holdmehurtme · 1 year
Screaming what's your artfight your arts so cool n I love your ocs 👀
Aw gosh, thankya!! I’m FraiseKlee on AF ✌️
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cadavertrolls · 1 year
Don't know your ships so! Ship bingo you really wanna do for someone you haven't done it for yet!
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Blood money.... they make Revs and I physically ill
bonus doodle of eli going bonkers
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idiot-party · 2 years
wbw for ...... that guy saarin
full name: Saarin Hsasin
gender: Male
sexuality: Manly men and feminine girls
family: Had a lusus but Saarin had to leave it behind when he got conscripted like everyone else.
birthplace: Somewhere on Alternia
job: On Alternia, he was a post office worker/mailman and also a freelancing hitman. In the Alternian military, when he is not fighting with guns he usually does maintenance or inventory management.
phobias: Overt and profane, public and desacralized sexuality. And a lack of security.
guilty pleasures: Anything that is pleasant and what he considers unproductive, such as hot bubble baths.
morality alignment?: Aligned with whatever morals he grew up with, and the strongest military forces which belong to the Alternian Empire.
sins - Wrath. And pride?
virtues - Chastity and diligence and patience
T H I S - O R - T H A T
introvert/extrovert: Introvert
organized/disorganized: Organized
close minded/open-minded: Closed-minded
calm/anxious: Tries to be calm and collected but he usually exists in some state of anxiety
disagreeable/agreeable: Disagreeable
cautious/reckless: Usually cautious
patient/impatient: Patient
outspoken/reserved: Reserved
leader/follower: Follower
empathetic/unemphatic: Unempathetic
optimistic/pessimistic: Pessimistic
traditional/modern: Traditional
hard-working/lazy: Hard-working
otp: Warrensaarin, Ryfrafsaarin except in ryfraf's configuration that saarin doesn't understand but goes along with
ot3: Warrenjaysaarin
brotp: Naftha, and also Charad
notp: Naftha, and also Charad
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de-fanzine-cpr-pale · 3 months
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Please only apply once!
This not-for-profit zine aims to create a showcase of the Disco Elysium fandom's talents! Have something you love drawing? Have something you can't get enough of? Have an idea you've been meaning to get out? Share it here, with us!
You will be asked for a piece that reflects what you love most about the game / what is most personal to you. The piece should tie into a lyric or a set of lyrics from a song. These lyrics may be included in the piece itself or be used as the title. This can be any song that has ever existed.
The idea is that through celebrating this game, we keep its world and its characters and its story alive. With our love for Disco Elysium, we save it from dissolving into the Pale. We save it from being forgotten, from being erased from memory. We come together and through our love for the game, we preserve it.
This is why we will be known as the Counter-Pale Resistance. This is why the title of our zine will be Pale_, struck-through.
As the lines of an old song go, "All of this belongs to you. All of this belongs to me. All of this belongs to us. And it goes on endlessly."
OPEN (This form closes on JULY 19th, 2024, 11:59 PM EST.)
Think of this form as an RSVP! This will basically reserve your spot in the zine. You will sign up here, and when the sign up closes, I will open a form for submissions. IF YOU DO NOT FILL THIS SIGN UP SHEET, YOU WILL NOT BE ALLOWED TO SUBMIT YOUR ART TO THE ZINE. Please only apply once! Only one medium will be allowed for submission.
Anyone is free to join. There will be no application process. Submissions are planned to be due mid-September.
Participants will be asked for ONE PIECE of art. It can be one type of medium or a mix of mediums.
Artists are asked for 1 piece of art that features a clean sketch, clean lineart, or no lineart that is fully colored or toned (includes grayscale / monotone). Comic artists are asked for five (5) pages maximum! Art must be polished and writing legible, and it must be at least toned includes grayscale / monotone). Writers are asked for one (1) piece of writing no longer than five thousand words (5k). The writing can be prose, a poem, a script, etc. It must be in English and preferably should be polished! Other mediums will be allowed on a case-by-case basis!
Collaborations (collabs) are allowed as well, but you will have to talk to me about who will be in it!
Mix of mediums are allowed as well as long as they are related to each other and form one piece.
