#they're brothers don't tag as ship
fourdragonbrothers · 1 year
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Sonic personally made that meme and you can't convince me otherwise
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qcomicsy · 1 year
I'm so normal about them.
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tiger-quoll · 1 year
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From myyla-x’s adorable wholesome wednesday fic which you can find here 
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Peach and Daisy happily goofing around please?
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average aftermath of a mario tennis match (daisy is a sore winner and peach is a sore loser)
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dirtytransmasc · 6 months
I need more selkie theon (and asha. I just think that would be a vibe. fuck the greyjoy sigil being a kraken for a moment and let them be seals) content.
like the opportunity to have theon's coat taken by ned when he's made his ward is right there and it is perfect and beautiful and tragic.
and you could build on that depending on the version of the selkie myth/story you're going off of (I personally love the song of the sea version of selkies for story writing). maybe he can't talk without it, maybe he gets sick, maybe his voice has magical properties of sorts.
I have this one concept in my head that I don't have the time to write, but it goes something along the lines of theon getting sick after years away from his coat and the stark kids have to find his coat and drag his slowly dying ass to the bay of seals (cause y'know bay of seals and theon's a selkie so he'll turn into a seal... I thought it was creative).
also, in a lot of versions of selkies, when they get sick, their hair turns white, which is on brand for theon. they're also pretty, their stories are typically soaked to the bone in tragedy, they're normally held captive/tortured, amongst other things, which are also very on brand for theon.
and maybe you get some selkie to selkie telepathy of sorts, so when theon finally enter the water a seal again, asha books it to come find him, cause its been years since she's been able to feel him (I'm soft for them, I will create the most improbable and ridiculous scenario's to bring them together and for them to have soft sibling moments).
all and all, theon being a selkie is something I need more content of, please and thank you.
#theon would be a harbor seal and asha would be a leopard seal. I don't make the rules.#I think theon being a selkie would just be cool#like. it would make him being a ward all the more interesting. there's the potential for him to be stripped of his *skin* and his *voice*#and to keep him from the sea would be even more cruel#then there's the different ways you could give him magical properties. he could be enchantingly beautiful. his voice could be magical. he-#could bring good luck to ships. he could have a song that held a specific power of sorts.#there's just so many possibilities and I have many thoughts#also just imagine the starklings. at the very least robb and jon (who barely wants to be there but went for moral support) stealing theon-#and going on a 'roadtrip' to the bay of seals. theon's looks about ready to keel over. robb's panicking. jon's sulking.#the whole of the north is currently hunting them down. cause y'know. the heir to winterfell suddenly dissapeared into the night with the-#ward and the bastard. it would be chaos.#and asha reuniting with her brother in their seal forms. it'd be cute. cause they're chubby little blops and they'd boop each other.#and theon having to decide if he wants to stay with his found family or escaping back to pyke with his sister now that he has the chance.#someone write this. take the idea. just tag me so I can read it#theon greyjoy#asha greyjoy#yara greyjoy#house greyjoy#throbb#vaguely. the potential is right there#got#game of thrones#asoiaf#a song of ice and fire#selkies
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standreamy · 2 years
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Just a sketch of two bros chillin’.
Yes, brothers can hold hands and be affectionate (even if they don’t show it a lot). Besides, I headcanon that Sonic got so used to sleep close to his younger brother (mostly early years when Tails would get scared very easily of thunders and such, and when he was to be protected and looked after more) that sometimes if they fall asleep near each other he has the instinct to protect.
