#they’re currently living in New Orleans going to college
winnie-the-monster · 1 year
Remember how in 3x02 when Hope wanted to send Landon to live in the PW with Raf. And he told her no bc that’s not living to him. That wasn’t a life he wanted for himself. Then by 4x20 he’s trapped in the PW that is limbo, eternally living a life he does not want.
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kayleighxking · 1 year
✧.* { Abigail Cowen & she/her & female & 24 } is that KAYLEIGH KING hanging around town ? I wonder if they want to know what the future holds, as for right now, they are a COLLEGE STUDENT AT WHITMORE ? i’ve heard they can be pretty BLUNT. how typical for a UNTRIGGERED CRESCENT WEREWOLF. i guess they must rely on their LOYAL side shining through. rumor has it they’re trying to hide they are tracking down their parents killers, but that’s probably just noise…
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Basic Information
Full Name: Kayleigh King
Nickname(s): Kay or lil King
Age: 24
Date of Birth: Feb 20
Hometown: New Orleans, LA
Current Location: McKinley, VA
Ethnicity: German, English, Scottish, Irish
Nationality: American
Gender: Female  
Pronouns: She/Her
Orientation: Heterosexual  
Religion: N/A
Political Affiliation: N/A
Occupation: Student/Blogger
Living Arrangements: Room 9
Language(s) Spoken: English, French & Spanish
Physical Appearance
Face Claim: Abigail Cowen
Hair Colour: natural redhead
Eye Colour: blue
Height: 5’7”
Weight: 124 lbs
Build: Athletic
Kayleigh was born to Rachel and Josh King, she has one older brother - Greyson King.
When she was five years old her parents were murdered. Leaving her under the care of her brother as well as the crescent pack. Everyone was there to help Greyson out with everything. The entire pack became her family and for the most part she didn’t feel like she didn’t have a family or lacked any love.
Kay grew up being a rather timid child. When her parents were murdered it took three years for her to speak again as she went silent as she processed the fact that her parents were forever gone. She had a tough time adjusting to the real reality and though her brother did his best she kept feeling like something was missing and their murder never being solved never sat well with her.
When she was five and since she had decided to go mute she was bullied often. She did her best to keep it away from Greyson because she understood he was also dealing with grief his own way which usually meant getting his fists involved.
Then in one instance she was being shoved between two teenagers that were gloating and taunting Kay about how her parents deserved to die and Kay did her best to walk away but Greyson overhead the comments and engaged in the fight. Kay was held back by a third party and she watched her brother accidentally kill one.
Knowing that she was the reason as to why her brother triggered his gene is a weight she hasn’t carried well. Witnessing his transition gave her nightmares and made her not want to do the same.
She turned to writing and fell in love with it. Soon she started her own blog about the events happening in town as well as investigating cold cases. Wanting to see if she could ever connect the person that killed her parents and get answers she needed.
During this time Greyson fell in love — actual love and Kay couldn’t be prouder. At the same time she was had her concerns because when the two were good they were good — but their jealousy issues tended to cause her to worry. She kept these concerns to herself and helped them with their wedding plans till the curse came into play.
She found herself moving around so that she would be able to stay close to her family. When news broke that Greyson’s fiancé had been killed she did her best to be there for him and for the pack as it was not till Hayley came with the cure that they were able to break the curse.
When the Jack decided to move the pack to McKinley — Kay was hesitate. She was tired of moving around and starting over. Not that she placed blame on everyone. At the end of the day she is loyal to her pack and her brother so she packed her bags and left the place that was home.
Leaving was hard for her because she felt that she was giving up on finding who was behind her parents murders.
Though she has told Greyson that she has let it go, Kay keeps touch with the local PD over there and with her knowledge as a criminal justice major and internships with law enforcement she’s been digging even more. Especially now that she has more tools to her disposal. She is working up the courage to tell Greyson she was to become a detective.
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deadtime-stories · 2 years
I just found the old RP journals I kept from a vampire/urban fantasy RP based in New Orleans that I was in before I went back to school and got busy with a bunch of other things. I actually really like a lot of these vampire characters, and I miss this RP. The plot was that vampires/werewolves/supernatural creatures were hidden in the shadows, until an event in-game called The Reveal when they were exposed to be real. It was an interesting exercise in grappling with the backlash and prejudice a lot of them faced after being found out.
I kind of want to write some small stories for these guys, it’s a shame they’re not being used. I’m going to put all of them here as a note for myself, so it’s a long post. Includes such hits as:
William “Liam” Morgan IV: Recovering drug addict and alcoholic, HIV positive, was living in New York and not doing well. Moved to New Orleans when his estranged grandfather reached out to him, as he was William Morgan III’s only living relative. Cared for his grandfather in his last months, inheriting his house and the small French Quarter cafe he owned, Cafe d’Esprit. Made a life for himself in New Orleans and even finally went back to college to finish his degree in Aerospace Engineering. A gifted human, able to enchant objects for a short time.
Marcello “Marc” D’Angiolini: Orphaned by an epidemic at 3 years old and taken away from his dying town by his 15-year-old (at the time) brother. Dropped at a monastery in Florence to be raised, until vampires targeted it and wiped it out when he was 11. Saved from the attack by his brother, who returned with the band of vampire hunters he’d fallen in with. Raised from then by hunters, eventually becoming one, until a raid on a vampire nest gone wrong when most of them died. Broke off to hunt on his own, started falling in with non-humans, saved from death-by-influenza by a particular vampire who had become a thorn in his side. 461 years old at the time of the RP, a vampire hiding in plain site as a military contractor and mercenary. Usually medicated but does occasionally have a paranoid schizophrenic episode so is not shy about regular therapy. The source material for Marcellus Di Mauro, avid journal writer in Ace of Blades.
Dallas Jackson Sterling: (missing biography; loosely based on the historical figure Dallas Stoudenmire) A town marshal and eventual US Marshal out in the wild west, who met his near-end at the bullet of robbers pulling a heist but was turned by a friend he didn’t know until then was a vampire. Was a small town lawman for a little over a hundred years, then spent twelve years as a member of the United States Coast Guard. After the Reveal, he was forced to register as a Vampire and was discharged while official policy regarding vampires in the military was considered. In the meantime, transferred to the police academy after applying for the New Orleasn police force. Part of S.W.A.T. (Speical Operations Division, Tactical Platoon 1). As a vampire, being much harder to kill than other officers, he serves high risk warrants for violent offenders who are likely to be armed and escalate.
Román “Rome” Kelly: Born in Tuskegee Alabama in 1907 to a father who abused his mother, until she took Román and returned to her native Mexico. Grew up pretty much on the straight and narrow, until Prohibition started in the US and he was roped into alcohol smuggling for the easy money. When Prohibition ended, he stayed with what became El Cartel de Matamoros, rising to the rank of Sicario. He caught the eye of a vampire who was growing his coven, and found himself kidnapped and turned in the middle of a job. Kept a prisoner until he learned everything he needed to know about being a vampire and killing his sire, returning to being a Sicario for another cartel. He kept this position until 2011, when his cartel fell, and became a free agent. Currently dancing around with a human vampire hunter who keeps coming close to killing him but never quite manages. Roman will kill him to get him out of his hair, eventually. Someday. Maybe.
Damian Sauveterre: Born in 1320 in Amiens, France to a prostitute, and grew up doing physical labor for the brothel until he was twenty. He left to travel the coast, eventually falling in with a pirate crew of The Bright Lady, terrorizing merchant ships along the African coast. Settled down with his riches to marry and have children, starting his own business, only to contract the Black Death in 1348. Paid to send his family to safety and stayed in France to die, but was one of the “lucky” people to recover and survive, albeit weak and fragile. Eventually tracked down by a woman he crewed with on the Lady, with an offer to be first mate of her new ship, Black Starlight. He was too weak to do so, but after a night of drinking for old time’s sake he blacked out and woke up a vampire, with no real choice but to join the Starlight’s vampire crew. Had some fun doing it until he left to travel, creating a few fledglings of his own before becoming a treasure hunter. In modern times, at around 700 years old, he’s into “acquisitions” and spends his time treasure hunting for profit.
Shiloh Ravencroft: A mild-mannered sociopath just trying to get by in a neurotypical world. Born in 1799 in Scotland, raised to train as a handloom weaver. His farmer parents saw his academic potential and scraped to send him to St. Andrews University, where he graduated with extensive studies in medicine and chemistry. Secured a position as a long term private physician and tutor for a wealthy family, becoming their daughter’s guardian when her parents died in a cholera outbreak. His charge fell in love and ran away a few years later, only to return shortly after with a broken heart...that no longer beat. Upon learning the truth, that his charge was a vampire and hunters were after her, packed her up and began traveling with her to keep her secret hidden. In Poland when the November Uprising began, Shiloh was unlucky enough to be shot by invading Russian troops and was only saved when his charge turned him. After his charge was eventually tracked down and killed by the hunters, who he barely escaped, he traveled. Over the years he returned to University, updating his medical degree. As of current day, he is the Medical Examiner in New Orleans.
Allen Mazharul Shields: Born in Dubai in 1981 to a mercenary mother who had to put off fighting in protest of the invasion of Iraq due to her pregnancy. With a child now in tow and his Iranian doctor father dead in the skirmishes, Allen’s American citizen mother took him to the Caribbean. Life was only quiet for a short time before his mother grew bored and wanted to go back to mercenary life, and Allen grew up hopping from one rebellion to another, being schooled against a backdrop of war zones. At 14, when his mother realized Allen would soon be expected to join in any fight she brought him to, she dropped him on her sister’s doorstep in Baton Rouge and disappeared back to her chaotic life. Inexperienced in modern life in a relatively peaceful place, Allen was a fish out of water and not at all prepared for American life. He dedicated himself to his studies and became a teacher, where he met and married his wife during a stint with WorldTeach. Settled life in the US with a wife and new son only lasted a short time, before the same boredom that plagued his mother hit. He enlisted in the military and became a US Marine, and was serving a three-week operation when his wife and son were killed in a convenience store robbery. Blaming himself for not being there, Allen didn’t re-enlist when his time was up. He returned to the US, went back to school for a teaching degree, and became a traveling substitute teacher. Work as a nanny fills in his time between jobs. He is the source material for Allen Shields, the Vaillancourt bodyguard and nanny in Ace of Blades.
Thomas “TJ” Baylor: Born Lord Thomas Adam Baylor II in 1758 in Williamsburg, Virginia Colony, the only heir to the Harcourt Earldom. In 1774, as the war for Independence was brewing and his parents returned to England, Thomas stayed in the land of his birth and joined the local militia. To pay his bills, he became the assistant to a local lawyer, and attended the Collage of William and Mary to study law in 1775. In 1776, he put aside his education to join the army of the newly-declared United States, and as a well-trained noble quickly climbs the ranks to Captain. During the Battle of Brandywine, he takes a bullet that damages his lung and leaves him no longer fit for combat, so he returns to Virginia to heal and continues the war as a diplomatic representative to ally nations. Noting his deteriorating condition in 1780, he arranges a marriage in the hopes of providing an heir before his death, but passes away three days before traveling to New York to be married. He’s saved from permanent death by a another nobleman who, unknown to Thomas, is a vampire. He joins this small coven, staying with them on occasion between traveling and changing identities. Thomas’ unlife is spent raising hell in the name of humanitarian causes, as he does the legal legwork to keep faces of rebellion out of jail and on the front lines when he’s not actively protesting. In current day, TJ is a civil rights attorney, general counsel, and a law consultant.
North Dixon: Six-foot-three, built like a god, blond-haired and blue-eyed, North is a gorgeous, divorced Survivalist instructor. He’s also a male survivor of domestic abuse at the hands of his ex-wife, against whom he has an order of protection. Quiet and introverted, with extreme anxiety that leaves him tending to put up with bad situations rather than risk raising his voice. North is visibly the picture of the Ideal Alpha Male(tm), but is a gentle soul who just wants to play World of Warcraft and take his dog for a hike. He doesn’t like alcohol, would rather die than go to the gym, and currently happens to be dating a Wendigo. It was a surprise for him, too.
Richard “Ricky” Roy: I lost his biography, but he was born in Toronto. Dropped out of high school in 1964 to buy a van and travel down to the US with two friends, becoming hippies. Attended protests against unwanted US wars, until at one demonstration Richard got drunk and had to be escorted away by his friends when he started getting loud at police. The tipsy three were jumped in an alley, and while his two friends escaped, Richard didn’t. What he thought was a mugging turned out to be an attack by a newly turned vampire, which ended up turning Richard. His friends couldn’t find him and filed a missing persons report, but he showed up a few days later with his new problem. Rather than turn him away, his two friends started taking turns giving him blood so he could survive. When it became apparent they couldn’t keep up, they started paying homeless kids and prostitutes some easy money just to donate a few pints. Spotting an opportunity, Richard and his friend George founded a blood ring business, paying humans for donated blood then turning around to sell it to vampires who didn’t want to risk hunting for a marked up profit. There was plenty of demand and they had supply, and they got rich from the black market business they still run to this day.
Serafino “Fino” Giovanni: Born in Latina, Italy and immigrated to the US when he was 10. Son of a wealthy, black market arms dealer who was killed in a home invasion a year after their move to the States. Lost his mother and two older brothers in the same event, survived only because he and his twin brother, Sebastiano, were at a friend’s house. The boys’ adopted parents bought them anything they wanted, but their liberal use of the Giovanni fortune rubbed Serafino the wrong way. It wasn’t really about the money, Serafino was a traumatized, depressed kid who couldn’t articulate his sense that his guardians would only tolerate him and his brother being between them and such a fortune for so long. A frequent runaway, at 16 he filed for emancipation but was unable to convince his much milder brother to do the same. While out at a bonfire one night, Serafino fell in with a girl he thought was his age, only to end up bitten and turned. The volatile young woman only stuck around for a week, then ditched him to find her next Interesting Thing. Serafino returned home while his brother was at school, and in an uncontrollable fit of bloodlust--mixed with his growing distrust--killed his adopted parents. After that he ran away, living off the grid for a few months until stumbling across an older, far more established vampire in New Orleans who took him in and helped get him under control. 17 years old at the start of the RP.
Sebastiano “Bastian” Giovanni: Twin to Serafino. More visibly traumatized by his family’s deaths than Serafino, mostly turned inward and ignored their adopted parents’ use of the family money since it wasn’t like money would bring their family back. After the disappearance of his brother, became gravely ill. On his own, he took the medications he was on with him to a trip to the hospital, only to find out what he was taking wasn’t what was on the label. His adopted parents had been switching his pills, hoping to deteriorate his mental state enough to have him declared incompetent and become his conservators, ensuring their access to the Giovanni fortune after he came of age. Bastian cut ties but just wanted the issue to go away, so had lawyer for his trust pay to make sure charges weren’t filed. He went his own way, considering the matter closed, but despite no longer taking his medication he didn’t get better. The unregulated pills he was given did damage to his cardiovascular system, which only grew worse over time. By 18 he was on a transplant list for both heart and kidneys, but when his “ex” adopted parents turned up dead there was no point in pursuing the issue. With them dead and his twin missing--presumed dead--Bastian became the sole heir of the family fortune. The people coming out of the woodwork to manipulate him made him withdraw into himself and spend his time alone. When occasionally checking his bank statements brought questionable charges to his attention--spanning several states, and using his brother’s card--Bastian followed the money to New Orleans where he finally found his brother. Serafino’s adopted sire now has himself the matching set.
Benedikt Kristoffer Lindholme: (missing biography) Once a ballet dancer with the Royal Swedish Ballet before succumbing to the Spanish Flu epidemic and being turned to safe his life. In current times, is a sex counselor by day and a dominator (male dominatrix) by night. Generally counsels vampires who have human partners to make sure things go smoothly.
Joshua Jewell: (missing biography) Born in Chalmette in 1990 to a father who left for New York to continue his career in the FBI and a mother who took care of him by buying some investment properties to pad the income from her nursing job. In 2009 he started a 3-year program in England toward his Astronomy degree, and in 2010 he was the only survivor of a werewolf attack on his group who were out in the countryside to watch the lunar eclipse. At the time of the RP, Josh was just recovering and moving back to New Orleans, to enroll in graduate school at LSU to continue his Astronomy course.
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rachelkaser · 3 years
Stay Golden Sunday: Family Affair
Dorothy’s son Michael and Rose’s daughter Bridget visit at the same time and get a little too close to each other. Blanche throws her back out.
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Picture It...
Dorothy and Sophia are in the living room when Blanche comes hobbling in through the front door, hunched over. Her back gave out while she was in her aerobics class. The doorbell rings, and it’s Michael, Dorothy’s son. She and Sophia are happy to see him, but are not pleased that he’s not kept in touch. He’s currently unemployed after his last gig as a jazz musician ended over a disagreement with his boss, and Blanche offers to let him stay in her room for a few days. Rose arrives home with her daughter Bridget, who she introduces to everyone. Michael doesn’t hit it off with the college-bound Bridget.
BLANCHE: I would get up, but I’ve thrown my back totally out of whack. You see, what happened was-- MICHAEL: Oh you don’t have to explain. My mother already told me all about you.
Michael’s eating breakfast with his mother, who’s babying him against his will, and Sophia, who takes him out for lunch. Blanche, meanwhile, is upset that her doctor has told her she’s going to have to spend most of her time laying down, just not tin the way she’d prefer. In private, Dorothy confides that she’s worried about Michael. Rose comes in and gushes about the nice morning she had with Bridget, and says she’s going to miss Bridget when she leaves, as they’re very close. Dorothy says she used to be close with Michael, but they disagree over his life plans, as she wants him to find a stable job.
Blanche idly suggests that maybe Michael and Bridget should date. Rose and Dorothy immediately object, saying they don’t want to get involved in their kids’ personal lives. Later, Blanche bemoans how bad her back feels to Dorothy and Sophia, who are playing cards, saying she feels like she’s getting old. Dorothy and Sophia share their own experiences with their aging bodies, which Blanche is worried about having to experience “fifteen years from now.” When Dorothy asks where Michael is, Blanche reveals that she gave him and Bridget tickets to the symphony, annoying Dorothy who didn’t want Blanche to interfere.
DOROTHY: Being set up on a date is never fun. SOPHIA: In Sicily, everything is set up. Dates, marriage, death -- especially death. That’s why whenever I go into a restaurant, I sit with my back to the wall... except any diner in Newark, where if you’re against the wall you stick.
Later that night, Rose also finds out what Blanche did and is also annoyed, but Blanche protests it’s not a big deal and the kids came home hours ago. Rose goes to say goodnight to Bridget. Blanche tells Dorothy that she’s going stir-crazy, as it’s been days since she’s last been with a man. Dorothy at first makes fun of her, but gets progressively more disturbed at Blanche’s cabin fever and tells her to “get that look out of your eye and let go of my hand.” Rose suddenly cries out in horror and Dorothy and Blanche run out of the kitchen. They find her in Blanche’s room, where Bridget and Michael are in bed together.
Rose and Dorothy react with horror and disgust (Blanche doesn’t look particularly upset, though I’m sure her bed has seen worse). Sophia comes in and is equally unhappy with Michael, telling him she’s ashamed of him for embarrassing everyone. Bridget doesn’t help the situation by critiquing Michael’s performance (he apologizes for having too much wine), which shocks Rose. Blanche tells everyone they should let the kids get dressed and then talk about things like adults. In the living room, Rose and Dorothy get into a fight, as Rose accuses Michael of seducing Bridget and Dorothy calls Bridget a tramp. The fight ends with Rose storming off.
SOPHIA: Who are you, Mr. Spock? ROSE: I think you mean Dr. Spock, Sophia. SOPHIA: They’re both real smart and they’ve got big ears, so don’t get technical, okay?
The next morning, Dorothy and Rose are cold to Blanche for setting up their kids, and Sophia is in black, as Michael is dead to her. Blanche protests that she just wanted to do something nice and didn’t intend for them to hook up, and says these things do happen with young people (naturally having a story about how she herself once did the same thing). She tells them to at least talk to their kids about it. Rose and Dorothy apologize for taking their anger at their kids out on each other. Sophia, who’s trying to navigate with a black veil in front of her face, is less willing to forgive.
On the lanai, Dorothy confronts Michael and is not as measured as she’d like to be, calling him an “ungrateful brat” and asking why he would embarrass them like that. He apologizes and says he wasn’t thinking. Dorothy tells him that this is his problem, as he’s going through life without making plans and will need to grow up at some point. He apologizes and says he’s doing the best he can, and Dorothy tells him she loves him no matter what. Sophia comes out and Michael apologizes to her as well, and promises to keep in touch with her more often in the future. Sophia can finally remove her black veil.
BRIDGET: I want us to have an open, honest relationship. I want to be able to share my deepest, darkest secrets with you. ROSE: Couldn’t we just wear matching outfits?
In the kitchen, Bridget asks to talk to Rose. Rose wants to avoid the subject, but Bridget tells Rose she can’t always expect her to be perfect, as she’s bound to make mistakes, such as sleeping with Michael. Rose mistakenly thinks it was Bridget’s first time, and is even more deeply uncomfortable to learn that it wasn’t. Bridget says their relationship is going to have to change now that she’s an adult. Rose says she needs to get used to it, and the two share a hug.
