#they were like: yeah it’s on sale bc nobody gets this color
razzledazzle-pop · 9 months
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I am full of girlish whimsy and a hatred of white interiors.
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spooky-skz · 5 years
Demon!Hyunjin AU PT. 3
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esketit lol
 this part is soooo overdue holy shit lmao. I’m so sorry for keeping you guys waiting. If you see me in real life, you have permission to drop kick my ass. (unless you’re tyler and you’re gonna kiCK MY ASS ANYWAYS NO MATTER WHAT)
so! it has been a couple months now since you and demon!hyunjin are living together. as it turns out, this boy couLD ActuaLLY LEAVE the apartment complex.
 you didn’t know he could do that.
you thought demons were meant to stay in one area for eternity to cause spoops but that’s not the case lol.
the way you found out was sorta wild
it was a really cold weekend and snow was decorating the environment outside.
you were on a day off from work and wanted to do a few fun things since free time was rare for your occupation. You had plans on visiting the library, cafe, small shops, and lastly your favorite restaurant for dinner before it was too late in the evening and your powerful roommate would be resting.
oh and you wore a thick black sweater (ik, sounds pretty random but it’s an important detail in the fic!)
the walk to the library was peaceful and nice since it most people were still sleeping and weren’t being rowdy yet.
an old woman bid you a warm welcome softly from her desk. you returned the greeting and began walking through the aisles of books, searching for any that looked interesting.
your eyes were glued to the back cover of a small book, reading the description when someone tapped you gently from behind.
a man who looked to be in his middle 20’s and dressed in a striped long-sleeve shirt with jeans smiled at you and said, “that book’s a good one! i relate to the main character’s father.” he was mere inches from you, being too near than what most would consider appropriate distance for a stranger.
you were like, “(ㆆ_ㆆ) why tf is he standing so close to me,” inside your head. on the outside, you politely smiled and said, “ah! really? I haven’t read this one before.”
he chuckled and paused to admire your face. “Y’know, you’ve got great complexion. i’d love to take a photo of your face for my photography class,” he pointed at his camera bag which loosely hung over his shoulder.
“no thanks, I’m not particularly interested.” you replied, putting the book back in the right place and moved along, having to scoot around the guy since he was sort of blocking your path.
a few minutes went by and no book really caught your interest, but your bladder got the best of you. the librarian said the restroom was just to the left of the biography shelves so you made your way there.
ahhhhhh the restroom was nice and clean so you had no problem setting your phone on the sink as you washed your hands after you had done your business.
the walk to the cafe was short as you hummed the tune to your favorite song.
you took a seat by the window since it had a nice view of the outside. the little bell chimed above the door, signaling that another customer had entered the cafe.
you glanced at them merely- a dude in a green jacket. not deeming them as interesting, you went back to watching the snow fall from the outside.
there was some fog on the glass of the window and suddenly, letters faintly started appearing.
“Be Cautious,” it said.
what the hell :-$
first, you’re living with a demon boy and now you think you’re being surrounded by ghosts.
what good luck you haaaave.
you were obviously still very shook after a minute or so of staring at the words that hadn’t faded away at all.
the employee who softly tapped your shoulder startled you so much, your gasp scared him as well. he had almost spilled your drink on you.
“are you alright, ma’am?” he had asked you.
You: O.O yeah, yeah. just a bit jumpy ahahahaha.
he probably thought you were a bit crazy but nevertheless bid you a good day after giving you your drink.
The warm brew felt nice in such a cold weather.
The town square was as busy as usual: people were scurrying along with their families and loved ones, children were holding colorful animal-shaped balloons, some lovers were fighting while others were doing hefty PDA, loud music blared from all over the place, and overall, the shops surrounding the square were having good sales.
you stopped by a small boutique shop, observing a set of earrings on display when the familiar voice of the man from the library came from the entrance of the store.
you could feel your heart beat quicken and the next thing you did was hide behind a rack of clothes.
“excuse me, did you see a person with this hair color, around this height, with a black sweater on?” he had asked the cashier woman.
a sense of suspicion laced her voice as she replied, “why’re you looking for her?”
he laughed awkwardly, as if the question made him nervous. “she’s my sister and i’ve been looking for her for a while. i lost her in the crowd at the square. mind helping me out?”
you silently crossed your fingers in hopes that the lady wouldn’t say anything.
