#they seem like cool interesting characters!
devilsskettle · 2 years
actually the most puzzling thing to me about cobra kai is that robby is still mad at miguel somehow even though he’s the one who put him in a literal coma. if i accidentally hurt someone that severely, i would simply not give a shit if they started dating my ex because really leaving them the fuck alone is the least he could do to make amends. his victim complex is too strong though
#i mean he does have a shitty life but he doesn’t have to resent miguel for having a slightly less shitty life lol#i go back and forth on my opinion about robby as a character because this grudge drama annoys me#and i feel like the writers fucked up what i liked about his character in the first place#but ultimately i like him and think his main character arc is interesting#i just don’t like sam or sam related drama i think. very much on tory’s side except for the excessive violence lol#i liked sam at first but i think she very much is the rich popular girl convinced her worldview is 100% infallible#and she keeps trying to prove that she’s not and she’s Tough and Cool but i don’t buy it she’s trying way too hard lol#i like her and miguel together though actually! they seem really compatible and like they actually like each other lol#i never bought her and robby together they had no chemistry. felt like robby just thought that was what he should want?#i think that boy is gay i really do#i think robby and tory are both gay and neither have figured it out yet and they have experienced so little compassion from others#in their lives that they don’t recognize the difference between platonic and romantic love#also ​aisha is gay hawk is bi demetri is bi moon is (canonically!) bi#miguel is bi sam is straight though sorry#anyway#second most puzzling thing is hawk’s whole look lol#i inexplicably like the kid so i’ve accepted it but i am not mourning the death of the mohawk (even under shitty circumstances)#okay that’s enough cobra kai posting for one day lol#cobra kai
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hanadoesstuffwrong · 2 years
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So I was just supposed to find out that the same guy voiced both Aaravos and Koh the face stealer....... and not create something cursed??
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wildermount-blog · 3 years
alrighty new party first impressions:
Imogen: has either killed a man or is going to be fully traumatized by what is about to happen, with no in between. 7/10, I vibe with it but purple hair and a yellow scarf is a bold choice
Laudna: girl get yourself a towel. 7/10 as well, hoping she's a de Rolo so we can see Percy have a mild aneurysm over the state of her dress.
Ashton: local pile of rocks is actually the coolest person you know. Taliesin's done it again, I love them and their stupidly big hammer. 11/10 fave so far.
Freshly Cut Grass: is there anything better than pussy? Yes, this guy. Amazing. He definitely killed his previous party but since he's got the Spirit of Friendship I'm not holding that against him until he turns on this crew and becomes the BBEG. 10/10, I don't know what Liam's instructions were but they have been successful.
Dorian Storm: still cool, still a disaster, I hope he left some of that nascent crown-related trauma back in Tal'Dorei! 7/10
Fearne: hell yes, I'm so happy we're getting more of Fearne because I want to know what the actual fuck is up with her. Ma'am please don't burn the city down, or do. Either way, 8/10
Orym: my man! Amazing athlete, amazing swordsman, can already tell that he is yet again the only one with a single ounce of common sense. 9/10 I'd say he didn't deserve this shit but he probably secretly enjoys it.
Bertrand Bell: I like this guy and once upon a time he single-handedly slew five bugbears, so that's gotta count for something. 7/10, are we sure he and Dorian aren't related?
