#they work together to imrpove their skills
juniemunie · 2 years
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"Close enough."
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n0phis · 1 year
this is formatted like a twitter thread and i wont apologize for that anyways time 2 waffle about art before conking da fuck out
on improvement and why it's so fucking weird
(tldr; point is if u feel like no matter what u keep hitting plateaus or suddenly dont know wtf ur doing. i get u. and ur probably imrpoving a shitton but in a way that fundamentally alters how u visualize things. its weird like that)
so improvement is loops right? improving -> improved -> need to improve and so forth theres smth really funny about my most recent artistic crisis. its like i’m starting from scratch. it feels like i’ve figured out a puzzle and the room it unlocks just has a larger, harder puzzle
like where is the prize bro? ive improved rapidly over a few months and assumed i could just… keep going! or that id finally be content! but i think the issue lies in how i think about art. my perception fundamentally changes as i learn. all that work just for more work?
i was just thinking about how simple it used to be to slap together parts of a face. then realized that the way i go about it is just. wholly different now. before, a face was a jaw outline with features in their set position respective to perspective (hah).
now… a head is a head. there can be consistent lines, but not always. i kept trying to stick to the formula of ‘line goes here’ but it wasnt working whatsoever. sometimes jaws *arent* outlined. sometimes a nose has to be suggested in halftone to show it properly. what the fuck
it was just. interesting. i can no longer rely on the basic building blocks of how i learned art for over a decade. it feels so much easier to fuck up now. i think that’s why it feels like im so out of my depth? like i'm somehow worse or less consistent than i was two months back
don’t get me wrong, it sucks to ‘technically’ b more skilled and yet feel less confident, so much more like a beginner than i have in a while, but i guess this is what it is to grow. after thinking it over i do feel pride in that uncertainty bc at least it means *progress*?
something something you’re supposed to be uncomfortable sometimes in life because if you arent it means you arent growing.etc etc whatever
anyways this probably means nothing but i feel like it might mean something. i hope some of u guys out there get me (thumbs up emote) ill be back with art soon im forcing myself out of the weird mindset and just sticking with finishing what i planned on finishing as normal. happy arting!
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videogametim · 6 years
The Best (Not 2018) Games I Played in 2018
It’s getting closer to the time of the year where I write my GOTY list, but evidently those aren’t the only games that I played during the past year. I’d like to take some time to gush about some of the games I really enjoyed and had missed until now. 
Divnity: Original Sin II
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Divinity: Original Sin II has two things it really exceeds at doing, the first of which is a strong sense of creative freedom. In the narrative there are plenty of opportunities to make meaningful choices and lots of dialogue choices to go with them. There’s a whole pile of different selectable skills and character background options that affect dialogue and help cater your adventure to the type of character you are trying to build. 
However, where this creative freedom really shines is during combat. There are plenty of battle skills that amplify each other and allow your player character (and party) to be as over powered as you can imagine. For example, one particular combo features two abilities from different classes called Rupture Tendons (a Scoundrel skill) and Chicken Claw (a Metamorph skill). Chicken Claw turns the target enemy into a Chicken that spends its turns running around senselessly. Rupture Tendons is a skill that causes enemies to take damage whenever they move. On top of combinations like that, there’s also a whole host of elemental spells and hazards (Oil, Fire, Poison, Water, Earth, Lightning, ice, etc.) that all work together in some way (e.g. Fire ignites Oil, Water puts out Fire and creates Steam, etc.)
What’s more, while each AI party member has classes they are inclined to build around, you can tell any of them to build however you like if you have a certain build in mind. This really serves to encourage replayability despite the game taking me 100 hours to beat. 
With the exception of one chapter in particular that wasn’t much fun, the game never felt like a slog. No area is too big for its own good, and there is plenty of fantastic writing sprinkled throughout. Every selectable party member is very compelling and wanting to see all their stories to their conclusion grants all the more reason to play the game again and try something new. 
Rez Infinite
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Perhaps the driving force behind me picking up a VR headset this year was Rez Infinite. An HD remake of a psychadelic rail shooter from 2001 with VR support, Rez Infinite was really the game that solidified my purchase of a PSVR as a sound decision. 
