#they’re actually canon btw I’m matt and trey
milky-oatmeal18 · 1 year
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he’s so awkward I love it it’s so silly
friendly reminder that if there isn’t even the bit of scyde, it’s not my art, goodmorning!!😘
Im working on a lot of art rn I will answer some asks soon trust me 💔💔
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wendytestabrat · 2 years
I’ve never been that much into shipping like literally I’m one of the most boring and logical people ever and when I watch most shows I just care about the plot and don’t rlly give a fuck when it’s soiled with a bunch of corny romances (except if it’s actually interesting and the two people have an entertaining dynamic that adds to the story and gives conflict and shit). This is exactly how the last few seasons of Regular Show were ruined bc it was all about relationships (even tho I love Rigby & Eileen together ngl LOL), as well as iCarly like the whole fucking Creddie vs Seddie war ruined the show, I doubt Freddie was supposed to end up with anyone but it’s like the writers felt pressured to put in that dumbass Seddie storyline bc shippers were obsessed. So I understand why people don’t care for Kyman or any South Park ship and just wanna watch the show, I mean I was like this too I used to not give a fuck and found the South Park shippers annoying. I only liked Stendy bc it was canon, and then Kyman grew on me over time, and I started to like Creek when it became canon too, but every other ship in the fandom is mostly trash imo LOL. But srsly ya’ll are dumb as hell for not seeing that there’s clearly something going on between Cartman & Kyle at this point, especially after Kyle went ballistic after seeing Cartman with someone else TWICE….I’m like bruh how can anyone interpret this as anything other than jealousy. DHSJJS I’m sure you could totally make a case to argue how Kyman isn’t gonna actually happen, bc I agree on some level like South Park is just a comedy, so I feel like a lot of it is all just Matt & Trey trolling everyone and putting in these subliminal messages that don’t amount to anything. And yeah one can also argue that Kyman will never happen bc Cartman & Kyle are both too stubborn to ever admit they care for one another. But I mean I feel like there’s NO WAY at this point that these Kyman moments we keep getting are just fans reading too much into things, I’m sure Matt & Trey know damn well what they’re doing and they’re putting this shit in on purpose as fan service to imply that Cartman & Kyle like each other bc they know so many people ship Kyman. So yeah will Kyman ever actually become canon or happen? Honestly I don’t know, it’s so hard to tell. But I mean Creek happened so it’s not completely out of the realm of possibility and Matt & Trey are always doing unpredictable things and trolling people. I really don’t wanna say that Kyman is for sure gonna happen, but I feel like I can’t completely say it’s not possible either bc I may be wrong either way LOL. But I know for a fact there is tension and subliminal messaging going on and these annoying ass anti-kymans are just gaslighting everyone for pointing out what we can clearly see. If we’re anti-semitic for seeing what’s going on between Cartman & Kyle then I guess Matt & Trey must be anti-semites too bc they’re the ones doing this shit and putting it in the show, not us. (And I’m Jewish btw LOL)
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navek15 · 4 years
So in-between writing fanfiction, working on my novel, work, the upcoming online semester, keeping the house clean, and getting my ass repeating handed to me in Dark Souls: Remastered and Dark Souls III, my increasing disdain for how terrible, unimaginative, and terribly imaginative some ‘fans’ of particular properties can be. And it’s not just from one particular instance, it’s from several occurrences over the years.
Yesterday, I was watching Maj0r Lee’s video reaction to terrible reviews of Final Fantasy 7: Remake. Side note, I’ve respected ML for not being afraid to speak his mind, no matter how much it goes against the nerd fan hivemind. And one thing that quickly got on his and my nerves about the reviews was how repetitive they were.
“Tetsuya Nomura pulled a Kingdom Hearts and ruined the great story of the original FF7.”
“Nomura and friends turned FF7 into Kingdom Hearts-tier garbage.”
“I was going to give FF7: Remake a ten out of ten until that terribly ending turned it into a zero.”
Tetsuya Nomura this, Kingdom Hearts that, something something the original story was basically the bible. The same points repeated over and over again. It’s like listening to all the same complaints about the Last Jedi. I’d probably take those complaints seriously if it didn’t feel like the same arguments were being copy-pasted over and over because that generates more clicks on YouTube.
If I sound a bit salty, it might be because my favorite video game franchise (BTW, I would never say KH is flawless) is being used as a go-to example of bad writing. This must be how the Call of Duty fans feel all the time.
But there was one particular ‘review’ that pissed me off to no end;
“The more and more I think about it, I feel like Nomura and co. have little to no respect for the fans that have given their work this love, and perhaps even harbour some contempt for them wanting to to see their childhood imagination and memories of the story realised as they deserve to be.
There is a certain arrogance to twisting this world and story to their own whim, as if to say that “this is our world, our characters, what you fans think means nothing to us, we can do what we want with them and you can get fucked if you disagree”.”
