#they're just having a snowball fight nothing serious ^__^
pottetto · 2 years
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“My life has finally...finally gotten kinda fun.”
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spotlightlowlife · 7 months
What Hangout Hotel could take from Lucifer the tv show
One thing these two had in common, season one wasn't very good, learning names and the initial plot was the main takeaway.
Lucifer did atleast stick to its initial plot of 'this is the devil, he's charming, he can get those hiding something to tell on themselves, he works with police detectives, he has a nightclub, he has family issues', easily done when it all fits the characters and reasons for being around one another
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Charlie on the other hand is the devil's daughter, she's nice, she wants to help sinners make it into heaven through rehabilitation, she has a hotel and sort of has family issues, simple enough to pull off had it not been buried under side plots from others
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yet unlike Lucifer, Charlie's niceness isn't a means to an end, it's her whole personality, whilst part of Lucifer's charm is hypnosis
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we see Lucifer present in his club regularly, we don't see Charlie running a hotel
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we see Lucifer helping police solve crimes, we don't see Charlie making any effort to help anyone in their rehabilitation journey, it's debatable if she even wants her friends to upgrade out of there and there's not even been a hint of interest into anyone's backstories Vaggie being a prime example even though there are those who remember being alive Mimzy, nor is there interest in their intentions Alastor or if they're suitable, does Charlie vet or troubleshoot? Surely she need to get her investigative head on if she's serious, take a leaf out of the spinoffs book that atleast opened with the assassination agency at work.
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This is a big glaring issue because this is what we were sold. Attaining the hotel and starting up the business was no issue, we didn't even see it happen, but then nothing else work wise happened.
Charlie's family issues, no matter where they choose to go with her mother, have been an unnecessary late inclusion.
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Once Lucifer began getting into the swing of things and we learnt more about these family issues, we would soon learn that there was no real structure, the angels were bickering siblings either sticking to what they knew or scrambling to one up one another, desperately seeking validation
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daddy issues wasn't just a Lucifer problem, the mother wasn't really an issue and when daddy did show up, the god character of this world, he probably wasn't what many expected, a free spirit, loving but very out of touch parent who sees his children as adorable and doesn't like it when they fight, yet the freedom granted and lack of interference has been a major contributor to their fighting. Freedom and lack of interference has been something that has humans asking questions too. Small actions snowball.
This character was yet another in this series to effortlessly created a divide between those like humans and those who aren't.
In Hazbin we get the similar setup of a godless reality with a load of infighting as angels form structure and rules, Lucifer here is too a charismatic outcast
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yet other Lucifer would place himself on earth where he probably doesn't really belong, to start working and live a different lifestyle for some time, surprisingly not in a position to lord it over the 'mere humans', not that he wanted to, Hazbin Lucifer we are told is depressed, we are guided to believe did nothing wrong though he clearly did and all is magically not a problem the moment he can impress his daughter.
Why was it that simple?
What is he really doing all day?
Where does the leadership come in?
Why doesn't anyone bring serious questions his way, like the agreed upon exterminations?
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There are many demons of hell in both series's. Lucifer of the namesake tv show is neglecting his work as their leader to be on earth, there are repercussions for this as demons have tried to topple him. He also has a demon at his side bothered by his absence, who has her own journey of not getting humans and having a major mama issue, these issues are a major part of her character and get tackled.
Hazbin Lucifer is the god of his very own realm and 'his people' are former humans who he despises, which means nothing to anyone. He has been in hell since it has began, somehow not leading and there are no consequences for any actions, anything goes, killing heaven's angels? No problem.
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In the other show however, two heavenly or prehistoric figures cross paths and word spreads, the characters mean something.
Lucifer picked up, however many seasons Hazbin has left, they could do with following suit and staying focused.
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zzthekaiju · 4 months
Best of the Reptiles in Media - 04 - Sislo
Hello again! Today, we're going to focus on a very special scaly character. One that pretty much nicks all of my boxes as to what I look for when I see reptilian protagonists. A guy who's story is one of bloodshed, love, heartache, and above all, redemption.