Bridget prepares to leave to catch her flight. Coincidentally, Michael enters with packed luggage and says he’s found a new gig and is flying out to New Orleans. The Girls say goodbye to their kids, who both depart for the airport. After they go, Blanche enters all dressed up, ready for a date. The others protest that she should be in bed and listening to the doctor’s orders, but she protests she needs to get out of the house. Dorothy and Rose tell her she shouldn’t go, and Blanche and Sophia have one more exchange before leaving the house.
BLANCHE: Nonsense. Who knows my body better than I do? SOPHIA: Any man in Miami not attached to a woman or a respirator.
“I never passed out at the House of Fabrics. I passed out at the World of Wool.”
This is one of those episodes that I struggled on a rating for. I wanted to give it a three-slice rating because I hate giving two-slices, but honestly this is just one of those episodes that doesn’t click with me, and leaves me feeling confused. It’s not only boring and kind of inane, it doesn’t really make sense to me. Maybe this is the product of me not being a parent, or me not living in the mid-80s, but I’m not sure I really see what’s so dire about the central conflict, which apparently involves two young, attractive people sleeping together. And even when I give the Girls the benefit of the doubt, I’m not comfortable with the way this relatively minor conflict causes such an ugly fight between Rose and Dorothy.
Let’s start with this being the first appearance of Dorothy’s son, Michael, who will appear again in later episodes. He’s a jazz musician who’s bouncing from gig to gig, and recently left his latest one because he refused to wear a tie while performing. Now, maybe it’s just the fact that I’m still recovering from a COVID-19-related layoff, but I admit that does not leave me particularly sympathetic to Michael. I’m very close to Michael in age and I do relate to him saying he’s living his own life and doesn’t want his mother to treat him like a child, but at the same time, I can also see Dorothy’s side of things, wanting him to find a reliable job.
As for the big scandal of the episode, Michael and Bridget sleeping together, again, I think this is something that just doesn’t translate for me. Yes, it’s not a good time or place and it’s a bit tasteless to hook up in a house you’re sharing with your parent/grandparent. They probably shouldn’t have done it, but the language the Girls use in the aftermath: “I’m SHOCKED at your behavior... you’ve broken my heart... I’m ashamed to call you my grandson... where did I go wrong with you?” I just can’t even begin to see why what they did was so wrong.
I’m with Blanche: These things do happen. They may blame Blanche for it, but frankly, if they still felt like hooking up after listening to a Mancini Tribute to The Pink Panther, then I don’t think it would have taken much to push them in that direction. Again, I agree that this is not the right time or place for a hook-up, but it’s not quite the horrible betrayal that the other Girls seem to think it is, or why it leads Dorothy into a near-meltdown, thinking she’s failed as a parent somehow.
DOROTHY: *finding Sophia pinching from Rose’s food* Ma, what do you think you’re doing? SOPHIA: It’s a funny little habit I picked up. I call it “eating.” [...] ROSE: Wait a minute, where are the little wooden shoes I carved out of cheese? DOROTHY: My mother spread them on the tiny windmill you built out of Triscuits.
Actually, I think Blanche’s B-plot is the only somewhat enjoyable part of the episode, and it’s the only part of it I enjoyed watching. Blanche being confined indoors and getting progressively more sexually frustrated is funny because it implies that she can’t even last five or six days without sex without losing her goddamned mind. Rue McClanahan somehow manages to balancing being kind of cranky and irritable and the voice of reason in the A-plot. Given that she can’t herself go out and hook up, it sort of makes sense that she’d try to help the two kids along, though I do reiterate I think they would have hooked up regardless.
I also enjoy how much Dorothy doesn’t mind messing with Blanche in this episode, including telling her she’s marking Blanche’s abstinence down on her “Big Ships of the Navy” calendar. Blanche also gets the mid-episode monologue about being caught having sex while in finishing school. I think the line about how she waved politely over her boyfriend’s shoulder “with my foot,” is one of the more racy lines they managed to get past the prudes at the broadcasting department, so good for them.
BLANCHE: Oh girls, for the first time in my life, my body feels old. I feel like I can’t do the same things I used to. SOPHIA: Rubber Woman couldn’t do the same things you used to.
Sophia’s in a bigger part of this episode than you would think, considering she doesn’t play a huge role in either of the plots, but this episode, I think, marks a point where the writers are getting really good at working Sophia into each episode with a series of zingers and brief anecdotes. Most of them this time are at the expense of Blanche, which is always funny because Blanche never takes offense at any of Sophia’s jokes -- if anything, she seems to enjoy them. Sophia wearing a black veil over her face for no particular reason is also pretty funny. These are really the only things about this episode I enjoy.
I feel bad that the two episodes thus far that feature Rose’s children are getting low ratings from me, but I don’t think it’s a coincidence. For all that Blanche is critical of her own parenting and Dorothy’s relationships with both of her kids will be the subject of multiple future episodes, Rose’s relationships with those of her kids that we see is unhealthy in a way that the show doesn’t really acknowledge. Sure Blanche was a very distant and uninvolved parent, and Dorothy needs to learn to let her kids make their own choices, but Rose’s relationship with her kids almost seems to be based in a fantasy world of lies and willful ignorance.
BLANCHE: My back gave out. SOPHIA: I figured that would have been about the third thing to go. DOROTHY: Honey, what happened? BLANCHE: I was in my aerobics class when I noticed this gorgeous man checking me out. So during the buttocks lifts, he motioned for my phone number. Well, I didn’t want to appear easy, so I rolled over on my back and flung my legs over my head. SOPHIA: That’s what I call giving him the brush-off.
Just to recap, we already know she lied to her children for years, spinning an elaborate fiction that their father was a wealthy and successful businessman, and was willing to take that lie to the grave with her despite the damage it was obviously causing until it got to the point where she couldn’t look her granddaughter in the eye. Now we find out that she’s holding onto the idea that her daughter -- and the ages of the characters are nebulous, but I’m going to assume that Bridget is at least in her mid-20s -- is a virginal innocent who was “seduced” by Michael.
And Rose is willing to defend that delusion to the point that she starts slinging insults at Michael and being downright awful to Dorothy, then claims that Dorothy is “vicious” and “cruel” for hitting back just as hard, before finally storming out and slamming her bedroom door. I’m sorry, but this is not a healthy response to anything that happens in this episode. I know that the episode wants me to see Dorothy as equally culpable, because she calls Bridget a tramp for sleeping with Michael despite knowing him for one day -- and don’t get me wrong, Dorothy slut-shaming Bridget despite her behaving the exact same way as Michael is not something I approve of or like, either -- but frankly, Rose is the one who starts it.
BLANCHE: Maybe what Michael needs is a little exposure. ROSE: Exposure to what? DOROTHY: To plutonium, Rose.
It’s hard to make a valid judgement because Rose and Bridget’s relationship happens mostly in the background of the episode. Bridget appears in the opening scene, and then again when she’s in bed with Michael. Most of the episode is about Michael and Dorothy’s relationship. But I think the line that really cements it for me is when Rose says she wanted Bridget’s “first time” to be special, and Bridget tells her mother she lost her virginity four years ago, and Rose just responds, “Oh, I really don’t want to talk about this.” Rose being so out of touch and even calling her daughter behaving like a normal, young woman as like her being “a whole new person” is just not healthy, and it concerns me.
This is one of the episodes where the continuity problems are much more noticeable than usual. We know that Dorothy gave birth to a child when she was 17, and she is now roughly 55-60 years old, so at least one of her children should be pushing 40. Kate didn’t look anywhere close to that, and Michael is stated in this episode to be 29 years old. I can buy that Rose would have a daughter who may be studying in graduate school, but Dorothy not so much. Still, this won’t be as much of a continuity snarl as it will be in later episodes.
Episode rating: 🍰🍰 (two cheesecake slices out of five)
Favorite part of the episode:
Sophia spending part of the episode in mourning garb, with hilarious results:
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purplesurveys · 3 years
survey by xflirtykaosx
Alphabetti Spaghetti (1/3)
And we will fall in love with shooting stars. - A
Have you ever seen an Aardvark? I don’t think so.
Were you ever abandoned in a public place as a child? Where? Abandoned is a pretty harsh word lol. My parents did like playing pranks on me and hide whenever I’d get distracted at the grocery or department store. They’d let me get nervous or even tear up for a bit until showing up again.
What accent do you have? I guess just your standard Filipino English accent that’s common among people who were able to take up English studies. I don’t really know how to describe it.
Is there someone in your family addicted to something? What is it? I don’t think so.
Have you ever been under general anaesthetic? What were you having done? I think so? When I had a tooth extraction done on me two years ago I was told I was going to be injected with anaesthesia, but I didn’t feel as if anything changed throughout the procedure. Either my dentist told me fake news lol or he’s just really good at his job for me to not notice anything.
How do you show the ones you love affection? It depends on the person. Around my friends, I know I’ve had taken a liking to them once I start getting especially talkative with them. For people I have even deeper relationships with, I like...buying them gifts, I guess. Getting them things that remind me of them. I would also bend over backwards to do nice deeds for them, like driving them to their destination even if I find it far.
Are you more passive or aggressive? I tend to be very passive aggressive in the way I deal with things.
Do you like the band Aha!? Not in particular.
Do you know anyone called Aidan? What are they like? Nope.
Ever heard of the band Ajax? No but I know that’s a brand of like cleaner or something. That’s close enough to ‘band’ haha.
Do you know anyone called Akash? I don’t either.
Do the sound of fire alarms scare you? They would obviously be scary if it rang for a real reason. Who wouldn’t freak out over a fire?
Do you live in America? If so, which state? If visited, where'd you go? No, and I’ve never visited either. I’d love to take a trip to cities like New York, New Orleans, Portland, and Chicago one of these days.
Have you ever had an ant infestation in your house? Only when there’s food left out accidentally.
Aora - did I spell that correctly? I don’t even know what you’re referring to, so I can’t tell you if you’ve spelled whatever it is right.
Do you have a preference in Apple? What type do you prefer? I don’t quite get this question - like a preference within Apple products? I mean, a phone and a laptop are essentials for me, and generally I do prefer having an iPhone and Macbook over other brands; but I can live without an iPad, an Apple Watch, iMac, Apple Pen, etc...if this is what you mean.
Are you an Aquarian? Is anyone in your family/your partner/best friend? ...You mean Aquarius? No. I don’t believe in astrology nor pay attention to zodiac signs either, so I wouldn’t be able to name Aquariuses that I know right off the bat.
Have you ever worn any type of armor? Which type? I don’t think I’ve ever had to, no.
Do you use the word ass a lot? Kinda, but it’s usually part of a longer word, i.e. asshole, asshat, deadass, etc.
Have you or your family had an attorney? What for? Not to my knowledge.
Is your car/family’s car an automatic gear or manual? Automatic.
Are you interested in aviation, piloting and aircrafts? Just the slightest bit. I would love to learn how to fly a plane, and I would be willing to pay for lessons. It’s just the type of activity that’s super hard to squeeze into an already-hectic schedule of mine.
What was the last award you recieved for? A academic distinction in college.
Axl Rose - like or dislike? Like, but I’m nowhere near a passionate fan. I just don’t have any reasons to actively dislike him.
Do you like air being spelt ayre or ayer in rap or hiphop or is it nasty? I don’t care.
Is the sky outside Azure? If not, what shade is it? No, it’s pitch black.
Belle amour (we've been here before). - B
Do you call anyone baby? Is it sweet or an overrated name for affection? Just my dogs. I find it sweet; it’s my preferred term of endearment if in a relationship.
Bby - does this shortened version bug you? No; my friends and I use this with each other.
Do you know what BC in terms of time stands for? Before Christ, but I prefer using BCE.
BDf - For or against? I don’t know what this is referring to.
Do you prefer beach breaks, city breaks or winter breaks? Why? Beach breaks. Winter break is an immediate cross-out since we don’t even have winter; and I already live and work in an urban area as it is. Beaches are my way to go if I want to escape life for a bit and completely unwind.
Do you spell out boyfriend properly or put bf in texts/online? I can use either depending on what I feel like typing out. It’s not that serious haha.
Do you know what bg is short for? Upon reading this question I immediately thought ‘background,’ but if this question had another meaning in mind I wouldn’t be aware of it.
Do you know anyone with the last name Bhays? No.
Have you ever been bird watching? What did you see? No, doesn’t sound like my kind of hobby.
Do you like Bjork? Not in particular, but just like the Axl Rose question I don’t have anything against her either.
What does this read: bk 2moz miss u lyk fk. Doesn't this text speak annoy? No one types like this anymore at least among people I know, but I imagine it would lowkey bother me a bit.
Do you like BMWs? They’re whatever. I don’t pay attention to cars much.
What is the nearest book to you called? How many times have you read it? There aren’t any books here up on the rooftop.
BnQ - gone there? What did you buy? Idk what that is.
Are you more brainy or brave? I wanna say brainy, if anything? I’m pretty jumpy lol.
Did you like the BSBs (Backstreet Boys) as a kid? How about now? No, I’m a little too young for that generation of artists and groups.
Burgers, Hot Dogs or Salads at a Barbecue? We don’t really practice ~barbecues~ here. But at Filipino parties I would usually flock to lumpia and fried chicken, hehe.
Do you have a Byro? No, because I also don’t know what that is.
Cold eyes and filthy lies all leave me petrified. - C
Do you have a Cactus (Cacti)? No, I don’t like plans.
Do you know what a CCTV is? Yes...?
How many CDs are in the room you are currently in? None where I am right now but I have all of Beyoncé’s albums save for Lemonade in my bedroom. I also have Paramore’s self-titled album and Hayley Williams’ Petals For Armor. My CD collection is about to experience a revival because of BTS, though. My plan to get all versions of all their albums is rock solid, lmao.
What's your favourite cereal brand? Cookie Crisps.
Do you like children's TV shows still? Which one(s)? I’ll revisit an episode or two of shows I watched as a kid at a given time for old times’ sake, but I don’t regularly watch children’s TV shows anymore. I haven’t for a very long time.
Cinnamon - Yum or Yuck? I’m actually kind of in the middle about it. I feel like too many desserts have been banking on cinnamon, so the taste of it can be a little tiring. It’s delicious if I haven’t had it for a while, though.
Do you know anyone with the initials and or name CJ? Quite the opposite; I know PLENTY of JCs, even my sister is one. I know one or two CJs but that’s it.
Have you ever met a self professed clairvoyant? What did they do/say? No.
Do you watch CNN News? What's your prefered news channel/show? I don’t tune into the channel but every once in a while I will encounter a CNN link on social media that I’d actually click on and read through. As for preferred news sources, I don’t have one as there are matters to criticize about 99% of them lol; but I am most likely to trust articles I from AP or Reuters. Just things you pick up as a journalism student. 
How many cousins do you have? I have 9 first cousins. I lose count by the time I try to go beyond that since I don’t even know all of my dad’s cousins, which makes it hard to track who my second cousins are.
Do you still draw with crayons? When was the last time you did? Drew what? I don’t remember anymore.
Do you know what a CSS feed is? What is it? I’m familiar with the term but never bothered to learn about what it is.
Do you like cycling/biking? What type of bike do you have? ...I don’t even know how to ride a bike.
Do you really like it, is it is it wicked. - D
What is the most dangerous animal you've petted/held? I can’t decide between snake or crocodile.
Do you like Death Metal? If so, which band(s)? I wouldn’t say I do.
Did you ever keep a diary/journal? I did a million attempts to keep a diary when I was younger, but I was never able to keep up with any of them and I ended up having 4598358395 notebooks with one or two entries each at most. Having a Tumblr page for surveys has so far been my most successful streak at keeping some type of journal.
Do you prefer small, medium, large or no dogs? I prefer all dogs.
Do you know what DP stands for in porn? Yes.
Have you ever dressed up as a celebrity for a party/Halloween? I went as my favorite female wrestler once. I wouldn’t strictly call her a celebrity, but she’s a very well-known personality in the wrestling industry so she’s popular in that right.
DS or Wii? Why? Wii. I was able to make more memories with it.
Does dust make you sneeze or cough? Sneeze, usually.
How many DVDs do you have all together? Idk, I don’t buy DVDs anymore.
Do you dye your hair regularly, sometimes or never? I’ve never done it.
Every love lies sometimes . . . - E
What's something you refuse to eat? Most fruits.
Don't you think the word ebb is so pretty? I’m neutral about it. I don’t use it a lot.
Do you like Chocolate Eclairs? I love eclairs in general haha. Chocolate eclairs in particular sound delicious.
Ever tried edible paper? Yeah, with the White Rabbit candy.
Eevee - pretty name or too Pokemon-y? Definitely very Pokemon-y. 
Do you sometimes mix up the spellings/meanings of affection and defection? Erm, no? They have completely different spellings and meanings, so I personally have never switched them up.
Do you have a big ego, low self esteem or somewhere in between? I think I’m somewhere in between. I’m insecure about some things about myself, but I don’t really put myself down 24/7. I feel like that would put such a strain on my mental health, which I certainly would never need.
What Element does your starsign fall under? I think earth? My co-workers were just discussing this last Friday, but I couldn’t really butt in since I can’t bring myself to care about astrology. I know they mentioned Taurus being an earth sign though.
Do you show your emotions easily and freely or hide them? Depends...I can do either depending on the situation.
What is your favourite form of entertainment? Korean reality shows are quickly becoming a favorite of mine at the moment. I also like compilation videos on YouTube.
What will they write on your epitaph? I’ve honestly hadn’t put much thought into this yet, and I don’t plan to anytime soon. It just seems like a super grave thing to think about lol.
Estimate/guess what number we are on now? Maybe 60s or 70s?
Do you know basic social etiquette? I mean etiquette will always differ per country or culture, so what is basic in other countries might not be here, and vice versa. I think it’s hard to measure.
Does your country use the Euro, Great British Pound, Dollar or other? Other.
Do you still get excited on Christmas Eve? Yes. Mostly for the free food and the opportunity to see relatives I really only ever see every December 24.
What animal/creature that is extinct do you wish wasn't? Those that went extinct from human activity.
What colour eyes do your parents have? Black/dark brown.
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sgmwesters · 3 years
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╰ ❛ 💉 — › dustin milligan. cis man. he/him. . ╯ have you met nathan price yet ? this thirty three year old gemini has been living in the seattle area for eight months. he makes a living as a pediatric attending, which is best suited for their charming, witty, impatient, and impulsive personality. this will be our year by the zombies is one of their favorite songs, and they’re written by em, 25, gmt, she/her, no triggers
B A S I C   I N F O R M A T I O N
full name: nathan alexander price
nickname(s): nate.
age: thirty two (32).
date of birth: 22 may 1988, gemini.
hometown: new orleans, louisiana.
current location: seattle, washington.
ethnicity: white.
nationality: american.
gender: cis man.
pronouns: he/him.
orientation: tbh i don’t know yet, whenever i decide at the start my muse always tells me i’m wrong so who knows.
religion: agnostic.
political affiliation: democrat.
occupation: pediatric fellow.
living arrangements: lives with link.
language(s) spoken: english, some canadian french (his mother is from montreal).
accent: none.
P H Y S I C A L    A P P E A R A N C E
face claim: dustin milligan.
hair color: brown.
eye color: blue.
height: 6 ft 1.
weight: 176lbs.
build: muscular athletic.
tattoos: none.
piercings: none.
clothing style: leans towards smart casual always, if not scrubs.
usual expression: a smile?
distinguishing characteristics: burn mark on his left arm.
physical ailments: none.
neurological conditions: none.
allergies: kiwi, strawberries.
sleeping habits: out like a light.
eating habits: too unhealthy to look the way he does.
exercise habits: normally runs a couple of times a week, hits the gym when he can.
emotional stability: 7? plummets to a 3 with whiskey, use with caution.
sociability: usually very sociable.
body temperature: runs hot.
addictions: none.
drug use: none.
alcohol use: socially.
positive traits: charming, witty.
negative traits: impatient, impulsive.
fears: dying alone.
weather: cloudy, but warm.
colour: khaki.
music: anything, he’s not fussy.
movies: nothing too sad, he has a habit of ‘getting something in his eye’.
sport: basketball.
beverage: usually just water, but coffee, beer and whiskey are up there.
food: tacos.
animal: beaver (cue childish laughter).
nathan grew up with a couple of sisters, and so has always had a protective nature over the people (especially females) in his life.
he knew he wanted to go into peds very early on, he is very charming (especially with the mothers) and is able to put the child at ease with his sense of humor. for him, it all fell into place very quickly.
nathan studied at tulane to keep close to his family, and was able to help out with the family business whenever he had the chance to ensure it didn’t go under as his family are not overly wealthy.
nathan was engaged while he was a resident. when he passed his boards, he was due to be sticking around tulane to marry his college sweetheart and do his fellowship. unfortunately his fiancee called off the engagement the week before the wedding, and as such nathan peaced out of there and headed to seattle to do his fellowship at sgmw instead and start fresh.
he is a sweetheart, but he’s become very guarded (understandably) since his fiancee left. he can’t see the light at the end of the tunnel as yet and is channeling his inner bad-boy as a cliched attempt to get over her.
he has decided the new hospital and state will be a good chance to start over, so nobody is aware of the relationship that he left behind. he’s painted the image of a bachelor living with link, and he’s happy for people to think what they want (for now).
