#they're stupid
arkashas · 2 years
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Hannibal and Will  🤝 Setting up the other person in extremely dangerous situations and then panicking at the outcome of those extremely dangerous situations
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asmallunfortunante · 3 months
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They're stupid your honor
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beanghostprincess · 6 months
Usually, I am not the one to use cliché AUs because they're not my thing, but... Usopp tattoo artist and Sanji florist AU? Usopp is an artist who actually is very interested in botany too, and most of his designs are related to flowers. He loves flowers' language and the meaning behind every plant. And Sanji works as a florist because the store is affiliated with the Baratie for ingredients purposes and whenever Zeff gets mad at him he just sends him to work there. Most of the time he hates working there (although at least this way he can see a lot of pretty girls... Most of them have boyfriends, but, yeah) but one day Usopp shows up to get inspiration for new designs and maybe buy some plants, and Sanji just- He kind of, sort of, falls in love at first sight? The guy is so dramatic,, But apparently, he keeps asking Zeff to let him work at the flower shop always after his shifts or whenever he isn't working. His father doesn't know what's going on but tbh, as long as the kid works...
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galaxysharks · 10 months
HC: maddox and jet have a few nicks and burns on their fingers/hands from learning to cook, maddox having more ofc
Group sleepovers have made it abundantly clear that the siblings just.....don't use utensils when cooking all that often.
Maddox makes a grilled cheese by picking it up and flipping it.
Jet grates cheese with his fingers.
They remember what oven mitts are about 40% of the time, they just use a spare towel most the time. They get burnt every time they forget to make sure the towel is dry.
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crocvnts · 8 months
Joškos and Sosas only comebacks to anything are "I fucked your mom" because they are no better than 12 year olds.
(translation: me, Sosas mom)
- efendim Zika Mlaz
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dwobbitfromtheshire · 11 months
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Neither ship is better than the other. It is what it is. A ship is just a ship. A shoe is just a shoe. And a hat is just a hat. One might mean more to you than to someone else, but it doesn't necessarily have to mean it's better or superior. In the end, it is what it is. I think that if Eddie was real, he would just be flattered that you guys think he has a chance with either one of them. Stop the war.
My suggestion would be to ship both, but that's just my opinion.
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keshha · 9 months
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awkwardness is their middle names
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yusuke-of-valla · 15 days
Disney execs seeing Lightyear bomb and deciding they need more sequels and spin-offs 🤝 Warner Bros execs seeing Suicide Squad bomb and deciding they need more live service games
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fwb-anon · 5 months
one of sukuna's fave movies is probably the musical movie reefer madness (2005) 😭​😭​ he sings mary jane/mary lane with toge i just know
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jonathanbyersphd · 1 year
Chapters: 10/13 Fandom: Stranger Things (TV 2016) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Jonathan Byers/Nancy Wheeler Characters: Jonathan Byers, Nancy Wheeler, Argyle (Stranger Things), Steve Harrington, Robin Buckley, Background & Cameo Characters Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe - Boarding School, Academic Rivals to Lovers, a little pining as a treat, the rivalry is one sided but don't tell Nancy that, a little dark academia but mostly just vibes, 90s AU, Mild Language, Minor Violence, Slow Burn, Idiots in Love Summary:
At the elite Montgomery Academy in rural Maine, Nancy Wheeler has effortlessly been head of her class for the last three years. But when the newest transfer student challenges her perspective, expectations, and grades she decides that an academic rival is just what she needs to make the year more exciting. If only her rival would cooperate with her plans.
Halloween Chapter Halloween Chapter Halloween Chapter 
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bankaizen · 8 months
i fucking hate these ai mods man
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ghostonvhs · 10 months
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lyril · 11 months
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i've never seen anyone else talk about it but i'm so interested in what their relationship must be like, it fascinates me like, a thousands time more than what's going on with calvin and grover. they're both so irritable. felix doesn't even care to remember that grover is literally their lawyer and cousin. grover is someone below him on the little social ladder he sees as a target and felix is someone even more immature and unpredictable than his brother. calvin can at least keep an upper hand over felix's antics but these two would tear each other apart if left in a room for more than 20 minutes together. and most importantly they're fucking ridiculous
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pearlyscribbles · 1 year
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Rather be fishin'
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apcthetics · 2 years
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OPEN location : 🕺🎃
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˖ ✧ ★ ────────────   “ I DON’T KNOW IF I BELIEVE IN THE MOON LANDING. “ harrison considered out loud, perching on the edge of the fallen tree that they had discovered, and as such, claimed for themselves. pulling the joint from their teeth, he blew out the smoke and then offered it out towards his ( unfortunate ) companion. “ like, okay─ i’m not that stupid. i do believe that we landed on the moon. “ every time they turned their head, the trinkets decorating their costume jangled, but it didn’t seem to bother harrison in the slightest. their hands came out on either side of them as they held them up in defense. “ but i mean. . . it wouldn’t shock me if we didn’t. like you wanna tell me we went all the way up there ? and stepped on it ? “ their fingers pointed up towards the sky, and their gaze followed. he squinted. “ richard nixon orchestrated watergate, but the moon landing was totally truthful ? ppft. “ he blew a strand of hair out of his face before shaking his head, as though his stance was obvious. “ no way. “
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millionsnife · 1 year
Reaches over the McDonald's counter and yanks Nai by the collar to plant a big wet kiss on him in front of all those customers.
He bites him in response, a growl rumbling through his chest as he yanks Wolfwood halfway across the counter. "You're holding up the line, Nicholas."
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