“oh! since that’s the case, i recall her looking at the jewelry section一” he didn’t even let her finish and just sauntered over in your direction.
“shit. shit. shit.” you were thinking.
the only other way to get out of the store aside from going in the same walk-way as him was to run alongside the aisle of mirrors which would reflect you and alert him that you were leaving.
“fuck it. it’s all i’ve got.” you thought and made a bee-line for the exit as fast as possible.
the square is usually patrolled by policemen but for some freakin’ reason, nONE could be seen when you needed them.
you put on the hood of your sweater and started making your way to the restaurant that you’d planned on having dinner at as briskly as possible.
“early dinner it is then,” you thought to yourself.
TBH you were sorta down bc today was supposed to be relaxing BUT some stupid creep had to ruin it. NOW all you wanted to do was go eat some food, walk home and enjoy the safety of your apartment with your demonic roommate.
the sun was setting and the townsquare was getting less and less busy with people going home or having dinner elsewhere.
a rough grip latched onto your shoulder, and you were forced to turn around, coming face to face with the library creep.
he was scowling and obviously irritated.
“you’re the sneakiest bitch i’ve ever met,” he said through gritted teeth.
you were doing all you could to create some distance between you two.
“fuck off! let me go!” you demanded, trying to shove him away as far as possible but the man didn’t even budge an inch.
“oh, really sweetheart? are you sure you don’t want your phone back first?” he held up the device in his other hand.
you could feel the color draining from your face.
the phone was set on the sink of the bathroom while you were washing your hand and you must have left it in there.
which meant one thing: he had followed you inside the restroom, waited till you left, & took the phone.
for a moment in time, you were completely alone with this poor excuse of a man.
lord knows what could have happened...
your eyes landed on his outfit.
a green jacket concealing a long sleeved striped shirt.
if your eyes could get any wider, they would have.
that green jacket was the same as the one you’d seen at the cafe. it was used to cover up his striped shirt that you would have noticed right away.
this entire time, you were in his sight.
his clutch on your sweater allowed him to haul you to a vacant and dark alleyway.
you kept screaming for help but the loud music of the square drowned out your pleas.
his camera bag was unzipped on the ground of the alley and not a single camera was inside.
in it, there was a pocket knife, rope, tape, and a bottle of pills.
(hold onto your wigs ladies for these next parts :O)
WITHIN A SECOND OR TWO! the man’s grip on you loosened because his body was flung against a wall with such a violent force.
you were confused and still scared as fuck.
he was lost and in pain.
both of you glanced at the entrance of the alley.
to him, there were only people passing by, and nobody appeared to notice the scene.
to you, the shadow of a tall boy stood at the entry point of the alley with glowing eyes. you’d know those crimson orbs anywhere.
(this is basically what you were seeing.)
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a streetlight attached to one of the building walls turned on, illuminating the face of the demon.
his facial expression read anger, irritation, and murder.
he took one step forward:
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hyunjin slowly pointed his index finger upward and the body of the creep raised with it in the same pace.
this absolutely scared the crap out of the guy because he couldn’t see who was doing this to him.
his body was probably a good 8 feet above the ground.
“w-what are you doing?” you asked your roommate.
“If this dick is into dangerous situations so badly, i’m gonna put him in one.” hyunjin barked out.
“h-hey! who the hell are you talking to?!” the man frantically asked you.
hyunjin used his other hand to make a choking motion.
the creep suddenly grabbed his throat, feeling it closing up with an invisible power.
hyunjin’s eyes were glowing redder and redder the longer he tortured the man and his scowl grew scarier.
the pocket knife from the camera bag also rose up and stopped a few inches from the man’s forehead.
things were escalating so quickly before anyone could really react.
you ran to hyunjin and clamped your hands onto his arm.
(it wasn’t extremely cold or burning hot as you’d imagined, it felt human-like.)
“stop! you’re gonna kill him!” you pleaded.
a devilish grin (ahahah get it?) was plastered on his face as he said, “that’s the plan.”
“s-sir, please have mercy, wherever you are!” the man coughed out.
whaaaat? he’d heard hyunjin’s voice?
“he…. heard一” you spluttered out before hyunjin interrupted you.