You know what this reminds me of? Those laughable Anti-Horikoshi blogs that use the trans flag as their background to supposedly ‘protect’ the female characters of My Hero Academia from their ‘disgusting’ creator. Those lunatics that posted themselves burning their copies of Tokyo Ghoul because the main character banged his female love interest and called Ishida a homophobe. Or the the worst episode of South Park where Trey Parker and Matt Stone showed their disapproval of Kingdom of the Crystal Skull by having Indy getting horrifically sodomized by George Lucas and Steven Spielburg.
This might be hard for some idiots to understand, so let me spell it out for you; YOU DO NOT OWN A STORY OR CHARACTERS JUST BECAUSE YOU ARE A “FAN”!
In the end, writers have their own ideas for how storylines, character progression, and character relationships will turn out. If all creators ever did was pander to the fickle desires of the most rabid ‘fans’, all media would be nothing but self-referential bullshit. Hell, we already example how bad this would be. It’s called ‘How the Last Jedi should’ve ended!’
While this video was clearly made to take the piss out of TLJ, it ironically demonstrates my fucking point! This is also why I am 100% certain that we’re never getting a Dark Souls/Bloodborne movie or tv show. Because any interpretation or story that dares to go against the most poorly thought out fan theories will get ripped apart by absolute lunatics with nothing better to do with their time.
And another thing, can we stop treating stories like they’re fucking scripture?! There’s a reason that the ‘Stations of the Canon’ trope is derided by many authors. I can probably name all the Naruto fanfics that aren’t just the same as the original story just with slightly altered dialogue and everyone wearing slightly-different clothing. And I was guilty of this too, until I realized how much more fun it was to go completely off the rails.
Not the mention that this kind of thinking leads to people holding stories to such a ridiculous degree that any sequel or retelling that fails to live up to those unreasonable expectations will get treated like a personal attack and a dumpster fire not even worthy to roast expired marshmallows over.
I’m not saying you should never criticize a story, game or comic for its actual flaws, but don’t try to make it into a sob story like ‘How dare the creator or owners of this story like go about it what they think is the best! These guys are worse than HITLER!’ Hate to break to ya, but no ones goes into a story or long-running franchise to purposely piss off the fans. They’re doing it because they got a story to tell...or to make money. Or both.
And try to come up with your own critiques instead of just copy and pasting the same arguments over and over again.
“Fairy Tail is terrible because all the girls have big tits and skimpy outfits.”
“I’ve heard all that before. Do you have any other complaints?”
“No, but that’s what everyone else is whining about.”
“Well then, piss off and come back when you actually form your own goddamn opinion.”
And I’m not saying that if your problem if a story is the same as someone else’s, then it's invalid. But at least try to say it in a way that doesn’t come across as just copying what the guy before ya said.
One last ramble before I go back to writing and getting attacked by video game monsters; can we stop with all the hyperbole? There are only so many times I can hear the phrase, “This is the worst thing ever” before it loses all meaning. Yes, I’m sure the newest Call of Duty game is worse than Santa Claus Saves the World. That the newest Star Wars movie is worse than A Serbian Film. Or that Black Clover is worse than Eiken.
And that argument is especially soured when the phrase ‘raped my childhood’ eventually rears its ugly head. It was outdated and terribly tasteless when Doug Walker reviewed Batman and Robin, and it’s gotten more disgusting and childish as a phrase over time.
Anyway, that’s my delusional rambling done for the day. Hope you all are safe and comfortable. Have a nice day!
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zolusbian · 5 years
south park vs. sunny: the politics of canon gay representation
here are some thoughts on south park canon gay couple vs. iasip macdennis, which is something maybe only i am interested in because for some reason despite (or perhaps because?) of who i am as a person i am attracted to these awful dudebro fandoms that have been largely dominated by women online.
so south park has creek, craig/tweek, and that’s canon and it’s been canon for a while. it started in a joke episode where they realized everybody was shipping them and they started fake dating, and now they’re just ... dating. they were adored by the fandom beforehand for a number of reasons that aren’t relevant to discuss here, but like, fuck, i don’t know, if you’re interested in Craig And Tweek Scholarship hit me up cause im diong this instead of my actual real grad school stuff now. anyway, so craig and tweek occupy that liminal enlightened centrism space that south park loves, where they’re a joke and not a joke. they’re a joke because it’s “lol they got together bc gay fanart drawn by asian girls [real plot line of the episode, btw]” and it’s not a joke because despite that, it’s played straight and like a nice little relationship, and then that in itself is a joke, because it’s subversion and matt and trey want to subvert. 
the thing, though, is that matt and trey don’t want to break the status quo too much; again, go read somebody else for more in-depth discussion on south park politics, but we all know the “centrist”/individualistic/libertarian ideology it largely purports. so, yes, craig/tweek is matt and trey going, gay representation! but craig and tweek are extremely minor characters. they are not part of the main 4 (main 5, if you count butters.) the other big fandom ship is stan and kyle -- the stand-in characters for the creators. they have oodles of subtext and development and close bonds and a giant fan following. matt and trey will never touch that, i am betting you right now. and for a show like south park, that’s fine; despite their claim of subverting your expectations, you know they’re never going to cross that line. that creates sort of a neat little fandom space, where possibility is infinite and you can check your expectations. also the show is about cardboard cut outs of 10 year olds. 
