#they smell gr9
jvlianbashir · 6 years
put on a new perfume today realized I was allergic to it spent all day sneezing @ myself
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vamprefaggot · 6 years
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heavenspat-a-blog · 7 years
 gintoki fights not for the manjuu that will b offered @  his grave but for the breakfast the next day  &   i  think that’s actually rly gr9   &   motivational
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intearsaboutrobots · 4 years
legally blonde (the musical) elle ships, as ranked by me:
elle/emmett (romantic): i am a bitter aro and kind of hard to impress wrt romance. THAT BEING SAID, i think they are a cute couple and they have good chemistry and the dept store scene does a lot of work here to get me invested.
rating: 8/10 “what’s that smell?” “love.... by calvin klein”
elle&emmett (qp): they never kiss or anything pre-time-skip so you legally cannot PROVE that their relationship is romo!! as a teen my fav thing abt this musical is that theyre kind of just best friends the whole time and like. yeah i was right. 16 yr old me knew wtf e was abt. this was absolutely formative and turned me aromantic.
rating: 100000/10 “guess you never can tell with little miss woods comma elle”
elle/vivian: so fucking good. let warner’s exes unionise. vivian staring directly at elle when she accepts warner’s proposal is for sure the behaviour of someone 0% attracted to the man proposing and definitely attracted to his ex.
rating: 9.5/10 “all that pink you’re wearing? is that even legal”
elle/enid: l o o k enid is in the harvard variations, shes supposed to be part of the harvard in-group as like contrast to elle. but also a professor mocks her for being gay in her First Class and so like maybe posturing her and elle as allies in different but not unrelated boats is like... better?
also i like the “chip on my shoulder“ dynamic but its two peers studying together instead of the TA or w/e (dont get me started on wtf emmett’s job is in this musical) And i think they could b a genuinely good pair and give each other some new perspectives on the world (in this context elle bringing up gloria steinem at the “costume” party is like also a callback to a convo betw her and enid earlier!!! guys it WORKS).
then they kiss.
rating: 10/10 “us girls have to stick together”
enid/elle&emmett: so first of all im very weak to this ship format, renardroi on ao3 has a gr9 w359 fic thats kepler/jacobi&maxwell and like, YES. its all the benefits of the ships alone combined!
it also cuts the like kind-of-weird-if-u-think-abt-it-too-much thing of her studying w the TA all the time by having a peer involved and emmett not like, so central, BUT it means we still get TAKE IT LIKE A MAN, UNCHANGED, bc i love that sONG and its VERY TRANS, ACTUALLY- (im forcefully dragged off stage bc thats a different post)
rating: 15/10 “you've got your future all planned, what if i’m standing there too”
elle/kate: kate, for those of u that somehow dont remember (/j she is so minor), is the girl who tutors elle for the LSAT and gets told off for chewing gum.
so FIRST of all, im very invested in learning more abt kate bc she obvs sticks out in the sorority and like it makes me wonder why shes there? she doesnt seem to be getting the same things out of it that everyone else is, like, what are her motivations yk.
also consider what if a like accelerated adapted riff on the elle/emmett romance happens over the time elle is studying for the LSAT.. im just saying i bet her and kate were pulling all-nighters... kate falls asleep on the couch in elle’s room and elle puts a pillow under her head and like puts a blanket over her.......... kate is gay and like not not-out but its not a thing she brings up unprompted usually and like shes like oh my godd i cant believe i hav a crush on a straight girl riP and elle’s like i am straight and also kates hair looks so soft and i want to run my fingers thru it. she asks kate Defs not jealously if she has a boyfriend and kate blinks and is like ...im a lesbian? and elle blinks and is like. oh! right! for sure! and isnt freaking out at all.
rating: 200/10 “what you want is right in front of you”
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earlgraytay · 4 years
more Weird Shit I threw away, c/o Cleaning My Apartment:
page from a weird-ass catholic prayer book I picked up for Art Purposes that has just been floating around in the ether
three+ years' worth of Target Gift Card Wrappers
the portfolio I bought from the thrift store in an attempt to look More Professional when I was attempting to be a Business Freelancer, which is now so scraped up that it's unusable, and also smells vaguely of mold probably from the Chair Incident
my parasol 😭😭😭 it got weird stains on it somehow and I haven't used it for like a year anyway because You Know What. I am still Emotionally Compromised.
