#they’re my favorite fallout faction tbh
theology101 · 5 months
I honestly can’t WAIT for Maxson’s Brotherhood to interact with the remnants of the NCR.
“Like the Brotherhood - they were really good allies against the enclave, but fundamentally they’re just a little inbred cult. No outsiders, no new technology, but damn good with their power armor. Then they went crazy and we had to take Helios. Now they’re just hold up in their bunkers”
And then Maxson just… isnt that.
A massive cult of personality (the kind that the NCR used to mock about Roger Maxson) able to inspire, uplift and enlist THOUSANDS. A faction not only with the capability and technology to have power armor and vertibirds, but the capacity to Mass Produce them too.
A combination of Western Zealotry, Lyon’s Reforms, and a healthy amount of overwhelming firepower
Arthur is a unifying symbol that can take the isolated and sometimes contradicting Brotherhood Chapters and forge them into a Nation. He has two successful campaigns under his belt and two Fusion Reactor.
He has Liberty Prime.
I’m FASCINATED by what he’ll do. Will he reject Elijah and the War and give them an olive branch in their time of need? Will Arthur double down and seek revenge, using this opportunity to finish off the weakened NCR? Or maybe he just… ignores them?
His primary goal is, now that the Brotherhood has 2 cold fusion reactors, is going to be rebuild Lost Hills and then take Vegas, Helios One and the Hoover Dam. That was the original mission of Elijah’s chapter, after all and three incredible storehouses of pre-war tech. But I could honestly see him doubling down and trying to turn LA into a Fortress for the Brotherhood.
I honestly dont know - according to his stated goals, he has no reason to intervene against the NCR when peace is entirely likely. But he’s a Monarch fundamentally, and Monarchs dont like threats to their power.
Good news is he probably wipes out the Legion or whatever’s left of it!
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2,5,6 for Cash!
ty for the ask!!!!
2. Is there a meaning behind their name, or a particular reason why they have it? (either in the story, or why you as the author decided to give them their name)
Cash's original name from her birth family is Patricia Marie Sanders, but after they passed and she was taken in by Pops Black, she changes it to Cash. She named herself that because her favorite musician is Johnny Cash! on a meta level, i chose Patricia Marie Sanders out of my ass tbh lmao, it has no real meaning, and it doesn't really need it since it gets discarded by her quickly. the name Cash Black is actually the name of a bartender(i'm p sure it's also an assumed name), who i originally found in a youtube video! it's a really good name for someone from the Vegas area, and since Cash's original universe is Fallout: New Vegas, i thought it'd be perfect for her. I also picked it before Erron Black even existed lmao.
5. Does their fashion sense reflect an aspect of their personality? (ie bright and colorful outfits symbolizing that they’re an upbeat person)
I'd say so for sure! Cash has a mix of things going on in her fashion sense. She was raised by a cowboy and rancher, so there's obviously a lot of western wear influence(cowboy hats, shirts with fringe, denim jeans, always has guns on her), which also fits in with her personality as a wandering gunslinger. She also spent some time in a violent mercenary group called the Scorpions, which in F:NV is a raider faction, so there's a lot of that style in her fashion as well(leather pants and jackets, mohawks, denim and studs, combat boots), which reflects that even though she's a bit of a comedic relief character, she's very cutthroat when it comes down to it. And she's also fairly butch, so she occasionally rocks some nice(ish) button-down shirts, old band t-shirts with the sleeves rolled up(with a pack of cigs tucked into them) and the like. it all kinda melds together but makes sense with who she is as a person!
