#they’re being friends in stuff more often now but they shouldn’t like each other jk
redstoneofaja · 11 months
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from constantine & the demon round robin pages in the back of superboy: the man of tomorrow #4
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imjustabeanie · 4 months
Matchup trade with @karusenka
Your Hazbin hotel match is....Lucifer!
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Now even with your no no character I would’ve chosen Lucifer. You two are made for each other! You both need a fun partner with whom you can be yourself and won’t stress you out. Plus you’re both short (jk. He’s short compared to other demons but probably tall compared to humans lol. But you my friend are short).
You two met at the hotel, you were a friend of Charlie and somehow clicked with her dad. While the romantic tension appeared pretty early between you two, there was a lot of pinning. Lucifer never really got over Lilith and is pretty bad at social interactions to be honest. He probably lost hope in love and is just focused on helping his daughter. Said daughter is actually the one who encouraged him to go back to dating seeing how lonely he is. Lucifer may be prideful (he’s pride duh) but he sent a duck to ask you out. Yes a rubber duck somehow spelled will you be my lover and when you accepted you heard a loud ‘yes! (take that depression!’ in the hallway.
One of the reasons Lucifer liked you is actually your humor to be honest. Hey it may be childish to some but he’s a history old fallen angel making rubber ducks in his room. He literally can’t judge you. Especially when he himself chimes in with jokes of his own. They’re mostly bad puns and bad jokes which makes everyone groan and made Charlie question why she let the two of you meet. Don’t get me started on his corny pick up lines! You two are a funny couple who prank people and just live life as it is. He tries to appear serious but fails spectacularly when he’s with you. He just feels comfortable enough to be himself. Away from the judgmental stares and calculating glares. Only moment where he’ll get serious is when someone somehow attacks you. He won’t hold back at all. Scary dog privileges lol.
Just like you, Lucifer gets annoyed when his kindness and actions aren’t recognized. Which is normal, if you go out of your way to help out someone the least they can do is thank you. You two always notice each other actions and it’s nice because none feels ignored. He feels valued, like he can lift mountains without breaking a sweat (which he probably can honestly) when you acknowledge him. It’s because he shares his love in acts of service, words and some gift giving. He does his best to make your stay as comfortable as he can and literally treats you like a queen. He acknowledge your feelings and validates them. You don’t have to feel so guilty for being yourself. You’re in the right and some pride is good for you. Don’t let yourself be dragged to the mud. He probably shows off the things you do for him to be honest. Lucifer finds your sensitive soul to be endearing. He’s probably sensible too but had to harden himself to stay where he is. That’s why he cheriches it, you’ll notice by the hearts in his eye and the tight hug he gives you. He teaches you to put yourself first more often and turn a blind eye to what people say no matter how hard it is (if they say something mean….well good luck). Only thing that makes him worry is your clumsiness. He’s at this from babyproofing some rooms.
Lucifer also enjoys horror and probably introduces you to different horrors through time if you catch my drift. He’ll have some very good book recommendations and will help you meet the authors if they’re in hell. It always surprised people that you’re such a fan of horror despite your love for cute things. Your dates with Lucifer are often movie dates, shopping or just lazing around at home talking and rambling together. I see him being good at sketching and likes to do all those couple stuff you see on media like switching the canva every 5 minutes etc. He likes all those couple stuff. Also don’t worry for cooking, he has private chefs….I believe he shouldn’t be let a foot near a kitchen.
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yslkook · 3 years
mind of mine masterlist
summary: you find yourself at the tattoo parlor more often as of late. also, jungkook hates lemon jelly filled donuts and is easily bribed by mint chocolate and macarons. pairing: “badboy” jk x “shy/reserved” oc warnings: cursing, excessive use of pet names, kinda toxic friendship
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Sora’s unbridled passion for why she believes Jungkook is wrong for you has never irritated you as much as it does in this moment. You’ll never understand why she’s so adamant about the topic, when it’s not her decision. When she knows that you’ve been harboring a small crush on the man for years now, and you’re fairly certain he returns your affections.
When the man told you that he had put an orange heart next to your name, you knew it was real.
You don’t understand why Sora is determined to make things so complicated, when they don’t have to be. You don’t believe her claims that he’s a fuckboy, that he treats people like trash. He’s shown you the opposite. He’s so gentle with everyone, not just you. He’s blunt but he has a big heart under all of the leather and layers of black.
If there’s a word to describe him, it’s dreamy.
Which is why you’re so hurt that Sora refuses to give him a chance. After all, if she was your best friend, shouldn’t she offer him a chance for your sake?
It confuses you.
“I’ve heard so many bad things about him,” Sora says knowingly, swirling her glass of wine in her hands. You don’t feel very much like drinking, not when your stomach swirls in unease. Being in her apartment is nothing new, but right now, you’d rather be anywhere else.
“But what things? And from who? Jungkook is such a genuine guy and he hasn’t done anything for people to start rumors about him,” You protest, but your words fall on deaf ears, “And I like him-”
“I mean come on, have you seen him? The man radiates bad vibes. My friends have all said-”
“Bad vibes? You’re dismissing him because of bad vibes when I’m telling you that-”
“I’m your best friend, don’t you think I know these things?” Sora says, heat and arrogance in her voice, “I’m only looking out for you. It’s shitty that you’re dismissing me for a guy-”
“I’m not dismissing you-” But your voice grows smaller and smaller, something that you think Jungkook might be disappointed in you for.
“It sure as hell sounds like you are,” Sora sneers with a cold sort of tilt to her lips, “Listen. I’m just looking out for you, even if you don’t seem to appreciate it. I thought we were best friends. Friends look out for each other, but if you don’t want to listen to me, that’s on you.”
Something dry settles in your throat and something heavy settles in your chest.
“He’s not good news,” Sora continues, as if she can’t see your heart beginning to ache, “I’ll find someone who will treat you much better, don’t worry.” She pats your knee in a way that is supposed to be reassuring but you wince.
You don’t want her favors, but it’s too late for you to protest. Besides if you did, she’d feel awful and you never want to be the cause of her being upset. She’s your best friend after all. And what kind of friend would you be, if you upset her to that degree?
But still... you don’t want anyone else. You want the sensitive man who gets misty-eyed by powerful renditions of Beyonce songs, the man who texts you until you fall asleep, the man who asks you what color to paint his nails when he feels like it.
You kind of want the sensitive man dressed in layers of black.
You let Sora talk your ear off about all of the guys she has in mind for you, but you stop listening. You don’t understand this vendetta she has against Jungkook, the vendetta that she’s always had. But she is correct about one thing- she is your best friend and has your best interests at heart...right?
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The four walls of the tattoo parlor that you’ve begun frequenting more and more often begins to feel more and more like a welcome place in recent days. You’ve always been friendly with the guys, especially Yoongi and Hoseok.
Even if Yoongi doesn’t work at the parlor, he’s here frequently enough.
Though Yoongi and Hoseok are some of your oldest friends, you’ve only come to the parlor a handful of times in the past. Once that realization hit you, you’d made it a point to stop by more often.
Why hadn’t you before?
They’re your oldest friends, but these days, you feel closer to Mina and Mei as well. While you do have other girlfriends who you see as often as your collective schedules align, it’s still different.
But still. You don’t know if you’ve ever truly belonged with anyone. You feel as if you’ve been floating through life, with Sora by your side (at least half the time, when she’s not spewing criticism over the man you have feelings for).
Thinking about it gives you a headache and makes you feel nostalgic for something that you never had. But maybe it’s something you can have.
“Hey, you,” Mei calls from reception, where she’s sitting next to Hobi who waves at you, “What brings you here? Finally gonna let me pierce you?”
“I brought donuts,” You shrug, “And I’m not ready for that surgical instrument to touch me, thanks very much.”
“You can stop by without the pretense of bringing sweet treats over,” Hobi says knowingly, “I mean none of us will complain about donuts, but you know that right? You can come by anytime you want.”
“O-okay,” You nod, your throat feeling a little dry.
“Now, come here and let me see what you got. If there’s a lemon jelly filled donut, save that for Jungkook. He hates them.”
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“You got plans this evening?” Mei asks, grabbing her bright red purse that’s nearly the size of your head. Her purse matches her bright red nails and for half a second, you’re mesmerized by the glossiness of her nails.
“No, other than getting ready for tomorrow’s day of work-”
“Great! Wanna come with me to the tattoo supply store? I have to pick up more needles, grips and gloves.”
“Sure,” You shrug, a little excited at the prospect of a quick adventure for Mei, “I’ll just say bye to Hobi.”
He’s already watching you with mirth in his eyes, as if he knows what you’re about to say. “Hey, will you tell Jungkook I said hi?” You murmur, feeling your ears burning at his smug grin.
“Sure, I will,” Hobi grins, “I’m sure he feels bad about not being able to say hi to you himself. He’s had a busy day.”
“Understandable,” You nod, “I mean, you guys say he’s the best in the city, right? I’m sure he’s got a waitlist of people who want to be tatted by him.”
“Maybe someday he’ll tattoo you, huh?” He says mischievously to which you roll your eyes and feel your face heat up.
“He would be so lucky,” You scoff, as if the notion of Jungkook tattooing your body doesn’t make something flutter in your belly.
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“We have this competition at the parlor where the person who makes the most tips has to buy the supplies on a monthly basis,” Mei says smugly, “Usually, it’s Kook but for the last few months it’s been me.”
That doesn’t surprise you in the least- Hobi has told you that Mei and Mina are both skilled in realistic and watercolor tattoos, as well as piercings. You think if you were ever to receive a tattoo from either Mei or Mina, you would tip them for the mere fact of them being so close in your presence for so long.
They used to intimidate you, when Hobi had first introduced you to them. Mina with her sleek bob haircut, and Mei with her long, glossy waves. Both of them had nose piercings and their ears were dotted in different hoops and rods. You’d only caught a glimpse of their tattoos a handful of times- Mei has a full sleeve on her right arm where Mina’s tattoos seem to be more hidden.
They’re just so cool and funny and smart.
“How did you all get the idea for the tattoo parlor? Like, was it a business decision or were you all friends before?” You ask curiously.
“Well… Jin, Mina and I have been friends since we were kids, our parents are really close. Jin had this dream of opening his own tattoo and piercing parlor for the longest time. Jungkook and Hobi joined a few months after we officially opened. It took a while, but we’re where we are now,” Mei says fondly.
