#they're going through all the stages of a typical slow burn romance
jello-bbq · 2 years
(Platonic! Tsu'tey x Avatar! Reader) (Platonic! Jake x Avatar! Reader)
They wake up to find they have nothing to recover from but are still constantly scolded for being reckless. Mo'at shares news that has them thinking of sharing their origins. (4.3 k)
Sorry this took so long I got sucked into another fandom for a bit. Also sorry that this prolly doesn't make sense bc it's 2 am rn and I fell asleep multiple times while writing this. Not proofread.
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Nothing hurt. They realized that when they opened their eyes. No pain. No feeling. Nothing.
The hospital room looked bland.
"Tommy?" The name could only be whispered, and it sounded wrong as soon as it left their mouth.
Slowly, they regained enough thought to realize.
They shook their head. Not Tommy.
Jake lay on a small portion of the bed, head resting on his hands. That's right. Jake. Not Tommy.
They tried to move again. This time they went slower, watching to see if Jake would wake up. He didn't. Even as their bare feet hit the tile and they made their way across the room.
But he did when the door slid open the barest inch, flinching awake. He called out their name, immediately realizing the situation. He called out again, panicked, turning to see their figure by the door.
"Are you- you're walking. You're alright?"
They could see the tiredness on his face. Lightening only slightly when they moved forward, watching them carefully as if trying to assess the damage they took.
"They said you'd be very disoriented when you wake up, you should sit down."
He guided them back to the bed. "They also said to press this button to call the doctors in-"
"Can we not?"
His finger hovers over the button.
"I mean, can I have a moment before all the doctors start rushing in and all."
"Of course, kid." A pause. He fiddles with the armrests of his wheelchair. "Do you remember what happened? The doctors said you might not since your uh... condition got activated. They said you went into combat mode."
"It's blurry," they admitted. The stillness of their thoughts concerned them. Mind awaiting a battlefield where the silence would allow them to process information quickly.
In the small hospital room, there was not enough information to process.
It felt silly. Like they were a toy. Combat mode. Condition. Illness. They felt so, formed. Like everything they were was carved from a blank slate and turned into a monstrosity. Each chunk removed. Each crack made. No thought behind each decision. None of it created by them. Just something directed. Something made. No choice but to lie back and take the beating. No choice but to live as what others have created.
Their thoughts falter when Jake begins to fill the silence. Talking about how Grace hovered over them and checked on them often, even fought multiple medical doctors. How Norm cried when he heard the news. How Tsu'tey didn't leave their side any longer than a few minutes.
And of their avatar.
"They brought it here to check the damage, Grace even said something about surgery. They got in a few scans before uh..." He watched them carefully as they nodded along. "Before Selfridge said no. Said you could handle a little poison and sent you back."
"He wasn't wrong I guess," they interrupted quietly, "but I'm surprised Grace went along with that."
"She wasn't gonna," he looked out the window, "but Mo'at said Eywa wanted you at hometree. Whatever that means."
Silence. Their head hurt from it.
"You've been taking your lessons?"
"Yeah. Nothing we could do but wait, try to learn."
They nodded. "You need to learn faster."
They turned to him, taking in the slight confusion. He looked to be debating if the coma fucked up their brain further before they smiled. "I've had my first clean kill."
"You have not." He gaped.
They shrugged.
"That's awesome, kid! Look at you being the first ever avatar to get a clean kill." He ruffled their hair, pausing for a second. "I'll be the first to get an ikran."
They laughed. "In your dreams, white boy."
They decided to just call the doctors tomorrow. Or have them find out when they come to check on them. Whichever came first. Jake had fallen asleep on the side of the bed again, and they decided to pull him up to rest on it since they'd had more than their fair share of sleep.
The door opened and closed as they left, leaving behind Jake on the hospital bed who once again dreamed of flying.
They didn't exactly know what they were doing. The hallways were abandoned and dark.
The building looked completely deserted. The cafeteria empty as they walked past. Where were they going?