6. Do they have any tattoos? What are they, and why did they get them?
Cash has many tattoos! She has half-sleeve tattoos on both arms, from shoulder to elbow. The left arm is all flora-related, specifically stuff native to her area(Joshua trees, banana yucca plants, different breeds of cacti, etc), and the right arm is all country music, guns, cowboy-and-gambling-related tattoos(poker chips, a hand of cards, cowboy hats, longhorns, etc). She got them bc of her love of all these things, since she spends a lot of time in the desert and loves country music, gambling and the like. She's got a neck tattoo of a datura plant in full bloom as well, due to her.... experimentation with the hallucinogenic affect of that plant. Her only other tattoo is on her chest, near her heart. It's her father's name(Richard "Pops" Black) surrounded by a heart, with his year of birth and death underneath it. She's a Daddy's girl at heart!
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socialistsooner420 · 3 years
Do all the numbers
1. What was your most difficult quest? killing harold. i love him so much. bethesda did em dirty imo.
2. Which enemy creeps you out the most? hhhhhhhh probably the slimy plant things in vault 22
3. Synths, ghouls, supermutants or nightkin? Why? ghouls because they're babby
4. Who is your favourite non-human companion? GRANDMA LILLY I LOVE HER
5. Are there any creatures you feel bad for fighting? nightstalkers also my babbies
6. If you could have one creature as a companion, what would it be? A TALKING DEATHCLAW, DUH
7. Which fallout game is your favourite? Why? NEW VEGAS. its just perfect. bugs and all.
8. If you have played multiple, which did you play first? first full finish? fallout 2. first just played? one
9. What was your favourite quest? come fly with me idgaf
10. What was your least favourite quest? again killing harold
11. What’s a quest that everyone likes, but you hate? not really quest but tbh i wasnt very impresed with most of the quests in fallout 4, i just couldnt invest myself like everyone else seems to be able to, it just all felt so flat to me.
12. What’s a quest that everyone hates, but you like? COME FLY WITH ME I DONT UNDERSTAND
13. Which companion quest did you enjoy the most? For Auld Lang Syne
14. Which companion do you travel with the most? Raul!!!
15. Is there a companion you find useless, but travel with anyway? not really, i kinda feel that way about a lot of the fallout 4 companions tho. theres just too many lmao
16. If you could have any three companions travelling with you, who would it be? Hancock, Arcade, and Raul. I feel like that would be a fun bunch.
17. Which companions do you romance? All of them Favorite: Hancock ajhkdfjhska
18. Which companions do you wish you could romance? Most of them
19. Which NPCs would you like to make companions? BHENNAYYYYYY
20. Which is your favourite faction? Why? the great khans. they're just so fascinating and deserve more story imo.
21. Which factions would you trust the most to run a country? absolutely none of them lmfao like you said in yr answer, they cant even get their shit together on a local scale, god forbid the whole country lmfao.
22. Do you like your player to have a voice or not? NOPE
23. Which SPECIAL stat do you tend to make the highest? Intelligence or Luck
24. Which is your favourite skill? whos favorite ISNT wild wasteland like cmon man its the best
25. Mysterious stranger or miss fortune? Mysterious Stranger
26. Do you collect magazines and bobbleheads? i collect literally everything i can put in my players pockets lmao
27. Weapon of choice? ANTI MAT RIFLE.
28. Stealth or guns blazing? shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh we're sneakin around
29. A companion you wish wasn’t a companion? hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh??? what even is this question lmao i dont know any companions i would rather an NPC as.
30. 3 things you’d like to see in the next fallout game? First: Go back west but stop in middle of the country Second: Give it back to obsidian Third: FALLOUT OKLAHOMA
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wandercr-arc · 5 years
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hiya! so, i don’t know how common these bias lists are anymore, but it’s been quite awhile since i’ve done one. (probably since 2016?? damn.) but i have a lot of amazing people that i follow, and i feel like you all deserve a little recognition. now, one thing that i enjoy doing with these bias lists is to not only point out the blogs i love, but to tell you all why i do. i feel like it makes these bad boys a little more personal, and can hopefully bring a little brightness to someone’s day. so, without further ado, here’s the list: (in no particular order; i’m just going through my following list)   //   under a cut for length. apologies in advance for typos. 
