#they named horace who literally did nothing even draco did more than him and that’s to said a lot 💀
niallsecretlove · 4 months
I’m so fucking piss off that they didn’t even named Narcissa.
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sanctus-rp-blog · 7 years
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Draco Malfoy | 22 | Death Eater
Blood Status: Pure-blood
Wand: 10″ Hawthorn, Unicorn Hair
Career: Managing director in training at Malfoy Apothecary
Patronus: Cannot produce a Patronus
Boggart: The Dark Lord
Previous House: Slytherin
Stargazing on a clear night - expensive cigarettes and age-old firewhiskey - traffic in the morning in the city of London - the smell in the air right after it rained - piano music - the potion for Dreamless Sleep being brewed - a Brown Owl flying away with a letter - a flash of a transparent light coming from a wand
Trigger warnings: torture, mention of depression, mention of suicide
Draco was born June fifth 1980 as Draco Lucius Malfoy in St. Mungo’s Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries. When his mother was seven and a half months pregnant with him she went into early labor at the late Sunday evening of June fourth. Of course the Malfoys didn’t trust any muggle hospitals, so they went to the one place they knew and trusted. A couple of hours later, when Sunday had already turned into Monday, the first and only Malfoy heir was born. He was named Draco after the constellation, like many other members of the Black family before him, and Lucius after his father, his name referring to both pureblood families he was born into and was the heir of. He spent the first month of his life in the hospital; due to his early birth, the healers were concerned about his odds of survival. When he showed his first underage display of magic, right in front of his mother’s eyes (he summoned his teddy bear to lay closer and underneath the blankets with him before closing his eyes and falling back asleep) she was convinced he would make it. And he did.
Growing up as a Malfoy and a Black (and the only heir to both of those bloodlines), Draco was raised with the idea that he was better than everyone else. He was spoilt rotten by his remaining family members. With the end of the First Wizarding War in 1981, his aunt Bellatrix and uncle Rodolphus were sent to Azkaban, a fate his father narrowly escaped. Draco didn’t know better than only having his parents around at the manor. Druella and Cygnus, his grandparents from his mother’s side, visited Malfoy manor scarcely as they spent most of their time abroad. Abraxas, his grandfather from his father’s side, died of the dragon pox when Draco was eight years old. Because of this, Draco was raised by his mother. She taught him to read, to play the piano and to recognize stars and constellations. From very young age on it was clear that he was smart and talented. Nothing less was expected of him. The pureblood ideology was something that he grew up with as a fact. His family, because of their pure blood  and moreover Sacred 28 bloodline, was better than everybody else in their world. Within two generations only, Draco’s blood could be traced back to four Sacred 28 bloodlines (next to Malfoy and Black also Rosier, Druella’s maiden name and Selwyn, Draco’s grandmother and Lucius’ mother Edythe’s maiden name ), giving him the claim of the purest blood that was possible running through his veins. His blood of course meant that he excelled at learning and at magic, just like his parents before him had done. Being the best was his birthright and everyone around him knew it.
To no one’s surprise he got his Hogwarts letter at his eleventh birthday, a little less than three months before the new school year. That was when the discussion between his mother and his father begun and lasted for at least another two months. His father, who was usually working with the Malfoy’s company – the Apothecary – or at the Ministry to donate money and influence the policy by lobbying for his own cause, had spent more time with Draco that past year than he had done the first ten years of his life, after it turned out that his heir was going to live. He took Draco with him to the Ministry and taught him about blood purity. In a sense, blood purity was what his parents’ discussion was about. His father wanted to sent Draco to Durmstrang rather than Hogwarts, because there his blood status would be respected and he would be learned everything that was important to a pureblood heir. For Lucius, sending his son to Hogwarts meant sending him to a school with a muggle-loving headmaster who was too old for the job and didn’t have a right perception of wizarding blood. But Narcissa wanted to sent Draco to Hogwarts, because she believed that was better for her son’s well-being: all his friends would be there and it was closer to home, so they could keep an eye on him. At last, it was Narcissa that won the argument and Draco was sent to Hogwarts.
The first five years at Hogwarts, Draco thrived. The Sorting Hat didn’t hesitate upon sorting him in Slytherin: like his parents and grandparents, Draco could only possible fit in Salazar Slytherin’s house. Because of his perfect blood status and obvious talent, Draco was popular in his house. Not just those in his own year, but also those younger or older than him got along with him. He always managed to get nearly perfect marks in his classes and while he had a tendency to break the rules, he was also good at getting away with breaking them. He didn’t care much for what other people thought of him (that he was only getting good grades in Potions because Snape knew his father, that he only got to join the Slytherin quidditch team in his second year because his father paid for the brooms and that he relied on his father; all untrue and the joke was on those who thought the assumptions true, in his eyes): it didn’t matter, because only those that knew better mattered to him. The list of people that Draco grew to like and was loyal to was a short list, but one of utmost importance to him.
