#they were so shshshsh in this episode
randomuzerthelozer · 1 year
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"Silver is litterally a sad wet Cat without Candle"
Ig she told him to get a towel
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lurkingteapot · 1 year
Laws of Attraction กฏแห่งรักดึงดูด Ep 7
My keysmash count for notes this episode was at nine, which is impressive considering I only had about 30 lines of notes -- that's nearly one keysmash per 3 notes. Deserved.
Ooof of course it was Thatthep who killed Tongkhao, but making his kid take the fall??? Dude is even worse a person than I thought.
OH that escalated quickly? Good for them
Shshshsh oh no Thaen and Matee are SO death flagged, oh nooo
Chaan, upload that recording somewhere safe NOW, ffs
Ahshshs Tinn barrelling in no holds barred to hug his man right in front of the kid's salad
This Macmansion is an abomination
Aahahajaja this dude coming out with bloody brass knuckles
Dhdhdhhhd SPELLING ERROR I cannot (ญาน // Yaan instead of ฌาน // Chaan)
Communication? In this economy?? (also 👀 Tinn uses the same word, งี่เง่า /ŋîː ŋâw/, here that Pat keeps using in BBS when the subtitles say 'silly')
I love Rose so much
Suicide missions are never a good idea, FFS Chaan
These two is2g, do they have to be so cute???
Omg confession? Also does he though. Does he. Is he capable? Tinn, I believe, but Chaan … Jury is out
This is a pattern of behaviour that I find deeply concerning, Chaan. Just so you know.
FFS Thaen you are on the run WHY WOULD YOU STREAM THAT, make it make sense. Thee, at least you I thought were smarter than that.
OOOF I hope they at least realise they need Thee alive if they want to use him to make Thaen listen
Oh like I didn't hate Thatthep enough already.
Tinn, I wanted you to be smarter than that
Chaan having a change of heart?
Chaan … "Money and power isn't everything" is very easy to say when you have both of those things. Just saying.
Aahahshs of course Tinn broke the bed to get free. Of course he did.
Pretty sure that's not the while truth but Chaan
Damnit Chaan can you not be cruel for once??
Oh man what an ep 11
Oh this is going to go so badly
Oh, did he just marry him?
I'm torn between "I can't wait for the next episode" and "no no no it'll be over after next episode!" I hope One31 keeps blessing us with shows like this one, it has been a WILD ride and addictive as all get out. The DRAMA!
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I keep forgetting that not everyone has the rolled tier on the patreon shshshshs
Anyway, here’s a list of character pairings they proposed to roll for/rolled for in the Apotheosis 11 (aka the Sex Episode) Rolled With It and what the roll results were!
Their self imposed rules for this were:
These rolls determined whether the characters had fucked, not whether they just kissed or had feelings for each other
Everyone had to roll only for characters they play themselves, so NPCs are rolled by the campaigns’ DMs
If the numbers match, they fucked
Rumi and Peter (During the actual episode, not the rolled): 1 + 1, Rumi is Peter’s number 1 <3, also they were planning to have at minimum one sex session per episode for the next 4 episodes because there were 4 planned episodes left. They did not have enough ointment left to accomodate that many sessions.
