#they started as modified speederbikes and were modded
ashren · 2 years
🍰🎂🍩 for Ash (or both if you feel so inclined 😉)
🥰🥰🥰🥰 thank you 💕
(For reference Ash's story takes place after the original trilogy, he defects around the time of A New Hope- he meets Rylin about five years after the fall of the Empire)
🍰: What's something your OC counts as unforgivable?
For Ash, Empire sympathizers are unforgivable, especially after the fall, when more and more secrets were let out about how the Empire really operated. He struggles with this for a long time being ex Empire himself
Rylin- Doing anything that would hurt his family. He's incredibly protective of the ones he loves, and of his Mandalorian culture, fuck with that intentionally and he'll never forget or forgive that one.
🎂: Has your OC have any contradictory interests or traits to the first preception people have of the? How do they surprise people?
HEHEH SO Ash actually kinda lives a double life 😌
Ash is bartender who happens to be good on a speeder bike and accidentally became a local celebrity by entering and winning races. HE keeps to himself and the bars owner will tell ppl to scram if they bother him about his racing while he's working so most ppl don't really pay him much mind
Pax on the other hand is a smuggler and bootleg bacta maker based out of Kamrri (the planet they live on lol i have a LOT of world building on this one) who's known to be loud mouthed and quick to anger. He never takes off his helmet in public, adding to his mysterious air lol. He's got a small crew, but the rumor has it, he's the one to go to for less than legal ventures.
Ash isn't exactly the opposite of Pax, he just keeps his mouth shut more, but people would absolutely be surprised they're one in the same. He made the decision to separate the two identities early on when he realized he could win a lot of money from speeder racing but only in the legal races. If he showed off his face as a smuggler who can outrun both the empire AND the new republic, he couldn't race, and he couldn't make money to continue making bacta
So yeah Ash kinda lives doubles lives and it is VERY shocking to Rylin, who was enamored with Ash, and found Pax annoying as shit (affectionate, he later realized).
🍩: What's a crime your OC is most likely to commit? What's a crime they're most likely to get arrested for?
Smuggling. LOL. Specifically bootleg bacta. He, Threes and Rell learned how to farm bacta and make different strains and how to do it affordably. Part of Pax's self issued penitence for his time in the Empire is offering free bacta to places he could reach that were ruined by the Empire. Bc he's not making the bacta legally, the New Republic is also cracking down on him, citing unsafe practices. He gets arrested as Pax for smuggling related stuff a few times, but also manages to either bribe, talk, or break his way out of the situation.
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