weird floppy green plastic katana that i picked up with a friend of mine at the arcade donkeys' years ago (he let me trash it with gr9 reluctance)
honestly i've probably trashed the place and I feel really really bad for anyone who has to live here after me
I'm hoping I don't get kicked out because of how gross I've made it
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thebibliosphere · 5 years
Hello! I recently (within the last few years) discovered that I’ve had a latex allergy pretty much my whole life (band aids were my enemy and teachers hated that). I’m also trying to do some home improvements, including painting. However almost all of the interior paint is latex based!! Do you have any helpful tips for dealing with this? Thank you so very much 😊
Ahh the eternal struggle. Latex-free paints are a thing for those of us with allergies. 
I dunno where you are in the world, but Ecos paints is a brand I’m familiar with and had good luck with. They don’t smell either which is gr9. Also, I know wallpapering can be a pain in the ass, but there’s way more options for latex-free with those than there are paints. We redid my office recently with low VOC peel and stick wallpaper to cover the latex paint on the walls. Best decision I’ve made yet. I think some chalk paints might be latex-free too, but you’d need to check the brand labeling.
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thinfatfit · 4 years
tw sex
tw tw tw
tw tw tw
tw tw tw
ok i just want to confess this because i’ve never told anyone and for my whole life i’ve felt really ashamed. when i was younger like elementary and high school i was really lonely (lived alone just me and my mom and she had lots of mental health problems) and had extremely low self-esteem (like one time i went out in the snow without shoes bc i thought i didn’t deserve them). and i guess bc of those two things i had really bad sexual experiences and i feel so disgusting about it and like if other people knew they wouldn’t respect me or they would think i’m disgusting, and i feel like i gave these random gross men a piece of me and i wish i could take it back. and recently one of them who i blocked on facebook years ago made a new account to add me and it made me want to die that someone so gross and creepy is out there and has seen me naked when i was so young and is associated with me in that way. just all of these guys were so mean and disrespectful and huge losers and they didn’t care if they hurt me.
like in gr7 i would meet these gross guys in high school at the movie theatre and and talk about sex and one of them i sent sexy pictures to online. and i had my first kiss with one of them who was in gr11 and was so gross and he later got put on house arrest. and when we kissed he asked me if i loved him and i said yes cause i was 12 and he was like “it’s unrequited love”. 
in gr9 me and one of my friends made out with these completely random strangers we saw on the street who were like 30 idk and i went into a bathroom stall with one of them and let him touch me.   
but the worst worst was in gr12. this guy was 22 and used to work at my job but he got fired. he didn’t have another job for the whole 2 years i knew him and wasn’t in school. his biggest accomplishment was he made a “music video”. and he smelled so bad and was always high. and he wouldn’t let me go into his room bc it was too personal. and if i went to his mom’s house which was 1hr away he wouldn’t meet me at the bus stop even if it was super late and deserted. if his parents were home we would hook up like in school parking lots and secluded places outside. and i just met up with him bc i secretly hoped he would fall in love with me, so once we would get to the alley or w/e and he would want to hook up i would be like ummm idk maybe we shouldn’t bc i just wanted it to be a “date” and he would be like “wtf we came all the way here.....come on... you led me on.... etc etc” so then i would. and pretty much exclusively what we did was i gave him bjs.
and this other guy from my work also when i was in gr12, i have no idea how old he was, maybe early to mid 20s, he asked out every single girl and one time i said yes to be ~cool and he picked me up in his car and parked in some random parking lot and asked me to give him a bj and i was like uhhh idk idk and he was like “ok chill nbd” and i was like ok sure and then he was like can i take pics or film u and i was like sure cause i wanted to be cool and then he texted ppl while i was doing it.
ok literally i feel like none of u will like me anymore after reading this.