I'm of course talking about the protagonist of indie comic book artist Marcel Rocha AKA @rochasaurusrex 's magnum opus, Flowers of Etrea. Namely, Sislo Haeos.
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(All art here is by the man himself, BTW)
Sislo here is what happens when we take what would typically be a member of a bad guy race in a fantasy world, flip the script, and make him the main character. That alone is a pitch that I'm going to take, hook line and sinker. I cannot emphasize how much of a power move it is to make the hero of a story the sort of being you'd expect to be, at best, the minion of the main villain or something. After all, lizard folk can't be heroes, right? They're too icky and gnarly and scary, right?
WRONG...sort of. Sislo may be a good guy lizard, but there's an aspect of his character that puts him above a simple case of wish fulfillment:
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But I digress for now, time for an introduction.
Sislo is a Cherufe, a reptilian humanoid species native to the lands of Etrea. His past is muddy, but what we do know is that he was a former slave to the Iron Industry, which is basically the Empire, currently making everyone's lives worse by taking far more than they give. Currently, he lives with his wife, a kindly and optimistic dryad named Tetheril. However, duty comes knocking when her father falls ill, and only a specific flower (a rose, that is) can cure him. Said flower can only be found within the Iron Industry's walls, forcing Sislo to confront his former masters...and so much more.
So, we have a huge burly and only slightly surly lizardman who's in a healthy interspecies relationship with an adorable woman out to go on a humble goal that naturally snowballs into an epic full of friends and foes both new and old. And it is equal parts compelling and awesome!
Sislo as a character, at least within one's first impression, is a fairly standard protagonist of a gritty fantasy story, albeit a lot of the rougher aspects are toned down a bit so that nothing's a total downer. Yes, he has his hang-ups (ooooh, boy does he ever), but he's not a total stick in the mud. In fact, he can be an amusing doofus at times. It's nice to see a lead like that. One capable of feeling emotional weight while being able to actually crack a smile every so often.
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The biggest highlight of Sislo's character is his relationship with his wife. Unsurprisingly, it's mostly based on Rocha's relationship with his own real-life wife. So little surprise that the Cherufe and the dryad have perhaps the most wholesome thing you'll ever see a big scary lizardman be a part of in media (at least for now). Despite being complete opposites in terms of personality, they couldn't be a better fit for one another. What makes it work is how they compliment each other. Sislo is the muscle, but at the same time he provides Tetheril a source of confidence and protection for the journey (granted, both can kick serious ass, but he's especially eager to jump into a fight when the opportunity presents itself). Tetheril, meanwhile, offers him a rock, a means of knowing that for all of his faults, he's a very good person at heart, and he'll always have her to remind him. Really, most of the reason I read this story to the end was to see them just being relationship goals over and over again.
But then comes the twist. And this is where the layers thing comes into play.
You remember that part about Sislo being a slave to the Iron Industry? Well, the finale of part 2 has a rather, ahem, shocking revelation about that. Main antagonist Ondiox points out to Tetheril (while poor Sislo is forced to watch, no less) that there was no slavery. The sob story that was the Cherufe's backstory is a fabrication.
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Sislo didn't suffer under the Iron Industry. He helped found it.
Ondiox freed him as a child from an actual state of slavery before they and a couple others basically tore the old order apart, making way for a brand new empire. And Sislo not only butchered and ate Ondiox's enemies alongside his half-brother Zama (who's basically Sislo if he had no reservations to speak of), he RELISHED in it. For creatures like him, eating fresh meat and blood is akin to having a major drug addiction, and Sislo had one Hell of a supply.
Then one day, Ondiox had him attack an innocent village, and all it took was one gesture of feeble protest from a kid for Sislo to realize that he had not only brought upon an even worse regime by helping his rescuer/father figure, but he had become the very monster anyone would peg him as just by a glance. In that moment, he disowned Ondiox and the Iron Industry...and nearly got killed for it before striking out on his own and finding Tetheril one day.