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ultimategirldad · 2 years
current status: fighting tooth and nail to avoid an avalanche of brainworms I suddenly spawned for a game I haven’t even played. all because it has a stupid STUPID robot character and they won’t leave my head please send help
#cryptic capri#delete later#warning: extremely long tags ahead be warned#its more complex than that but also /lh its cool i'm fine!#do I need to mention which game or can I just pretend I didn't draw fanart of said character already#okay fuck it tag monologue time lets be non-cryptic for one second here:#it's inscryption. it's the game I specifically said to myself 'oh that looks fun. not gonna play it though. don't have the time--#--or headspace right now!' and then 4 months later i'm reading fanfic on a03 and watching snippets of let's plays like the clown I am.#it's one of those games I've gotten more interested in the more I find out about it. it's infectious and i've caught The Bug.#but in like the most nonchalant way possible. scouring the outskirts of this thing like i'll awaken something terrible if i step foot inside#it...it's growing on me. I'm almost *almost* tempted to play it. barely. but there is one thing stopping me - the 'jumpscares'.#fun capri fact: jumpscares (whether they're big or small) are a big no-no for me. I just...sensory overload. physically can't Deal w it#this game? more eerie than actual scares. but there are like...maybe 2 in the 1st act. and I don't think I would cope too well :(#which is a shame because leshy seems like a wonderful woodland tree guy he's great!! I know he's not that scary!#but even knowing that. those 'jumpscares' still affect me unfortunately :(#but anyway. this is the game I'm wrestling with hyperfixation wise lmao. and yet! deltarune trumps my brain and remains on the throne.#this is a lot but I gotta say SOMETHING i'm like a shaken up can of soda my dudes#p03 gender envy is real and an insidious killer i'm dying over here orz#SQUEEZING IN 1 MORE THING - its like 5% P03's fault I considered making computer based dr ocs. but! their designs were--#completely my own doing! like I saw 1 photo of P03 contextless and went 'yeah actually robots with led faces are dope' and thats it#the more I find out about inscryption...the more self aware I become of their unintentional similarities lmao#so so sorry for the lengthy ramble this is my longest most convoluted yet WOW
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flowerbloom-arts · 3 years
Can you draw Mymble, Joxter and Snufkin togther? Its rare to see it in the fandom.
Here ya' go!
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Seeing them together is something I wouldn't call rare unless all three of them together at the same time is what you mean which is fair.
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pocketramblr · 2 years
Actually I think another Wild should show up right now. No one knows if the first one or the second one is Dink but now there are four Fours and two Wilds all throwing down in the courtyard
#'is wild acting in character for his trauma or is it dink?' i have seen asked. and fought over but I'm not in the main l u fandom or tag#for a reason anyway. the answer? both. wild really did run off and will fight whether it was four trying to stop him or if he saw dink got#there before him.#dink would attack either way to get past or because otherwise his cover was blown#i think this would be fun for several reasons:#1- and most importantly- it would look cool. everyone wants to see the four colors fight so let's go with two opponents#2- interesting character of 'does four know wild well enough to figure which is which?'#this would be fun conflict and maybe make some interesting points about team work#3- it would drive people crazy to not know which wild was dink and while i don't enjoy people fighting it seems to be inevitable#so we might as well use to create a situation where there are SO many fics about both options to explore every painful possibility#4- Time looks out and sees this. can you imagine. he's wondering if timeline problems are happening or if he's concussed.#5- possiblity of Twi healing and knowing which Wild is which? or of Time knowing? that could be very soft#6- if twi just passes out and time doesn't know you can have 'rule looking out the window and threatening to zap them all with thunder if#they don't knock it off and figure this out like adults#(he can't he's about to pass out himself but i love 'rule and am obligated to mention him at least)#7- wild annoyed and saying he just wanted to slap some mipha grace on twi to see if that would work since nothing else is but no 4 just had#to turn it into a fight#blue asking why he didn't just say that and red pointing out he also loves a fight#8- recognition of the self through other (derogatory)#9- time getting to just pummel dink like the angry father he is after four and wild figure all that out#continues to not put this in the main tag sorry about that but i do not desire to invite certain interactions from people there
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iggy-hands · 2 years
Are there any posts about why Ed's outfit is the Mad Max Road Warrior? I've never watched any of the Mad Max's and would be interested in the reasoning or connections to it?
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phocids · 2 years
this is gonna be controversial. but I dont really give a damn about sherlock
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love having ideas for so many things to write when none of the things are the thing im Supposed to be writing, of which i have actually negative interest in writing
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mejomonster · 2 years
I love knowing nothing about naruto and experiencing fandom from the outside
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problemswithbooks · 3 years
Too Little to Late
As much as I want to like Lady Nagant, I just can’t. Her design is cool, but I really wish she had been brought in sooner, as well as her backstory having more impact on the story as a whole.
The problem with Lady Nagant is that her backstory doesn’t tie into anything or anyone. The fact the HPSC had her assassinate anyone they thought was a threat, including Heroes they thought weren’t up to snuff should be a big deal, but it falls flat for me. 
