#they’d be so weirded out KSKSKS
ser-rctslcyer · 2 years
younger me would surely get a heart attack and would throttle me if they knew how much time i invest in ships.
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charming-2d-boys · 4 years
and and if its not too much for you then could you do prompts number 19, 17 and 24 for illumi as well? IM SORRY I JUST LOVE YOUR WRITING SO MUCH KSKSKS
Of course I can! 😊
And thank you very much! I'd hug you if I could, anon! 🤗❤️
17. “I’m telling you. I’m haunted.”
19. “She’s hiding behind the sofa.”
24. “Did you just hiss at me?”
A/N: a bit long and a little creepy because I love horror and I’m trying to get into writing it as well (already tried a few times, I want more!). Also, somewhat based on an actual place I’ve heard and read about.
   “Illumi, why are we doing this again?” The sight of this supposed haunted house - hospital, actually - made your hair stand on end. There was no one there besides the two of you from what you could tell. Except for the actors inside.
   “Hisoka recommended me this since it’s Halloween.” You looked wary at the mention of Hisoka’s name. That was never a good sign. The fact that there was also no one to greet you when you arrived and the fact that the appointment and payment had to be done online unsettled you as well. Illumi didn’t really bat an eye, apparently. Well, when did he, really?
   “Aaaaaand you thought that just because of that, it was a good idea to go through with it?”
   “Hisoka is also participating, he told me so yesterday.” You only hummed, not really believing him. Until you didn’t see him, you wouldn’t believe that Hisoka was there. You looked at the building again, seeing some broken windows, some barred ones and some that were, strangely, still intact. At one point, you thought you saw someone looking at you from one of the windows on the third floor. But when you looked better, you didn’t see anything except for a torn curtain moving from the breeze that was entering through the broken window.
   Illumi and you called Hisoka several times and even texted him, but you got no response. Probably fed up and also curious, Illumi took your hand in his and you both entered the building. Decay, graffiti, pentagrams, names, 666s, destroyed or unusable furniture, hanging lights or wires, water, mold etc. That’s what greeted you in the hallway/waiting room - you presumed because of a few leftover chairs that weren’t really nailed to the floor anymore. You were pretty sure you’d find pretty much the same thing on the other floors as well. You quickly moved your head when you thought you saw something - or someone - out of your peripheral vision, only to find nothing there. The breeze coming in was making weird sounds echo and gave you chills.
   “Illumi, are you sure we should be here? This doesn’t look safe at all.”
   “It’s fine.” Well, at least he was helping you keep calm. You looked around, noticing how dark it was despite the broad daylight, which is why you both turned on the flashlights on your phones. Tripping and getting hurt here wasn’t worth it.
   You moved through the hallways, peering into several rooms and even going inside some that caught your attention. There weren’t many things left: some patient’s files, diverse papers and documents, vials, cabinets and cupboards with missing doors, IV drips, needles, candy wrappers among other things. And still no sign of Hisoka. When you left another room - probably reserved for the nurses and doctors, judging by the amount of file cabinets that still contained some files and folders about patients and the hospital’s activity - you froze when you noticed quick movement to your right, just around the corner.
   “There’s a ghost here or something.” You gripped onto his arm, already feeling on edge. Illumi looked at you with a raised eyebrow, silently judging what you’d just said.
   “There’s no such thing as ghosts.”
   “I’m telling you. I’m haunted. I’ve seen the same thing - or person - three times already! They just disappeared behind that corner!” Illumi looked towards where you were pointing before shaking his head.
   “I can’t feel any Aura. There’s no one there.” You felt like bolting. You swore you would if you saw that thing one more time. Illumi’s grip on your hand was tight, keeping you somewhat calm, but not enough. How was he so calm, you couldn’t understand. The journey continued as you both moved to the first floor. Same thing as before, only that there were more patients’ rooms and quite a few metal bedframes left, no sheets, mattresses, pillows or whatever.
   You were still a little paranoid, but hadn’t seen or heard anything in a while. You started to relax, only tensing briefly when you went up to the second floor - again, nothing interesting or different from before - before finally reaching the third one. It was starting to get dark, what with all the exploring you’d done and you had a feeling your phone’s battery might die soon.
   “This is supposed to be a haunted house of sorts, right?”
   “Yes, why?”