Everything felt blurred again. Muddled. Like their feet barely touched the floor and if someone saw them right now, they would be see-through. But still, they continued on. Walking to a destination they didn't know.
The next thing they knew, they were opening their eyes again. When had they closed them?
It took time for their eyes to adjust due to the dim light, like in the hospital room. Except this light looked clearly different. It looked alive. Streaming in through the gaps between the floor and tarp, they could swear the light pulsed softly. Steadily. A heartbeat unheard.
Why were they in their avatar?
They checked their wounds, remembering the palulukans. The arrows. Their first kill. All that they told Jake in the hospital room, eventually lulling him to sleep.
Their body looked fine. Aside from bandages around their waist. Nothing hurt here either.
Someone called out their name.
They turned, body tensing, arms raising.
"You are awake?"
A breath of relief. A prayer to Eywa. A hug.
They hugged back, the warmth momentarily overtaking their mind.
Tsu'tey broke the hug first. He pulled back and looked them in the eyes. "Idiot child."
"Wow, big thing to say to someone who saved your life, hey?"
He gently slapped their forehead. "If you do something as reckless that again, I will kill you myself."
They smiled. "You're welcome."
"I will get Zeyko."
They wanted to say no, like before with Jake. But this was different.
Their avatar actually sustained physical damage. A lot of it. So they watched Tsu'tey go, using the time to finish assessing their wounds.
The bandages wrapped all around their back. Healing paste still looked fresh on some flesh wounds around their wounds. Other than that they looked okay. At least those stupid experiments had some merit.
Tsu'tey returned quickly with Zeyko, who brought a basket of something.
"You are finally awake, you will be a formidable warrior."
They returned the hug when her arms wrapped around them, avoiding the bandages on their back.
"But I will take you down myself if you continue to be so reckless."
Zeyko insisted on checking the bandages to see if anything split when they got up. Tsu'tey left to give the two privacy.
Her hand brushed against their side, and even with their back facing her, they could see the look on her face. The same look she always has whenever they'd get hurt.
"You always heal so quickly", she pointed out, "is it because of the Skypeople blood in your veins?"
They shrugged, not really in the mood to get into the whole child experiment by a government agency thing.
Zeyko seemed to understand, putting more paste on their back before rewrapping it. "By tomorrow I will be able to take this off. Try not to get into worse trouble by then."
They said goodbye as she disappeared through the flap, Tsu'tey reappearing not a few seconds later.
Tsu'tey insisted that they rest 'even in your other form' he said, laying them slowly down on the bed. "Nothing hurts?"
They shook their head. "How about you? You hit your head pretty hard."
For a moment, they think they spot a flash of embarrassment. "I am fine."
"Those palulukans felt particularly fierce," they said, letting Tsu'tey drape the blanket over them. "Why were they near that spot anyway? It's pretty rare for them to go so far, right?"
He stopped patting down the blanket, taking a seat beside the bed. "Mo'at has declared it a sign. A warning." His eyes find theirs. "Of what, we are not sure."
Maybe it was presumptuous. To think that they would be enough for Eywa to send a warning to the people. But they think it anyway, only for a short moment as Tsu'tey stands.
"Now go, you should rest."
They nod, knowing they can't argue their way out. "Goodnight."
A reply is heard faintly when they close their eyes, traveling through the neural link, and opening them to the sight of the pod's padded insides.
No one is in the lab still. They make sure to turn off the pod from the control room, not even remembering how they turned it on in the first place.
Jake is still there on the bed when they return to the room. He seems to not have moved at all.
They watch him, studying the bags under his eyes. If they'd been asleep three days, they were sure he hardly slept at all. At least from how tired he looked.
The silence didn't bother them now, having been calmed down by friends. Enough for their mind to deem it safe and exit combat mode.
They find the stack of yogurt cups in the fridge, smiling to themselves. Jake could not have filled the tiny fridge by himself. Not with three days worth of food. Nine meals.
They counted the cups which were arranged in neat lines. Norm's doing, no doubt. 23 yogurt cups.
