#they would massacre all fish in teyvat
xiiparts · 2 years
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I want them to meet so bad. They both need friends!! Klee likes bombs and Dottore likes to make improvements on technology!
This can only end well :)
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nightmarearian · 1 year
Hydro vision or not, Childe Ajax has always been connected to the ocean. To the water, to the seemingly vast expanse of the depths that had always been there. Was always right there, when little 7-year old him was there with his older sister on the port (because his father was drunk again and his brothers weren't taking that shit again), the sun rising with cold winds. Was right there in a little pocket when his father (wasn't drunk, for once) taught him how to ice fish and was still there whenever he was alone or not.
Was also there once he fell into the abyss and ran in the waters, outrunning some monster, before he met her and it didn't hit him that he should've long run out of breath once the thing grew impatient and left until a bit later.
She picks up on it and after a bit, she (cautiously, cause even if she doesn't say, she cares more than she says is safe) lets him train in the waters, watching from the shallows
Ajax takes to it, like, well, a fish to water.
She watches from the coast, standing just out of the range of the lapping waves. She shouldn't be able to see in the waters, much less located the child, but she been alone to long, and she already given the child her mark - a little pale streak in his hair like her - when he was unconscious because she's already gotten attached.
She can tell just how... correct it is, to him. He swims like he breathes, and she supposes the abyss has favorites (or... it has... something. It doesn't favor; It's not nice. But this child has something.)
The waters of this accursed place is poisoned.
She's yet to say that, cause any of the telltale signs of any poisoning hasn't cropped up yet nor has the child said anything (because he would, she drilled it into his head that he isn't bothering her; Better to bother her than be dead, anyways). In fact, she observed the poison to heal him, than hurt.
The water seems to transform him.
Just a bit; His nails are a bit dark and sharp when he comes out the water, patches of his skin are just a bit off in color - a bit more cold than his warmer skin color.
This child is supposed to be in the waters.
So when she finally teaches him Foul Legacy, the different ways to utilize; A transformation for speed, one for tracking, one for survival, stalling, and a final one for combat, because that is the lifeblood of the abyss. She asks him, to find another in the waters; In the fluid, dirty poisonous waters.
And he does.
Its beautiful, in the way the Foul Legacy Transformation is and the way she's heard him talk about Teyvat's ocean's can be.
The fur that was in most of his other transformations are absent, and the parts of armour or 'fabric' that don't cover his reveals his skin to be a a grey, blueish complexion like a corpse; Its sort of split into two parts, with what would be the "underside" the lighter part, the other being darker.
Its's like his form for speed; Most of its all leading down in one direction, in sharp shapes, for the hydrodynamics. Things that would probably be fins are thinner, sharper, longer, like spikes leading down his spine. His legs have merged into a long tail - though he can still stand, in a way - whose grey corpse colors start fading into a miasma of constellations.
Instead of scales like a fish its more like a mix between a shark and deep sea creatures - skin stretched over bones. Stars still dot his form because this is still the abyss, and this one doesn't have a mask so she can see how his teeth are sharp and long when he does open his mouth and how it cuts into his cheeks.
Its looks like him. (It looks like Ajax.)
When he back above (and its too bright, too dry, the air is too light, and its too quiet and loud and wrong) and back at... home...
its itches.
It itches right under the surface and when he massacres the hilichurl camp that's been plaguing the little town that's a bit too far for Fatui troops to get there quickly it abates for just that.
Ajax is twitchy, bloodthirsty, and he almost killed that kid that's been annoying him at school.
His father is not drunk for once but he is angry, and this time when his father starts shouting Ajax isn't led out by his sister because this time he starts to shout back like his siblings. His father brings up the Fatui and they all shout; But Ajax freezes because he knows that even if his siblings love him, he is still a bother and he knows he'll be able to fight-
and that itch that tells him everything in Teyvat is wrong will at least be abated by a part because the part that says everything is too calm so something must be dangerous won't be wrong with the Fatui.
They shout a lot, they all cry (its the first in a while for Ajax, and the last for a lifetime), that night. When its too late to be shouting for the hundredth time and Ajax can't sleep; The vast depths of the oceans are still there, at the port. They reflect the stars (that are a bit too organized compared to the Abyss' stars, but they're still stars), and the corpse of the moon.
