#i thought the ship was dead tbh
juniemunie · 2 years
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"Close enough."
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storynerd121 · 27 days
Is it just me, or are johnlock and payneland really similar?
I mean, they're all traumatized detectives. There's an autistic, smart man (who really likes wearing formal/drama-queen-vibes clothes) who's in love with his best friend. And said best friend is a loyal man with anger issues and who also happens to be struggling with his own bisexuality.
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insufferablemod · 1 month
hmm realizing that the ship i like properly Ship the most is probably arasol...
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senselessalchemist · 4 months
Pretending it's still 2011 and making playlists is a thing that happens
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aparticularbandit · 5 months
me: .... me: wait me: is enogiri just a reskin of carterwood
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tellie-vision-art · 1 year
I’m gonna be honest I lowkey want to draw Axel or maybe her with Priya but I don’t normally draw fanart and I am scared 😭
And also I would hate if people followed me explicitly for that BC I don’t normally draw fanart and I know it would be disappointing to see my OCs all the time. Like would any attention I receive from it be worth it if no one’s interested in my actual art rather than just the characters in it. Like there’s no demand for my art would anyone who follows me even care if I drew fanart 😭 it’s a double-edged sword
And like interacting with fandoms always ends poorly for me (Scream Queens bc harassment, Squid Game bc lots of gross people) what if I draw it and post it and the TD fandom gets ruined for me too somehow, I would die 😩 I fear interaction outside my target audience (followers and my friends) I suppose
#total drama was my first hyperfixation fun fact for you#but I was too small and bad at art to make content at the time lmao#but like damn what if I draw them and they look like shit in my style I would off myself#also tbh I headcanon Axel probably doesn’t care about shaving bc she’s too busy… surviving#and I don’t want to get roasted for drawing a woman with body hair 😩#I feel like also I want to give her a tooth gap I think her design would look aesthetically pleasing to me with it#I love her so much she was ROBBED#also she is trans and a lesbian she told me personally#if she told me to jump off a bridge I would with no questions asked#anyway random ship headcanon also: I feel like Axel is the one with the crush first#however her ways of showing affection are not necessarily seen as affectionate by other people bc she’s so intense#like i.e. I feel like she genuinely thought killing the squirrels for her team was a kind gesture#she just does not show things like kindness traditionally if that any of that even makes sense#THE POINT IS SHE’S SHOWING AFFECTION BUT PRIYA’S NOT PICKING UP ON IT BC SHE SHOWS IT WEIRDLY 😭#lmao I’m imagining her trying to gift her a knife (or saw!) bc she’s baffled at the idea of someone not having one for self-defense#SHE BRINGS HER (cooked obviously) DEAD THINGS LIKE A CAT 😭#she won’t get you flowers she will bring you military rations so you’ll have food when the apocalypse comes#maybe Priya even gets irritated by everything bc she’s capable of defending/doing things herself and she’s like#misinterpreting Axel’s shows of affection as her thinking she’s weak/incapable#and poor Axel wouldn’t understand what she’s doing wrong bc she is ensuring her survival! why is that not working!#Someone needs to help her but I can’t see her accepting help#but it would be funny to see someone suggest giving Priya flowers or smth and Axel’s like#why would I do that flowers just die wouldn’t you rather have a weapon for when the apocalypse comes#a strange way of showing affection but I think it would be CUTE#and it would be funny bc Priya would eventually show affection the normal way and Axel would not pick up on it at all#she would tell her she looks pretty today but what she REALLY wants to hear is I would trust you with my life during the apocalypse#the way to her heart is the apocalypse! she just tragically thinks it’s the way to everyone else’s as well#lmao I’m talking so much but it’s so funny to me#a disaster lesbian in her natural environment#they mean so much to me I saw them interact once and my brain was like yes this is it
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szayelapowo · 2 years
its been one (1) whole year today that ive been with szay n i love him more than ever!! 💖💜🤍
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ztarvokwrites · 10 months
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doffy & croc - witnessing their s/o almost die
author's note; slowly getting back in my groove!! again posts will be slow so uhhh yeah! i missed writing these two tbh 🫶🏻 this has been briefly proof-read!
reader is nb (they/them)!
trigger warnings; death, you almost die whoops!, angry doffy, angry croc, very slight gore mention, angst, comfort??
word count; 1,597
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Donquixote Doflamingo - the former King of Dressrosa and feared former Warlord of the Sea. Nobody expected him to be beaten by Monkey D Luffy and Trafalgar Law, yet he was. You and a few others who hid from the Marines were lucky enough to escape, yet your heart hurt immensely once you saw your beloved Doflamingo be taken to custody by the Marines.
"Y/N, we have to go!" Called one of Doflamingo's family members. You looked back at them, worry written all over your face.
"But, Doffy-"
"Y/N, it's too late now... Come on, let's go!"
After you escaped, you wondered if your lover was still alive. It had been quite a few months now and you still had no clue. That was, until somebody placed a hand on your shoulder.
"My dear Y/N," Spoke the familiar voice. Your breath hitched. "Did you forget about me, hm?" You turned around in an instant and grinned, looking up at the man you've missed with all your heart.