Don’t tag as ship please
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wishthefish · 5 months
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Lianfang-Zun became a baby⁉️
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punkeropercyjackson · 5 months
Hmmm imo the mass mischaracterization and misterpretation and also flanderalization of Percy Jackson as a character comes from their status as the protagonist of a piece of children's media.This is absolutely not meant as mean or to be condesending,especially because the fandom is full of minors and i'm a firm believer that they should be spoken to with respect when it comes to how they make content since kids' shows and such are made for them,but i need you guys to understand that while yes,Percy is kind,he's not nice.He's a role model but that dosen't make him an ideal hero-He's described as 'a troubled kid' from the first page and is now an even more troubled adult in current canon and the reason for that isn't just the demigod jazz,it's his actual personality.He hates authority figures and vocalizes it to their faces,he's very rude with the exception of towards his mom and younger girls(as he should),he frequently gets into fights and absolutely decimates his opponents and he's got a temper.None of this makes him a villain-Looking at you,people who compare him to Luke-and he's an anti-hero at best.This is the point.Percy is like he is because of trauma so his flaws are not only to make him well-written but for representation.It's incredibly important to have abused characters who have trauma responses and certain coping mechanisms even-No,ESPECIALLY in pg media so abuse victims can see they're not monsters because other people ruined them and be given inspiration to keep themselves kind and shown they deserve kindness too
And on a somewhat different note but on the same topic,Percy is also not immature or stupid.He's a genius who's saved tons of people and even the world multiple times with his plans and quick thinking and you can't say 'Well,Annabeth calls him dumb all the time and she's the daughter of Athena so he canonically is!' because Annabeth's literal fatal flaw is hubris,she calls him dumb all the time because she thinks EVERYONE is dumb compared to her and we just see it most with Percy because they're the mcs so they interact way more with eachother than they do everyone else and if i'm being completely honest,i also think she might be worried her in-universe status as 'the smartest' being compramised by him(Which is kinda funny to because the most in-character reaction for him to discovering that would be to either play dumb to reassure her or joke about it in a way that's too funny for her to be upset by it anymore).And yes,Percy is extremely goofy and he has the vibe he's into kiddy interests over mature ones(/pos ofc)but he's also learned a lot of emotional intellegence over the series since he's grown up like we did and speaking as someone who falls under this irl,his treatment of Nico and Hazel is very older sibling-like and even has some parentalness mixed since he knows their dad is shit and their moms aren't alive anymore so they need someone to take that role for them
What i'm trying to say is:Percy Jackson's not a soft uwu sunshine boy protagonist who hasn't been effected by the consequences of what he's been through yet.He's a jaded asshole who refuses to give up being kind or even his sense of humor because that would be letting the people who traumatized him win and by the end of Hoo,he's also grown into a Team Dad and chilled out a bit.Less Miles Morales,more Hobie Brown
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sage-nebula · 11 months
Not every positive platonic relationship is siblings. Sometimes people are just friends. Best friends, even! But just friends.
#i used to be so happy that fandom could acknowledge Sonic & Tails as brothers#but now i'm thinking that no one understands WHY they are brothers#given the way they are so quick to call *every other friendship* in the franchise siblings#Sonic & Tails are siblings bc *Sonic raised Tails*#he is Tails' big bro & his mom & his dad & his picket fence#in NUMEROUS different canons they have this relationship#including IDW (Amy: ''Well [Tails] was practically raised by Sonic'')#& Frontiers (Sage: ''A family born of love'')#they are not brothers just bc they are besties. they're brothers bc of this specific set of circumstances#that formed their relationship. and other characters just don't have that!#Knuckles and Tails don't have that. Knuckles and Amy don't have that! they are FRIENDS - not siblings!#even when I say Tangle has Cool Big Sis energy - i'm referencing the trope!#she is NOT Tails's sister. she's his friend. but she has the ATTITUDE of a Cool Big Sis trope character#that's all that means! jeez!!#tl;dr stop calling EVERYONE siblings. friends exist. let's hear it for friendship#(altho i will say the ''siblings'' tag gets brought out SO MUCH MORE when a female character is involved)#(Sonic & Knux have bants? boyfriends. Knuckles & Amy have bants? siblings.)#(it's *almost like* it's not abt dynamic at all but is just abt shutting down potential ships. curious.)#and no before anyone gets pressed i *don't* ship Knux and Amy either. they are FRIENDS.#but i'm just saying i think there mayhaps be an ulterior motive behind the misuse of the ''siblings'' label#just as there was by ppl who said Tangle & Whisper were ''sisters''
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turner-strait · 1 year
if I want a "found family" to be two married chefs, a sentient rat who also doubles as a therapist sometimes, and a fucked up googly clone nobody can get rid of, then that's my business
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Sonic: Well, Tails, have you deduced anything? Tails: Yes. Sonic: Yeah? Tails: I have deduced that you're annoying me. Sonic: Very funny. Tails: Sonic, I'm being serious. You're not helping. Sonic: come on! I'm plenty of help! Tails: Sonic, what's this? *Tails holds up a magnifying glass* Sonic: I don't know. a tennis racket? Tails: No. This is a magnifying glass. Sonic: Okay. I get the point,I'll find something else to do. Tails: Thank you. Also you're a dope. Sonic: No. YOU'RE the dope! Tails: At least I know what a magnifying glass is. Sonic: Keep talking like that and I'll make sure you won't be able to fly the tornado for a week. Tails: You have to find it first. Sonic: How are you so good at hiding my own plane from me? Tails: I have my ways.
