#they’re both comparatively very young when they meet him 😭
roobylavender · 2 years
selina was 19 when bruce was 26…? oh my god i never knew how old she was when she was first introduced so your tags shocked me😭
ok so i went back to volume one and it’s actually. a bit worse than i remember 😭
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i did get it wrong that it was on the cusp of year one/year two, these events overlap with year one so bruce is 25. but based on the above panels it seems selina could have been anywhere from 16/17-19 😭
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leornadodabvinci · 17 days
Hello! Do you have any other Grand Chase headcanons to share on this fine day? 👁️👁️
HI HELLO YES I DO OMGGG SORRY FOR THE LATE RESPONSE I DIDN’T OPEN TUMBLR FOR A BIT BUT I HAVE A DISCORD SERVER FOR KEEPING NOTES OF STUFF AND ONE CHANNEL IS JUST DEDICATED TO RANDOM HCS AND SO UM. I have a few (that would make sense without an elaborate explanation)👉👈 they’re mostly if not all elesis and sieghart though ahahah… ANYWYA
*takes a deep breath*
(Sorry if the terminologies aren’t right im just rambling skhdjsj) (also a lot of them are sieg and elesis aha…)
- Sieghart currently is built like a dancer, lithe and flexible, because of the extra innate godlike strength he got from being a highlander. He doesn’t have to exert as much strength as when he was just a mortal, or like the weight doesn’t affect him that much anymore? Plus, i hc that the highlanders’ style is more elegant and flow-y, compared to the brutishness of the sieghart family’s. When he was younger, around Elesis’ age, he was built more like her. Body builder, bigger muscle kinda look.
- Elesis, as she grows into her late 20’s receives sooooo many “you look just like Sieghart!” Or “you look just like your father!” Comments, but as she grows past 30 and 40, they die down. Because sieghart is stuck in his 30’s, and elscud died (? Disappeared?) in his 40’s.
- sieghart is a jack of all trades, master of none kinda guy.
- Dio and Sieghart have a strange way of being intimate. It isn’t really… intimacy. They don’t do pda, they do something more nothingburger and subtle that it feels more vulgar if you catch them doing it. Its like a game? But not really? Since they’re not trying to hide it either 😭 i don’t know how to describe it. Like the Chase could be in a meeting together and Sieghart/Dio is eating something and one of them goes “blech” and instead of eating the food, they try it from the other’s mouth and then is like “oh ew ur right omg” and then the chase woukd just stare at them.
- dio and sieg are truly, evenly matched in skill. Its a battle of attrition. Though probably sieg has the upper hand since he’s immortal?
- dio’s actually also playboy, just not in mortal sense. He takes up someone every 5 - 10 years, which i hc is the equivalent of changing gfs/bfs every couple of months in demon sense of time. He tries to mean well though, and doesn’t do one night stands.
- sieghart is a one night stand enthusiast. He’s a total flirt too.
- height hc: dio > sieg > zero > ley > grandiel > werner > (noticeable drop) > ryan > lire > jin > rufus > harpe > ronan > asin > lass > edel > rin > elesis > amy > (big drop here) > arme > lime > veigas
- Elesis is a doof and lowkey rich girl coded. “How much is an apple anyway? Like $10?”
- the Chase act more like childish, more their age (more carefree, unburdened, yknow young adults/teens) around Sieghart.
- lass and rufus have the same eye shape. They both take after their mother more.
- Grandiel finds Sieghart to be the best company. They both understand each other very well, and seamlessly fall into conversation no matter how long its been since they last met.
- that’s why when Sieghart found out who Kyle and Cindy was, it stung a little. But he understood, of course. He holds no grudge against Grandiel.
- Sieghart acts like a safeguard for the Chase. He doesn’t want any of them to go through any of this alone.
- Ley, Rin and Sieghart are besties. Wine date trio.
- Lime and Dio also unexpectedly get along well. They’re optimistic people. Two sides of the same coin.
- Rufus cares about Lass more than he thinks. When Lass gets sick, he most definitely appears and lingers around until he gets better.
Okaay i think thats itttt hehe :3 Thank you for this ask I definitely enjoyed it LOL
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Pls pick whichever one u like more (I can’t choose sorry 😭)
General 27 Lins officers notice that something different with the chief and conclude that she’s seeing someone. Lin ofc denies this and makes up excuses when they question her but unfortunately for her she’s a terrible liar due to her mother being a truth seer. This can be for whatever ship u want :))
Fluff 28, ok this sounds rlly stupid 😭 but Lin and Tenzin both dream of meeting each other in the spirit world and cos they both think they’re dreaming they admit their feelings to each other but when they wake up and see each other the next day they realise it was real.