"DOFFY! How did you escape Impel Down?!" You exclaimed as he picked you up effortlessly in his arms. Doflamingo just laughed, kissing you sweetly on your neck and drawing a soft hum from your lips.
"I can be very persuasive when I want to be, Y/N~" He cooed before finally kissing you on the lips, clearing your mind of any thought you might've had about his strange statement. It was calm after that day—the both of you effortlessly hiding and running away from Marines and beginning to build up another Donquixote Family Crew. However, most good things must come to an end...
The battle between the Marines and your crew raged on, you shot and slashed at any Marine that dared to stand in your path. Your head turned to look at Doflamingo for a moment, a smile on your face as you watched your beloved coldly slaughter each Marine that tried to attack him.
As you turned, however, a sharp pain entered your abdomen. You loudly gasped, eyes widening as you looked down - a sword plunged deep into your body and coming out the other end. You looked the Marine dead in the eyes as he took out his sword and slashed you again, the sharp blade piercing your skin and plunging deep into your stomach. The Marine slashed again and again and again until finally, he stopped, letting you splutter and cough out blood, your legs getting weaker and weaker by the second.
Doflamingo turned upon hearing you splutter and cough, his grin faltering as he watched the blood spurt out of your mouth and wounds before you fell to the ground, seemingly in slow motion. He watched with a straight face as you began to choke, your eyes struggling to stay open as you looked up at your lover. You didn't say a thing as your body twitched, wanting to move but being too weak to do so. Doflamingo's veins bulged out of his skin in silent anger as your body stopped moving, the light in your eyes dimming with each second that passed. He wouldn't let this slide - he couldn't. In a flash, he was in front of the Marine that killed you, slicing and dicing him without mercy until he was a vile, bloody mesh on the ground before him. More Marines began to attack him, but he stood his ground; mercilessly killing them all while standing by your unconscious body, seemingly protecting you from further harm.
"DOFFY! THE SHIP'S READY!" Yelled one of the crew members. Doflamingo ignored them, instead opting to kill every single Marine that was there until no more arrived. He softly panted, his rage still boiling inside of him as he scanned the area. Once he determined that no more Marines were there - or alive - he took your body into his arms and walked with you to the ship. Immediately, the ships' doctors ran over and placed you on a bed and began to treat you all the while Doflamingo is watching them like a hawk.
"...If they die," Doflamingo began, his eyes glaring daggers at the doctors in the room, a bulge of a vein in her forehead. "Then you're all dying with them. Don't you dare mess this up." Fear struck the hearts of everyone in the room as they swiftly complied to his demands, working effortlessly to stitch your wounds and save your life. You didn't wake up for a while after that—your body needed a lot of time to recover, after all. And, it was a miracle when you did.
Doflamingo stayed by your bedside the entire time; holding your hand and even eating next to you as you healed up. He hated seeing you in that medical bed—it reminded him of his mother when she was sick and the memory made his blood run cold with pure rage. But, when he saw your hand twitch, he snapped out of his thoughts and grabbed your smaller hand in his, the eyes behind his shades watching over you intensely. You didn't make a noise, nor did you move your body any more than a twitch, but Doflamingo took that as a first sign of you waking up.
It was like a switch, the way the man sat down beside where you laid, his larger hand clasped around yours as he silently pleaded for you to wake up. And when you did—oh boy, when you opened your eyes and looked around before your gaze landed on his—he was ecstatic beyond words. His large, somewhat uncomfortable grin that you adored had returned to his features, his hand tightening around yours as you uttered your first words in what felt like years;
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Ever since Crocodile escaped Impel Down, he made it his mission to find you again. After all, you were one of the few members of Baroque Works that he actually trusted, liked, and eventually dated. You were very dear to him, and he'd be damned if someone had stolen your heart away from him while he was away. But when he found you, walking in the rain with your umbrella and bag in hand, he froze, unsure of what to do. What could he do to make this less awkward? He could just walk up to you and say hello, but he feared that you didn't remember him—or you might be scared off. His closest associate, Daz Bones, took note of this sudden change in demeanour, and he was about to ask what was wrong until his own eyes landed on you. His gaze softened, a low sigh leaving his lips.
"It would be better to just go up to them and talk instead of gawking from afar." Says Daz, crossing his arms. Crocodile glowered at him, his brows furrowed as he growled at him to be quiet.
"...Croc...?" Your soft voice, filled with relief and shock, snapped him out of his intense glare and made him turn to you, his brows shooting up in awe. You remembered him, and you weren't scared. The taller man soon took you with him, where you—as well as himself and Daz Bones—took off. It was relatively peaceful...
Until it wasn't.
Outnumbered. Cornered. Separated. Afraid. The Marines had found the three of you and managed to separate you from the two men. Your Devil Fruit power was no match, but you fought anyway, hurling attack after attack at them until—
One Marine had sliced your back from behind and the other shot your abdomen from the front, leaving you gasping for air and crumpling to the floor like a sack of potatoes. As the Marines were about to take you away, they were sliced into pieces. Daz had come to protect you, just as he was ordered too, but it was far too late—the state you were in left little to your survival rate, blood pouring out of your wounds as your eyes darted to the man in front of you. In silence, Daz picked you up and carried you over to Crocodile, who had made his way over after killing many other Marines. One look at you, and Crocodile was enraged.
