#they love Perona and Mihawk so I drew both
skialdi · 2 years
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✨🎂✨Perona may be showing it off but don’t be fooled. Mihawk made that cake~
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imagine-horizons · 6 months
welcome home (one shot)
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dracule mihawk x f!reader (established relationship) warnings: suggestive themes, fluff, minors DNI,
Summary: you and Mihawk share a quiet intimate moment in his study after you return to the castle on kuraigana island
Mihawk gave a deep sigh as he stared out the window of his study. The castle was unusually quiet with Zoro out training, and Perona following, and watching him closely - and despite having a moment to be alone with his thoughts, he found the silence to be a bit of a stranger. "It's odd isn't it? For the castle to be this quiet?" He turned to see you standing there, head tilted to the side with a gentle smile on your lips.
"Y/N, when did you get back?" The warlord asked as you drew closer to him.
"Just now," you replied. "I could hear Perona yelling at Zoro - he is really bad with directions isn't he?" An even deeper sigh escaped from the swordsman's lips as he closed his eyes, and pinched the bridge of his nose. He hated how he was starting to grow fond of the two newcomers, and almost feel a twinge of concern. At that moment, his thoughts were interrupted when you hugged his arm , let your hand slip into his. "Did you miss me?"
"You weren't gone very long," Mihawk pointed out. You had only been gone for a few days, compared to some of his own journeys that took more than a month. You let out a pout as your warm brown eyes met his.
"Meanie," you accused but with a light teasing tone in your voice. Mihawk turned and gathered you in his arms, letting them encircle your waist. You gazed up at him with half-lidded eyes, as you were getting dizzy from his presence, your hands clinging to his biceps. You could smell the lingering fragrance of the Pinot Noir he drank earlier as his breath tickled your cheek. You let out a soft sigh as he traced your jaw with his lips to the tip of your ear. The richness of his deep baritone voice sent chills down your spine.
“You, my love are always testing my resolve and control - so who is the mean one now?” He murmured, and he heard your breath hitch as his teeth grazed against your earlobe. “I can think of a few things that missed you.”
“And what’s that?” You asked curiously. You felt him slowly back you against his desk, and he had you caged as he placed both arms on either side of you.
“I think you should guess.”
“That’s cheating milord,” you retorted, as he let his lips trail down the side of your neck. “Y-you’re…” you couldn’t think of another word as you felt your cheeks flush at this new sensation.
“I’m what?” Mihawk asked in amusement. Before you could think of another word, and before the warlord could travel further down past your collarbone, there was a loud bang, pulling the two of you apart.
Mihawk let out a groan and you could swear the usually calm and collective swordsman had a vein twitch on the side of his temple.
“Needed,” you giggled. “I was gonna say cheating, but I think you’re needed.” Mihawk stood up and gently pulled you into a standing position, his one arm encircled your waist.
“Those two…” he grumbled, but before he could say anything, he felt your soft lips press a chaste kiss against his cheek.
“I’ll take care of Zoro,” you murmured. “You get the mop, and clean up his blood trail.”
“How romantic,” Mihawk said with a deadpan expression.
“Well that’s why you’re the genius of more romantic events for the two of us,” you laughed. “Let’s go help them, before Zoro bleeds all over the floor and Perona has a mental breakdown.” Just before you could pull away, Mihawk kissed you on the forehead and then walked out of the study without another word. He was a man shrouded in mystery, and there weren’t many words spoken by him. But you knew he missed you, and cared for you more than he could use words to express it.
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akagam1dracule · 1 month
As the dawn began to break, the first timid rays of sunlight seeped through the heavy curtains of Mihawk’s castle. He lay in silence, his golden eyes fixed on the sleeping figure of Shanks beside him. The redhead breathed softly, his peaceful expression contrasting with his usual fiery energy. There was a serenity in the scene that Mihawk rarely allowed himself to indulge in, but in that moment, he did.
Suddenly, a soft tapping on the window broke the tranquility. Ever alert, Mihawk rose with the speed and precision of a predator, careful not to wake Shanks. He drew back the dark, heavy curtains, revealing the morning sky, just beginning to lighten. Outside the glass, a messenger hawk waited. Without hesitation, Mihawk opened the window, and the hawk entered, gracefully landing on the chair near the table, leaving a small box before perching.