Produced by Tetsuya Mizuguchi (producer of Space Channel 5, the Lumines series, and this year’s Tetris Effect), music is very much a core part of the experience. Each area’s music has a very different feel from the last and each track serves as a great backdrop to surfing through the cyber world, tilting your head to look around and shoot the enemies and massive bosses that fly at you. Also new to Infinite is the new Area X, which I still find to be one of the coolest VR experiences I have encountered thus far. I highly recommend anyone picking up a VR headset to make sure this game is on their list.
Enter the Gungeon
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While still a very recent pickup of mine, I’m absolutely loving Enter the Gungeon. The last run-based/rogue-like/rogue-lite/THAT type of game that I was really into was the original release of The Binding of Isaac, and even that wasn’t on my mind as much as Gungeon currently is.
The gameplay is pretty straight forward top-down twin-stick shooter gameplay with a whole lot of bullet hell, so what really sets it apart is the whole [GUN] motif. Each level is a chamber, each elevator is shaped like a bullet, weapons and items are detailed in the Ammonomicon which you shoot open, your projectile clearing items are Blanks, etc. The sheer creativity present in most of the guns you find scratches that same itch I’ve been missing since Borderlands. I’ve only put about 6 hours into it thus far but I look forward to spending many more.
Shovel Knight: Treasure Trove
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This was also the year that I finally got around to playing Shovel Knight and I finally see what all the rage was about. Shovel Knight is nothing short of rock-solid platforming gameplay. Level design features varying degrees of difficulty but is ultimately fair, and most of the boss fights prove to be pretty fun. The world map is very reminisciant of Super Mario Bros. 3 even down to the occasional roaming characters (like THE BAZ) that appear and challenge you if you run into them. 
The overall story of the base game isn’t really much to write home about, but this is greatly imrpoved upon in the two expansions. Plague of Shadows, which features the boss Plague Knight as the playable character, has a fun/goofy story revolving around him and his assistant Mona defeating the other characters to steal their essence. It runs as an alternate timeline to the base game and in my opinion the best story of the three, though Plague Knight is unfortunately the most awkward one to play due to the need to constantly pause the action. 
Specter of Torment takes place before the main campaign, and has you playing as Specter Knight, visiting each area to recruit all the bosses who fight Shovel Knight in the base game. The story is once again a lot less light-hearted, but Specter Knight proves to be the most fun character to play thanks to certain abilities he can obtain, most notable the abilitiy to grind on surfaces with his scythe.
Shovel Knight: Treasure Trove is an incredible package for anyone looking to grab a fantastic sidescrolling platformer and I’m really looking forward to the King Knight expansion coming next year.   
Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep
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Perhaps the game that surprised me most this year was Birth By Sleep. I started out playing it slowly over several months, and it wasn’t until I was at the end of the story for the first playable character, Terra, until it all finally clicked for me. After that I banged out the rest of the game in a couple of weeks. Now it easily sits as my favourite Kingdom Hearts game behind KHII. 
Like the other spinoff titles so far, BBS has a unique twist on its gameplay and this time it serves to reward experimentation. Your usual command menu is replaced with a rotating deck of equippable abilities that get put on cooldowns, rather than consume MP. This means that I spent a whole lot more time in even regular battles using fun magic and physical spells instead of constantly holding back in order to conserve MP for something more important. What’s more is these abilities can be levelled up and then fused into new more powerful abilities. This was also finally the game I did my first playthrough on Proud Mode, and boy did it not disappoint in making certain later bossfights incredibly difficult and satisfying to defeat. By the time I was done with the game, I was actually a little disappointed knowing that going forward, I probably wouldn’t be seeing these combat mechanics again. 
Like most Kingdom Hearts games, the overall story does get a little confusing to follow at times, but it offers a really interesting setting of the worlds before the events of KHI. It also really sold me on the three new characters of Terra, Ventus, and Aqua and I am as invested in them as I am in Sora, Riku, and Kairi going into the rest of the series. BBS does plenty of setup for the events that follow in the previous games and its fun to see the fanservice of certain characters when they were younger. 
BIrth By Sleep has really got me invested in Kingdom Hearts again, and I’m motivated to finally start the II.8 collection in preperation for KHIII finally coming out next month. 
I’m glad I had a lot of time to play some really great games this year, and I hope to finish the last few games I need to before writing my GOTY list. 