Before the Marines could come any closer, he killed them—whether it was from strangulation, asphyxiation, or if he chopped them to pieces. They were all dead within seconds.
"Let's board our ship," Said the former Warlord, his stoic expression unreadable. "And get the hell outta here."
Hours pass, and a doctor's team have finished treating your wounds upon Crocodiles threat of murder and promise of a hefty amount of Berries. They leave the ship with the money they're given, and the two men set off with you in bed, peacefully unconscious for what the doctors predict could be a few days. Crocodile never left your side. Not even once. All his meals were brought to him as he sat at your bedside, making sure you didn't die and changing the bandages every so often.
It was well into the night when you eventually stirred awake, a soft groan leaving your lips and alerting him from his slumber. His golden eyes pierced through yours as your eyes met through the dim light of the lamp.
"...You're alive." He spoke, a hint of shock in his relieved tone of voice, his gaze softening as he leant forward and cupped your cheek with his hand. You placed your hand on his golden hook and weakly smiled.
"That I am..." You responded, your voice hoarse from being unconscious for so long. Crocodile missed your voice. He missed you.
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wispscribbles · 8 months
Mw3 spoilers (just a long personal ramble)
Hiii. So
As soon as the pre-release came out on, I hunted down spoilers, because I know myself and knew that if someone died and I got that information out of the blue, I wouldn’t take it well. Jokes on me, because I still haven’t been taking it well lol
I won’t talk about how Soap’s death was handled or the quality of the game. Plenty of smarter people are doing so.
I try not to talk a lot about myself and irl stuff on here, but will just say: I am very unwell, mentally. (Cue silence because that’s not surprising at all) Something I am very aware that I do, is that I latch onto fiction with my whole being, usually one specific character. For some reason, I always latch onto the character that ends up dead, usually in a way that make them only exist to further the motivations of other characters. It sucks.
So my hope for Soap has never been great, but for some reason I was still so shocked?? I don’t know, I tricked myself into thinking this time was different. Such an iconic character with so much good setup for great character development. I knew someone would die, but ow. To me, he was the element that made 141 seem more like family than coworkers. Soap’s interactions with the rest just livened up the games so much and made them all shine. Especially Ghost. Their dynamic, man.
Soap was the character that intrigued me enough to jump into the cod rabbit hole. It feels very hollow without him.
I keep telling myself that it’s silly to be so hurt over something fictional, and that I can just treat it as a mcd fanfic and move on, but nope. Brain’s stuck in the bad stuff. It’s a bad habit of mine to let something like this affect me so much, but well. Logic vs feeling and all that.
I really did find so much comfort in Soap this last year, that I severely needed. It feels a little like losing someone I know, someone who helped me through a rough time. I related to something in him and felt inspired. I only started writing after getting into ghostsoap, I started working out and I got back into art after a very long burnout. It may be fiction, but the impact is not.
So that was pretty much the worst case scenario of what mw3 could be to me. I always knew the risk, but, once again, ow. But there also seems to be plenty of good stuff in the game that I enjoy. I’m happy with the Ghost and Soap dialogue, the whole team working together and seeing Laswell and Farah and Alex and Nik. I hope I can be inspired by some of the new content once I’m calmer.
And I was worried they would ignore Ghost and Soap’s relationship after their development in mw2, but they genuinely seem to have gotten real close. It’s nice. I thought the shipping might scare the game devs into never having them appear in a scene together again, so that’s a plus.
Bottom line to all this is: I probably need a little break to get my head sorted. The grief is surprisingly real, it’s triggered some old stuff for me (haven’t been sleeping or eating, been stuck in some old thoughts). I’ll need to calm down and become a bit more normal about this again. Part of the grief isn’t so much about Soap himself, but also just the safe space that this account has been. The very nature of how the fandom is going to interact with Soap and Ghostsoap is going to change now, and man… I liked how it was, y’know? Could’ve used a little longer in that bubble. There’s going to be plenty of new fics and art, lovely stuff as always, but many of them will be tinged with grief, and I’m not in a place where that won’t break me a little.
I will hopefully come back to posting and making stuff once my brain settles down. I have so many drafts for fics and ideas that I hope I can return to. I’ve gotten so used to drawing these lads that I doubt I can stop tbh
The version of Soap that we love is already evolved from the games due to all the time and care the community has put into the character. The games may have killed him, but luckily, he’s fictional. We can do what we want, same as before.
I’m not even saying that I wish they hadn’t killed him. The games are crafting a story that fits their audience. It makes sense.
But I will choose to live in one of the many universes we’ve created for Soap, where he is alive and cared for, with a found family and a spooky lieutenant with a soft spot for him. Good for him.