Then Potter got Draco’s father Lucius imprisoned and Draco’s world was turned upside down. He had known that the Dark Lord was back from very early on, because his father had told him and had promised the Dark Lord that Draco would join the cause after he graduated, just like the other Death Eater children. After all no one ever got the Dark Mark before graduation: Regulus Black got the Mark at sixteen and was the rare exception to the rule. Draco would become the second exception to that rule. Because his father failed to retrieve the Prophecy that the Dark Lord wanted and was sent to prison after that battle at the Department of Mysteries, Draco was forced to take his father’s place in the ranks. Refusing wasn’t an option, of course. He was assigned with the near-impossible task of killing Albus Dumbledore. If he were to fail, the Dark Lord would kill his parents and him. Therefore failure wasn’t an option either.
The part of Draco that was proud to have joined the ranks at sixteen, was the outward facade that he showed to everyone during the summer between his fifth and sixth year and during his sixth year. No one got to see the boy that was furious because his father was taken away from him and the boy that was afraid of murdering someone but also of the consequences of his possible failure. They didn’t need to, most of the time. Like most Blacks, he had always been good at pushing emotions and thoughts alike away, giving him an unique sense of supervision over his own mind. In the summer between his fifth and sixth year, he was learned to control these abilities. Bellatrix Lestrange, his aunt that escaped from Azkaban and managed to stay out of the hands of the Ministry, taught him Occlumency. It was a process that took up most of the summer and consisted of Bellatrix invading his mind time and time again (by using Legilimency on him) and putting the Imperius Curse on him, forcing him to try to fight it off. She confronted him with his worst memories and made him do things he didn’t want to do just to make sure the secret of his assigned task could be kept. By the end of August, Draco felt emotionally drained but had become an Occlumens whose mind was impossible to infiltrate.
Throughout the next school year, Draco slowly grew desperate. He had known from the very beginning that he wasn’t cut out to murder someone. And even if he was, he would never be able to beat Albus Dumbledore in a duel. There was no one that had ever done that. It wasn’t hard to figure out that he was set up for failure and that the Dark Lord just needed a reason to murder the whole Malfoy family, because he would be murdering one of the most pure and sacred families in England and beyond. If Draco wasn’t loyal to him and didn’t do what the Dark Lord said, he had his excuse. Draco couldn’t give in: he had to succeed. First, he put madam Rosmerta under the Imperius Curse and told her to get a cursed necklace into the castle and to Dumbledore. Madam Rosmerta gave it to Katie Bell, which was her mistake because Gryffindors never did what they were told in Draco’s experience and Katie Bell was a case in point. She touched the necklace, almost killing herself, and it never got to Dumbledore. His second try was with a poisoned mead,  who Horace Slughorn was supposed to sent to Dumbledore. Rather than do that, the old potioneer kept the mead for himself, something that Draco should have seen coming retrospectively. When he heard that Ron Weasley out of all people had been poisoned, he realized it must look like he wanted to take out players from the Gryffindor quidditch team and reflected, albeit wryly and furious with himself, that his failed assassination attempts served a purpose after all. He wasn’t the only one trying to murder someone that year, or so it had seemed to him. When Potter hit him with the Sectumsempra Curse after trying to confront him, he was pretty sure he was dying. It was only because Snape got there in time that he hadn’t died from a loss of blood. What used to be a petty rivalry turned into a literal bloodbath and Draco swore he would never forgive Potter for what he did. The scars of the curse would last for the rest of his life, a reminder of how the Chosen One tried to kill him and actually got away with it with just detention.