Gillion and Thanatos: unknown numbers but not matching
Chip and Edyn: Bizly didn’t wanna roll so no result also Charlie would kill them if they tried
Chip and Lizzie: Bizly shuddered and made gagging sounds so they didn’t do that. They are siblings
Chip and Felipe (Loud cheering from everyone): unknown + 4 not matching, they are just bros
Dakota and Le Frog: 4 + 1, damn from Bizly, Thank God from Grizzly
William and Vyncent: 4 + 4, despair that the fans are winning
Connor and Aster: 3 + 3, loud cheering
Jay and Lizzie: 3 + 3 when Condi rolled for both, 1 + 3 when Grizz and Condi rolled, then Condi rolled another 3 so maybe 3 + 3 again? They might fuck but haven’t yet
Bonus: Thanatos has fucked at least once in his life, but not as a robot
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toxictrannyfreak · 4 years
Girl okay I just read your theory andddd i have to say it’s obvious that you put a lot of time in it and it’s a pretty good theory, the only think that doesn’t add up *to me personally* is that, Wanda and Pietro were experimented on with the mind stone therefore both their powers come from it and so the fact that wandas is red and Pietro is blue doesn’t relate to the reality and space stone ~even tho that would make a lot of sense~ and also captain marvels powers even if they came from the space stone theyre yellow buttt, anyways it would really make sense if agathas motivations were those cause it would be valid and not silly ~if you know what I mean? Sometimes “villains” have silly motivations just to be villains and so —> but yeah let’s see what happens in the 8th ep I’m super excited shshshsh :D
Yeah, so the main reason I think Wanda and Pietro have reality/space stone powers is because Vision, who is literally powered by the Mind Stone, ever shows similar powers to Wanda or Pietro. In Wandavision, yeah, he has superspeed, but he doesn’t in the rest of the MCU, and I think Wanda gave him that power when she re-created him. Also, I’d agree that Captain Marvel doesn’t have perfectly blue powers, but if you look at her photon blasts, they look like a combination of red, yellow, and blue, meaning that she’d probably have kind of mixed powers of the mind, reality, and space stone, which always made sense to me because she has so much raw power, but she can’t do all the things the other stone-powered people like Wanda or Doctor Strange can, because she basically only got the raw power of each stone. Anyway, that was just a theory and I’m really excited about seeing the new episode regardless.
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mirkwoodshewolf · 4 years
Moments with mini-angel; Freddie Mercury and John Deacon
*Author’s note*
Hey guys well I have for you all another update on my Rock Angel series. Now for this specific chapter I’m breaking it up into 4 parts, and today you guys get the first half of it. This chapter is all about the first few months of Kelly’s life before the KInd of Magic tour began. In this part we’ll see what it was like for Deacy and Freddie to literally share a moment with baby Kelly the day after she was born. I took inspiration from a Friends episode so I’ll bet most of you will know where I’m going with this and I hope you all enjoy this part :)
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*Day after the birth*
After getting the all clear to leave the hospital, the boys, Jack, the girls and I all headed back to the house.  They helped us get everything set up at the house and once it was all done most of everyone had left except for Brian, Freddie and Deacy.
“Okay that should be everything.” Jack said as he finally took his shoes off.  I came down the stairs wearing my comfortable white fluffy bathrobe after finally taking a shower for the first time in like 37 hours.
“Feel human darling?” Freddie asked me.
“God I never felt that sweaty and gross even after a performance. Or partying with you lot.” I pointed to Freddie and Deacy.
“Well lucky for you worried mama, baby Kelly is still asleep just like I told you she would be.” Deacy said.  I smiled and went over to my baby girl’s bassinet and looked down at her to see that she was in fact still asleep.
“God is it sappy of me to say that I already love her so much?”
“Not at all sister. You’re a new mum now. And it’s natural for you to feel that way.” Deacy said as he came up and wrapped his arm around my shoulder.  “She really is the cutest thing. I’ll bet she looked just like you when you were a baby.”
“If this is your way of getting those baby pictures out of me, forget it Deacon.” I said to him.
“Trust me Deacy. I’ve been trying that same move throughout the entire pregnancy. She won’t even let me see those pictures.”
“And none of you will so long as I’m alive.” I proclaimed.
“Alright mama lion, then if you won’t let us then as punishment you can go right on up to bed.” Brian said as he came out from the hallway putting up some of the baby supplies away.
“He’s right dear. You go right on up to bed.” Freddie said as he came up and guided me away from my baby.
“Whoa, whoa, whoa but whose gonna watch Kelly? What if she needs to be fed?”
“We’ve got this covered baby. Freddie, Deacy, Brian and I can handle her.”
“Yeah sure four men and a baby. What can go wrong?”
“Ye have little faith in us poppet. Need I remind you that half of us have more than one child.” Brian reminded me as Freddie and I reached the staircase.