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jessicaquirklma32 · 4 years
Joharis Window Psychology
The Joharis Window was created by psychologists Joseph Luft and Harrington Ingham in 1955, both Luft and Ingham created the name Joharis by combining both names together. The Joharis Window Quoted by BuisnessJargons “ is a relationship and mutual understanding between the group members. In other words, a psychological tool that helps an individual to understand his relationship with himself and with other group members is called as a Johari Window.”. Shown in Figure 1 is a table of the Joharis Window and how it works within people.
For example my knownself would be I am a strong singer and actor as these are both my strengths as I done acting in Btec with LMA Liverpool and have experience doing acting and singing in the industry. My hidden self is what I work on in my own time or in classes, another example would be singing lessons or dance classes to improve my vocal range stability or percise dance technique. I have improved extremely on my vocal range and belting technique, however my technique in dance is a tackle for me but I am able to see a large development within my dance skill classes.My blind self could be me procrastinating as I always try to escape the fear of the unkown like dance for instance as I feel like this is one of my weakness’s. Finally my unkown self are things I am not concious of or known to yet which could include certain skills in the musical theatre industry.
Furthurmore the Joharis Window has impacted billions of people all around the world, from building someones confidence or even imrpoving yourself as a person. Brendan Baker (2012) suggests do you want to enhance your relationships with others? Are you wanting to improve your communication skills? Do you want to become more effective and productive? If so, then you need to build your self-awareness. How aware are you currently of your own thoughts and feelings? What about your skills and abilities, or your attitude or behaviours? Is what you think about yourself and your behaviours the same as how others see you and your behaviours? I hope so, but so often is the case, what you think about yourself can be completely different to how others perceive you!. The Joharis Window having this effect has encouraged many who struggle with there inner-self.
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airoasis · 6 years
Enthusiasm Jobs for Language Knowing Inspiration
Motivation makes all the difference between the person who studies a language for a few weeks for fun and someone who really acquires the skill of speaking it. To help keep your motivation up and learn language naturally, carve out a place for passion projects in your learning routine.
Taking on a new challenge like learning a language can feel like it belongs to the long list of things that keep us away from doing the things we love. Work, school, train commutes, and doctors’ appointments are all things we have to do rather than things we particularly enjoy doing, but make no mistake: just because language practice gets an entry on your to-do list doesn’t mean it has to be just another duty call.
Sometimes the best way to get motivated is to combine something you need to do with something you like to do, like your passions and hobbies. Whether it’s an art, a profession, a sport, or something else, whatever your passion is, it most likely takes place in a language. So the savvy language learner’s simple motivation hack is this: do what you love doing, and just do it in another language.
Here are six examples of ways you can combine language learning with passion projects and stay motivated to pursue all your passions, linguistic and otherwise.
Photo via Pixabay under CC0 (public domain).
Fall in love with a foreign cuisine in a foreign tongue
You may not be able to enroll in an overseas culinary program, but you can use your love of Italian cooking to immerse yourself in the language. Build your way up from preparing meals from recipes in Italian to following Italian cooking blogs, vlogs, and YouTube channels. You’ll grow a strong vocabulary not only around food words but also verbs you use in the kitchen (to stir, to boil, to slice, to serve), colors, measurements, and words for describing smells, tastes, and textures. If you can’t find an Italian-speaking friend to cook with around town, share your passion on Italian cooking forums and Facebook groups.
Let your target language be music to your ears
Music and language learning are highly intertwined in the brain, and many linguists believe that music is one of the best ways to learn a language. Plunge into Portuguese with Brazilian jazz and samba, read and listen to the words, and sing along. The music makes it easy to memorize the words of your favorite song, and when you sing in imitation of the singer you’re listening to, you’re on the fastest path to perfecting your pronunciation. Advanced learners with the music in them might even think about writing a song in the language they’re learning.
Grow your professional skills through your linguistic ones
We’ve all heard of taking Spanish classes, but what about classes in Spanish? In today’s ever-changing economy, professionals constantly need to update their skills, and taking a course in a foreign language is a two-birds-one-stone approach to building professional skills while strengthening linguistic ones. The web is full of sites like Coursera and EdX where you can take free online courses on any number of subjects from photography to philately, and your language options for taking these classes aren’t limited to just English.
The bigger sites usually offer a course language filter, so you can browse through Coursera’s Business courses in Spanish, for example. You’ll learn more about personal finance with the course Finanzas Personales from the Autonomous University of Madrid, but you’ll also imrpove your Spanish reading comprehension, writing, and vocabulary in the process.