“That’s incredible! You guys started from the ground up,” You say, in awe, “That parlor is your baby.”
“Fuck, yeah it is,” Mei grins, “What about you? What cool tech stuff is going on in that pretty brain of yours?”
“Um…” Your face heats up at the compliment, “I’m currently helping in developing this app for one of our clients, it’s specific for tracking and trending information related to chronic health conditions. It’s still in its infancy, but it’s been fun! And it’s job security, I guess.”
Mei lets out a low whistle, “Wow, you’re doing something like that by yourself?”
“No, I have a pretty great team,” You shrug, “Something like that definitely can’t be done alone.”
Mei hums, “You’re gonna be great, Ms. CEO.”
“Yeah right, I’d never want that burden,” You scoff, “I’m good right where I am.”
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With both of your arms full of bags of supplies for the tattoo parlor (and some extras), you both walk out of the shop and towards Mei’s sleek, black car. It’s late, and you don’t really feel much like taking public transportation. But you’re nervous to ask Mei for a ride home for some reason.
“Hey, did you drive to the parlor?” Mei asks.
“N-no, I don’t have a car yet,” You reply, “I only just bought my condo and didn’t want to make another big purchase just yet. I want to start looking though…”
“Oh! I’ll drive you home then,” Mei offers once she starts the engine.
“Are you sure? It’s kind of out of the way from here,” You reply, folding in on yourself a little in the passenger seat.
Mei only waves you off. “Oh, please. What kind of friend would I be if I just left you to get home alone?”
You bite your tongue, as vivid memories of Sora claiming that she didn’t have enough gas in the tank or her asking for gas money for the ten minute drive from her apartment building to your condo flash in your mind.
“Thank you, Mei,” You say gratefully, “Let me know how much to Venmo you, for gas money-”
“Gas money? For a seven minute drive? Is that a joke,” Mei gasps, “What do you take me for?”
“Okay, okay, I’m sorry I asked!”
“Asking me for gas money,” Mei mutters, “You said you want to start looking for a car?”
Her smile twists into something mischievous.
“Yeah, I have no idea where to start though…”
“Ask your boy, Jungkook. Taehyung, Namjoon and Jimin work at a car dealership and they’re his roommates, I’m sure he’d be eager to help you.” Something in her voice is coy but you maintain a neutral face.
“Yeah… maybe I will,” You say thoughtfully, “Hey! He’s not my boy-”
“Alright, alright,” Mei relents gently, “But really, reach out to him. He’ll help you. So that those boys don’t scam you like the sleazy car salesmen that they are.”
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When you see Jungkook next at the tattoo parlor which is conveniently on your way home from work (again with a box of pastries), you muster the courage to step into his office to ask him for help.
“Hi,” You say weakly, “Umm… I come bearing gifts. Got some of those mint chocolate brownie bars that you like, and those macarons-”
“If I didn’t know any better, I’d think you were trying to bribe me, baby,” Jungkook says, smirking widely when your lips part in protest.
“If I was trying to bribe you, it wouldn’t be with mint chocolate. Disgusting,” You roll your eyes and squeal out loud when he lunges for you, giving you a teasing but tight back hug.
“Take it back,” Jungkook murmurs lowly in your ear. You hardly hear him, too wrapped up in the warmth of the big black hoodie he’s wearing. The soft, gentle scent of laundry and vanilla floats into your nose when you turn your head to press your cheek against his chest.
His heartbeat is faint against your ear. You wonder if he can hear yours speeding up.
“Mint chocolate sucks. It’s a fact,” You mumble.
“You’re lucky you’re cute,” His voice comes as a low grumble from his chest and you swallow nervously. Before your nerves can get the best of you, he changes the topic. “Mei told me you’re in the market for a new car?”
“I don’t really know where to start, but I’ve already started doing some research,” You reply, pointing to your small backpack. You pull out a binder with meticulously colored tabs labeled in neat print that Jungkook raises an eyebrow at.
“You just carry around a binder with your research on car purchases at all times? Is that what you do?”
“I have to be prepared!”
“Sometimes you just need a vibe check-”
“You want me to purchase an entire vehicle worth about a million and one paychecks based on just a vibe check? Is that what you did with your motorcycle?”
“Yeah,” Jungkook gives you a crooked smile, “And a little research. I guess.”
“You guess,” You mutter under your breath.
Jungkook has been more touchy with you once you had given him the go ahead all those weeks ago. He doesn’t show his affections with you unless you’re both alone, and it’s never anything more than hugs and the occasional brush of hands.
He’s melting you from the outside in, and you bask in his radiant heat. The thought of Sora’s approval doesn’t bother you, not when he hugs you like this.
But as always. Her disapproving voice worms its way into your head and you reluctantly peel away from him to sit on the faded burgundy couch with the box of macarons on your lap.
“So,” Jungkook says, immediately feeling the loss of your warmth in his limbs, “How can I help?”
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tags: @kookdbean
MoM tags: @tiemeuptogoldenchains @boymeetsparadise @jungkooksseuphoria @kaepjjangiya @drumsofheaven @ppeachyttae @tae-bebe
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taechaos · 3 years
can u do more of jealous jk drabbles?👉👈
this one kinda cute but theres smut 😃
The best time of the day is when the sun is just over the horizon, taking on a blue and orange hue in the sky, not shining bright enough to blind or give a heat stroke to the crowd in the amusement park. Just enough illumination to not have to rely on the lights provided from the ferris wheel, neon titles above the rides and games you stand before.
You can't contain your squeal and shake your interlocked hands with Jungkook while bouncing on your feet, the three companies you came with much more casual about the occasion. "Where should we go first?!"
Your boyfriend shrugs, Soyeon glances at Taehyung who makes the decision: "Rollercoaster." He has a crazed grin on his face, the sparkle and mischief in his eyes matching yours. Both of you are extremely fond of these thrillers.
"A rollercoaster...? I'll wait for you guys," Soyeon sheepishly holds her nape with a smile. You coo at her.
Jungkook scoffs arrogantly, "Are you afraid too, baby? You can hold onto my arm."
You blow raspberries and clutch onto your friend's arm, "I love rollercoasters." You and Soyeon gaze into each other's eyes as you say, "Don't worry. It'll be fun if you come with me."
She blushes, Taehyung and Jungkook watching the interaction with quirked brows. How boy-friendly of you.
The seats were decided. You all bought the tickets, and it's your turn to hop on the carts. Girls sit in front of the boys, and Soyeon hesitantly places her hand on top of yours on the railing. Taehyung wraps his hands around Jungkook's arm, who is slouching in his seat with a frown.
"I'm so scared, Jungkookie," Taehyung's teeth chatter, "w-will you protect me?"
All the carts are secured as the ride slowly moves forward, slightly creaking as Jungkook groans, "Let go of my fucking arm!" Despite his relentless shaking, his best friend only holds on tighter.
"Why? Your girlfriend is having a sexual awakening with her buddy girl, why can't we?!"
Jungkook gapes at him, brows meeting in perplexity before he looks at the row across. The two of you have your heads leaning on each other, and no, that was the romantic scene he was supposed to have with you, not Taehyung who snuggles into him in whimsical fear.
"She's straight," he counters weakly, not even caring about his numbing arm from the sight before him.
The carts reach the peak of the tracks, a sense of adrenaline stirring in everyone's stomach and you squeeze Soyeon's hand comfortingly seconds before Taehyung's scream torments the whole population's ears. Needless to say, Jungkook had it the worst.
Your boyfriend winces with a finger in his left ear as he follows the group with Taehyung next to him, behind you and Soyeon.
"Remind me to never go on a rollercoaster with you," he seethes intimidatingly, emitting a snort from the guilty.
"Ooh, bumper cars!" Taehyung childishly points at the competitive game. Jungkook smiles wickedly, "I'm going to give you a fucking concussi–"
"Boys against girls!" Soyeon chirps, and you gasp at the amazing idea.
"Yes! That'd be so fun!"
Upon seeing Jungkook's incredulous face, Taehyung bursts out in laugher and clutches his stomach, tearing up when he instantly goes in denial mode.
Which didn't help, because Soyeon stole you for herself once more and he is stuck with the dumbest person he's ever met once more.
"Let's beat those bitches."
"That's my girlfriend, Tae."
Those words were thrown out the window the moment the game began, because he became ruthless. Even Taehyung was getting nauseous from how violently the car was bumping against yours, the one Soyeon claimed shotgun in, rocking your bodies back and forth. It's revenge for not giving him the attention he rightfully deserves, and leaving him with who was supposed to be a fourth wheel.
No mercy, you must suffer.
When you all got off the ride, Taehyung couldn't stop stumbling all over the place.
"I'm going to throw up," he groans and pinches Jungkook's shirt.
"That settles it: I won," he shrugs triumphantly. Soyeon is quick to bite back, "You almost killed us."
"Oh no," you jump to his defence with a giggle, "he's just very competitive."
Your boyfriend smiles at your first acknowledgement of his existence, relieved as he throws an arm around you. "I'm not about to lose to a bunch of–"
"Please don't finish that sentence," you smile at him; sickly sweet with your warning.
He forces a chuckle, "–a bunch of strong, independent women."
"You ever seen lesbian porn, Jungkook?" Taehyung asks as he licks up a fat stripe on his ice cream. Jungkook doesn't bother responding. "It usually begins with one girl being all shy and reluctant until the sexual tension becomes too much. Say they're studying, gossipping, whatever, the normal stuff. Then... one of them makes the first move, and the other eventually gets into it." He glances at his friend to measure his reaction; nonchalant and barely listening. "Oh, but I have a boyfriend, oh this is wrong, oh friends don't do this," he imitates in a higher pitch. "Then they fuck."
"Do you ever stop talking?" he asks, flabbergasted and annoyed. He's holding onto your ice cream after you left to the bathroom with your friend, Taehyung protecting hers and licking the melted drops to keep the cone clean. What Soyeon doesn't know won't hurt her; the flavor is too good for him to waste.
"I'm just saying man, you never know with these girls," his cheeks puff out as he suppresses a laugh. Jungkook's paranoia is easy to mess with, and he knows he shouldn't do it so often, but it's just so fun. A snort slips.