2 0 2 1    U P D A T E S
nathan has just recently turned thirty three (can you believe it) and is working as a pediatric attending having successfully completed his fellowship. look out world. this also means that he has some sort of responsibility over alex karev so again, look out world.
he’s been in a long term relationship with ryleigh lincoln for a number of months, and things are actually going really well?? ophelia who?? aside from when he’s being a bit of a dick but he does have a heart of gold really so we know he doesn’t mean it.
nathan’s still the best uncle to hope’s kids (sorry about it) and loves spending time with them always. 
he’s only in his first year as an attending so isn’t doing anything too drastic, but is probably going to start looking into getting some research hours under his belt. he stepped up enough covering the head of peds after the plane crash, he doesn’t fancy throwing himself into that any time soon. 
W A N T E D    C O N N E C T I O N S / P L O T S
a friend from med school/residency who knew him back when he was with ophelia would be cool because we’re never having another ophelia ever again it’s been done i’m over it (unless 👀)
atticus lincoln. do i need to go on.
am always open to random hookups from when he was a fellow before he started dating ryleigh, before anyone knew about the fact he was trying to get over an ex.
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eldritchsurveys · 4 years
Have you ever started reading a book and wondered if you’d read it before? >> IDK where on earth Lane got this survey from but it is long as balls and I’m taking it as a personal challenge at this point lmao. LET’S GOOO I’ve never had this experience, no. I don’t always remember the content of books I’ve read, but I at least remember the experience of reading them, I guess?
What has been bothering you a lot lately? >> Oof. I don’t know how to explain it here so it makes sense to the average reader, so I won’t bother making sense. I want Bruni to be a real, external entity, so badly, but if he’s not then I need to know. I need to know if I just created him, because I needed to, so I can come to terms with that and figure out what to do about it. I’ve also been bothered lately by just... my inability to form connections, to feel the way I’m supposed to feel about other people. Knowing why I’m like this (and knowing that it’s not some inherent flaw of mine but a direct result of not being emotionally taken care of when I should have been) only helps a little. I feel like there’s no way I’ll ever be able to fix this, and my only truly fulfilling relationships will be Inworld, forever. (I guess that’s better than nothing, though! At least Inworld exists.)
What (or who) have you been missing lately? >> ---
Are you trustworthy? >> I mean, I guess. I don’t know what anyone would be trusting me with.
Did your parents teach that white lies were ok? >> No, even a white lie would have gotten me punished.
Have you ever hallucinated? >> Yes.
Do you sleep with your door open or closed? >> Closed, to keep both the cat and noise out.
What flags do you have in your room, if any? >> None. Sparrow has a pretty neat gay flag on her wall and a regular gay flag on her lamp.
What (or who) is the best thing that ever happened to you? >> Hm.
What is the worst decision you ever made? >> *shrug*
Do you miss college? >> I’ve never been.
Have you ever called a teacher “mom”? >> No.
What is your favorite arcade game? >> In the Groove.
Do you feel neglected? >> Not now. But I sure do feel the ramifications of previous forms of neglect.
What school subject(s) are/were your best? >> ---
Are you allergic to grass? >> Nope.
Do you remember to water plants? >> Sometimes. I managed to kill a spider plant, though, so I’m kind of discouraged when it comes to plants. I’ll let that be Sparrow’s thing, I’m apparently unfit.
What season is your birthday in? >> Spring.
Name 3 creative people you know. >> ---
Name 3 YouTubers you aspire to be like. >> ---
What color was your first car? >> ---
What year did you graduate? >> 2004.
When was the last time you saw the person you currently have feelings for? >> ---
Have you ever been scammed? >> Nah.
Are you allergic to pollen? >> No.
What style of wedding dress do you like best? >> Sparrow’s was pretty neat.
Are you over your first love? >> ---
Do you talk on the phone a lot? >> I never talk on the phone.
Would you rather call or text? >> Obviously text.
Do you always answer your phone? >> What do you think?
When was the last time you went to a party? >> I guess January; the get-together after Elle’s wedding was pretty much a party.
What was the last thing you ate? >> Beans and rice.
What’s the last book you checked out from the library? >> I haven’t checked a book out in a while. I heard about a book recently and it wasn’t on Scribd so I decided to check Libby just on a whim (I’m used to the books I want to read never being available as ebooks in this library’s meager collection) and they had it. So I might check it out. I feel kind of anxious about doing it because my reading habits have been so erratic lately and I’m like “but what if I don’t read it fast enough?” which, like, you know, I just... renew it... but no one said anxiety had to be fuckin logical, you know.
Do you have a twitter? If so, what was the last thing you tweeted? >> No.
Who was the last person you talked to on the phone? >> ---
What’s the last thing you cooked on the stove? >> Eggs.
What color is the cover of the last notebook you used? >> ---
Who was the last person you know to have a birthday? >> Uh... Sparrow, I think.
Who sent the last e-mail you got? >> YES! Magazine.
What song is currently stuck in your head? >> Just some FFXIV music because I just got done playing about an hour ago.
Do you have a favorite shape? >> No.
What color are the sheets on your bed? >> Light grey.
What time do you usually go to bed? >> Between 10 and 11p.
Do you ever use coloring books? >> I’ve done so, but I haven’t lately.
Are you planning on watching the Olympics? >> No.
Do you pronounce the word “often” with or without a “t” in the middle? Hmm. Now that I’ve said it to myself in a few different contexts, it seems I do both. If it’s a one-word answer, like in response to “how much do you get high?” then “often” has a t in it. If it comes in the middle of a sentence and is not the focus, it does not have one. < Yup.
Have you ever been on a trapeze? >> No.
Do you enjoy popping bubble wrap? >> Sometimes. I saved some from a recent package just in case I get the urge, lol. It’s on my desk right now.
Are there any waterfalls near where you live? >> I don’t think so. The landscape isn’t exactly varied here.
Do you like seafood? >> Yes.
Have you ever had to wear a uniform for anything? >> Parochial school.
If so, what did it look like? >> IDK, man, it was a long time ago.
Do you personally know anyone who is an author? >> No.
Do you own a Polaroid camera? >> No.
Do you enjoy baking? >> No.
What’s your favorite type of flower? >> Sunflowers.
Last time (if ever) you were on an airplane, where were you going? >> I was coming home from Houston.
Do you know anyone who is left-handed? >> Sure.
What is something you think is underrated? >> ---
Around what temperature do you consider it to be too hot outside? >> It’s not so much the temperature as the level of humidity, how sunny it is, what time of year it is, etc. There are multiple factors that go into how I experience temperature and the number on the thermometer is only one facet of that.
In what ways do you expect your life to be different one year from now? >> ---
How often do you travel outside of the state/province you live in? >> Not often. Before it was just because it’s expensive and also Sparrow would have to take off work and stuff, and now it’s because of those reasons and also the pandemic.
What’s a hobby you used to have, but don’t anymore? >> ---
What has been your favorite job you’ve had so far? >> Selling merch for local bands at shows.
What’s your favorite kind of salsa/dip to go with tortilla chips? >> Chunky medium-hot salsa.
Do you wash your car by hand or drive through a car wash? >> ---
Where is the farthest north you’ve traveled to? >> This is probably the farthest north I’ve been.
Farthest south? >> I think New Orleans is farther south than Houston, but I don’t feel like looking it up to confirm (or be proven wrong).
East? >> Long Island?
West? >> Colorado.
How often do you run the dishwasher? >> Every couple of days, when it works. (We’re waiting on Maintenance to come fix it, but of course they’re taking their sweet time.)
Do you wash your face at the sink or in the shower? >> I use micellar water, so I just do it in my room. Otherwise I’d do it in the shower because I hate using the sink for that.
Name a stereotype about your gender that you don’t fit. >> Are there agender stereotypes? I haven’t heard of any.
Name a stereotype about your age that you don’t fit. >> Uh... I don’t have kids? Idk.
Do you have any unusual decorations in your home? >> If so, they’re not unusual to me, so...
Do you have any uncommon kitchen appliances, such as espresso machines, waffle irons, etc? >> We do have a waffle iron (Sparrow got one for her birthday). I’m not sure what other kind of appliances are uncommon. Are rice cookers uncommon? I can’t imagine why they would be, they’re so convenient. Unless you just don’t like rice...
What did your parents major/minor in in college, if they went? >> ---
Has either of their careers influenced what career you chose or want to pursue? >> ---
What is the highest level math class you’ve completed? >> Uh... pre-calculus? I don’t remember, man.
How old were you when you learned how to ride a bike? >> I don’t remember. Somewhere between five and eight, I guess. Sounds right.
How old were you when you learned how to swim? >> ---
How do you react when someone is rude to you? >> It depends on the situation.
Have you ever had a friend who was too clingy? >> No.
What kind of natural disaster is most common where you live? >> Blizzard, I’d imagine.
Why is your least favorite season your least favorite? >> ---
Do you have a Netflix account? >> I do.
Have you ever had an animal get into your attic? >> ---
Where is your favorite place to go on vacation? >> I guess New Orleans.
How long does it take to get there? >> About half a day, including layovers and shit. No direct flights from GRR to MSY.
When was the last time you started a “new chapter” of your life? >> ---
What room in your home do you spend the least amount of time in? >> I don’t really know. I was gonna say Sparrow’s room, and then I was gonna say the kitchen, and then I was gonna say the half-bath... I think the half-bath is probably the most reasonable answer?
What is the last random act of kindness you did? >> ---
Do you do anything to reduce the amount of electricity you use? >> I don’t have to reduce it, I barely use any to begin with.
Are you usually open to trying a new food that you aren’t familiar with? >> Yes.
Do you listen to Panic! At The Disco? >> Yes.
Have you ever had a kinky dream about a celebrity? >> Probably. Not necessarily because I wanted to, sometimes dreams just do weird shit like that.
Is there a song you can’t stop listening to atm? >> No.
Has anyone ever told you that they loved you, and you couldn’t say it back? >> I guess that’s a way to put it.
If your Facebook status doesn’t get any likes/comments, does it bother you? >> ---
Which friend do you confide in most? >> ---
Do you wear a cross? >> There’s a small cross on my left earring. But I don’t wear, like, a religious cross.
What is your opinion on Arby’s? >> I’ve only had it once, and that was on the way back from Colorado that one time, when the Greyhound stopped at Arby’s. I don’t remember what the food was like, though. Not even sure why I remember that we stopped there at all.
When you have your own kitchen, how will it be done? >> I mean, this kitchen is “mine”? I don’t live with parents or anything, so...? But I don’t have a choice in how it looks or anything, I didn’t build it.
What is your favorite doughnut? >> Apple cider doughnuts, always.
Do you have a hot tub? If so, where is it located? >> No.
Did you read the Twilight series, or jump on the bandwagon after the movie? >> I read the first book ages ago, didn’t care for it, forgot about it (until it blew up in popularity, of course).
What is your favorite party game? >> ---
Do you or your parents rake your yard? >> ---
Were you pro-Obama? >> I didn’t have an opinion at the time, I was busy trying to survive.
What is your favorite scent from Bath & Body Works? >> ---
What was the last illegal thing you did? >> I don’t remember. Probably something like jaywalking. Or watching Bill & Ted Face the Music on an illegal streaming site. 
Who did you last go to the movies with? >> Sparrow.
What color was the last vehicle you were in? >> Silver.
Do you have any family members in the military right now? >> ---
Is there a ceiling fan in the room you’re in? >> Nope.
When was the last time you wished time would move faster? >> I don’t know.
Are there any owls in your room (as decor, of course)? >> Nope.
Have you ever heard voices? >> Not... in that sense. Like obviously I hear the Inworlders’ voices, but... not quite the same thing, I’m guessing.
Do you believe in angels and demons? >> I have not encountered those kinds of angels and demons. I usually use those words as like... shortcut terms rather than references to the actual Christian concepts or whatever.
Who is the worst neighbor you have ever had? >> ---
Did your Barbies go on dates? >> I don’t recall the specific nature of the social playacting I did with Barbies.
If you’re not straight, who was the first person you came out to? >> I didn’t “come out to” anyone.
Where did you meet your first crush? >> ---
Do you remember the first time your first crush ever said hi to you? >> ---
Do you ever go places with wet hair? >> No.
Who is your favorite little girl? >> ---
What do you want the most in life? >> That’s complicated.
What is a decision you’ve made that changed your entire life? >> I don’t know, man.
Do you ever wonder what kind of person you’d have turned out to be if a certain event never happened to you?  >> Absolutely.
When you’re home alone, do you still shower with the bathroom door closed? >> No. I’ve also showered with the door open even when Sparrow was home, I just usually don’t because it’s not necessary (I just use my phone flashlight in that case so it’s not pitch dark and I don’t kill myself in there). But when I’m alone I just leave the door open for the ambient light. Why don’t I use the bathroom light? Because I have Problems and Disorders. Next question.
If you could have anyone’s singing voice, whose would you choose?  >> I like my own.
What are your top 3 favorite genres of music?  >> ---
Where did you buy your dishes from? >> We generally don’t buy dishes. All of our dishes are from either Sparrow’s sister or the wedding registry.
Do you think Mars will be colonized in your lifetime?  >> I doubt it.
What’s the most expensive thing you’ve bought that turned out to be a waste of money?  >> ---
What’s something you’ve bought that turned out to be way more useful than you anticipated? >> I don’t know.
Have you ever been on a ship?  >> I’ve been on a ferry and a regular boat. Not a ship.
Do you ever take intentional breaks from checking/posting on social media?  >> Just like... off days, I guess. Sometimes I need time to do other stuff and it’s easier to do that when I don’t have the internet wide open and ready to distract me.
Who was Van Halen’s better singer - David Lee Roth, or Sammy Hagar? >> I don’t have a preference.
Which fictional character has the most memorable quotes?  >> *shrug* ???
What’s a class you did not take in school, but now wish you had?  >> ---
Have you ever been to either of your parents’ workplaces?  >> ---
What do you think of the ‘Healthy At Every Size’ movement/philosophy?  >> I don’t have any thoughts about it because I don’t know what exactly said philosophy entails. The phrase itself doesn’t give me enough information to start forming an opinion around.
Have you ever been bitten so hard that their teeth marks were there after? >> Yeah.
Ever been given a hickey? (Love bite)  >> No.
Ever gave one?  >> I don’t think so.
Are you more of an outgoing type or shy type?  >> ---
Do you think it’s weird if guys wear make-up like eyeliner?  >> .... No.........
Are you self conscious? If so what are you self conscious about?  >> I’m self-conscious about being Weird(tm), having Issues and Problems Disorders, and having differing opinions about things that lots of people think a certain way about.
Are you flirty at all?  >> No.
Are you racist at all?  >> I might have perpetuated racist speech and behaviour, sure. I don’t think that means “I am a racist”, I think that means I’ve learned some fucked up shit from other people and hopefully I’ve learned better by now.
Would you ever date a disabled person? (Be honest)  >> ...
If you found a baby randomly by itself what would you do?  >> Call the authorities, I guess. Like... idk??? That’s such a weird situation to be in.
Would you rather adopt or have your own child?  >> ---
What would you class as cheating on someone?  >> I don’t have a personal definition for cheating because the concept does not apply to me or how I do relationships.
Do you try to be politically correct? >> No.
What’s your favorite kind of sea critter?  >> I’m not sure. There are a lot of cool ones.
Have you ever tasted locally-made honey before?  >> Yep! <3
As far as earrings go, would you rather wear hoops or studs? >> Neither, I like the earrings I have.
Do you find P.E. humiliating, or think schools shouldn’t teach it?  >> I found it obnoxious and boring and a waste of time, but that doesn’t mean schools shouldn’t teach it. I just had a bad time with it for my own specific reasons.
Do you recycle?  >> No.
Are you interested in current world issues?  >> Not particularly.
Do you think you are mature, or immature?  >> ...
What kind of career are you interested in? >> ---
Do you own a pair of sunglasses?  >> I own two pairs. I really want a better pair, like an actual good pair of sunglasses and not just cheapo pairs.
Do you use bobby pins, hair clips, or elastic hair ties? Which?  >> No.
How badly do you get acne? (If at all)  >> I don’t.
What’s the best way to cope with a breakup?  >> ---
If someone dislikes you, what is most likely to be the reason?  >> I said something that ticked them off? I don’t smile enough? IDK, dude?
How many text messages do you have in your inbox atm?  >> ---
When was the last time you had a difficult decision to make?  >> I don’t remember.
In school, what subjects do/did you find the most difficult?  >> English.
Do you still speak to the person you had your first kiss with?  >> ---
Where did you meet the last person you swapped numbers with?  >> ---
Who was the last person to add you as a friend on Facebook?  >> One of Elle’s friends that I met at her wedding.
Who was the last person that asked if you were okay?  >> I don’t remember the last time someone asked me that.
What does your handwriting look like?  >> I don’t know how to describe it.
Do you use any products on your hair, other than shampoo and conditioner?  >> I use a tea tree oil on my scalp and that’s about it.
Who were your best friends in primary school? >> ---
Do you still speak to any of them? >> ---
What was the last thing you bought from a vending machine?  >> I don’t remember the last time I used a vending machine.
What color hair did your first crush have?  >> ---
What type of shoes do you find the most comfortable?  >> No shoes.
Are you more masculine or feminine?  >> ---
If you could design your own mug, what would you put on it?  >> I don’t want to design a mug. I like the ones I already have.
What is the best beach you’ve been to?  >> I’ve only been to the NY ones...
What is one thing you physically can’t do?  >> Run a marathon.
Have you ever been to a funeral? >> Yes.
Have you ever visited your state’s capitol building?  >> No.
Have you ever visited your nation’s capitol building?  >> No.
Do/did you have a favorite seat in church?  >> ---
What is your favorite park?  >> I still really love Central Park. And Prospect Park, too.
Have you ever felt an earthquake? >> A very minor aftershock, once.
Do you chew gum regularly?  >> Not anymore, not after Orbit ruined my favourite kind. :(
Where did you go on your first train ride?  >> I think that was to North Carolina when I was 17.
Do you know anyone with a dual citizenship?  >> No.
What sports teams do you root for, if any? (Extra points for Boston fans.) >> ---
Do you dunk your cookies in milk?  >> Nope.
What is something you are confident about?  >> ---
Have you ever been physically addicted to a substance? What?  >> No.
How do you feel about needles?  >> I don’t have any feelings about them, they don’t affect me either way.
What is your favorite accent to listen to?  >> ---
What was the reason you last got dressed up?  >> Halloween.
Have you ever been the subject of cruel rumors? What were they?  >> Maybe at some point, but I don’t remember now.
Do you prefer loose or form-fitting clothing? What about on your preferred gender?  >> I prefer looser clothing. Not baggy, per se, just looser.
What do you do when you are really, really mad?  >> I don’t know, I haven’t been that mad in so long I have no idea what I’d do.
Would you rather go naked than wear fur?  >> Fuck no????
Do you put a line through your 7’s? What about your Z’s?  >> Nah.
What is one thing that someone could do to you that is unforgivable?  >> *shrug*
Are you able to forgive and forget? >> Mehhhh.
Do you like cold pizza? >> I really do not.
What is your favorite fruit?  >> I’m not sure, I like most fruits.
What about your favorite fruit juice, if it differs from solid fruit?  >> ---
Do you like broccoli and cheese? >> No! Leave broccoli alone, christ.
What about potatoes and cheese?  >> Not really?
Have you written a letter by hand, lately? To whom?  >> No.
Toaster or toaster oven?  >> We only have a toaster, but I would love a toaster oven.
What are you most known for?  >> ---
Do you have any reputations? What are they?  >> Er...
Do you wear band shirts? What band was on the last one you wore?  >> I do. I’m not sure what the last one I wore was.
Do you own any hats? Describe them.  >> I have a plain floppy beanie and I have one that says “I don’t need no body” and it has a dancing skeleton on it, lol.
What about masks, you got any? Describe those.  >> Yeah, I have a raven masquerade mask. I forget why.
What was the last thing to leave you speechless?  >> I don’t remember.
Do your parents like your friends? If they don’t, why not?  >> ---
Have you been called a bad influence?  >> I don’t think so.
Describe your favorite pair of socks.  >> I don’t have a favourite, per se, but here’s a fun pair I have: they say “eat, drink, and be spooky” or something very similar and have a fun Halloween design on them.
Have you experienced any life-changing news, events, etc, lately?  >> No.
Have any self-done piercings?  >> Not anymore.
Ever pierced someone else?  >> No.
Do you get distracted easily?  >> By things like sound and motion.
Is talking to strangers enjoyable for you, or stressful?  >> It can really go either way. Sometimes it’s just neutral.
How do you feel about getting new neighbors? >> I don’t care. They’re probably just going to be loud asses too.
How many ceiling fans are in your home?  >> Zero.
Do you tweet your life away? >> I don’t tweet at all.
How do you feel about shameless self promoting? >> I don’t care?
