#theyll still use woman! but they will not use man that word does not exist to them i dont think lmfao
menlove · 6 months
recognizing t//erf red flags on posts is a gift i am burdened with bc i do not want to go into my mutuals' asks every time to be like "that poll you reblogged said 'males' so i went to op's blog and sure enough she's ranting about how her 'sister' is trans now so is 'allegedly her brother'" bc ultimately it's usually on some inane fucking post and i don't want to be that annoying but like
anyways..... if u see anyone making posts using only the term "male" instead of men 9/10 times just go to their blog and bam! t//erf. this is usually fool-proof.
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weissfai-blog1 · 5 years
Loving the Dangerous You
My mind is now bombarded with so many stories for AePete. I just love Ae and Pete and they are what I will call a soulmate. I learn about Multi-Verse by watching CLAMP stories and what always get me and touch my heart is their aspect of soulmates. That in whatever 'multi-verse' you and your soulmate will be together. A very strong connection. Stronger than the red string of fate. It is the calling of your soul to another. I am creating different AU with Ae and Pete as always.
A university with a different set of rules. AePete AU. My second headcanon.
“Will you be scared to love someone as dangerous as me?”
There’s a hierarchy in every high school and university. The one who tops them all is the Leader and the one who can command so many students to do his bidding. In order  to be the current leader, one must beat the crap out of the previous one. A so-called ceremony. 
Ae become the leader when he was just a freshman, a feat no one ever achieve. He didn’t mean too, but as the man who always steps in to protect his friends, he become one. Regardless whether he likes it or not.
It was actually an accident, Pond was being a nosy ass and without meaning to, he was challenged by the Current Leader, and Ae being Ae, cleaning some of the mess made by Pond, he steps in and in a hand to hand fight won the challenge. 
Everyone was in awe and most of their jaw drops cause Ae may be small but he punch a mean wallop and the leader was turn into a pulp. 
The thing is Ae when in the offense can be deadly that’s why he’d rather use his feet than his hands. So he plans to join the football team of the university.
From that day, respect and admiration was thrown to Ae, even though he doesn’t like the spot light.
The kids (freshmen & seniors) in the school respects their new leader and is awe that he is righteous and will avoid any fight if necessary but when push comes to shove, Ae can kick anyone’s ass. He may be 178cm (5ft8in) only but he can punch someone taller than him and left them in dust.
Many girls are scared of Ae because he may not be taller than some men but he has a sturdy and well-built muscles. His muscles are often flex when playing football. But most of the brave girls can be seen hanging around the football field.
Pond was enjoying it, after all, being the BEST FRIEND & THE RIGHT HAND of the Ai Shorty Boss, he gets to have some gifts too.
Ae doesn’t accept gifts but Pond accepts it on his behalf.
Ae is not interested in any of the girls who confess to him here and there.
He is more focus on football, academics (especially in English cause he is super bad at it) and being a leader.
Being a leader is no joke. Before going home to their dorm (Pond & Ae shares a room) he must check first that no one is hurt badly in the infirmary (injuries that are sustain in school is not his worry). He must also check that no one was being threatened especially the first years who are easy targets.
And when a challenge from other school was officially delivered, he as the leader needs to answer it.
So far, news spread that Ai Ae – The Beast have top the other university leaders and have not lose a fight.
It’s a simple territory rules. There’s five major university in the city. The leaders of each university exist in the first place to stop bloodshed and gang wars that’s form by delinquent students who think they can rule. It is recognized by the university and their professors.
Actually, the teachers are relying most of the time to the leaders cause then the leaders can take care of students who strays.  
The Dorm: GREENWOOD is no ordinary dorm. It was owned by a Japanese man who fell in love with a Thai woman and because they cannot have a baby, built the dorm near the university to take care of many students as possible.
It has a decent bed that host two students, bathroom, study desk and cabinets. Food are served in its very own cafeteria.
Its an all-boys dorm. There are several female dorms but GREENWOOD is most famous for caring the ‘hottest boys’ in the University.
It’s the middle of the semester when a new transfer student was introduced to the university.
Pete is a transfer student. Rumours immediately surround him as the ‘Mistress’ of the other Leader from his previous university.
Pete was said to transferred because of a scandal.
Ae haven’t met Pete because he was busy with the incoming mid examination and football competition with the other department.
But Ae heard a great deal about Pete: looks prettier than any girl, tall, pretty, white, cute, brown hair, slender, cute… there are so many descriptions but the words: pretty and cute keeps on popping out here and there.
Ae can only think of Dear, his highschool friend as cute, Dear is smaller than Ae and often needed help but Ae wont hesitate to kick Dear’s ass especially when Dear is being an annoying prick once or twice.  
Ae met Pete when the later was push to the wall by a student from the other school (Ae doesn’t recognize the uniform) and Pete was about to be punched when he intervene.