"They've been roommates for two years, I'm sure if she was bisexual, she'd know by now," he spits defensively.
"Oh my God, do you think they got drunk and kiss–"
"We're back!" you announce and take your cone from Jungkook's hand, your friend doing the same.
"Welcome back, baby," he stands up to hug you, effectively pulling you a few steps away from Soyeon with a glare. You relish in it with joy, mushing your face against his chest.
"What should we go on next?" Taehyung casually cuts into your display of affection.
"The ferris wheel, maybe? Oh, Soyeon, you have–" you point at the corner of your lip, and she mirrors the opposite side, prompting you to reach out a hand and wipe off the stain with your thumb. Jungkook blinks in astonishment. Taehyung's eyes widen to saucers as he watches his soul leave his body. His words are getting to him.
Your hand is snatched away in a flash, and you're dragged away back to the stalls where he corners you, answering your unspoken question: "Hey, just wanted to privately ask you how your date is going with Soy milk." His voice drips with sarcasm, the attitude catching you off guard.
"What do you mean?"
"What I mean is, I feel like I'm third wheeling in front of my own girlfriend," he scowls, and your heart drops. "You haven't done a single thing with me today. I thought we came here to spend time with each other, yet we've done anything but. Be honest, are you..." he gulps and averts his gaze, "is there something going on...?"
"Jungkook," you startle and place a hand on his chest, "it's nothing like that. Of course I wanted to spend time with you, but Soyeon's been trying really hard to mend our friendship so I thought I would reciprocate. I didn't want things to be awkward between us, but I didn't realize I was neglecting you. I'm really sorry, love."
Your explanation endears him, shoulders slouching in relief just before he murmurs, "But in lesbian porn..."
"Oh my God," you exclaim in disbelief with a laugh, "I just hung out with her."
"You know I get needy!" he frowns with flushed cheeks. "That bitch wouldn't let go of you for one goddamned second, if I didn't know better I would've dragged you away a lot sooner."
You coo at him and squeeze his cheeks before he shakes you off grumpily. "I was going to go on the ferris wheel to make it up to you."
"Oh wow," he rolls his eyes, "can't believe you found the time to think about me."
"So jealous," you tease.
"Shut up," he pushes your forehead with his finger, "before I try to mend my friendship with Soy milk as well."
"She is not your friend," you glare at him with hooded eyes.
"So jealous."
"The ride is five minutes long," Jungkook blurts out of thin air the moment you step into the moving cabin. "And we're going to stop at the top." At your gasp, he continues as he takes a seat, "Yeah, I did that movie cliché and paid extra."
"Jungkook," you coo with doe eyes and lay your head on his shoulder, "that's so romantic."
"Hey, don't get all cute. You said you were going to make it up to me." He tilts your chin, "How far are you willing to go?"
His question doesn't throw you off, and you chuckle, "Whatever you want."
"Yeah? Your time is running out," he looks past the window to see how high up you are. Four meters off the ground, give or take. "You think you can make me cum before we get off?"
Oh. "Better choose fast–"
You fondle with the buckle of his belt and make quick work of your hands to pull down his black jeans that hug his thighs. You lick your lips for moisture, and after what some experiences have thought you, you know to spit in your hand before wrapping your fingers around him.
"Damn, you didn't come here to play," he releases a humored breath as he watches you get him off. As if the limited time isn't bad enough, you have to get him erect in remarkable speed as well. He shifts slightly with a deep sigh, and when his cock starts to grow, you get on your knees before him and take the head of his length in your mouth. He sucks his teeth and weaves his fingers through your hair as he closes his eyes. Thirteen meters off the ground.
Mindful of your pace, you ease his length inside by taking him inch by inch, swirling your tongue the way he likes it and bobbing your head. His grip on your hair tightens as a low grunt resounds in the cabin. "You're doing so well," he looks down at you with half hooded eyes, lustful in their gaze, "you want to make it up to me that bad? Want to please me? Gosh," he sighs.
You deepthroat him with your hand covering what you can't reach until he thrusts into your mouth. You gag in reflex, and he uses your hair as leverage to do the rest for you. It's sloppy now, and saliva drools from the corner of your mouth with welling tears. You can only hope he reaches climax in time. Twenty two feet off the ground.
When his thrusts begin to slow down, you take it as your cue to pull away and jerk him off, your tongue taking care of the tip as his breaths grow more and more shallow. You assume he's holding back moans as to not attract any attention to your cabin. Thirty one meters. You make it a challenge for yourself to make him cum by the timr you reach the peak.
"Ah, go faster," he furrows his brows, face twisting in pleasure as he leans back on his seat. Your scalp starts to sting from his strong grasp.
Your hand listens, and you suck harder on the head while teasing the slit, and he gasps louder each passing second. He's panting while forty three feet off the ground, and a few moments later, his hips lift off the seat as he groans, his release on your tongue that you swallow. It comes in stutters, so you keep your mouth on him until you've swallowed every drop to avoid getting banned from the amusement park. Calling it simply taboo is an underestimatement.
"Shit, shit," he breathlessly says and thrusts into your mouth two last times before pulling out, a string of saliva still attached to your mouth. The ferris wheel stops. "You were fucking perfect, baby," he murmurs and his head goes limp, eyes dazed from the climax. You wipe your mouth with the back of your hand and smile despite the ache in your jaw.
"Thank you," you squeak and sit next to him. His head rolls to you. "Is my face okay?"
"Oh, you wore lipstick," he laughs quietly and uses the hem of his matching black shirt to clean up the smudge, his stomach on display from the action. You sit still as he fixes up your appearance, brushing your disheveled hair with his fingers, and just to be extra, he adjusts your collar, making you giggle and roll your eyes. "Like nothing happened. I'll eat you out at my dorm to return the favor."
You blush in surprise at his words, but he dismisses it by looking at the view. The sun has set, and all the lights sparkle from under you and the midnight black sky. It's beautiful. You admire it with him.
"I can't believe I paid extra for this. There's not even fireworks."
Soyeon and Taehyung sit across from each other without averting their gaze from the sky, effectively ignoring the presence of one another until he breaks the silence. "This is so romantic."
"If we were a couple, this would be the perfect moment to kiss."
"Um... I guess," she shrugs off his unusual flirting.
"You want to be a couple for this ride?" he suggests and looks at her with wiggling brows.
She doesn't return the stare, softly speaking, "No, I think I'd rather jump off."
He chuckles under his breath, "Jungkook is going to have a field day when he finds out you're lesbian."
"I said why don't you jump on this dick."
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le-switch · 4 years
Yes, that’s right, 125 pecking headcanons
This has been in my notes for way too long dfjkdf
I’ve been writting down headcanons for the switch in time au for a while. I stopped doing that now so i thought i might as well share what i got done
@switch-in-time It is time- JK you already saw these
💫 Empress thinks the other kids are really cool but doesn't wanna admit it 💫 After sneaking through the manor, Snatch started to strongly dislike cold weather, and even became a little afraid of it 💫 Moonjumper also started to dislike cold weather, just not as much as his brother 💫 The florist is taller than everyone else. She makes fun of everyone for it but will stop if someome gets actually upset 💫 Grooves prefers instrumental music over lyrical music, since he can create his own lyrics for them 💫 Despite being a very popular and talktative kid, Grooves doesn't feel comfortable enough to sing in front of others yet 💫 Connie is the only one who has heard Grooves' singing voice. It was an accident, but he doesn't regret it 💫 Empress would be nicer if everyone taught her how to do the things they are able to do (Like MoonJumper's arts and crafts, for example) 💫 The moon penguins got to know each other thanks to Grooves, and they'll always be grateful to have him as a friend 💫 The express owls already knew each other before meeting Connie 💫 The express owls know that Connie isn't really as mean as he pretends to be, and they all care for him 💫 Hattie's bed is not hers anymore. It was completely invaded by the kids and she now mostly sleeps in her pillow fort 💫 Split Nessa is more unorganized than Gen Nessa, since her appereance doesn't really matter anymore 💫 Snatch stole everyone's left socks at some point 💫 Split Snatch and MoonJumper have an ant farm and they love every single one of their ants 💫 Connie and Grooves will overdramatize everything since they wanna be actors, no matter how mudane the situation is 💫 Mafia Bab once tried to "kidnap" Mu by trying to block her way with chairs. It did not work 💫 To join the mafia you must shave your hair since "Mafia boss is only mafia member allowed to have hair" 💫 Split Snatch and Moonjumper can't be found separated from each other. If you see one of them alone, the other must be nearby 💫 Nessa is usually very polite and shy, but once she's comfortable around you she can become a little bratty 💫 Everyone thinks Split Snatch is adorable and he hates it 💫 Empress doesn't like to play in mud 💫 After being defeated in his "boss battle", Snatch became so exhausted he accidentaly fell asleep on Hattie 💫 MoonJumper loves to swim and play with water 💫 Snatch on the other side, hates water and it's a pain to force him to bath 💫 Empress was supossed to get temporary glasses after her eye got scarred but she refused, and will refuse for the rest of her life 💫 Every kid has called Hattie "Mom" at least once. Most of them are accidents tho 💫 Nessa is the only one who hasn't called Hattie "Mom" by accident because they're all on purpose 💫 Shapeshifter is one of the kids Connie considers an "enemy" since the day they tricked him into giving them his nuggies 💫 Shapeshifter also wants to be an actor like Connie and Grooves, but their shyness wont let them even practice 💫 The Prince from the Split timeline was a Gemini 💫 Every mafia kid wants to be an actual mafioso when they grow up, except for one, who wants to be a paranormal investigator 💫 Despite wanting to be a paranormal investigator, this particular mafia kid is afraid of paranormal stuff. He's trying his best tho.... I'm talking about Goofy Mafia obviously- 💫 The Subcon trio once played 'Kingdom' and Nessa got to play as queen. They never played this game again 💫 Mafia bab and Goofy Mafia were the most hurt by Mu's betrayal, and yet, they were the first kids to forgive her 💫 Snatch was caught trying to steal Hattie's cereal once. Instead of giving it back like a normal child, he started to run yelling it was HIS cereal now 💫 Empress used to like theater until she learned it was for "nerds" 💫 Split Snatch is not an actual ghost despite being like one. He still has to eat, sleep, breath and has a heartbeat 💫 How are babies made? This is a question only Badge knows the answer to 💫 Mafia bab and Goofy Mafia love pizza but the other Mafia kids like hamburguer better 💫 Connie can, and will bite your legs if you make him mad, wich is very often so you better wear long pants 💫 It's very hard to make Grooves mad, but if you do, he'll give you the silent treatment 💫 When Snatch gets sick he will either take full advantage of the situation or pretend he's perfectly fine and push himself to his limit 💫 Mafia bab to Empress: What do you MEAN theater is for nerds??? 