(He loses himself in the depths that night, even if his form is a bit too strong for the clean waters of Teyvat)
His older sister finds him that night; She shocks for a moment at him. But they cry again because-
"-damn it, Ajax! You're still my brother you asshole!”
They cry that night, again.
The Fatui mock him at first and then shut up once he kills several of them with a bullet in his leg.
He's sure his dissociated through his rise throughout the ranks, most of it, at the least - more than the abyss, he knows - but the skills still stay with him. Childe learns of the social complexities of the Upper & Lower courts from Pantalone, the politics from Pulcinella; Seduction through Signora (and a bit from Scaramouche).
He learns a bit from all of the Harbingers and is essentially already one once he meets the Tsarista. (She loves them; She loves Snezhnaya, and her Harbingers who have lost just like her; They're broken a bit too much to love each other like a family, but they are a dysfunctional, insane, broken family.)
His official promotion to Harbinger - Tartaglia - is a formality, at that point.
Zapolyarny is landlocked and the bodies of water are either too small or frozen over, so even his Hydro vision is his only respite, even compared to Foul Legacy.
He wants to swim, and he can't; Pulcinella notices something is wrong, but he as not seen Tartaglia-Childe-Ajax swim so he doesn't know what.
Tartaglia thanks him for the attempt either way.
Liyue Harbor, compared to Zapolyarny, is not landlocked.
For the land of Geo, there's a surprising amount of water to the tall mountains.
(He is in love, not that he'd ever say it.)
(So it does hurt, just even a little bit, he admits.)
(He knows better to complain. He is Her Majesty's blade.)
(A weapon, a pawn, doesn't have feelings.)
(Signora shares a private drink with him. He knows he is the youngest; She did not mean to be a catalyst for his firest heartbreak)
(The others, no matter how they say, wanted to prevent their youngest from fully experiencing the heartbreak they have, even if he's already fallen into the abyss.)
(He feels a bit better, but it still hurts.)
(He still likes Liyue; The waters are also right there, and even if he loves Snezhnaya, most of it is painfully landlocked, and lacking rivers and lakes.)
He still stationed in Liyue (much to the regret of the Tsarista, as she details in her letter, and to the silent sorry Rosalyne gives in the form a forehead kiss that reminds his of his older sister) and he cannot fight this problem so the other option is to flee.
The waters in Liyue are deep and vast - not as much as the oceans that Morepesok was right next to; Liyue Harbor's seas flow from shallows to deep when Morespesok's is all deep, no shallows.
He's tired, not in the way he's been as Childe or Tartaglia but as he was the last time he was truly Ajax.
So sue him, he let's go and it feels so right to sink to the bottom of Liyue's rivers and lakes and ocean.
Luhua Pool is big but private enough to be perfect; He swims out the middle and floats on his back for a bit, breathing the air.
He forcefully sinks to the bottom, and its deep enough to take a minute or two to slowly sink to the floor, and he just lies there.
The other harbingers have called him suicidal, mainly for his recklessness and eagerness for battle, but he doesn't find it wrong when he knows he's going to run out of air in only a little bit but doesn't transform.
Bubbles rise from his mouth and he doesn't mind the water rushing into his lungs cause it doesn't bother him; He doesn't spasm but his vision does and it starts to go black and-
He pulls away from this Snezhnayan Roulette and his bones crack and morph; The bones in his legs splinter and decay as his spine grows longer and sharper.
The rush from the near-death bleeds into excitement as the transformation finishes.
Ajax breathes water, even a bit too clear, but its fluid hydro - water.
He swims laps around Luhua Pool, then into Dihua Marsh, near Wangshu Inn, and its freeing.
He wonders if this is the freedom Barbatos fought for and upholds; He swims pass everything and it is only his training in the abyss that still catches what everything is but he doesn't care because it feels right. He feels like he could swim to Inazuma.
(It's addicting.)
Hours pass by in a blink and he's between Guyun Stone Forest and Liyue Harbor. He's far enough that he doubts anyone on the Harbor could see him; He swims around, watching in the sunset.
It's beautiful.
(It's like his sister and him on the port again)
The moon is way too high in the sky and Ekaternia looks like she's about to scold him but she softens (like a sister. damn it, family is an important thing in Snezhnaya, isn't it) when she notices how relaxed he is, without being blood covered no less.