@fromlandtosea   /   @longthoughtlost   ---   RIN. there’s so much i could write here. you’ve been my friend for so long, and have put up with all of my nonsense for so long. i adore laura and every other muse that you write. you bring such a different life and voice to each of your characters, and i admire your ability to come up with unique and intertwined backstories for them. i will always love all of the threads, verses, and headcanons we’ve come up with together. you have absolutely made my time in the fallout community worthwhile, and i feel so very fortunate to call you my friend. (and also that you only show slight disappointment in all the stupid stuff that i do and tell you about lol)   ♥
@betterhealing   /   @sanguinariis   /   @psychotheory   ---    i love every character that you write. you’ve been willing to write with me on all of my blogs pretty much since the day i joined the fallout rpc, and your consistent support has meant the world to me. you clearly put a lot of time, thought, and effort into your characters, and it shows in their multitude of well-developed verses, relationships, and headcanons.
@iinxsearchofxisolde   ---   we haven’t had the chance to interact much, but you and tristan are always a joy to have on my dash. i think that your choice to write a brotherhood outcast is extremely unique and interesting. they’re a faction that was kind of lost in the fray, and i love seeing your headcanons about them and how tristan fits in. he’s also a very intriguing, multi-facted character with a distinct voice, and it’s been great to watch you develop him over the past few years.
@disciplc   ---   lainey !!! we haven’t been friends for very long, but i am so glad we are. i adore all of our discussions about nisha and el, and i appreciate how supportive and kind you always are towards me. i’ve followed your nisha for a long time . . . technically . . . and i’ve always loved how you write her! hell, i always appreciate people stealing side characters from bethesda and making them their own, and you’ve truly done that with her. she’s a perfect mix of danger and softness (emphasis on the danger ;-0). 
@pinkmanipulated   /   @hydrophobiic   ---   victoria, oh my god, we have written together for what feels like ages, and your writing, art, and dedication to your muses never ceases to amaze me. i’ve already mentioned this, but seeing how you write jesse has made me actually want to watch breaking bad, which is something i thought i’d never say. (and i promise i’ll get to giving it a go eventually ;w;) i can tell how much you care about his character and how much effort you’ve put into your characterization, and i love every bit of it. it’s the same amount of pride and dedication you’ve put into all of your muses, canon or oc, and you know for a fact  that i’ll follow and interact with you on whatever blog you choose to write on.
@fictitioussouls   ---   not gonna lie, i enjoy every character you write, original or canon. i’m so glad to see you back and active on the dash again, and that you still have the same love for all of your muses + a bunch of new ones. :’)) you create such unique and detailed backstories for your original characters (emily, diana, and sophia still have my whole heart tbh), and you keep them very consistent. i also enjoy reading the threads you have with rin, and hearing about the headcanons and worlds you guys have built together! overall, i’m very happy to see you on my dash again.
@america-redefined   ---   eliana might hate having enclave blogs on the dash, but i sure don’t! :’) we haven’t interacted (yet), but i’d definitely love to. i think you do an excellent job writing nathan, and capturing the attitude and aura of the enclave with the way you’ve created him. it’s clear that he has a lot going on beneath the surface, and that you’ve put thought into what kind of character you want him to be. i really like the way you’ve brought him into the fallout 4 timeline, too, and how his life changes once he’s no longer with the enclave. (i was scrolling through your blog the other day, and saw the post about all of his goals in the enclave, and then how those all disappear within the institute and might have chuckled a bit at the “mighty have fallen” trope vibes that gave me)
@adxmortem   ---   the amount of development you’ve done for harlan is just wild to me, i’ve got to be honest. you’ve taken him in his very own, unique direction, and i really admire that! (and it also reminds me that we really need a new orleans based fallout, stat.) he has a very strong voice, and you have an incredible grasp on his character. i’ve enjoyed the threads we’ve done together, and i hope we get to write more in the future! i also very much appreciate you for the immense kindness you’ve shown me in the past when it comes to my personal life. that will always mean the world to me.  ♥
@gwinnetts   ---   oh gosh, you are such a fun and prominent addition to my dash! the funny content and interactions you bring to the dash aside, i’m in awe of the amazingly detailed write-ups you post about your muses as well as the fallout lore. like a lot of the people on this list, you are someone who puts in a lot of thought to your muses, and really brings them to life in a distinct manner. i’ve also greatly enjoyed the ooc chats we’ve had!!