Dive deep into a foreign language TV series
We’ve preached the good word of learning a language with TV here before, and this is why. Stories intrigue and motivate us, and when we can dive into a follow along with a storyline in a different language, we use it in the same way we use our mother tongue.
Getting really deep into a new series in your target language — I mean the kind of deep where you genuinely can’t wait to watch the next episode and find out what happens to the characters — is an awesome way to learn your language by letting it wash over your brain. It’s imperfect, just like real life communication: you miss some words, but between gestures, tone of voice, and other context clues you generally get what’s going on, and you absorb much of the speech and mannerisms of the characters whose every word you’re hanging on to.
Tune into regional politics and current events
Particularly if you’re learning a language that’s spoken across a wide region, like Russian or Spanish, tapping into your inner political junkie is also an excellent way to tap into language, culture, and worldview. If you’re an avid follower of current events you’ll be watching the news, listening to everything from oratorically ornate speeches to sharp debate and round-table discussions, as well as reading newspapers and opinion journals that’ll beef up your vocabulary. Don’t forget to branch out to include some podcasts and YouTube channels for a variety of views, accents, vocabularies, and styles.
Read and write stories or poems in your target language
Writing in a foreign language can seem intimidating, but it’s a wonderful creative outlet in which you’re free to make as many mistakes as you want.
You can start a blog on WordPress or Tumblr, open a Word document on your computer, or just pull out pen and paper, but wherever you write, it doesn’t have to be public — your stories can live in a journal or in the imaginations of whomever you choose to share them with. Use whatever language skills you’ve got, whether you’ve just started stringing together words in sentences or are already conversationally fluent, and pen a fantasy epic, a short story, or a series of poems. Boldly use incorrect verb forms and make shameless spelling mistakes, and learn from the literature you consume as you go.
Anything you can do in a group or with written and spoken words can be done in another language. If you’re sitting back scratching your head and trying to think of what exactly your hobbies are again and how you can do them in another language, take a look at the giant list on Discover a Hobby — keep an eye open for activities you already do or have always wanted to, and look for ones that involve a lot of speaking, reading and writing, or collaboration and discussion with others.
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theshoelessfaggot · 7 years
Top 10 roofing Related Trends To Keep In View.
Some homeowner associations even keep a list of reliable contractors. Listen to roofing work going on in your neighborhood. Look for yard signs and company names on the autos. What's the situation of their trucks? If they do not care about their own tools, how a lot do you assume they may care about your roof? What concerning the roofing crews? When you get the possibility, speak to the homeowner after a tough rain. Water lays within the dip, coming in at the seams in the roofing. With the leaks coming by vinyl or aluminum soffits outside the house, they will go undetected for years, resulting in a significant amount of rotted wood. Square lower rafter tails are perpendicular to the rafter. That slopes them down and away from the drip edge. I'm not an enormous gutter fan, however in order for you them, brackets are available to offer a plumb mounting surface. Whether you’re constructing a new dwelling or remodeling, James Hardie siding provides low upkeep, but not like vinyl, doesn’t sacrifice the magnificence and character of wooden. James Hardie fiber-cement siding resists rotting or cracking and it resists damage from rain and hail. Our house siding is also accessible pre-finished with a 15-yr paint warranty. Best of all, James Hardie siding is non-combustible, with a restricted, transferable guarantee for as much as 50 years. Builders who're joyful to be paid at the top of the job are obviously very assured that you'll like the end consequence. Make sure that the materials getting used to change your roof are coming from a reputable source with a assure that lasts a number of years. Don't pay for materials which will not last. Use somebody who has genuine testimonials to offer. Don't simply imagine what is written on their webpage, ask the roofing firm for the phone number of one or two of the people who gave testimonials. Genuine builders who're experienced in garage repair and substitute might be pleased to point you in the route of earlier jobs they've performed. A little bit bit of analysis is all you'll want to do to ensure that you are not replacing your outdated garage roof with one which is worse.
This saves wastage costs.
Any slates that fail the absorption check should not be used for roofing as they will not provide a weather tight seal. If the slate has began to delaminate it ought to also be discarded. When cut in half they must be strong with no flaky layers. Composite roofing is manufactured from numerous plastics to mimic traditional roof materials. It affords a number of advantages including the value. Costing a quarter of the price, composite roofing is also more sturdy during development. This saves wastage prices. They are often dropped and cut with out worry of breakage.