When reading words. like. this. do. you always pause after the periods?  >> Yeah.
What about screaming when reading something IN ALL CAPS?  >> Yes, which is why I hate when people type like that. There’s a popular blogger on this website that makes all their posts in all-caps and I will never fucking understand it. Like, their content is fun sometimes but I can’t really engage with it because I hate the shouty text!
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thehiddenbaroness · 4 years
Oooh, Scorpio for the zodiac ask? But only if you feel like it! ♡
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Thank you, sweetness! <3 scorpio: how much research did you have to do for your current wip? what was the weirdest thing you had to google? The Third Place is historical fiction (1910s New Orleans), so I find that I have to do a lot of research and most of all, more frequently. I try my best to not get too caught up / go down the rabbithole so that I don’t spend an entire day on a single paragraph or an inconsequential detail -- I try to mark things for later verification if they’re not too large. I’m lucky that I did a lot back in college and, well, the setting is near to where I live.  As far as the weirdest thing I’ve Googled...honestly I’m not sure? It may not have been related to The Third Place. I know I googled some weird-ass stuff a long time ago for Project Orchid (like how you could reasonably give yourself selective amnesia through drug use and asphyxiation).  Ask Away! Done: Virgo, Scorpio Upcoming: Leo, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer
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sgmwesters · 4 years
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╰ ❛ 💉 — › dustin milligan. cis male. he/him. . ╯ have you met NATHAN PRICE yet ? this thirty two year old gemini has been living in the Seattle area for eight months. He makes a living as a pediatric fellow, which is best suited for their charming, witty, impatient, and impulsive personality. this will be our year by the zombies is one of their favorite songs, and they’re written by em, 24, gmt, she/her, no triggers
B A S I C   I N F O R M A T I O N
FULL NAME: Nathan Alexander Price
AGE: Thirty Two (32).
DATE OF BIRTH: 22 May 1988, Gemini.
HOMETOWN: New Orleans, Louisiana.
CURRENT LOCATION: Seattle, Washington.
GENDER: Cis Male.
ORIENTATION: tbh I don’t know yet, whenever I decide at the start my muse always tells me I’m wrong so WHO KNOWS.
RELIGION: Agnostic.
OCCUPATION: Pediatric Fellow.
LANGUAGE(S) SPOKEN: English, some Canadian French (his mother is from Montreal).
P H Y S I C A L    A P P E A R A N C E
FACE CLAIM: Dustin Milligan.
HEIGHT: 6 ft 1.
WEIGHT: 176lbs.
BUILD: Muscular athletic.
CLOTHING STYLE: Leans towards smart casual always, if not scrubs.
ALLERGIES: kiwi, strawberries.
SLEEPING HABITS: out like a light.
EATING HABITS: too unhealthy to look the way he does.
EXERCISE HABITS: normally runs a couple of times a week, hits the gym when he can.
EMOTIONAL STABILITY: 7? plummets to a 3 with whiskey, use with caution.
SOCIABILITY: usually very sociable.
DRUG USE: none.
ALCOHOL USE: socially.
P E R S O N A L I T Y 
POSITIVE TRAITS: Charming, witty.
NEGATIVE TRAITS: Impatient, impulsive.
FEARS: Dying alone.
WEATHER: Cloudy, but warm.
COLOUR: Khaki.
MUSIC: anything, he’s not fussy.
MOVIES: nothing too sad, he has a habit of ‘getting something in his eye’.
SPORT: Basketball.
BEVERAGE: Usually just water, but coffee, beer and whiskey are up there.
FOOD: tacos.
ANIMAL: Beaver (cue childish laughter).
Nathan grew up with a couple of sisters, and so has always had a protective nature over the people (especially females) in his life.
He knew he wanted to go into peds very early on, he is very charming (especially with the mothers) and is able to put the child at ease with his sense of humor. For him, it all fell into place very quickly.
Nathan studied at Tulane to keep close to his family, and was able to help out with the family business whenever he had the chance to ensure it didn’t go under as his family are not overly wealthy.
Nathan was engaged while he was a resident. When he passed his boards, he was due to be sticking around Tulane to marry his college sweetheart and do his fellowship. Unfortunately his fiancee called off the engagement the week before the wedding, and as such Nathan peaced out of there and headed to Seattle to do his fellowship at SGMW instead and start fresh.
He is a sweetheart, but he’s become very guarded (understandably) since his fiancee left. He can’t see the light at the end of the tunnel as yet and is channeling his inner bad-boy as a cliched attempt to get over her.
He has decided the new hospital and state will be a good chance to start over, so nobody is aware of the relationship that he left behind. He’s painted the image of a bachelor living with Link, and he’s happy for people to think what they want (for now).
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musetakingflight · 4 years
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TBE Week 2020: Best Written Ship (OTP) ↳ Landon Fraser and Jordan Messina (with Erin)
in october, i found myself at a crossroads with landon. his love interest of the past three years had been deleted and i had been struggling with his muse. i had a choice to make - delete him or find something new to do with him. welp, i have a hard time deleting characters so i reworked the ad for his ex-boyfriend, changed his face, and decided to give him a month before i made any decisions.
and my god am i glad that i did.
landon and jordan have been not only my best written ship in year five, but also my most prolific in terms of threads. i went from barely posting landon to essentially writing a short novel with this character every month because of this ship. and its not just the fact that lordy are prolific in threads. the number of threads does not make a ship well-written. its the fact that erin and i have worked to make their history incredibly developed. we have dug deep into the ‘timelines’ they created both when they were together and in the past ten years that they’ve been broken up.
landon and jordan were high school sweethearts. they were the only out same-sex couple in their high school in seattle and on paper, they shouldn’t have worked. landon was a total nerd (still is) and jordan was one of the star soccer players. but they met in a museum and they hit it off, developing a great friendship, and eventually developing feelings. they overcame struggles with homophobic peers (shoutout to 2008 mentalities) and made plans for a future together that were derailed when landon chose to go to college on the west coast instead of mit as they’d planned. obviously, being sane eighteen year old boys who realized the odds of staying together while living across the country from one another, they broke up.
however, they stayed friends. for ten years, they stayed friends even if they didn’t see one another. they had a text based friendship with the occasional video chat. they joked that if they hadn’t broken up, they’d have a white picket fence and be building ikea furniture. in fact, they had a perfect timeline (timeline 88) based upon just that. when jordan moved to new orleans for his doctorate, landon was with someone else but they eased back into the friendship. when landon and his girlfriend broke up, the friendship slowly started to shift. in the end, they fell back in love - which because they’re idiots, has not been a smooth journey for them.
we have played this ship for only a few months, but we’ve played their high school and current state. we’ve played them in the main timeline and three different ones (timeline 10 where landon transferred to an east coast school halfway through freshman year, timeline 88 where they never broke up in the first place, and timeline x where they not only didn’t date but actually hated one another.) we know the entire course of their past relationship. we know a lot of their other timelines (shout out to jodi and lane - the timeline where they’re girls). we have so much planned in their future.
erin taking this request was a complete blessing, because as you can tell by this long drawn out love letter to lordy, they are one of my absolute favorite things to write.
honorable mention: mason/sierra, brent/margot, ava/penny
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itsnathanprice · 4 years
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╰ ❛ 💉 — › DUSTIN MILLIGAN. CIS MALE. HE/HIM. . ╯ have you met NATHAN PRICE yet ? this THIRTY-TWO old GEMINI has been living in the seattle area for EIGHT MONTHS. HE makes a living as a PEDS FELLOW, which is best suited for their CHARMING, WITTY, IMPATIENT, AND IMPULSIVE personality. THIS WILL BE OUR YEAR by THE ZOMBIES is one of their favorite songs, and they're written by EM, 24, GMT, SHE/HER, NONE.
FULL NAME: Nathan Alexander Price
AGE: Thirty Two (32).
DATE OF BIRTH: 22 May 1988, Gemini.
HOMETOWN: New Orleans, Louisiana.
CURRENT LOCATION: Seattle, Washington.
GENDER: Cis Male.
ORIENTATION: tbh I don’t know yet, whenever I decide at the start my muse always tells me I’m wrong so WHO KNOWS.
RELIGION: Agnostic.
OCCUPATION: Pediatric Fellow.
LANGUAGE(S) SPOKEN: English, some Canadian French (his mother is from Montreal).
FACE CLAIM: Dustin Milligan.
HEIGHT: 6 ft 1.
WEIGHT: 176lbs.
BUILD: Muscular athletic.
CLOTHING STYLE: Leans towards smart casual always, if not scrubs.
ALLERGIES: kiwi, strawberries.
SLEEPING HABITS: out like a light.
EATING HABITS: too unhealthy to look the way he does.
EXERCISE HABITS: normally runs a couple of times a week, hits the gym when he can.
EMOTIONAL STABILITY: 7? plummets to a 3 with whiskey, use with caution.
SOCIABILITY: usually very sociable. 
DRUG USE: none.
ALCOHOL USE: socially.
POSITIVE TRAITS: Charming, witty.
NEGATIVE TRAITS: Impatient, impulsive.
FEARS: Dying alone.
WEATHER: Cloudy, but warm.
COLOUR: Khaki.
MUSIC: anything, he’s not fussy.
MOVIES: nothing too sad, he has a habit of ‘getting something in his eye’.
SPORT: Basketball.
BEVERAGE: Usually just water, but coffee, beer and whiskey are up there.
FOOD: tacos.
ANIMAL: Beaver (cue childish laughter).
Nathan grew up with a couple of sisters, and so has always had a protective nature over the people (especially females) in his life.
He knew he wanted to go into peds very early on, he is very charming (especially with the mothers) and is able to put the child at ease with his sense of humor. For him, it all fell into place very quickly.
Nathan studied at Tulane to keep close to his family, and was able to help out with the family business whenever he had the chance to ensure it didn’t go under as his family are not overly wealthy.
Nathan was engaged while he was a resident. When he passed his boards, he was due to be sticking around Tulane to marry his college sweetheart and do his fellowship. Unfortunately his fiancee called off the engagement the week before the wedding, and as such Nathan peaced out of there and headed to Seattle to do his fellowship at SGMW instead and start fresh.
He is a sweetheart, but he’s become very guarded (understandably) since his fiancee left. He can’t see the light at the end of the tunnel as yet and is channeling his inner bad-boy as a cliched attempt to get over her.
He has decided the new hospital and state will be a good chance to start over, so nobody is aware of the relationship that he left behind. He’s painted the image of a bachelor living with Link, and he’s happy for people to think what they want (for now).
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songwheein · 4 years
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ready for the whirlwind that is winnie song? she’s ( somewhat ) under the cut. it will probably take me a little time to dev a connections page, but i’m excited to be here and work out what’s going on between her and everyone else.
[ JEON SO-YEON, SHE/HER, CISFEMALE ] | [ WHEE-IN “WINNIE” SONG ] just threw their bags into the car. With [ "FOREVER” BY FLETCHER ] and the AC blasting, they depart [ LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA ] with a [ VIETNAMESE COLD BREW ] in their hand. Off to see their high school friends who know them as [ WINNIE ] when they’re really [ THE DANCER ] now. The past five years, they’ve been [ BLOWING OFF COLLEGE, PURSUING DANCE PROFESSIONALLY AND FALLING IN LOVE TOO MANY TIMES TO COUNT ] and it’s been pretty [ SOUL-NOURISHING ]. A few of the other pact members might be surprised by [ HER HAND TATTOOS, BLEACH BLONDE HAIR AND WELL-WORN COMPOSITION BOOK FILLED WITH HANDWRITTEN SHEET MUSIC  ].
kennedy was cool, she guesses. she was nice. she was perfectly nice-- a sweet girl. winnie enjoyed her company during cheer practice, and it was nice to have the excuse of “sleeping over” with kennedy when she wanted to spend extra time with beckett. but have you ever met someone like, too nice? that’s almost how it felt back then. no one was actually that nice and that sweet and that welcoming. call her a bitch, but you’d have to be an idiot. ( okay, so kennedy probably wasn’t an idiot, but winnie didn’t really grasp that when she started dating one twin she kind of dated both twins, and that was not the kind of relationship she’d been looking for at the time. and then she went and fucking disappeared and when you lose one twin you lose both, too. so... there might be some resentment there. ) they could talk and laugh and joke around and dance together. kennedy was an absolutely fine friend, but that’s sort of... it? she does have kennedy fucking off to god knows where to sort of thank for the kick in the ass she needed to start living her life on her terms-- but maybe kennedy’s the last person winnie’s keeping her huntington beach promise for.
the only reason winnie holds onto almost anything about herself from high school is to know that she can. she can be that person her parents wanted her to be. she can get decent grades. she can juggle a lot of extracurriculars. she can be pretty and popular and in-demand. she can be the best of the best. but that’s not what she wants. high school taught her that the only expectations she wants to live her life meeting-- exceeding-- are her own, whatever the cost may be. the only thing she really can’t shake ( and maybe doesn’t want to ) is her propensity for falling in love. she can’t help it.
winnie was born the second daughter of a well to-do korean american family. her father is a cardiologist, and her mother still runs a very successful, small restaurant in naperville using her all her grandmother’s recipes from korea.
growing up, she was taught to want to continue the family legacy of excellence and achievement. her parents weren’t some kind of stereotype, obsessed with nothing but grades, but they wanted the best for her. and their belief was that you had to be the best to get the best. so she was enrolled in dance classes and voice lessons and piano lessons and violin lessons and swim lessons and... what else was there? she’s probably taken the lesson at least once.
high school was, in a way, the most freedom she’d had from her parents to that point in her life. she was in enough clubs and activities to give her free time on-campus, and her older sister was living at home while studying pre-med and ate up a lot of her parents’ attention. it was the perfect storm for her to start trying to find ways to test her limits. what could she get away with? she could have a boyfriend! ( she could hook up with someone very much not her boyfriend! ) she could lie and say she was spending the night with a cheer teammate! ( she could actually spend the night with her boyfriend! ) she could get really brave and try to put temp dye in her hair that one time at an actual slumber party only to get grounded for three weeks! ( parents, amirite? )
of all the avenues she’d pursued over the course of her very young life, dance was the one she took to the most quickly. it spoke to her long before anything else-- even love-- ever did. she felt a lot when she danced, and she felt a lot very clearly. she could understand it all better. she could explain it all better. she was good at it-- truly good-- and it was never something she had to compete with her sister for.
once kennedy disappeared and everything fell apart, winnie sort of realized that... high school is... well, it’s all kind of bullshit, isn’t it? all of it. the rules. the expectations. the boxes everyone’s in all the time. they’d all been living the lives their families and their friends and their teachers and their TVs had been telling them they should live, and their world still shattered. their little CW dream team couldn’t last, so what and they all be doing it for? what had she been doing it for? if she up and died tomorrow, would her life have been fulfilled doing everything her parents wanted her to? hell no.
so she decided to do what she wanted to do. no college. just music. she went from illinois to nashville first. then to atlanta. then new orleans. ( there was this one especially hot summer in new york city when she realized that she hella, totally gay these days. ) then, finally, los angeles. from dance studio to dance studio, she’s learned so much. grown even more. no more boxes. no more restrictions.
did you know she’s even composing her own music these days?
she still has the same instagram account she used in high school, but she hasn’t posted to it in several years. it wasn’t difficult to lose touch with the group. the traumabonding of kennedy’s disappearance was easy enough for all of them to run from, scattering to the wind and across the country. honestly? part of her needed to shed them as much as she needed to shed the weight of her parents’ control. still. there are some people she misses. some people she wonders about. some people she’s occasionally insta-stalked over the years. 
( deep, deep down she’s nervous to find out if her friends still recognize her and if they’ll like who she’s discovered she is. the transformation has strained her family to a degree, and she doesn’t know if there’s anything from home she can well and truly salvage if she’s not the winnie she was then. )
she’s currently living with two roommates in a macarthur park apartment and loving every minute of it, supplementing her income from teaching dance classes and choreographing for local events with an ever-growing tiktok following. one of her roommates is a food blogger whose youtube channel pretty much pays his rent, and the influencer action just seemed too easy to pass up.
her look and style have completely evolved since high school. once upon a time she was a very traditional girl. no dyed hair. no piercings (except her earlobes). definitely no tattoos. a very muted and soft wardrobe, delicate and feminine and classic. as time has gone on, she’s developed an affinity for a more modern style. her clothes are louder. they’re more versatile. she can roll from high-end hyperfemme one day to streetwear futch the next. her hair is just as changeable, though she typically leaves it blonde. and tattoos? she has more than she can count now. some big pieces, a lot of small, dainty ones. ( the day she came home with her first visible tattoo, her mom sent her to room. she’d been twenty. )
her cat, jelly, goes with her everywhere she goes. you seen a cat on the beach before? be prepared.
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clansayeed · 4 years
Bound by Circumstance ― Chapter 6: There Are No Saints in New Orleans
PAIRING: Nik Ryder x trans*M!MC (Taylor Hunter) RATING: Mature
⥼ Bound by Circumstance ⥽
Taylor Hunter (MC) has made it good for himself in New Orleans; turns out moving to a new city fresh out of college to reinvent yourself isn’t as hard as people make it out to be. Things only start to get confusing when he finds himself the target of a malevolent wraith. Good thing someone’s looking out for him though — because without Nighthunter Nik Ryder as his bodyguard he definitely won’t survive long in the twisting darkness of the supernatural underworld he’s tripped into.
Bound by Circumstance and the rest of the Oblivion Bound series is an ongoing dramatic retelling project of the book Nightbound and the rest of the Bloodbound series. Find out more [HERE].
Note: Circumstance only loosely follows the events and plotline of Nightbound, and features a separate antagonist, different character motivations, and further worldbuilding.
*Let me know if you would like to be added to the Circumstance/series tag list!
⥼ Chapter Summary ⥽
Come one, come all to the exclusive (even among the elite) event of the evening; a show not to be missed and sure to be the talk of the town for years to come. That's right, you'll only find it here at Persephone. Werewolf vs. Minotaur — to the death!
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An old-fashioned iron elevator lines Persephone’s back wall. Pull back the metal doors and step in to crystal-clear glass without a smudge or streak in sight. It would be a nice way to look down on the club’s main floor from above — to take in all the things limited by distance and closeness.
But when Taylor sees the equally-clear panel that slides aside to allow the elevator to descend into a plunging endless black he rethinks how cool it is. Like, immediately.
They approach keeping close behind Cadence and Katherine. Ryder catches him looking over his shoulder and throws a subtle arm around his shoulder, whispers “keep your eyes ahead, you look like you’re up to something” in his ear, and remains at ease.
Some people just aren’t used to this sort of life, but thanks for the tip?
An attendant presses the call button on the elevator’s rigging. Summons it from the topmost floor in the smoothest glide he’s ever seen. There’s no way that’s just human technology at work.
Another attendant — similar, not identical — pulls open the grate doors where a third steps aside for them to enter.
He guesses she’s fae by the way her skin shimmers like glitter beneath the surface and the point of her ears. Doesn’t say anything just in case he’s wrong and might somehow offend them, but the golden highlight under almost obsidian skin is breathtaking nonetheless.
Though she becomes breathtaking in a whole new way when Taylor watches her eyes drift subtly to the signet rings on the hands of their guides.
She holds up a long-fingered hand before Ryder, Taylor, and Cal can join them.
“Rings, sers.”
Ryder jumps at the opportunity — cocks a brow and starts what has to be a prepared monologue; “I knew you’d ask. Wouldn’t you know, what happened was —”
“Rings, sers.” She cuts him off, unfazed.
He looks behind her to Katherine; already inside the elevator and leaning against the back railing. But it’s Cadence who steps forward, places a feather-light touch on the attendant’s arm to draw her attention.
How the towering man manages to look so unassuming is a mystery. Even his smile seems genuine — but it can’t be. Especially not from the way Ryder spoke to him earlier. If Taylor hadn’t seen those red eyes for himself he’d have a hard time believing the man was anything potentially dangerous.
“I can vouch for them, miss.” He offers.
Just when it looks like he’s disarmed her with his smile, the fae shakes her head. Though when she replies she’s kinder in tone; recognizes his status as assumed by the ring.
“It is my job, ser.”
“I don’t remember security being this tight during the Lunar Eclipse.”
“Increased measures due to recent events, ser,” she nods imploringly, “all for the protection of the guests, Persephone-assured.”
Taylor blurts out the first thing that comes to mind. “We just lost our rings in one of the rooms, that’s all!”
But it’s not enough. She starts to wave down the other two workers. “These things happen, ser, we understand. However until your rings are recovered we cannot allow use of Persephone’s services.”
When Katherine finally joins the conversation she’s got a furrowed brow and a hint of ire on her tongue.
“Jesus, Nik, leave it to you and your new boyfriends to make everyone’s fucking lives that much harder.”
Everyone’s startled for different reasons. Taylor and Cal exchange glances, mouth ‘boyfriends?’ in absolute bewilderment. Nik looks ready to smother her with his sleeve it it’ll stop her current train of thought. The attendant’s cheeks go slightly blue with what must be their version of embarrassment at her vulgar language.
Only she doesn’t stop there. “Let me guess — while you had me and Cade waiting at the poker game you were… what, getting off in the steam room?”