Hope you’re all taking care of yourselves. RIP canon Soap (again). Thanks to Neil for a wonderful portrayal. And no matter where we go from here, thanks for a wonderful year of creating with you lovely folks. Seriously, some of the kindest people I’ve met in fandom. <3
Lastly: fuck you Kevin O’Reilly, but more importantly, sincerely thank you. (CallMeKevin video about mw2 got me into this mess. Otherwise I was keeping cod at an arm’s length, but he’s my fav youtuber, so I watched it. And here we are!)
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triflesandparsnips · 8 months
Lot of takes going around the internets about certain "deaths" in the ofmd season finale, so, uh-- guess it's time for me to try and lose some followers on tumblr dot com with
Some Thoughts on Why I Am Not Particularly Bothered or Concerned about Izzy's Apparent "Death"
Laying the groundwork first...
1. Narratively speaking, Izzy's been a dead man walking since the start of the season. Babe shot himself and got a rebirth-- but he still definitely intended to die. Every minute he was still around was borrowed time.
Did he have to die? Maybe not. I know I could've written a version of the show where he didn't. But then that would be my show-- not theirs. I can't know exactly what themes, bugbears, bête noires, catharsis, or artistic Vibes are driving that writers' room, and until the credits run on the finale of the third season, none of the rest of us can either.
2. Izzy spent the season being in a liminal state-- and there's nothing in the story saying that he can't continue doing that. Izzy spent the season having one foot in one space, one hoof in the other, and himself halfway through the door, a chimera of mirrored things right up to his "death": pirate and ship, hard and soft, old ways and new, etc etc. But "the gravy basket" is a weird little liminal space between life and death, a place that both Ed and Buttons have found (and returned from) before. We don't know where Izzy "is" right now-- he could be there.
(tbh, I wonder how much poor feeling we'd be having about all this if we'd gotten a final tag of a blue-washed Izzy staring down at a bowl of soup while helplessly saying "but this isn't gravy, what the fu--")
3. I think there is an unfortunate belief that "it's not real unless you see the body" is a universal -- or perhaps inarguable -- "fact" of storytelling. But it's not. It's just a bit of narrative shorthand that got popular, and now we're too ready to fall into the trap of believing the inverse is true too-- that if there is a body, then there must therefore have been a "real" death.
This season has spent quite a lot of narrative time and effort telling us that its story is using a different model, with different shorthands; specifically, that magic is real, that there is at least some kind of existence after death, and that the dead can be resurrected.
And that brings me to the meat of why I'm not particularly bothered or concerned about what, at this stage of the story, could still very well be just a minor setback--
4. This whole show, and particularly this season, is a fairy tale. It's a story that works with fairy tale logic and tropes, and it's in conversation with other fairy tales too, ones that the OFMD audience is likely to know well enough to spot their narrative beats in action. So "Pinocchio" gets mentioned a lot? Cool-- the audience applies what is commonly known of that story to this one ("a real boy", the mirror-opposite being a puppet with no nose, etc), and finds some Cool Shit. Then they're primed to keep looking for fairy tales, even unnamed ones, in case there's another little nugget of reward-dopamine for finding a connection.
So the fact that we saw a mermaid? Suddenly, I personally am noticing "Little Mermaid" motifs all over the place. That Ed was in a "sleep like death" -- after fucking around with a spinning wheel -- until his prince came to wake him? Well fuck, man, that's Blackbeard playing "Sleeping Beauty" for us all.
And bringing it all back to a "dead" Izzy Hands... when I add up a "dead" body surrounded by a bunch of laborers mourning the person who nominally kept their living space nice AND who was wanted dead by an authority figure for the crime of being the "better" version of what that figure wanted to be...
...well fuck, idk about the rest of you, but to me that all adds up to Izzy's story being Snow fucking White. Waiting for someone to come pull the bullet poisoned apple from his body so he can live again.
5. This is a second season. Of three. And Izzy Hands is the writer's favorite chewtoy, so there is lots of time, space, and incentive to bring him back. If there's a third season, we have a pile of ways he could be brought back over the course of hours of literal viewing time and possibly months of in-narrative time. That's ages.
And the solutions don't have to be difficult! For instance, we still have canonical hallucinations from Stede-- that's one route. Or fuck it, we could have Izzy's (very solid-looking) ghost be the embodiment of their being haunted by the Sea, that would work too.
And even barring all that-- his grave is right there with our heroes. The ship is out there hunting down his murderer. Even if you're happy he's dead... bad news, friend. He's all over the third season landscape. (uh oh, it's GNU Izzy Hands)
But those are just a few options that leave his body rotting but his character still alive. I happen to think we could all dream a little bigger, darlings. For instance:
A. You cannot tell me that these writers, on this show, with these actors, would not absolutely go all in on a zombie-esque hand thrusting out of the dirt mere hours after burial. Look me in the eyes and tell me Con O'Neill wouldn't pull off an entire digging-out scene only to end with himself panting beside the hole, looking around, hearing Ed and Stede being weird in their haunted hut, and wearily say, "Are you fucking kidding me."