Organized by @p0rchc0ll4ps3 (main, @theymakemedreamyourdreams) Please share this post with everyone in the fandom!!
Twitter: https://x.com/de_fanzine_cpr/status/1809323211307557233
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k1ll3r-k4rg0 · 1 year
oh lord ya'll i need you guys to KNOW that i started an rp blog for mars! you can ask him things, he'll also blog stuff there and talk to anyone who talks to him
can't do much in character stuff because it's a sideblog of my main @theymakemedreamyourdreams but if i send any asks or comment on any posts as him with my main i'll always sign it as mars! well. as s. adamantine coz that's his name
check it out! he writes a lot btw
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last-c2usade · 1 year
Mun's name is Mal! 22. Pronouns are he/him. only. Copying my bestie's profile to a T btw so if you recognize this yeah. you recognize it.
so some facts!
i'm in psychology and i have an issue where i really enjoy writing my characters super realistically and i'll be a nuisance about their psychology and reasoning for why they do what they do
i love shitty fictional people. i mean it. the shittier the better. be wary of this. when i mean shitty i mean SHITTY terrible awful people
im EXTREMELY good at forgetting to keep up with shit. i dont even read webcomics anymore coz if shit takes too long to update i lose interest. if this blog dies its coz i forgor
i try to be friendly and nice! you can talk to me about movies and writing and psychology. i'll try not to infodump on you but um. if allowed i WILL
please for the love of god, i appreciate you, i empathize, etc, but do not traumadump on me without asking. i will feel too bad to say stop/no bc i dont know you well enough to tell you know and i WILL ghost you
Main guy here is S. Adamantine! He prefers you call him that. Alien, ex-member of the court. Has a huge ego he's trying to work on. Extremely patient, clingy, a little neurotic (I say this as lovingly as possible. it's true tho. he's like me. we're both fucked in the head). Loves books! Loves bikes and mechanics (don't mention it's a lowblood thing or he'll Have you), kinda' shy! Awkward as fuck.
pronouns are HE/HIM only
>types like this! usually with p2ope2 g2amma2. likes to think his qui2k is a sign of cultu2ed thinking<
Rules and Things to keep in mind!
tags are! #((ooc for ooc stuff, #>pix< for ic pictures, #logs. for written stuff, and #>dia2y< for any talk posts mars makes ic
i tag for tws/anything general i might find sus but thats about it other than the above!
if you wanna' talk about anything, message me on @theymakemedreamyourdreams ! you can also ask for my discord
open for shipping! though he's a little iffy on romance. ping me n we can discuss!
open for anyone! you MUST BE 18+ tho
can also dm this account for ic dms!
dont think i wanna' do m!as! but feel free to ask and i'll see!
gifts are ok! welcome even
nsfw comments allowed!!
both ocs and canon for any fandom is okay! keep in mind, he's troll and WILL be mean towards aliens
keep ooc and ic SEPARATE! i dont condone any of the sus shit my guys may be up to btw! ada is a little more well-behaved, but his opinions do not reflect mine.
open for plot! i like plotting. i also like rps. i may forget about them. or lose interest. but schemes are always welcome! (i may be picky)
ada is kinky as shit. he can get REALLY nsfw if you let him. fair warning
i LOVE dark plots and dark shit. and realistically terrible people. i love serial killers and nsfw shit and guns and fictional gun violence a lot of dark stuff. and angst. just fair warning!
lemme know if you want certain things tagged!
feel free to remind me about open threads / plots / etc! i am prone to ghosting if i lose interest tho
feel free to lemme know if im doing something unintentionally incorrect btw! i may be unaware of shit
i block deliberately. if something makes me uncomfortable and i feel left out of shit or whatever, i'll block to keep myself contained! i dont want anything to do with drama!!
i like to say swear words like fuck shit cunt piss bitch. adamantine does too
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the-nut-r00m · 2 years
Sup welcome to dick. Warning!! Here there be FAT COCKED DRAGONS. (No actual dragons I'm boring and not a monster fucker. So boring that I gave my trolls dickheads).
18+ ONLY, minors will be SHOT.
If ya don’t post yer fucking AGE IN YER BLOG IM FUCKING BLOCKING YOU.