And because he’s always been a sucker for improv Taylor takes Nik and Cal’s hands in his and squeezes. “I don’t really think that’s your business.”
“What, my partner isn’t my business?” she snaps.
“When he’s with us he’s definitely not your partner, honey.”
Katherine’s got a twinkle in her eye — elbows Cadence into action subtly while the attendant looks between them to see if she can settle their tiff on her own or if she’ll need backup.
“Like I care what your newest little toy has to say,” Katherine rolls her eyes dramatically, “but you kept us waiting then and you’re holding us up now! If Izzy’s gone by the time —”
“Pardon her,” Cadence leans down and apologizes to the fae in a low voice, “she’s had a bit of a night.”
“I—I can tell.” Comes the squeaked-out reply.
“We really don’t want to cause a scene.”
“Of course.”
“Oh come on,” jeers Taylor — now fully in-character, “like poker compares to what we can give him? You’re out of your mind.”
Cadence hisses through clenched teeth and lets the fae fill in the rest for herself. This doesn’t have to turn into a big scene. You only have to let them through.
She finally cracks; lets out a helpless little noise and stands aside. “We’ll have the spa searched for your missing belongings. Forgive us for delaying your — er — Persephone experience.”
The attendants are probably meant to stay in the elevator for the duration of the ride but as the three of them shuffle in — Taylor and Katherine now coming to verbal blows about some throwaway comment from “Miami last year!” — she worms her way out, presses the button for the lowest floor behind her, and helps her fellow worker close the gates to send them on their way.
Only when the glass panels close and plunge them into darkness does the fighting end.
He can hear Katherine’s smirk. “Not too shabby… who are you, again?”
“Taylor. That was actually kinda fun.”
“You really dropped the ball there, Ryder.”
“Hey, Kathy?”
“Shut up.”
“Not a chance.”
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The noise is first. Cheers of joy and frustration and a distinct thudding followed by the clap-clap of hooves.
Then come the lights; less fancy and bright than the ones back on the main level but they’re probably there for an ambiance or something — part of the fixation the rich have with things looking shabby and poor. And through the glass floor it doesn’t take long for their eyes to adjust.
The last piece of the puzzle is the smell — old things like rust on chain-link fences and concrete that bring him back to the city for a flash. And underneath it the sour, coppery smell Taylor’s only recently come to understand is blood, freshly spilled.
It’s not just a cage match — it’s a bona fide Fight Club being held a couple stories underneath the wealthiest properties in New Orleans.
The crowd hangs in a thick mass of sweat and expensive perfumes around the center cage. Sways like the tide to keep their eyes on the fighters within as they rumble around their confines.
Up high they get a rare chance to see the fighting full-blown. Rare, and terrible.
Taylor barely has time to clasp his hand over his mouth and hold back his exclamation. Watches as the hulking stone troll — it’s not Krom, it’s not Krom, it’s not Krom — with geologic muscles pounds its fists against its chest and rushes at a startling speed towards the opponent.
The owner of the hooves is a satyr; half the troll’s height with horns included and stocky rather than built. There’s a chip in the curved ram-like horns and blood running down its face from a broken nose.
It stomps against the concrete — and he has to ignore the splatters of dried blood in various colors to focus on the fight itself — and braces. Makes Taylor want to yell for it to move because there’s no way it can hold back the sheer weight alone of the troll. He almost can’t watch. But it’s like a train wreck — he can’t look away.
The crowd erupts with noise at the collision. The satyr is stronger than it looks; holds back the troll first with its horns and doesn’t give it time to grab for the softer, fleshier parts before charging, bull-like, to push the heavier opponent all the way to the other side of the cage.
Then it goes dark; the hand over his eyes just a little clammy. The troll roars in agony.
He pulls Ryder’s hand away just in time to see the troll fall face-first. Thin, watery blood pools beneath it. His confusion doesn’t last long when he notices a jagged, torn edge of the caging bent into the cage like a spike.
“No weapons inside,” Nik explains lowly; like he’s holding some sort of reverence for the troll now being dragged limp by its arms from the arena, “but that doesn’t stop the resourceful.”
A shirtless duo, what look like a brother and sister with a beauty so striking it can’t possibly be of this world, enter and take the satyr’s hands to raise it up as champion. Most of the crowd boos and jeers — Taylor can see why when the money begins changing hands near the shaded back of the space.
“People enjoy this?” He can’t help it when his voice cracks.
“Violence is just another luxury when you’ve got enough money.”
The elevator grinds to a halt and Cadence pulls the doors open for their exit.
“Keep close.” Ryder doesn’t give him much of a choice, what with the arm around his shoulders, but Taylor’s definitely not arguing right now. Not with what he just witnessed.
Several steps and something feels off — missing. Makes him look around to find Cal a few paces behind with a sickly pallor and his hands balled into fists.
“Cal, what’s wrong?”
It draws the attention of the others. Katherine follows the werewolf’s line of sight and mutters more than a few expletives under her breath.
The walls are lined with (no doubt expensive) graffiti and posters larger than life. Some are peeling at the corners and bear ink faded with time and what might have once been sunlight. Now they’re almost relics of a bygone era — no, eras — of fighting.
Nearest the elevator has to be the most recent title match. Glossy paper smoothed down and tacked in with polished nails, colors still vibrant and with a large piece of tape bearing SOLD OUT across the front partially obscuring the words.
But it doesn’t take a genius to piece it together.
Before Taylor can reach his side Cal doubles over and empties his stomach at his feet. They’re far back enough that it doesn’t grab anyone’s attention. Already the next round of bets is beginning and the mob is losing itself with greed and a hunger for blood.
“Hey — Cal, hey,” he rubs the man’s broad back as he gags up the last of his spittle, “we’re here, we’ll get Donny before anything happens. He’s not gonna fight.”
Cal rights himself shakily; wipes his chin with the back of his hand.
“How do you know — guh — he hasn’t already?”
He doesn’t. And doesn’t want to try and give Cal false hope. But his face says everything before he can try to put on a smile — makes Cal nod grimly.
“Let’s just get this over with.”
A gaggle of goblin onlookers herd aside just in time for them to spot the bouncers haul away the unconscious stone troll through a metal warehouse door.
Ryder jerks his head that way. “Likely where they’ve got all the fighters.”
“So let’s go.” Cal growls; starts to push his way through the bodies before Ryder grabs him and holds him back. “What the hell?”
Katherine clicks her tongue. “You don’t know what match they’re on. Storm in there now and every fighter who wants to be here could be back there waiting to turn you into ground beef.”
“But Don —”
“We’ve come too far to risk it now, Cal. Please…” The wolf looks into Taylor’s eyes — then his shoulders sag with a nod.
“Fine. Just until we see what round they’re on.”
Ryder lets out a low whistle that draws Katherine’s attention. Sweeps her gaze over to what has to be some kind of VIP corner with a poor excuse for bleachers dotted with better-dressed guests smoking cigars and being served by attendants.
Most of those guests are crowded around an older woman in all black. Set lines from an unkind tussle with the years around her thin lips and deep in her forehead. She doesn’t sacrifice her wealth for her mourning; and the high-cut thigh slit on her gown isn’t something you’d expect at a funeral anyway.
“Let me guess, Izzy?” Taylor asks as quietly as he can — practically whispering it in Ryder’s ear.
But he doesn’t get the chance to answer as Isadora's ruby eyes fall on their group from across the crowd. The same color as Cadence’s back up on the floor.
“So much for the element of surprise,” Katherine scoffs; throws a dirty look back Taylor’s way before resuming her position on Cadence the vampire’s arm. “Don’t have any fun without us.”
With a tittering wave they’re gone — being let passed the velvet rope to Isadora's section and too far away for any of them to hear.
“What do you suppose they’re talking to her about?” He doesn’t bother whispering this time — knows they can hear him even if they don’t look his way before the movement of the crowd obscures them from view.
Ryder shakes his head grimly. “Nothing good. So let’s not be caught making it our business.”
Though the betters and onlookers are of the same caliber as the party-goers back upstairs, the ambiance of the space is just different. Taylor isn’t the only one who feels it, either. Every time he grabs for Cal’s arm to keep them all together he feels the shiver of goosebumps — the wolf within knows something here is inherently wrong.
Up above it hadn’t seemed like all that shining wealth could be housed within the same realm as the thing that had gone after him in the cemetery. Now, though, he gets it. This is the real world; all the paint washed off and costumes put away.
He definitely doesn’t find it as beautiful anymore.
An unseen announcer takes to a pitchy speaker system to let everyone know the next match is in fifteen minutes and that all bets are final. It incites those around them to start placing their final calls — jostles them like a sudden storm at sea.
He stumbles as a figure forces himself between Taylor and Nik. Scrawny shoulders like cut stones and a rusty mop of hair that ends just above a set of pointed ears suddenly turning to look at him with way too much malice for a stranger to have.
“Watch where you’re going, mortal.” When he speaks the fae’s accented voice cracks in a way Taylor’s all-too familiar with. It makes him grin despite himself and when the stranger takes an almost comical level of offense to it he laughs, too.
With no shame, of course.
“What in the blazes is so funny?!” It’s obvious the kid — god, he can’t be more than a teenager or… whatever that is in elf years — puffs out his chest to look a little bit more intimidating. Obvious and wholly ineffective.
Lucky for Taylor the only kind of people that make him look less masculine are preteen boys.
“I’m —” pause to breathe again, “— I’m sorry. I’m not laughing at you, I…” No, yeah, he is.
“How dare you,” is the sneered response, “do you know who I am? When I tell my father of your impertinence you will rue this!”
Well that just kind of kills the joke. Makes Taylor look back to Cal who doesn’t make a show of hiding his curled upper lip.
“Whoa there. Calm down Little Elfen Annie, you bumped into my friend, here. So how about instead of empty threats you try an apology?”
Somehow the youth finds more of himself to puff out but it’s no match for Cal’s werewolf physique. He dwarfs the redhead effortlessly. And only then does the kid notice.
“Of course you’re a shifter. One of the impure, no doubt.”
Taylor gawks. “Hey, watch it. Now you’re just being a dick.”
“You vulgar —”
“You wanna talk vulgarity twerp you ain’t heard —”
“Oh god — N-Nik! Nik! Ni —”
They all three fall silent when Ryder’s calloused hand falls on the elf’s decorated shoulder. Makes him look up (and up) into the Nighthunter’s stone-cold expression with the barest flicker of fear showing through his bravado.
“Get. lost.”
Ryder doesn’t have to tell him twice. Though he does make it look like he’s choosing to leave — rights his blazer and mutters something in a lilting language under his breath that Taylor thinks he catches a bit of but, obviously, doesn’t speak so he lets it go.
“What the hell happened to ‘laying low?’” Nik scolds the pair of them. Barely enough to get Cal to calm down. “Put it on ice, Kujo. Before you get us kicked out and then no one’s gonna save your brother’s sorry tail.”
Whatever curse Cal throws at Ryder’s turned back is lost when the crowd starts cheering and chanting around the cage. Draws their attentions to the far end where the back door opens and a large, hulking shadow casts over the dim lit hallway beyond.
“We know you’re all buzzing for the fight of the night, folks!” comes the Announcer’s voice overhead. Cal whispers a “no…” and Taylor feels his stomach drop out from under him.
“But we thought we’d give the poor wolf pup a fightin’ chance. So who wants to see our reigning champion take on the as-yet undefeated Corbyn the Satyr?!”
All around come shouts and chants of “bloody him!” and “break his face!” — along with the odd “get me my money’s worth, damn goat!”
Then a loud snorting noise rings through the arena and makes a hush fall over the crowd.
“Min-o-taur! Min-o-taur! MIN-O-TAUR!”
Soon the chant fills the air like a gospel. Draws out the god in question from the doorway in a prayer.
The Minotaur is everything and more. Just like in the movies but real; a real bull’s head on top of a real hairy body covered in mottled scars and wounds that fade into two of the biggest blackest hooves Taylor’s ever seen.
Atop his head are polished horns that, even from a distance, he knows could impale him without resistance.
The Minotaur stomps into the middle of the cage and raises its large arms. Encourages the crowd to chant higher, louder, faster. It revels in the sound of its name; tips back it’s enormous head and lets out a deep howl that actually shakes the metal of the cage. The crowd bursts into cheers like animals possessed at the sound of it.
For the first time Ryder actually looks worried.
“We gotta find that kid wolf before that thing tears out his spine.”
Taylor cringes at the mental image. “Jesus, Ryder, have some —”
“No,” Cal interrupts hollowly; never looks away from the Minotaur as it riles up the crowd by hammering its fists on its chest and bellowing in their faces, “he’s right. Donny’s dead if he gets in that cage.”
Just as the creature huffs in a group of faces at the front there’s a hot breath on the back of Taylor’s neck. Makes him yelp and jump sky-high away from the shiver that curdles up his spine.
“Hnn what the hell?!”
The perpetrator, a lemon-yellow goblin with a head almost as tall as his torso, grins his equally yellow teeth at them with fingers folded at his chin.
“Did Meerl hear right?” the goblin eyes Taylor up and down like a snack and it’s an experience he never wants to have ever ever again, “When Meerl was hearing that little mortal man wants in cage?”
Meerl (apparently) wiggles his fingers like long spider legs. “Meerl can make this happen.”
“Wha —” — nope, nope, a big fat fucking nope — “— no way, I —”
“Yeah, we want in.” Nik interrupts, holds Taylor back and snaps several times to grab Meerl’s glittering glance.
“How much?”
Cal snarls. “Ryder, what the fuck?”
“Shut up, wolfpack,” then he repeats; “I asked how much, worm.”
“Meerl only asks for small percent — small percent of mortal’s winning.”
“That’s assumin’ he wins.”
“Meerl can make this happen.”
“Oh yeah?”
“Yes, yes. Come speak with Meerl — Meerl will make mortal rich.”
Before Taylor can protest any further Meerl starts off; pushing his spindly way through the throng just as the cage door shuts with the satyr Corbyn and the Minotaur locked inside.
He grabs onto Ryder in a panic. “What are you doing?!”
The answer he gets isn’t verbal — instead it’s just a look on his bodyguard’s face that (against his body’s wishes, very much so) makes Taylor’s heart do a backflip and stick the landing.
“Do you trust me to keep you safe?” Nik doesn’t take. Not this time. Instead just offers his hand cuts and all. He can hear Cal start to protest behind him and, farther up, sees Meerl turn and give them what he probably thinks is a sweet smile and a wave of his claws.
Nik’s voice brings him back to himself. What the fuck am I doing?
He hesitates… then puts his hand in Nik’s.
“I trust you.”
“Then come on.”
He throws back a pleading look at Cal — who definitely still opposes, but follows with a single nod.
Nik pulls him along in a secure grip to where Meerl waits. The closer to the cage the tighter the fit but they manage. All the way across the room to the metal door guarded by two suited stone trolls.
“Shit,” says one, and looks the three of them over, “you actually found one?”
“Meerl does good business, should not doubt Meerl,” the goblin croons. With a doubtful glance to his companion the troll shrugs and opens the door.
“Come, come friends,” Taylor tries not to let the goblin’s chuckling dissuade him from trusting Ryder as they’re led inside, “good business to be done.”
If he squeezes Nik’s hand a little tighter when the door slams shut, the hunter is a real bro and doesn’t mention it.
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The thing about Meerl’s deal is that it isn’t a bad one in theory.
It’s Their way of keeping the fighting interesting and preventing people from accusing the club of rigging every match. Bring a Joe Schmoe in from the crowd itself and, should he win, most of the winnings are his. It’s a good return of investments for those who spend a little bit too much time and money betting on fighters.
And little Meerl gets a cut of the winnings. Not even half, not even a quarter! There would definitely be enough left over for the inevitable medical bills.
So it’s a sound theory — for someone like the Minotaur.
For the human going up against said Minotaur? Well yeah it’s a fucking death sentence; a warm-up routine for the hulking creature and an easy paycheck for the goblin whose job it is to bring in fresh meat.
Not that any of this is said out in the open but it’s obvious. Like, painfully obvious.
Which is why Ryder isn’t actually considering entertaining the idea.
Wait… right?
The fact that they’re led to a small room with only a desk and some paperwork should raise way more alarms on his so-called ‘bodyguard’ than his behavior would suggest.
Cal tries to keep out of the way; “I’ll wait out here, keep an eye on things,” but Meerl isn’t having it and ushers him in alongside. Closes the door to give them ‘privacy to discuss business matters,’ or whatever.
Doesn’t stop the wolf from nudging Taylor’s arm and jerking his head back out to the dark corridor. Not that they’ve gotten close enough in the—oh—three, four hours they’ve known each other by now but he doesn’t have to be psychic to get it.
Cal’s caught Donny’s scent. They’re in the right place at the wrong time.
The goblin scrambles to work; a fire lit under his yellow ass as he starts grabbing and shuffling piles of paper, packets, and waivers of various official pastels. Starts explaining everything in that hasty way one does when things aren’t completely legit. But Ryder eats it up like he’s just won the lottery.
Frankly it’s disturbing seeing him smile that much.
Before they suffer death by a thousand paper cuts, though, he puts his palm down on the already too-high stack of liability forms. His smile is so greasy it makes the goblin look positively angelic.
“I think this is a great starting point, Meerl,” he grabs Taylor by the shoulder and shakes him with camaraderie, “but this is my kid’s first fight — cold feet, you know.”
“Oh yes yes, yes Meerl knows.”
“So may~be you could gimme a few minutes with him? Help settle those nerves in a special way.”
It’s the wink that makes Taylor lean back. “Uh, excuse you?”
But Meerl is already stood and skittering towards the door. “Oh yes — yes Meerl sees this quite often, Meerl does. Give you, hm, say five minutes, yes?”
Turns out yellow skin goes sort of orange when it pales. But Meerl accepts with a huff and a nod. “Ten minutes, Meerl will give. Then new mortal will face champion — then champion will face wolf pup.”
The pop pop of Cal’s cracked knuckles as he clenches his fists echoes through the concrete walls.
“Or maybe the new mortal — er, me, you know what I mean! — maybe I’ll face the wolf pup.” Taylor jibes.
Any sensible person would take the way the goblin throws his head back in laughter as a clear sign to get the hell out.
“Yes,” Meerl’s tone is nothing short of placating as he closes the door behind him, “yes maybe—maybe…”
And though he may not be perfectly sensible, Taylor’s sensible enough to smack Ryder over the head the moment they’re all alone.
“Hi, yeah remember that ‘trust’ you asked for? It’s waning — fast.”
Maybe a little less so when Ryder scoops the paperwork onto the floor in a colorful confetti-like array. There’s no imagining his satisfaction.
“I got us back here, didn’t I?”
“With the sleaze-ball right outside the door.”
Ryder ignores him for Cal; “Can you track him from here?”
“He’s definitely close,” he’s almost breathless with anticipation, fear, worry; “he’s terrified.”
“I would be if I had to face that thing, too.”
Either the stone walls suck at muffling sounds or the crowd is losing its collective shit over the match. He knows which is more likely.
Ryder continues; reaches into one of the inside pockets on his coat and winds something long and dark around his fist. “So we’re all clear on the plan?”
Cal nods tersely. Taylor, not so much.
“Uhm, when was there a plan? Did I miss talking about a plan?”
“Jesus,” the hunter pinches the bridge of his nose, “I’m gonna start calling you Rookie if you can’t keep up.”
Before Taylor can protest, though, Cal comes to his rescue. “Same thing it’s always been. We got in — now we find Donny and get out as quick as we can. And probably try not to get our faces busted in on the way.”
“And once we’re out?” He looks back and forth so fast he gets a bit dizzy, “You said Kristof was sending some of the Pack after him. Won’t you be on the run?”
“You let me worry about that. I’ll get you your Sage and we can part ways.”
Ryder nods curtly; flexes what Taylor can now see clearly as a thickly braided leather cord between his hands. “Sounds good.”
“No, no it doesn’t!”
“Taylor,” and Cal shouldn’t sound as sure as he does given his situation — not just the one he’s in but the one he’s going to be in, “hey — we’ll be okay. Thanks for the concern but… we’ll be okay.”
It’s likely Ryder’s keen Nighthunter-honed senses that spring him into action because any more time to delay and Taylor might just talk them into a newer, tighter corner than the one they’re already in. But just abandoning Cal after, well, after everything? It just doesn’t sit right in his gut.
“On my signal.”
He barely paints the fake smile back on before rapping his wrapped knuckles on the door. “Let’s get this show on the road!”
Is that the signal? No, because he doesn’t move when the wiggly door knob turns and Meerl’s scratchy voice sing-songs through the gap; “Good good! Meerl promises —”
No, the signal is the cutoff and choking gasps of Nik winding the bulk of the cord around the goblin’s skinny throat. Hands flailing, grasping for purchase where there is none while his tongue lolls out and eyes bulge even farther out of their sockets than they already do.
“Knock him out!” hisses Ryder through clenched teeth. Angles their dear friend Meerl over to Cal’s drawn-back fist.
The punch collides with a sickening cracking noise; something definitely broken in either the wolf’s hand or the goblin’s face. Taylor and likely the betting crowd outside would have all their earnings on the latter.