The sight reminds them of hunger and it is as if the thought triggers their body, their stomach rumbling.
The first doctor who opens the room early in the morning is met with a strange sight. A marine sleeping in the hospital cot. The patient sleeping in a wheelchair, resting their head on the bed. And multiple cups of yogurt stacked by the bedside.
Grace and Norm visit when the news spreads that they are awake.
"You had us scared for a second there kid," Grace says warmly, even while watching the nurse who is trying to stick a needle into their vein for a blood sample. Her piercing gaze making the poor guy tremble.
Jake had also glared when he saw the needle, but someone called him out. They heard something about Quaritch.
Norm speaks up, also glaring at the nurse. "I'm surprised you aren't still sick. How did you eat 23 cups of yogurt in one go?"
"I was hungry." They shrugged with one arm, trying to keep the other still. "And I like yogurt."
"Never doubted that second part."
"How was your little rendezvous yesterday?"
They look up at Grace, who smiled. "You don't think we have cameras in there? How else will I know if anyone spits in my coffee?"
They smile slightly. "It felt okay. The body's fine. I had a few wounds but I'm getting the bandages removed tomorrow." They left out Zeyko and Tsu'tey, and Tsu'tey's words about the palulukans being a warning.
The three nodded, listening intently.
"What else?" Norm asks when they don't continue.
"What?" A pause. "I have a scratch on my right arm- or left. Right, I think-"
"He means your other injuries."
Another pause. "What injuries?"
The two look at each other, and Norm decides to explain. "When we brought you here you were in really rough shape. You had deep gashes in your back. I thought I could see your spine."
"What else?"
Grace replies this time. "A broken left arm. Shattered your wrist almost completely. You had a linear fracture on your skull."
"Is that bad?"
"Not fatally, but you should have been closely monitored."
"I think I was," they said. "Zeyko said she checked on me often."
Grace nodded, looking thoughtful. "That's nice."
"But-" Norm intervened "you're saying you only have scratches now? How is that-" He paused, realizing they all knew how. "Is that possible? Physically?"
They all turn to the nurse who has finally finished drawing the blood. He seems to realize they are asking him. "It's- it could be. With a regular human, no. But since it's your avatar and it's..."
Not regular, they assumed.
"It's possible especially since the Na'vi have stronger bodies."
Norm nodded, which the nurse took as a cue to go, leaving quickly and almost dropping the blood vial.
Another doctor came in soon after, declaring the fit to leave. Their avatar had taken all the injuries anyway.
Grace lead the way to the lab and Max hugs them upon their entrance. "They didn't tell me they were saving their yogurt cups, I only found out yesterday so I could only get two."
They smile. "It's fine, thank you."
"It's not fine," Norm said, standing beside Max. He stage whispers, "they ate all the yogurt as soon as they woke up."
"I did not."
Norm raised a brow.
"It was a little after I woke up, technically."
Max only chuckled, patting their back and prepping the pod. "Doctor cleared you for this?"
"'Course she did." The familiar feeling of gel padding immediately relaxing them. "They think I'm indestructible."
They don't miss the concerned glint in his eyes when they say that.
"But I have a feeling if I ever start a pod unauthorized again Grace will put that to the test."
Max continued pressing more buttons, grinning. "And Selfridge would be furious if he found out. Guy's been extra insufferable lately."
"An asshole's gonna be an asshole."
He smiled as the lid closed, and then their eyes were opening again.
They get up, shaking their head lightly. The light is shining through the gaps again. Morning light.
It took longer to take the doctor's clearance than they thought. They spotted the bed beside them, empty. Perhaps Tsu'tey got tired of waiting for them to wake again.
When they open the tent flap, they gaze upon an unfamiliar part of hometree. Somewhere secluded. Of course, they thought. A sick skyperson can be nowhere near the people.
Even so, they take a step outside. The moss under their feet feels like home. The sunlight on their skin.
The animals way below, their calls making it to their ears, which twitched as they tried to pick out specific sounds.
The forest looked welcoming, but they settle for the branches, not wanting to stray too far.