@shellheadtm   ---   we haven’t had many chances to interact, but i think your portrayal of tony is top notch. you capture his voice perfectly, and like gwinnetts above, always bring funny conversations / interactions to the dash, and i think that just makes it a brighter place for everyone! you’re an insanely talented writer, and your expansion of tony’s characterization and verses is fantastic.
@primeacumen   ---   viv is one of those really amazing, multi-faceted ocs that i would highly recommend anybody follows. we haven’t interacted a ton (mostly because i’m slower than molasses), but, from what i’ve seen of her, she’s wonderful. fandomless ocs often don’t get the love they deserve, so i want you to know that i see you and viv, and i am here supporting you 100%. people take for granted the amount of work that goes into building an oc for multiple verses, and it’s obvious you’ve done that work for her.
@not-completely-human   ---   i honestly knew nothing about alita when i first followed your blog; i just knew that you were a friendly and lovely person who i was willing to write with, and so here i am! i enjoy all of our threads together (and i will def enjoy the ones that my slow self needs to write starters for lol). i enjoy how you write alita, and the enthusiasm that you have for her. your writing has a nice flow, is easy to read, and i love all the little details and background you fit into it. and, you, of course, are such a nice person to talk to, and i’m very glad we follow each other!
@remnantrecruit   ---   another enclave oc for eliana to despise and me to love! we haven’t written together in awhile (which we should totally try and change soon :’0), but i enjoy seeing abner on my dashboard as much as i did when we first followed each other! enclave ocs are so rare as it is, but abner really stands out as a character even without that. his background is so sad but good. i also just appreciate your interaction with my posts, irl and character related. (your comment on my post when i was anxious about doing something dumb when i was driving still means a lot to me. it’s always nice to be reminded that we’re all human and capable of doing stupid things with two ton moving contraptions.)
@persistentflower   ---   what is there to say except i love violet ,,,, neutral karma lone wanderers are pretty rare in my experience, and i think you do a good job of capturing what it means for violet to be that. she and eliana contrast well, and i love their relationship, and how they support each other, no matter what verse we write in. (and the fact that we’ve essentially created a mini self-contained verse for our muses). i enjoy our chats ooc, too, and i look forward to us writing and interacting more !!
@miss-moreno   ---   we haven’t gotten to flesh out kay and eliana’s friendship, yet, but i see so much potential for them in what we’ve got going so far. kay has the sort of spirit that eliana loves, and i’m so excited to see where our threads take the two of them! in general, i like how you write kay, and how her life pre-war seems to haunt her quite a bit, and also how she knows she’s playing double agent for the railroad pretty early on. 
@ninesis   ---   i’ve seen quite a few portrayals of rk900, but yours is definitely one of my favorites! i like that your nines is very job-oriented, but still soft and sociable and overall just a Good Boy. he comes across as very likeable, and you write him as a consistent and well thought out portrayal!