You can also read it on AO3.
I am going with your first prompt, like I said- it's more up my ally. This isn't all that shippy since it's a General prompt. I hope this is close to what you were looking for. Consider this a part 1½ of this fic, all because we spoke about that one time (You know what I'm talking about). I swear I'm working on an actual part two.
Send me prompts!
Ever since Republic City's officers had been placing bets on the identity of the artist responsible for creating their piece all the way on the neck of their very intimidating Chief, things had been slightly different at the Police Station.
Mako had surreptitiously placed his bet- ensuring his entry had garnered a negligible amount of attention. Considering how extroverted the rest of the officers were compared to Mako, it was easy to avoid their radar. Everyone was so busy coming up with their own theories and further convincing others of it, that nobody paid any mind to Mako's involvement.
It was only a week after the art exhibition that someone finally withdrew from the buzz, and took to counting the entries in the ballot. Of course, no one dared to disclose to contents of the secret ballot, but it was worthwhile to have a total sample size before any further progress.
Detective Kiara was new to the squad, and yet, had somehow managed to fit right in with the rest of the officers- much better than even Mako had after all these years. She was a fast-talking, chirpy young lady who had a tiniest bit of proper sense in Mako's opinion.
Once the tally of the total number of votes had been made, Kiara was the only one who was quick to realize that Mako- who had initially bowed out of these 'shenanigans'- had in fact participated in said shenanigan. Of course, she had no idea who he had voted for- but she was smart enough to gather that his sudden contribution alongside the content of his entry may actually hold a good weight in this betting pool.
"I thought these stupid betting games were beyond you." She directly quoted him.
She was sharp, all right.
"They are." Mako replied, without lifting his eyes from the paperwork in front of him.
"And yet, Captain Saikhan counted a hundred sixty-four entries. Unless Chief Beifong herself decided to part take in these shenanigans, my calculations tell me that you've got opinions on Chief's dating life." She sauntered over to him and placed her hand on his desk to direct his attention to her.
"Whatever, Kiara, I'm busy." He continued staring at the paper in front of him. He knew what she was trying to do- but he wasn't going to give in and let her distract him.
"You voted for someone. You're always hanging out with the Chief. You're quiet, trustworthy, the perfect wallflower and you've voted for someone. You know who the Chief is dating."
Another hand slammed onto his workspace, now completely disturbing his frame.
"What do you want, Kiara?" Mako whined, looking up at her with sheer irritation.
Irritation that only seemed to fuel Kiara's amusement.
"Tell me who she's dating and we'll split the money."
Mako looked deep into her eyes to solidify his answer, "I don't know or care who she's dating. It's not my place."
"Fine," Kiara rolled her eyes, "Keep the money. Tell me who's railing her."
Mako cringed at her choice of words, "I really need to get-"
The large door perpendicularly adjacent to Mako's desk suddenly flew open, revealing the woman in question. From her own perspective, she had grown gruffer than usual since she had learnt of what was going on behind her back, but from the perspective of the others: Lin Beifong was getting railed- which in turn meant: there was someone taming that beast within her- that if there was some elusive one who could do it- how daunting could she really be?
Without stepping out of the threshold of her office, she glanced over to Mako, "My paperwork ready?"
"Almost done, Chief."
"Hurry it up. I don't have all day to wait until you're done gossiping. Almost isn't finished, Detective."
Lin turned back to return to her office. She wouldn't admit it but ever since her hickey had been easily spotted, Lin had retreated from interacting with her force more than needed all because she was embarrassed. In her mind, she knew there was nothing to be so ashamed of, that everyone had a love life that granted the level of privacy they desired, but perhaps, she allowed herself the pitiful excuse of having been burned badly in the past.
Just as she was about to shut the door behind her, someone dared to stop her.
"Not all of us have the pleasure of coming into work after being finished, Chief."
"KIARA." Mako growled at a decibel so low, even he couldn't hear his own voice.
Lin turned around to source the sound of the voice, "Come again?"
"Again? We're all sure your boyfriend made you cum plenty of times."
Kiara was smiling proudly. The entire room had since silenced. They were all looking at her in disbelief, in sheer discombobulation of the usage of the word 'we', for initially, it was just her funeral- and now it was all of theirs.
Lin walked forward and halted at Mako's desk- not a hair out of place with an air of confidence. Had it been anyone else in front of her, they would have swallowed down any remnants of any matter in their mouths, but Kiara just stood there, chest out and eyes wide with intrigue.