They lay on one of the branches. Breathing in. Breathing out. Watching the light filter through the leaves.
Like that, they could forget the blur of memories they couldn't quite remember.
When they stayed still long enough, it felt like they could hear it. Feel it. The energy that connected everything. The power. Each breath borrowed. Each life tied to an end.
It felt nice to fill their head with such thoughts and feelings, instead of war or injury.
As if out of spite, a shot of pain rips through their leg. It makes them shoot up and grab at it. But it is gone as quickly as it appeared.
A reminder, they think.
"There you are."
They turn, seeing Mo'at approaching them. They stand, bowing and greeting her.
"Oel Nga'ti Kameie, Tsahik."
She returned the gesture. "You are walking so soon after your injuries, does it not hurt?"
"And yet I saw you hiss as if in pain just now."
Their eyes find the ground. They didn't lie but they had yet to explain anything about her condition to any Na'vi. Not Mo'at or Zeyko or Tsu'tey or Neytiri. No one.
"It is different, I am well."
Her piercing eyes study theirs. "If you say so. Sit, we must talk."
Oh, they think as they follow her words and sit back down. She's here to talk about the warning.
Just as they think it, Mo'at confirms.
"Eywa has told me of your bravery in response to her warning. She has talked to you."
They don't remember anything like that, but somehow they know the answer is yes.
"The warning, she cannot say what of. It will impact our future too strongly if we know."
They nod along. Were they enough to have that big an impact?
"She has told me something else."
They look up at her, and she is watching them with a softer gaze. She says something that shocks them. Halting their thoughts. Like the information got stuck between the cogs of their brain.
She leaves with a smile. They don't know how long it is until they stand and make their way back to the tent. But her words ring in their mind.
"Unbelievable", they think aloud.
"What is?"
They look up. Tsu'tey stands in front of the tent, two bowls in his hands.
"Nothing. Is that for me?"
He nods, motioning them into the tent. There he tells them to sit down and hands them a bowl. Talioang meat. Their favorite.
"I've been told you haven't been hunting lately."
Another flash of embarrassment. Brief, but clearly there. "I did today."
They nodded, taking the carved husk and gratefully scarfing down its contents. Tsu'tey ate carefully in contrast.
Still, as soon as their mind wandered they were pulled again to those words. Mo'at had really surprised them. They went to tell Tsu'tey when he spoke first.
"I would like to show you something today, if that is fine."
What could he be planning to show them? They obviously hadn't seen everything the forest had to offer, but what was so new that he had to ask to show it to them?
"Sure, that'd be nice."
They ate in silence, Tsu'tey taking the bowls after. Just as he left, the flap was opened, and in came Jake, grinning. Sweat stuck to his skin and he breathed heavily. It was clear that he ran from one of Neytiri's lessons to check on them.
He kept his questions quick, looking like he kept a mental count of the seconds to know when he should head back. And he did after around two minutes, calling out a "just wait! I'll get my clean kill in no time!"
Zeyko arrived just a little after that, all soft smiles and lilting laughs. She carefully unbandaged them as if they were gravely ill, inspecting their back to make sure the wounds were healed. Then she excused herself, talking about a direhorse accident that needed to be attending to.
When she left, they exited the tent again, going back to the branch they'd previously laid on. Maybe they should've felt restless, having had three days of deep sleep. But all they felt was tired.
It scared them to sleep. Maybe they would go back into a coma if they did. Was that how those worked?
Even so, as they stared up at the leaves drifting with the wind, they found themselves falling asleep.
This time, Tsu'tey found them. Sleeping on a patch of moss bathed in sunlight. He almost didn't want to wake them. But they woke without him doing anything.
Eyes blinking open and brows furrowing in confusion when they see they are outside.
"You should not be sleeping here, you could fall." He extended a hand. "It is a long way down."
The two began the walk back to the tent in silence.
They brushed the sleep from their eyes, shaking their head as if rattling their thoughts back into place. After a while, they realized they would have already passed the tent, looking around and seeing that they were being led elsewhere.