@intelligentmiinds   ---   i love all of your blogs, but since this is your main atm, this is where you’re getting love. :’)) bailey, i enjoy each of your characterizations. you bring a unique and accurate voice to each one. based on what i’ve seen from your ooc posts lately, i know you’ve been going through some rough times, and i hope you know that you are so important ! and loved ! and even if people are shitty and don’t understand you, you always have people who care about you, too. (and i hope you can get your ferret soon! small animals are the best. i have two bunnies and can vouch for them. :’)) )
@contrariian   ---   i have been lucky enough to interact with two of your muses so far, but you should know that i adore what i’ve seen of all your muses. you write such a wide array of characters, and each of them has a personality that comes across in how you write them. your writing style is so gorgeous and nice to read, too. 10/10 would interact whenever
@vocaliist   ---   i followed you on your previous blog for magnolia and the one you had for des, and what continues to knock me off my feet about all of your blogs is your style. i always admire people who can write in a way that is somewhat poetic and very pretty without making it impossible to understand, and you do just that. plus, who doesn’t love magnolia?? i look forward to writing with you some more!
@synthesan   ---   i’ve already jumped into your ims to yell about how cute ode is, but here i am again, anyway. we haven’t followed each other for long, but gosh i love what i’ve read from you and ode so far. i’m a sucker for synth ocs, and she’s such a fun one with an amazing backstory. you are also so great to talk to ooc, and i hope we can yell about our muses and videogames more in the future :’))
@synthmama   ---   okay, i can’t lie, your blog is one of those that i admired from afar for a long time because i was a bit intimidated by it. not in a bad way, but in a ‘holy cow this person is an amazing writer and creator’ kinda way. you and quinn have been around for a long time, and you’ve grown her character a lot in that span. it’s so cool to see how you fit her into other universes, and how she interacts with the fallout world. institute sole survivors are also very seldom seen around here, and so i appreciate that quinn took that route, and that you had her do it in a way that doesn’t entirely conflict with her morals. 
@neomacaught   ---   you are absolutely one of the sweetest muns i’ve ever interacted with, tbh. your enthusiasm for threads and the wellbeing of your fellow roleplayers is such a lovely thing to see on my dash!! and neoma is such a cute character. i think she and el’s interactions have just been incredible. i like that she’s a bit awkward, yet very straight-forward, and that she upholds high morals. she fits in with el pretty damn well, and i think they’ll be very good friends!! plus, i can tell that you’ve put a lot of work into neoma purely by taking a peek at your blog; you have so many verses and ideas for her. she definitely deserves a lot of love
@voiceofmany   ---   we haven’t followed each other for very long (or interacted, which is my bad for being slow to talk to people about threads lol), but i wanted to mention you on here, regardless. i honestly am not familiar with a whole lot of your muses, but the way you right them, and your writing style, tends to draw my eye so much that i often find myself reading through your threads as i scroll the dash. the way you change dialogue to fit your characters is pretty damn great, and it’s always obvious you’re writing for/in a different voice for each of them
@theirsalvation   ---   we also haven’t followed each other for very long, but i enjoy the content that i see from your blog!! you have a wide range of muses that all come across as very different and distinct in the way that they’re written. when i read your reply from josh this morning, i was awed by how well you captured his voice and mannerisms, tbh. so, yeah, i hope we can interact a bit more sometime soon!! B)
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elddansurin · 6 years
one of my favorite parts of the first fallout is slowly unwinding the inception of the brotherhood of steel and what exactly would cause a high ranking officer in the US army to defect before the climax of the great war. like yeah it’s one thing to hear that the world outside of your bunker has been obliterated and decided “guess i’m not with the army no more,” and a completely different animal to look at precisely what you’re overseeing, decide it’s fucking reprehensible, and go rogue knowing that the might of the united states will come down on you like a fucking sledgehammer. it didnt, because... nukes... but maxson sure as shit didn’t know that was going to happen when he deserted.
the brotherhood of steel was at its thematic best in the first game, and tbh i feel like the series would have been better off if they as a faction had died out off screen after the events of fallout 2. tbh they didn’t need to even be in new vegas, and i wouldn’t have shed any tears if they had been cut out and replaced with a different, new faction in the mojave, bc NV’s brotherhood treads too closely to 2′s “we’re not what we used to be, we might die out” themes to really be anything worth remembering
and while i was “ehhh” on NV’s brotherhood, i really liked how they treated the enclave [remnants] by basically saying the “enclave” is like 6 people, they’re all 90 years old, and as soon as they die, the history of that faction dies with them. that should’ve been the BoS, in an ideal world. 