B. Don't like zombies? Want to stay closer to the Snow White vibe AND introduce a love interest for him? One hyphenated word: body-snatcher. Gotta dig those bodies up fresh for the Definitely Historically Accurate anatomists of the time! But oh, says this New Guy, this corpse is-- wow, it's weird that they buried him with a rose and really amazing makeup and a truly extraordinary number of whittled whales, plus what's with that horsey leg grave marker, this guy must've been fucking fascinating, man, I wish I could've met him-- --at which point Izzy's hand shoots out and chokes the guy half to death and the lads come tumbling out of the house and ta da, mission accomplished, Izzy resurrected in 5 minutes or less with his horsey leg conveniently beside him and an entire season for himself and everyone else to Deal With It, amazing, fantastic, no notes from me.
C. Come to think of it, there is genuinely a non-zero chance that the crew just. Fucked up the burial. I mean... even though I was just arguing why we shouldn't see it as Law, we didn't actually see the body. We saw a grave. What did they bury him in? Was it a box? Was it some canvas? Did they definitely pick up the right one when it was time to bury him? Or did they maybe carefully make him an ahistorical safety coffin just in case a cat demon came to bother him and his corpse wanted to make a fuss about it, y'know, very common, could happen to anyone, and Frenchie just so happens to have Blackbeard's old collar bell right here--
6. Here's the bottom line, imo: The only thing that would keep Izzy really actually dead and completely removed from the story is a lack of narrative time and space-- and we have plenty of both. Stories are like Lego. If you've got enough time and you're willing to play with pieces from a whole lotta different sets, it's not hard to put the same elements together in different ways to get new, exciting configurations. It's why I'm actually rubbish at predicting exact details of stuff-- there are a lot of ways something could go, there are infinite doors out of problems the narrative seems to throw at us, and no two people will come up with the same thing because we're all different.
That, to me, is one of the big ways I personally enjoy and engage with stories. And it's why I genuinely can't be fussed about Izzy's death, not when we're only two-thirds through the story as a whole; observing someone setup and then try and execute a complicated narrative trick is my jam.
But my way of engaging with all this is by no means the best or only way. How we all interact with art, and what speaks to us, is extremely personal. If how this season and Izzy's death went just didn't work for you, that's okay. I'm sorry it wasn't the story you wanted it to be. That blows.
I just know I can't say yet that it didn't work for me. I won't know until I can take in the entire picture, just as I can't judge a finished Lego set by the one piece I step on midway through construction. I can see different ways Izzy's death/rebirth could absolutely work, but will the writer manage it? I dunno.
But I'm willing to wait and see if the stupid puppet can pull it off.
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factual-fantasy · 9 months
29 asksss
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Aw! Thank you! :DD
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The elven style ears are meant to make them look less human and to match the Wario bros. :0 My AU's Peach and Daisy are these tall elf like creatures, not humans. They are the same species as the Wario bros.
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Jangles would prepare himself for this brutal duel in "put em up" type battle stance. Ready to give this fight his all.
Only to be squashed by Jangle. Alas, he is made of plastic <XDD
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XDD Thought that was a bunny at first-
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:DD Thank you! But hey, nothing's stopping you from book marking the post or saving the link to it somewhere :0
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Honestly I have no hope. I'm thinking its gonna bomb like the Ruin DLC did, lore wise. Calling it now there's gonna be a character named VANESSA and her nickname is VANNY even though this movie is about the first game and has NOTHING TO DO WITH VANESSA. There's gonna be a kid named Cassidy, another kid named Gregory, circus baby is gonna come out of nowhere, there's gonna be a nightmare animatronic reference, one kid is gonna look like the crying child for no reason, Springtrap is gonna talk a lot and take away the horror- its gonna be a mess. The lore will be a terrible. mess.
Horror wise it might be awesome but I am NOT looking forward to all the crap they're gonna mix in with the lore. Its soooo simple, just make a spooky movie that captures the terror that the first game created. Recreate the mystery and horror. Bonnie disappearing, Foxy running down the hall. Freddy's music. Maybe Golden Freddy?? Hints of a darker past with dead kids. It would be awesome. They don't gotta complicate the lore by adding all the other games into it but I know they will-
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@palettepainter :DD Thank you!!
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@randox-talore Nope! The flowers don't make them bigger. They just give the bros ice/fire powers :}
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Pretty much XDD
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:DDD Thank you so much!! Honestly I'm surprised by the number of my followers that are into the same fandoms I'm into. Sounds like I've found my people! XDD
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Thanks, I'm hoping it finally gets through to people and they'll just leave me alone..
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It is! But ya gotta DM me for it so I can sus out your blog :x
I need to have some idea of who I'm letting in-
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:DD Thank you so much! Also sorry, I don't take requests :/
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THANK YOU! I don't support any ships from any fandoms, I just personally don't like them. So having people harp on me and my AU because a "canon ship" isn't in it was really annoying.. 😓
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Glamrock Bonnie and Foxy would be thinking "Wow, they look different/great! :00"
Glamrock Freddy and Chica are like "WHY IS BONNIE SO LARGE"
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Oooo that would be cool! All my versions of Bonnie are slow, so having him throw things at Gregory would be terrifying-
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The reason why I haven't drawn any classic mermaids like that is because it felt kind'a weird to add a half human creature into the Octonauts universe. Considering humans don't exist in it.. Now that post with the mermaid thing actually has the creature looking humanoid for sure. Because it would look more alien if it was human. But I kept the scales because a straight up half human mermaid would just feel out of place-
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Firealpaca! :}}
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XD Thank you!! Also my WHOLE BLOG?? Dang. I apologize for all the Gravity falls cringe you had to see-
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XD Factual Fanta, that's great 🤣🤣
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I think those people are just salty because they wanna draw my stuff but I wont let them. My true fans will have basic human respect and just not draw fanart without sending me hate and rude comments.