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cyberneticdryad · 4 years
i've been thinking about how animal husbandry as we know it would exist in the pokemon world as well as the fact that grass type pokemon exist so you probably wouldn't have to farm in such an invasive way to get fibers similar to cotton or other plant fibers? but really oddly pokemon being used for textiles aren’t really mentioned until the sun/moon dexes?
here’re the pokemon that are specifically mentioned for fiber works:
spinarak: silk is used for weaving fishing nets [moon]
ariados: silk is used for weaving cloth popular for its strength [sun]
cottonee: cotton used for bed/pillow stuffing, cloth when combined with eldegoss cotton [moon, shield]
eldegoss: cotton is used for spinning yarn, cloth when combined with eldegoss cotton [shield]
wooloo: wool used for strong cloth [shield]
honorable mentions with no textual support but i think would still be gr9 for textiles are piloswine and lopunny, but honestly winter sawsbuck probably also has a lovely soft coat that drops in the spring.  maybe minccino too depending on the length of their fur.
galvantula being able to weave electrified webs would be really cool for the purposes of electrical wiring and infrastructure?  like honestly my first thought was diy/off grid electrical options.
also mareep!!! the volume of their wool is said to increase in volume as the electrical charge builds which i do not have the knowledge on for practical applications, but this sounds intriguing to me.
dubwool has super springy, rubbery fur! the idea of some kids making a trampoline from dubwool fur cracks me up, but it would probs have more mundane uses in like bungee cords and general elastics.
wooloo’s fluffy ability makes some of them more resistant to physical damage in exchange for being more flammable.  great for protection, but also hypothetically great for things like fire starters! thankfully, it’s not their only ability, but it’s probably best to know what kind of wooloo you’re getting your wool from so you’re not getting something flammable on accident!
and finally, here is my list of pokemon that probably could be raised for fibers but probs best on like a small farm/household scale:
most other bug types for silks: so most pokemon that naturally learn string shot... tend to have a lot of other things going on.  horrid smells, poisonous defensive powders, aggressive predatory behavior, and given how evolution works, silk cocoons aren’t left behind.
arcanine: they just look sooooo fluffy??  i think their mane in particular would be v plush, but it would probably be a localized specialty somewhere.  it wouldn’t be so far removed from people who make textiles from dog fur!
flareon's fluff is supposed to help in releasing excess heat.  i could imagine fabrics meant to disperse heat (like a warm cloth would for a fever) or even clothing meant to assist with the heat in desert or tropical environments!
bouffalant: their hair being able to absorb damage (!!) sounds like a really rad alternative for protective gear, but they are highly territorial/aggressive so might be a little difficult to maintain.
whimsicott: my heart says yes to a flock (herd?) of whimsicott, but my experience babysitting large numbers of children say that maybe keeping a group of trickster creatures is a bad idea.
thanks for coming to my ted talk inspired by my recent capture of a whimsicott who i promptly named string brean.  i love him.
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1-800-i-ship-it · 4 years
Question Hodgepodge 2, 12, 17, 20, 25, 200
Thanks for the ask apol! and dw about asking too much, i wont mind :P
2. Do you have any nicknames that aren’t derived from your actual name?
yes actually, my sister used to call me “dum dum” all the time xD 
12. What foreign country would you most like to visit and why?
damnnn hm i really dont know, perhaps singapore/near there so i can visit internet friendos :P
17. Name/author of the last book you read cover to cover. Do you recommend it?
i never read things cover to cover bc i skim intros and skip acknowledgements if thats what it meant but Just Mercy by Bryan Stevenson, it is a very good book about the prison industrial complex/mass incarceration and just the criminal justice system in general, and really gives you perspective on the death penalty from the side of the people who are accused, very interesting though i had to speed read it for class lmao 
and if graphic novels count, i read sherlock bbc’s graphic novel adaptation and finished it today, it was gr9 and i got to indulge in so many extra sketches :DD 
20. From 1-10, how much do you like decorating for holidays?
hmm a 6 or 7? i enjoy decorating the christmas tree but i dont like setting up the actual tree itself (mine is fake) if that makes sense; i just did it today actually and was the one who vacuumed up the pine needles from the ground and lemme tell ya my back hurts like hell in addition to my usual pain ahaha 
but doing ornaments is v fun! i dont really decorate anywhere else lmao o i do like placing presents under the tree tho 