Before the school year was going to end, Draco had one last option: the vanishing cabinet in the Room of Hidden Things, that had a link to the vanishing cabinet at Borgin and Burkes. He spent most of the school year trying to repair it as a back-up should his other two plans backfire, which they obviously did spectacularly. Less than a month after his birthday, he managed to smuggle a number of Death Eaters into the castle. Someone had seen his plan through, but it wasn’t until they got to the foot of the Astronomy Tower that a battle began. The Dark Mark was put up in the sky and soon enough, Draco stood face to face with the man he had to murder to save his parents and himself. And he still couldn’t do it. No supposed encouragement from the Death Eaters, not even Bellatrix, got him to raise his wand and do so much as think the words Avada Kedavra. He never thought he would be relieved when he saw someone die, but when Snape pointed his wand at Dumbledore and did what Draco couldn’t do, all Draco could think was thank Merlin it’s over. In hindsight, that thought had been wishful thinking. Of course it wasn’t over. No, the next summer and the next year actually proved to be worse than the one before. However adept he proved to be of the first two Unforgivable Curses when he was taught them during the summer, they weren’t strong enough according to the Dark Lord. That was why Bellatrix taught him another weapon that should only be wielded by expert hands: Legilimency. Draco had proven to be excellent at Occlumency and Legilimency, seen as the other side of the coin or the other half of a whole, came easier to him that any Unforgivable Curse would ever be. He had always been good at reading people, trying to figure out their intentions and motives, which was one of the reasons why he was considered to be such a ruthless bully. Legilimency was an extension of that. It was also another way of torturing that didn’t include using an Unforgivable, but could be at least as painful. With Legilimency, Draco was able to dig through another person’s mind to find their most painful memories, exactly what Bellatrix had done to him the year before. Not only did the spell give him access to another person’s brain, but also allowed him to distract them from the situation at hand by confronting them with whatever he wanted to.
The Dark Lord was now using Malfoy Manor as headquarters for the Death Eaters, giving Draco no chance to ever forget what his life had become. If he didn’t do good enough or if he didn’t learn fast enough, he was tortured with the Cruciatus Curse. He participated in every one of the Death Eater’s battles that summer and came out relatively unscathed, but with an ever-growing dislike of the Ministry of Magic and the Order of the Phoenix. It wasn’t until he witnessed how Nymphadora Tonks almost killed Rodolphus Lestrange, his uncle, that he decided there was no good and bad during war or peace. There were just a bunch of people that thought what they were doing was right and who didn’t care about anything else, not even family. Whichever side would win the war would be the right side and the other side would be condemned, he was aware of that. Who was actually right was clear to him: with the Ministry in the hands of the Dark Lord, Hogwarts being transformed and Harry Potter nowhere to be found, the Death Eaters were winning. His family motto wasn’t Sanctimonia Vincet Semper for nothing. Purity would always conquer.
The next school year was an equation of to torture or to be tortured and Draco was on the receiving end of both options regularly. If Amycus or Alecto Carrow caught him using Legilimency on the students he was supposed to be practising the Cruciatus Curse on, he was tortured. If he refused to torture, he was tortured. By May it had come to a point that Draco was so used to getting tortured that the Cruciatus Curse, with the help of his Occlumency barriers, started to get bearable to him. Unless, of course, the Dark Lord was pointing the wand, which was exactly what happened over Easter break. When Potter and his allies were brought to the manor, Draco failed to identify him. He was tired of everything and just wanted it to be over and didn’t care how it ended. Supporting Potter seemed to be the better option, because if Potter won the war Draco would hopefully be sent to Azkaban and wouldn’t have to live under the reign of the Dark Lord anymore. Or the other option: if Potter got away, he would be blamed and killed. Well, blamed he was when Potter got away (Potter always got away with everything, so Draco wasn’t so surprised) and stole his wand. He was almost killed too, but then Rodolphus had to interfere and somehow managed to persuade the Dark Lord to let his nephew live. That was when Draco got to experience the most strong Cruciatus Curse he ever had in his life. He was sure that could have killed him then and there as well, but due to the resistance to the curse he had built the past year, it didn’t. And unfortunately, neither did the battle at Hogwarts a couple of days after his return to the school. Of course Potter had to show up and put everyone at the school in danger. Draco fought, witnessed the Dark Lord’s claim of triumph and saw him proved wrong. The war was lost, and Draco both was and wasn’t relieved. He couldn’t be relieved, because they lost the war that was supposed to prove those of pure blood were superior over those of blood less than theirs. He was relieved because at least now he wouldn’t have to fear for his life anymore. When he found out how the Dark Lord lost (because his mother had the nerve to lie to him) he was furious. With that one word that Narcissa Malfoy spoke, she had again chosen between blood purity and her son’s fate and picked her son, just like she had done when she pushed for him to go to Hogwarts rather than Durmstrang. And because of Narcissa’s last minute alliance switch, both Lucius and Draco were not sentenced to Azkaban. He definitely tried to get himself into Azkaban, though, even by lying, but because of what his mother did the Ministry of Magic just about outright refused to sent him to Azkaban, much to his dismay.