Ae was there before that someone landed a punch to Pete, he throws his bag.
Ae was super angry that some twerp from other school will threaten their students. The student tried to fight, but Ae beat him to it, by landing a mean punch on his stomach, the student then doubled in pain and curse Ae and Pete. 
The student shouted, ‘This is not the last Pete! Trump will kill you! Remember that you belong to him! He’ll haunt you! We’ll haunt you!’
Ae turn around and was about to shout and asked Pete when he was struck on his tracks.
Ae never thought that the day will come he will be speechless to see a person so beautiful. The transfer student carefully stand in his full height and Ae notice this beautiful creature is tall, with pretty soft brown hair that covers his forehead, the eyes that stares back at him are teary-eyed but he notice the beautiful brown colour of them – doe eyes, long eyelashes, cute chubby cheeks and red lips form in cupid’s bow.
Ae gulped and shook his head, and when the image of the other is still there, he tried to help him by giving the backpack. ‘Here. Are you okay?’
Pete nodded, ‘Thank you… uhm…’
‘Ae. That’s my name. What’s yours?’
‘Ah. You’re the transfer student.’ Ae looks at Pete once again and he wanted to change the rumours spreading, this is no cute nor pretty, this is beautiful and angelic if they’ll ask him.
Ae found out that Pete is staying in Greenwood with a room to himself. Greenwood can accept special request like that, though the student should pay double as he is occupying the other side of the room too. There are only 10 special rooms like that.
Since that meeting, many students have observed that Ae treats Pete special, especially Pond who was born to be a nosy best friend. 
When a second assault happen, this time, Ae was not able to be fast enough to help Pete – there were three students who punch Pete and Ae, Pond and Ping was there to help Pete. 
Ae then proclaim to his underling that Pete will be guarded by three or four people especially when he’s busy.
His underlings can see that Pete is very special to Ae, even though Ae keeps on denying that he is treating Pete the same as the others. Just that Pete needs more protection.
His underlings just rolled their eyes and shook their head. They knew a man with a crush and yet dumb jock don’t know it himself.
Pete is very shy and told Ae that he is okay, but Ae insisted that he needs his protection. They are friends. And being friends will start who the hell is Trump and why is Pete being assaulted.
Pete was reluctant to say anything but only told him, ‘P’Trump was a friend. We were close when we were little. We grew up together… and his the only one who accepted me…’ 
‘Accepted?’ Ae’s brow furrows. 
‘I am gay.’
‘Ae… I like men.’
Pete this time has his brow frown, ‘Ae. It means I’m not normal. I am different. I can only get attracted to men…’
‘And so? What’s wrong with being gay? Is that a sickness? No. You’re still you.’
‘Ae doesn’t think I’m weird? Abnormal?’
Ae flick Pete’s forehead, ‘You’re weirdly beautiful. I thought you were an angel at first sight. Abnormal? Just because you’re gay? That’s ridiculous. You can love anyone you want, there’s nothing wrong with it. What’s wrong are the people who pushes their opinions to others and hurt others.’
‘Now, tell me, is that all? But why are they assaulting you?’
‘Ae… can I not say it now?’ 
Ae sighs and looks at Pete’s eyes. ‘I wont force you today. But sooner or later you will tell me. I don’t want you to keep secrets from me Pete… please.’
Days, weeks and months, Ae and Pete grew closer. So close that Ae thinks there’s something wrong with his heart. He doesn’t know why he wants to see Pete everyday, every freakin’ second of the day. He doesn’t understand the possessiveness he felt whenever Pete will talk to Pond, Sun, Type, Champ, and the others. Hell he even hates it when girls are flirting with Pete. Ae thanks Bow and Chaaim when they dismisses the girls. 
Their rituals are known to the whole university:
Ae and Pete will eat breakfast at the dorm cafeteria
Ae will accompany Pete until he reaches his classroom (even the professors are so used to this scene)
Pete will be seen when Ae is on football practice
Pete will stay in one corner of the room when Pond and Ping delivers to Ae the reports of students who were into fights, who was injured due to street fights and so on. And Pete accompanied Ae whenever Ae visits the infirmary. 
Pete is also present when some sub leaders will challenge Ae. Pete is a witness on how scary and how Ae can punch and kick someone and left them like a pulp.
Sun, the other best friend of Ae asked this to Ae one time, ‘Are you sure Pete is not hiding something more important?’
‘What do you mean?’ Ae asked dangerously.
‘Well, your Angel is always present whenever you are being challenged. But for someone who looks delicate and soft, he doesn’t flinched when you punch someone. Usually someone delicate even Dear will flinched and cover their faces. But Pete just looks and deadpan.’
