#theyd both make a deal with god for the other in a heartbeat
tangledinink · 1 year
Every now and then, as a long-time Mythology Nerd, I find myself wondering which of the Gemini twins is which. Which twin is Castor; confident, scrappy, crawled out of the afterlife through brotherly love - and which one is Pollux; loyal, strong, persistent enough to gain a favour from Zeus and split his immortality with his brother.
And I don't know if the myth is even relevant to the AU at all, but the fact that they're both Gemini - both being Castor and Pollux, both fiercely loyal and protective, both so dedicated to each other's well-being that they forsake their own - absolutely shatters my little nerd heart constantly. I love them? I'm going to cry? They deserve the world?
Like... They're both little gremlin children and they both care about each other so so much and they'd both make a deal with God for the other in a heartbeat.
And that just??? Means so much to me. And I love this AU so very much.
Anyway this has been the Mythology Nerd Hour, thank you for hosting my TED talk.
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vriskadyke · 7 years
cinderella phenomenon musings
i cant believe that i (a lesbian) actually enjoyed this heterosexual otome. im simply .... wow. good job @dicesuki that doesn't normally happen so props to you
first of all the art is very good considering that it's a free game! dicesuki really has some talented artists, i was really impressed by the quality of the art. 
secondly, im a sucker for fairytales, especially Dark Gritty Edgy retellings of fairytales, so this is right up my alley obviously. i enjoyed the way that they wove traditional motifs into the storylines and managed to provide a fresh take on each specific curse, with the added factor of how witches twist the tales and their curses to their own needs (specifically in the case of karma and fritz's routes)
thirdly, lucette. oh man i love lucette. obviously i get really attached to protagonists who are victims of abuse so i latched on to lucette as soon as i figured out what was going on with her mother. i did enjoy the contrast of 'lucette is a traumatized abuse victim with ptsd, paranoia, trust issues and low self esteem' and 'lucette's actions towards others are callous and unacceptable and though they have their roots in her upbringing, she hurts others by acting the way that she does' and the way the game (especially in waltz & fritz's routes) danced around that, and didn't just go 'lucette is mean and needs to stop!!', neither did it go 'lucette's actions are all okay because she's been abused' because both of those ideas are harmful.
that was really great, so kudos!
finally, my thoughts on the love interests! all of them were rlly awesome. i've played through all good routes (except for fritz, i'm halfway through his) and rumpel & rod's bad routes so here are my thoughts™
i really, really love rod's route because it's a really great example of an enemies-to-allies-to-lovers romance without being abusive, and also rod is canonically disabled (mute). he also cares deeply about emelaigne and it provides a very realistic example of lucette's slow development into a kinder person. the bad ending is fucking HEARTBREAKING and i wanted to cry right alongside both rod & lucette. plus sebby is adorable (a talking magic plush rabbit? sign me the fuck up) and i love his dynamic with the two of them. one of my favorite routes
karma! what do i say about karma. first of all, karma is very much a trans-coded character (personally im into trans lesbian karma but trans boy karma also has canon evidence) and im Down For That? plus i love sword-fighting lucette who is a badass so that is also a plus. karma's probably the prettiest love interest and i love? the fact that karma's brother? is named llama. plus lucette calling karma on her shit when she's being rude is really sweet. overall a good route, i personally believe that karma is a trans lesbian and im a big fan of her & lucette being gentle and in love
rumpel. god, rumpel. first of all, i love his puns, i love his jokes, i love him and his shameless flirting even though lucette doesn't. he 100% heckles lucette through e v e r y t h i n g and is very caring and sweet; he is so in love with lucette by the end it's heartbreaking and when he dies for her in the bad ending its so awful. i love the fact that rumpel has very pretty hair and an earring and his 'suave pun spirite' as i call it, is gold. i also really enjoy the idea that rumpel is so selfless he's selfish and that problem; the idea that through lucette he learns to care about himself & his own wellbeing is very romantic. overall a good and funny route, i cant believe his actual real name means 'knight of the mount' in english though. like. wow.