“Yeah and one of those two just kept popping them out.” Freddie joked which made Deacy go extremely red in the face and turn away.
“Okay but—if things get too crazy, promise me you’ll wake me up. I want to be involved with my baby girl at home.” I said to Jack.
“I promise baby. Now go upstairs and get some rest. Cause even though you’ve cleaned yourself off you still look so tired.” He said as he cupped my face between his hands.  With a soft kiss to my lips, Jack then gestured for me to go on up to bed so I obliged and headed up the stairs after bidding the guys a good day.
They all told me to have pleasant dreams and to not worry because they had everything under control.
*Jack’s POV*
Once (Y/n) disappeared and we all heard the door shut, I immediately raced over to my baby girl’s bassinet and just stared down at her.  God I can’t believe it.  My first child is a baby girl.  Secretly I was hoping my first baby would be a girl.  A little mini-(Y/n) that would look every ounce like her mother.
“Already got you wrapped around her tiny little finger huh?” I heard Deacy say as he came up to me.
“Baby girls will do that to you. God I remember when Laura was born. Never did I think I would have a little girl after Michael and Robert. But low and behold when the nurse wrapped that baby up in pink. I knew I was in for it. So much like her mum from her head to her feet.”
“Ohhh she is just so cute!” Freddie said as he came up to my other side. “God I just wanna—bite off her little ear and use it as a sucking candy.” He cooed.
“Freddie.” John scolded.  But then he cooed out as he looked back down at baby Kelly. “But I could take one of those feet and make it into a Jam roly-poly.” I shook my head smiling widely almost not even believing my ears at hearing the frontman and bassist of Queen talking like this.
“And you guys ask me why I’m a vegetarian.” We heard Brian say.
“Oh don’t be ridiculous Brian darling, look at that baby girl and pretend you wouldn’t want to gobble her up.” Freddie said. Brian came up and looked down at Kelly.
“She’s too adorable to eat. She’s like a baby badger all tucked in and snug.”
“Of course you’d compare her to a badger.” Deacy muttered lowly.
“She should take that as the highest compliment. They are my favorite animal after all.”
“Okay, okay let’s say my baby girl’s both cute like a badger and good enough to eat.” I said trying to compromise the situation. The three of them agreed and that’s when I asked Brian. “So Brian, you put away the pacifiers?”
“Yes. They are in the cupboard in the kitchen.”
“The burping cloths?”
“Linen closet just down that hall, second door to the right.”
“In the hospital.” Brian said point blank as he made a face that said, ‘now I know what I forgot.’ I looked at him as Freddie said.
“Whoa you’ve got a hospital in this place Brian? Fancy.”
“No, no I forgot to grab the diapers when we left the hospital. There’s some in the bag but I’ll go out and get some more before I head back home.”
“Alright thanks Brian.” He reached over and grabbed his keys and he left the house saying he’ll be back in about 15-20 minutes. Once he left, I walked right back over to my baby girl and I smiled down at her.
“You know I’m starting to know just exactly why you managed to convince Roger to leave and buy out nearly an entire toy store, and why you were able to convince (y/n) to get some rest. You wanted some time alone with her.” Deacy said to me.
“Can you blame me? I mean I love Roger and respect him, almost as half as I do you. But at this rate the only time I’ll be able to hold my daughter is when you guys are in the studio or when he’s dead.”
“Little dark there aren’t yah Jack dear?” Freddie spoke with a quirked brow.
“Well yeah. But I don’t wanna think about that right now. Cause now I get my one on one time with the cutie little baby. God I can’t believe how much I already love her. I don’t even wanna leave her. Like I actually miss her.”
“You know dear she’s right there right?” Freddie said pointing down at her.
“Welcome to the world of fatherhood Jack.” Deacy said to me as he clasped my shoulder.
“Oh I love her so much. I just—I can’t wait any longer. I think I’m gonna wake her up.”
“Oh whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa Jack. New father rule #1; Never, ever, ever. Wake up a sleeping baby.” Deacy warned me as he stopped me from reaching down to pick up my baby girl.
