#they're something so special to Lockwood and Co how could I not love them
bookwyrm35 · 5 months
Lockwood and Co.'s first and last episode both starting with a shot of a ghost lamp is something so special to me.
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givemea-dam-break · 2 years
Hey hope your having a lovely day or night I was wondering if you would write something for Lucy as I haven't seen alot for her as the other boys.
Maybe when Lucy first arrives instead of the article room being just hers she as to share it with the reader who's been friends with the boys for a while and Lucy is shocked that the reader works withe the boys or something and their is that immediate spark between them.
Anyway even if it's just a Lucy idea you have had that would be amazing as well and if u don't mind tagging me that would be amazing <33
a/n: i would be more than happy to write this! i adore lucy and she holds a special place in my heart (partly because my dad is northern English too and i love their accents) so i hope you enjoy! I'm sorry this has taken so long to come out, i just kept getting stuck in places about what to write haha
warnings: mild language female reader (few pronouns used)
"I'm sorry about the boys. Their test was genuine, but they're like schoolboys and like poking fun."
"It's fine," Lucy Carlyle, Lockwood and Co's new hire, says, but her tone indicates that she's still a little pissed off about it. You can't blame her, you'd been pissed when they did it, too. "How can you work with them? Are they always like that?"
You shrug, fluffing the freshly changed pillows on Lucy's bed. "I've known George since we were kids - don't mistake that for friends, we only knew of each other - and Lockwood... well, he's Lockwood, and you just learn to expect the wildest things from him. I've kind of just learned to either drown out the stupid things they're saying, or I have to be the one to knock some sense into them, especially Lockwood. You'll get used to them."
Lucy places her bags down, brushing her hands over her coat in a nervous gesture. "How long have you been working with them?"
"Only as long as it's been registered, so three months," you say. "George found me just after Lockwood started the company, something about needing someone with good Touch, so you're the perfect fit for the last Talent. And, god, it'll be good to finally have another girl in the house." You walk over to the wardrobe, flinging the doors open. "Okay, so this half of the wardrobe is mine, and this half is yours. I did ask Lockwood if we'd be able to get another, but he's stingy. Luckily for you, most of my clothes stay folded on the floor by my bed, so feel free to use as many hangers as you want -"
"What's in that room downstairs?" Lucy asks, looking over at the bedroom door. "The one on the landing?"
You hesitate. "I don't know. Neither does George. We just know that it's off-limits, and Lockwood gets antsy when the topic even gets brought up. If I were you, I'd steer clear of that conversation for now."
"Right." Lucy sits on her bed, expression tired and confused. "Sorry, this is all just a lot to take in..."
"That's alright. Want me to give you some space for a while? I've got to make a start on dinner soon, anyways. It's my day to cook."
Lucy looks up at you, and something in her eyes pins you to the spot. They're a light brown, glimmering golden in the lamplight of the room, and her hair curls loosely around her face, barely sweeping her shoulders. But those eyes...
"Could you stay?" she asks softly. "Maybe, um, maybe we could get to know each other?"
Grinning, you sit on the bed beside her, giving her enough space to make sure she's comfortable. "Well, it would be a good start if we're going to be sharing a room for the foreseeable future. What do you want to know?"
She eases up a little, relaxing. "Did you say your Talent was Touch? Lockwood never mentioned in the interview."
"Yeah," you say. "I know your Touch helps you hear things, but it helps me see, I suppose you could say. Takes me back to the time of death, or whatever it's linked to. My Listening is alright, and my Sight is a little better."
"I've never really heard of that before. That sounds... cool."
You shrug. "I suppose, unless I'm watching someone being murdered, or something. Usually, it isn't too bad. Lately, my Sight has been needed more than anything."
"Have you got any cases coming up?" Lucy's voice sounds a little more confident now. "With the tests, you guys are well aware that I'm good enough to work here, but I've never seen you guys in action, or heard about it."
"We do, actually," you say. "Tomorrow. Some old lady's husband died not long ago, took a tumble down the stairs, and now is possibly haunting her house. We're going to go and check it out, hopefully find the source and get out unharmed. I'm sure Lockwood will let you tag along. It seems like a simple enough job."
Funny. It is not a simple job.
It goes terribly wrong from the get-go, actually.
First problem: George is late, and nothing you can say to Lockwood convinces him to hold off a little bit to give George time to get there. So, essentially, you're going in blind.
Second problem: judging from the fact that Mrs Hope, the owner of the house, says that she's the only one with a key to the house, the human-like shape you saw moving inside is most certainly a ghost. At not even six o'clock, no ghost should really be active.