Tall ferns brushed against their arms, getting thicker and thicker as they went.
Tsu'tey kept to a small track, woven through the plants with care, looking back every so often to check that they still followed.
It felt familiar. And they realized it was. They had taken this path once before, hadn't they?
They were about to ask when they nearly bumped into Tsu'tey's back.
He said nothing and stepped aside to show a particularly large fern leaf, then he pulled it aside to reveal an alcove.
An indent in the tree. Wide and deep enough to lie down comfortably.
He guided them to it, and the two sat there in comfortable silence. After three days, they could finally continue their daily activity. Watching the eclipse take place.
Darkness slowly but surely enveloping the forest. Casting its shadow over everything.
There is a moment of true darkness. A short moment, before the world lit up again. A light of its own. Scattered colors shining and almost twinkling.
An entirely different world in just a few seconds. All from the comfort of the alcove, which shielded them from the cool night air.
They had a lot of questions but voiced none of them. Silence felt fitting. They didn't understand the significance of the alcove, but they felt like he had shown them something intimate. Like he had told them something that he had never told anyone else. And they wondered why he would do that.
Because they saved his life?
No that wasn't it. There was something else.
They don't know why. But something in them is reeling to talk. To finally tell someone what they are.
Maybe because of Mo'at's words and how, if they didn't tell anybody now, telling them later would be more of a betrayal. What were Mo'at's words? Prepare yourself, you wil soon have your iknimaya.
"Do you remember when Zeyko asked why I bleed so much?"
He glanced at them, confused by the sudden question, but nodded anyway. "You said people do not enjoy hearing why."
"They don't. It's not - it isn't something they understand easily."
This seemed to pique his interest.
They begin to wonder if they should say it. But if they didn't, and what Mo'at said would happen happened. Without anyone knowing that they were unnatural. Only shipped to Pandora for the barest chance of them being useful in keeping the Na'vi in line.
So they do say it. Starting from the beginning. From how they were made from DNA of fallen soldiers. To how they were raised in a bunker, exposed to experiments that burned information into their head. To how they were freed, only to end up in a larger cage.
How the RDA bought them like a piece of equipment. Right off the government's hands. Hoping to make use of their knowledge in the fight starting on Pandora.
How they built them an avatar and locked them in it for days to experiment on their human body, and vice versa.
All the horrors of their past.
How they all lead to them on Pandora to fight against the people, not learn from them as they had been doing.
When they finished, they went quiet. Allowing him time to process. Preparing themselves for the chance of him pushing them over the edge to get rid of another annoyance.
This was selfish of them after all. To share their sob story and tack in the addition of them being a possible weapon against the people.
"You should not have come to my aid."
They balk. What? It's as if he hears the question and continues.
"I am a warrior. A warrior should protect, not be protected."
They don't protest, too confused by his words.
"You said you are a warrior, you are not. A human child cannot be a warrior." The words come with a frost to them.
He stares ahead now as if he is still replaying the sunset and eclipse in his mind. Turning back time to that moment in the forest with his arrow against their chest. Maybe he imagines he lets go of the bowstring, and the pain is eradicated then and there.
"It is hard to believe. You are all smaller, softer, and yet violent and cowardly. Hiding away in metal contraptions." Oh. They understood now. "How can a skyperson, a child, risk their life for another? If it was that easy-"
His words were confused. Anger and confusion. Anger and sadness. It all led to this. The teaching. The begrudging acquaintanceship. Skypeople had taken too much from him. Too much. And yet they dared give him something in return. They dare save him.
"You lie and you steal and you cannot be taught. But a child-" He shakes his head slightly. "Why is a child a warrior? Why does a child risk their life?"
They dare let a child save him. A child, of all things. After all of it, they dare send a child to soften his heart.
And maybe he felt angry at himself, too. For needing to be saved. For being caught by surprise. And for letting their little ploy work. For feeling scared for the skyperson, as if their people hadn't killed his without mercy.
This is why he hated any sort of relationship. They always had to be complicated by love or hate or anything.