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ju1ian · 7 years
evens for julian and odds for your legion courier (b/c i hate you)
thanks im on my way to your house to kill you !!!! 
evens are gonna be for my Sole Survivor Julian who has a tag on my blog i dont feel like linking but its OC: Julian if yall wanna read up on thatand odds are gonna be for….. Julius, the worst ever!! i regret giving them similar names now ! 
Which Fallout game are they from?-Fallout: New Vegas !! a real trash courier !!
Which faction(s) did they join and which did they destroy? Why?-Julian joined the Brotherhood of Steel and also the Minutemen and he destroyed the Railroad, because he didn’t like them, and The Institute, because he was pissed the hell off at his son. He joined the Minutemen because he wanted to do something nice, and he joined the Brotherhood of Steel because he needed that familiar military aesthetic. 
What is their S.P.E.C.I.A.L.?- S 10, P 2, E 7, C 10, I 2, A 5, L 1 (something like that i cant remember and im not looking at it rn)
Give us a summary of their backstory.- Julian gets discharged from the army for an injury in his shoulder two weeks before the bombs fall, he’s suffering from depression when he returns home and his marriage is sort of going south. He’s also really afraid of being a father because he thinks he’s a bad person incapable of doing anything good. 
What’s their full name and does it have a meaning? Do they have any nicknames and how did they get em?- Julius Septimus is his full name and Caesar gave it to him because he didn’t know what his name was and was just going by Courier. He doesn’t have any friends to give him nicknames but Vulpes calls him Degenerate a lot and he likes it. 
What’s their sexual, romantic, and gender orientation? Do they feel comfortable telling other people?- Julian is Bisexual and Biromantic, he identifies as a male and before the war he was closeted and was very afraid of telling anyone but after the war he is out and proud ! 
Do they have any mental illnesses? How do they cope?-Julius suffers from Bipolar Disorder and he does not cope very well. 
Do they have any medical conditions? Is medicine/ treatment available for them?- Julian has a bad shoulder but it doesn’t bother him too much. He has depression but there isn’t any real medicine to help him besides chems. 
How much do they care about their outer appearance? What’s their “beauty routine”? How often do they shower/ bathe?- Julius bathes when Vulpes bathes. he likes his hair to be combed without knots but thats all. His outer appearance doens’t mean very much to him. 
What do they fear the most?- Julian fears himself the most. 
They’re biggest flaw? Do they recognize it as a flaw?- Julius’ biggest flaw is his stupidity, and he does not see it as a flaw. 
What are they most insecure about?- Julian is insecure about his lips, they are large. 
What Wasteland threat do they fear the most? (ex. Deathclaws, super mutants, raiders)- GOD JULIUS IS TERRIFIED OF DEATH CLAWS AND CENTAURS 
What’s their zodiac sign or which one do you think they relate to the most? What are their placements (if you know them)? (ex. Aries sun, Taurus moon, Aquarius Venus)- Julian is a taurus because im a tuarus and i dont know who he would relate tot he most because i dont know that much about zodiac signs 
What’s their Myers–Briggs Type? (ex. ENTP, ISFJ)- i have no idea what this is tbh. 
What Harry Potter house would they be in? (ex. Gryffindor, Ravenclaw)- i didn’t real harry potter !!! all i know is that i myself took the sorting hat thing and got slytherin and since i project onto Julian A LOT he is probably also a slytherin. 
Which Pokemon Go team would they choose? (ex. Instinct, Valor, Mystic)- Julius would have chosen Instinct.
Out of the nine forms of intelligence (rhythmic, spatial, linguistic, mathematical, kinesthetic, interpersonal, intrapersonal, naturalistic, and existential) which one(s) are they really good at and which one(s) is(are) their weakest?- Julian is good at: rythmic, inguistic, mathematic, and kinesthetic and weak at all the rest. 