But St. Mungo’s Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries turned out to be another form of prison altogether. He was sent to St. Mungo’s immediately after the battle at Hogwarts while his father was awaiting his trial date in Azkaban. In St. Mungo’s they diagnosed him as depressed and suicidal, something that Draco declared to be ‘great bullshit’ as soon as he heard about it, but they weren’t wrong, which was proven when he tried to end his own life mere weeks later. His wand was taken away from him and he was asked to talk about the war. With the threat of his father going to Azkaban again in the back of his mind, Draco did precisely that, with a lot of difficulty. Occlumency had allowed him to push every bad feeling and every bad memory away to a place where he could barely reach it, and recalling those memories only made him more miserable than he already was. While his old friends and allies were sent to Azkaban for crimes much less than what he knew he did, he was just asked to repeat his seventh year at Hogwarts and meet with a therapist weekly. He got through the school year by burying himself into school work and extra research. His mental state slowly became more stable, but not for the right reasons: rather than deal with his feelings, Draco started to bury them behind his Occlumency barriers again. His mind had become his own playground that could occasionally turn on him. When that happened, he made sure to be alone. He had never been allowed to show weakness and he wasn’t about to begin now that the Malfoys were hated by literally everyone for their part in the war and in the Death Eater trials.
After he got his NEWTs – his results were nearly perfect, as always – he joined his family’s company, Malfoy Apothecary, that had had to suffer from the war and the way their name and reputation was ruined. He asked to be sent abroad so at least he didn’t have to deal with everyone in England. His father sent him to oversee the section of the company in the United States and Draco went away gladly. He came back to Wiltshire every summer, and every year his parents could see that he had changed. Being away from England and the manor, away from everything that happened there and away from his parents’ expectations  had allowed him to become the person he had always wanted to be, rather than the person that everyone needed him to be. When he heard the whispers about the old Death Eaters being released from prison, Draco returned to England for good, uncaring how it would look. He knew that releasing them would never come to any good, but whatever it was, he wanted to be there for it. His stay in the United States had helped him regain his belief system and made him realize how wrongly the Ministry of Magic had treated all of those that sided with the Dark Lord. He knew that the moment he went back down the blood purity path, the Aurors would come and find him and lock him up in Azkaban indefinitely. It was worth the risk, though, because the Ministry and the Order deserved to pay for what they had done.
‘Heavy is the head that wears the crown,’ is a saying that is heard often within the pureblood and Sacred 28 circles, and that was definitely the case for Draco. He was born the heir to the Malfoy name and the Black name and has always had to deal with the pressure that came with it. He was raised to believe that his pure blood made him the best and the most worthy in the wizarding society and he acted like it. He was often perceived as over-confident or arrogant. What was beyond that first look was an intelligent and observant boy that was a perfect fit in the Slytherin house. He always valued self-preservation about everything else, was ambitious and determined to succeed in whatever he wanted, whether that was to get an O in Potions, to win a quidditch match or to convince his parents of something.
The war changed Draco. While his focus on self-preservation remained, another type of pressure was put on him and got to him eventually. He lost his interest in quidditch and school work and distanced himself from his friends, who he was fiercely loyal to despite of that. The war made him lose his faith in the blood purity ideology. The ideology that he was born and raised with, didn’t seem to be right any longer. If it were true he would have been better and he would have succeeded in what he should have done. In the time that his belief system crumbled Draco felt incredibly lost, as though he had lost his sense of purpose. He was no longer the arrogant and over-confident boy he used to be, but an uncertain and careful young adult waiting for the war to end.
He never returned to his old personality after the war completely. He was still intelligent and highly observant, but lost his outwards confidence and arrogance. Instead he was calm and preferred to keep to himself, in thoughts and feelings both. When he left for the United States after retaking his seventh year and getting his NEWTs, he was regarded as ‘a closed book’ and ‘mysterious and charming.’ He didn’t speak his mind like he had done constantly when he was younger and seemed to keep up the mysterious facade at all times. Occlumency helped him greatly in achieving that. At twenty-two he has definitely gotten his old confidence in his abilities as well as his faith in the pureblood ideology back, but has learned to keep to himself. This makes him unpredictable and therefore easy to underestimate, but that’s the mistake he loves to see being made.
Gregory Goyle -  old friend Theodore Nott - friend Pansy Parkinson - old flame Harry Potter - old rival Astoria Greengrass - annoyed by
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