Mako had a front row seat to this supposed showdown. It was happening right in front of his desk after all. He didn't know whom to hold back in this scenario- and that is if at all he interjected- either way, his interference would only end badly for him.
Lin pressed her tongue against her the side of her lip while she studied the young lady in front of her. This form of staring down normally worked pretty well as an intimidation tactic, but as Lin continued glaring at Kiara, she realized this method was probably flawed. Kiara was smiling wider than ever, as if sincerely awaiting an answer to the simple question she had posed.
The Chief diverted her gaze from Kiara and scanned the rest of the room. Everyone had frozen in spot like a cat deer caught in front of headlights, with each person averting eye contact with Lin.
"I have come to learn that this has become a joke of some sort? Placing bets on your superior's private life?"
Lin's signature tone commanded the room; relaying the effect intended. However, there was tiny something amiss- something that seemed rather experimental. While Lin herself wondered whether any of these people would take her seriously again after that hickey on her neck, these officers too weren't certain if she would still have the same effect on them.
Everyone was running the same test.
But the room remained silent.
So, Lin continued, pacing the floor, "We all work in very close proximity and therefore, I understand that sometimes your personal lives may intermingle with professional lives," She stopped abruptly and fixed her gaze on another female officer, "Right, Ming? Sometimes you end up dating your partner," Her gaze shifted across the room, "And have ugly break-ups. Am I right, Soruto?"
The two officers in question looked down to the floor, while the others followed suit.
"And of course, we all remember our favorite Mako breaking up with the Avatar-"
"Chief, that was-" Mako interjected.
Lin raised her palm in his direction: a gesture that was enough to shut him up.
She continued from there on, pacing the floor again, "Hence, I would highly recommend keeping your noses out of my business. Just like any of you, I am allowed to have a private life and should the stresses from your professional life build me a tiny window into your personal affairs, I would covertly look the other way, and I expect the same from all of you."
She stopped in place, now satisfied that the charge of the room had strengthened back into her iron grip, "Now get back to your work. I do not pay you all to gawk at me in the middle of the afternoon."
With a few asynchronous echoes of, "Yes, Chief!"s, everyone resumed their previous business.
Just as Kiara was about to take her leave from beside Mako's table, Lin stopped her, standing straight in her path, "You will NEVER speak to me that way, you understand?"
"Yes, Chief." Kiara swallowed, "For what it's worth I am just very happy for you-" A tad louder now, "We're all very happy for you."
Everyone froze in spot again. This girl was going to be the end of them.
"You deserve all the love and hickeys this person has been dousing you with. And it brings us a lot of joy to know that you're doing things that make you happy." She continued.
Lin scanned the room once more. This time, everyone looked like they were behind whatever this girl had to say.
"Thanks." Lin said quietly.
"So, who is the lucky guy?" Someone's voice came from the crowd.
"Nobody- I'm not seeing anyone-"
Lin was fumbling.
"It's Master Tenzin isn't it?"
And then there were chaotic echoes of agreement and disagreement among the group,"I heard he's getting a divorce-" "They were meant to be!" "No, she can do so much better than Tenzin." "You really think Tenzin could do THAT?"
"No! Of course not!" Lin shouted.
"Then why are you blushing?"
Why was she blushing?
Because she had sex with Bumi in Tenzin's bed last night since they're all on holiday to the Southern Air Temple.
"Look, she's blushing even harder!"
A cheer of laughter followed as Lin bit the inside of her mouth, trying her best to curb the flush on her cheeks. The more she tried not thinking about Bumi the harder of she was thinking about just him and his body and his eyes and his beard and his hair and his hands and-
"Chief, you're pink!"
"It's really nobody! It was a one time-"
"Gemsbok Bullshit! Chief Beifong is in love!" Another teased in a sing-song voice.
"I mean it," She tried steadying her voice even if that left the inside of her cheeks bleeding, "I am not dating anybody."
Now Mako got up, having caught the light laughter from the room, "You’re a bad liar did you know?"
Saikhan joined in then, "It's because her mother made it impossible for her to tell anything but the truth that now the poor thing doesn't even know how to lie."
"Awww, Chief!" Kiara giggled with pity.
"Fine!" Lin shook her head, "Get me the ballot. I'll announce your winner in a week."
The whole room tore into hoots over her declaration.
"That is," She cleared her throat with amusement, "If any of you got it right."
While everyone broke into their noisy discussions as to why they're right, Lin exchanged a knowing look with Mako.
Mako was sure going to win a ridiculous amount of money.
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