💫 Shapeshifter likes to hang out with the penguins and Grooves the most 💫 After a while, Snatch learned that calling any of the alien gals "mom" is the ultimate manipulative move 💫Goofy Mafia and Mafia bab, despite having pretty much opossite personalities, get along so well to the point of being considered best friends 💫 Mafia bab somehow recognizes and knows the names of every single one of the Mafia kids 💫 Mu subconsciously plays favorites. She can't help it, she has to take care of almost 100 kids, if not more 💫 Nessa has a small crush on Snatch. The feeling is, sadly, not mutual 💫 Snatch snatches Nessa's crown sometimes. He likes to pretend he's a king 💫 Mu's cape looks REALLY messy and it's mostly an amalgamate of stitches and fabric. That's because Mafia made it. It was a Mafia gift 💫 Goofy Mafia's other best friend is Thor. Thor would like it better if he spoke like a normal person tho 💫 Bow is a GREAT actress. She can save entire shows with the power of her presence alone 💫 The reason Snatch is more afraid of Victoria than MJ is because he was the closest to being caught. This means he got to see her eyes and the cold stare she always carries with them 💫 This may sound ironic but Snatch strongly dislikes snowball fights. He'd rather build a snowman while drinking hot cocoa 💫The only way Snatch and Empress get along is when it's winter and neither of them want to go outside 💫 Shapeshifter and Empress both have a massive sweet tooth 💫 Thor eventually manages to break Goofy Mafia's habit of speaking in third person. The Mafia kids are confused and Mafia bab is scared 💫 When Nessa gained a lot more confidence, she started to show public affection towards Snatch with the sole purpose of making him flustered. He hates it 💫 Thor can tell when Mafia bab breaks his stuff on accident, even if he tries to pretend it was on purpose. He can identify when he's nervious or guilty 💫 When Split Snatch gets REALLY mad, he burts into flames. The Fire spirits love when this happens 💫 When someone dies, they are given the options of going to the afterlife, stay as a Subconite if they feel like they died before it was their time, or stay as a Dweller to guard the forest if they don't have any issues left but want to be helpful 💫 The Dwellers don't remember their past life, since it'd get in the way of their duties. However, they can feel conections to those who were close to them 💫 If you were really REALLY close to a Dweller when they were alive, they might give you a flower 💫 A particular Dweller gave Nessa a flower once. She was really confused but felt the need to keep it anyways 💫 The swamp tries to drown Hattie at first, for she is an intruder. However the forest eventually warms up to her and stops trying to harm her 💫 Even if the forest didn't warm up to her it would've made no difference since the Subcon trio likes her 💫 The forest also may or may not be a little jealous of the kids' attachment to Hattie. Especially the Split timeline's forest 💫 Goofy Mafia learned about the types of cables and what they're useful for against his will. Guess who taught him 💫 Thor learned about far away planets and the life forms they might contain against his will. G u e s s w h o- 💫 Empress calls Snatch adorable nicknames like 'Marshmallow'. Don't missunderstand, she does this in a mocking way with the sole purpose of making him mad 💫 When Snatch and Empress fight, it's never certain who will win. The Mafia kids like to bet when it happens in front of them 💫 Split Snatch can sing decently. He usually gets the notes right, but he's not a great singer either, so he almost never sings. Gen Snatch's voice cracks every time he tries 💫 Star kid is a very good writter. They make whole stories by their own and sometimes help Grooves with the creation of his songs 💫 Goofy Mafia actually, geniuenly needs his weird swirled glasses to see 💫 Thor convinces Goofy Mafia to be as nerdy as he wants to be. Being a "cool boy" is overrated anyways 💫 The one thing Mu succesfully taught Mafia bab is that beating kids that can't or won't fight back is stupid. It's not like you win something from it. It's not even fun 💫 Snatch is surprisingly good at strategy videogames. One would think he'd mindlessly go for the strongest attack in rpgs, but he doesn't 💫 Goofy Mafia can, and will kick your butt in racing games like Mario kart 💫 Empress is a natural in fighting games. She knows and plays games she really shouldn't. Like Mortal Kombat 💫 Thor and MJ prefer games where you build and take care of a place 💫 Empress is great at biology. She knows body parts, functions and where to stike to kill you. She doesn't want to be grounded for life tho, so don't worry too much about it 💫 Hattie interrupted a Mafia theater play once. The options she inmediately thought about for that situation were -Say sorry and leave -Play dead -Sweat a lot and stand there awkwardly 💫 Thor can be VERY sassy when he wants to be 💫 Goofy Mafia eventually learns about the power of sass thanks to local goggle boy. He barely uses that himself tho 💫 One of Snatch's biggest dreams is to bite Victoria's ankles 💫 Goofy Mafia makes sure that everything "behind scenes" goes without problem at the Mafia theater when there's a play. He even has a checklist 💫 The checklist is actually nothing but scribbles no one except him can understand 💫 Hattie started a "Too self-conscious to act/sing in front of crowds" club to try and help some kids and herself to be more confident in that aspect 💫 Since Goofy Mafia is like the theater's manager he rarely acts in plays. But he's surprisingly good at playing villains. This confuses E V E R Y O N E, no exceptions 💫 Thor often visits Alpine Skyline when he gets tired of being in Mafia Town. He does this especially when he's working on small projects that don't require big tools or too much material 💫 Little Grooves tried to befriend Empress once. Keyword Tried 💫 Caw agents are the type of children that will carefully observe their toys to see if they move after watching Toy Story 💫 Mu hesitated for a second in The Finale when she saw that both Goofy Mafia and Mafia bab were scared of her 💫 Caw agents often say the same thing at the same time when talking to someone else. No one knows how they do it 💫 Caw agents can be described as 'those kids everyone says are weird, but secretly think they're cool' 💫 Warm weather: Nessa, Empress, Snatch, Connie, MJ, Starkid, Express owls, Hattie, most Mafia kids, Mafia bab 💫 Cold weather: Mu, Grooves, Moon Penguins, Caw agents, Goofy Mafia, Thor, Cookie, Cap'n Warlus and his crew 💫 Both are good: Shapeshifter, Badge, Bow, The Nomads, Nyakuza cats 💫 Nessa spaces out often when not in the manor. Don't laugh at her if she crashes into something or someone when walking, it's already embarasing enough 💫 Badge may not talk much but when they do it's always something wise or confusing that leaves people thinking. Goofy Mafia loves it 💫 Just so you know, wise and confusing can also mean out of place and things kids shouldn't know yet 💫 Badge likes snakes and snakes like them back 💫 Nessa doesn't know how to write things other than her name. Her mother told her that's the only thing she needs to know how to write so she can sign stuff 💫 Split Snatch taught his Nessa how to write. Gen Snatch tried with his, but he's more impatient 💫 Victoria moves similar to a snake when mad. Her massive hair starts moving slightly like tentacles, giving her a medusa-like look. What makes it so scary is that she remains calm and calculating when moving like that 💫 Nessa hates her name. There's people who actually believe her name is Nessa and not Vanessa because she never introduces herself like that 💫 Don't forget that despite that, Nessa is still Vanessa in a sense. She can get REALLY clingy. They're working on it 💫 Mafia kids are REALLY strong. They can take a lot of damage and hit hard 💫 Goofy Mafia is not strong. At all. He is however w a y more agile than the other Mafia kids 💫 Thor doesn't find Mafia bab as annoying when he's geniuenly thinking and trying to understand something. It's even endearing sometimes 💫 Cookie is, unsurprisingly, not very good at acting. But she sometimes plays secondary characters in Mafia plays, since some of those characters might need a more unique look and Mafia kids can't provide that all the time 💫 Empress, after a l o t of self-convincing attended one of the "nerd plays" to see Cookie act, and saw how she rarely fit her roles 💫 Cookie expected Empress to regain at least a little bit of her former love for theater with the play she attended to. She didn't 💫Mafia bab once told Goofy Mafia that he would teach him how to be tough. He didn't believe him, and it didn't really work anyway. If anything it was Thor who taught how to be tough 💫 Empress forces the Nyakuza cats to watch Cookie's cooking tutorials. They ended up liking them so it's not that bad 💫 in stressful situations Goofy Mafia will often hide behind Mafia bab. If he doesn't then Mafia bab will automatically put himself in front of him, so it might as well just happen 💫 Subcon's favorite holiday is halloween. They adore it and will put a lot of attention to detail. Even the queen enjoys some parts of it 💫 The reason Victoria enjoys some of it is because she chooses a group of random people to terrorize all night 💫 The candy for halloween is not for the children. It's for the people Victoria keeps up all night, and it's their decision if they wanna share it with children 💫 Mu actually lives in a cave. She can actually get a normal home, but the cave is cooler and bigger 💫 Mafia was not born in "Mafia Town". One beautiful night Mu woke up to find 100+ children, all of them asleep in boats 💫 If you ask Thor what the worst day of his life was, he'd tell you it was day he woke up to a bunch of random children running around in the usually pacific and quiet town, only to have one of them yell at the top of his lungs that they were staying 💫 Shape can be very forgetful sometimes. Don't call them out if they say "happy birthday" 10 times on your birthday
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btsandvmin · 4 years
Collection of asks 2 - BTSandVMIN
I had to make a second one because the length of the first one was getting way too long. If you are curious about some of my older asks here is the link to my first collection post - Collection of asks - BTSandVMIN
I have this post because I feel some of the asks I answer are worth saving, for me personally, and perhaps for you as well. But I don’t want to put them all in my Masterpost where I want to keep it a bit more structured for my longer posts and analysis. So for asks that are more about answering specific questions or about general things or my feelings I will put them here.