But just before he falls Meerl manages a single attack; sharp nails digging unforgiving into Ryder’s forearm before his eyes roll back into unconsciousness.
Ryder recoils and the body falls through the doorway just as Taylor catches the sound of footsteps halting. His heart stops — only barely starts back up again when he recognizes the distinct metal-tipped sound.
Cadence peeks a head around the doorway; pushes up his glasses before they fall off of his nose. Behind him Katherine appears with a long dagger in hand.
“Here they are.” Cadence announces with all the glee of a man stating the obvious. He catches sight of Meerl and quickly steps away from the long tongue just an inch from his boot. “Ew.”
He gives Taylor a slight wave. Entirely too optimistic for the current situation. Unsure of what else to do Taylor just… waves back?
Ryder, however, is furious. “Kath—what the hell —” he looks around them both to check the coast is clear, “— are you doing back here?!”
Katherine barely has time to return the dagger to a well-concealed holder on her thigh before Cadence pulls her in for a disgruntled side-hug.
“She was worried about you.”
“I said no such thing.”
“You didn’t need to,” he admonishes, “I could tell. Kept watching them during our meeting with Isadora — she noticed, by the way. So thanks for that.”
“You didn’t hire me to kiss her ass.”
“No, I didn’t.”
Without being asked Cadence joins Ryder in dragging Meerl’s body fully into the room.
Cal looks between them as if he can’t believe what he’s seeing. “If we’re done with the childish bullshit? My brother’s about to get beaten to death.”
He pushes past Katherine with nothing more than a grunt. If she wants to say anything she doesn’t; bites her tongue and probably everyone’s benefit.
Taylor calls out, “Cal, wait up!” and follows on his heels as quickly as he can. Doesn’t look back to see if the others will follow but he doesn’t have to.
Bodyguard, remember?
The corridor seems to stretch on forever. Open doors lead to empty rooms and closed doors — well — Cal may be in a hurry but he has the sense not to open them without being absolutely sure what’s on the other side.
They’re so far back he can barely hear the noises from the arena. All it takes is one look down to his feet and he collides hard into the werewolf’s solid muscle. Flails a hand out only to be caught by his strong grip.
“Here — he’s here! Donny! Donny can you hear me?! It’s Cal! Donny!” He tries the handle; growls in primal frustration at the lock. Starts trying to knock it down with the brunt of his weight in a frenzy.
“Donny! Donny hold on!”
Cadence and the Nighthunters arrive just as Cal lets out a bestial growl; teeth grit and definitely more canine than human as he gives a final shove and breaks a splintered hole in the door. Knocks it off its hinges and sends it flying inward.
Cal rushes in — zeroes on a dark-haired and twiggy kid pressed against the bars that hold him captive.
“Cal!” The kid cries, voice thick and choked with eyes red-rimmed from tears. His hands shake as they grasp for one another like sheer force of will can make the bars disappear between them. Cal buries his nose in the mop of dark hair and inhales deeply, lets something wild shift underneath his skin before it settles; satisfied with the scent of kin.
“Christ, Donny —” he pulls back and thumbs away a fresh wave of tears, “— you’re such an idiot! I was worried sick about you!”
“I’m so sorry Cal, I’m so so sorry.” Donny hiccoughs; tries to right himself like he has something to prove.
But how can anyone prove themselves trapped in a cell? One of a dozen on either side stretching further into the labyrinth underneath Persephone.
Taylor and the others follow in — no door to close behind them but they’re far beyond that now. Take in the state of not only the kid but a couple others who press themselves up to their bars in desperation.
“Please get me out of here!”
“I’ve got the money, I swear! Get me out and I’ll pay off Lady Smoke I promise!”
“Please, please!”
“I don’t want to fight anymore!”
It’s involuntary how Taylor turns away and into the newfound safety of Ryder’s shoulder. He can feel the shaking of the man’s hand as it falls on his back.
Katherine lets out a choked noise beside them. “Holy shit, this is…”
“This is too far.” Cadence answers; knows they were thinking the same thing by the way she’s left speechless.
His grunts of effort and frustration fill the room as Cal tries to yank off the door — instinct overriding common sense.
Ryder reaches out, tries to stop him, but ends up on the business end of those same pointed teeth when the wolf rounds on him with bright yellow eyes.
“Whoa now,” Ryder holds up his hands and shimmies down his left sleeve to show a long metal tool, “I’m just tryin’a help.”
“Cal — I already tried that.” Donny reaches out and his touch soothes the beast within. Makes Cal remember himself enough to give Ryder an apologetic nod of his head before stepping aside.
He huffs in silence like he’s the one caged, not his brother. But not all cages are metal, are they?
Ryder takes a knee in front of the door, starts to fiddle with the lock. Katherine takes his cue and procures a lockpick of her own to start working on the other cells.
Cadence keeps his distance from the occupants but looks them over with almost medical appraisal. “You’re here because you owe Lady Smoke on some level?”
A few cells down hooves echo and a woman leans forward; presses her face against the bars and peers at them through two swollen blackened eyes. The centaur leans down and rubs the tight muscle of one of her front legs — she favors it when she shifts in place.
“Some of us couldn’t pay up; others just not in time.”
“Were you given a choice to fight?”
She nods. “Again; some. I wouldn’t fit on her private floor, though, so I was just brought down here to fight.”
It makes Katherine let out a wordless, mindless shout of anger. She struggles with the lockpick. “That’s fucking ridiculous.”
“It’s gotta be illegal…” Taylor tries. Only to be met with pitying faces.
Cadence shakes his head. “Not here. Though when it comes to Lady Smoke they’re lucky to still be alive.”
The centaur scoffs. “At least if I die in the cage there’ll be a body to bring back to my wife.”
It makes his blood run cold. “Who is this Smoke woman?”
Not even the captives have anything to say and that says a whole lot. Whoever she is she’s a part of this world that he doesn’t want to get involved in — that much is clear.
A thunk and Donny’s door swings open. He and Cal embrace without restraint this time and there’s such a heavy importance to it that Taylor finds himself looking away. Like he’s intruding.
Ryder moves on to the next cell and together he and Katherine work as quickly as they can to free the others.
Katherine sweeps the trail of her dress aside in front of the centaur but stops when a hand of bloodied knuckles rests over hers. Looks up into the human face with reverence.
“Don’t. I asked for this.”
“You didn’t. Nobody asks for… for this.”
“It was fight or let them take my home; my livelihood. It’s hard enough for the glamourless to get by these days. I didn’t want my wife to lose the roof over her head, too.”
Kathy’s jaw sets. “Then we’ll find you a new livelihood. Get you and your wife out of the city —”
“And where would we go?” Her laugh is rueful with a whinnying touch. “My family cast me out for marrying a biped. This is the only place we’ve found to call our own.
“Sssh, Nighthunter,” her thumb caresses Katherine’s hand gently, “no more arguments. I do not intend to die in a cage. And when I return to my love we’ll be free of the Smoke’s reins.”
“She deserves to keep her choice, Kathy,” Ryder coaxes her up and though his touch might intend to comfort her it doesn’t; makes her pull away as if in pain.
In that intimate moment Taylor was sure he saw a different person in her eyes. But whoever that person was — maybe caring, maybe mournful — she’s gone now. Replaced with Katherine and her hard edges.
The four other freed prisoners don’t stick around long enough for similar sentimental moments. Hopefully they’ve been down there long enough that they know their way out.
Donny, his hand in his brother’s like a vice, tries to follow them. “Let’s get out of here.” But Cal doesn’t move — makes him try again. “Cal, come on. I hate this place let’s go.”
There’s an unspoken understanding between those left standing.
It’s not enough to just open the doors. The cage needs to be torn down.
Cal sighs in defeat. “Well, they were promised a wolf in the cage. I can go — hey, what the—?”
They all watch as Cadence rounds on a metal heel and abandons them. Katherine barely has time to look back before hiking her skirts up for her dagger and following; calling out for him to wait for her to catch up.
“What’re you thinking? Cade? Cade! Cadence Smith you stop right there! Or at least let me catch up!”
Everyone catches up in time for Cadence to shove the back passage door open.
The pair must have initially gone through without confrontation — judging by the surprised looks on the guard trolls faces. One reaches out with a large sandstone grip but the vampire is too fast for him — moves faster than Taylor can blink and turns the tables with a grasp of his own.
“Oi — let me — GAH!”
He’s too loud not to be noticed. Draws the attention of the nearest patrons and from there it’s a domino effect as the mob pushes and jostles one another to try and get a look at the action.
The stone troll holds up a stump where his hand used to be. Looks down in horror at the remains of two limp fingers and the rest of his hand as a pile of sand. Cadence steps through the pile rather than over it. Leaves him to his agony without so much as a word.
Even the Minotaur — now alone in the cage and egging those still watching on with demonstrations of rippling muscles and the shine of its nose ring — stops. And that — that gets the arena’s attention.
In one last attempt to stop him Katherine reaches out; misses him by a bare inch and can’t stop Cadence from grabbing the announcer by the throat to pin him to the cage.
The seemingly mortal man is already red in the face from his work shouting. Lack of oxygen makes him almost purple under the flickering lights. Anger, outrage quickly melts into confusion then fear when he realizes his large and seemingly impenetrable guards aren’t coming to rescue him.
“I—gek—Can I hh-elp you, frie-end?” He chokes into his mic.
Before Katherine can lunge forward Ryder grabs her; holds her back. For her own safety.
“Cade — don’t do this!”
Her protest falls on deaf ears. When the vampire answers he does so close enough for the speakers to catch him — his barely repressed rage translates even though the static.
“Tell your audience your main event is canceled!”
And doesn’t that get everyone riled up.
“Wha—what?!” He covers the mic with a shaky purpling hand. “What the fuck are you on, man? Le-et me do-own!”
He falls back on his feet. Just in time to catch Cadence’s suit jacket before it hits his face; blinds him.
Cadence liberates him of his microphone for his trouble. “Though first you should tell them that your promised contender is nothing more than a child!” A jabbed finger parts the wealthy sea; Donny clings tighter to his brother as all eyes fall on him. “This, ladies and gentlemen, is the werewolf that was promised! Not a wolf but a cub — who you would see torn limb from limb!
“And because I know there are far too many of you who aren’t sickened — nay, repulsed — by the idea of a child being mauled for your delight; to those I offer you this sobering thought! Not much of a fair fight, is it?!”
His words spread like a wildfire — dissent beginning to rile those who have shared money and hands through the night. Taylor catches sight of a man too late — doesn’t have time to stop him from shoving the announcer back against the cage with a shout.
“I should’a known this shit was rigged!”
“Hey, watch it pal!”
“No, you watch it!”
There’s electrical feedback as Katherine renews her attempts — tries to wrestle the mic from her employer to no avail. He brushes her off like a hurricane would a butterfly.
“Fear not, vermin, you will get the fight you were promised. And a fair one at that.”
He’s done with it now; shoves it into Katherine’s claws and busies himself rolling up his sleeves.
“Cadence — you’re not yourself.” And because he doesn’t know better she actually sounds afraid.
“How do you know?” There’s a dry laughter to his words. “You don’t. I don’t, either. But maybe this is it — maybe this is me. And even if it isn’t I’m not going to let a child pay a debt like a man.”
But Cal’s had enough. “If they want a wolf they’ll get a wolf! This isn’t your fight!”
“No,” and it’s with a foreign tenderness that Cal removes his spectacles and pries the single golden loop from his ear; drops them into Katherine’s waiting hand, “but neither is it yours.”
“Don’t let him do this.” Taylor tries to push his way through the crowd; but is stopped by Ryder’s hand on his jacket sleeve. He’s deceptively stronger than he looks. “Nik!”
“No, Rookie. We’re sitting this one out.”
Taylor struggles but to no avail. “But—”
“I said no.” Means it, too, by the end-of-discussion way he clips his teeth. “This guy is nuts, Kathy.”
And it seems the Nighthunters have finally found one thing on which they agree.
“Yeah,” she can’t — or won’t — look away from Cadence’s back, “desperation does that to you.”
When he’s ready, scarlet eyes fall on the announcer still shivering in place. Make him jump to Cadence’s attention.
“Open the cage.”
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temptationsbeautys · 4 years
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( tom payne, 37, cis male, he/him ) speaking of the bardet crime family, there goes VINCENT LOCKWOOD. I’ve heard that the BISEXUAL & SCORPIO works underground as SECOND HAND, but that’s all stuff of rumors. however, the fact that they’re notoriously + PROTECTIVE and + COURAGEOUS as well as - NEUROTIC and - QUIRKY doesn’t bode well for their rep. Baby Blue Eyes, a love for violence, designer tags.
Full Name: Vincent Charles Lockwood
 Nickname(s): Vince, Vinnie
 Age: Thirty-seven
 Sexuality: Bisexual
 Pronouns: He / Him
 Height: 5ft 7in
 🗣️ personality & morals ⚖️
introvert / extrovert / ambivert
risk-taker / cautious
organized / disorganized
close-minded / open-minded
calm / anxious / restless
disagreeable / agreeable / in-between
patient / impatient
outspoken / reserved
leader / follower / flexible
empathetic / un-empathetic
optimistic / pessimistic / realistic
traditional / modern / in-between
hard-working / lazy
 Moral Alignment: Chaotic neutral
 Guilty Pleasure(s): Violence, Drinking, Slight BDSM
 👍 strengths & weaknesses 👎
Strengths/Skills: Physically fit, trained in martial arts, qualified criminal psychologist, manipulative, critical thinker, determined
 Weaknesses: Self-hating, chaotic, aggressive
 Mental Ailments: Schizophrenia (Genetic)
 Physical Ailments: Slight shaking of his hands if he doesn’t take his medicine on time, or is very nervous/scared
 🏠 lifestyle 🏠
Birthplace: Ponchatoula, New Orleans
 Current Residence: Amiens, Louisiana
 Education: High school diploma, Ph.D. in criminal psychology
 Job: Second Hand Man to the Mafia boss
 Hobbies: Reading, jiu-jitsu, Full-time Uncle
 📚 backstory 📚
Childhood: Vincent was born in Ponchatoula, New Orleans. He is the twin brother of Cordelia Lockwood, but like a typical sibling who was born seventeen minutes after Cordelia, he quickly adapted to be the ‘baby’ of the family. They grew up very close and often communicated without words. Their parents used to be freaked out by how in tune with each other they were. Things were great for them up until they turned five, and their mother developed a mental illness called schizophrenia. Their father refused to admit that anything was wrong, which made for a very… rough childhood. Her delusions got worse and worse, and Cordelia and Vincent were unable to do anything to help. Vincent loved his mother, yet he could see how much pain this caused Cordelia watching their beautiful mother fade into a shadow of herself. Delia was always the one to try and play the older sibling shielding Vince from the decline of their mother’s health only letting him see the good days.
Adolescence: Vince had his first chance at seeing just how ugly Schizophrenia was when he found his mother’s dead body after she’d committed suicide at the age of thirteen. This forever was ingrained into his mind as the only way to really cure this curse. When Cordelia ran away, he felt even more alone, but he understood the need for her disconnect especially when their father just swept everything that happened under the rug. Around this time through Delia, he met Aiden Bardet and his family. They were like the family they’d never had, caring and loving everything that left their family with the death of their mother. Being Delia’s twin, he could sense how much Aiden had won over his sister’s heart, he was happy that his sister had finally found someone to love. Vince was never one to really take to dating people as most found him weird or odd. Even their Father barely gave them the time of day once they started spending their time with the Bardet, during this time they saw more of his money than they ever did of him.
 Young Adulthood: After graduating from high school, Vincent decided that he wanted to study criminal psychology. Unlike his sister, he couldn’t deal with the same issues that caused his mother to take her life. So, he put all his focus on helping fix mental illnesses that lead to criminal acts. Instead of following his sister to Amiens he stayed home with their father using his money to get the best schooling he could. He still saw Cordelia and Aiden very often enjoying the fact that he had another person to pick on his ‘big’ sister. During this time Vince was able to fix some of his shattered relationship with his father despite how much Delia disliked her brother’s being around someone who she thought was pure evil, but she had just started living her own life and Vince would never overstep on such sweet new relationship.
 Adulthood: When the twin’s turned twenty-one, Cordelia told Vince of Aiden’s mob boss status, he had mix feelings about mostly because during his schooling, he was looking at working for the FBI. But worried about the safely of his big sister, never really one to take on the overprotective role he struggled navigating these troubled waters. Vince pushed down his growing fear with Aiden’s and Delia reassurances that they’d be completely safe. But deep down he could feel something could happen, he loved both Aiden and Delia more than anyone else on this world and if anything happened to them, he’d burn the world trying to get justice. During this time Vincent’s time was tied up with school, as the classes grew harder and much more demanding so when he got the call from Aiden and sharp pain that shot through his arms alerting him to his sister's pain he dropped everything to be by their side helping his sister and Aiden get the help they needed so his sister wouldn’t ever take her life again. During this time, he moved closer to Aiden and Cordelia to ensure that he would always be there if they needed him going as far as to transfer all of his credits to a local college so he could still pursue his dream and take care of his family.
 Later adulthood: After getting his Ph.D., the signs started, it started off small his hands and how they would shake when he’d feel anger, and anxiety. He kept it under wraps while Cordelia when through her wedding to Adien also got picked to be an FBI Profiler which the most exciting news for everyone in his family. With the birth of his first niece came the diagnosis he’d been dreading, now Vincent was diagnosed with Schizophrenia just like his mother had been.  His entire world shattered and brighten at the same time, much like his mother the thoughts of suicide came to mind it but once he held Braelynn in his arms and saw how happy is sister and Adien had been with her birth he knew that to take his life would leave a hole that none of them could take. Instead, he sought out Cordelia’s opinion starting medication trying somewhat curb his Symptoms and make at least a functional human being.
At time went on, he was able to control his schizophrenia, but profiling had a way of feeling his head with different voices, one’s of murders and psychopaths. After a while, it took its toll making the FBI question his mental state, after an incident involving punching a stupid cop which led to the FBI firing him due to mental illness.
 Present Day: When Aiden was killed, along with Andrew, and Mr. Bailey who was like a father to him and his sister, Vincent got the call from Cordelia, distraught and upset, almost matched his anger at the fact of being fired from the FBI over some stupid small-town sheriff. He knew his sister much like him struggled with suicide making it more important than the twin reunited once again if only for their sanity.  He knew plenty about Cordelia, and if anything, he could feel her anger and he swore to Aiden he’d always look after Delia should anything happen to him and with all his free time now? At her side, he’d ensure her dream of a clean world would be reached with the two of them at the helm. With his sister on vengeance, watching his nieces has been left to him and their grandmother but he also spends his time ensuring that Cordelia starts taking care of herself.
 💕 wanted relationships 💕
There is plenty of connection Vincent can have either with the police or the mob being Cordelia’s Right hand man, He also has been here for a while just to be close to his sister and family.
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ice-cream-nekogirl · 4 years
Amy Martinez (Character Sheet TV Tropes Style) A-E
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Amy Martinez is my BNHA/AHS OC!!
She is a young girl from New Orleans and a witch from Miss. Robichaux’s Academy for Exceptional Young Ladies who transfers into UA and earned a spot in the Hero Course. She currently resides in a very lavish mansion that belonged to the former Supreme Fiona Goode, and as it turns out, Amy originally lived in Japan but her parents were murdered by witch hunters who infiltrated Japan in search of her mother. The pro-heroes, unable (and unwilling) to take care of a young witch, had her transferred and placed under the care of Fiona and the New Orleans coven, where she was later taken in by the current Supreme and her godmother Cordelia Goode. Despite her appearance, Amy is very hyperactive, eccentric and mischievous by nature, isn’t above doing immoral and wicked things and has an offbeat sense of humor that tends to be off-putting to her new classmates. However, that doesn’t mean Amy is all bad, and in fact does have a compassionate and empathetic side that comes out when she’s with friends, especially her childhood friend Shinsou Hitoshi, ally Midoriya Izuku and later, her new best friend Ashlen Kyanse.
Speaking of which! Ashlen Kyanse is NOT mine, she’s my best friend @ashleigh-luvs-14cats​‘s OC! :D :3 
TV Tropes About Amy:
A Girl and Her Dog: She adopts a Northern Inuit Puppy that she and Ashlen name Dakota and he becomes her loyal animal companion and emotional support dog. 
A God Am I: Not really, but her words to Midoriya during her rampage resembled something of a god complex (at the time at least).
Amy: You can’t beat me Izuku... One For All couldn’t defeat Fiona Goode, the reigning supreme at the time, you can’t beat me now, even with One For All, you can’t beat me either! None of you heroes can! I’m a goddamn witch!
Accidental Murder: She accidentally kills Aizawa by giving him an apple she didn’t know was poisoned and charmed to look perfectly normal by Madison. Which resulted in Madison having to bring him back to life with Vitalum Vitalis.
Action Girl: Amy is always ready for a fight, and knows HOW to fight as well as she’s proven to be a very valuable and proficient student in the Hero Course.