Ae didn’t say anything because he knew about that. Pete doesn’t look distraught or anything, but would come to him with a towel or a first aid kit. At first he wanted to ask if his okay seeing so much blood, but Pete just took care of him like its his work.
They were all on a ‘group date’ to watch a movie in the city. And Ae was surprised at how Pete was really popular, maybe because at school no one approaches Pete because they knew Pete is under his protection, but outside the school, Pete is being approach here and there. Sun, Pond, Ping, Dear, Oat are laughing and telling Ae he needs to move fast cause it looks like Pete is hot and not only females, but male eyes are following Pete whenever he goes. 
Ae accompanied Pete at the front of Pete’s room. Pete told Ae, ‘Ae, I have something for you, actually for N’Yim. Its snacks from Europe. My aunt bought so many for me. And I’m wondering if you can give them to N’Yim.’
Ae nodded and both entered Pete’s room.
Pete then remembered that his room has a weird switch location and he turns around to open the switch when his lips accidentally graze Ae’s lips. 
There was silence. 
Both doesn’t know how much redness on their face for the whole room is still covered in darkness, only a small dim light from the outside can be seen.
Pete was about to open the switch when Ae stops his hand and grasp his waist and kiss him.
‘Pete. I think… I think I like you. I know that this is not like for a brother, a friend… but something else. A like that wants me to kiss you again… and again.’
‘Pete… can I kiss you again.’
Pete nodded and they shared a kiss so hot and so tender.
Ae smiles while he lies on his bed. 
Pete wore a worried frown on his face. He then opens his phone and type a message to
Pete: P’Trump. We need to talk.
Trump: Are you ready to surrender?
Pete: No.
Trump: Then let’s talk tomorrow. 10am. The usual warehouse.
Pete: See you.
Pete stands at the warehouse exactly 10am and true to his words, Trump is there with ten of his minions.
‘Pete. I told you to come back to me. I need you.’
‘P’Trump. I thought you were my friend. But you used me.’
‘Pete. I never used you. You needed me. I am offering you a chance to belong.’
‘I never wanted to belong to a bloody gang!’
‘So you’d rather be a Leader’s bitch?! I heard about it Pete! You’re that midget’s bitch!’
‘Ae is not like that.’
‘Now, you’re defending him. Let’s see if you can lose your touch.’
Trump nodded and ten of his minions surrounds Pete.
‘Please P… don’t do this…’
Trump turn around.
He heard nothing but grunts and screams of pain. It was when he heard a crying that he turns around and he saw it.
Pete standing with a dangerous look on his eyes and face.
All the men are sprawled on his feet. 
‘So you never lose your touch. You’re still the Bloody Angel of Death.’
‘Stop going and trying to make me came back. I will not fight anymore for you. I don’t want anymore bloodshed!’
‘Does your Master know this?’
Pete’s fist tightened and looks at the carnage before him.
All Trumps men are in pain, crack ribs, blood everywhere from their face to their arms. He was not able to stop himself when he crack one’s arm and he knew it was broken.
‘So he doesn’t know… Pete come back to me.’
‘No P. I think its time we end this. Please don’t come back looking for me anymore.’
Pete walks away but Trump shouted, ‘You think he will accept you? He will never accept an abnormal man like you Pete! You’re a psychopath! You have a twisted other side in you! He will despise you!’
Ae was worried when Pete didn’t reply on his text messages and was not in his room. He had and his minions looks for him everywhere, he was so out of his mind of worry when a text message came to him after three days.
Ai Koon Chai: Ae Krub. I’m sorry. There was an emergency at home. I’ll be back tomorrow.
AE: As long as you’re okay. See you tomorrow.
Ae wanted to ask so many things but he held himself back.
Pete at his room balcony looks at the sky. 
‘Ae… will you be able to accept me? The real me?’
Pete Pitchaya Pecharn Worachoti, the only son of Pum Pecharn Worachoti. A hard man whose associated at secret military opts, taught him military instructed martial arts to defend himself, and Pete has been in multiple fights with men a full head taller and has more muscle mass than him and still win easily. 
Pum taught Pete to defend himself especially as he looks so much like his mother, beautiful and skinny. Pum will often throw Pete inside a ring to fight one of the soldiers under Pum. 
Pete has beaten up multiple large men despite him being as scrawny and built as a girl.
Pete then developed a certain side in him, he doesn’t want to fight, but when he is threatened it triggers him to protect himself and most often than not, the other party will end up with either a broken face or a broken bones. 
Trump uses this advantage to help him secure being a leader, after all Trump is the only friend of Pete and the only one who knew about him being gay.
Pete decided to hide this side from Ae. As Ae was very determine to protect him and he doesn’t want Ae to abandon him. With Ae he felt himself and comfortable… and he likes Ae… more than a friend.
But for now, he cannot accept Ae’s like. Because he doesn’t deserve it as he is hiding so many things.
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