Asks are written more in the moment than my usual posts, so they might be less accurate as it’s all mostly from the top of my head. The newest ones will actually be on top, and then they will get older going down the list. I’ll update it regularly as I answer more asks. :)
Look at jhope's interaction with maknae line
Sorry for spamming with asks
You're so right about how any ship can be possible if you focus on it
I reject any idea of a couple being pushed to protect another 
What do you think of vmin’s busan forehead kiss?
About tae changing the choreo of fake love
What do you think of that famous ji/kook trip together ?
"Friends" doesn't speak about a friendship to me and the title seems like a way to "hide" the true meaning. Thoughts?
I honestly do feel his "best" friend is only ever needed when it's convenient to him
When j/k wore matching shirts asked them something like are u guys dating Its so differnt from his rn to vmin
Looking at th and jm for what they are or represented to be their bond shouldn't be taken at face value. Just reminding that jealousy amongst bandmates do exist
Jimin kissed tae on the pretext of kissing tanny. tae blanked out for a few secs after that
Jin in Jimins Festa profile this yr called Tae his "Bf" and then the next word is "best friend"
I dont think vmin or any other ship in bts for that matter are in any form of relationship right now.
Kind of agree with vmin not spending much time together outside of work & things they do/say barely even give off that "possibly a couple" vibe in general
IF feelings are involved, who do you think fell first and why? 
You already said that you ship them, but do you think that they're real?
I found it kinda weird how jimin apparently "didn't know" 4 o'clock was inspired by him
Have u seen that one radio interview in the past Th openly called out jm for liking men? 
We never see them hangout tgt I mean we have seen ji/kook tgt more often and tae with his wooga squad
What did you think about jimin playing the video game using tae's acc while the latter looked from behind?
When tae posted 'lets keep going for a long time i only have u' they probably only knew e/o for about 2 yrs and now we also know that at that time they still argued and fought with e/o alot. Yet they felt so strongly for their frienship.
What are your thoughts about tae choosing " my time " to recommend it to a non army.
If we look at their personalities tae is more of introverted and shy these days while jimin is more outgoing and loud. But when it comes the them jimin is always the one who seems cautious
Is it my imagination or is Jimin VERY loud lately? I feel like the roles have somehow been reversed.
The timeline of the dumpling incident really confuses me. 
Why do i feel like vmin dont hangout outside of work anymore
Just read your ji/kook vs vmin post regarding festa and I agree. you can tell that jm gets very serious when it comes to tae
A possible sexual relationship between Jimin and Tae. I've seen subtle hints where this might be happening behind the scenes like the recent bang bang con
Whenever joon says stuff like 'what a nice friendship/bcoz he is your friend' vmin have a very neutral or blank face
When do you think their friendship turned into something more?
Did u see how tae coloured jimin's name on the soft board with purple. 
Jimin recently in this festa says jk is his soul brother
Nj nearly always tries to underplay vmin's bond.
Sweet Night: “Sharing my fragile truth That I still hope the door is open Door' 
I feel like jimin was reluctant to talk about the dumpling incident probably bcoz it involves him getting drunk?
Your opinion on the whole "that's smth a couple would do" "you two look like a couple" for ji/kook vs "it's cause he's your friend "
What ur opinion is on the new kdrama that is based on homosexuality. 
Tae has many a times mentioned wanting to have kids or wanting to be father.
Taehyung has always talked about having a family, children and wife etc. 
I personally feel the maknae line in general have been advised not to do lives alone tgt bcoz of the intense shipping
I spend hours reading your posts and I could never get tired of it
I have a doubt about vmin  recently V is so close to JK it seems like V avoiding jimin
Taehyung talked about the movie Call Me by Your Name and its soundtrack
I honestly like how unpopular vmin are.
Let's say JM and TH have other partners - do you think said partners would be okay with a whole song of vmin declaring each other as soulmates? 
In the end there is no moment that is unique to a ship. do you agree?
Some vlives are arranged by the company and sometimes members themselves when the find free time they go live. 
What was the point of making a decision tght to come on vlive tgh infront of the fan to then not do it?
It cant be the company stopping v and jm from doing a live can it? 
Do you the think the reason vmin dont do vlive is because taehyung's feelings are one sided?
Theory on a possible reason on why vmin has not gone to do a vlive on their own for so long?
On bon voyage 3 j hope mentions how v and jk were hugging each other in their sleep.
Ji/kook is obvious (ear nibble) and Tae reacting blank to Vmin moments
But why they dont have funny bro handshake like v/kook?
You are so delusional like seriously how do you function in real life
You know how vmin called eo soulmates. The term can also be taken in a platonic way too right
If there’s a real ship in bts, can you give me your opinion on who?
Tae kissing jimin's cheek after they won an award in some music show (About ship edits)
I think vmin is real. Can you do a Sweet night analysis because in my opion the song dosen't match with the drama
Why are you a Vmin shipper if you don't think Jimin is gay or at least bisexual? 
I don't blame V and Jimin for not doing Vlive together
You know that blurry picture of vmin in 2014?
Tae and jk seem like the members who are most non straight to u and also that jimin might be straight so then isnt it more possible for t**k***k to be the couple?
Do you think that vmin are straight?
Can you tell me what makes you think jk is not straight
Ppl connect sweet night and 4 o' clock with vmin After tae's live yesterday n i m also seeing some ppl being offended by it.
Why do I sense that Tae has more of crush on Jimin (and realized it) but Jimi is oblivious?
Will you still publish that long vmin and lgbt in korea analysis.
Even namjoon said they should go live to discuss about their song.
I dont really consider minjoon vlive as one they did themselves. it was mostly organised by the company
Maknae line avoid vlives and  its really weird that jimi would do it with rm but not tae
Shouldnt it be easy for them to go live tght than anyone else?
Tae is very reluctant or scared to do a vlive with jimin
In the past month when vmin did mention about the song they just made superficial comments
Hi 💙 do you write vmin fics?
I also feel that jm is nervous to talk about the song even though he said he will in the comeback show
If jimin doesn't go live today as well maybe we can get a vmin live?
Vmin antis say vmin are not friends irl and use the fact that they are never spotted hanging out offscreen as "proof"
Will you do a Vmin throwback - 2019?
Can we even be considered delulu anymore for thinking not all of this is a coincidence?
Sweet night doesn't really fit the couple relationship in the drama
What do you mean when you say 'not being delulu'?
I dont know why after listening to sweet night i feel very nervous?
Maybe the lyrics to SN are very well just about the drama/webtoon.
Do you think the songs lie and stigma are related ? 
Namjoon talking about Friends 2 - Making excuses
Namjoon talking about Friends 1 - Can’t write about them
About the “Hello my alien” line in Friends
Do you think they gone do fansing this period of promoting?
Jm said when he wants to make and gift a song if he finds someone he loves and he actually helped write n produce the melody of chingu
Omg Ive been crying over the vmin song lyrics ever since they came out.
Thoughts about the song and what you took out of it
Its not a light hearted thing to call each other soulmate
This kind of debunks the christmas song theory… i feel sad like they are commercialising their friendship
Jimin is partly involved in the making and it will be about Jimin and Tae’s bond
I fear that vmin will become the next larry 
Chrismats song, smile awards. Arent those awards previously decided and even the words written for them by the company?
I was wondering if you're going to write something about bv4 and all the vmin we got there
Do you think that vmin say they love each other truly or for fan service?
Recently i watched a vkook video to compare
Do you know how exactly vmin met?
Whenever I do get the chance to focus on Vmin it’s usully one of three things
At the airport Tae had his arm around Jimin's shoulder but removed it quickly when they arrived in front of the cameras.
I don’t care if people don’t ship Vmin romantically. But with Vmin doing things like this you can’t really blame us if we do.
I got a looooot of asks on the Christmas song and I will adress the ones I have left all in one go
The reaction in bv was probably cause he wants to visits there and jm got there first
Vmin talked about tannie and how they went to visit tannie at tae's parents house
Just do it how you feel comfortable, we are waiting for your analysis
What video is the gif you post with this : Jimin and V talking about going to the Sapporo snow festival and playing in the snow together 
This break was an opportunity for them to be around other friends and family so maybe they just wanted to spend this time apart
Do you really think vm are soulmates? Sometimes i feel like we might be over using this word for them 
Tumblr media
Once again thank you for all the asks you send! And also sorry for not being able to keep up and answer them all. I’ll try to answer some old ones as well whenever I can, and I will keep adding some of them to this list. I hope you found something interesting. Thanks for reading!
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For my fic Will’s Son
Oof the formatting is weird. I’m so bad at tumblr posts
1. What inspired you to write the fic this way?
I read a story about Kurt getting Diane pregnant and it was set during one of the earlier seasons of TGW. I loved it and it was cute but because Diane was an older mom she struggled a lot. I wanted Diane to have a baby but I wanted to keep the McHart love story we all love so much. So I decided to have Will be the dad and honestly as crazy as it seems it’s hilarious to think of Diane and Will raising a baby together. Which is why I did flashbacks to get a glimpse of them during the pregnancy and with a little one. It gives me time to think of the next chapter while keeping it cute if I’m writing an angsty or more romantic present time chapter. Also I just love doing flashbacks in stories.
2. What scene did you first put down?
The first chapter lmao. I just went for it because I didn’t know what I wanted to do but I wanted to establish Will and Alicia’s relationship first. I also wanted to establish that Will’s kid was Diane’s.
3. What’s your favorite line of narration?
Literally all of chapter 17.
Jk jk
Okay so when I wrote this line I just had to take a moment to exclaim to myself how fucking good I am. I had to look up a picture of Julianna Margulies’ eyes and I just went for it. The line is “Her features remained soft except those honey colored eyes whose specks of green reflected concern.” Bitch I’m so fucking good at imagery. That whole chapter was my favorite for narration. My other fave from that chapter is “It was like she lost her mind for a moment....Will really derailed her train of thought. Not even derailed, he crashed that shit.” That’s my fave paragraph because when I was writing the chapter I had a great flow and then it was like I lost my mind because I couldn’t think so Alicia had to lose her mind too. These characters are often feeling what I am too. It’s how I write good shit.
4. What’s your favorite line of dialogue?
Okay again, I’m gonna hype myself up. Guys I’m a funny person okay? I’m always trying to make people laugh in my writing and in real life. It’s hard to say. There’s also a chapter I haven’t posted yet that’s got a funny line in it. But I’ll give you my favorite line that isn’t funny.