sunny claims a similar space to south park in the cultural milieu, and there’s a lot of overlap between the fans of both. i think sunny is a more intelligent show than south park, though. i think rcg take much more care with their product than matt and trey. i mean, that’s literally true -- south park pushes out episodes in 5 days about Topic Of The Week and sunny has an extremely tight continuity that’s unusual among sitcoms and television in general. so, when sunny is about subverting expectations, sunny is about subvering expectations. they teach things to as an extreme of conclusion, jokes-wise, as south park, and we can talk all day about What The Darkest Joke is on either (faking a funeral for a dead baby? feeding somebody their parents in a bowl of chili? who knows!) but again, not the point. 
when sunny gives us macdennis, sunny gives us macdennis as serious in so far that their relationship is not treated as the joke, but rather them as individuals and how they make that relationship function. it’s not canon -- yet. we have to wait to see how the rest of the show plays out, but based on s14e01 alone, i’m putting all my chips into the “it’s canon” pile even if we never get a direct (or as direct as this) discussion of macdennis again. because sunny is a smart show, and everybody’s already talked about all the meta (this is the point where i would be adding, like, citations and shit, if this were Real Academia.) unlike craig/tweek above, the set-up of the relationship is not and never is the joke. it’s always treated very seriously, with comedy coming in either 1) their natural banter (same within a romantic context as outside it); 2) frank and charlie set up as foils (i’ve discussed this myself; see wargelf, 2019, /tagged/sunny meta) or 3) the results of their stupid actions. when dennis and mac function in a space together, the emotional beats are real. think about the rpg scene: yes, the joke is that dennis wanted an rpg. that the rest of the gang has the wtf look on their faces. that for once the crate did contain something. but mac and dennis in that scene are completely, and totally earnest. when mac panics about the missing rocket, it’s not played as a typical sunny miscommunication cringe comedy moment; that’s real desperation in his voice and you feel bad, and dennis’s reaction of not caring and still loving the gift is reassuring and surprising on a character level. sunny uses the mac/dennis relationship as framing for jokes, working from a sincere emotional background and establishment, rather than the macdennis relationship itself as a joke. south park does that somewhat, but the difference is that mac and dennis are main characters, were started as author stand-ins, and have never had that “lol gay” build up in the first place that craig and tweek have. mac and dennis are in many ways the two main characters, the two characters around which all of sunny spins. their being emotionally/romantically/intimately/whatever involved is as much as a defining trait as mac being catholic or dennis having a twin sister: a part of their character that functions separately, but amplifies and adds to, the comedy.
in conclusion, sunny handles gay representation even without a direct canon “mac and dennis are in gay love and regularly have sex” better and with more nuance than south park could ever hope to. both are important, of course, and both are revolutionary, but because sunny is a smarter and better show, sunny’s taking it to a level that supersedes subversion and instead becomes art.
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bevercges · 6 years
♛ ( Me! )
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my opinion on;
character in general: Yo, Clyde is nice and stuff but I especially ADORE Mosquito, he’s very hecking cute (and dorky, especially dorky, like my boy Scott) and I would protect his buggy little self with my body and soul.  Actually, I like Clyde as a character, he can be really laidback and nice but at the same time being hella full of himself and have no self-awareness, how can’t you love a kid like that??  Also wowzers, Clyde, how come Matt and Trey let you have THREE BIRTHDAYS??  His performance in that Season 22 episode was an A+.
how they play them: Well I only interacted with Mosquito but he makes me cry IRL tears, he’s as precious as in the game and I really enjoy that (I swear Mosquito is one of my favorite things related to Clyde man).  Although, overall, for what I have read in about pages and such, very faithful to canon, and also very well-studied man!!  Gotta give credit where its due.
the mun: I haven’t talked much to Sai but for someone who’s fairly new in the RPC they had me FOOLED with their blog’s overall presentation man, someone has a future in this hobbie (this coming from an oldie btw, I’ve been here for TOO LONG; you have my blessings).
do i;
follow them: Well of course I am, omg, and this was one of the first blogs I started interacting with too.
rp with them: Hell yeah we are, and it’s a really wholesome thread, I reccommend (inb4 it turns into angst or something, it always ends up happening when I’m on the wheel).
want to rp with them: ABSOLUTELY!!  Not only I have two blondes at your disposition but also Scott is like a boomerang, you give him a reason to come back and HE WILL.
ship their character with mine: Okay, not romantic but- MOSQUITO AND CAPTAIN DIABETES FTW??  I just- I just APPROVE??  I know that popularity-wise they’re polar opposites but their dynamic has so much potential, so good...  They can be food buddies, just saying.
what is my;
overall opinion: Fuck the Coon for brutally attacking Mosquito in that one episode, tbh.
@confithlete​ • Merry Christmas! (I’m closed tho’).
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