#they're still under hyrule or not in the present i mean
lanayrutower · 11 months
hm. something slightly uncomfortable about totk's hyrule origin story huh.
#'hyrule was founded by a benevolent race who were in possession of a GOD-LIKE POWER that they only used to protect the people who were#obviously inferior to them (also these people werent native to the land. just a little note there) and kept them safe provided they#SWORE FEALTY to their new benevolent masters- i mean allies and everyone did except the EVIL GERUDO who found their GOD-LIKE BENEVOLENCE#QUESTIONABLE and REFUSED TO SWEAR FEALTY and also they were so evil that their king's evilness was visible to the eye and turns out it#was because he coveted their GODLIKE POWER for EVIL and not because he wanted to use it to help his people who were suddenly being#pressured into subjugation or anything like that dont worry it was purely Evil Purposes because he turned on his own people right after he#got it 👍'#me SEAn: ..................... huh. interesting.#WHKSHDSKBS it's just a little. you know. it's a little. nvm.#freya talks loz#so it kind of is confirmed that at least at the beginning the other races were sort of below hyrule in a sense. they werent allies as much#as vassal states. i only know zelda's side of the story rn havent reached what's going on with link yet so maybe that gets covered. whether#they're still under hyrule or not in the present i mean#im also listening to a guy recap it rather than go through all the cutscenes and playthroughs myself so it could just be how hes explaining#things but. it is a little weird right. am i the only one who finds it weird.#also plot peeve but why did ganon not just kill zelda when he did sonia. she had a stone too. he could have had two stones. he just laughed#like sir.
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selfship-shenanigans · 2 months
😡 ❌️ 🔞 @thedemoninmywalls
Tysm!! <3
😡 - what's something your f/o does that makes you angry? is it something they can change?
I actually had to stop and think about this for a while lol. There's not a lot that Ganondorf does that makes Ray mad, but one thing that never fails to piss them off a bit is his refusal to accept any kind of affection in public. Ganondorf has a reputation for being a cold, ruthless leader, and he uses that to keep the people of Hyrule in line and submissive to his rule. He looks far less intimidating with Ray clinging to him, so he doesn't let them show him any affection when others can see, especially other Hylians as they're by far the most troublesome to keep under control. Don't get me wrong, Ray understands, but they find it so frustrating to be treated with such distance and coldness when there are other people around. They know full well that he doesn't mean it and it's just to maintain his image, but it still feels shitty sometimes when they want to be able to show their love for him, and he won't let them. On the occasion that they do try to show him some affection - even something small like holding his hand, or a kiss on the cheek - he always stops them, sometimes even scolding them for it. He's told them many times that he won't allow it, but his refusal just frustrates Ray even more. It's definitely something he could change, but it would have repercussions, and he'd never do it.
❌️ - what's the most morally depraved thing you'd put up with from your f/o?
Probably the merciless slaughter of most of Castle Town's population when Ganondorf took over. A good chunk were the town guards and royal soldiers, but most of them were innocent civilians. It pained Ray greatly to watch so many of their kind die at Ganondorf's hands, especially knowing that it was because of their own actions in helping Ganondorf that he was able to do this. But it was a necessary sacrifice if Ganondorf was to achieve his goal of complete and total control over Hyrule, and Ray wasn't about to stand in his way. they were on his side, after all, even if it did feel rather extreme to Ray.
🔞 - is there any sort of power dynamic between you and your f/o? (age gap, boss and employee, teacher and student, etc.) who has more power over whom?
There was definitely more of a power dynamic in the early days, especially pre-relationship. Now Ganondorf views Ray as more of an equal, but in the beginning, he certainly didn't. It was mostly a powerful king vs lowly peasant dynamic, but there was also a pretty big age gap (~20 years). He saw Ray as young, naive, and manipulable, and used them as a pawn to further his own ends with little regard for Ray themself.
All of that changed when Ganondorf did the one thing he wasn't supposed to do, and became attached to Ray. Now that he'd caught feelings, Ray began to really mean something to him on a personal level, and he started to regard them with a lot more respect. These days, their power dynamic is limited mostly to a master/pet dynamic in bed, but it is also subtly present in their everyday lives. Ray is both a loyal partner and an obedient little plaything for Ganondorf, and he revels in their endless devotion to him.