Avoid paying in full up entrance.
It is because speeding up to repair your roof as soon as you discover a problem might lead to a serious accident. For instance, it is best to by no means try to fix a roof when it's raining or extraordinarily windy outside for apparent reasons. If you have a leak and are going on your roof to seek for it, convey a hose with you. You may spray the hose in order to find out where the leak is coming from. Nonetheless, do not do that in the winter, because the water from the hose may cause ice. Check out the BBB to search out out if a potential roofer is somebody you can trust. Carefully verify the written estimate that you are given by knowledgeable roofer. Be certain that to doc when your project starts, the estimation of when it’s to be completed, and what payments are made. Keep away from paying in full up front. Be sure the Broadview Heights Roofing warranty is clear and that you simply perceive what voids it. Outside contractors and roofers are becoming a more common service as late. As the housing market continues to imrpove extra persons are purchasing houses. Many of the homes on the makret in the present day was previous or foreclosures, and many need repairs. Because the houses have sat on the marketplace for some time, the roof is one in all the largest things that always needs restore. As a result of roofing can be such a big and expensive job, it is often the number one factor that is left by the former homeowner. It is extremely important however to guantee that the roof is properly taken care of and maintained. Not taking care of your roof can result in extreme issues corresponding to leaks and in depth water harm, which can turn out to be extremely expensive to repair over time. Alternately, assume about contacting the closest roofing corporations affiliation in your city that can assist you to search out an professional roofing firm in the world. Business identify and tackle: A very good, knowledgeable contractor provides you with the telephone amount. These are necessary when looking into the corporate's prior enterprise transactions. view it now Expertise: The coaching as well as experience of the roofing contractor, along with the number years of company operation, can assist you establish their capability to successfully full roofing for your house or building. Upon getting managed the water and dripping, make certain that there are no electronics plugged in and close to water. This consists of your floor fans. A energy cord that comes into contact with water can potentially trigger an electrocution accident or fireplace. After you've executed all this, your next step will take care of all the things else! Your current setup on your roof leak is short-term, of course. As a result of after you may have carried out what you wanted to regulate the water circulation, it is all you are able to do. A professional roofing contractor is your next step to solving a roof leak. They've the proper tools, coaching, resources, and equipment to offer complete inspections and repairs briefly discover. Most roofing corporations supply emergency service, which suggests you won't have to wait longer than a number of hours to have your leak checked out. Trust an expert roofer for correct and efficient service that may stand the take a look at of time. Prices & Quoting: Pricing tends to make an enormous difference in any purchase or even funding, and that's true for roofing contractors too. But in addition essential is definitely an accurate and reliable quote. You will to not know upfront precisely what to count on, and not be shocked down the gathering by an unexpected a hundred% improve in expenses. Educated: Roofers ought to be skilled in just about all of the most recent traits within the trade, together with new supplies and kinds, totally different decisions at your own fingertips, and extra. They ought to moreover know methods to restore and check for points, incorporate designs right into a finish product, and fit your needs with a dependable resolution. Insurance coverage: Any form of high quality roofer should have insurance and connecting.
Works on low slope and low pitch roofs
In one's personal city or country
780 Lee Street
Does the company require the money upfront (likely pink flag)
Data about roofing kinds, materials and maintenance requirements
Dripless Oil Spray
Catchment Area
Do not chase after cheapness
Trees and leaves: Tree branches touching a roof will scratch and gouge roofing supplies when the branches are blown by the wind. Falling branches from overhanging trees can injury, and even puncture, shingles and different roofing supplies. Leaves on a roof system's floor retain moisture and trigger rot, and leaves in the gutters block drainage. Missing or torn shingles: The important thing to a roof system's effectiveness is complete safety. When shingles are missing or torn off, a roof construction and dwelling or building inside are vulnerable to water injury and rot. Metal roof is a dominating kind of roofing for almost all forms of construction. The fast extensive use of this sort might be attributed to its many unique traits including mild weight, portability and sturdiness. Many residential and industrial buildings are changing to steel roofing for higher efficiency in resisting wind and ultraviolet radiation. Although notable as heat conductive, metal roof will be made of different processed elements and alloys that harness, if not counter, heat. If you have any queries pertaining to the place and how to use gutters london (Read the Full Posting http://skywaysroofing.co.uk/fascias-gutters/), you can contact us at our own web-page.