25. Favorite animated Disney character?
ohh damn very hard question...Geppetto :P 
200. Tell something about yourself most people don’t know.
uhh i dont like the smell of coffee beans directly, and i also cannot stand the smell of espresso beans directly, like from the bag or smth xD even though i drink both 
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sublimesublemon · 6 years
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my dear friend felix @whatislifeandhowdoidoit made me a dice bag that honestly has my name all the fuck over it and blanket that is SO soft and SO warm, and sent em to me for christmas along with a bedazzled unicorn, beautiful dice, and lovely-smelling bath salts
they're so rad and so well-made and gr9
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san-bread · 6 years
2018 in Review
Rules: answer the questions about 2018 and tag some people!
Tagged by: @toojoosy - i was threatened a write up if I didn’t
who are we kidding there’s no order
Top 5 films you watched in 2018
1. Black Panther
2. Shape of Water
3. I love dogs ...Isle of Dogs
4. Mamma Mia: Here We Go Again
5. Crazy Rich Asians
Top 5 TV shows in 2018
1. letterkenny
2. Dear White People
3. Dragon Prince
4. the get down even tho I watched it so long ago, pls @ netflix bring it back
5. queer eye
Top 5 songs of 2018
(From my Spotify top 100)
1. Smells Like Summer - cruisr
2. LOVE YA - hyukoh
3. Let’s Fall In Love Some More - al bairre
4. Drops of Jupiter - train
5. Blessings - chance the rapper
Top 5 Books You Read in 2018
1. Pachinko
2. The Valley of Amazement
3. the sun and her flowers
4. Pride and Prejudice
5. 1Q84 - wanna read this before the end of the year pls someone give me
Five Good/Positive things that happened to you in 2018
1. saw Hayley Kiyoko AND Troye this year (that’s gay babey!!!)
2. I really love my new job as a tutor and the people who work there!
3. I met a boy :’)
4. Ive been getting 8hrs of sleep regularly !!
5. (not yet) gonna go see Dear Evan Hansen w some gr9 people
you! @excessivegiraffe @tqowop @that-fangirl-life @psionicmushroom @chlo-egg @/ anyone else who wants to :)
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habibialkaysani · 6 years
tag meme while I lie on my bed and have a mini existential crisis
I was tagged by @dutchjohns and @adacanary - thank you :)
name -  mina
star sign - libra altho I don’t think half of that stuff is accurate because libras are meant to be flirty and I’m??? not???
height -  5′1 and a half
put your library on shuffle; what are the first 4 songs that came up?
i.  for blue skies - strays don’t sleep
ii.  promise this - adele (cheryl cole cover)
iii. torches - x ambassadors
iv. secret love song - little mix ft jason derulo (I’m so obsessed with this song kalgnaklgnasklgnaslk)
grab the book nearest you and turn to pg 23, what’s on Line 17?
monsoon. the rain channelled into gullies, and created torrents (the himalayan summer - louise brown)
ever had a poem or song written about you? fanworks, but that’s it, I think
when was the last time you played Air Guitar? lmao yesterday in the street when hsm2 all for one came on on the way home
who is your celebrity crush? at this particular moment in time it is hannah john kamen. but also maisie richardson sellers, candice patton, katie cassidy, amy adams, dichen lachman, jessica parker kennedy and malese jow (I loved her since she was in unfabulous)
what are 1) a sound you hate, and 2) a sound you love?
1) people chewing gum like so fucking gross get the fuck away from me
2) rain falling, the ocean, a storm raging
do you believe in ghosts? sorta maybe?
how about aliens? not so sure about this one
do you drive? in this economy? with my anxiety? please.
if so, have you ever crashed? in my dreams a gajillion times
what was the last book you read? last one I finished was an american marriage by tayari jones. holy shit. that was a gr9 book.
do you like the smell of gasoline? gross no. I like the song tho?
what was the last movie you watched? I can’t actually remember lmao I’m more a tv person.
what’s the worst injury you’ve ever had? I don’t know lol I don’t really get injured? when I was three I fell down the stairs apparently. and I vaguely remember it? does that count?
do you tend to hold grudges against people who’ve done you wrong?lmfaooooo ofc.
in a relationship? no praise the lord for that.
tagging some people but ofc no obligation: @sapphicdeanoru @blackcanaryquake @sophiainspace @laurelwinchester @canarysiren @stungunmilly2
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yawpyawp · 6 years
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It’s time for my semi-weekly slow cooker chili!! My apartment is gonna smell gr9 tonight!