“I can do whatever I want, I partially made her.” I scoffed.
Okay maybe I was a little arrogant in that response but hey I’m 27 years old, and a new father of one.  I couldn’t wait forever especially with the godfather she has. I reached down and that’s when Kelly started to squirm awake before she started crying.
I cooed down to greet her but her crying suddenly got louder and louder until I knew she wouldn’t be able to hear me.  I quickly turned to Deacy who only looked at me with his arms crossed and his brow raised.
“This is the part where Deacy would say he told you so but it—looks like mini angel beat him to it.” Freddie said.
“Okay, okay daddy’s sorry. Daddy’s so sorry baby girl. Shshshsh, please go back to sleep, please go right back to sleep baby girl.” I tried bouncing her up and down trying to get her to go back to sleep but nothing was working.
“Kinda breaks your heart doesn’t it? Seeing them cry like that.” Deacy said to Freddie.
“Yeah.” He sighed. “How long do you think we have to stay?”
Over an hour later, even when he came in the time frame he said he would with the diapers.  Freddie shooed Brian away saving him from the deafening noise that was plaguing his studio home.  
Even though Brian wanted to help, Freddie told him to save himself and after giving us the new supply of diapers, it was up to Deacy, Fred and myself to try and get Kelly to stop crying.
“Alright we’ve already tried feeding her, changing her, burping her. Ohh here’s something.” Freddie said going through one of the new ‘Daddy and baby’ books.
“What is it?” I asked as I continued to try and bounce Kelly up and down.
“It says, ‘go back in time and LISTEN TO DEACY!’” Freddie snapped at me.
“Wait I remember something Ronnie used to do with Michael whenever he got fussy when he woke up.” Deacy remembered as he dropped the book for ‘Comforts of a newborn’.  I looked at him desperately and he told me, “hold her close to your body as you rapidly swing her from side to side.”
“You sure that’ll work?” I asked him.
“Jack dear. We’ve tried everything else. And like I said before, listen to the master!” I nodded and tried to see how this was gonna go.  I adjusted Kelly and brought her close to me and awkwardly swung her side to side as fast as I could.  Her crying soon stopped and I smiled happily.
“It worked.” Deacy said with a wide smile.
“Ha! It did. It really did work!” I stopped for a brief moment to look down at her only to see as she just threw up a little. “Oh nope. Nope she just stop to throw up a little.” I cleaned her up and soon her crying started right back up.  Both Deacy and Fred leaned back onto the couch in defeat.
After cleaning her up I walked around the room trying desperately to get Kelly to go back to sleep.
“God what am I gonna do?! It’s been over an hour and it won’t stop crying!” I whined out.
“She, Jack. Not it.” Deacy pointed out.
“At this point I’m not so sure.”
“My god I seriously need to apologize to Ronnie. I’m starting to lose my mind.” Deacy said as he brushed his hands through his hair.
“No doubt. Okay this just proves that NO GOOD CAN COME FROM HAVING SEX WITH (Y/N)!!!” Freddie threw the book aside before collapsing his face into his hands as he leaned forward.
Another 15 minutes passed and Kelly was still crying.  At this point all of us were exhausted.
“God can one of you please take her please?” Deacy stood up and I carefully transferred her into his arms. “I have to go to the bathroom.” I then raced off but not before hearing Freddie say.
“I gotta go scream into a fucking pillow.” He walked up and soon turned into another hallway.
*3rd Person POV*
With the two men gone, Deacy was now the only one left with Kelly in the living room.  As Kelly continued to cry, Deacy looked down at her and he lightly bounced her up and down.
“Kelly. Kelly-belly. Wanna bounce? Be bouncy baby girl? Hmm bouncy baby girl.” Then kinda like what he does on stage, Deacy began to bouncy his body upper body up and down as he ducked Kelly downward before coming back up and bouncing her up and down.  
All the while Deacy kept muttering the word “baby” three times, and as he would duck down, he’d make an ooh sound before chanting out baby.  Soon enough by the third time he did this, Kelly’s crying ceased.  He looked down at his niece smiling but kept up the gently bouncing motion.