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Monty is much more mellow and kind in the Partial swap. Although he still can be a bit of a grump sometimes. The way Bonnie is treating everyone (mostly Foxy) really angers/upsets him.
Roxy hasn't changed a whole lot tbh. Full of grief and self loathing. Except I don't think she'd have this "I'm better than you" attitude. Her thinking that Freddy's death was her fault would crush her. Just like Monty was crushed in the OG au.
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:DDD Thank you!! Also really? :00 Wow, great minds do think alike! XD
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Aw, I'm sorry that you relate to Bonnie's struggles, <:(
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I was thinking he would do 1 of 2 things.
Either this bombshell that his late friends of 10 years are alive, would be so emotionally overwhelming that he would completely shut down. Literally. They would break into his room and Bonnie is collapsed on the floor. And cannot be reactivated. And when he does eventually reactivate, he absolutely refuses to acknowledge or speak to anyone in anyway..
OR, hearing that Chica and Freddy are alive, would completely drown out any other feeling. They're alive, he would rush out of his room to go see them. All of his stress, all of his anger would be swept away in favor of his anxiousness to see his friends again. And finally, he would talk to people again somewhat. Every day would get easier knowing that once its over he can go see Freddy and Chica again.
I haven't decided which one is better <XD
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@burningmusicfunnygiant (Post in question)
Oh a whole mix of emotions. Mostly joy and sadness though.. Joy to see them alive after all these years. But sadness too see the horrible states they're in.. Mostly Freddy's state-
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<XD Don't worry I wont. I know some of the angsty bits of Bluey but not enough to draw stuff and traumatize you all-
You are spared this time! XDD
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thatoneluckybee · 7 months
School Bus Graveyard Episode 61 Thoughts
Okay thoughts time cause HU!HG?!?Q>?
The logo was altered!! Not by much but I love the detail that some falling rubble was covering the edges of the logo at the beginning of the episode.
Ben holding/protecting Tyler under the (table? desk?) is everything to me. Ben Clark is a golden retriever in all the best ways. I am dealing with the after effects of the Ben Fever we all got a few weeks ago.
Same goes for Taylor protecting Ashlyn! It’s so cute and Taylor has been coming in CLUTCH lately. I’m so excited for this development with her after Tyler’s injury. I just hope she’s able to target her (rightful) anger at the right people and not at the rest of the group. (Also ASHLYN CRYING BABY NO)
“Wanna Know How I Got These Scars?” Aiden, no, we do not, put your eyes back in please. (Also—I LOVE the shading and dramatic effects on this panel.)
Okay, the parents are DEFINITELY being affected by the rift and Phantom Dimension. Mike was dizzy when the kids all came back!! And I love how responsible both of Ashlyn’s parents (as well as everyone else so far) are being—Immediately jumping in to help when it sounds like someone is in trouble. I just hope this serves as a wake-up call for Aiden’s mom and dad.
We’ve seen Ashlyn scared before but… holy cow I don’t think she’s been pictured as this terrified before. And rightfully so! I want to give her a hug and a chocolate milk. Also, I adore how Logan immediately noticed and rushed to help. He’s really grown in his emotional maturity over the series and I’m loving the payoff.
Yes, honey, you are becoming phantoms. Is this confirmation of the theory? I’ll take it as confirmation of the theory.
…The parallels between the earlier panel of Tyler “waking up” vs Aiden now is…. oh my. And the altered text was DEEPLY disturbing. But I had to try not to laugh at imagining what he sounds like right now. Probably like he’s a 40 year old man who’s smoked a six-pack ev’ry night since way back when.
LILY BABY NooOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO and Aiden IMMEDIATELY being concerned about Ashlyn is everything. In all honestly the ship concerned me at the beginning but I am ALL ABOARD and ready to set sail now. They both have grown so much and while it would have been iffy at the start it’s becoming a really sweet and wholesome relationship, regardless of whether it stays platonic or divulges into romance.
The flashbacks were INSANE. But also, let’s take a moment seeing these to appreciate HOW MUCH THE ART HAS IMPROVED!!! Supersupersuper proud of Red and her entire team. This was like a short montage of the growth and I love that so much. Also…. could this potentially count as an “oh” moment for Ashlyn?? And the immediate jump afterwards to Aiden’s maybe-dead-maybe-not body was such incredibly timed and perfected formatted whiplash!!!!!
Ashlyn initiating the contact was huge for her. We know she isn’t a fan of touchy-feely stuff or close contact so this is big. I thing there was a “some people are worth being uncomfortable for” comic with the BTW and TBH creature that sums up my thoughts on this? But yeah, I loved this. She’s growing more comfortable AND this was entirely respectful of her boundaries while also allowing her to push past her comfort zone? Amazing.