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gohyuck · 7 years
NCT 127 reaction to you falling asleep on them
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rest of the reactions under the cut - kept as gender neutral as possible
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honestly he’d probably be running his fingers through your hair while you lay down on top of him while watching tv or something
it’d be a while before he even noticed you’re asleep
when he does it’s kind of startling because you’re so quiet?? wow amazing
when he realizes he stops combing through your hair because what if it wakes you up or something
but then you stir and move your head a little higher up on his chest and he’s like oh
so he goes back to playing with your hair and braids it and stuff
have fun combing it all out when you wake up lmao
your legs and his are entangled and one of his hands is on your back and the other in your hair or behind his head
you’re basically flat on top of him
he doesn’t want to move too much
taeil is like... crazy afraid of waking you up because you must be s o tired and he doesn’t wanna ruin your much needed sleep
“ah they’re so pretty”
turns off the tv eventually because he’s watching you now and not even paying attention to it
wont make any noise honestly
eventually he’ll probably fall asleep to the sound of your breathing tbh
while you’re listening to the sound of his heartbeat
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johnny, softly, but with feeling: “holy shit”
his frame is like x2 yours lmao he makes for a gr9 bed
also his clothes are always soft and highkey he smells like home so when you guys are just chilling and cuddling in downtime and it’s quiet ofc you’re gonna fall asleep
you’re pretty much halfway on top of him at first, with an arm and a leg thrown around him haphazardly 
he’s worried you’ll slip off when you fall asleep though so he moves you so you’re entirely on top of him
one arm finds its place around his neck and the other hangs off the couch in like...ultimate chillaxing position
johnny’s all about being super relaxed and cool and shit lmao but in his head he’s aaaaaaaaa because you look adorable and also you’re falling again
both of his arms are wrapped around your waist
if you originally are a little lower on him he’ll gently pull you up so your chin is near his collarbones
johnny the type to take approximately 389243 pictures of you sleeping
probably posts a couple to his sc story
“they’re so tired they fell asleep on me”
“i ain’t even mad tho look at how cute they are”
(haechan responds to his story with “they fell asleep because you’re boring as shit”, a fight ensues)
you wake up to find him knocked tf out, possibly snoring
it’s your turn to take pics and post now
(haechan - “he’s so boring he put himself to sleep”)
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he’d probably be unable to hold in a tiny squeal because “oh my god look at them”
your head is on his chest and one arm and one leg are slung across him
tae’s lowkey touched because you have the whole bed and choose to fall asleep entangled with him and basically on top of him
he’s 100% sure you’re the cutest thing to exist ever
has his hand on your waist and probably rubs little circles into the skin above your hipbone because it’s so s o f t
moves hair out of your face
tucks it behind your ear so he can look at you better
“ah i guess if they’re asleep i should be asleep”
he really wants to kiss you because you just look so adorable and are everything good in the world (you are his world) but he also doesn’t want to wake you up
if anyone else walks into the room, like the other members, he makes the “shh” gesture before they can even think abt opening their mouths
when you wake up he moves so he’s over  you
presses like........... a million kisses to your forehead and cheeks and nose and just everywhere on your face before your tired ass pulls him down for a proper kiss
“did you sleep well?”