“demons can allow humans hear them if they have enough juice of power. i want this son of a bitch to know that this is his end.” he answered your following question.
“a d-de-mon? oh god, no!” the man shouted.
hyunjin smirked and mocked him, “sorry, but your god isn’t here right now. leave a message after the beep,”
you saw his hands move forward, and the knife did as well but you demanded for him to stop again.
“why should i, huh? he hurt you!” hyunjin was livid at this point.
“i have a little brother, sir! please don’t kill me!” the creep begged.
“well you should’ve thought about him before going after innocent women. remember lee mijung? choi eunbi? or kim seohyeon? those are the women whose lives you’ve fucked up. they’ve got families too. families who will never get the old mijung, eunbi, or seohyeon back after you were done with them.” hyunjin growled.
“how can you know those people?” you asked him.
“we can see in your past memories too. this guy is as sick as perverts get. you would have been victim #8 if i hadn’t done anything.” he answered.
“please! i’ll do anything!” he prayed.
“hyunjin, i know he deserves to be punished but not like this. please. there has to be another way. ” you said.
it took some time but the man finally ended up on the ground with his wrists and legs tied and tape around his mouth.
a swoosh sound came from somewhere and a young boy appeared before you. he had dimples on both cheeks, black hair, doe-like scarlet colored eyes, and wore braces.
hyunjin and the mystery boy did a small handshake and exchanged a few words.
“meet jeongin. he’s a soul collector.” hyunjin introduced the boy who held his hand out.
“a... a what?” you asked as you shook jeongin’s hand.
“a soul collector! i reap souls who do the dirtiest deed on earth and bring them to hell where they will be tormented in the worst ways possible,” jeongin answered and faced the creepy man, “you thought my friend was horrifying? wait till felix and jisung get their claws on you!” he said and winked.
the creep desperately tried to scoot away from the younger boy but failed. they both disappeared in a swoosh.
hyunjin’s eyes met yours and his showed a hint of concern.
“...are you alright? he didn’t hurt you too badly, right?” he asked.
you nodded in reassurance and also asked,  “how’d you find me in the first place?”
he answered, “i’d been with you since you’ve left the apartment. who do you think left you the, ‘be cautious,’ message at the coffee place? i knew that guy was no good ever since he spoke to you at the library but i didn’t wanna interfere too much until you absolutely needed me.”
you smacked his shoulder in embarassment and shock, completely forgetting the fact that this kid was a DEMON. “DOES THIS MEAN YOU WENT IN THE BATHROOM WITH ME TOO?!”
the tips of his ears turned pink and he looked like he wanted to knock you out. “WHAT THE FUCK一 NO! i left for a bit while you were in the bathroom which is why i didn’t know he followed you inside or else i would have killed him right there!” hyunjin exclaimed.
“...well… i haven’t had dinner yet. how about we get some takeout and eat at home?” you suggested.
he shrugged and said, “sounds good to me.” 
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skiasurveys · 4 years
Does anyone know your bank pin number other than you? Who? no one.
Have you ever had a boyfriend/girlfriend who was depressed? Yes
Would you be able to climb out your bedroom window to sneak out? yes but i live on my own, i dont need to sneak out lmao.
What would you do if you found out the last person you called was pregnant/got someone pregnant? i would freak out bc my mom is 52 lmao
Can you taste the difference between brand name food and store brand food?  honestly not rly. sometimes i find store brand is better than the big brands 
Would you be embarrassed to buy pads/tampons/condoms? Which one more? No. Im an adult.
Are your parents gullible? nope.
Do you still own a VCR? yeah i have a tv my boyfriend and i bought that is a VHS and DVD thing
About how much money have you spent on food in the past two weeks? a couple hundred, since i went grocery shopping.
If you were looking for a new pair of shoes where would you go? Online tbh
How much was the last pair of shoes you bought? 80$ but i got them on sale for 50
What color is the computer/laptop you’re on? Did you buy it yourself? Its like a dark grey and no my bf bought it for me.