“Have I officially gone deaf?” Freddie’s voice soon spoke up as he now stood behind Deacy frozen.
“It worked.” Deacy quietly cheered.  Deacy continued the bouncy/ducking motion. This time his voice doing it more confidently and deeper with a little gruff to it, but to Kelly it sounded goofy, not threatening.
“No wonder you have all those Deaklings. Veronica must say you’re a fireball in bed.” Freddie said.  Deacy looked back down at Kelly and saw that she had fallen back asleep.
“I can’t believe it. She’s asleep. I got her to go to sleep.” Deacy said as he sat down on the couch. “Oh Jack is never gonna hear the end of this.” Freddie nodded with a wide smile.
“I can hear traffic and birds. I can hear the voices in my head again.” Deacy gave him one of his famed funny looks as Freddie continued, “For music purposes darling don’t get dirty.” Freddie then took a seat at one of the chairs exhaling in relief that the crying had finally stopped.
*Jack’s POV*
After getting done with the bathroom, I was in shock to hear total silence.  At first I though Kelly had been taken out of the house but when I saw both Freddie and Deacy sitting down, I saw that Kelly had actually gone back to sleep, and Deacy helped her do it.
“Oh my god. You got her to stop crying!” I quietly cheered.
“Of course I did. Have you learned your lesson?” I smiled widely and nodded.
“You are the official baby-crier stopper.”
“No need to thank me Jack.”
“You are never leaving this house.”
“Say what now?”
“That’s your new job. Day or night. She starts crying, (y/n) and I need you here.”
“Ohhh no, no, no you can’t—”
“Well you don’t need me so I’ll just take my leave. Baby whisperer good luck. Jack dear, let’s—give it 6-8 months.” Freddie said as he got up and headed straight for the door.  He opened it up and silently closed it behind him.
I shook my head before sitting right down beside Deacy and the two of us looked down at my baby girl.  Thank god she was finally done crying and now she was back to being the adorable sleeping baby she was.
“Okay so listen I’m gonna go lie down.” I said as I slowly got up.
“What?” he quietly hissed at me.
“Well you know the book said that whenever she’s sleeping, the parents should be sleeping. But you ohh—” I gave him a thumbs up before quickly racing up the stairs and getting into one of the spare bedrooms.
*My POV*
When I awoke to the sun’s rays peeking through the curtains and the sound of bird’s chirping outside, I began to wonder just how long I had slept.  
Walking downstairs I saw Jack on the couch and when he turned to look at me he smiled and said.
“And she awakes.”
“Yeah, how long was I asleep?”
“You literally slept all day yesterday, into the night and most of this morning. It’s almost noon now, so I’d say almost a full 24 hours you’ve slept.”
“Well hey I had an excuse for sleeping that late so don’t you dare try to blame anything on me.” I said as I came up to him and sat down close beside him.  “The guys go home already?”
“Yeah. Fred left about an hour after you fell asleep.”
“And Kelly, how’d she do?”
“Well I can tell you one thing, never wake her up when she’s taking her nap.”
“Oh no Jack you didn’t. How many times do I have to tell you, never wake up a woman sleeping. You know how I’ve gotten when I’m woken up too early.”
“Yeah and I see where Kelly gets it from.” I scoffed at him and slapped Jack’s face with the couch pillow.  “Ow!”
“Well you deserved it.” I sassed at him. “Why didn’t you wake me up to help you guys out?”
“Because I really wanted you to sleep. You’ve put so much work into bringing her into the world, plus with your schedule you’ve had this year you deserved it.”
“Awww love.” I kissed him softly. “Now what’s the real reason?” I asked him point blank.  He sighed and admitted.
“I just—wanted to prove myself to be a good dad. I mean I’m competing against rockstars who have been father’s or uncles to each other’s kids. And—all I am I just me. And I wanted to show Kelly that her dad can love her just as much hell even more than her rockstar family can.”