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rotisseries · 1 year
idk anything about loz but do you wanna explain how hyrule is old as balls
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i would LOVE to explain why hyrule is old as balls!!! this applies to both hyrule as a kingdom and the land itself
ok so. first of all. all the mainline games technically fit into a timeline. now the timeline was made AFTER most of the games came out and its clearly not nintendo's no.1 priority when they make their games (it's not mine normally either. personally my preferred interpretation is that all the games are just different versions of the same hyrulean folktale? but the timeline is fun to consider) but nevertheless it IS canonical and amazingly they don't seem to really overtly contradict each other?? I haven't played a lot of the games so I don't know for sure but it works
anyway this is the timeline
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orignally published in 2011 in the hyrule historia, this is a version where someone added breath of the wild, as nintendo stated it comes at the end of the timeline. now you may notice 3 splits. that's not really super important here but botw supposedly comes at the end of all of them equally. unlikely for the one on the far right, but again, unimportant rn)
first thing to establish before we really start getting into it, with the exception of a few games with direct sequels, all of these games have new incarnations of zelda, link, and ganon. (with the exception of twilight princess, the second game in the middle line, which includes the same ganon from the previous game) I haven't played every zelda game, but the ones that I have played present you with the story of the cycle as though it is far enough back that its a mixture of history and legend. everyone who would remember the last events is dead by the time there's a new cycle. so there's at minimum, probably 150-200 years between each new cycle, keep that in mind
now, I'm starting at breath of the wild and tears of the kingdom because I wanna work my way backwards. so, in breath of the wild, it's already been 100 years since the last time anything significant happened. we're already working on a timespan of 100 years. what happened 100 years prior is that link, zelda, and 4 champions were prepping for the next time ganon rose, and then he did but he got them off guard and they weren't ready and most of them died and link had to be put asleep for 100 years to get healed while zelda kept ganon from completely destroying the world in the meantime.
NOW before THAT, the hyrule of botw's LAST cycle was 10k years ago. that is a LONG fucking time already, it's so old that this hyrule is incredibly divorced from its history, the more significant lore of the triforce is little more than a symbolic royal family crest, and it isn't directly referenced at all. all that this hyrule knows is that 10k years ago was the last time ganon rose, and hero and princess defeated him, so they know that they're gonna have to prep for it again, I also can't actually remember but I think? this may also be the first generation in a while that knows of the legend at all, hence why they're the first to prep for it. so anyway, already, at the end of the timeline, hyrule as a civilization is at a minimum 10k years old, for reference, in OUR world, 10k years ago humans were still living in caves. earth was just coming out of the ice age.
now, the latest game, tears of the kingdom actually shows us this 10k years ago, it's shown to us as the early days of the kingdom with its first king and queen. BUT it's still at the end of the timeline. how do I know this? and not that it's possibly at the start? 1. that contradicts a fair amount of previously established lore lol. in tears of the kingdom you get show this dessicated ganon mummy that's been lving under the castle from 10k years ago. if that was the beginning of hyrule entirely then it means for the entirety of the timeline there's been 2 ganons in existence. which is kind of. um. not how it works. ("but what about the ganon they fight in botw?" you may ask. I get the impression that wasn't a real ganon but just a manifestation of mummy ganon's power as he attempts to break free so its not like. a new ganon incarnation)
so anyway, it doesn't work super well if 10k years ago hyrule is actually the first hyrule, and already in the lore the kingdom of hyrule has risen and fallen countless times, it's gone through lots of wars. so I'm thinking the most likely explanation is that hyrule from any previous games fell, all memory of it died out, and then a new hyrule eventually rose in its place, hence why the king and queen self identify as the first king and queen of hyrule. so, AGAIN, the hyrule at THE END OF THE TIMELINE. is already like. hundreds or thousands of years removed from all the previous cycles.
now we're gonna work our way back to the beginning. so, there's 3 different timelines shown on the picture, but only one of them, the middle one, can actually be canonically achieved in the game they split from, ocarina of time, so we're going up the middle line. it's also the shortest span of time, so we're counting hyrule's years at a most generous minimum here.
so, there's an unknown amount of time between 10k years ago tears of the kingdom hyrule, and the last game on the middle line, four swords adventures. got no idea how much time is there but it's probably a lot, bc, again, civilization falling and rising again.
moving on, now when looking into this more, while again, I'm very rarely given explicit and specific time frames, there's generally supposed to be a few hundred years between four swords adventures and the previous game, twilight princess.