The HPSC is pretty much gone. Regardless of whether it’s realistic or not, they’re no longer really around and certainly don’t have any power anymore. They don’t matter, especially right now, when the Main Villain of the series AfO is out and the entire country is in ruins. It’s a little late for this revelation to have much of an impact because Izuku can just promise he won’t let the HPSC be rebuilt and that can be handwaved as good enough. 
It also doesn't shed any light on any of the more important characters. The assassinations apparently propped up All Might, but he doesn't know that, so it doesn't suddenly cast a shadow of doubt on what sort of person he is. It doesn’t make any of the Heroes look bad because they were equally kept in the dark. The good guys are still the good guys. 
Nor does it add any depth to the main villains like Shigaraki and the LoV. None of them have ever said anything about the HPSC or targeted them in anyway. Spinner wasn't worried about being killed because he joined the League, and Dabi doesn't mention it when he tells the entirety of Japan about how Hawks killed Twice. So they obviously never knew about this either, which means that their beef really is just with the Heroes, who apparently don’t have any members who abuse their power because those bad Heroes were all killed off by the HPSC. So the bad guys are still bad.
I mean it feels like this reveal should have more weight and connection to the main story and characters but it just doesn’t. Even Hawks doesn’t fit into it much because he also seems to not know the full story behind Lady Nagnat. So, for me it just falls flat on it’s ass--like why should I care? There’s more pressing problems and this one can’t really be dealt with until they start rebuilding the country and can put a better system in place. It’s not an enemy that needs to be actively fought anymore. 
Unless Horikoshi ties Hawks into the Lady Nagnat story going forward, or the HPSC comes back and suddenly gets an huge influx of support and power, making them a genuine threat again, then this entire thing feels like a weird side story that’s just here so Izuku can say the system isn’t black and white, even though just knowing Hawks backstory would have given him the same insight. 
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the-punforgiven · 2 years
for the bingo, id like a Leper Darkest Dungeon 👀
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Character Opinion Ask Game
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What’s your ranking for the dl boys? We know Shin is your fav but what about the rest?
So I haven't actually thought about my precise ranking of the dl boys for a while. I ended up using a bias sorter which was quite revealing! Turns out I'm much more of a Mukami fan than I used to be >_>
Shin (best boy ❤️)
Laito (the only character who has been consistently high up on my favourites list ever since I watched the first season of the anime in 2015)
Kou (I watched one too many videos on Kimura Ryohei's gameplay channel and before I knew where I was Kou had shot up my favourites list X'D)
Azusa (I can only ever view Azusa in a platonic light but bless him for being the hero in so many routes that were not his own)
Yuma (I never used to pay much attention to Yuma but then I bought his Eternal Blood CD and realised that actually he's pretty cool)
Reiji (Reiji was my favourite when I first seriously got into the series and while I do still love his original Do-S CD and versus with Kanato, his later material doesn't do very much for me unfortunately turns out I was only interested in scary Reiji OTL)
Kino (I can never quite decide where to put Kino in these but he does a decent job as a villain in some of the LE routes and he was fun in Shin's CL route I still kind of want to fight him for what he does in Carla's LE route though)
Shuu (sorry Shuu fans but I just don't get the appeal :( )
Kanato (I don't hate Kanato, he just scares the hell out of me and not in a good way)
Thanks for the ask anon, I hope you have a great day!
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diegoshargrieves · 2 years
"If a male character does sth bad it's okay but if a female..." omg some people just don't like manic pixie dream villains, there's no philosophy behind it 😂 idk maybe season 3 will change it but so far that's a no from me
exactly!! i have to say im pretty biased against shitty male characters (think kylo ren, luke castellan, etc) and saying that you don't like a female character because she did some pretty horrible things by any standard isn't a bad thing either and doesn't mean you're a misogynist or whatever the statement is trying to imply. tua is literally a time travelling superhero show so obviously characters are going to do bad things.
i don't like lila not because she's a murderer or maladjusted because of her upbringing (which all the hargreeves are to some degree), but because while the hargreeves are able to see past their upbringing and how it fucked them all over to be better for one another and come together to try and be a true family and save the world, lila never shows any remorse for the shitty things she does to the people that she claims to love. and that to me is worse than any 'moral' conflict. she only cries some tears at the end when it all blows up in her face and she realizes she's been being played like the cheap kazoo she is by the Handler- which is exactly what she'd been actively doing to the hargreeves all along and not caring. looks like some people can dish it out but not take it.