What natural alignment are they? (ex. Lawful Good, Chaotic Evil)- Julius is chaotic evil without a doubt. 
Do they have any hobbies? What are they?- Julian collects magazines, and also dogs. He loves to spend time with all 8 of his dogs, he also loves to build things with Danse. 
Do they have a favorite holiday? How do they celebrate it?- Julius has no idea what a holiday is. 
What’s their favorite season?- Julian likes winter time. 
Do they have a temper or are they level headed?- Julius has the worst temper out of anyone in the Legion and that is a statement. 
Do they express their emotions freely or hide their true feelings?- Julian has a hard time expressing his emotions and tends to let them pile up until he has a breakdown. 
Are they a leader or a follower?- Julius is a follower for sure. But only if he likes you. 
How do they come off to others? What first impression do they usually make?- Julian comes off as a good person because that’s how he wants to come off. People tend to take a liking to him really easily. 
Do they prefer to travel alone or with company? Who have they traveled with if any? Current companion if any?- Julius preferred to travel with Arcade who was his only companion in the whole Mojave until he tried to leave him and had to die so now Julius stays alone when he’s not at The Fort with Vulpes. 
Would you describe them as selfless or selfish? Does it depend on the situation?- Depends on the situation. 
What do they find most attractive in others? Name at least one psychological and physical trait. (doesn’t have to be romantic attraction)- Julius likes pale skin, and smooth thighs. He also likes bossy, and thin. 
Do they flirt often? How easily do they fall in love?- Julian doesn’t exactly ‘flirt’ often but he does end up having a lot of sex. he didn’t really fall in love with anyone besides Danse though. 
What’s their love life like? Are they interested in anyone or in a relationship?- Julius is obsessed with Vulpes and would do anything for him. He hasn’t even thought of being romantically involved with anyone else 
Do they prefer to solve things diplomatically or using violence?- Julian resorts to violence more than he’d like to admit. 
What is their combat style? What range do they prefer? Do they sneak?- Julius’ combat style is hard and loud. He doesn’t sneak or really plan he just sort of barges in swinging. 
What weapon(s) do they always carry with them?- Julian always has Righteous Authority with him and also the Railway Rifle 
Their most prized possession?- A Light Shining in Darkness 
Their thoughts on power armor?- Julian loves to wear Power Armor. 
Favorite armor/ outfit?- Julius likes to wear the clothes Joshua Graham gave him but Vulpes always gets mad at him for wearing them EVEN THOUGH Caesar told him he LIKES when he wears those clothes and he doesn’t even care. (he wears the boomers outfit too) 
How’s their aim? Do their hands shake while pointing a gun?- Julian has super good aim from his military training. Could probably be a sniper. 
What are their thoughts on having to kill on a daily bases in order to survive? Does it take a toll on them? Or do they shake it off rather easily?- Julius has no problem killing on a daily basis. He gets agitated if he goes too long without violence. 
Thoughts on death if any? (ex. Fear it, accept it)- Julian accepts death. 
Do they move around a lot or prefer to have a place to call home?- Julius moved around a lot until he got his own tent at The Fort. 
What’s their favorite location?- Warren Theatre in downtown Boston !! nice and quiet !! also Starlight Drive-In becuase that’s where he lives !! 
Their opinions on ghouls, feral and not feral?- Not Feral are fine, Feral are scary and gross to him. 
Do they scavenge for their supplies or simply buy them?-Julian has more caps than he knows what to do with so he buys supplies. 
Are they the type to get distracted and go off to an unknown nearby location or do they stay on track?- Julius gets distracted and wanders off and Vulpes has to go find him. 
How do they sleep? Are they picky about where and how or can they sleep basically anywhere?- Julian isn’t picky but he prefers to sleep in his home at Starlight. He can make-do anywhere though. 