Granted, this surely presented itself as an outlier in its complexity. The next Na'vi to lead the people growing to care for the one the enemy with an inkling to destroy them.
The people he hated so much. The one he tried to treat like a sibling after many months of resistance, thinking that after those months they are different.
But they are not.
They are the same.
They are worse.
But in his moment of betrayal, he thinks of the night before.
When they woke up, he stayed to watch them go back to sleep before leaving. Walking to the tree of voices.
He talked to Sylwanin there. About the dreamwalker. About how he had grown to care for them and felt conflicted. Like he had betrayed the people.
She comforted him, but when he asked for advice she gave her usual words. That others wiser than her still lived. But she said something else.
"Children are children because they are growing. Grace Augustine told me that, it seemed so obvious." She laughed softly. "Perhaps your skyperson can grow to be one of the people. A child should not be blamed for what they were born to be, do you not think?"
He looks at the child beside him. A child. He had been thinking of them as a child the whole time, why did he suddenly think differently when they told him? As if they intentionally deceived him. And the People. The Tsahik. The Olo'eyktan.
"A child should not be blamed for what they were born to be," he says, repeating her words in the cool air, "or for what they have endured."
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@rebeccao03 @eywas-heir
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wyvernquill · 4 years
WyvernQuill's GOOD OMENS Works - Masterpost
Hello everybody, hope you're doing well in these turbulent times! I figured now would be as good a time as any to compile all my GO fics here, so anyone affected by quarantine/social distancing measures can treat themselves to a bit of Ineffable Goodness if they're so inclined. (All of these are Aziraphale/Crowley, with the occasional side pairing thrown in, and all of them have/will have a happy ending, no matter what!)
So, without further ado:
Good Endings (56k, completed, T): humorous post-canon slow burn with ensemble cast matchmakers, angst, and Pratchettisms abound; book canon, mostly written pre-show, with plenty of illustrations!
Flies and Furniture (<1k, completed, G): Ineffable Bureaucracy gets lost in an IKEA. That's it, that's the fic. More than a bit cracky, obviously.
Marriage and Misery (10k, completed, M): Regency-era marriage of convenience, lots of pining and misunderstandings; human AU, but pointed avoidance of period-typical homophobia - Aziraphale has many struggles to overcome, but being gay ain't one of 'em!
Team Ineffable - A Pokémon GOmens Story (3k, completed, G): humorous meet-cute fluff with a bit of a crack twist, in which Crowley and his one (1) braincell try to pass him off as a Pokémon Go expert to impress Aziraphale; human AU, no real knowledge of Pokémon Go required.
By Any Other Name (12k, completed, T): soulmate names AU with a bit of a twist, full of pining and misunderstandings. Crowley's name reads "Aziraphale", but Aziraphale's doesn't read "Crowley"...; follows canon through the 6000 years of slow burn, part of a Soulmate AU pact with Lurlur and Pearl09 - do read their fantastic fics here and here, too!
All's Fair In Love And Serial Killing (10k, completed, M, graphic violence): serial killer/cop AU that is far cuter and sillier than that premise suggests - apparently I can't write anything without a twist to it; human AU, mind the warnings, minor character death but only bad guys, unreliable-narrator!Crowley.
Yes and Please and Thank You (19k, ongoing, T): lots of angst, Crowley has been under an obedience curse since before meeting Aziraphale and it causes Problems(tm); first two chapters follow canon, everything after is post-canon, some Adam&The Them feels thrown in for flavour.
AN ANTICHRISTMAS CAROL (7k, ongoing, T): retelling of A Christmas Carol but with more of a romance plot; human/Victorian AU, written in the style of Dickensian prose.
Born To Take Care Of You (18k, completed, M): reverse!Omens mutual pining and mistaken identity, featuring Azirafell, Baron of Eternal Torments, and the Archangel Raphael pretending to be merely a demon called Crowley; reverse AU, obviously, follows the 6000 years of slow burn.
Tied Up With String (comic, completed, G): silly little fluff comic for the Christmas season, featuring atrocious self-knitted sweaters.