Soft block if you don't follow my main.
I'm Dylan or Cargo or i guess you can call me 🙄 Mr. Nut here. I love my men (and women!!!) hairy. I mostly post men. I like men a lot. Multi-fandom, mostly my own universes and trolls. I may post human dick!!!
I like my NSFW nasty. I like violent fictional fucking (though soft can be good). May post gore. Am up to pretty much anything not mentioned in my No Gos.
No Go’s: Absolutely no underage shit that’s it.
Ask box is open for OC questions.
Character selection for this blog is HERE. WiP. Everyone is over 18. All of the guy’s info is on their page with different sections for AU with primary AU first.
Looking to have a fun time and get some guy info out there!
Anyways, ya’ll have been warned; hope you have an okay time here!
P.S. Main blog is k1ll3r-k4rg0.
P.P.S. Follows from @theymakemedreamyourdreams!
Tags Under Cut:
Art tag: #my pp art or #guy pp depictions
Human art is tagged as: human pp
And troll art is: troll pp
Nsfw is tagged as: #d1ck.and.stuff and #nsft
OC Tags: #ocname.org
Friend Tags: #friendname.ocs.org or #friendart.org
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com0rbidity · 13 years
theymakemedreamyourdreams replied to your post: so i’m talking to this guy on facebook and he...
Was it the person I told you about? just wondering cause he actually did think that
 really? awww! but no, it was someone else. :o
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idiot-party · 2 years
wbw for... hmmmmmm vharii 😈
I find him repulsive and amusing
full name: Vharii Murena
gender: Male
sexuality: Lowbloods
family: Was adopted by a couple of trolls due to being cullable as a pupa. Ran away from them due to the shame of being born unfit to be a real troll who is independent and has a real lusus. Adopted some unicorn-like animal as a lusus to bandage his ego.
birthplace: Somewhere on Earth
job: Gunnery officer on an Alternian battleship
phobias: There's probably something stupid and trivial and funny in there. And there is probably also something deep and shameful.
guilty pleasures: Does he even feel guilty about these things? Maybe he does when his insecurities creep back up to him. "Nobody cares me and I can only fuck lowbloods to fill the void."
morality alignment?: Lawful…?
sins - Lust is his worst vice by far. Aside from that maybe he can also be a little bit prideful.
virtues - Diligence to a degree that is almost neurotic sometimes. And if you can call being a generous sugar daddy charitable then maybe that can count. But I wouldn't.
T H I S - O R - T H A T
introvert/extrovert: Extrovert
organized/disorganized: Organized
close minded/open-minded: Open-minded
calm/anxious: Calm?
disagreeable/agreeable: Agreeable…?
cautious/reckless: Reckless by a margin
patient/impatient: Impatient by a margin
outspoken/reserved: Outspoken
leader/follower: Leader
empathetic/unemphatic: Unempathetic, pushy
optimistic/pessimistic: Maybe he is more pessimistic than optimistic
traditional/modern: I would say leans modern but then he probably doesn't like to update the weapons systems or other things too often if the new gadgets are too unfamiliar to him
hard-working/lazy: Is he insanely hard-working to make up for how rancid his soul is? Or is he rancid in the soul as a way to indulge when he is away from everything that activates his crushing workaholism?
There is something he drinks to cope for
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idiot-party · 2 years
charad do you like women.
"Yes, I like women. Also I like men too. Why are you asking about women specifically though. Is it because I'm a woman? Oh I think I get it now… Are you a sexually dimorphic race. Is that why you're curious? I can't imagine having only a nook or only a bulge. It's the little things that get me to feel a little sad for you guys sometimes. But I'll still blast you if I see you on the frontlines. Fucker."
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idiot-party · 2 years
yo ulysses whats bw you and that tyler guy btw
"Just a friend of mine. Met him at the farmer's market but you know what's funny? It turns out I'd actually been talking to him online for months too and never knew he was the same person until he accidentally doxed himself with a photo of his pins one day, can you believe that? Jesus he's so different online than in real life. Well he does shit that makes no sense sometimes and he talks about all this online bullshit I don't really get. And I'll never get it but I think it's growing on me, as a background noise kind of thing."