“You wanna talk, baby? Let’s talk. I’ll listen.” That’s the most Will Gardner line I’ve ever written and it reminds me of the elevator scene when he asks if he’s being too hard on her. It’s flirty, fun, and very sexy. This chapter is PG and it’s still kind of sexy the way Will talks to her. It’s also from that chapter I love so much.
5. What part was the hardest to write?
Anything involving Alicia. Just.. fuck. If you’ve ever tried to write Alicia Florrick it’s hard as hell. She a complex character with a complex mind and she figures things out before I do. It’s like come on lady slow down just a little.. It’s like I know her future but I don’t know how she got there. Which is wild because with Diane and Kurt I just write whatever the fuck I want and they just follow along. Oh and Will! Will depends on Alicia’s story! She’s not even the main character and I struggle so hard with writing her. So just Alicia is the hardest part to write. I love the challenge but damn...
6. What makes this fic special or different from your other fics?
It’s not gay.
I’m pansexual. I like to read and write both lgbt things and straight things but I tend to write more for lesbian couples. My longest stories before this one were about Tanya and Rosie from Mamma Mia. Which is wild because it made me realize how different Tanya is from Diane Lockhart and as much as I want to compare them and write them the same I can’t. I can expand more on that but I won’t right now. The other thing that makes it different is the fact that I don’t rely on smut to fill in chapters or even fuel the next plot line. That could’ve been a Tanya thing but I don’t know. Smut doesn’t fit into this story with the way these characters are written. It’s also different because I’m not pushing myself to get to 2k words in every chapter. I take my time and when a chapter is ready it’s ready even if it’s only 300 words. It just has more flow and its not as immature as my Mamma Mia stuff. I literally cringe at that stuff now. My writing has grown a lot since then and it’s only been a few months.
7. Where did the title come from?
Nowhere. I think I need to change it so I can get more readers interested. I just wanted to post it because I was excited and had written three chapters before I decided to share it. So I just put the first thing that came to mind. I suck at chapters most of the time. I tend to save each chapter under a specific topic or a phrase or even a song that inspired it. I hate the title so much which is why I’ve started titling each chapter.
8. Did any real people or events inspire any part of this?
Heck yeah, baby. I pull inspiration from everything but the thing that’s most specific is my own life and friendships. Will and Diane’s relationship is taken from mine with my best friend. We’re platonic soulmates. In chapters 20+ you’ll see how this ties in but for now I’ll tell you this; I was a little in love with this person and they loved me too and we fell hard but we couldn’t be together and we shouldn’t have been because the moment we shared (like Will and Diane’s one night stand) was just a moment and though it felt like it was perfect and like we were in love we aren’t meant to be together and even if we are I’m sure the universe will find a way. But we’re best friends. They’re a little younger than I am and they’re totally Will and I’m Diane and the similarities are crazy.
9. Were there any alternate versions for this fic?
No. However, I’m thinking there needs to be so I can put Will and Diane together for once.
10. Why did you choose this pairing for this particular story?
Will/Diane: it was funny and wild and I love doing obscure stories.
Will/Alicia: it’s my fix it fic. They make me so emo and I just want them to be happy.
Kurt/Diane: because I wanted people to read it. Kidding lol. Because I love McHart so much and I enjoy writing them.
11. What do you like best about this fic?
How different it is. It’s just as fun as it is romantic and I’m so used to doing one or the other. I also love the response I’m getting to it. I didn’t expect it to be so well liked. I love writing babies and I love writing cute/funny lines. I also love romance. I love that I can reread it and laugh like I didn’t write it.
12. What do you like least about this fic?
It’s moving so slowly. I already know how I want it to end but getting there is taking entirely too long. It could be because half of it is flashbacks but guys I’m struggling. I’ve already written the first chapter of the sequel. I’m not even done yet.
13: What music did you listen to, if any, to get in the mood for writing this story? Or if you didn’t listen to anything, what do you think readers should listen to to accompany us while reading?
I don’t listen to anything while writing because I need to focus. The music I was listening too around the time I started writing was 90s R&B and Bruno Mars. I needed the raw emotion to fuel the feelings the couples had for each other. The soft, sexy, bass is exactly how Will and Alicia see each other. It’s how I would want to write their smut if I decided to write some for them. I would write it like a Boyz II Men song. Oh and for Kurt and Diane it’s literally just Mamma Mia songs and Motown. Angel Eyes kills me and it’s just so beautiful. Their love is beautiful and soft and angelic. They’re also classic like Motown and not always perfect but the feeling is there vague as it maybe. Definitely check out 90s hits like Boyz II Men, Toni Braxton, Whitney Houston. Do it. Also Motown cause Queen Baranski loves it.
14. Is there anything you wanted readers to learn from this fic?
Love is hard and Alicia deserved better. Also, love can come at any time in your life. That’s why I kept the classic Kurt and Diane love story. I made Willicia too easy so McHart is that much harder.
15. What did you learn from writing this fic?
I learned about babies’ growth and development. I knew a lot already because I’ve taken child care courses but I needed a refresher. I learned about cowboys and their lingo. I learned that readers like cute stuff and they don’t mind weird ideas. I learned that throwing in Mamma Mia references is always cool. And I learned that I don’t need to add smut to keep it interesting.
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franeridart · 7 years
Soooo Tumblr tagged your new post as "Content for Adults Only" and I can't see it 😢😢 srsly tumblr is pissing me off rn
Anon said:I don't understand how your most recent post about Denki is blocked by safety mode????? Like it's just your art of his birthday! I love the art of it tho, it's fantastic! Keep up the amazing work.
Anon said:*whispers* the thing you just posted contains sensetive media apperantly
Yeah it’s most probably Mineta isn’t it
(jk it was probs my inclination to swear my way through life’s fault, I asked for a review so it should be visible in a bit but for now you can see it here !!)
Anon said:!!! I didn't know when Kaminari's birthday was but his is the same as mine and I'm even more attached to him now !!! Thanks for bringing that info to my attention and also your doodles were amazing I love them and I hope you have a nice day!!
Yay for you and yay for him too!!!!!!!! I hope you’ll have a great birthday tomorrow, anon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And thank you!!!!!!!!!
Anon said:I can't remember if you've already answered this question but in light of Kami's birthday - you once did a comic showing what everyone from the Bakusquad would get him for his birthday, so I wanted to know what do you think Bakugou would get all of his friends for their birthdays?
Bakugou has the hardest time coming up with birthday presents, presents are just Not A Thing He Does, he tries but it’s just ???? I mean think back to how he tried to cheer Kirishima up, that boy is so damn awkward - that said, given how all his friends gave him something he felt the need to show them he could reciprocate, so this is what he came up with: 
Sero’s actual tastes in material possessions are a total mystery for everyone, they make absolutely no sense, but what Bakugou KNOWS is that the fucker likes to eat his greens, so that’s what he did for him - he cooked the healthiest and tastiest meal he could manage to make, spent a whole damn lot of time researching it too, and Sero was honestly so touched (he loved it)
Jirou got a offer to go with her to a concert she couldn’t find anyone to go with - she hadn’t outright asked anyone, but it was clear she wanted to go but not alone - the band was too much for all of her friends, so she was sorta letting the idea of going go. Which is when Bakugou offhandedly mentioned that he’d heard there was the one gig from that one band and he was thinking of going since he liked that band and whatever she wanted to come or something? Bakugou had just spent the last day and a half listening to the band’s discography for the sake of making it believable and Jirou saw right through him (she didn’t mention it) (but man Bakugou could be seriously nice couldn’t he)
Mina’s present was to actually agree to go to her party. That was it. Mina’s parties are the opposite of Bakugou’s ideal place to spend a whole night at, they’re loud, and there’s drinking, and dancing, and the whole school is invited and it’s packed, so when she asked him to come she never thought he’d actually agree to go and stay the whole night, but boy did he. He also let her pick his outfit (Mina recognized the effort for the present it was. She was delighted)
Kaminari got a shopping trip - it went like this: Bakugou mentioned he was going to the mall, which always ends up with Kaminari tagging along just to go window shopping. So he stopped in front of the windows, pointed at stuff, made noises about the deals, and Bakugou went “wait here” and then went in and bought whatever Kaminari had been excited about. It happened four times before Kaminari caught on, and then Bakugou literally had to threaten him to make him stop holding back “I’m deciding I wanna do this so I’m doing this” (he still held back, but by the end of it Kaminari had actually whined the sentence “Bakugou please” pointing at yet another jacket or shirt of necklace way more than once) (he was so damn happy he didn’t even think about how he had absolutely no space for everything he’d just bought to fit in his room)
Kirishima was the hardest one (pun intended). Kirishima was actually so difficult Bakugou spent months thinking about what to get him and came up empty handed anyway. He was so damn complicated that Bakugou sucked up his pride and straight out asked him what he wanted for his birthday. “I don’t want to fuck this up”, he said, and Kirishima smiled so hard and so wide and so bright, it felt like enough of a present for him just hearing that. He told him he wanted to spend the day with him, so they did that - studied, sparred, ate, hung with the others. Bakugou didn’t think it was enough of a present since honestly it felt like any other day, but Kirishima was happy, so he guessed it was fine (he found and bought a super rare super expensive Crimson Riot figure to gift him anyway) (Kirishima cried)
Anon said:You are so awesome!!!
sob thank you SO MUCH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;A;
Anon said:It's t[odobak]u week! It's honestly a ship I never thought about, but ever since I saw fanart about them I've been thinking about their dynamic as a couple. How would that even work with their personalities? I know you don't really ship Katsuki with anyone else but Kiri, but let's say for some reason Bakugou and Todoroki got together. How would you describe their complicated relationship/dynamic? I've been thinking about it ever since I saw that fanart Q_Q
I talked about my feelings for these two’s relationship here!! But in all honesty I just can’t see them as romantics (if I could I’d probably ship it hah) so I can’t say how it’d work for them in a relationship of that kind... mostly because all I can think of as an answer is “it wouldn’t work” haha rip
Anon said:I love when you draw Bakugou being a big old softy
Fun fact: I take the fact that Mitsuki is unapologetically soft to Masaru as a good enough proof that in a romantic relationship Bakugou would be the softest to his partner - he’s already soft enough for Kirishima, can you imagine how much more he’d be after being openly in love with him for years? (I can) (it’s beautiful)
Anon said:More adult!AU please!!!!!!!!!!!