now, at twilight princess. as previously stated, that is the same ganon (this is also the first ganon to appear, all games chronologically prior to ocarina of time feature other villains) as the game before it, ocarina of time. (majora's mask, the game actually listed right before it on the timeline, is a direct sequel to ocarina of time and doesn't have significant bearing on this count) the lore of ocarina of time involves a lot of time travel, and in this center timeline, and the achievable canonical ending of the game, link defeats ganon and then goes back in time to warn the hyrule leaders, and ganon is stopped before he can ever get started. he's set to be executed, but evidently they don't succeed, because he's back at it again in twilight princess (I haven't played either of those games so I don't know the specifics) I don't know how long ganon's life expectancy is (clearly a lot though. he still looks like a middle aged man), but twilight princess has a new link and zelda, so assuming ocarina of time link lived a long and healthy life, it's probably been almost a century at minimum. this is also likely the closest gap between games.
now, from ocarina of time to the game before it. there is a vague "countless eras long" hyrulean civil war. so that's another couple hundred years between oot and four swords (different from four swords adventures)
now from four swords to the game prior, minish cap, is another vague and indeterminate amount of time, but it's for sure a new zelda and link, so that's probably over a hundred years again.
AGAIN with the unknown amount of time, we go back from minish cap to skyward sword. skyward sword is the first in the timeline, featuring the first link, the first zelda, and the earliest form of ganon, an evil god called demise who curses link and zelda to forever be reincarnated and to keep having to deal with his ass. now, skyward sword takes place in, the sky!!
the lore of this game is that, an unknown amount of time, long ago, demise cracked open the earth (already full of prospering people btw. no mention of a kingdom though. but keep that in mind. these weren't hyrulean cavemen these were societies) and monsters poured out, he was looking for the triforce, which was passed down from the golden goddesses (hyrule's creation gods) and protected by hylia, another goddess of the land, the triforce is capable of granting any wish to the person who has it. hylia took the triforce and sent it skyward on a piece of land (to be called skyloft) with the remaining surviving humans (hylians. despite the fact hylians are categorically an elven race, they are referred to interchangeably with the term human in the zelda games) hylia then took up forces with the remaining land dwellers (bc there are other races and they just got stuck on earth. fuck those guys ig) and they fought a vicious war that finally resulted in hylia sealing demise away. peace was restored to the surface, but the humans were left up in skyloft because she knew the seal wouldn't hold forever. hylia knew she wouldn't be able to defeat demise again without the help of the triforce, but a goddess can't use the triforce, so she gave up on immortality and was eventually reincarnated as a hylian. the first zelda. the first zelda is literally a direct reincarnation of a goddess. all future zeldas share her bloodline. (funny thing about this is you're never introduced to a hyrulean queen, there's only ever princess zelda and her father, despite the fact their divine right of kings follows a matrilineal line)
an unknown amount of time after the imprisoning war, we're at present day skyloft. they have little memory of the surface and the imprisoning war. og zelda ends up getting thrown down to the surface, where she discovers that she's a goddess incarnation and what her duty is. she's going to purify herself at springs and shit, while link follows trying to find her. there's a bunch of shit that happens while link follows her, eventually there's some time travel where he follows her back to when the goddess had first sealed away demise, zelda tells him she's a reincarnation, hylia intended for the triforce to be used by a chosen hero with an unbreakable spirit (link!!), she ends up getting sealed into a crystal so she can be awoken in her own time, the works. he goes back, does some other shit, part of skyloft breaks off and comes crashing down, and link and zelda decide to stay on the surface. hyrule as a kingdom is founded sometime between this game and the next.
so. to recap. the end of the timeline is already over 10k years removed from the last cycle. and then there's a couple hundred to a thousand years from THAT to ocarina of time, where the timeline splits. THEN there's another couple hundred to a thousand years from ocarina of time to skyward sword, the beginning of the cycle. and at the time of skyward sword, which is the prologue to the FOUNDING OF HYRULE. the land is already a few hundred years old ABSOLUTE MINIMUM. and had thriving and complex societies with technology BEFORE humans ever even got sent into the sky. all this together I'm estimating around 15k years of thriving society. at 15k years ago our earth had just started warming after about 100k years of ice age. and they already had technology. hyrule is an OLD ASS kingdom and all the intelligent civilizations on its land are even older. what the fuck
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bokettochild · 3 years
Do you think that the whole situation happening with twilight could lead to time becoming very strict with the chain? We saw that with the like-like but do you think he will be even more strict and putting them under pressure? It goes to the point where they have to put him in his place because it’s to much for them. It would be angsty but I think it would be a good plot point
I think this is going to happen eventually, and I think the person that's going to have to call him on it will be either Four, Hyrule, Legend or Wind.