“yeah, but i like being awake because i can be with you”
“so...you DON’T dream about me”
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i couldn’t find a nonsexy gif of yuta?? a GOD
he’d lowkey be shook as shit
prob tries to be like.cool about it but internally he’s panicking because this hasn’t ever happened before and he doesn’t really know what exactly to do
pets your hair a little bc??? he just...dk
licks his lips a lot while he’s messing with your hair
stops you from falling off of him and onto the floor a couple of times but a small part of him is tempted to let you fall so you’ll wake up and you guys can hang
eventually he’ll get tired of hoping you’ll wake up
he gives you a long nap tho bc he knows you’re tired and he’s kinda tired too but like
he doesn’t wanna fall asleep bc lowkey he’s a little afraid you’ll fall onto the floor if he isn’t there to stop you
after like...an hour of switching from mild awkwardness to exasperatedness to admiring you silently he gets a little tired of it tho
“wake uppp” 
you yawn really loud and sit up so you’re straddling him, rubbing sleep out of your eyes and he really can’t help himself
he flips you both over on the couch
smiles down at you and then sighs
“good, we can do stuff together now” he smirks and kinda does an eyebrow wiggle and you just laugh and smack him on the chest a lil bit
he laughs too and buries his face into your shoulder, carefully balancing his weight on you
you guys just talk from that position for hours until the other members come back only to see the two of you dead asleep
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he’d be another to take wayyyy to many pictures of you
he prob wouldn’t post any though they’re just ~for him~ for when they go on tour or have schedules and he misses you
gently turns you guys over so you’re lying under him and one of his arms and one of his legs are carefully put across you
this way if his legs fall asleep he can get up and move them around without really disturbing you
when you’re underneath him he can’t really stop himself from just sitting up for a second and admiring how stressless you seem when asleep
“oh my god... they’re wearing my shirt”
would smile crazy hard his face would probably hurt
struggles to keep a squeal in because he literally can’t believe of everyone ever you chose h i m and now you’re wearing his clothes and sleeping in his bed beside him like
will wonders never cease?
doyoung can’t help himself tbh he presses chaste little kisses to your forehead, the junction of your jaw and neck, where your shoulder and neck meet, just, sweet kisses where he can
you shift a lot in your sleep and it always kinda panics him
you: moves your pinky finger - doyoung: *gaSP*
eventually though he does fall asleep beside you 
only to be woken up by you lightly kissing him
you apologize profusely because you didnt mean to wake him up you just couldnt hel p  yourself
and he just laughs and tackles you to the bed, getting into a tickle war
im screaming itd be s o c u t e
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prob just chilling lying on the couch and you’re sitting on top of him, straddling his legs because its comfy
after a while it gets silent and eventually he drifts off, only to wake up like 5 min later
he blinks a couple of times to get the very short  and disorienting nap out of his system only to see you still straddling him but your head leaning against the back of the couch, small and very cute snores leaving your half open mouth
he takes a pic for the Y/N MEMES album he has on his phone
it’s his most treasured possession - shitt y meme pics of you
“one day our kids will cherish these images too”
he half sits up, raising himself up on his elbow on one arm so he can use the other to gently lift your head
places you head on his chest and lies back down reallyyyyy slowly so you don’t wake up
he’s tired and you’re tired
for a little while though he just stares at you because goddamn you’re real and you’re with him
jaehyun’s getting existential up in this bitch
you’re still snoring so he shifts a little and you quit it and he can’t help but chuckle to himself 
he starts yawning 
before he knows it he’s half singing songs to try to stay awake so he can see your face when you wake up super groggy 
he can’t do it though
when you wake up your boyfriend is knocked tf out and you’re lying on his chest
you just go back to sleep because you’re 1) tired and 2) in love with the idea of just napping with jaehyun nice
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like yuta he kinda wants to wake you up the second he sees you asleep
however he’s really just... amazed by how you just basically melted into his arms while laying against him in bed
you basically dozed off midsentence like you were talking and your words faded until you just exhaled little sighs
and with that sicheng knew you were super asleep
you have a death grip tbh so he can’t really get up but he soon realizes that he honestly doesn’t want to because it’s pretty rare that he just sits and chills or hangs out with you
and even if you’re asleep he’s still with you and honestly?