WALTZ. 100% my favorite my absolute darling my witch boyfriend. im a slut for the childhood friends to lovers trope so i was prepared to love this but it just. this route Ruined me. i love waltz and his joy and love of children and his big imagination, his puppet shows, his undying love for lucette and how he has remembered her for Years even though she doesn't remember him; i love the nickname ('my little star' more like my little dead heart) that he gives her and i love how he remembers her as more than the person her mother abused her into becoming. i love how she is drawn to him personally because she loves him despite the fact that she doesn't remember him; i love that through waltz, lucette learns to love other people; i love how he protects and loves her no matter what. it also makes everyone else's routes heartbreaking because of how you can tell, through subtle hints, that he still loves her even as she is falling for other people. i love how he stays with her through everything; i love how theyd die for each other in a heartbeat and how theyre a witch power couple. anyways im love the waltz route and its just. my Fave. you can probably tell by the wall of text.
havent played through fritz's route so im reserving judgement but im Also a slut for knight/princess or bodyguard/VIP pairings so im prepared to like it. im kind of worried about how they'll deal with the varg/fritz dichotomy because it might be ableist and trivialize DID but im hopeful it won't fall into that territory.
thoughts about the routes that don't concern the love interests: 
i love the fact that the routes get progressively darker and im glad i played it in the dev's recommended order because it's really cool to see the slow unraveling of each piece of the plot against the king and the royal family and the plot to resurrect hildyr. the routes slowly dip into darker territory and i love it. i also love the fact that the 'bad endings' don't concern really actions you took earlier on- it's more about how much lucette trusts her love interest and how much she's learned throughout the route, and how the lack of that knowledge is her downfall. 
overall a great game, its free on steam, and it's wonderful. play it.
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morganbelarus · 7 years
In Talk With Clinton, Bush Says Being ‘Humble In Victory’ Is Key To Presidency
Former President George W. Bush, in conversation with his predecessor, President Bill Clinton, said Thursday it was important for a leader to be humble in victory in order to work with others.
The pair, speaking in Dallas at the George W. Bush Presidential Library, spoke about their post-office friendship, and, although they didnt mention the current president by name, several reporters noted their comments appeared to indirectly reference the current climate in the White House.
I think it starts with Bill Clinton being a person who refused to lord his victory over dad. In other words, he was humble in victory, which is very important in dealing with other people, Bush, speaking about Clintons 1992 defeat over his father, George H.W. Bush, told a crowd gathered for the graduation of the Presidential Leadership Scholars program. I think Dad was willing to rise above the political contest. It starts with the individuals character, and both men in my judgment displayed strong character and therefore their friendship was able to be formed.
Bush was also asked what the most important quality is to be commander in chief. His reply: Humility.
I think its really important to know what you dont know and listen to people who do know what you dont know, he said, according to NPR.
Clinton continued with a similar sentiment: If you want to be president, realize its about the people, not about you.
You want to be able to say, Things were better off when I quit, kids had a better future, things were coming together, he said. You dont want to say, God, look at all the people I beat.
Reuters notes many in the crowd thought the pair may have been referencing the administration of President Donald Trump. Trump has continued to speak about his win over presidential opponent Hillary Clinton, Bill Clintons wife, nearly six months after he assumed office and has pressed on with his unsubstantiated claims that millions voted illegally in the 2016 election.
During the talk in Dallas, former President Clinton lamented the current state of American politics, saying an increasing divide between political ideologies had him worried about the future.
One of the things that is wrong with America today, that bothers me more than anything else about our future, is we have separated ourselves into like-minded communities, Clinton said. Diverse groups make better decisions than homogeneous ones. Everyone knows that, but they almost cant help themselves.
The pair, however, both said theyd recommend the presidency to young people today, with Clinton noting hed advise the next generation to seek to hold the office in a heartbeat.
Watch the entire conversation between the two below:
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