We've seen Wars and Sky stand back and let Time go at it, they weren't about to stop him then, they won't have the grounds for it later. Sure, maybe they will say something, but there's still that guilt of not having done it sooner when they had a chance.
Twilight tried, but the kid's gonna be out of it for a bit, and Time will be too busy being a mother cucko about Twilight healing to argue with him about anything.
Wild...Wild is gonna mess something out, and if I'm right (and the others 'round here), Wild is gonna be the one snapped, which, knowing him, will either make him just get madder or fall silent and maybe into a memory.
Having that off the plate (and the fact that I've been inactive for a week and am dying to theorize) I have more below if you like.
Based on the options presented to us, Wars, Sky, Wild and Twi are out of the running for who is going to confront Time about his behavior, and while I'd love it to be Legend, I seriously doubt it. JoJo has been working with arcs, giving us a taste of a character and moving on before we're fully satisfied, thus trailing us along to read more, even if the characters in the next arc aren't our favorites. Not a bad thing really, but it does mean that Legend, one of the stars of the last arc, is unlikely to play anything of a major role in this one, which, while sa for us Legend fans, is understandable. Focusing too much on any character makes them seem like the lead character, something you don't want in a story about being equals and a team.
So, if it's not Legend, then it will have to be Four, Wind or Hyrule
Wind is a great option really. We see so much in the last few comics how much Wind looks up to and respects Time, but we"ve also seen that he's not afraid to get after the others when he thinks they're wrong. After all, he scolded everyone for calling him a kid, and he gave Wild that talk about Hyrulian kings. Kid has the guts for it, and considering how much he admires Time, it would also end up being a catalyst for seeing Time more as a falable equal than a legendary hero, thus lowering Time off a pedestal and maybe helping Wind to level everyone in the group out, including himself. After all, having the kid be the one to do what adults should be doing is a great indicator of either their maturity or of the shittiness of the adults around them/their circumstances (not hating on Time, I promise!)
On the other hoof, Four confronting Time would also be pretty great. Last arc, Four and Wild got left alone in camp and were gone, very not present while EWind was figuring out the timeline and Legend, Sky and Twilight were dealing with a bunny problem. Ad who could forget Wars and Hyrule battling together and giving the captain fuel to raise the traveler's low self esteem? But while all this is happening, all we have seen of Four is him chatting quietly and fixing things. I love him, but he hasn't really been part of the story much. This would be in character for him to do to. Four is already Tie's equal, and the two clearly have some sort of respect for each other and the secrets they keep; Time knows about the colors after all. Four stepping up and confronting Time about not treating your team-mates well also really fits with him, considering that (at least in the manga) his second adventure was all about learning to work with others instead of doing everything on your own and scorning others. Four also has the advantage of being able to potentially cow Time. They are already equals, already people who have a mutual respect of each otehr, if there's anyone I can see straightening Time out after a mistake like that it's the smithy.
Unlike with Wind taking action, Four taking action would be more than just a leveling of the playing field, it would be a shift of power.Yes, Time would still be leader, but after any sort of confrontation, the others would give Four more space and respect altogether, and he might even step up more in leading the group -like Twilight and Warriors do- as a result.
Hyrule stepping in has a very different effect though. I don't see Hyrule calling Time out in front of the others, something the others definitely would all do. I see Hyrule very calmly discussing matters and offering advice.Maybe he would get mad, maybe raise his voice, but I see Hyrule as being the stiffen sort when upset, nt he growly kind. He and Time would end up talking for hours and both walk away subdued. Hyrule can be stern, you can see it in him, and I feel like, while maybe not so much a Hyrule building thing, this would be a good opportunity for fairy Hyrule or memories of Navi to come into the picture.