Third problem: well, to put it simply, Mr Hope is not the ghost haunting the house. No, that would be too easy, right?
Standing on the landing of the second floor, rapier drawn, you stare up at the ghost of a young woman. Faintly, you can hear her voice shouting out to you, but Listening isn't your strength. She's a creepy one, you'll give her that, just hovering in the air a few feet away, dress and hair blowing as if she's caught in a breeze.
"Luce," you say. "What's she saying?"
Lucy watches the ghost cautiously. "Let me go. But... Something feels different. It's like I can feel what she feels."
"She's a ghost," Lockwood says. "She can't feel anything."
"This is different. This -"
With a horrible screech, the ghost launches herself at Lucy, who stumbles backwards into the stair bannister. In unison, you and Lockwood slash through the Visitor with your rapiers, holding her back as a loud crack! sounds behind you.
"(name)!" Lucy cries. "Help!"
Glancing behind you, your heart almost stops. Lucy has broken through the bannister, and the only reason she hasn't fallen and broken all of her bones is that her boot is stuck in one of the gaps, and she's grasped onto a painting on the wall. Even within a second, her grip is slipping.
Lockwood throws a salt bomb, drawing the ghost away as your reach over, careful not to fall down the gap yourself, and grab Lucy's hand, pulling her back up.
"You okay?" you ask, still holding onto her. "No ghost touch?"
She shakes her head, mumbling, "No. I'm okay."
Something in your chest eases at that. The case is nowhere near over, but she's okay for now, and you find that's all that matters to you.
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ninjamuffin654 · 1 year
Some reasons I dislike Stranger Things, and some reasons I LIKE Lockwood & Co.!
I'm sure that I will be argued with for saying this, but Stranger Things isn't actually that good. (I have just finished watching season 2 with my parents)
It COULD have been brilliant, but it just falls into repetitive storylines, and makes a bunch of really disappointing choices with its characters that just make the narrative feel lazy. Which sucks.
Some spoilers below.
EG: Joyce, Hopper and Bob. Joyce and Hopper work amazingly together, as FRIENDS. They've both had incredibly traumatic and scarring experiences that have left them damaged and broken people. But their friendship allows them to find support from someone who, like they themselves, has been through those things and can help them when they're in distress. Romantically? No, absolutely not. Joyce is continuously shown to be trusting and forgiving, personality traits that her shitty previous partner used against her as tools for manipulation. By contrast, Hopper is regularly shown to be possessive, protective and more than a little controlling, as we can see in his relations with El. Put all that together into a romantic relationship, and you get a really unhealthy environment for them both.
But then there's Bob. Sweet, kind, supportive, gentle Bob. A man who truly adores Joyce and her children and wants nothing but the best for all of them. As my mum put it, he is a fucking incredible example of nontoxic masculinity, and a really refreshing break from the "evil stepfather" trope that is so often seen in media. But nope! Sorry! Despite his amazing character and incredible potential to be something really good for the show, the poor guy is lost to us within the season. Rip Bob you absolute fucking icon.
And there is so much more, too. Out of all the characters, the only ones who really grow and develop as people (in a noticeable way) are Steve Harrington and Dustin. Steve goes from being a selfish, entitled, stuck up shithead to a guy who is reeling from the realisation that his actions have consequences for him and for people he cares about in a single season, and he CONTINUES to try and change himself as the show goes forward, actively trying to be a better person. He and Dustin, the only one of the kids (other than maybe will) to really mature or stand up to the entitled brat that is Mike Wheeler, have a really lovely friendship and it makes me very happy to see how supportive of Dustin Steve is.
Plus the show kind of doesn't do a whole lot with ANY of the girl characters. Max is Just Kind Of There, Nancy is a bit one dimensional, Barb (I am so mad about how much potential she had) died before she ever got to do anything awesome, and Eleven is essentially just the same as Max but is also the magical maguffin they use every so often to get rid of the big bads.
But yeah. Overall, Stranger Things, whilst a decent show, really isn't anything super special. It is, as my mum once again put it, like sugary cereal. Really great on the first taste, but only to be eaten in small amounts so you don't get sick of it.
"But Ninja!" I hear you cry. "If you think this show isn't that great, what shows do you think are?"
Allow me to introduce to you a delightful new series that recently aired on Netflix called Lockwood & Co., based on a young adult book series of the same name.
The show follows the adventures of the titular Lockwood & Co. a team of three teenagers who work together to hunt ghosts, as they begin to uncover a mysterious and immensely dangerous hidden web of conspiracy that could majorly change their whole world view.