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carluni · 8 years
1000 word crit
Overall I believe my year went well, I think there has been a large improvement since my first year mainly with being more experimental in my ideas and trying to further my ideas in the earlier stages in order to see how well they would work compared to just having one idea and sticking with it. I also feel I have been working on my feedback more efficiently and use each tutorial and review to help improve and finalise my work. I have been able to easier intergrate personal interests into my work, especially with the invite brief, which has helped me enjoy the creative process more and make it feel more unique with what I produce. In a more physical sense I have improved skill wise with how I have tried to broaden my techniques when approaching a brief in how I could create it, and my general digital skills have been slowly improving as the year goes on. I enjoyed the start of the year as I was able to pursue a personal way of representing my summer break. As I am interested in illustration I decided to do something more creative for this project rather than just record my spare time. I explored my interest in chalk and recorded a speed drawing of a character from a video game, from which I spent most of my break. I feel it could have gone better in a few specific aspects. I wish I had done less experimental techniques so that I did not overcomplicate it for myself, for example it was my first time using a canvas and I tried a strange technique of using a black and white base of the character and using coloured chalk to highlight important features. In theory I thought could work well with the juxtaposition, but in reality was just a mess of colour and unclear detail. I would like to attempt this piece again, and with what I have learnt from my support module I feel I could create something better be it a differnet final product, use of different materials and tools or simply being more skilled from practice with chalk. To start with I struggled with the logo brief, as my initial ideas were too complicated for what they needed to  be. The following week had a workshop which helped me greatly, which invloved doing basic sketches in a word associaton style of doing a literal representation of the word. Using this I sketched a few simple ideas and then tried to develop them into more refined ideas of being related to the British Library. A tutorial shortly following after me having those ideas then helped me think more conecptually about the work and how that will help me create a less childish logo, and something more suited to the target audience. At the end of this brief I created one of my most successful pieces of work, which I am really proud of, it fit the brief and still kept a uniqueness of illustration that I really wanted to intergrate. I think that to improve it I could re-do how it was illustrated as one weakness present in the work is the legability, as only those who knew the subject already may be able to understand the logo as a stand alone entity. I did not enjoy the broadsheet brief entirely as I felt restricted in the creative aspect of it, I found it difficult to present bulk information in a unique way that still followed the guidelines of the brief. I did however, learn useful skills from this brief which I will be able to use in future briefs. I did not manage to create an interesting layout of information for the audience to read, but I feel I did a good layout in terms of legabilty and hierachy, which may have suited an older more mature audience compared to the student target audience the brief had. I did have fun with the poster side as I had an idea that would have worked, but I instead followed an accidental mistake I made an instead came with an abstract visual representing a key lecture from the broadsheet. The most important thing I took from this brief has been the various Indesign skills I have learnt such as using character styles, and how to set a layout for type to be more visually appealing. I will be able to use what I have learnt to more effectively create work and do it  in a smaller time frame using the time saving techniques I learnt which will help me further. This brief was split into two parts. This did lead me to struggle with time management as I spent most of my time working on the invite and lost time working on the guidebook. I enjoyed the invite as again I was able to be fully creative in what I did and I feel I produced something aesthetically pleasing and that with a bit more time I could have made more professional in look, as what I made with papercut did have a messy feel to it. I do wish I had thought more about the interactive aspect of it, but is something that I will look into again in my free time as it was a project with a lot of possability that I would have fun exploring. The guidebook on the other hand, I had great difficulty with. I found it confusing at first and this stopped me from approaching it with a creative mind and left me thinking too seriously about it. I finished it in a small time frame, but was not able to make a physical version which really hindered my improvement upon it, alongside not having initial ideas ready for and form of feedback before the deadline. In conclusion I feel I am on my path to becoming a better graphic designer as I am more able to bring personal interests and styles into the main module of work without it feeling too forced, but I do need to work on when I cannot necessarily do this as those pieces usually have a weaker end result. The other large problem that has been made apparent over this semester has been my time management which left my final brief largely unexplored and in a way unifinished, unless I were to explore it personally in my own time. To imrpove for the next term I will try and have a more solid plan of work to make sure it is all together and I can spend more time creating and developing ideas, rather than spending time chasing down various parts of research or work that I lost. I also need to work on the research side of work, although I have improved I still need to get more used to having it help me become inspired or inform my work's development.
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