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idiot-party · 2 years
saarin where do you work what do you do ((for whichever one you wanna answer for))
"I serve the Alternian military like every functioning adult troll. I cannot and will not disclose the details of many of the specifics of my job. If you aren't a fuck-up then you should understand how sensitive military information can be. But I'm glad I get to be here… I feel fortunate for it every day."
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idiot-party · 2 years
hey naftha hey do you have a girlfriend?
((troll naftha hi. also when i do double parenthesis its ooc talking FYI))
"FUCK yes I do. Been together for over a decade. She's so fucking cool and sometimes I forget there's another bucket quadrant to fill, she's THAT perfect you know?! FUCK!!!!!!"
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de-fanzine-cpr-pale · 2 months
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We're at 86 participants! Let's try for 100!!
Please only apply once!
This not-for-profit zine aims to create a showcase of the Disco Elysium fandom's talents! Have something you love drawing? Have something you can't get enough of? Have an idea you've been meaning to get out? Share it here, with us!
You will be asked for a piece that reflects what you love most about the game / what is most personal to you. The piece should tie into a lyric or a set of lyrics from a song. These lyrics may be included in the piece itself or be used as the title. This can be any song that has ever existed.
The idea is that through celebrating this game, we keep its world and its characters and its story alive. With our love for Disco Elysium, we save it from dissolving into the Pale. We save it from being forgotten, from being erased from memory. We come together and through our love for the game, we preserve it.
This is why we will be known as the Counter-Pale Resistance. This is why the title of our zine will be Pale_, struck-through.
As the lines of an old song go, "All of this belongs to you. All of this belongs to me. All of this belongs to us. And it goes on endlessly."
OPEN (This form closes on JULY 19th, 2024, 11:59 PM EST.)
Think of this form as an RSVP! This will basically reserve your spot in the zine. You will sign up here, and when the sign up closes, I will open a form for submissions. IF YOU DO NOT FILL THIS SIGN UP SHEET, YOU WILL NOT BE ALLOWED TO SUBMIT YOUR ART TO THE ZINE. Please only apply once! Only one medium will be allowed for submission.
Anyone is free to join. There will be no application process. Submissions are planned to be due the beginning of October.
Participants will be asked for ONE PIECE of art. It can be one type of medium or a mix of mediums.
Artists are asked for 1 piece of art that features a clean sketch, clean lineart, or no lineart that is fully colored or toned (includes grayscale / monotone). Comic artists are asked for five (5) pages maximum! Art must be polished and writing legible, and it must be at least toned includes grayscale / monotone). Writers are asked for one (1) piece of writing no longer than five thousand words (5k). The writing can be prose, a poem, a script, etc. It must be in English and preferably should be polished! Other mediums will be allowed on a case-by-case basis!
Collaborations (collabs) are allowed as well, but you will have to talk to me about who will be in it!
Mix of mediums are allowed as well as long as they are related to each other and form one piece.
Organized by @p0rchc0ll4ps3 (main, @theymakemedreamyourdreams) Please share this post with everyone in the fandom!!
Art used here drawn by @p0rchc0ll4ps3 .
Twitter version of this post HERE.
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de-fanzine-cpr-pale · 2 months
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Thanks for 100 participants!!!!!!
Y'all are so awesome. We're at 107!!!
Please only apply once!
This not-for-profit zine aims to create a showcase of the Disco Elysium fandom's talents! Have something you love drawing? Have something you can't get enough of? Have an idea you've been meaning to get out? Share it here, with us!
You will be asked for a piece that reflects what you love most about the game / what is most personal to you. The piece should tie into a lyric or a set of lyrics from a song. These lyrics may be included in the piece itself or be used as the title. This can be any song that has ever existed.
The idea is that through celebrating this game, we keep its world and its characters and its story alive. With our love for Disco Elysium, we save it from dissolving into the Pale. We save it from being forgotten, from being erased from memory. We come together and through our love for the game, we preserve it.
This is why we will be known as the Counter-Pale Resistance. This is why the title of our zine will be Pale_, struck-through.
As the lines of an old song go, "All of this belongs to you. All of this belongs to me. All of this belongs to us. And it goes on endlessly."