Uhhhhhhhhhhh sure, but it wasn’t really an AU tho! It’s just me playing around with their designs a bit, I’ve been drawing them aged up now and again for a while now (tho I admit mostly what stays constant in the design is only the hairstyles, everything else changes based on how I’m feeling it atm) anyway yeah, more will come in the future! Can’t promise the designs will stay totally unchanged, tho haha
Anon said:We only have to last one more day until the next chapter (probably) kills us all with the feels. Thank you to you and your art for getting me through this terrible week of waiting.
;A; you’re welcome, I’m trying to keep myself sane with my own doodles too so helping you along is a beautiful most welcome side-effect
Anon said:Could i have a ref of your adult kiribaku scars? if not i understand! have a great day!
No probs, just, I can’t draw right now cause of hand-problems so you’ll have to make do with me telling you where they are? Also that’s just how I went for it in that drawing, it’s nothing set in stone, really, I keep on adding and moving them around every time I draw them
The only scars Bakugou has there are on his palms - cover the whole of it and reach a bit on the inside of his wrist too, they’re burn scars and come from overusing his quirk one too many times. Kirishima’s got more - aside from the canon eye one he’s got one on the left side of his mouth, one on each forearm in the same spots he’s been hurt in the latest chapter, and one covering most part of his upper back (this one he got protecting civilians with his own body too often and breaking one time too many)
Anon said:I don't know if you take request or not but if you do, could you draw adult bakugou with baby kirishima and vice versa, please? 😙😊
I already have tho!! x x x
Anon said: Holy crap, scarred up hottie Kirishima with the black roots saved my life
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! glad you liked him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *O*
Anon said:denki at the end of your last post is me xD
*whispers* honestly same
Anon said:Okay but think about how fucking pissed Baku would be if Todoroki tripped and fell and broke his ankle walking up the the battle arena and they didn't even get to fight because Todoroki can't even stand.
Listen, listen, if anything like this happened Bakugou would take Todoroki off his list of worthy rivals asap why was he ever even interested in this guy why did he even waste his time like this he’s so done
Anon said:I just got my wisdom teeth removed and can't pronounce "f" , and all I can think ab is Bakugo, in the same case, being pissed as hell because he can't say "fuck" anymore
That’s the moment the squad learns that Bakugou uses the word fuck out of convenience and not because it’s the only one he knows, really (did all those swear words even exist) (how does he even know so many)
Anon said:Fran I just found out why you've stopped posting Haikyuu as much and?? I feel so bad?? Because you're absolutely right, the fandom might be pretty healthy compared to others but it a certain idea of what should be and what shouldn't be. Like the minute you get into the fandom you're bombarded with the "canon" ships (which aren't even canon smh) and then there's other ships which are just automatically designated as "brotp" and if you don't follow the norm then you get hate. (1/2)
And it just makes me feel terrible because you obviously love(d?) Haikyuu a lot, and drawing for it, but then the fandom basically forced you to leave. And that just makes me really really sad. I used to be sad that you didn't draw for Haikyuu much anymore (because despite fandom I do love the series very much) but now I'm just. Really glad that you found BNHA and are having fun drawing for it. Ahaha this is kinda pointless but I really respect you and so?? Just keep doing you
Thank you so much oh my god orz it’s... true, posting for hq hasn’t been half as fun as it used to be, lately, but I do still enjoy it! Between everything the fact that the fandom is sort of asleep atm does make me lose even the last motivation to draw more, so! I’m pretty confident as soon as the fandom wakes back up I’ll start posting more for it again! After all I love the show and all the characters a lot still~
Anon said:*chanting* Draw that hair angst! Draw that hair angst!
I’m trying !!! (tomorrow might just be the right day)
Anon said:i just recently started watching bnha and i'm IN LOVE!!!! i'm also glad i can appreciate your art more bc now i actually know who the characters are 😂
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’m SO GLAD you’re liking it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And thank you SO MUCH for sticking around even while you didn’t know the show!!!!
Anon said:i love your art!!!!!! im gay!!!!!
tHANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and great for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anon said:  I can't believe Kirishima wears Franeridart brand knickers
It’s the most popular brand on this blog, really
Anon said:bro i don't even read/watch bnha. why am i so invested in these kids. it's,, it's your fault isn't it. you're being paid by horikoshi (is that the mangaka's name?) to reel us all in aren't you. EXPOSED, FRAN
Joke’s on me anon, I’m not even being paid for this (lol) (since you like the kids you should really give the show a try, tho *nudge nudge*)
Anon said:hi just a friendly reminder that kirishima eijirou is amazing and incredible and so are you
Being given the same compliments given to Kirishima might as well be the best thing ever happened to me.... oh my gods.............. thank you............
Anon said:There's only one way for me to find out if my Quirk is breathing under water
Anon no
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shioune · 7 years
tagged by @nekopri, @dreamsinparadise and @suzunesays. thank you!! omg 33 questions wish me luck
pt. 1 nekopri
What’s your favourite time of day? i personally like early mornings but i usually find it easier to stay up late then wake up early lol
Milk based ice-cream or a fruit based one? MILK BASED i’m 100% milk bb
3 things you think of when you wake up? urgh here it goes again, noooo, damnit.
Latest shower thought? coding stuffs like i really wonder how they make those diagonal things y’know? i figured it out. thanks, shower-chan.
Would you rather the temperature be 40 °C  or -20 °C ? OOOO -20 but without wind, i can tolerate that eyeing you urbana wtf is up with -20 with wind and snow huh? fu rly
The weirdest thing you have ever eaten on a whim? nothing i eat is every weird really if it’s real food, though in college we there’s this one time my housemates and i tried the orange juice with rice thing? that’s fucked up.
Are you more comfortable showing affection verbally or physically? both! although when it comes to real life, i do find it hard to say words of love, i even find it hard to say “i love you” to my mom or my lover which is why i usually am more inclined to a more physical approach.
What’s your default sleeping pose? the fetus position
What’s your ideal pet? dOG??? i had a dog, i love dogs, i live for dogs. just!!! DOGS!!!!
Favourite scene from a book/movie/tv show? all time favorite is whenever yang and grey told each other that they’re their person. also love it when the chevalier told athénaïs that she reminds him of a swan, “graceful on top but underneath, two fat flippers just trashing away” BURN!!!
Prettiest cow bread? I am serious IDK WHAT COW BREAD IS LMAO so i googled it and im not angry at the result
pt. 2, dreamsinparadise
When was the last time you cried, and why? probably yesterday? i was watching was nützt die liebe in gedanken again knowing full well what it does to me.
Do you prefer staying at home or hanging out at your friends’s place? oh man, i love both. can i not choose both? that’s not called choosing i guess, but i do love both c:
If you were in a situation where your fav SLBP character and your 10 yrs old child with him are at the brink of death. You are given the chance to save only one of them. Who would you choose? WTF okay first of all this vahjayjay will not give birth to any parasites called babies in the first place, so ofc I’d save my hide. child doesn’t even exist.
Its your first night with your SLBP bae, who’s gonna be dom and who’s gonna be sub? i’m probably gon be sub first time, dom when i’m not being a lazy af piece of crap.
What would you give to your SLBP bae as a memento if they are going to war? a charm. for protection, something i’ve prayed with for weeks maybe every night in a row. may the force prayer be with you.
Your bae had struck a faustian contract with (demon!au) you for the price of his soul and you finished your services after some time. If you chose not to consume him after the contract, it would cost you your life but he would live, while if you consume him his soul would be with you forever in your body (but you can never touch him or hear him again). Which would you prefer? Why? i probably would not consume him and not for some cheesy schmessy reasons like “oh, hes the love of my life” either but really i just am not comfortable with the idea that someone will be living inside me? i don’t mind losing the bae, i can always find another bae but the thought that he’s inside me and can communicate to me and living inside me LOL no. my body and mind and soul is mine alone. i’d die, but i’d die my own person (my own demon? lmao).
What kind of wedding would you like with your bae? simple. i never like big weddings surrounded by people i don’t even know or care about. i’ve always liked the idea of an outdoors wedding as well, been to a few of those and loved it. i’d get married in amy pond’s wedding dress since it’s been my dream since forever but also not bc i cant see myself marrying anyone.
If you were to adopt one of the SLBP guys as your children, who would it be? sakon is my child. don’t even with me. he’s my precious baby boo. also yasu and mitsun.
What do you think of me; @dreamsinparadise? i actually really really enjoy the times when i catch you on my dash, which is really not very often seeing the colossal amount of blogs i’m following, but i do like it and reading your things esp thoughts on slbp LOL let’s talk anime too but i’m so awkward lmao creeps back to my cave
Give 3 words to describe your 2D man teasing wicked smile *wink* this applies to most of my 2S baes LMAO
Are these questions fun, heartbreaking or humoring for you? Did you enjoy them?? i enjoy them actually! i have a lot of fun answering these! the situations and everything gives me muse to write? lmao stop me. i love them baby, thank you for tagging me!
pt. 3, suzunesays
Fuck, Marry, Kill - The Magistrate, Masamune’s Mother, Retainer #2 hmmmm marry masamune’s mother and show her that the real deal is with girls, no wonder you’re not happy, you’re surrounded by males sighs (jk but lmao), kill the magistrate, maybe fuck retainer #2. don’t really see it happening as i have rly low libido, probs close to ace rly, but hey if i have to choose.
What’s your favorite dessert?  i have too many hdu make me choose ggrrrrrr, recently i’ve been into pineapple cakes (nastar), and strawberry shortcake i also adore any red bean based desserts. my grandma makes the best.
Your favorite lord poofs into existence before you! What happens next? omg, hide????? i’d tackle him into a hug and just spend hours cuddling and sleeping tbh. i love cuddles, i live for cuddles.
Do you paint your nails? What color are they now? nah, they’re clear now but i usually paint them in warm hues. or cherry red (real cherries, the one thats dark af not )
What’s something you bought recently that you really shouldn’t have? :ccccccccccc reward points on several shades of sadism :ccccccc
Do you have any pets? i had 3 rabbits and a dog, they ded. old age and sick.