   “Where are the actors?” The both of you stopped. You had been so tense and Illumi so curious that none of you had thought about it.
   Suddenly, you heard a loud noise in the distance, but the echo made you jump in pure terror. Something clattered to the floor in one of the rooms to your left and Illumi pulled out a few needles. The both of you sensed something, whether it was Aura or bloodlust, you didn’t know. Honestly, you didn’t even want to find out. You just wanted to leave.
   Illumi seemed to be just a little bit tense, but still as calm and collected as always as he walked towards the noise, with you trailing behind him and whispering, trying to convince him to just leave it and go. No such luck.
   When you heard another noise, quieter, coming from behind you, you remained as still as a statue. There was something or someone right behind you, you could feel it. You couldn’t even call for Illumi, he wasn’t even in front of you anymore, probably in the room where the first sound had come from.
   A shrill and loud, ear-piercing scream left your mouth when you felt a cold hand wrap around your neck and you bolted, dropping your phone and running blindly in whatever which way your feet carried you. You could hear nothing else besides the blood rushing to your head and the faint echoes of your scream, still bouncing off the walls, as your eyes were screwed shut and your ears were covered by your hands.
   “Hisoka...” Illumi sighed as he picked up your phone, going towards where he felt your Aura coming from. Meanwhile, Hisoka was laughing like a maniac. “Where’s (Y/N)?”
   “She’s hiding behind the sofa, in the waiting room.” Hisoka barely managed to speak as he tried not to die from laughing. Illumi only sighed again before going to said location, gently putting his hand on your back as he felt you shivering. You jumped, almost screaming again, before you saw that it was Illumi and you just hugged him, scared out of your mind.
   As soon as you calmed down, you, your boyfriend and Hisoka went down each floor until you left the hospital, going towards the car you had taken to drive there.
   “(Y/N), I couldn’t help it~ ♦️ Also, I’m sorry~ ♠️” He didn’t sound sorry at all and when Illumi’s arm went around your waist to instead pull you closer to him, you hissed, separating from both of them and going on ahead.
   “Did you just hiss at me?” Illumi actually sounded a bit incredulous.
   “Yes! Hisoka is an asshole, I knew that already. But you just left me there while you were playing Inspector Gadget or something while I was scared out of my mind! Who does that?!” You hurried towards the car and got in the back as soon as it was unlocked, refusing to talk or even look at either of them. When Illumi tried to talk, Hisoka advised him to leave you for a bit until you calmed down. They’d both take you somewhere to get back into your good graces.
   As they both got inside, Illumi in the driver’s seat and Hisoka in the passenger’s, you were looking out the window, the sunset reflecting in the remaining windows of the hospital. A blurry figure, too far away from you to make out any details, waved at you from the third floor, where you’d seen it the first time. You felt yourself go pale as your eyes widened and your heart stuttered. Both Illumi and Hisoka were in the car with you... so who was up there then?
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jaeminscoffee · 4 years
ship your moots with nct 💖💖
Okay i kinda already did this 10020202 times amd one's for each unit too but I'll do it again oakkelwks
@donkey-hyuck (Vy) Okay okay, i ship Vy with Jisung! aGAIN. Got an explanation because she's just so precious! Ksksks and because i think the way i scream startles her time to time which reminds me of Jisung so yeah. Precious-Jisung-Vy. (ily take huggg-)💗
@jimjamjaemin (Mona) MONAAAAA(LLERGY) yooo i ship her with Lucas! They're both so effortlessly funny and it's hilarious how, you know, they can make others laugh by doing the bare minimum. She's also loved by a lot (including me ofc) and that sits well with Lucas so yeah! Mona and Lucas! (ilyyyyy 💗)
@neocitythots (Yuki) YUKIIII MY LOVEEEE. okay so i ship them with Mark. You see, they might be younger than me but they still don't fail to make me feel like I've got a lot to learn from them and that's how i always feel when i speak to Yuki. They're also extremely adorable and precious so if anyone troubles them you'll have to catch these hands :D (ily2 oomf ❤)