that’s all that matters
your lips are against where his neck and shoulders meet and both of your arms are around his neck 
it’s kinda uncomfortable for him at first but after some tentative shifting he finds a good position for himself
one arm behind his own head, propping himself up against the pillow a little bit so he can see you, the other lightly resting on your head
the rise and fall of your chest is slower than his since you’re sleeping, he can’t help but compare your heartbeats
it’s like poetry in motion for him
he says dumb shit to you while you’re sleeping like “ah you drool when you sleep, what a s l o b” that’s obv a joke
reaches for his phone and texts all the members to stfu and not interrupt them bc you’re sleeping and you deserve the rest
even tho he originally wanted to wake you up so you guys could talk
just really loves you and wants you to be happy im s o f t
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after a video game session you guys hang out on the couch together to just talk and catch up before his members get back fro being outside
mark sits up, leaning a little against the couch’s arm and you lie with your head in his lap 
he really likes twisting strands of your hair around his fingers while you talk its like...his Thing
but yeah it gets late and after a while it gets quiet and you just fall asleep
mark cant help but laugh because honestly??? it was so sudden but wow
he moves your head so he can get up off the couch, makes sure the door to his dorm room is open, and picks you up 
hes lucky you dont wake up while hes carrying you to his bed 
when he puts you down he makes to leave and pick up the games and snacks yall left out but your sleeping self makes grabby hands
he c a n t resist and he just giggles a little bit but slides in next to you
marks p surprised when you move to hug him in your sleep 
then he remembers how you cant sleep without holding something, just like taeyong
or someone, apparently
eventually falls asleep
both of you wake up to taeyong acting shook af that yall were cuddling in your sleep
haechan takes plenty of pics b4 that tho as b l a c k m a i l
all in all a successful stay-at-home date
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he’s lying down and reading on the couch when you get to their dorm
one hand behind his head propping it up and the other holding the book 
when you get there he puts it down and opens his arms wide
you laugh and lean down to hug him only to get d r a g g e d down
“just lie down on me i’m a good pillow”
he’s so exasperating honestly but you love him and he loves you so it’s all good?? you make him sit up tho and you snuggle into his side after he puts in the movies you guys are marathoning for the night
“if you do twilight i’ll kill you”
“damn y/n why you gotta ruin my dreams like that”
it ends up being old horror movies that arent scary and like halfway through the 4th movie your head is on his shoulder and youre asleep
he stops the movies and turns the tv off, sighing, roasting you fondly
“idiot couldn’t even stay awake for all of it”
he lies down really carefully on the couch, bringing you with him
he really is a good pillow
it’s like 2 am by this point and some of the members are just about to be getting back from practice 
haechan sings really softly while youre asleep, your legs entangled in his and head squarely on his chest
he basically sings himself to sleep, and its in that position the other members find you, asleep together on the the couch
johnny cops haechan’s phone and takes a bunch of pics, making one of them haechan’s lock screen
haechan doesn’t change it when you guys wake up
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ffxvhoe · 7 years
i think i saw something about ur ask being open for prompts? if so, could u maybe do some post-banging headcanons for the chocobros & their s/o? honestly i am just thirsty as heckity for fluffy, giggly post sex cuddles w the boys whoops 🙈 hope you have a great day & your writing goes super!
i’m pretty sure some of this borders on shitposting but like…i firmly believe in all of this
@sonsoflucis @themissimmortal @ultimoogle @wolfgoddess77 @paopuicecream @louisvuittontrashbags @noxfreyas
okay so like….we all know that Gladio can be a Beast™ in bed
but like pls also imagine genuinely happy, smiling, laughing Gladio after sex
like tbh I think the healthiest thing about Gladio’s relationship is that he and his s/o can laugh and kinda make fun of each other after super hardcore sex
like maybe his s/o kinda makes a small jab at something Gladio said while he was in the moment and outside of the heat of the moment it’s just so not actually sexy???? 
and Gladdy tries so hard to keep a straight face as he pouts – yes actually pouts it’s a sight to behold – but he Can Not and he and his s/o end up in a fit of giggles
and he’d do the same to his s/o
like just imitating them moaning his name or something and it’s so freaking Over the Top™
mind you the two of them are cuddling each other so like imagine those tired, rumbley laughs that run thru Gladio’s chest
and then his s/o makes a comment about how he sounds like some big ass cat purring
and then it’s silent as both of them try to keep their cool but they’re already in that state where literally everything is funny
so they crumble into a laughing fit again and neither of them can feel their cheeks cause they’re smiling so hard
and both of their stomachs are sore as fUCK 
also possible tickle fights at some point??? 