OPEN (This form closes on JULY 19th, 2024, 11:59 PM EST.) (tonight!!)
Think of this form as an RSVP! This will basically reserve your spot in the zine. You will sign up here, and when the sign up closes, I will open a form for submissions. IF YOU DO NOT FILL THIS SIGN UP SHEET, YOU WILL NOT BE ALLOWED TO SUBMIT YOUR ART TO THE ZINE. Please only apply once! Only one medium will be allowed for submission.
Anyone is free to join. There will be no application process. Submissions are planned to be due the beginning of October.
Participants will be asked for ONE PIECE of art. It can be one type of medium or a mix of mediums.
Artists are asked for 1 piece of art that features a clean sketch, clean lineart, or no lineart that is fully colored or toned (includes grayscale / monotone). Comic artists are asked for five (5) pages maximum! Art must be polished and writing legible, and it must be at least toned includes grayscale / monotone). Writers are asked for one (1) piece of writing no longer than five thousand words (5k). The writing can be prose, a poem, a script, etc. It must be in English and preferably should be polished! Other mediums will be allowed on a case-by-case basis!
Collaborations (collabs) are allowed as well, but you will have to talk to me about who will be in it!
Mix of mediums are allowed as well as long as they are related to each other and form one piece.
Organized by @p0rchc0ll4ps3 (main, @theymakemedreamyourdreams) Please share this post with everyone in the fandom!!
Art used here drawn by @p0rchc0ll4ps3 .
Twitter version of this post HERE.
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k1ll3r-k4rg0 · 2 years
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Hi y'all welcome to my fucking blog. Here there be hairy gay men of the homestuck fantroll variety, serial killer / murder ocs, and Blue People (avatar Navi). i'm relatively approachable!
I'm Mal, Cargo, or Kip, 22, tranny fag. I follow from @theymakemedreamyourdreams !
NOTE! i remade! my old blog for personal thoughts, vents, oc related reblogs, inspo reblogs, and friend art reblogs is @k4rg0-f1l3z​
this is my NEW blog for oc art, answered oc asks, and oc thoughts.
NOTE 2!!! you cannot dm this account or @k4rg0-f1l3z​​ because they are group accounts. Please dm @theymakemedreamyourdreams​!!!
18+ ONLY, minors will be SHOT. I post gore, violence, and suggestive stuff.
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Ask box is always open unless otherwise noted! I usually always have muse for Jay, Warren, and Ryfraf. (Sometimes Derek, Elliot, and Cody)
Current Muses: Quinn, warren, mars
Character Select: Field Guide type thing with my main muses!
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If ya don’t post yer fucking AGE IN YER BLOG IM FUCKING BLOCKING YOU.
5/5 COMS OPEN HERE (need to pay bills)
If you're a communist you're stupid and I'd rather you not talk to me.
@kittyteefies is my beloved bestie n the only guy that will always truly matter most to me, and @castle-doctrine is my crackhead uncle and therefore family also.
Tags and Mun Info under cut! also. a Collection of blinkies n co. bewarb
thank you and have a nice stay : 3
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Art tag: #my art
OC Art Tags: #ocname.png
Talk Tag: #k1ll3rth0tz
Nsfw/suggestive tag: #d1ck.and.stuff and #suggestive
I'm a horror thriller and wretched Americana screenwriter and threat assessment / mass sh00ting prevention research psychologist. My fave movie is Fargo, love Nine Inch Nails (The Fragile is the best album), Muse, MCR, Linkin Park, Rammstein, Calexico, Brown Bird, and Amigo the Devil among others. Fave books are American Gods by Neil Gaiman, We Need to Talk about Kevin by Lionel Shriver, Blood Meridian by Cormac McCarthy, and maybe Pet Sematary by Stephen King. My troll space sci-fi shit is largely inspired by the tv show The Expanse.
^^^this entire paragraph and my interests pretty much sum up my entire personality
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ALSO! i’m aro so i’ll do fwb ships and just really really close besties ships with quad flavors but i dont really care for ... romantic relationships at all.
p.s. penis blog is here: @the-nut-r00m simply places it in my pinned idc you shouldn’t even be here if you’re FIVE (a minor.)
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