Despite his efforts to remain quiet, the movement woke Shanks, who stirred in the bed and asked in a sleep-roughened voice, "What’s going on, Mihawk?"
Mihawk simply gestured toward the box, and Shanks, now more awake, got up to see what it was. They approached together, and Mihawk opened the box with precision.
Inside, they found gifts from their children. The first item was a bottle of sake and another of wine. Mihawk smiled faintly. “Zoro,” he said, immediately recognizing the swordsman’s signature in the simple, practical gifts.
Next was a pink card, decorated with a small ghost holding a heart. Shanks smiled, knowing who it was from. “Perona, always with her unique style,” he commented fondly.
Then, they pulled out a drawing made by inexperienced hands, depicting a family. The figures, though simple, were accompanied by names that made it clear who was who. “Luffy,” they said together, both laughing at the innocence of the gift.
Finally, Mihawk removed two frames from the bottom of the box. The first one held dried flowers meticulously arranged, each with its name written beside it: sunflower, forget-me-not, chrysanthemum, and calla lily. Recognizing the flowers, Mihawk furrowed his brow slightly, searching his memory for their meanings.
“The chrysanthemum… longing and memories,” he murmured, his deep voice soft. “Forget-me-not means ‘I think of you.’ The sunflower is happiness, and the calla lily… symbolizes family, love, and protection.” He turned to Shanks, and his eyes revealed a rare hint of emotion. “Haruna,” he said simply, recognizing the depth behind their biological daughter's gift.
Shanks smiled, lightly touching the frame. “Our Haruna, always so attentive to detail… she knows us well.”
In the second frame, an old photo of Mihawk and Shanks, taken when they were younger, was carefully framed. Next to the photo was a small note with a simple message: “Happy Father’s Day,” signed with the initials of all their children. Shanks chuckled softly, happiness clear on his face.
“We’re really lucky,” he commented, his eyes shining with pride and love.
Mihawk, who normally kept his emotions guarded, couldn’t help but smile—a genuine smile that revealed how much those small gestures meant to him. “Yes, we are,” he replied, his voice laced with rare tenderness.
As the sun fully rose, bathing the room in a soft, golden light, they sat together, side by side, appreciating the gifts and the meaning behind each one. In that moment, in their secluded castle, Mihawk and Shanks felt more connected than ever, united not only by their love for each other but also by the unbreakable bond they shared with their children.
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weatherw1tch · 2 months
I've thought a lot about why Mihawk is so cold and distant in his manner of speech and presence, because I don't think he goes out of his way to be cruel like, say, Lucci, who will cut you down to size verbally to make the physical hurt worse, but that he just doesn't care enough.
It both has to do with how he grew up and how his title as World's Greatest Swordsman affects the way people interact with him.
Looking at the picture of kid Mihawk that Oda drew, at the way his sleeves and pant legs are torn, and his face is scratched up (though that can be attributed to working hard as a swordsman), I see an orphan who probably had to live on the streets. Or, at least, learn to be scrappy. And that built that “I can only depend on myself, others will weigh you down” mindset.
Being the world’s top swordsman for so long that he’s visibly bored, when you’ve been untouchable for so long, you forget how to talk to people. You look down on them, meaning to and without meaning to.
Mihawk likes his solitude, but he’s also lonely. I couldn’t blame a man like that for not seeking out company due to wondering if it’d be genuine or if the person would only care about the novelty of befriending/fucking Hawk Eye Mihawk.
Shanks has been his friend for so long because he understands Mihawk. Shanks will push and irritate Mihawk, but ultimately he does understand the kind of man he is. Mihawk loves quietly but passionately. He lets Zoro and Perona live in his castle because they have an unspoken kinship, with Perona and the way she cares in her own roundabout way, hidden beneath biting comments, and with Zoro and his drive and passion.
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chikkachu · 5 years
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Hungry Days AU
Prompt: A breathy demand: “Kiss me” - and what the other person does to respond.
Zorona (Zoro x Perona) make-out scene incoming. I couldn’t resist. What can I say?  I do love writing steamy situations. I don’t know why I’m so captivated by this pairing at the moment. This will also be available to read on my ff.net/A03 account.