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loafofryebread · 5 months
listen ok, I dont personally ship hms, that's not how I see their relationship. However I feel like a lot of people are far to worked up over the idea of it.
A lot of you (and i will not name anyone but there are a few posts that come to mind) would benefit from learning about the separation between content/characters and the creator of said thing. Death of the author and all that. And beyond that, acknowledging that boundaries are for the creator (chonny jash in this case) and not the fans. As fans you have the duty to not shove it in his face if hes uncomfortable with seeing it. But that does not mean you cannot create it or so much as enjoy it.
Im not going to go off on a massive rant, I dont have enough energy for that. But this topic has been a very prevalent discussion in mcyt fandoms for years now so I've seen this whole song and dance. It doesn't matter whether you personally enjoy it or not you do not have the right to label people as 'disgusting' and cause them to be afraid to enjoy something because you don't like it and the creator doesn't want to see it. If the creator of ship content is taggin it properly and not shoving it in cj's face then there is nothing wrong with it. Like it's really not a big deal, you can just block and keep scrolling.
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dawnslight-aegis · 7 months
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I have another lizard named Zaya, and she got eternal bonded today!
(Daava the giant sweet lizard man belongs to @foamofthe-sea)
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oneirataxia-girl · 3 months
Relationship asks!! # 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 10, 12, 15, 20, 21, 36, 39, 45, 48! I realize this might get a little long but I want answers for both Keller and Midlaw hehehe
hadley lovely you're so right this was long af 😭 so I split this into one post for Keller (this one) and another for Midlaw (link here!) but without further ado, let's jump in! tagging the other op anime girlie @auxiliarydetective bc I don't wanna spoil the others
1. How did they meet and what were their first impressions of each other?
Sabaody arc, when the Heart, Kid, and Strawhat pirates leave the auction house and they're surrounded by Marines. Killer jumps in and takes out one of them just as the man is about to attack Kenji's unknowing back; cue Kenji's eyes widening like dinner plates watching Killer land on the ground in slow motion and Killer thinking wow this guy is so dumb (affectionate) like my captain when we were young KID TF ARE YOU TOYING WITH THESE MARINES FOR WE GOTTA GO-
2. What kind of dynamic do they have with each other?
smartass x dumbass, sunshine protector x sunshine, "I'd die for you" "who said you could die??? WHO SAID YOU COULD DIE KILLER I NEED NAMES"
3. What do others think of them?
Kid is like ???????? at Killer's choice of a boyfriend, but Killer's taste is all his fault because Kenji like him in some ways (much to Kenji's horror but we'll get to that another time) and Killer is basically programmed to like that type; the other Kid Pirates, after grilling Kenji about his intentions of their beloved second-in-command, are pretty supportive of the two; Mari approved of Killer before they even got together; the other Strawhats also become fond of him, Franky and Usopp are the (joking) exception since both of them had to put up with Kenji ranting about Killer's weapons for weeks after Wano, Jimbei is the fishman Kenji goes to ask about having a crush and it’s very fluffy, then Brook, Sanji and Chopper pop in and it dissolves into teasing jabs, Robin mentions offhandedly to Nami about Kenji’s not-so-subtle attempt to ask after Killer in the day’s newspaper and Nami is iffy on whether the other pirate is good enough, but keeps those thoughts to herself until she can access Killer’s potential herself. Zoro pretends to be asleep through all this but he’s glad that Kenji doesn’t know about his fight with Killer as Kamazo (and has no plans of telling him that), and Luffy’s just glad that his crew is getting along with Jaggy’s
5. Is their joint future bright or bleak?
uhhhhhhhh... ideally yes. but it might have to change for canon events, but I do think they get a happy ending