So yeah, Sislo may be a subversion of the Evil Reptile trope, but that's only because he played it straight for the longest time, and it horrified him. But really, while they say that he lied about being a slave…the way I read it, he was technically telling the truth. Yeah, he didn't actually kill anyone against his own will, he clearly enjoyed feasting on people as per his primal nature, but he was still a puppet of an ego-maniacal dictator. The chain of oppression wasn't there, but it was THERE. It's just that Ondiox was very good at hiding it.
And after all of that is revealed, after that atomic bomb of a revelation, you bet your back scales I was expecting Tetheril to leave the man who had spend countless years feeding her a false narrative due to how much the actual one left him broken and traumatized at himself. I mean, come one, the "liar revealed" trope was just rearing its ugly head in that moment...
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Real talk, this was what happened in the original story, back when it was a novel. But I think I know why it's now out of print. Tetheril isn't going to just abandon her husband and the love of her life. It's clear as day to her that there is nothing she could say or do to him that he hasn't already said or done to himself. The man who made her life Heaven on Earth very clearly DESPISES the monster he once was, and for that, she thinks he more than deserves a chance to show how much he's changed.
I could have not have read this part of the story at a better time in my life. Flowers of Etrea was my wake-up call that I've made my mistakes, but the only awful people in this world are the ones who look back on their ill deeds and don't reflect on them at all. Those who actively choose to be better, to learn and grow, they can find redemption no matter what. And they'll find it doubly so when we are there to give them a chance. Now, I'm not saying I've ever done anything as awful as assist a dictator in taking over the world, but there have always been times when I've felt that I've made careless decisions in which I did wrong by those I loved.
Sislo is proof that if I really care about being a good person now, there's nothing I've done in the past that I can't overcome.
Oh, and the final confrontation between him and Ondiox is just one awesome moment after another. I won't talk about it too much, but it does contain the most badass exchange ever, and this time in the context of something NOT directed by Michael Bay.
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If you want to see how it all ends and/or just more of this amazing protagonist, GO BUY "FLOWERS OF ETREA"! All three parts are available on Amazon, and there's an Omnibus coming out very soon if you're willing to wait!
But yeah, that's Sislo for you. Just a perfect fantasy lizardman whose story has been incredibly inspiring for me. He taught me to forgive myself for the mistakes of my past, he's just a super charming and cool creature to begin with, and the love he and his wife have for each other might as well have "RELATIONSHIP GOALS" emblazoned on every panel featuring them.
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saltysplayt00ns · 1 year
Heights heights and snider-sauce
I did this one a long time ago, figured I show it here especially that the heights are being changed to accommodate characters the author is favoriting.
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It has not changed since then and the Akiulfrs are getting more smaller and more Jaro looking then a "wolf" even animals such as the felines are looking more Jaro and unfortunately certain creatures that are just...creatures with canine traits. how is anyone surviving in only Nova meat. The bears are not eaten and neither are the bulls and others. we seen one time with a boar and another with flying hares and one with cats eating dogs, but other then that everyone just seems to eat only nova or pre-cut meat.
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Heights changed from before and now after
For the record I do not like Rome for many reasons but more so as the story progresses. He is LITERALLY replacing Thakir a mediator priest and a rabbit who was supposed to replace Thakir as Jahla's confidant but is now pushed back as well. BOTH being nothing more then fodder and comedy relief when their was much more then that, Thakir's personality went a 360 the moment he got kicked out and dealing with a hostile land.
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Rome's traits as of now
Rome is basically a "yes man" which is someone who kiss ass, Simps is also a thing too. The dog is unhinged along with the other dogs, he is not adventurous, nor humble, nor any flirty traits he is however reckless, impulsive, gullible, inconsiderate and a 'know it all'. Rome could have saved all the hassle if he just went to the capitol to state the ambassador was kidnapped, why the bloody amazon he sent a BEACON if he knew the tribe was not friendly, to lure in members?? what if it was a female?? or they're into innocents males instead?? it's literally meteor but still in development, he was not in distress and could easily left the tribe and went to another one. He also seems to know stuff aka: godmodlling' then what he should know along with others. It just doesn't make sense.