Do you have a second home?  i guess my moms house
Would you be surprised if you saw the last person you texted smoking? Yes
Does the smell of cigarettes, weed and beer repulse you?  i hate the smell of beer and cigs but weed isnt too bad unless youre in the room and its in ur face lmao but I hate cigarette smell 
Was the last person you kissed younger or older than you? older
Do you think people have any misconceptions about you? yeah
Have you ever purchased Girl Scout cookies? yes
Do you like waffles? yeah sure
Do you watch birthing videos on a day-to-day basis? uhhhh no lmao
Do you find piercings/tattoos attractive? kinda.
Would you talk to someone you don’t know on the internet?  i have so many friends who are internet friends
How often do you drink Monster? sometimes but it causes me anxiety
Have you ever made totally pointless videos with your friends? yes my entire youtube channel
Do you like to buy those Warped Tour compilations? no
Do you like sitting on the inside or outside of a restaurant booth? tbh outside is nice sometimes but i dont mind inside. it depends on the weather
Do you own a nightgown?  no
Have you ever made a house out of a giant cardboard box? lol no
Have you ever made a tent out of sheets in your bedroom?  no
Do your grandparents know how to operate a cell phone? yes
Have you ever had sex or something like it? Yes.
Have you ever read a George Orwell book? nope
Have you ever worn fishnets? yeah i used too a lot but now i dont as much. i wouldnt mind wearing them again.
How many piercings and tattoos do you have? 0
Is someone in your family affected by Asperger’s? No
In a hotel do you always nose through all the drawers and cupboards? no haha
Would you rather go out to eat or be eaten out? uhhh those are two different things...
Do you always wear your seat belt? yes
Have you ever liked someone much older than you? yeah always
Have you ever been in a play? Yeah back in Highschool
Do you have any secrets that nobody knows about? yeah
Is there ice cream in your freezer? yes ^-^
Have you ever started to laugh but played it off as a cough successfully? uh idk haha
Have you ever liked the lyrics of a band but hated the music? yeah especiallyif the lyrics are good and deep but the sound is off.
Does your bathroom have a window? no
Do you go somewhere to get your eyebrows done? yes
When you were younger did you read the A Series Of Unfortunate Events books? nah
Who was the last band you saw live? there was a lot of them
Do you believe prayer really works? yeah sure
Are you a fan of the band Gym Class Heroes? who
Frosted flakes or frosted mini wheats? frosted flakes
Have you been on a date in the park? yes
Ever dated someone you were best friends with first? no
Are there any diseases/health problems that run in your family? yes
Do you have asthma? Yeah
. Are tongue piercings slutty?  hahaa nooo
Is there anybody you think is hot over the age of 40?  sure
Last person to take off your pants, besides you?  guess connor
Might you enjoy hanging out in the woods for day or two?  sure
Have you ever written something on a bathroom stall? Nah 
Least favorite alcoholic drink? i dont care for jack but i like other whiskey 
Have you ever kissed someone named Paul or Luke? nope
How did you meet the last male you texted? okcupid
Have you ever had an embarrassing email address? yep i aint repeating it hahahah
Do you put shampoo in your left or right hand? left 
Do you have a bull ring through your nose? no
Do you and your dad get along?  yeah but he died lol
Can you see your purse right now? yes
Are you wearing any perfume? none
Are there products in your hair? not rly
When you get colds, do you use nasal spray to help get your nose unstuffy?  sometimes
Do you actually like sneezing? what
Have you taken a shower yet today?  yes.
Do you have one best friend who is always there for you? yes jennifer
Do you wear skirts a lot?  i used to but so much anymore.
Do you wear sweatpants a lot? sometimes. but not out
How many pairs of jeans do you think you have?  I have like 3-4 but i only wear 2 of them haha
Do you like hoodies? YESS 
Big ones or the form fitting kind? i like big ones
Do you wear polo shirts a lot? none
Did you ever actually have a rubber duck? maybhe lol
Are you one of those people who claim to live with no regrets? no, i usually regret a lot
Do you love your computer?  yes but i need a new one. the one i am on rn is a chromebook but i want an actual laptop that can download drivers etc. Chrome book is nice though, Ill def use for college!
Do you drink coffee? hardly never. sometimes, but im not much of a coffee drinker.
Do you basically like all of your clothes? pretty much. Theres only a few that I dont wear as much but are meant for more a professional setting.
Do you shop mostly with your parents, your friends, or by yourself? myself but sometimes if my mom is going out i will go out with her.
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