7. Do they have a desire to protect each other?
YES. Killer is of the opinion that Kenji can't fight, and although that's objectively Not True, Kenji's combat levels are a lot lower than Killer's, so when their crews fight together, Killer tries to keep an eye on Kenji. Kenji is also fiercely protective of his Kil, so when anyone makes a snide remark about Killer's time on Wano, the poor sod has to face a very angry red ball of fluff (Kid) and a similarly furious, gun-cocking blacksmith
10. Who would win in a fight?
Killer. no diff, if they're forced to fight (which would be the only scenario either of them would raise a weapon at the other), Kenji would be out without question
12. Who is a better caregiver?
it’s a close one but Kenji. Killer is good at caring for everyone but himself, but Kenji is a firm believer of "you can't take care of anyone if you don't care for yourself" so Kenji is the deliverer of sunshine and smiles, and he's mentally okay while doing it!
15. Who has better fashion sense?
I really wanna say Kenji because he is the crew's secondary fashionista (behind Nami but before Sanji), but I believe that Killer's polka dot era is going to come back and that Killer was iconic af. so for now it's a tie
20. What's the worst thing about them teaming up?
Killer would constantly check up on Kenji, which could impact his focus and allow the opponent to get some hits that normally Killer could block. Killer's checkups and possible injuries could also affect Kenji's aim, as he might abandon logic and charge at the enemy without even loading his guns
21. What's the best thing about them teaming up?
if Killer does close range combat while Kenji takes care of mid-range, with both of them equipped with a talkie-walkie version of a transponder snail to communicate, then they could deal some serious damage to anyone facing them. other than the battlefield, they're also a pretty fire duo when it comes to making drinks (Killer watches in loving astonishment as Kenji comes up with the weirdest mixes that always turn out delicious); if both of them + Sanji are in the kitchen, the crews just know they'll be eating and drinking well
36. What is a gift one would give to the other?
Kenji would give him little metal decorations like bracelets or brooches with his mask's design integrated into the pieces. Killer would buy fun trinkets when the Victoria Punk docks on islands to show his boyfriend when they meet again
39. What's an inside joke they'd have together?
"when will Kid and Mari and Trafalgar finally kiss, I wonder?" "my sister has WAY better taste than those ruffians, Kil" "Ken, I'm one of Kid's 'ruffians'" "but you're the best ruffian to ruff, and Mari doesn't settle for anything other than the best, so she's definitely not getting with Jaggy or Tra-guy or both of them"
a ton of angst, lots of yelling, and three confessions later...
"so..." "don't. just lemme mope in peace, Kil"
Killer never lets Kenji forget this. it later becomes a joke that Kenji is actively terrible at predicting romantic relationships and he has fun making the wildest matches ever
45. If one of them was in trouble, what would the other do?
look... all I'm saying is if a guy named "Massacre Soldier" Killer has a boyfriend who apparently once used a person's blood to make his bullets, I would think twice before trying to hurt either one of them. rip(ieces) to those who do otherwise but I value my life
48. If they swapped bodies, how would they handle it?
first, Kenji would claim this as the reason why Mari should leave Law (Mari's typical poker face nearly breaks at the sight of big beefy Killer waving his arms around in typical Kenji fashion); then he'd get Killer to teach him how to use his Punishers, which leads to Killer strapping the blades to Kenji's body to prevent Kenji from hurting himself, which leads to a pouting Kenji, which leads to Killer petting his own head (wow Ken wasn't lying his hair really feels nice in these hands), which leads to Midlaw & co stifling their snorts at the sight of a (compared to Killer) smol twig of a guy stroking back the hair of someone twice his size that practically has a raincloud over his head. let's just say that after this, Law had to endure quite a few dirty glances and passive aggressive remarks from his brother-in-law for a while
give me a number + relationship and I'll tell you something about that relationship!
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wereh0gz · 5 months
I wish all sontails shippers go to hell no matter what
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gabysartsandtoons · 7 months
CW: Characters consuming Marijuana
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Just two bro get high together.
I might be into this AU more than I thought I should. I just really want my two favorite fandoms to collaborate. I keep thinking about ideas for this AU, which character will fit this role, which character should be important for the plot, etc. It just...AAAGH!! I CAN'T STOP THINKING ABOUT THIS. FUCKING SHINICHI FACE AU, YOU CURSED ME WITH THIS!!
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