@softforqiankun Okay I'm kinda ashamed to say this but even though it's been a while since we've started speaking, i don't think we've ever exchanged names but I'll still do it because why nawt. I ship them with Doyoung! From the vibes i get while texting them, they (please tell me your preferred pronouns because i do not want to offend anyone!) seem so independent yet, so fragile, idk how to explain that but yeah! Doyoung it is! (I'd really love to get you know more hehe!)❤
@heartyyjeno (I'm ashamed pt. 2 but hey cut me some slacks we JUST started talking-) okay so for her, i ship her with Shotaro because PRECIOUS!!!. I don't think that needs much explaining to be done because they're both so precious and idk, each time we text i feel this sudden urge to just adopt her- (hewo ily)💗
@valtxy (val) Fun Fact, though Val's really young, she's so smart and that just gets to me time to time because i clearly wasn't like that when i was her age so I'll go with Jeno for Val! They're both precious, ofc, yet they're so smart and that's immaculate-
@jenojam (V!!!) OKAY V IS FOR SURE JUNGWOO. literally why do i even need to explain this because she just oozes love and the affection and she's never shy to drown others in it too and i love her, i want to protecc her, hurt her and I'll fite you- (V, ily take my kith and huggg❤❤)
@ncteaxhoe (Indrani) INDDDDDD! this might come off random but i ship Ind with Sungchan because both of y'all appear once in a blue moon and disappear but das okay i still love youuu. Visual on point, character chef's kiss. Weird? Of course, why wouldn't she be-
@floweringtheflowers (Shirley) SHIRLEYYY, okay Shirley gives me Yangyang vibes, Literally, so funny, and so aesthetically pleasing to look at like come on, unfair. She also has no trouble getting along with anyone and i find that so endearing about her, But yeah! Shirley and Yangyang!
@ethaeriyeol (Bea) beeeaaaaaaaaaaaa! Okay for some reason we stopped talking for a while but that's okay i still love you, so i ship you with Winwin! It's because the both of them, though precious and absolutely adorkable, have this mysterious aura to them and i find that super intriguing-
@aesqas (Fatima) Fateeee! One of my first few moots on here. I've told this once and I'm going to say it again; I ship Fate with Yuta. Both of them can come off as intimidating to those who don't know them but once you get to know them, you'll know that they're just absolute sweethearts who have a little of the hard time to convey their feelings but that's cool! 💗
@xiaocvlts (Vera) I may or may not have scared her the first time i texted her but that was hilarious. We haven't spoken a lot! Butttt each time we do, it's just bursts of energy here and there so Vera goes with Jaemin!
@riskyrenjun (Nana) a while since we last spoke but Nana is an absolute sweetheart who knows what she wants and she's also super independent and i find that super cool! I ship Nana with Taeyong because they're cute :3
@suhweetdreams (Tricia) Literally precious. I like how conversations are so easy going with her and never forced and i also like that we have this mutual understanding like "Yes, we'll take a while to reply but that's all cool" and soooo! I ship Tric with Johnny! Both super outgoing and fun so it should come off as no shock.
@zcl01 (Bree) Pls. Haechan ALL THE WAYYY. Literally so much fun to talk to and oml i think it's their gemini trait but both are such flirts and i think they'd well.. survive? if they're put together in a dungeon or something XD
@imoonstarstuff (Krys) so Krys and I haven't spoke a lot but of course we DID and we're aware of each other's existence and i find that hilarious so i ship Krys witthhhh Jaehyun! I feel like seeing the two of them together would literally be a sight I'd pay to see XD (we need to start texting again man)
@longassride (Jia) So Jia's is the first of people i texted on here and i reached out to her for advices on what i could do to help grow my blog and she was super helpful! It was fun talking to her and that's why i decided to include her here! I ship Jia with Taeil! Really helpful! Really talented! So yeah!
@cloudyangers (Dilay) Chenle. The second i texted her/them, she just radiated such high tension and well happiness and I'd love it if she started to talk again and she's also the first few one's i reached out to when i had like less than 50 followers! She's cool! :D
@laziilia (Lia) A BABIE AND A CRACKHEAD SO Hendery. Literally, we take loke months to text back but das okay, man XD. She's a really funny soul and she radiates big baby energy but she's a smol baby and i love that so Hendery!
@fullsuhnny (Angelina), Angelina is such a sweet person and she get's along well with literally anyone and i find that super cool about her! We need to talk more! But for now, i ship her with Kun! Lovable, fun, adorable, what more can you ask for?
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