Everything about Lockwood & Co., from the costume designs to the soundscaping to the visuals is absolutely incredibly done. The three main characters of Anthony Lockwood, Lucy Carlisle and George Karim, as well as the rest of the cast, have depth and facets to their characters that make them really fun and get you invested in their adventures.
Whether it's Lockwood constantly behaving like an absolute jerk, but learning that acting that way endangers those around him and can get people killed, Lucy gaining a sense of independence and confidence (and getting to push lockwood almost in the thames in one bit which was funny) in spite of constantly being surrounded by cruel and manipulative adults (including her own mum), or George just being the most neurodivergent guy ever and a sassy menace who has to learn that not even he knows everything, you genuinely feel for the characters, and relate to them whether in spite of or because of their flaws.
In addition, a major overall theme that Lockwood & Co. does really well, but Stranger Things not so much, is that the government (and adults) cannot be trusted. Constantly, over the course of the season's 8 action filled episodes, it is reinforced to the viewer that the adult run authorities of this world will do ANYTHING to retain the status quo, and they do not give a single flying fuck for who gets caught in the crossfire. The main characters constantly have to combat cruel, vicious adults who, despite living in a world where children and their ghost detecting skills are one of the most valuable things around, don't give these kids the authority they deserve, or respect for risking their lives nightly. Instead they do everything they can to manipulate and control them, benefitting off of the mass child death the ghost hunting industry causes.
Overall, Lockwood & Co. is an amazing show, with some amazing actors, and I can definitely reccomend it.
To conclude, while Stranger Things has a few things going for it, overall it doesn't do enough with its characters or story to make it a really investing or exciting show to watch. By contrast, Lockwood & Co is a pretty darn decent show so far, with a really great strong female lead and some really fun shenanigans with sound design and lighting.
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Get To Know Me: Friendships
tagged by the lovely @winterlovesong1 thank you!! 💜
rules: name at least five platonic relationships you love, each from a different fandom.
1) The Crows (aka My Crows) / Six of Crows & Sab
It's the found family of it all for me, but mostly the fact that every relationship within that group is iconic af. Don't get me started about Kaz and Nina being the absolute best worsties. Don't talk to me about Jesper and Inej. Wylan and Matthias being the newbies judging the crows until they realize these are the best companions they could ever hope for. Inej and Nina and all their small rescues. Matthias begrudgingly learning to respect and admire Kaz. Jesper and Nina. Wylan worrying about Inej and deciding to stay until they get her back. Kaz and Jesper being brothers. I love all of my crows and I love how much they all love one another. They are simply perfect, I'll take no criticism about this
2) Lucy/George/Lockwood / Lockwood & Co
Ding ding ding, found family my beloved strikes again. What's better than living with your partner and technically your boss and risking your life with them every day? Nothing, that's what. I simply adore trios in general and it's such a delicate balance to write, but this trio is perfect. Each of them believes themselves to be the normal one bringing balance to the other two and I adore that because they each bring something very specific to the table: Lucy, with her emotional maturity and intelligence; Lockwood and his bravery and skillful leadership; George with his cleverness and his humor. They're best friends and they're a family and George will be best man at their wedding and godfather to their daughter and still their friendship will never waver.
3) Alex Stern & Pamela Dawes / Ninth House
My girls!!! My beautiful badass baby girls. If Ninth House made me love them, then Hell Bent made me go 'this is my ride or die favorite friendship'. Literally Dawes is Sunshine and Alex Midnight Rain and I love them. The love is so potent!!! They think they're opposites at first but truly they're both made of steel.
4) The Bus Kids: fitzskimmons / Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
God, I miss my tiny babies!!! I just adore these three together but also the duos within the trio. Inseparable fitzsimmons even without the romantic aspect, fresh out of the Academy, one brain, one heart; Jemma and Skye ("I already have one sister and her name is Jemma Simmons"), Fitz and Daisy when she feels like her entire world is falling apart and he's the one reminding her that who she is is perfect and doesn't need fixing. My most special children.
5) Weller & Patterson / Blindspot
I just love the big brother/little sister vibe between these two. It's another example of found family, no surprise there, but I think that out of all the relationships, this is the one that stuck the most with me over the years. It's the little things: how much he believes in her, how small she looks in his arms, how fierce and feral she is to defend him. Guess I'm gonna have to rewatch the whole show now and get back in that spiral.
tagging @flythesail @sunshineandsciencebabies @katherineebishop
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