She sighs, a small smile on her face.
"Your paperwork's in your office, Tartaglia."
He nods and smiles as he walks past her.
"And... get some actual rest, alright?"
He does it again. And again. And again. And again.
Its addicting and its healing (too him. Sort of.) and its freeing.
He loves it.
- -- - - - -- -
Aannndd that's a wrap I was inspired from this and had brainworms so yeah.
I sorta dunno how to really end this; But eh, writing exercise, I guess.
Ajax's essentially mermaid transformation is more based on a killer whale/narwhal, a mix between the two, although there are more deep sea animals elements in his design, like spines/spikes type stuff.
Oh course there's armour, this is Foul Legacy-
also, yes, found family Harbingers.
A continuation would be this, if you wanna have brainworms:
... He likes drowning himself a slight bit, alright?
It's suicidal and he never said he wasn't (and honestly either abyss or Harbinger - it comes with the territory), but he likes doing it cause it still gives him a rush before he gets to the absolutely freeing, correct, part of the water.
So forgive him a little bit if he's a bit miffed when he's dragged out of the water.
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astraaltiora · 2 years
Not for Sale
A/N: A very hearty mix of self-indulgence, crack, modern-universe with canon-parallel lore. A series of fluff, maybe some domesticity along the way. Anyway, I hope you all enjoy this crack of a fic that I enjoyed writing.
Summary: With all the clamour and window knocking at early dawn, Heizou should probably start putting up signs in front of his windowsill and the front door. These potted plants--no matter their pretty exterior and well tendered soil, leaves and petals--are not for sale.
"'Zou-niichan! Zouzou-niichan!"
The affectionate nickname was accompanied by small pebbles being thrown at his window. It was most likely too early for anyone in the Police Station to wake up, but this particular 'alarm' was what Shikanoin Heizou would wake up to.
Heizou had lived in the Portside City of Ritou for as long as he could remember. The Ritou, in olden times, used to be filled with maple leaves during autumn, bustling merchants, noise and calls from fishermen and their crew on their fishing boats. It was a clamour of business in the simple days, but now--as Heizou's old man would say--times have changed and Ritou was no longer a port only for the merchants to dwell in. It had fully transformed into a city itself.
Annoyingly adorable foreign neighbours, included.
"Zou-niichan! Wake up! I want a flower today!"
A calmer and softer toned voice echoed soon after the 'request' was made. Some shuffling was made and a whine came next.
"Albedo-niichan, Zou-niichan would always give me new flowers to bring with me! Let's wait just a second longer, please?"
The two siblings came from Mondstadt, a jewel of a city in the middle of a Sweet Cider Lake. It was supposed to be continent somewhere above Inazuma, 'with lots and lots and lots of fish to bomb!', or so the sweet like elven-child had told him in one of his babysitting instances for her Alchemist brother would say. The two were neighbours to him for over a year, and he know Albedo to be a special guest of the Kanjou Commission and the Yashiro Commission. The alchemist was tasked to conduct his studies over biochemical lifeforms and the different effects each would develop, considering the different ley lines in Teyvat. His study was supposedly important to keeping the ley lines 'normal' and to avoid any convergent anomalies to develop over time, or so Heizou would assume (correctly and accurately).
When another pebble hits his window, accompanied by an echoing whine, Heizou sat up from his side of the bed and yawned. He stretched his arms up and over his head and dusted the crumbs of late night snacking and overtime off his folded Tenryou Commissioned shirt. He lazily picked a blue and white open-faced flower from vine of a potted plant that hung from the ceiling of his room, and then made his way to the window that was being massacred by small pebbles.
"Good morning, Klee. You seem to be in a hurry." He said and leaned his arms over the window pane.
He casted Albedo a small smile and waved the Kalaptus Lotus to him and his little sister in his hand. Klee visibly brightened and detached herself from his brother's hold and zoomed towards the window, where Heizou was perched with the blue and white lotus in his hand. She pets the other flowers and plants the surrounded and crowded the window's outside and reached up to get the flower from Heizou.
"What's it called, Zou-niichan?" She asked and marvelled at the well-cared for plan in her hands. "Its pretty like Albedo-niichan's isotoma!"