Not sure what couple I’ll write for next (my last one was ZoLu, I guess I love writing about my favourite marimo lol). So let me know what you think and what ships you like. Headcanons are always welcome.
Whipping the bamboo sword so hard the material creaked, frustration etched each movement the green-haired boy made.  Zoro had experienced utter defeat at the hands of Hawkeye and today’s training session was his outlet. Perspiration dotted his forehead as he pushed his body to the limit – if not further. Knowing the young swordsman Perona would say the latter because she had witnessed his foolish fits of anger before.
He didn’t know when to stop.
Addicted to the feeling of hard work and adrenaline she supposed, not being a fitness freak herself. She’d prefer to put her feet up and drown her sorrows with a bowl of strawberry shortcake ice-cream. That was cuter than the smell of sweat and oxidising metal that accompanied the weight training Zoro chose.
Yet she still spent time in the kendo hall watching Hawkeye and Zoro when she wasn’t at the spooks club with Moria and Absalom. She felt strangely at home exchanging insults and chagrin. The brooding swordsman seemed to accept her regular visits as a norm. Her relationship with Zoro was peculiar. Sometimes they were at each other’s throats, his brutish attitude and ability to get lost in a one-way street tried her patience.
“Hah!” Startled Perona’s gaze jumped to the person occupying her thoughts. Tension making the harsh lines of his shoulders hunched forward, his perfect form wavering due to fatigue. It had been three hours of rigorous kata exorcises. Typical Zoro not acknowledging his limits - but this time was different. The injury had the potential to impact on his performance for months. She wasn’t an expert, but she knew that.
“Zoro.” She said, firm and non-compromising. Perona had never been a girl who settled for being ignored.
“It’s none of your business.” Biting and brutal to the point she could sense his teeth grinding as his jaw clenched.  Heart pounding in response to the blatant dismissal, her own temper flared. No one spoke to her like shit.
“Excuse me?” It wasn’t said as a question. It was a declaration of impending war. If he wanted to throw down, then she wouldn’t disappoint. Springing forward from her perch on the bench, she marched toward the glowering idiot.
“You are a rude obnoxious jerk Roronoa!” Stopping only when she made sure to purposefully invade his space. Toe to toe and her finger jabbed firmly in his thorax. She wanted her entire body to scream ‘fuck you’.
“Tch,” Upper lip pulling upwards into a snarl, he avoided her glare by staring to the side. The bastard was still trying to ignore her. Not happening. Shuffling sideways she stood on her tiptoes to stare him dead in the eye. “…annoying woman.”
Brow furrowing, she leaned further into his space so her nose almost touched his chin. Why did he have to be so tall? It ruined the effect.
“Me? Annoying?” Perona spat, noticing how he visibly winced at the high octaves, “That’s rich coming from ‘Mr. I’d be late to my own funeral’”.
“At least my laugh doesn’t sound like a dying cat.” Zoro shot back quick as usual. He didn’t usually resort to such childish arguments with anyone - the perverted cook didn't count. That dickhead disserved every slur apparently. Perona knew how to push his buttons as well as the blond. His attack didn’t put her off, in fact, excitement pulsed beneath her diaphragm. Not thinking she lunged placing both hands on his chest and used her body weight to push. Chuckling she watched the muscle head stumble as he lost his footing for a moment.
She couldn’t help but feel accomplishment in catching him off-guard even if it didn’t push him back. Zoro trained daily in martial arts and toned his core strength to the point she had seen him doing one-arm handstands. Honestly, the impact of her palms on his chest felt solid - a living bronze statue.
Calloused fingers formed a vice grip on her dainty hand, the pressure enough to hold her in place.
Perona hyper-aware of her throbbing pulse, her wrist gripped by his strong fingers, a large knot settled in her throat. A dangerous glint glazed Zoro’s eyes but she didn’t fear him. Perusing the features of her long-time friend she noticed his full bottom lip twitching. He tended to chew his bottom lip when hassled and the action diverted her attention.
It’s no secret Zoro is a good-looking boy – now a young man. Classically attractive features combined with the exotic allure of seafoam green hair made him a heartthrob. But most of the time people admired him from afar, a treasure you could see but not touch. The man had a demeanour that demanded respect and a not so subtle ‘fuck outta here’ vibe if you managed to piss him off.