Adoring The Pests: A tanuki once got into the dorm building, because Amy let it in since she found it ‘adorable’ and even named him ‘Shadow’. And although Iida told her to stop feeding the tanuki’s, Amy continues to do so because she thinks they’re too cute to not feed. 
Amy also states that she would feed the possums in America because she thought they were adorable. 
Adorkable: Despite her many eccentricities Amy’s a dork at heart a shown through her love of singing, dancing and making silly puns, and then there’s her girlish excitement when she’s around animals and toys as well as her oddly endearing fangirl reactions to Brendon Urie, Melanie Martinez and Stevie Nicks. Further displayed whenever she dances and sings with Shinsou and Ashlen.
Affectionate Nickname: “Ames” by Kaminari, Shinsou, Ashlen and a majority of her classmates. As well as “Witch Bitch” by Bakugo, it was initially used as an insult but became his term of endearment for her.
Her ex-boyfriend Damien called her “Amzy”, albeit as a means to manipulate her.
Ashlen also fondly calls her “Witchy”.
Fiona tends to call her “Sweet Amy”
Marie Laveau also affectionately refers to her as “Baby Witch”.
All of the Other Reindeer: Much like Midoriya, Amy was picked on and teased by other kids because she and they believed that she was quirkless and mocked her for it to the point of calling her ‘Powerless/Quirkless Amy’. It backfires tremendously when Amy supposedly gains a quirk, but has to pretend it’s only a Telekinesis quirk. The kids didn’t stop picking on her, but she really didn’t bother making any other friends other than Shinsou because of the bullying.
And this even extends to other witches, while Amy found a new family in her sisters Zoe and Queenie (after Misty, Nan and Madison died) Robichaux opened up to hundreds of other witches around the country. Amy was initially ecstatic and eager to make new friends just like her, only to realize that being a witch didn’t stop other witches from bullying her and thinking she’s weird even for their standards, which just added to Amy’s evergrowing sense of loneliness. 
Ambiguous Disorder: Has a crippling fear of being abandoned, extreme overreactions and outbursts (taking All-Might and Aizawa’s criticisms of her powers very strongly, screams at Midoriya over a disagreement), indulges in risky behaviors (drugs, shop-lifting, partying at college parties despise being underage), is highly impulsive (Iida has to stop her when she performs in combat too recklessly), prone to emotional meltdowns, shows can occasional lack of empathy and has unstable relationships (Bakugo, Midoriya, Aizawa, etc.). All of which are signs of Borderline Personality disorder or Bipolar Disorder, two of these Iida speculates she may have. However, some of her these behaviorisms also resemble Complex Post-traumatic Stress Disorder due to her inability to control her emotions, feelings of emptiness and worthlessness, and moments of hostility towards her peers to the point of avoiding her friends and relationships. And then Shachath also mentions that she tends to have regular ‘songs’ of suicide which act as a further indication that Amy might have CPTSD. 
Anguished Declaration of Love: During a fit of pure rage, she fights with Midoriya but when he pins her down, her psychotic exterior breaks a little bit as she breaks down crying and tells him that she loves him. However, because of Midoriya’s insecurities and familiarity with Amy’s mischievous nature, he doesn’t believe her and yells at her to stop playing around. Needless to say, it goes all downhill for him from there...
Animal Motifs: It’s subtle but she has a fox motif as her handle online is ‘KitsuneGirl’ and she has black tips on her blonde hair, a mischievous and sneaky personality, her tendency to act as a trickster both during and out of combat, and her witchcraft and magic also alludes to the kitsune and their various magical abilities in Japanese culture.
Anti-Hero: She’s self-centered, obnoxious, aggressive and occasionally breaks every rule she wants as she believes she can make her own rules due to her powers, but this is her being a troublemaker at best as she tends to take a radical approach as a means of standing up for what she believes in: Love.
Anti-Villain: At her worst she outright sides against her class and does immoral things whether it’s stealing, murder or even attacking allies, although she has no plans to become a villain and merely indulges in her worst impulses when she’s in a bad mood and isn’t above being cruel to her own classmates should they cross her.
Arc Villain: In a way, and relatively minor. As the Culture Festival arc comes to an end, Amy’s overwhelmed by the realization of how the pro-heroes could have taken care of her but didn’t, along with being kidnapped by the villains and her and Midoriya’s dissipating relationship. It becomes too much for her to bear that she flies into an ultra-tantrum and attacks Aizawa, the other teachers and puts her classmates into a slumber (to spare them her wrath) and destroys some of UA’s property and Midoriya has to stop her. But in the end he doesn’t win, instead, Shinsou has to talk her down. 
Arch Enemy: Amy has made several enemies, but of all the foes she feels a tremendous hatred towards and desire to destroy once and for all is Scathach, the wicked witch of the Roanoke forest who she aspires to kill and free all the souls she trapped in the forest. 
Attention Deficit Oooh Shiny!: Amy is very, very easily distracted by things, especially if there’s a cute animal involved, music she likes is playing or if there’s food. She CAN learn to focus but it’s… a challenge.
Attention Whore: Almost always desperate for attention regardless of whether it’s positive or negative and always performs outlandish things or says bizarre things if it means having other people’s attention on HER.
She even goes so far as to sometimes wear Madison’s inappropriate undergarments in hopes that someone will flip her skirt all for the sake of attention. 
The Atoner: After her brush with the apocalypse which allowed her and Mallory to go back in time to stop it, Amy realizes how cruel she was to her classmates and resolves to apologize and become a better classmate and friend to everyone. And she felt horrible when she needed to repeat history (including acting like a jerk) in the new timeline as a means to keep time flowing the way it needed to be but still lived up to promising to be better to her friends. It only gets better when Ashlen comes into her life and inspires Amy to keep living up to this promise. 
Ax-Crazy: Shows a disturbingly homicidal excitement when annihilating her opponents in battle, gleefully murders when given the chance and is a little too happy when talking about horror stories that include serial killers such as the Axe Man or Twisty The Clown.
And then she goes off the deep-end once the Culture Festival ends by attacking her teacher, classmate (Midoriya), beating her other teachers with little effort and causing destruction around UA, until she’s eventually subdued by her own merit and Shinsou’s influence.
The Baby of The Bunch: She’s the youngest witch of the original coven of Miss Robichaux’s Academy for Exceptional Young Ladies consisting of Cordelia, Zoe, Queenie, Madison, Nan and Misty, with Cordelia being in her late 20′s at the time while the other girls were at least 17-24 while Amy was only 11. Even as she’s gotten older, her witch sisters still look after her as the ‘little sister’ of the coven. 
Back From The Dead: Amy is momentarily killed and impaled by witch hunters in her first year at UA, but is revived by Misty and returns to her distraught and relieved classmates.
She dies again in her second year but by her ex-boyfriend Damien who made a deal with Papa Legba by trading her life for his own life and drowned her in a bathtub. Only to be revived by Madison. 
The Bad Guy Wins: Sort of. She takes on a more villainous role after the Culture festival ends and all the stress, realizations and Midoriya’s growing impatience with her makes her go berserk. And so, Amy attacks her teacher, other teachers, causes mayhem and destruction around UA (although she does spare all of the students), knocks out her classmates so she doesn’t hurt them and then partakes in a big fight with Midoriya. However, while he manages to pin her down, Amy gets the upper hand and beats him to a bloody pulp when he ignites more fuel to her raging Sentio Compassios and although her rampage was put to an end, it’s only because she stopped herself and Shinsou (and later All-Might and Cordelia) managed to talk her down. Ultimately, Amy still defeated Midoriya and UA faced some damage from her rage, and in the end, she faced no real consequences as Cordelia urged the school to pardon her while giving them a The Reason You Suck Speech. While Amy was pardoned of the damage she caused, she ended up withdrawing with UA for several months.  
Badass Adorable: Cute in appearance, generally endearing and funny with her classmates but also hella strong in combat with amazing powers that she knows how to use very well and make her opponents fear her. This is showcased during her fight with Todoroki in which she gets him to realize just how strong she is.
Badass Boast: Can’t help but go on about how awesome and powerful she is at times in battle, but at times it can also be scary when she’s angry.
Amy: You think you can control me? Is that what this is? That’s how Hero Society works doesn’t it? (bursts into laughter) You... really think you can control me? Wow... you know... this is why witch hunters emerged... they were afraid of witches and their power... you might not be a witch hunter... but the fact that you think you can control me? Is priceless... (suddenly screaming) NO ONE CAN CONTROL ME! NO ONE CAN DEFEAT ME! NO ONE CAN KILL ME, NO ONE!!!
Bad Powers, Good People: It varies on her fluctuating morality but Amy is usually a good person who has the ability to control people not unlike Shinsou’s Brainwashing, except she can actually harm them by frying their brains should they attempt to resist her.  
Balloon Belly: Always has one after eating too much, which is every day. Especially when she went to Pizza Hut with Shinsou and Ashlen, much to Shinsou’s disgust and Ashlen’s amusement. 
Because You Were Nice To Me: She and Shinsou became friends for this very simple but pure reason in daycare. She was just coloring and when he wanted crayons she happily gave them to him, and when he called her coloring ‘pretty’, she started following him around and vice-versa.
Similarly, her reasoning for becoming best friends with Ashlen is also simple but pure as they met online during the period where Amy stopped attending UA and isolated herself in her mansion. Amy is just as opinionated online as she is in real life, although she also loads up her feed with silly things that she likes along with stories and drawings, but Ashlen genuinely liked her content and complimented her and started talking to her. Which drew Amy closer to her until they meet up in real life and Amy is overly friendly to her, but it’s all because Ashlen was kind to her and listened to her whenever she vented.
Belligerent Sexual Tension: She and Bakugo have been bickering and fighting with each other since they first met as children and never stopped when they met again in high school, but they’re very passionately in love with each other as Amy says that he’s the one she’s truly in love with and Bakugo can’t easily let her go even if she gets on his nerves, he’s clearly in love with her.
Berserk Button: She has quite a few…
Any sexist remark is bound to set her off into a tirade but if it’s directed towards her or God forbid her female friends, she WILL hurt you.
Taking her hat (if she’s wearing it) off is a quick way to piss her off.
Taking her food, whether accidentally or intentionally, WILL provoke her into violence, if you’re a child she’ll hurt you emotionally, but if you’re her age or an adult, it’s fair game as Izuku learned the hard way.
Tampering with her possessions is a VERY fast way to piss her off into a tranquil rage as she maimed a group of college boys (that she didn’t invite) when they trashed the bottom floor of her mansion at a party. 
Don’t say anything bad about Brendon Urie. She shares this with Shinsou, who both call it ‘blasphemy’.
Don’t tell her to “Shut Up”.
And don’t yell at her for that matter, although she gets more emotional and upset when yelled at rather than angry.
Frozen. Let it Go. That is all.
Not being appreciated, remembered or neglected is probably her biggest one with her least comical reaction as she’ll grow from irritated to enraged in seconds should she feel that someone is unappreciative of her, has forgotten her or neglecting her for someone else.
Don’t call her ‘stupid’, but never, ever call her ‘selfish’ or ‘crazy’, mostly because she’s self-aware plenty and hates being reminded of it. 
Hurting ANY of her friends is the fastest way to get on her bad side as she will BURN you alive if you hurt her friends. If you’re lucky though, she’ll just hit you with an empty Dr. Pepper liter. 
Beta Bitch: When she and Madison are together, Amy essentially becomes her right hand bitch. 
Beware The Nice Ones: She’s not always sweet but is occasionally kind-hearted... until you piss her off that is... and then you’ll wish you didn’t.
Beware The Silly Ones: Very comical and extremely silly and fun-loving, but her classmates don’t underestimate her abilities or her temper as Amy becomes a force to be reckoned with in combat or when properly provoked.
Big Bad Duumvirate: She and Madison aren’t evil per se, but considered two of the nastier girls who use their magic for pranks and are even dubbed ‘The Sin Sisters’ by 1-A. 
Big Sister Mentor: Despite her being older than her, Amy (17) is quite sisterly with her witch friend Coco (25), as she teaches her how to do laundry and other household chores with the help of Iida. 
Big Brother Worship: In a way, Shinsou’s only eight days older than her, but Amy still regards him as like her brother and she adores him very much and believes in him the most in his quest to become a pro-hero. And was heartbroken when she had to leave him for his and her own protection to Robichaux.  
She absolutely adores her adoptive witch sisters Zoe, Misty and Mallory. Zoe especially because she was the first that she instantly became closest too when they met at Robichaux, and then she became very fast friends with Misty and wanted her to come to Robichaux, so she was overjoyed when she started to live with them. Finally, she and Mallory hit it off quickly due to being close enough in age but Amy still acknowledges Mallory as her senior and looks up to her like a big sister.
Downplayed with Madison. As Amy notes that Madison was a bitch to her as well as a horrible example in New Orleans and still is, but it doesn’t stop Amy from following her bad example from time to time, as well as still showing respect to Madison because of her undeniable power and occasional acts of kindness towards her and her friends at UA.
Big Damn Heroes: During the Stain Arc, she shows up just in time to hold off Stain off to keep him from seriously harming Todoroki, Midoriya and Iida and even distracts him for a brief moment.
Big Fancy House: Amy lives in a rather large mansion, while it’s not as big as Yaoyorozu’s it’s still pretty large, spacious and glamourous. It actually belonged to Fiona, but when she died Cordelia gave it all to Amy so she could have a house upon returning to Japan.
The Big Girl: Of 2-A, despite being one of the shortest girls, she’s certainly the strongest one due to her array of powerful abilities. 
Big Eater: Amy loves to eat and can clear a whole table due to her voracious appetite as she ate all the desserts in the dorm-rooms the first night, can eat a whole pizza as well as she cleared out the entire table during her’s, Shinsou’s and Ashlen’s first outing as friends and then ate dessert afterwards.
Big Sister Instinct: She took this attitude towards Kota. She wanted to bash Muscular’s head in once Midoriya knocked him out but the latter stopped her and Amy only reconsidered when she realized that Kota shouldn’t have to witness death a second time.
She’s also somewhat protective of Midoriya despite everything as she once dumped Bakugo for 2 months when she found out that he told the former to commit suicide in middle school.
She also displays this attitude towards some of her female friends especially Yaoyorozu, Ashido, Hagakure and Asui. And extends this towards classmates such as Kouda, Aoyama and Kaminari.
Likewise, she’s extremely protective of Shinsou, who she regards as like a brother to her, and Ashlen, her best friend who she also regards as like a sister to her.
Big Stupid Doodoo-head: Since Amy isn’t very mature, her insults can easily delve from vulgar to very childish such as ‘stupid-head’, ‘dum-dum’ ‘fartface’ and ‘butt-head’. Her arguments with Shinsou tend to delve into this very quickly.
Amy: I would have had him if you actually covered me stupid! 
Shinsou: It’s not my fault dum-dum, you should have paid more attention. Instead of waving your magic around all over the damn place.
Amy: Yes it is! You know what? Instead of brainwashing you should wash your dumb face and your stupid mouth because stupid words keep coming out!
Shinsou: Your face is dumb and your insults are even dumber you jabbering bat.
Amy: No YOUR face is dumb and your hair looks like a rat’s butt! 
Bi The Way: Amy shamelessly expresses her attraction to the same sex, is very much enamored with Yaoyorozu and goes on about how ‘beautiful’ and ‘smart’ she is. Likewise, she’s very attracted to some of her fellow witches in her coven such as Mallory and even Madison as she calls Mallory a ‘fairy goddess’ and Madison a ‘sexy bitch’. And as she received a love letter from Monoma, she believed it was from a girl and seemed pretty excited by the thought of it. 
Birds Of A Feather: She and Shinsou became fast friends in their childhood due to similar senses of humor and then when Amy discovers her witch powers and she found out she could control people just like Shinsou. Even as they grew up and reunited they still share things in common such as witty, sly and clever personalities and tastes in music.
She and Bakugo of all people discover that they have a lot more in common than they thought once they started bonding and it shows through their fierce tempers, desire to prove themselves, unwillingness to show weaknesses and somewhat abrasive tendencies for that matter. This is despite Amy and Bakugo trying to claim that they’re ‘night and day’, nobody buys it.
This is also how and why she became fast friends with Ashlen via internet, while they didn’t meet each other face-to-face yet, they bonded over similar tastes in music, movies and penchant for puns. Although their personalities are drastically different when they DO meet face-to-face their friendship doesn’t deteriorate as they still get along and still share those things in common and indulge in their pillow talk just like any best friends.
Blackmail: Not at first, but when she gets angry at Aizawa she starts making constant threats to tell Cordelia on him for menial things as a means to get him to buckle due to his fear of the Supreme.
Blessed With Suck: Sort of. Amy loves having all of her powers, but Sentio Compassios, her unique power, tends to leave her emotionally exhausted whenever she uses it too much, and she can feel everyone’s pain and feelings if they are strong enough and Amy becomes instantly affected by them, which she says is not always pleasant since it’s something she can’t quite turn off.
Blood Knight: Amy is VERY eager to fight and spar with her friends because it gives her free reign to use her magic and overall just enjoys the thrill of it all.
Blue and Orange Morality: In a way, due to being a witch and coming from a more neutral side rather than the Heroes or Villains side as Amy would rather be supportive of others’ impulses and desires than operate on a normal morality the heroes follow. For example, she’s fine with Madison wanting to kill Aizawa, but is offended by Mineta’s perverted antics, and she was also perfectly okay with Shinsou talking smack about Tokoyami (their own classmate and her friend) but crossed the line at Bakugo dissing Brendon Urie.��
Book Dumb: She’s not the best student, but managed to score relatively high in exams as she ranked 11th out of the 21 students at the time. However, Amy is obviously not stupid despite showing some naivete and is in fact quite crafty, just not motivated in school or homework as she frequently needs her friends such as Shinsou, Midoriya, Ashlen and Bakugo to help her.  
Boomerang Bigot: Despite occasionally boasting about how witches are superior to normal humans with quirks, at the same time even she’s exasperated by other witches as she often says “other witches are bitches”, although is partially due to the fact that she’s had the misfortune of meeting other witches her age who are just as exclusive and snobbish as the kids she grew up with who picked on her for her lack of a quirk. And then it increases when she meets two other witches (Blair and Laura) in Japan who are somehow WORSE than her as they mock her friends and Amy quickly fights them off.
Bratty Teenage Daughter: Certainly, acts the part at times whether she’s putting up a whining fuss or showing an apathy towards things, especially towards Aizawa and Iida, the former who acts somewhat fatherly towards her and the latter who acts like an older brother towards her. It helps that she’s Cordelia’s goddaughter and she treats her with respect but has little towards the former two.
Amy: Oh Ms. Cordelia I love you! Mr. Aizawa I hate you! Hitoshi I need you! Katsuki, hey fuck you!
Brilliant But Lazy: She’s a powerful witch, knows many spells, potions and is very talented with magic and knows how to creatively use it in combat but has zero motivation in working and academics and would rather rely on her magic to do all the work for her or simply use it to cheat off of her more academically inclined classmates.
Broken Bird: Watching her mother being burnt to the stake, her father being lynched and finding her puppy killed by the witch hunters shattered her innocence. And then her experience in New Orleans added to the tragedies as she still felt hunted and hated by the same witch hunters as she was forced her to watch even more people get killed, including new friends and family such as Nan, Misty, Madison, Zoe and Myrtle. Although some of them got better, Amy was still traumatized by watching her new family all get killed, and then Fiona’s intention to kill her and every other one of her new sisters and her new godmother completely broke her. While the coven was able to restore itself and Amy emerged as a strong young witch, the events still broke her and she follows her sister’s example to avoid looking like she’s broken and instead forces herself to maintain an excitable and cheerful façade as a means to convince herself that the events didn’t break her and instead made her stronger.
Brooding Boy Gentle Girl: She’s the Gentle Girl to Todoroki’s Brooding Boy despite not being together, but they are good friends as Amy’s oddly sweet nature can encourage Todoroki to be a little more outgoing.
Likewise with her and Bakugo as she’s often gentler than he is when it comes to expressing affection and sympathy while Bakugo just angrily broods. However, they can reverse the roles at times where Amy is bitterly sulking and Bakugo shows his softer side by attempting to comfort her.
Brutal Honesty: Amy is outspoken by nature and won’t hesitate to tell someone how it is or how she’s feeling, however she’s fully aware of how it can hurt people’s feelings, she just doesn’t care if it does. However, she CAN and WILL hold her tongue depending on who it is she’s talking to and depending on the situation she does know when to be more sensitive and delicate.
Bully Hunter: While not the nicest girl in the world, Amy really doesn’t care for bullies as she defended Shinsou from bullies when they were growing up and even first met Bakugo by pantsing and pushing him to the ground when he was bullying Midoriya, and also tells off bitchier witches whenever they taunt Coco for her naivete. 
In fact, she hates bullies so much that she dumped Bakugo for several months when Madison told her that he told Midoriya to jump off the school roof in middle school and said that she couldn’t be with a bully. 
Amy also attacks some nastier girls at the mall when they look at Ashlen funny. 
Bunny-Ears Lawyer: She’s an oddball, by and far, but she’s a very skilled witch in and out of combat, shows a cunning side and is very knowledgeable in politics, sociology and human relationships. 