The Whole Damned World Seemed Upside Down (102k, completed, M): my GOBB fic! Crowley in opposite-world, humour, second apocalypse, lots of angst and pining with a happy ending. Ensemble cast, but, y'know, OPPOSITE ensemble. Main selling points include: Death doting over an adorable kitten, the Not-Them, Notziraphale actually selling his books, and secret library parties!; one-year-post-show canon. Also has beautiful art, and a fantastic mini-sequel by @rosiepaw!
Here's some more fics that I can only take partial credit for, so to speak:
Correction Fluid (16k, completed, E): very very smutty, and very very kinky. Doing your taxes (yes, really) has never been so hot - I was mostly involved in the form of 50+ humorous footnotes, all the wonderful sex is the work of... entirely too many fantastic fellow authors who just went feral in a Google doc.
Correction Fluid [ART] (art, completed, M): see above - sexy collab art for sexy collab fic, coloured by the awesome robynthemagpie!
Līgfāmblāwende (5k, completed, G): St. George and the Dragon, except it's Crowley and he's really just playing along with it for laughs. Light-hearted and fun!
Of Good Books & Black Omens (11k, completed, T): crossover with Black Books - Aziraphale and Bertram strike up a friendship over hating the customers of their respective bookshops, and Crowley feels replaced; Manny, meanwhile, is just along for the ride. Knowledge of Black Books enriches the experience, but possible to read just for Aziraphale and Crowley, as well.
My Fair Angel (14k, completed, G): writing all done by the amazing @handlebarstiedtothestars, I only did the illustrations. Retelling of My Fair Lady, in which Aziraphale and Crowley attempt to pass off the Them as little heirs and an heiress; includes lots of delicious, delicious pining and genderqueer!Crowley in Audrey Hepburn's beautiful dresses.
Miami Ice (3k, ongoing, T): a present for @aughtpunk, built around their prompt of Aziraphale and Crowley being responsible for the Under Pressure sample in Ice Ice Baby - now with extra Florida, alligators, NASA, and space!
And, I only drew for these, but can personally vouch for their fantasticness, so what the Hell, they get included in this list, too!
Panem Et Circenses (89k, completed, T), by @thelittleblackfox: Aziraphale and Crowley take part in the Great British Bake-Off. Need I say more? Absolutely brilliantly written and downright delicious, and you'll LOVE Mel and Sue!!! Not a human AU, but canon divergence - slown burn, and lots and lots of mutual pining.
Butterflies In A Bell Jar (31k, completed, T), by @still-not-king:two office workers meet, hit it off, and fall in love, almost as if they've always known each other... but why is the office's non-fraternisation policy so unforgivingly strict, and what's the deal with their odd bosses? An absolutely wonderful office human!AU... or IS IT!?!? ;)
All The World's A Stage (16k, completed, G), by @ifeelbetterer: theatre students Adam and Warlock are matchmaking between their professors Crowley and Aziraphale, and maybe, possibly, perhaps, growing fond of each other in turn... adorable, full of pining, and some big misunderstandings all around!
Tadfield Heat (15k, completed, M), by @vodkertonic: do you like Hot Fuzz? Then you'll love this one! Crowley and Belle (Beelzebub) are detectives in a tiny little village, and their respective crushes, bookshop owner Aziraphale and the strange new American in town may or may not actually be spies... Ineffable Bureaucracy and Ineffable Husbands, an absolute delight!
Roman Holiday (30k, completed, G), by @percyjacksonfan3: beautiful, touching retelling of the movie, featuring genderfluid!Crowley (and a less bittersweet ending than the original, rest assured!)
All of these five are absolutely fantastic fics I am honoured to have had the privilege of drawing for, and I promise you're going to enjoy every single one!!!
That's all of them for now, though rest assured I have more planned - I'll update this list if any of the ongoing fics get completed, or if I start a new one. Please enjoy, and stay safe everyone!
^-^ <3
(And here's some dancing book!Husbands for you, just because!)
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