Albedo hummed softly and noted the features of the flower in her hands. He doesn't say much but lifted Klee up to seat her over the window pane, right in between Heizou's arms. She looked up at Heizou with the same bright sun-like smile and offered it to him.
"Is Kazuha-niichan here too?" Klee asked and tilted her head to look over Heizou. "Is he back from Fontaine yet?"
Heizou smiled and took the Kalaptus Lotus from her hands and re-tied her hair to display the lotus over her braids, tucked neatly in place. "He would be back before you know it."
"I'm sure the flowers will sell better, if Kazuha-niichan is here." Klee agreed and gave Heizou a soft pat on the cheek. "Thank you Zou-niichan."
If. Wait--
Heizou pinched Klee's cheek with a slight smirk over his face. He tuts at her and clicks his tongue, a finger wagged before the small child's face as he reminded her (previously, continuously, consistently) that--"These plants are not for sale!"
She giggled and stood up on the windowsill and gave Heizou a hug. "They should be! I'll go now, Zouzou-niichan! Hopefully Kazuha-niichan comes home soon! The plants are lonely without him!"
She jumped into Albedo's arms and went on her way. She waved widely at the dumbfounded and grumbling detective. Klee was the only child in the Ritou area and Heizou babied her for it. Much to Albedo's nonchalance and the rest of the neighbouring diplomats and foreigners living in the area (as delegated by the Tri-Commission), Klee was the only other being in the seaside village that actually brought a smile to Heizou's face.
With the exception of Kaedehara Kazuha, his currently absent roommate, whose wanderlust is much greater than anything to make him stay in Inazuma.
He sighed and looked over the potted plants around. There those set on the windowsill, the ones that were too big and had to be planted outside the house, while there were also others that hung on the ceiling by their vines, and those that crawled up on the side of the wall--they were all plants that Kazuha had brought back to his flat as a souvenir from the places he's visited. Which Kazuha had told Heizou to 'take care of them', while he was away. Heizou did not want to plant-sit, he had better things to do than till soil and water these unmoving creatures... but... What would Kazuha think, if these plants start to say that they were lonely without their real owner?
Not that they could talk.
They are not lonely too! Heizou argued in his head. I take care of these plants just fine!
He clicked his tongue and removed the used shirt he had on and discarded the same to the laundry basket that was brimming with dirty clothes (that he really should take care of, too, but the plants took precedence). He takes a spray bottle of clean water and started his day watering and talking (yes, Kazuha reminded him that these plants should be talked to, because they understand human feelings "and would grow better if they are read poetry too!") to the plants and told them about how annoying Uesugi had been, since his promotion, and how hardheaded Asakura had been, when he wanted to train until the wee hours of the day just to prove that he was every bit as strong as the next Yoiriki and Hatamoto.
Kazuha told him to talk to the plants, as if these inanimate things could ever take his place.
"Why ever would he think a speechless little maple shrub would take his place, I wonder." Heizou rolled his eyes and sprayed the small acer palmatum by his night stand with copious amount of water.
He stared at the red leaves, the beautifully shaped edges, and the softness that run over its pristine burgundy veins.
"Do not look at me like that. I'm just saying... I would rather have the real thing, you know." Heizou stared at the shrub with accusing eyes and sighed. "You have always been his favourite. Maybe I should take you to the window--some sunlight may do you well."
The acer palmatum only waved by the small breeze it took on the windowsill, as if a small unsaid gratitude was delivered to its keeper.
"Yeah, yeah. Tell him, when he gets home."
The Station was always filled characters and personas that Heizou could find some level of interest in, however... lately, they have been extremely annoying as of late. Especially, when they always ask about a certain wanderlust stricken roommate of his. Even though Heizou exuded an aura that told the world and anyone that breathed in it that he does not, in fact, want to talk about it.
"How long has he been gone now, Shikanoin, about a month?" Uesugi asked, his fingers rubbed his chin and his eyes stared at the wide Station-used calendar. "Where did he go to now?"
"Sumeru." He answered curtly and kept his head ducked down to the desk of opened case files (that he's already finished up on) and pretended to be busy. Hopefully, the newly promoted officer would get the drift and leave him be.