Shinsou even imagined her as his lawyer during a nightmare he had.
Burn The Witch!: Nearly suffers this fate as a child right after watching her mother get burnt until All-Might and the pro-heroes save her just before they can light her up. 
Calling The Old Man Out: Despite not being her father, she calls out Aizawa for being an unfair teacher to his past students and for not taking her in when he could have after her parents died since nothing stopped him and the other UA staff teachers from adopting Eri, but allowed Amy to be shipped off to America with people who ended up indirectly exposing her to even more bloodshed that further traumatized her. She also chides him by saying that he’s not good at even looking after his other students and calls him ‘the wrong person’ to look over anyone. 
Cannot Keep a Secret: While she CAN keep an important secret, she deliberately at times tells some secrets as she freely blabs whatever secret she’s supposed to be keeping or should keep a secret for the sake of not embarrassing her friends.
Amy: Sorry I woulda arrived earlier but Hitoshi had some really bad jock itch so I made sure he was feeling okay after.
Can’t Take Criticism: Amy CAN take some criticism, but at the same time she can’t take certain criticism, particularly about her character and actions.Any criticism or disapproval she gets, often irritates her because she takes it all very harshly. 
The Caretaker: Shinsou and Ashlen are normally the ones looking after her, but Amy can easily return the favor when they’re upset. As whenever Shinsou is depressed and feeling low, Amy opts to take care and look after him by giving him space, a “Happiness” kit of junk food and caffeine, and a playlist for sadness and anxiety. Likewise, Amy is more than happy to take care of Ashlen whenever she is distraught as she stays with her the entire day, gives her tender, love and care and also gives her ice-cream to add to the comfort while also showing her some of her favorite movies or shows like Friends, The Office and Brooklyn 99.  
Catchphrase: Has a habit of cheerfully saying “Oh Mylanta~!” and asking “So what’s the T Christine?” 
And her favorite way of describing something unappealing is calling it “a bag of dicks”.
Character Development: During her first year at UA she had no true intention of becoming the hero Japan’s society would have wanted her to be and had no real desire to be a team-player with her classmates and only wanted to return to Shinsou, however, she grew to really like her new friends and changed her attitude and became a lot friendlier to the point of opening up and sharing her wealth with everyone and going out of her way to provide them laughter and entertainment. She did relapse into insanity for a while and had to quit UA for a short time, but still managed to slowly overcome this because of her friend’s influence. And by the beginning of her second year, she’s on better terms with her classmates and becomes increasingly kinder when her new best friend Ashlen enters the picture and inspires Amy to be more compassionate, sympathetic and helpful towards her class.
Child Hater: Downplayed, while she’s annoyed by anything centered around children and when people talk about children, she’s actually more jealous of the attention children get and doesn’t genuinely hate children themselves as she was actually pretty fond of Kota and bonded with him over the loss of their parents.
Played straight though in her case with Eri, who she disliked, but later warmed up to her. 
However, ultimately her aversion to children stems more from the fear that she won’t know how to properly care for them but she claims that she DOES hate only children who are “nasty little shits”.
Chevalier vs. Rogue: She’s the Rogue to Ashlen’s Chevalier as Amy uses her magic to fight dirty and play tricks on her opponents while Ashlen relies primarily on her stealth and combat skills while maintaining a noble, honorable approach in battle.
Chivalrous Pervert: Amy is an unabashed pervert (but nowhere near Mineta’s level) as she likes to stare at her male classmates’ butts and tends to be a flirt, but she’s a good person at heart and never does anything without consent. 
Clingy Jealous Girl: Amy is a VERY jealous person by nature, but especially towards the people she’s in love with, as she grew to dislike Uraraka when she realized the latter also had a crush on Midoriya, dismissing her as a basic, boring girl with nothing going on. And then she displays this same jealousy towards Camie after hearing that she had to take a remedial course with Bakugo, Todoroki and Yoarashi as Amy referred to her as a “skintight slut”.
Cloudcuckoolander: She’s clearly off her rocker, has an odd way of thinking, randomly breaks out into song and dance and seems to be pretty much be in her own world. 
Combat Pragmatist: A dirty fighter by nature, Amy uses whatever she can get her hands on if it means success, often through the use of telekinesis to make people lose their footing.
She used a stone to bash Midoriya’s face while using her telekinesis for speed, knowing her own physical strength won’t do much damage, and used a piece of heavy debris as a blunt weapon during a battle to stun him and swat him away from her and then into the ground.
Once again, she uses her telekinesis beforehand to steal sweat from Bakugo to use his own explosions against him in a battle.
When in a bad mood and ready to lash out, she surprises Aizawa by blinding him with a potion to give her the chance to attack him, as well as attacking him from behind and using his capture weapon to cover his eyes and entrap him.
Likewise, she always uses Shinsou’s capture weapon against him to trap him or cover his mouth so she can get the upperhand. 
Comedic Sociopathy: Downplayed but it’s clear she finds it hilarious to see other people get hurt whether physically or if a joke’s made at their expense. Even though deep down she doesn’t truly like to see them actually hurt. 
Comic Trio: With her witch sisters she’s this with Mallory and Coco, with her UA classmates she’s this with Shinsou and Kaminari.
However it’s downplayed with her, Shinsou and Ashlen. Amy is always taking the lead by getting her friends to do something wild and fun, and although Shinsou is far from stupid, he does nothing to stop her and simply follows her lead, while Ashlen is always trying to reign Amy in when she’s going out of control.  
Companion Cube: She’s rather fond of her broomstick ‘Brooke’ to the point of talking to it like it was an actual person, and Shinsou even jokes that it might as well be her lover.
Amy: Ahhh I love you so much baby... I’m going to take you to my room and stroke your bristles...
Conditioned to Accept Horror: Due to seeing her parents die before her eyes AND every other horror she witnessed in New Orleans with the witches, voodoo witches and witch hunters, she’s able to go through every horrific thing that occurs at UA without being fazed much. She even tells Bakugo that when enough horrible things happen to you, you’re bound to get used to it.
Cool Big Sis: Takes up this role wherever Kota is concerned as she frequently takes him out for ice-cream, lets him ride with her on her broomstick and took him to an amusement park.
 And when she got over her initial dislike of Eri (but retains her jealousy sometimes), she somewhat became this to her, stating that Eri “needs a woman in her life” and becomes that “woman” in an odd, albeit irresponsible way as she lets her play with her dog Dakota, also gives her her favorite Disney movies to watch, taught her how to sing and let her bake cookies with her, but she also let her have her first soda, gave her candy and chocolate and let her buy any clothes and toys that she wanted while also encouraging her to be sassy.
Corrupt The Cutie: Already broken from seeing her parents die, when 11 year old Am is taken to America and attends Robichaux, guardians like Fiona, Madison and Zoe (to a lesser extent) slowly corrupt her into a morally ambiguous young witch who’s not above murdering and deception if it means achieving a goal.  
Creepy Child: Her experiences at New Orleans with her witch sisters turned her into one as she began making much more morbid jokes about death, ghosts and demons, and then smiling at inappropriate times and generally making adults feel uncomfortable. She was only 10 at the time.  
Creepy Shadowed Undereyes: Not visible but that’s because she hides them with make-up. They’re not nearly as bad as Shinsou’s, but when she’s angry, going crazy or depressed they’re much more prominent. 
Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: She’s very much a comedic girl, but also very much a dangerous girl with a LOT of powers that she’s very skilled with in combat and WILL use them to rip someone a new one.
Cry Cute: When Amy drops her guard and sheds tears, she’s surprisingly more sympathetic and endearing even though she claims to be an “ugly crier”.
Cuddle Bug: Amy is a very affectionate girl who craves the affection in return and loves to hug her friends, especially Shinsou, Ashlen, Midoriya, Mallory and Todoroki. 
Curbstomp Battle: Played Straight in her fights at some of the thugs at the USJ and her two fights with Kaminari and Iida at the Sports Festival. As Kaminari attempts to flirt with her, Amy is flattered but quickly pushes him out of the ring with her telekinesis within a matter of 10 seconds. Similarly, she taunts Iida with her teleportation and pretends to give him an opening to get her out of the ring, only to teleport right at the last second and then push HIM out of the ring again with her telekinesis.
Downplayed in her fight with Midoriya. She picks a fight with him after the Culture Festival when he provokes her, and while he doesn’t want to fight her he still gains the upperhand and pins her down. However, it’s Played Straight when he tries to get her to calm down and instead pushes her buttons with a poor choice of words, which reinvigorates Amy’s rage and awakens the full extent of her Sentio Compassios as she gets big and utterly dominates him. 
Also played straight during her fight with Aizawa, although she cheated by blinding him with a potion, she still beat the hell out of him with her telekinesis and Sentio Compassios and only stopped when Cordelia intervened.
Curtains Match The Windows: Sort of. She has blonde hair and amber eyes.
Cute and Psycho: Amy’s endearing and sweet but also straight-up insane and cheerfully talks about murder and death while expressing an excitement when the opportunity to kill shows up.
Cute Witch: Eccentric as she may be, Amy is fairly cute for a powerful witch.
Cuteness Proximity: Amy ALWAYS gushes whenever she’s with adorable animals, especially if it’s puppies, kittens, foxes and ferrets. It’s one of the few times we see her acting like a normal teenage girl. 
Daddy’s Girl: She was one to her father Hiroshi, and despite the way she occasionally abuses and disrespects him, it’s clear she has a strong attachment to Aizawa as he is the only fatherly figure she knows after her real father died.
Dark Is Not Evil: While she has a mean streak and a wicked side, Amy is truly not a bad person at heart as she decides to remain on the hero’s side so she can protect the people she loves and had no true intention of going to the villain’s side.
Deadpan Snarker: She might be flighty, but she’s very quick-witted and knows how to make clever insults and puns towards others, but especially at Shinsou, Madison, Bakugo, Iida and Aizawa. 
Then again, two of her closest friends are Shinsou and Madison, and then FIONA was the one looking after her so she picked up some snark. 
Death Glare: Since she’s often seen smiling, she can give one hell of an effective death glare. It’s so intimidating that the minute Shinsou sees it, he encourages whoever is in the vicinity (whether his classmates OR teacher) to leave as fast as possible or apologize if they angered her.
Death Seeker: Shachath occasionally comes to her as she says that Amy tends to ‘sing’ to her which implies that she’s contemplating suicide often.
Defrosting Ice Queen: Towards her classmates as she goes from insulting and pranking them, to more buddy-buddy with them, particularly with Iida and Bakugo. Also, while she freezes Midoriya out for a while, his kindness and patience with her allows her to defrost back to him.
Later, because of her friend Ashlen’s encouragement, she defrosts towards Eri as well.
Determinator: Sure Amy’s a slacker, but when she’s determined to do something, she gets down to it and won’t stop until she gets what she wants. To the point of even sacrificing dignity and being her most stubborn self if it means achieving a goal.
Dissonant Laughter: When Aizawa is scolding the class for knowing of the plan to rescue her and Bakugo, she bursts into sudden, uncontrollable and mad laughter, BEFORE Bakugo even made Kaminari use his quirk to get a laugh out of everyone...
Disproportionate Retribution: Midoriya drinks her lemonade and eats her fruit sandwich, not knowing it was her’s, and she flies into a rage and even goes so far as to get a plastic plate and start beating him with it and chasing him out of the room.
And then again, she nearly crushes Midoriya in her Giant Sentio Compassios form because he called selfish and cruel.
Iida tells Aizawa that Shinsou (during a depression) drew a line into the wall with a sharpie which got him in trouble, and Amy ralles a group of students to protest against him to the point where he broke down and cried according to Midoriya. 
Aizawa gives her a bad grade on an essay and tells Cordelia about how she’s misbehaved in class, and Amy quickly retaliates by threatening to burn his sleeping bag. She didn’t actually do it, but she nearly did. 
Distracted By The Sexy: She utilizes this tactic against some of her opponents and wears Madison’s crotchless panties and ‘accidentally’ flashes them to Shishikura during the Provisional Hero License arc to get him to back off. It works..
Double Standard: Very fond of finding these and pointing them especially when it comes to gender and topics involving humans and witches. 
Drama Queen: Whenever Amy gets excited she tends to break out into song and dance, and when she’s upset she tends to go into a ‘woe is me’ mode and exaggerate her misery. 
The Dreaded: Shinsou knows better than to provoke and/or push Amy’s buttons and is quick to warn people when he can tell she’s in a bad mood and even goes so far as to alert others from doing or saying certain things that WILL anger her or simply tell them to quickly apologize should they provoke her by accident. And it becomes more apparent to the rest of her class the more they learn of her unpredictable temper, mood swings and array of powers and begin to go to great lengths to avoid provoking her.  
Even after their fight and even after Amy starts to become a better, saner person, Midoriya is still terrified of her. 
Dreadful Musician: Loves to sing but tends to go off-key at times, and is an absolutely horrible violin player to the point were even Present Mic and Bakugo can’t stand it. 
Drowning My Sorrows: Non-alcoholic example as she drowns in soda (Dr. Pepper or Big Red) whenever she’s really sad or lamenting after a failed test.
Drunk On The Dark Side: Spending time with the witches of New Orleans has encouraged her to embrace her darker impulses and be willing to do anything to get what you want and need. And by the time she goes to UA, Amy’s very self-indulgent and not above doing immoral things. However, she does start to stray away from this for the sake of her new friends.
Dude Magnet: Despite her quirky nature, she’s got Bakugo, Todoroki and Monoma all holding some kind of torch for her.  
Dumb Blonde: Subverted. Amy seems and acts like a flake and can lack common sense, but she’s actually very sly, crafty and manipulative several times and has shown to be able to really think ahead before she springs into an action plan.
Easily Forgiven: Shinsou will ALWAYS forgive her for anything she does no matter how amoral or messed up it may be, and that includes murder, manipulation and deception or even going on a rampage throughout his school. And he tends to quickly comes to her defense and excuse her actions by saying that she’s been through enough and that she shouldn’t be judged for what she does.
Midoriya also forgives her pretty quickly even after she attempted to crush him with her Sentio Compassios form and destroyed his apology gift (but fixed it later). Aizawa also forgave her fast despite the fact that she blinded him and attacked him. 
Shinsou: (to Aizawa, after Amy’s rage) Okay... look... I now you’re not happy with her now, but here’s the truth sensei, Amy is not bad at all, she just grew up in an environment that showed her a lot of bad things. She never wanted that life, she was forced into it, it’s not her fault...
Emotionless Girl: Amy becomes withdrawn, surly and apathetic after she leaves UA, and it’s much more prominent when she interns with Endeavor alongside Midoriya, Bakugo and Todoroki, all of whom are unnerved by her new demeanor. 
The Empath: Her father had a quirk called “Feelings” that allowed him to feel what others felt, which Amy is revealed to have inherited from him when his quirk manifested in her unique power “Sentio Compassios”, an extremely powerful form of divination that allows Amy to feel and see what others are feeling, as well as their auras. As such Amy can empathize with the people around her and it makes her feel the need to help them out with anything they may need any help with.
Enfant Terrible: Upon going to New Orleans and entering Robichaux, being exposed to all the bloodshed and betrayal with her fellow witches turns her into this as she easily gets corrupted by the new lifestyle and doesn’t hesitate to help her sisters kill their enemies brutally as she happily joined them in stabbing the Axe Man to death. She just turned 11 at the time.
Even Bad Women Love Their Mamas: She’s a trouble-maker at best and a sadistic bitch at worst, but no matter what, she never loses her love for deceased parents and loves her godmother Cordelia dearly. In fact, Cordelia is currently the only adult she hasn’t insulted or disrespected. 
Even Evil Can Be Loved: Amy’s not truly evil by nature, but even when she’s at her most psychotic, her friends still love her regardless of the madness. Shinsou in particular still holds a lot of platonic love for her even when she’s lost her mind, and her new best friend Ashlen has embraced even Amy’s less than savory qualities because she still loves her deeply and regards her as her best friend. And then her coven still loves her deeply, especially Cordelia, Madison and Zoe. 
Even Evil Has Standards: Amy’s an anarchist who loves the wicked side of things and has no issues killing people, manipulating them for her own gain and stealing, but even she’s appalled by things or other villains have done.
She was quite unnerved in the presence of All For One and claimed that she’s never been that afraid since Fiona.
She also turned down the offer from the League of Villains because she didn’t want to abandon her friends at UA as she realized that the students there are good people that she doesn’t want to harm.
She sympathized with the League of Villains stating that she understood them and stated that Society is messed up because she would never ostracize someone for being different.
Despite her (occasionally) rocky friendship with Midoriya, she dumped Bakugo for 2 whole months when Madison tells him that he told Midoriya to kill himself in middle school and Amy was absolutely disgusted by such cruelty.
Amy will not hurt anyone innocent, even when she becomes homicidal she only attacks people who are attacking her, and even if it’s her classmates (such as Iida, Tokoyami, Jirou who attempted to stop her) she merely knocks them out via telling them to ‘sleep’ and does nothing to hurt them or the rest of 1-A. 
She respected Fiona but disapproved of how she treated Cordelia, and likewise, despises Endeavor for what he did to Todoroki and the rest of his family.
Amy’s all for dirty tricks and humiliating others for fun, but will stop when she sees someone getting legitimately hurt.
Even The Girls Want Her: Her witch friend Darcy has an obsessive, mad crush on her.
Everyone Has Standards: Amy’s something of an airhead and not all there but even there are things that bewilder her or ‘ick’ her out.
She’s a pervert but even she was appalled by Mineta’s lack of shame in  his perversion.
Even when she hated Eri at the time, she still tossed Mineta into the stratosphere via telekinesis for making an inappropriate comment to her.
For all that she and Iida despise each other’s contrasting quirks, Amy sees from his point of view when frat brothers trash her mansion and act very uncouth even for her liking.
She finds it amusing to point out things she knows about people while they freak out and wonder how she knew that, but crosses the line at stalking and obsession because that ‘icks’ her out.
Despite her childish nature, even Amy is baffled by her older witch sister Coco’s inability to take care of herself and perform simple tasks such as laundry and cleaning.
Evil Laugh: Gives off one hell of an effective one akin to the Wicked Witch of The West, it’s so wicked sounding it genuinely disturbs her classmates and even Aizawa.
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adelaidelandry · 4 years
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Name: Adelaide Landry. Gender/Pronouns: Female, She/Her. Date of Birth: May 15th, 1998. Age: 22. Hometown: New Orleans, Louisiana. Length of time in Redwood Bay: Eleven Years. Neighborhood: Downtown. Occupation: Student at Redwood Bay College and part-time barista at Brews Brothers. Faceclaim: Natalia Dyer.
Hello hello my babes, here I am being booboo the fool trying this again and I have a good feeling about this one so pls love her down and hmu for plots and headcanons and pretty much anything for my sweet lil babe. Heads up for the tw death mention like, once in here but it’s a big part of who she is and why she is and she’s just a girl who misses her mom ok.
Okay first, you can find her bio HERE. It is infinitely better than anything I’m going to give you in the next few lines so if you wanna get a feel for Adelaide, reference that little one-time masterpiece (and also her siblings’ bios for more info on their family). 
Adelaide moved with most of her family to Redwood Bay when she was roughly eleven after the death of her mother. She has six siblings out there running around somewhere and being the youngest out of them, she was always quiet but more so because she just liked to pick her words and mean them when she did, so while she may appear quiet and shy, she actually has no qualms about telling someone how it is if they’re in the wrong or not thinking logically about something.
As a family unit, the Landry kids were always close, but Adelaide found herself closest to her twin brother and her mother, despite the fact that she was born with her dad’s personality through and through. Her relationship with her other siblings varies, but in the end, they’re family and that’s all that matters to her.
She grew up following her mom around, always on her lap as the woman flipped cards over and predicted futures and the entire practice had her mesmerized. There was no doubt she was going to follow in her mother’s (and her mother’s family before her) footsteps one day. That was until her mother died, leaving Adelaide with a grudge against the magic of fortune telling, her love for it she buried deep within her. 
Uh, what else okay. She’s currently living with her sister, Leona, and they’re sharing an apartment downtown. She’s a senior at Redwood Bay College who’s going to be graduating at the end of this semester and she works part-time as a barista at Brews Brothers, but she only likes tea and not coffee. She loves books and fairytales and romance and can often be found at the Redwood Library. 
I think that’s the gist of my new lil bean, but I highly recommend reading the far superior and more in-depth bio if you wanna get to know her and plot with me.
Quick Wanted Connects:
Ex-Boyfriend - Maybe? Kind of? Sorta? She’s lived in Redwood Bay since she was eleven years old she’s gone through the school system and for sure probably dated someone in high school that ended before graduation. Whether they ended good, bad, neutral is totally up to plotting. 
Friends - Ah yes, the good ole friends. As stated above she’s been here for a hot bit so anyone in the range of 20-25 would work as a friend. 
Best Friend - Jk this is taken by Ewan sorry I don’t make the rules.
Enemies - Wanna be an enemy for the lil bean? Be my guest. But also maybe not she’s like ten pounds soaking wet she can rumble nothing. 
Idk give me some angst and fluffy connections y’all, you know how i do.
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