What’s their favorite radio station and song? (post-apocalypse)- Mad About The Boy because it reminds him of Vulpes. 
What’s their favorite post-apocalyptic food? Are they a picky eater? Do they know how to cook?- Julian don’t know how to cook !! he likes Dandy Boy Apples because he’s a fool who isn’t bothered by radiation poisoning until its severe ! 
What’s their favorite beverage? Do they drink alcohol?Julius will drink 30 Sunset Sarsaparillas in an hour and not even be bothered by how unhealthy it is. he isn’t supposed to drink alcohol but he does it in secret !! 
Do they have any tag skills?- i dont think so?
Anything they like to collect? (ex. Unique weapons, Bobbleheads)- Julius collects eyeglasses. like really, he has so many. he doesnt even wear glasses he just always picks them up. 
Are they good at disarming traps or do they constantly miss them?- oh my god Julian is shit at disarming traps. like so shit. he just sets them off and he doesnt even care. 
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gaymojave · 8 years
I just found this blog and I love it!! It makes me happy seeing such great Fallout content, especially New Vegas! I'm sorry if this has been asked already but I'm curious, who are your favorite companions from each game? Favorite DLCs? Favorite quests and/or mods? Favorite non-NPC characters? This is a lot & I apologize but your blog has just reminded me how much I love these games (''':
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa thank you so much that means a lot
my fav companions from 3 are charon & butch! from NV i really do love all the companions, they’re all so great in their own way. but boone, arcade, raul & ed-e are my favs. in 4 my fav is definitely deacon…….. honestly a life changing character to me imo lol i love him… A LOT. he feels like home to me lol :’)
i haven’t played any of 3’s dlcs. i beat the game but haven’t played it as much as i want to. i only just joined started enjoying the fallout games since dec of 2015 so i haven’t had much time to thoroughly go through the game with school and traveling across seas. but i plan to play ALL the games since i really fell hard for the series. for NV though, all the dlcs are great. they’re all just soo good. if i had to pick though it would be dead money & lonesome road. in f4 though there’s only 2 and a half actual “story” dlc so i can really only pick between far harbor, nuka world, and automatron. far harbor really depresses me and automatron was too short. so i guess i’d have to go with nuka world even though i hated the whole raider part. otherwise im a sucker for amusement parks so there was at least some enjoyment for me in that dlc.
my favorite quest in 3 was “the replicated man”. i played 4 first so doing a quest for the railroad then after meant a lot to me. i also enjoyed “you gotta shoot ‘em in the head” & “tenpenny tower”. in NV i really liked the companion quests, a lot of NCR quests with “i don’t hurt anymore” being my absolute fav, followers, freeside quests, there’s too many to name! :XX
unfortunately i haven’t used mods at least with 3 and NV since i cant afford a good computer. i have been having some fun with console mods though. i love having the commonwealth turned into a winter wonderland. the essential settlement mods like place anywhere and unlocking more items. the eyebot companions mod legit made me cry because i missed ed-e so much. and the rest are just some weapon and armor mods. oh! and plague doctors of the commonwealth. i looove plague doctors and oddly i think this mod really fits. since there are like no factions in 4 i really would love more mods that add more interesting groups/types of people.
fave npcs in 3: gob, moira, p much everyone in the underworld, aaaa i cant think of anymore atm. in NV, o gosh i have so many. dr dala, ulysses, joshua, lanius, vulpes, julia farkas, yes man, benny, manny, dr alex richards, 10 of spades, corporal betsy, lt boyd, colonel hsu, christine royce, beatrix russel, siri, & victor. my fav npcs in 4 are mel, dr amari, pickman, everyone at the slog, cpt zao, kasumi, dixie, & evan.
please dont apologize!!! i loved answering these questions. if you wanna, feel free to tell me some of your favorite quests, dlcs, npcs, companions and such or other, i’d love to hear about em if you wanna talk fallout :’D
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