”So this is what it feels like” uhhhhhhhh I need a seperate ramble post for this cause I don’t want to trigger tag this one and have it filtered but I have… a lot to say. Very relatable and makes me appreciate these characters more. I love how this whole short scene was pulled off though. Definitely a lot of emotions for this one, I had to pause for a moment to process.
“I don’t like how much she’s shaking” MY HEART
Aaaaand THANK YOU RED FOR ANOTHER AMAZING EPISODE!!! I’ve got so many longer thoughts and theories and ideas and rambels and AUGHHHHHHH I can’t fit them all!!!
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dulciechi · 3 months
//cw venting
Never done this before but I figured I’d get this off my chest. Will probably delete later.
Went on an unexpected hiatus bc of irl stuff, but tbh, I’ve started to feel a little burned out too. I’ve said this before, but I feel like an imposter whenever I make COTL content bc of the way I depict Narinder. It feels like I have a different view of him that contrasts with the popular headcanon.
But truthfully, I didn’t fall in love with this ship as an “enemies to lovers” trope. I grew interested when we first defeat Narinder and he acknowledges his defeat, even as he cursed the Lamb. The fact that his vitriol is confined to insults over the cult decorations, and that he shows hints of remorse over his actions instead of mulling over his lost crown was refreshing for a villain.
Depending on your choices, we even get to see him accept the Lamb as a proper successor when they choose to resurrect the dead. Like he’s just proud to see them continue his legacy (and maybe grateful to have someone else see the value in it.)
Idk, but seeing a final boss act so graceful after defeat was more interesting to me than one who stubbornly held on to grudges. Sure, he was still feisty and haughty, but he wasn’t a sore loser. He wasn’t a constantly fuming edgelord and that’s what made the ship interesting to me.
This topic is probably too complex for me to properly explain my thoughts, but I just needed to say it so it’d stop festering in my head.
To be clear, I don’t think my interpretation should be the *only* one. I do believe everyone has the right to portray him however they want, since fandom is for fun. I guess I’m just feeling a little lonely after scrolling through the tags.
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dasybequackin · 4 months
Rando thoughts (Cod Ships)
I got some ships I love and shit to say cuz I can (and also talk about the fandom as well):-
NikPrice (Nikolai x Captain Price)
Honestly one of my most fav ship, just very less art I seen of them. It's saddening. (Those who made art of them, I love y'all so much ( ˘ ³˘)♥)
Nik literally give Price his fav gun like that wasn't the sweetest thing??💞
Powerhusbands and no one can convince me otherwise.
AleRudy (Alejandro Vargas x Rodolfo Parra)
Do I seriously need to explain it?
Their tensions, their conversation, everything. THEY ARE BOYFRIENDS UR HONOR-
Also I think their relationship is like very much sweet (pls not the twt toxic shit I don't like those)
Körangi (König X Horangi)
Tbh it's cute, not going to lie the tiktok of them is funny.
Funny how they barely interact yet our delusional ass managed to make scenario of them
And that's what the power of shipping I guess╮(^▽^)╭
Kate Laswell x her wife (duh it's canon I love it)
I don't explain this one either because it's basically canon.
Also I want more ART OF THEM
Not a lot of ppl talk about them it's equally saddening
But I wish I became like them too (have a wife (*゚ー゚*)
Ghoap (Ghost x Soap) (pls not the bad one pls)
Now I got second thoughts abt this, well it's adorable when I saw ppl fanart (not going to lie I giggled my feet everytime)
But I draw the line at some weird dead dove shit (I accidentally saw it on twt and safe to say, I wish to bleach my eyes)
Why the hell y'all can't ship gay men like normal?? (To those who used them in a wrong way)
Other than that, I think the ship is overall adorable and sweet. (Tbh wish I got that relationship frfr)
Yeah I guess that's all? I don't ship much but if I had more I'll add it ig.
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victimsofyaoipoll · 10 months
Round 3
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Propaganda Under Cut
Lots of people (myself included tbh) ship klance (Keith and Lance). In s8 the creators made Allura/Lance canon (but then they killed her off and left the ending ambiguous it was weird). Anyway the fandom treats her like she's the most terrible bitchy woman ever but all she wants to do is end the war and avenge her destroyed home planet. Yeah she wasn't always the nicest or always the best, but you could argue some other characters in the show aren't either and they aren't treated near as bad as allura. people really just hate her bc Lance liked her. I don't think allura/lance are good together, but I still liked her as a character and thought she was interesting and had a lot of growth during the show. she DEF is not evil like some people portray her as in fic or talk about her in captions on posts. I've seen people say that they HATE her and that she's the worst and I'm like ??? let her live (well sort of ig she is dead now). lots of fic writers use her as the villain which is so interesting to me bc the show literally has villains like use them. anyway allura so perfectly fits the bracket description she deserves better.