“Jack, sweetie.” I took his hand in mine.  “Of course Kelly is gonna love you. Family is not a competition on who loves who more. When I married you, I knew it was because you were the only person to ever see me for me, and not as just the Rock Angel. The guys especially Roger only push you so far because they’re testing on just how far are you willing to go for me. And I’d say you’ve proven that long ago when we first met.”
“Yeah that guy was an asshole for ambushing you.”
“And you are clearly the better boyfriend than Adam ever was to me. He rarely ever listened to me.”
“You know I still don’t see how you ever fell for him?” I laughed softly.
“Sometimes I do too. Guess I was just young and he was my first boyfriend. Love is blind, especially your first but I’ve changed. I grew. Which eventually led me straight to you.” I leaned my head against his shoulder and he wrapped his arms around me.  “We’re a team now Jack. Especially with our little girl now, and I want to be a part of her life while I’m on hiatus. So promise me you’ll call me anytime you need help?”
“I promise (y/n).” Then right on cue from her nursery Kelly began crying.  We both looked upstairs and I turned to Jack and said.
“Want me to take care of that daddy lion?”
“Nah it’ll be okay mama lion. DEACY!!!!” suddenly out of nowhere coming out of another room was Deacy who raced up the stairs repeating out rapidly.
“Got it got it got it got it got it got it got it.” I turned to Jack confused who just looked at me innocently with a shrug. I playfully glared at him and slapped his arm as I turned back upstairs.
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lucarioisinthevoid · 5 years
Henry, could you tell us about the times William had to take care of you? What happened that made it neccessary?
(Anonymous said:Henry, could we get a bit more info on that one time you got sick and made Music Man? What made you create this monstrosity? Was your fever THAT high?)
Henry looked at the asks.“I am refusing to answer that. Nothing good will come from that answer.”You can answer, or you can meet up with your other sel-“OKAY, OKAY. Fine.”Taking a deep breath and steeling himself, he began explaining.“I avoid William taking care of me at all costs. It makes him too… confident. A confident Will is a troublesome will, downright sabotaging my projects for “my best”. He is obsessed with the notion that he could enact control. It is easy to forget, but he is as much of a psychopath as I am and he has his controlling, ruthless side. Thus, showing weakness around him is very foolish idea. A few very unlucky times though, he caught me in a less than ideal situation.”It was really difficult for him to remember, seeing as he was really out of it.The last thing he really was ABLE to remember was that he had caught a cold, ignoring it however, these things came and go.What Dave came DOWN to however was Henry laying halfway over the table, chuckling to himself for WHATEVER reason, burning to the touch.Panicked Dave picked him up, feeling extremely freaked out by the fact that he could now just DO that, without Henry attempting to attack him.All he got was more laughter from the Pink Guy, as he hung over his shoulder, almost like a dead body.With lightning speed, Dave got him into bed, and proceeded to try his best to nurse him back to health.Surprisingly enough this didn’t ensued in him trying to freeze his friend alive, even if it could have saved a lot of kidden’s lives.Instead he actually did the sensible thing, putting cold, wet towels onto his forehead and ensuring he got the sleep he needed. Once deeply dreaming, he ran off to rob a pharmacy and forcing the people within it to tell him what exactly to use on his dying c o m e r a d e.When Henry woke up, roughly 14 hours later, he looked at Dave, grinning, completely doped out of his mind.His fingers felt cold and somewhat wet as he put them onto Dave’s neck, pulling him closer down.