He did not get the drift and proceeded to bother him.
Uesugi took the seat at the front of his desk and continued to muse about the whereabouts of the wanderer roommate of his. Uesgui had concluded on several hypotheses that Kazuha may have that 'sweet, innocent, nonthreatening look' but--according to the newly promoted officer--Heizou has to watch where Kazuha's going, since people like him attracts everyone to his 'yard'--whatever that means.
"Kaedehara-done is a catch! You know this! He's from a prestigious family! He's sweet, kind, gentlemanly and all that! I truly wonder if the story about him from his past was true, but even then you have to admit some darkness is sexy!"
Heizou's brows furrowed together. His head shook away the oncoming indecently proposed thoughts and word used to describe his roommate and passive-income source. He did not want to think of Kazuha being anything but 'sweet' and 'innocent', but Uesugi made a fair point. After all, he had thought of going for the said roommate once or twice, before, but he had his heart back out at the last second, as he always found it dropped to the floor without warning.
"He is a roommate, Uesugi. He pays me extra to take care of the nursery of plants he takes home, that is all I know of him." He clarified.
It was a lie. Of course, it was a lie. No one in the Station would understand. No one would consider it believable, if Doushin Shikanoin declared that he was easily dumbfounded and rendered speechless by the said plant-hugging roommate of his. No one. No one in the Station would imagine that their surprisingly volatile, charming, headstrong, and unapologetic junior (senior) would be one to gawk at someone he truly thought to be breathtaking.
Perhaps, that was the purpose of the word. Breathtaking.
Heizou never really figured the reason for words to be so accurate in description, and he wouldn't have been so interested... had Kazuha not knocked on his bedroom and asked for a word to fit a haiku he was composing one night. In Heizou's defense, what was the difference between 'fizzy' and 'effervescent'--they mean absolutely the same thing! But Kazuha had to be exact with words, he gave words meaning and it was never just because they meant one thing or another. Heizou forgot whatever Kazuha said after, all he remembered then... was that he never felt so inadequate in his life, all because he couldn't find the right word for a simple 'haiku' and ended up being laughed at by his (then, new) roommate.
"You take care of the plants, Shikanoin?" Yoriki Owada asked with a raised brow and an obvious smirk over his lips. "Why I never took you as one with a green thumb."
Heizou simply casted him a look that reminded Owada 'who' was truly responsible for his title and position in the Station. "It's added income. My poor Doushin salary is not enough, I tell you."
"And playing gardener to a 'Young Master' surely pays well, doesn't it?" Owada snickered and gets a pencil thrown to his forehead with force that made him thankful Shikanoin Doushin used the blunt end.
Uesugi stared at the exchange and wondered what could it have been that Yoriki Owada said to have Doushin Shikanoin sent a flying projectile lethally aimed to his forehead. Far as he knew, all Yoriki Owada said were factual circumstances. Doushin Shikanoin was, indeed, caring for 'Young Master Kaedehara''s plants, what was there to be so annoyed about?
Heizou huffed and took his case files with him to get out of the suddenly 'stuffy' and 'nosy' Station. As it seems, Police work is less peace and order, but nose-into-Doushin-Shikanoin's business today. He doesn't say a word to his superior and simply up and left without a word or a passing glance. They were all in their positions because of him, after all. The least they could do was to give him his timely leaves, whenever he gets the urge to punch someone in the face.
When Heizou got back from the Station, he was earlier than usual. He found a crowd of women and small children back his apartment's window and immediately knew what they were gawking about.
Not a lot of plants grew in Inazuma. There were little to no floral that reap its beauty in the Electro-infused air of land of eternity. Save from the bloody Dendrobrium, there were no flowers that grew their island. Hence, the sight of several flowers from many different nations--from the bright and blossoming Sumeru Rose, the captivating Glaze Lilies, and the Kalpatus Lotuses that hung overheard--it was only natural that women and children would be attractmed to his apartment.
It was a security hazard and a hassle, but what he could never tell his dear roommate that. Nope. He would just have to take this consequence have the daily routine of saying:
"They are not for sale, ladies and kiddies. Apologies." Heizou called out as he was about to enter the apartment. Before he could hear them groan, whine, and unsolicitedly give a price, he made his stand--"They're given to me by my dearest friend, they are priceless, so move on along."
