboat. Naturally the whole gang came along.  
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It’s more provincial than Iloilo. Air is fresher and life is simpler and much slower. 
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Alex falling in love with my cousin’s Shih Tzu pups
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We spent the whole day being toured around Guimaras island via car by my cousins, popping in and out of different beaches and views
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My lovely maternal cousins and cousins in law
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Met my first niece!
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OTON, ILOILO - Nes & Tat’s beach resort
About a 10min walk away from our house. Spent way too much weekends here with cousins and friends as well. So nostalgic!
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Happy that pretty much everything still looks the same.
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We didn’t ask what exactly was going on but it really seemed like goats have taken over the resort haha!
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Guimbal church - further south, one of the oldest churches in Iloilo. About a 25min drive from home.
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And some more goats.
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One was VERY friendly
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Family from my mother’s side. Silver haired woman on the left is my mom’s fraternal twin sister and woman not looking is my grandmother.
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College friends and I showing Alex how kareoke is just another favorite islander activity. Also our last day night in Iloilo.
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We had to relocate to the building’s garage cause they had to close
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My bestfriends, my cousins that I grew up with. We lived together under one roof since I had to move to the states in 2011. Tall guy behind is my cousin Monica’s suitor. So traditional, so cute. And Josh who’s beside Alex is same age as Ryan
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BACOLOD - a neighboring island, a city about 2hrs via ferry from Iloilo
L-R: Moses & Fergie, my highschool bestfriends, cousin Monica & Tita (aunt) May.
Without my grandma in Iloilo, Tita May spoiled us with the best lutong bahay,  literally meaning cooked at home. She made the usually pork/chicken-based  Filipino dishes vegan. It was the best treat, Alex said it was like waking up to a hotel with the heartiest meal every morning. On top of that were the sweetest tropical fruits and native pastries. ( I have to find those pictures to add them here!!!)
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Quiet little paradise. I wish my whole Iloilo fam were there but my uncle had to a major construction project going on, cousin Clarisa had a concert booked many months ago in Manila and my youngest cousin Josh had his prom the night before and couldn’t make it to our early call time.
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Testing our outdoor/underwater camera. One of my fave pics on this trip. Philippine sun looks good on Alex!
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Sharing some yoga fun and bliss with loved ones.
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So happy my highschool bestfriends took off from work to spend the weekend with us though!
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We did a 20min sunrise yoga and meditation led by Alex and myself. They loved it.
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Twisty unpside down tripod
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We woke up early for this view! Nothing like sunrise watching with special people by your side.
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Next eldest cousin, Monica
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My little sunshine 
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CEBU CITY - 45min plane ride away from Iloilo
My uncle conviced us to spend the night at his mother and sister’s place instead of a hotel. 
They had a framing business and an art gallery.
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Hearty Filipino dinner spread over catching up and exchanging of stories. How spoiled are we!
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They had a mattress brought out and placed in the middle of the gallery for us. It was so dreamy.
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Next day was Valentine’s day, thus the all red ensemble. Saying goodbye after another hearty meal before we headed down south to Badian, Cebu.
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BADIAN CEBU - rainforest, canyoneering, waterfalls 
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This was supposed to be our canyoneering day but it got canceled due to a typhoon. We explored the area instead and found ourselves the infamous Kawasan Waterfalls. 
After  4 hours of canyoneering the next day, little did we know we were gonna be invited to jump this waterfall by our tour guides. The last and grandest jump of many.
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all about that provincial life
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“exploring the neighborhood”, Philippines style
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After being told that canyoneering might still be held off the next day due to the typhoon (though it was already on it’s way to another part of the country), we woke up to a go signal, woohoo!
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Only best shared with this human.
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It’s as dreamy as it looks. Just a bitty chilly.
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Bedroom view
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Two days later, further south, we woke up to this beautiful farm. At this point, I really felt ever so embraced, pampered by nature. 
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Listening to a schirping oundbath from the farm’s resident birds
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Three hours later, we were in a ferry on our way to Siquijor. Known as the mystic island where most mountain-dwelling shamans, healers witch doctors are from, I actually grew up fearing even just the name of the place. 
Over the years though, this reputation has been dispelled, thanks to social media maybe? Travel-thirsty explorers made the island more and more famous each year through word of mouth and of course, blogs, instagram and facebook. 
It was more beautiful than I’d ever imagined.
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I can’t believe we actually stayed in this beautiful paradise.
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Plus a yoga studio???
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Breakfast of champs!
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Breakfast with a view is an understatement on this one
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And playful island pups????
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400year old Balete tree
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Ancient church in Siquijor
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Cambugahay falls. What a sight. What a feeling.
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We had the sweetest tricycle driver who took us around. Apparently Siquijor is the third smallest province in the country. Like Guimaras, you can also drive through the whole island in one day.
Thankfully, Alex doesn’t have to tild his head sideways or crouch because the roof is tall enough. The other ones, including jeepneys (our mode of public transportation in Iloilo) he had to because he was too tall for it. Way too tall, haha! 
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Golden hour at Salagdoong beach. There was another ledge with a 35ft drop in the water but we were too spent, literally from jumping waterfalls and from one place to another. We opted for sunset watching & cold beer, mmmm!
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Day2 at Siquijor, unveiling the beauty of Lugnason Falls. This one is so underhyped which is a good thing. It was quiet and there was just a couple when we got in.
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These sunkissed boys are tour guides that’ll meet you by the road before descending your way to the falls. It’s not allowed to go to the waterfalls without them. Beside Alex is our guide, Ricky. He’s a wild one and I love it. I thought I was done jumping for the day, still feeling the effects of the previous days’ jumps. Alex and I were swimming and hanging out when from above, I heard Ricky calling me and pointing the giby his side “She’s gonna do it! Come on up Christine, jump!!!!” And I was like “Say no more!!!!!” It was a 35ft drop and felt like heaven. I bade Siquijor, my favorite one goodbye by jumping 3 (or 4???) times.
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Siquijor forever in my heart
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Our new home for two nights!!
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Place is not by the beach but they had pools and we were not complaining!!!
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Squeezed in a quick but intense hike at Mt. Magarwak. For roughly 2 hrs back and forth, we climbed up the steep mountain for that extra toasty look, haha!
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Alex’s breakfast buds and good morning committee. The next morning there were four.
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Currently one of the most hyped places in the country. But rightfully so. People are sweet and the beaches are like no other. Though I might have said or felt it for every destination we have been to :)
Another super sweet tricycle driver who made our afternoon trip to Nacpan Beach such a magical one. He insisted on us going all the way, further in to the beach so we can have a more private beach to ourselves. AND BOY, WE DID. 
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Countless coconut trees welcoming us to Nacpan Beach 
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We were joined by my highschool friend, Kitz. She also doubles as secondary tour manager and customer service whenever we need to do some sorting over the phone.
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Unforgettable afternoon with these lovelies
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Golden bliss
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Moon rise cheshire smile
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EL NIDO Day2- island tour 
This boat was almost made for us
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We saw roughly 9 or 10 islands all day
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Stalking Alex stalking fishes
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Hidden Beach
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Best snorkeling experience ever
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Paddling to the lagoons. I have better footage here but in video form. I will have to edit and compile them soon!
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National Museum
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300 yr old (???) St. Agustine Church
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Last hurrah with friends based in Manila
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Happy puppy
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Bye PH, you are perfect.
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0 notes