How long have you been playing SLBP? i honestly don’t remember? this is like, a question i can never answer bc i have rly whacked up sense of time LMAO
If you could go on vacation to any destination in the world, where would you go? lucca, italy. LOL. i know it’s very specific but i really love lucca. also where else can u see gemma galgani?
Would you let your favorite lord do your hair and makeup for you (you’d have to wear it out in public)?  yessss, i trust hide tbh LOL, he wouldn’t go anywhere really crazy. and he’d put us in consideration when choosing. and did you read his birthday story, he has great tastes.
Who has a better butt - you or Mitsunari? me. (im laughing at how quick i come to this answer). idk i work out daily. but probs mitsunari, he does too. idk i havent seen his butt. i need to see his butt. someone send me the butt.
If you could travel into the SLPB universe to have an amazing makeout session with one lord and one lord only, who would it be? do you really need to ask? there’s only hide for me ˉ̞̭(′͈∨‵͈♡)˄̻ ̊
Now, my questions.
Do you ship yourself with any of the voltage men? Or do you have any favorite, who?
Would you really date them if they exist in your life and is interested in you?
Your top three SLBP lords. Or any game from your choosing. But you can only choose three guys from one title.
Now, fuck marry kill from those choices : ) I’m satan incarnate, y’know.
What’s the last thing you daydream about?
Do you prefer hugs or kisses and are you the kind of person who would initiate them?
A song you’re really into these days and a song you associate to your fav lord/prince/character (idk, i mean what if slbp isnt ur fav game, im giving you options here bc im a sainttan)
Do you love Oyamada Nobushige?
What's your favorite food and to what length will you go to get it?
If you can time travel to any period and any country, where would you go? Why that period/country?
And lastly would you consider donating pearls to me? LOL NO IM JOKING last question is, late at night and you’ve been feeling out of it for a while and your bae (your 2D bae ofc) text messages you. Who’s your bae and what does the message say?
That’s it i guess. Yeah. imma tag some people that pops up in my pea-sized memory and you can do it or you just say “fuq u fron” and just ignore it. no worries. @shigetsugu, @yasu-masa, @amigoingbananas, @whiskasgirl, @otomesanada, @laurifakristalina, @blessthechipmonk, @cottonballwithmustache, @daeva-agas, @shedreamsfiction, @nikkihime, @rainbowatnight, @little-lady-mimi, @minminami, @wizardesslover, @mistakenmessenger, @noomsu, @thexgoddessxofxfate
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bigmouthbadsleeper · 6 years
Movies In My Mind
I’ve always had a very vivid imagination. As a child it served me well because I was rarely bored, and as a teenager it got me through some pretty lonely times. As an adult it pretty much just annoys me. I get these thoughts in my head sometimes, these little scenarios that come out of nowhere. I don’t know how or when I started doing this, but at this point, I’ve thought of them so many times that they play out like movies in my mind. These thoughts can happen anytime- while I’m working out, driving, cleaning, working, etc.- and though I know that I have control over them, they can still cause me to have a panic attack. I realize that giving power to these scenarios is a waste of my time, but my mind often lacks reason and logic. I’ll be minding my own business, shampooing my hair, or doing some other routine task, and one of these scenarios will pop into my head and my heart will start to race and I’ll start breathing heavy. I have to remind myself that nothing has even happened, I’m still in the shower, washing my hair, and not falling down a flight of stairs exposing my holey underwear (I don’t even own holey underwear). I’ve complied a list of the most common scenarios that I torture myself with on a regular basis. You might be wondering, why is she sharing this with the world? I guess it’s because I think it’s kind of funny, and I’m hoping someone else will find it funny, too. Also, I figure I can’t be the only one who does this. Maybe someone else out there can relate, and we can bond over the ridiculousness of our brains.
Tripping, falling, and exposing my underwear. Okay, so this has actually kind of happened to me once. I was walking down the hall at church, in between classes, and I saw a friend I hadn’t seen in a while. I headed towards her to say hello, and somehow my skirt fell off! I didn’t even notice it was happening until the skirt was at my ankles, restricting my steps. I still cringe every time I think about it. I mean how do you even recover from that?? Full disclosure: I was wearing Spanx. I don’t know if that makes it better or worse, but I’m inclined to say it’s worse.
Letting go of my steering wheel on a curved road. Would I ever do this? No. But what freaks me out is that I COULD IF I WANTED TO. Doesn’t it ever make you rethink things when you realize how in control of your own destiny you are? I’ll be driving and the thought will come to me and I will start to wonder things like, “Where would my car go?”, or “How long would it be before my car stopped moving? Would it just stop, or would it stop because it crashes into a wall?” Oh yeah, I’m driving right now. Better pay attention. Yikes.
Falling off of the treadmill/elliptical. If I were the star of my own television show, there’d be a scene where I fall off of my treadmill at least five times per season. “But wouldn’t that get old?” you might ask? No, it would not. Falling is always top comedy. Falling while on a fast-paced, moving belt just makes it that much funnier. This has only come close to happening one time when I had a tangled up earbud fiasco. I got a little too cocky and tried to untangle the rat’s nest while I was running. I managed to get my footing and stop myself from falling, but it was a close call, guys. So close that I’m starting to sweat right now just thinking about it.
Losing a tooth. Not like losing a tooth when I was a kid and they were bb teeth that were meant to be lost. Like losing a fully grown, high school graduate, adult tooth. This is probably my biggest fear. It started when I was young, probably because I saw an episode of Jerry Springer or some other daytime talk show and there was a person sans teeth on there, which of course led me to freak out about the state of my own bicuspids. What would I do if my tooth got knocked out?? Once I read that if it happens, you should put the tooth in milk to preserve it, which is why I always carry a packet of milk with me. JK I don’t, but I really have thought about it because that’s how scared I am of this happening to me. Seriously you guys, HOW WOULD I RECOVER FROM THAT? I am pretty positive I couldn’t rock the missing teeth look. And this is coming from a girl who used to wear sweat pants with the name JOE JONAS emblazened on the legs out in public. In her twenties. On the regular.
Walking into the men’s room on accident. I’m going to be really honest here, the men’s room is a complete mystery to me. I have no idea what goes on in there. I caught a glimpse of one once and there were toilets on the ground- ON THE GROUND I SAY!! That seems risky to me. Usually this paranoia hits me after I’ve finished running on the elliptical at the gym and I’ve still got my headphones on and I’m all disoriented and sweaty. I mean, the boy and girl restrooms are right next to each other, I could easily meander into the wrong side! Most of the restrooms I see are marked with an “M” or a “W” which is practically the same letter even! Whose idea was that?? I think this fear might be rooted in the fact that when I was in high school, I had a job as a janitor basically, cleaning a medical office. I thought no one was left in the office so I was just carrying on like I owned the place, and stormed right into the bathroom with my cleaning supplies in my hands and I walked in on a guy going pee! I really did this! And guess what he did?? This image still haunts me to this day. He kept peeing, turned his head around, gave me a little nod, and calmly said, “Sup?” A part of me died in the bathroom that day, my friends. I can’t talk about it anymore because I am getting shortness of breath just remembering the harrowing details.
Ripping up money. Now this is one I would definitely never do, obviously!! But one day I was playing with a hundred dollar bill (because that’s what hundredaires like myself do in their free time) and I thought about how easily I could rip it into pieces and I would be $100 less rich. How weird is that? Money is just paper?? Is that really the best system for our currency? I could be $100 less rich with one tear. Ugh. That scares me worse than the Chucky movies, if I’m being honest.
Sending the wrong text to the wrong person. This one plagues me on a daily basis, because I am an avid texter, and I text multiple people throughout the day. I’m married now, but when I was single I used to make myself sick worrying about sending a text ABOUT the guy I like and the details of our non-relationship TO the guy I like, instead of to my friend. What if my boss gets the text I meant to send to my mom where I vent about my job? Or worse, what if someone (anyone) gets the text I meant to send to my mom about how I really need to have a poo but can’t go in the toilets at work? I know what you’re thinking, I shouldn’t be texting these things to people. You’re wrong. These are exactly the types of things I should be texting to people. You may also be curious as to why I text my mom about my bowel movement issues. Don’t worry. A healthy poo text is normal every once in a while.
Cutting off a chunk of my hair with craft scissors. Let me preface this one by saying that I am in a constant state of growing my hair out. I am forever wanting long hair and lacking the patience it takes to get it. All of the work I’ve been putting into having long hair would be for nothing with one snip. Sometimes I think about that scene in Sixteen Candles where Caroline gets her hair stuck in a locked door at Jake Ryan’s house and her friends get her out by cutting off the backside of her hair with scissors they found laying around the house! That scene chills. Me. To. The. Bone.
Divorce. I honestly don’t know why this terrifies me so much but I think it’s because I find it so terribly, horribly sad. I once read a statistic that said 50% of marriages end in divorce and right there on the spot I started to feel tightness in my chest. I think the very thought of something that was once so happy and full of love disolving and falling apart scares me. It leads to lots of invasive and paranoid thoughts about love. How do you ever really know if someone is right for you? How do you know that someone won’t fall out of love with you, or hurt you, etc. You know, the usual sad cocktail. It’s just like universal smart woman June Carter Cash said, “It burns, burns, burns.” Being with my husband has really helped me calm down about broken love in relation to myself, but I still worry a great deal about all the other relationships out there. It doesn’t matter if I know them personally or not. I still haven’t fully processed Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie’s divorce, and I can make myself depressed just by thinking about Johnny Depp and Winona Ryder’s breakup, and they were never even married! I have so many feelings, my friends. So many.
Good news, these irrational fears actually have a clinical name! They’re called “intrusive thoughts”, and according to the internet (v reliable source for information), four out of five people experience intrusive thoughts on a regular basis. An intrusive thought is described as “an unwelcome involuntary thought, image, or unpleasant idea that may become an obsession, is upsetting or distressing, and can feel difficult to manage or eliminate.” If that aint me, right? I don’t know if it’s more comforting to have a name for what I’m experiencing, or if it makes me feel more insane. It’s nice to know that I’m not the only one going through this, though. It makes me feel better to know that I’m not alone, and that there are others who can relate to me. That’s what life is all about, I think; connecting with others by sharing our experiences with them. Kinda makes all the difficult stuff we go through seem special, doesn’t it?
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