If you want them to be in a relationship, make it make sense If someone agrees to everything including murdering and stuff?? I would call for help or a warrant on them that's dangerous blind loyalty Rogio and Ranach had.
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Edit: wanted to get images for visual purposes and to make sure I am remembering it correctly ( this is an 800+ page with no volume )
REMEMBER Jahla left cause Rhov was concerned involving trust on aliens that left them in a hostile planet ( I believe after Zilas got killed) and stated she wanted to stay, and now Jahla is agreeing on the same thing Rhov stated but in monologue delusions and saying it with a BIG yikes all for it to get cut off by Rome to just frolic around or he just agrees to it and be Romeo to his Juliet.
Cutting a serious topic to just frolic, just like Jahla frolic with the rabbit after a serious situation of a family needing help, and its not just Jahla, roamer had done it ( went swimming when Ronja was in peril & when making out with Rogio in front of kids) , Rhov and Feaf had done it, Axiylah the serious one on a very tight deadline did it playing snowball fights, and majority of the dogs did. Forget that we're starving and possibly trapped by a beast who doesn't jump over barrier because plot armor, lets frolic, sit around, sex and dance about.
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stardustedknuckles · 3 years
“If you throw that snowball at me…” for BeauYasha because I'm smad that Beau pelted Yasha with a snowball during The Snowball Fight™ and no one heard cuz Marisha got talked over???
I also loved where that could have gone lol. I've already done this exact premise once, let's see where we can go this time...about 1k, fluff, snowball fights and valiant attempts to have fun in the snow with clothes staying on. (post-canon, rated T, they're just silly and in love)
Snow in Rexxentrum looks almost nothing like it had in Aeor for the most part. Here it dusts rooftops and powders the pines around them, takes the gray smoke coming from the chimney of the little house they share and makes it a beacon of warmth against the lighter gray sky - no easy feat turning the color of dullness into something so cozy. At first it was sparse enough and the ground warm enough that the snow had functioned mostly as a kind of harmless decoration, but today Beau wakes up to a world gone white and ah. There it is. The twist in her gut, the memories hovering behind her eyes, the restless sleep that almost seems to have woken her to point out its cause.
Beau sits up in the bed next to Yasha and stares out the window, peeling the blue-shadowed hush of snow away in her mind to imagine the yard underneath it, and she doesn't realize she's rubbing at the back of her hand until her girlfriend stirs awake and fumbles for it gently with sleep-blurred movements.
"Hey baby." Her voice is high-pitched in the way Beau rarely hears; most mornings Yasha prefers not to speak until coffee has been consumed. "S'okay?"
A little tension slips from Beau's shoulders as she smiles down at those half-lidded eyes of stained glass, reaching to push a strand of white from Yasha's warm cheek and feeling her heart melt at the little sigh she gives as she nuzzles into Beau's fingers. "I'm okay," she assures, and it's mostly true. She rolls more words around in her mouth, testing. "Just not a lot about deep snow in every direction that makes me feel very...comfortable."
Even half awake, Yasha picks up on the import behind Beau sharing the last bit unprompted. She's gotten way better at the talking thing in the time they've been together like this, but there are certain places she doesn't go without a good reason - usually involving snapping at the wrong time or lapsing into an old coping mechanism that may or may not work anymore.
Yasha squints a little at the hazy pre-dawn blue sprawled across their yard, but she says nothing about the early hour as she sits up with a yawn and draws Beau into her lap. They both know that Beau's not liable to fall back asleep after waking, certainly not with so much already on her mind and the memory of danger, but she's quiet for so long with her chin on Beau's head and her warm weight against her back that Beau is nearly convinced she's the only one still awake before long. She doesn't mind. She never minds being wrapped up like this, Yasha's scent all around and the thud of her heart more audible for the hush brought by the snow blanketing the house and the world outside.