“Looookie… here. ‘ave. Pft….fffff…. lookat’chaFACE!” Mockingly he took Dave’s cheeks and pulled them apart. “BiiiiiiiiiiiiiG Eyyyes you’f got… BAD wolf! BAd! WooOOOOoOF!”After that he broke out into laughter that resulted into a cough so bad that Dave was about to pick him up and slap on his back SO hard, it would break- thankfully he calmed down beforehand though.Suddenly he seemed close to tears. “Lookssssssssssssss- you’llliek- bein’here iS GR- Good. I’M- MoVd. GOTTA- gotta Do SOMEThhi- FORYOU!”He struggled to get out of bed and almost fell, before Dave caught at him. “Thnks.”“Henry- I- uh- I don’t think you should-““SHUTUP! SHUTU-UP, I’MDOINTHIS nOW! I LOV Y- YE SO I’LL- I’ll...” Staggering forward, he moved to the desk, sitting down and slamming his fist. “YOU’RES- SCARED oF Sps- SPs- Spiderss, YES?”“… Henry, I’m literally beggin’ ya-““NO MORE!” Taking a pen and a paper from the things that literally ALWAYS were on the table in his room, he started to scribble.“WE’LLBEGIVEN- IT LEGS. EIGHT. EIGHT LEGS. No. SIX. SIX LEGS AND THEN HANDS. NO. NO HANDS. CYMBALS! FUTURE, THIS IS THE FUTURE.”“Henry, please lay down-““NO….oooooOOOO! No. BOTH. CYMBLLll… HANDs. Yeahhhh. GOOD. AND THENNNN BIG OLE EYES! BIG’N’BLACK! BIG. OLE. EYSIES. AND NOSE TOO.”“Henry, I HATE it-““SHSHSHSH, I’M NOOT! NOT! DONE. WE’RE GONNA GIVE HIM A BIIIIIG GOOFY SMILE! YEAH. WE’LL- WE’LLDO THAT. Willdo that.”Worried Dave peeked over his shoulder to see an abomination on the paper. The most surreal part was that it was actually somewhat well-drawn, as if some ungodly force guided Henry’s hand.There were even notes on how to help it keep balance and where to put all the songs it was allowed to perform.Oh, also, how it laid eggs in the ballpit.Jesus CHRIST-“Henry this ISN’T making me feel better at all““YOU’LLLLLOVEHIM! AB-SO-LUT. Ly.” A bit confused he stared in front of him. “Spiderss are OUR FRIENDS! YOUR FRIENDS- You’ll be- you’lll be over your- your f- you fo- your phobia in no time. You’Re goinn to make MUSIC toghtr, for a LONGGlONG TIME!”That must have been one of the most terrifying things Dave ever had the displeasure to hear.Grabbing him now with a sense of determination, ignoring his complaining and kicking about, Dave got him back into bed and KEPT him there. “You’ll be stayin’ in BED until you feel BETTER. I AIN’T MOVING AN INCH UNTIL YOU’RE HEALTHY.”“Fpmfpsmmm…” The insulted mumble came back.When Henry woke up, he wasn’t QUITE sure what happened, but assumed he had simply gone to sleep after finishing a project.The fact that he was missing a whole day unnerved him though.Also the fact that Dave was sleeping on a chair by the bed.He wasn’t supposed to be in his room during the night.With an irritated sigh he sneaked out of bed and to his table, where he had a bunch of finished projects laying around, ready to be send to the factory for evaluation. Creating a prototype, testing the functions, you name it.Quickly he gathered the papers together and set them aside to be able to send them away later on.Instantly Dave jumped up and tackled him to hug him so tightly that the poor man couldn’t breathe.“Wiiiliaaaam… stoooop… my… chest….”“YOU’RE BETTER, I’M SO HAPPY, HENRY I WAS SCARED, YOU WERE ALL WEIRD, HENRYYYYYYYYYYYY-“The poor man was only able to wheeze.Unhappy Henry crossed his arms. “… it is never a good thing to be sick around anyone.”Let him forget about his faults, PLEASE.Let him forgot about how AWFUL he acts when really sick.At that point in time he thought he was a GENIUS.CURING SOMEONE’S PHOBIA BY CREATING AN ANIMATRONIC THEMED AROUND IT?Absolutely 1000 IQ decision right there, WHAT COULD GO WRONG.By now he deeply hates Music Man and everything he created during his episode.BUT HEY, HE COULD LOCK IT AWAY WITH ALL THE OTHER ABOMINATION!Thank the universe for the wonderful concept of s u p p r e s s i o n !Don’t ever remember him of being sick ever again.
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