anyways aside from that. people get the misconception that i don't like her because she's a woman who does bad things (wrong) or because she's diego's love interest (tbh it goes deeper than that) or even because she's a murderer and a killer and all that edgy shit (wrong. lmao.) i don't like her because she's manipulative and borderline abusive, and that's not how you're supposed to treat people that you claim to love. or anyone in general, really. i don't understand how we as a society just glossed over the fact that she literally roofied diego's drink after pretending to emphasize with him and then kidnapped him away from his family who he was planning on returning home with to take him to the commission so he could stay with her forever.
on that note, it's six am and ive written far too much already. and can i just say, manic pixie dream villain is absolutely the perfect descriptor.
#maybe its just me projecting?#but at the end of the day it boils down to the same principle luther was repeating in the s2 finale#love shouldnt hurt that much. youre not supposed to treat people that you claim to love like that#and sure shes maladjusted. sure she had the fucking handler for a parent. but she never shows regret even once.#she laughs off everything shes ever done even when the other person clearly expresses to her that her actions have hurt them.#this is particularly applicable to diego since hes one of the only characters shes interacted with because hes her (ugh) love interest#but thats even more concerning?? if you want to be a partner to sometime why would you do that to them?#why would you laugh off and dismiss the hurt of someone that you 'love' platonic or romantic?#i feel like they wanted to make her cool and edgy and just made her seem like she cares for nobody but herself.#tbh her arc (if shes even having one) is too focused on romance.#ive always said it would have been so much better if she'd imprinted on diego as an older brother figure without fully realizing it#because he was the first healthy familial relation she'd ever had so she attaches herself to him without understanding why#and her arc comes to a head when she realizes why and that she never had that with her mother.#it would have made the scene at the end where she asks the handler if she ever even loved her so much more impactful#lilas arc should have been about recognizing what a healthy family is and working towards building that for herself with the hargreeves#and healing from her childhood trauma with them. not falling in love and being a badass manic pixie dream girl#i will be a feral little sister lila enthusiast until i die despite my misgivings about her character however#because i feel like the potential of that was so good and so so wasted#look me in the eye and tell me a fucked up character unlearning the trauma reactions ingrained in her since childhood#and gaining a family that loves and cares about her and would support her and each other through everything#and slowly realizing what healthy relationships are/building them w the people around her/rediscovering herself away from abusive influence#and seeing her truly grow to love them over time wouldnt have been better#than watching her screw some guy whose family shes been actively plotting against the whole time#anyways even the tags on this got long holy shit. but it's six am and i get to choose the hyperfixation to shout about on tumblr dot com#tua#the umbrella academy#umbrella academy#diego hargreeves#lila pitts#asks
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shinidamachu · 3 years
Thoughts on Sesskag? (:
I simply do not think of it.
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epicfirestormer · 2 years
Alice Yabusame.
That’s it. That’s the post.
#I have so much emotions over this man#like goddamn#everything about him makes me love him so much#Alice is such an interesting character#he starts out to be this scary intimidating new guy who no one knows anything about#but then when you get to know him more#he becomes less that and just more this overdramatic stupid guy who likes to boast and stuff#which I thought was funny#I thought he was funny and really endearing honestly#maybe a little over-the-top but hey thats cool#but then he suddenly shifts in chapter 2 and you get to this man just turn into such a sweetheart#he cares so much about reko!! and I thought that was nice of him#He has a good heart and good intentions and I wanted to help him out so much#Alice really wanted to fix his relationship with Reko and redeem himself for his crime#and I thought that was really honorable of him#but then the bongo event happened and I got so sad#I wanted to hug him so badly#It's also interesting how much he doesn't seem to value himself and yet would risk his own life for Reko at any cost#He's super interesting!! then he got fucked over in chapter 2 part 1#needless to say I was not happy#went over the reko/kanna then did the Alice/sou route cause I wanted to see my boys#thought that there was no way things get worse#plot twist: it got worse#THEY FUCKED OVER ALICE#WHAT THE FUCK RANMARU#WHAT DOES THIS GAME HAVE WITH FUCKING OVER MY FAVORITES??#FIRST ALICE DIED AND THEN Q-TARO#WHAT THE FUCK GAME#thankfully Alice/kanna route has him living at the end of it#so there's that
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