No matter who yells at who, and what the consequences of it all, that's my take. Sorry about the long winded reply! I hope you enjoyed
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liquid-geodes · 3 years
I would love to hear about Sheik’s yiga experiences if you have any to tell
So the thing about Sheik's little stent as a member of the Yiga clan absolutely started on accident. He had encountered a few Yiga footsoldiers and thought they had caught up to him to take the triforce from him. Turns out the Yiga members actually just smelled mighty bananas and thought "hey let's go beat this guy up and just take them"
And as you'd expect they lost, but Sheik still gave them the bananas, because he knows where to get more, like so many more. Well he shouldn't have said that he knew where to find them so easily, because that's how he got marched back to their hideout, and was presented to Master Kohga, who really wasn't all that impressed. But the footsoldiers kinda kept insisting that this guy they found in the middle of nowhere would actually be pretty beneficial, considering he had beat them in a rather unfair fight (by all accounts the Yiga should've EASILY beat him) AND knew the secrets to gathering like, so many bananas. And Kohga, knowing his henchmen VERY well, knew that they wouldn't shut up until he entertained their little idea, so he waves Sheik off with a "Go do something impressive kid, then get back to me". And really Sheik could've just left and never came back and that couldve been the end of it, but the way he saw it: the Yiga have NO idea he has a piece of the triforce. If he plays this JUST RIGHT he can completely eliminate himself as a suspect from the Yiga by now joining in on their search as one of them, they're so clueless and dumb, it'll work out. Thus leaving him one step ahead of the Yiga clan by now being in the know 100% of the time with their plans, meaning now he'd only have to dodge things that are guided by Ganon's malice, and he can just kill those. If he REALLY impresses Kohga he could be in a position of power over the ENTIRETY of the Yiga clan, just under Kohga himself.
So Sheik just says "okay" and leaves
And he came back not even an hour later with the Thunder Helm.
And Kohga was, understandably, completely and utterly flabbergasted. He's been trying for YEARS to get that thing and some twink his lackeys found in the desert just waltzes in here not even an hour later with it in his possession.
"Wh- HOW did you get THAT!?!"
*shrugs* "found it"
In all actuality it actually went:
"Hey I need to speak to your leader"
'sorry no men allowed'
"okay but the princess sent me"
'really no men allowed'
"can you just bring her to the door then it's super important look at this"
'is that-'
"the triforce of wisdom? Yes. Can I speak to Riju is super important"
'i- yeah hang on we'll go get her'
"sick thanks, make sure she brings the thunder helm it's like, super important"
'so you're truly sent by the princess?'
"not exactly. I need to borrow your thunder helm"
'im sorry Sheik, but I cannot allow that'
"I understand, but hear me out: I'm about to mess with the Yiga Clan so hard and I need your thunder helm to make it work"
'...go on'
"basically I need to get them to let me join, not just for my safety, but so I can effectively be in the know about all their future plans to stop the hero of Hyrule, who should be by here in maybe a week give or take. He's still dealing with the Rito right now."
'how do you know-'
"it's my job to know. Anyway, Link should be here in a week's time-"
'wait the same Link from-'
"yes exactly that one, although he doesn't remember much since he died."
'wait he died? How is he-'
"Sheikah Technology let me finish I don't have much time. So Link will get here to conquer Vah Naboris, if you give me the thunder helm now and let me use it to infiltrate the Yiga clan, I can assure you you will receive it back in a week's time. All you must do is send Link into their hideout to retrieve it, like a test to confirm he is in fact who he says he is. During that week without it you should notice Yiga activity increase."
'thats not exactly ideal for us.'
"no but I will be among them remember? Suddenly the Yiga clan will be less organized than usual, and should be fairly easy to fend off. So much so that Master Kohga will grow tired of their failure. He's certain to send me alone after my success with taking the Thunder Helm."
'that he thinks you stole but I actually gave to you willingly because it will help us in the future?'
'...you promise it will be returned?'
"I can guarantee it's safe return."
'well... If its going to cause chaos for the Yiga Clan... I suppose I could do my part... You said the hero would be named Link correct?'
But of course Master Kohga doesn't have to know he's just been played by a spiteful kid who just so happens to be the chief of the gerudo. Nevertheless the following week unfolds precisely as Sheik said, and the Thunder Helm is eventually returned to Riju, as promised.
Now Sheik's Yiga shenanigans should have ended there, but he chooses to stay. Not only does it make his job at protecting the triforce easier, but his job at watching over Link as well. And it never hurts to learn some of the Yiga's ancient techniques, since the Sheikah themselves have mostly fallen out of practice and no longer rely on their ancient arts. Basically Sheik is gonna come back as one hell of a Sheikah warrior once this is all over, and he's only like, 17. That poor kid.
Don't feel too bad for him though. His position as a Yiga soldier now gives him a guise to kinda check up on Link's abilities first hand, in that now he can throw hands with him literally any time he wants. It's important to know just where Link's abilities are so he can properly warn him (in a different guise that is) of the dangers ahead and whether or not he needs to turn Link away from certain areas for the time being.
And yknow, I guess he's working on taking the Yiga out from the inside, but it's not his top priority considering how Kohga takes himself out in the end
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