Perona and the select few allowed into his inner circle knew another side. A kind and honourable man. And the biggest dork she’d ever met.
“Oi, stop staring.” Damn. She’d spaced out again…whilst eye fucking. Zoro didn’t need to know that.
“I would if you stopped being so cute.” Unless she opened her own stupid mouth. She had meant to say UN-cute. N-O-T cute.
Because he wasn’t.  At all.
“Cute?” He tried the word as if sucking on a sour treat. If she wasn’t so mortified the comical look that emerged - a cross between emotional constipation and disgust - would have triggered laughter.
The silence made her want to die or drop through the floor. Whatever happened quicker.
“I knew that’d pull out the stick that’s currently lodged up your ass.” She said, smiling sweetly. Tone sweet as honeycomb, dripping with the challenge. Time to save face.
Zoro leaned forward taking back the space she’d managed to steal. Squinting in thought his usual persona returned, it wasn’t the tense energy from before. Instead, it was a captivating focus that drew her in closer. He’d always had an ability to control the mood. It seriously rubbed her the wrong way. Perona would spend an hour iterating how she felt on a topic and he’d manage with a single sentence. Sometimes a grunt, yet she’d understand.  
Right now, she understood the atmosphere around them. Intense, sexy and one hundred percent Zoro.  Subconsciously placing a hand on his chest, she traced the seam of his keikogi. Keeping eye contact as she travelled to his neck, fingers brushing the soft skin in the conjunction of his neck. Zoro swallowed and once again she found herself admiring his lips. His nose brushed hers as he exhaled the brief contact titillating her nerve endings. Perona wanted more from him.
“Kiss me.” She sighed, her own lips brushing against his chin. Once again it wasn’t a question but a breathy demand. Her breath jittered as she felt his thumb stroke over her lips as if silencing the gibberish likely to explode from her mouth if he didn’t hurry up. True to form he read her well and the cocky smirk told her he hadn’t bought her excuse from the beginning.
“You always have to make things personal,” Zoro said, voice gravelly and taking her mind to a place that wasn’t appropriate for a gym hall. Head dipping, he hovered for a second, mirth dancing in his eyes. Fed up with his teasing she shifted to aim a well-deserved kick in the shin when he nipped at the corner of her mouth. Perona felt her mouth pop with an embarrassing gush that resulted from the attention.
He moved in quick precision, making her feel like the hunter became the hunted, enveloping her bottom lip into his mouth. Still holding her hand, he tugged sharply, and she found herself being melded into the masculine presence that was Roronoa Zoro. She felt a large hand splay across the small of her back, pushing her flush to his torso. Clearly, he didn’t want any space between them.
Peppering wet kisses over her top lip she felt him raise their joined hands. Pushing her palm flat against his jawline he broke away to lay a kiss on her palm. Aegean blue eyes gazed at her under a thick hood of gorgeous eyelashes. Honestly, Perona hated the fact that he was such a pretty boy and she had a weakness for anything cute.  
Impatient she used the hand to forcefully turn his head, whilst the other slid into his green strands gripping what she could. Lips now a supple pink she nuzzled his nose before capturing his lips in an audacious move. Eyes closing, she took in the sensations of his tongue sliding over the seam of her lips, the warmth of his breath on her cheek and how soft his hair felt.
“AH-em.” Freezing at the deliberate interruption, Zoro’s arms locked around her waist in surprise. Her eyes shot open to see her partners face resembling the tragedy mask they often see in her drama study classes.  Rose started to bleed onto his cheeks and coat the tips of his ears. It was too cute to stop an awkward giggle escaping.
“Tch.” Zoro and his typical sulk sound. He refused to look at her or his intruding teacher in the eye. Looking over his shoulder she spotted Mihawk standing in the doorframe across the room. Arms folded and his expression screaming annoyance. A slight twitch at the corner of his mouth said he had expected this.
“Roronoa, this is not your bedroom. Take it elsewhere.”
Tinkling laughter filled the hall as Perona grabbed Zoro’s hand. It’d be her pleasure to whisk the wayward swordsman somewhere private.  
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