#they’d obviously meet because Kate would be walking Pizza Dog in the park when Chrissy is on her roller skates
discoscoob · 2 years
People started shipping Klaus and Eddie (I love this) two characters from completely different shows, which shows us that characters don’t even have to interact, meet or even be in the same show for people to ship them.
That’s while I’ll never understand people responding with “they only interacted once” “they shared 5 minutes on screen together” when they see people shipping two characters.
Even if I don’t understand the appeal of a ship why should I expect others to not ship it because I don’t see the appeal?
Anyway, Eddie becomes Kas the vampire and he and Klaus are already boyfriends and Klaus was obviously devastated when yet another one of his boyfriends died and he’s even more upset when he can’t even manifest his ghost. Then he realises that he can’t manifest his ghost because Eddie is not actually dead. So he goes looking for him and when he finds him he discovers he is a vampire and Klaus lets Eddie drink his blood because it doesn’t matter how much he takes Klaus is immortal so he just keeps coming back. And since vampires can’t die, unless they get a stake through the heart, Eddie is technically immoral too, so Klaus will never have to worry about outliving him and they’ll just be immortal together and live happily ever after.
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