#they young avengers preffer cap days
just-an-enby-lemon · 1 year
Tony: Victor we talked about this! You can't curse in front of the kids!
Doom: You are lucky I like you or I would be punishing you for speaking with me with such disrespect
Tony: *sugestivly* Oh you can totally punish me later. *more seriously* Now...
*Doom removes the curse he put on the waiter and all his family for being rude with Kamala*
Sam: *whispering* did he really say punish me later.
Miles: *also whispering* hush, i'm trying to repress the memory
Khamala: *whispering as well* also we just saw a guy almost go up in flames cause a curse priorities guys.
Miles: *whispering* no Nova is right the sex thing is still more traumatic.
Viv: *whispering* i don't understand is Doom hurting Mr. Stark? If so why aren't you doing something?
Sam: *whispering* oh you poor inocent child.
Viv: *whispering* inocent? Can you explain to me...
Amadeus: *whispering* well when two old guys love each other very much...
Riri: *sending him the look* *whispering* don't you dare! *to Viv* I'll explain it to you later, babe.
Tony: Oy, what are you guys whispering? *dramatically* No! Don't tell me it must be some tennager thing. Oh to be young again.
Doom: You aren't that old.
Tony: Thank you, Vicbabe, but I am. Yesterday I had to text Reed's kids because I couldn't get a meme! *pityfully* I used to be the one explaining memes to Steve and now I'm just as lost as Winghead.
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kanataka-san · 4 years
Steve Rogers x male reader
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(Y/N) from a very young age loved to dance but his future got other plans. He become part of the avengers. He's a great agent. Even his dance moves hepled him in many fights so he doesn't complainabout it. 
This intrygued many members of avengers but the most Steve. He know (Y/N) was dancing, since from time to time he saw (Y/N) in training room.
The only difference was that he wasn't punching any bags or lifting weights, he was dancing in headphones in the middle of the room. When one day(Y/N) saw Steve standing in front of the glass of the gym he motioned him to come inside.
From that time the two always came there on saturday evenings to dance or just talk about anything, well when they wasn't on a mission of couse. 
Couple of months later they asked eachother out in exacly the same time that maked them blush and quietly laugh then shyli kiss while dancing to slow music. Steve hands were on (Y/N) 's waist and shorters arms around his neck. The look in their eyes said everything they need to know.
Avengers got another mission. (Y/N) couldn't go due to what happend on last mission. He twisted his ankle pretty bad while landing on a hard ground from 6meters bulding.
He was bored out of his mind and being in mood that changed from mad to sad didn't help either. Smaller male really wanted to dance or even move but he know he can't, not wanting to spend another couple of days sitting or laying around in boredom.
.He wished his lover was here.
But right now he was saving the world.
Little did he know mission ended much quicker than everybody though. Team told Steve to return first to the Tower to his lover.
"Steve go. We will take care of everything here". The team knew he was worried about (Y/N) but they also know he was needed here and since everything went better than good, they decided to let him go back first.
With that he was off.
The cloock showed 8 p.m when Cap showed in the dorway looking at (Y/N) sitting in his favourite chair, big enough for him to lay in and sleep. He was cuddled up in (F/C) blanket that Steve gave him for his birthday, since (Y/N) really wanted the large fluffy material.
Remembering (Y/N) didn't like fancy presents or expensive restaurants, he preffered small things as cooking/baking together,picnic in the park, suprise kisses while going into different diections, tickles in bed, pillow fights, the simplest word as 'good morning' after waking up, morning run around the park, watching old movies, no metter how many times (Y/N) saw his shield he always wanted to hold it or him to hold it so (Y/N) could take a few pictures and made himself a new wallper and of couse they dance night.
After a while of looking at (Y/N)s face- bored look, light adorible pout and burito blanket form - he knew (Y/N) is eather mad, sad or both.
Blonde haired male decided to turn on the radio and he got lucky 'cause ideal song came up - not too fast not too slow - and romantic, making (Y/N) notice him and smile softly. Returning the smile Steve came up to his lover.
"Could I get this dance?"
(Y/N)'s face went down " Steve you know i can' t"
These words made Steve shook his head lightly as he smiled brightly. He picked (Y/N) up and go in the middle of the room.
Smallers make eyes went wide for a second then look down into the blue eyes. "All you need to do my love, is to hold onto me and enjoy "(Y/N) nooded wrapping his hands around Steve's neck while putting his head on bigger shoulder closing his eyes and lightly kissing Steves neck. Steve is slightly taller so (Y/N) was hanging in the air thanks to that he can't do anything to his ankle. In warm embrance, it was perfect.
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Rules: Answer the questions - not restricted to one fandom. Tag as many people as you’d like afterwards. Thanks for tagging me, @kaimaciel :)
First ever fandom? First fandom I immensely enjoyed and bought the merchandise of was probably Pokémon. First fanfic I wrote was set in Naruto universe. First fandom that inspired me to go to convention and become an active fan? Probably Harry Potter (and I read the books years before the first con), but Star Trek TOS and Star Wars were also pretty big inspirations.
First ever ship? Not sure if Naruto/Sasuke (Naruto) or Harry/Luna (HP) 
First death that made you cry/upset? Theoden (LotR) I think.
OTP? I don't have OTPs, i have like... preffered pairings in every story, where there is a shipping potential :D But just to name few... Astrid/Hiccup (HTTYD), Albus/Scorpius (Cursed Child), Loki/Balder (Runemarks), Finn/Poe (Star Wars), Victor/Yuuri (Yuuri on ice)
NOTP? Joker/anybody, Kylo/Rey, the incestuous dwarven ships of the Hobbit, Regent/anybody
(there are also pairings I don’t ship and roll eyes when i see them, but don’t wanna spoil anyone’s fun, so I just listed the major squicks that I remember noticing)
Least favourite fictional character?  Joker.
5 favourite female fictional characters?
Merida (Brave)
Nancy Blackett (Swallows and Amazons)
Furiosa (Mad Max the Fury Road)
Luna Lovegood
5 favourite male fictional characters?
Ikol (Young Avengers, Agent of Asgard)
Aimeric (Captive Prince)
Steve Rogers (MCU) (no hydra cap!)
Asriel (Undertale)
Mettaton (Undertale)
5 favourite actors/actresses?
Emma Watson
Tom Hiddleston
Carrie Fisher
Ian McKellen
Mark Hamill
6 favourite characters who died/left the show?
I don’t watch much TV, and when I do, it’s either fluffy and funny (so nobody dies) or really fucked up (so people die before I can make any emotional bond). So I don’t remember... I cried when 9th and 10th Doctors were leaving and i cried for Rose and Donna too. (Doctor Who)
3 favourite characters from shows you stopped watching?
Fitz (Agents of SHIELD)
Felicity (Arrow)
Mrs Hudson (BBC Sherlock)
3 favourite characters from shows that have ended?
Robin/Nightwing (Young Justice) - though there will be probably season 3, hopefully, if they revive it as promised!
Haruhi Fujioka (Ouran) - and really most of the characters of this anime
James from Team Rocket (Pokémon)
2 favourite shows you started in the last year?
How to get away with murder
Parks and Recreations
Favourite TV Show:
Pokémon (it was the first and it’s forever in my heart)
TV Show you want to watch:
I’m mildly curious about Pushing Daisies and about Hannibal. And one day I’ll start watching the Marvel Netflix series (maybe except for Ironfist, it doesn’t soud as interesting)
tagging: whoever feels like doing it. please tag me back so I can go read your answers! :)
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