like idk i feel like gladdy and his s/o would be up for a while after sex cause the moment is so intimate and they can just catch up on any lost time and be completely immature around each other in this vulnerable state
honestly i’m grinning like an idiot thinking about this it’s gr9
also pls imagine gladio rolling over on top of his s/o or flopping on them and the two of them just kinda….stayin like that
literally tho the idea of giggly/laughing gladio after sex is giving me LIFE and i need someone to write something about this
i love it
iggy is 110% the guy that will take a bath with his s/o after sex
fight me
he’d scoop his s/o up into his arms and maybe his s/o would make some comment about it
like kinda in that dazed, blissful state where the filter is just kinda not working
and pls i beg of you imagine ignis just fondly chuckling at his doof of an s/o
he’d set them down on the edge of the tub while he began running the bath
there’s definitely bubbles
again, fight me
it smells like lavender
when they get into the tub they’d just sit there in comfortable, companionable silence
his s/o would be leaning against his chest and his arms would be resting on the sides of the tub
the sigh he lets out sounds like he’s been holding it in for ten thousand years
every. single. time.
his job is stressful man
but lo and behold his s/o will turn around with a bubble beard at some point and pretend to be santa
do they have santa??? maybe some sort of equivalent?? idk
maybe they’ll just say they’re ramuh
‘hey iggy…guess who i am?’
‘who, my dear?’
‘dat boi ramuh’
have you ever heard iggy crack up in laughter before??? it’s actually the sound of angels like Astrals bless
okay so like no matter what the first few minutes after sex contains lots of affirmations from both prom and his s/o
like it has to be considering prom still suffers from self-confidence issues
plus like…who doesn’t like being praised and have compliments showered on them????
it’s so healthy and cute and lowkey goals
after that tho you can damn well expect some sort of giggle fest to ensue
like i mean c’mon…it’s prompto
it wouldn’t have to do so much with poking fun at each other (like gladdy) but more so at just sex in general
cause like i said prom’s self-confidence ain’t the highest
but so what i mean is stuff like making fun of porn/sex scenes in movies or some shit
also there is 100% half naked sundaes made afterwards
like him and his s/o go HAM on that desert shit after sex bruh
gotta gain some calories back somehow man
if there happens to be a food fight, well, so be it 
and i’m talkin like full on chocolate syrup guns
whip cream flyin thru the hair in slow mo
the whole shebang
pls just give prom some childish lovin lord knows he didn’t get much when he was smol
uh….so noct isn’t really all that active after sex??? like there’s a number of times where he’s fallen asleep after pretty quickly so like his after sex scene won’t be as hype as the others
you can expect lazy cuddles
soft conversations
and lazy patterns drawn onto your skin
noct on his wedding night well that’s a whole new experience tbh
this mans will be so fuckin hype to finally be able to say he’s married to his s/o and he will noT STOP SAYIN SO
like pls this will be noctis in one of his most vulnerable states and he’ll just be talking so animatedly (well for him at least)
and he’ll be talkin about the future for the first time in a positive light
like this boy is actually lookin forward to what his life has in store for him now 
and believe me when i say this mans will be pepperin kisses all over you okay like 
his lips will do everything they can to memorize your body and this moment and the fact that his future is truly in his hands and he can – for the first time – see the light at the end of the tunnel
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draaank · 7 years
Tumblr media
Woodchuck Hard Cider - Summer Time Pear Ginger Cider
Packaging: 5/5
Turquoise is very pret 👌🏼
Smell: 5/5
very sweet; smells like martenelli’s (is that even how you spell it???? probs nah)
Tast-uh: 5/5
Refressing; what alcohol???; tastes like juice box; we taste suga & happiness waow, YUMYUMYUM
Aftertaste: 5/5
so fruitary; AGAIN, what alcohol???? O_o
Overall: 1000000/5
Tis a summery drink, it’s a gr9 time 👌🏼👌🏼👌🏼👌🏼👌🏼👌🏼👌🏼
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