She still jumps a little when Yasha speaks again, much more clearly this time. "We need better memories of snow. Let's get dressed and go out for a while."
It would almost sound like a joke but for the way she says it, like on some level she needs it as much as Beau does. Maybe that's true, but it doesn't matter. Beau doesn't need a reason to follow. She tips her head up under Yasha's and rests it against her shoulder. "Better memories like catching a cold without a cleric?"
It's not a serious concern, but Yasha's reply still catches her off guard. "You won't, but if you did that would still be better." She presses her lips to the top of Beau's head and breathes her in a little. Then, almost to herself: "I could take care of you with a cold."
Beau doesn't miss the way Yasha's thumb brushes over the back of her hand, and just like that their roles are flipped. Yasha's thinking about the bad stuff too, about how Beau had been marked in a way that terrified them all to their very souls and unable to do a damn fucking thing about it. Yeah, a cold would seem like a damn cakewalk after that, wouldn't it?
"C'mon." She wiggles gently free from Yasha's lap and extends her hands, throwing her a wink when she looks up in mild puzzlement. "Let's go do fun snow shit and then we can have some of that hot chocolate Caddy left us."
Yasha's whole face brightens, and though she's clearly still sleepy her hands readily find Beau's and hold on even after she's standing. The kiss she presses to Beau's mouth is light and sweet, and she's smiling a little when she pulls back and says, "I have a few ideas."
"I'm not saying I wouldn't have sex with you in the snow, but there's winding up with a cold and then there's asking for one and if we both get sick we're gonna be fucked in all the wrong ways."
"I wasn't thinking of that," Yasha says, "not any more than usual at least..."
Beau swallows both a giggle and a thread of arousal and pulls away with effort to start tugging clothes on in the snow-bright dark. "After," she promises. "We'll need to warm up, right?"
Yasha's smiling when she catches the tunic Beau tosses her way, silver in her hair and dusted along her arms and her calves like starlight. "We definitely will."
They spend the first half an hour making out like teenagers against the woodpile, willingly distracted from the initial idea of bringing some of it for the fireplace and narrowly avoiding the throwing of caution to the wind and giving in right then.
"Snow angel," Beau yelps when Yasha's damp, gloved fingertip slides beneath her waistband. "You ever made one of those?"
"Snowman," Yasha pants a few minutes later when they've inevitably rolled onto each other.
Beau gives an exaggerated groan and kisses her once more before flopping away back onto the ground. "Snowman, yep."
They manage to behave for the time it takes them to construct something resembling the sculpture of Caleb's she'd kicked over once before, but when Yasha stands with a frown of concentration and looks it over with her brows furrowed like that, Beau's options start to feel terribly limited. She looks away hastily from the flush in her girlfriend's cheeks and scoops up a bit of snow to pack into a ball. "I think there's really only one thing left to do with snow," she remarks idly.
Yasha turns at that, puzzlement giving way to a playful wariness as Beau continues packing the snow with an air of nonchalance. "You'd better not."
"Who me? What could you possibly be implying?"
"If you hit me with a snowball, I will have to fight back," Yasha explains coolly. "You should know I'm not responsible for what happens next."
It sounds like a warning, which is to say that all the blood in Beau's face finds a more interesting place to be in the second she spends pondering the concept of consequences.
And it's Yasha, and Yasha loves her and there's nobody in the world but the two of them, so Beau hefts the snowball in one hand and lets the grin tugging at the corners of her mouth take over as her girlfriend's eyes narrow.
"That," she replies, "is a risk I'm happy to take."
It's totally cheating that Yasha's already charging by the time Beau throws the snowball - direct hit, obviously - but it's not like a chase involving the two of them would ever end in anything but this: Beau flat on her back and giggling hysterically, Yasha's weight pinning her down as she growls with the heady sound of playful arousal and intersperses her sloppy kisses with teeth. Maybe they'll make it inside before they get too worked up, but honestly? Beau's perfectly fine and feeling more than warm enough either way.
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