"Dearest friend?"
Heizou's head nearly snapped at how fast it turned towards the long gone and familiar voice. 'Kazuha?!'
Kazuha was tending to the soil of the batch of Cecilias that he planted there, he was watched and helped by the small group of children gathered around him--the women that surrounded them were most likely the children's mothers or older sisters. They all seemed in awe at someone doing something so mundane and ordinary, Heizou would have shooed them all away, but he could understand. It was Kazuha they watched, everything the young runaway noble did seemed like poetry. Even pushing at soil and watering plants.
"These white petals sing. In sunset and moonlight glow. Dear friend I am home." Kazuha said in his poetic stance, he gazed up at Heizou, a calm and sweet smile over his feature.
Heizou could feel an urge inside him to pull his 'dearest' friend into a hug. Kazuha had left for eight weeks and three days (he was not counting, he was just good with telling time and the days, when Kazuha was not around) and neither a note or message was sent his way. One would think it would have been possible to at least give him 'how are you' or 'are my plants doing well?' over the time, but Kazuha was as free-spirited as any wanderer. A persona of his that Heizou detested... and respected. He could understand the wanderlust that Kazuha cradled so dearly in his heart; he understood it well, since he's heard the life of the runaway noble was a free as bird in a tiny cage. To someone deprived of adventure, freedom, and the call of foreign winds, it was obvious that Kazuha would relish all that he could, now that he is free to do so.
"What are you smiling at me for, Kaedehara." Heizou said with a tone of annoyance, but the smile on his face was a tell he could never hide. "Get inside, before I drag you inside."
Kazuha lets out a breathy laugh and hummed. "Is that an order, Doushin Shikanoin?"
"Do not make me use handcuffs." He warned and entered the apartment, his heart drummed faster than he could ever think it could.
He turned to the direction of the children that crowded him and gave them a playful shrug. "I should go. I do not want to get in trouble with my dearest friend, he is a police officer, after all."
The whines of children couldn't deter him, he wanted to get inside his small shared home too. Kazuha has a love for travel and the discovery of sights yet to be known, but this love for others is not all for the destinations yet travelled. He gets homesick, too, as much as he is silently and begrudgingly missed.
"Kazuha!" A voice cut from the outside and shied by their front door sounded. "Man alive! You haven't been here for a second and you're already making me pull on my hair!"
It was Kazuha's cue to stand up and shoo the children away. He goes inside the flat to face the fiery tone and landlord of his room and the gardener of his previous nursery of foreign roots and saplings.
The inside of the flat was still the same, though a lot has changed since the first time Kazuha had moved in. There used to be rules and lines--actual red marked up lines around the flat--that Kazuha had to follow to ensure his continued stay. However, now, Heizou had crossed over boundaries. Heizou used the same side of the fridge and he would use the same pots and pans to cook them a meal. They shared things, mostly everything in the house. It has been a glaring difference now, but Kazuha would not say much else.
He sat by their dining table and waited for Heizou to cook his famous leftover deep fried food for himself, while makes Kazuha something fresh because Kazuha would not want something so haphazardly thrown together to eat. Heizou made a note of this and he would not forget.
They have are not together. They simply live in the same roof. Water the same plants. Eat the same food. At times, Heizou would be furious at Kazuha for leaving him with nurseries of plants to nurture and care for, while he left for another excursion. But... Heizou wouldn't say that he was thankful for it.
"Our house was a lot quieter without you." Heizou sets the plate of freshly cooked fish before Kazuha a light flush over his cheeks was seen. "Don't leave me that long again, or else the plants will get it."
"I think that's a crime to threaten a living thing's very life in exchange for any act to be done." Kazuha laughed and placed a hand over Heizou's. "I would not leave our place anytime soon, my dearest Doushin."
"... I knew the plants would make you consider." Heizou said with huff and glanced at the hand over his. "I... I took care of them, I'm sure you'd hear about it from these plants."
"I'm sure you did." He held onto Heizou's hand and made no move to let it go that Heizou decided to move his plate and food beside him. Kazuha grinned softly and ate with his left hand, while Heizou ate with his right—their hand holding under the table like a secret that nobody knows.
Save for the plants that were there.
No one would know.
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