I hate to acknowledge my time in this fandom but I hate the way the fandom treated her more. Allura was treated like shit no matter what side of the Great Ship War you were on because she was always a threat to the biggest ships (klance and sheith). At best she got put into Background Lesbian or Consolation Prize Shallura (Space Mom-zoned) (She was not a motherly figure btw. She was just Black). At worst she was violently demonized for being ~racist~ (kinda not cool with the alien race that blew up her planet for a few episodes), complete with misogynistic language hurled at her (she got called a bitch sooo much). Allura was a good and cool character and the show did her dirty but the fandom was somehow worse.
i apologise for speaking the dark magicks, but amidst the voltron fandoms many, many transgressions, there were a particular subset of people who just hated this girl. the infamous klance wars of the 2010s kept this perfectly fine childrens cartoon character in the sights of shippers everywhere, and she (and her voice actress im sure) were subjected to years of petty squabble blown up to global perportions. ive seen hate, ive seen rants, ive seen fanfics that made her homophobic. girls been through the ringer, and even though voltron was never the show its fandom wanted it to be, i believe allura deserved better
Every Supernatural Woman
Supernatural is so mean to women and committed to queerbaiting but it still gives Sam and Dean lovers to kill. The writers kill and villainize them and the fans get the few that remain
wincest and destiel shippers cannot handle the idea of their blorbos having a Woman THREATENING their SHIPS god FORBID
It literally used to be a running joke that if a female character got introduced you knew she was going to die soon because fans would react so negatively to her "stealing" one of the boys away from the big ship, whether it be destiel or wincest
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autisticlancemcclain · 10 months
fic rec friday 37
hello and welcome to fic rec friday! where, on friday, i rec five of my favourite fics.
1. Fade to Black by @yokohogawa
Things between Keith and Lance are changing but Keith is restless, especially with Shiro still weak, and ends up taking a bad decision: he leaves Lance alone in the Castle with a Lion he cannot pilot. Unable to form Voltron without the newly appointed Red Paladin, the four Paladins left struggle against the sudden attack of a Galra ship and later on take damage from the explosion of a star in close proximity. Lance, on the other end, is left to defend the Castle by himself and has little time to succeed: without energy, the Lions have only 6 hours of breathable air. Beyond that point, his friends will be dead.
okay yes technically this series is unfinished. HOWEVER the first two works ARE finished, and they are amazing showstopping incredible etc. tbh im not much of a black paladin lance fan, i genuinely think solo leadership is not what he is suited for, but this fic made me way more open to it. the way he handled severe crises was as fear stricken as it was awe inspiring highly recommend
2. once again i am a child by @lilaclavenders
“You’re not a spare tyre,” Adam interjects.  “I know that,” Lance says, too unsure to sound completely defensive.   “That almost sounded like a question.” “No... it didn’t,” Lance says.
Lance and Adam talk.
i have always been a fan of lance and adam even tho its the most evidence lacking fanon thing in this fandom. its truly just so interesting. and to have lance as a young cadet getting slammed so badly just in so many different directions being given at least one grownup in his corner...its a good read.
3. Lance the language man by @irish-vampire-blog
Lance didn't really try to learn a language. He just, kind of, picks up the basics and then works from there. Its usually unintentional. Ish.
He isn't stupid though. He isn't an idiot. He just isn't the same kind of smart as his friends are.
this kind of smart for lance is so REAL bc no he cannot do like quantum physics or whatever probably but the way he seems to have a pretty innate ability to successfully do many things that he tries. he just can u know?? thats the autism with the gay audacity i would imagine but i love seeing fics like this
4. my boyfriend's back (and you're gonna get in trouble) by teacupfulofbrains
hey la, hey la, my boyfriend's back
Keith Kogane has never heard of Vine. Lance McClain takes personal offense to this, and makes it his personal mission to teach his boyfriend to meme. Keith is confused, mostly.
(OR: several instances of Keith not getting the meme™ and two times he did)
I LOVE THIS FIC SO BAD I CANT BELIEVE I HAVENT RECCED IT BEFORE. yes i am a cringe zillenial who still finds vine funny and quotes it on the internet but truly idc idc. this fic is funny. this fic is cute. established klance my love and light. also keith comparing lances eyes to the star of bombay is some of the gayest shit ever and also the only time i will entertain blue eyed lance
5. The Most Dangerous Thing is to Love by running_downn
Last time something like this happened to Lance, Keith wasn’t there. He’d thought he would have been able to do something if he had been there, or at least if he was, the guilt wouldn’t be so heavy on his chest. But this time he was there. He was right fucking there and he decided that it was infinitly worse.
Basically there's a new threat after the Galra and it almost kills Lance. Desperate making out ensues, but it's okay to recognize when it's not the right time for it. Keith cries a lot cause he's older and grizzled and therefore not as emotionally stunted.
green sock reality? team still out fighting as adults and lance isn’t a fucking farmer while the rest of the team isn’t? keith’s abandonment issues treated with respect and dignity and also the acknowledgement that he’s older and therefore mature enough to handle those issues in a way that doesn’t risk a relationship that is important to him? lance understanding all this and using the supportive nature he is known for??? yes yes yes. stellar fic that should have way more hits than it does
that’s it for today!! i’ll see y’all back next friday for the next fic rec post!!!
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