#theyre a very conventionally attractive couple together
caelkid · 5 years
i had no idea anti zelink was a thing like i know about anti zelimpa and anti zelbosa and those are valid (theyre both parental type caretakers to zelda so that would be gross) and stuff like anti linkass (also valid kass is middle aged and link is probably under 20 ew) but i have no idea whats going on to make zelink worth having an anti tag for pls explain 
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lewalrus · 2 years
Idk if you share that thought but something I really cherish about deadsam is that theyre not just young hunks like so many other ships that exist, you know? They're older dudes. They have wrinkles, gray hair, you can tell that they've lived some life, have some experience. Neither of them are really conventionally attractive (I mean it as a compliment), but they're both handsome in different ways, in this more "I've tasted a lot of what life has to offer" kind of way. And they love eachother's bodies and minds because of that- that experience is what they find attractive in eachother. Plus something about both of them finding love later in life is very comforting to me irl. I know that in fandoms people call thirtyskmething characters "dads", but these two literally ARE dads, looks and all. I mean they literally have a child. /🐈‍⬛
God, I totally agree with you! I also really like how, because of their own different experiences in life, we can explore how they would react to certain situations based on what they lived before, and how they can be so different, but still help each other with the bad things that happened to them in the past. I think I already talked about this, but I also love the fact that this ship sounds so weird at the first time you hear about it, I mean, we see people usually choosing the two most conventionally attractive characters (like the young hunks you said) on a media to ship because it's easier to see them together, you can't really do that with Deadsam, you can't look at them at the beginning of the game and think something like "ghnnnnn I want to see these two making out so bad", we don't see couples like this in media too often, so the thought of them together doesn't really cross your mind at first, it has to grow on you through the game.
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strawberryspeachy · 3 years
Lurking around fb and saw the “common friends” on a friends page and seeing the two together reminded me of a conversation i had with one of them
So the dude liked the girl. I met the girl when she first moved to my area in art class and she started talking to me immediately (basically saying ‘hey! Youre the only other not white person ive seen all day’ leaving me like ?????? Weird way to start a convo)
Anyhow fast foward a few years and meeting her when she first arrived came up in convo with the dude. And he was like no i met her first! and just cause i didnt think he knew that I literally met her on her first say in the school i was like - pretty sure i knew her before you
And this dude liked to play argue with people- so he started to do that. And drew me in - until the “argument” devolved into some weird ‘who knows her better’
And i was like
Wait wait.... this is fucking weird. I... dont actually... care that much?
I think that memory popped up because i comment on youtube videos time to time and i commented on one a couple months ago about para? Relationships and how thats why people are so invested in influences lives
And i just really take issue when people use words like “everyone” and “all” because not true. Were not all the same
And i dont develop that feeling with strangers - despite my best efforts as a teen to be normal and fangirl - i always lost interest after a couple weeks because i just didnt care
That doesnt mean i dont get excited over SOME celeberties or dont stop to check out new work. Of course.
But honestly the list of people i would wake up early and go wait in line somwhere to see them is very small.
And beyond that theres only another handful where if i happened to see them on the street, i would ask for a picture or something. And that handful are people whose work i genuinely like, not because i think theyre my friends
I didnt write all that. But i am genuinely confused by the interest in “attractive” peoples lives.
And someone commented that i am lying and if i ever saw an influencer id beg for a picture with them
Honestly offended by the idea cause going badk to that convo about my high school friend. I really really really hate talking about random other people in a way thay emulates them. I dont paticipate in it. I get grossed out when people try to drag me into those kinds of conversations. I hate when im with someone and they get really fucking hype over an expensive car or a crowd or a camera crew.
I dont wanna be part of the crowd thats obsessing over some rando with a pretty face or money.
I dont wanna get drug into a crowd obsessing over someones work that i dont care about
One of my college friends told me about a news article she saw about my favorite singers dating life.... and i didn’t know how to reply because they definitely told me expecting me to get excited in some way over it... but i just dont care. Like cook. Hes a talented attractive single dude in his late 40s - makes sense hell wanna settle down with someone sometime and its not gonna be me lol
Also. I do get disturbed when i know too much information about random people i dont actually know
Like celebrities- ones i dont like i rlly try my best to not learn anything about. I dont care
Ones i like - information they wanna put out into the world - sure ill listen from time to time. But i dont rlly care one way or another
“Influencers” aka conventionally attractive people with a camera and no other talent - i wish ppl didnt care so these assholes couldnt just coast by in life on their genetics - suffer like the rest of us.
So i hate them and no. I would not want pictures with them. I dont wanna meet them. I dont get the appeal. I try to pretend they dont exist.
Edit: side note. I stopped getting nauseous and all about talking in front of people after i realized that i dont care about other peoples presentations. I dont care when i see someone do something embarrassing (ill still laugh and enjoy it but.... who cares?) so why do i worry what other people will think of me? The answer is - they wont think of me.
And I seriously have never turned back. I rlly thought i was right until college when i realized - oh actually ppl are overly invested in other peoples lives - luckily for me it didnt revert me back. I just think thats weird
Also key in this is random other people - not ppl im romantically interested in (people i have met and talked to and had back and forth exchanges with) not super close friends or family and not people that affect our every day lives like corporate assholes and government employees.
I very much care about their day to day lives and thoughts and personal lives. Cause theyre important - to me or society or both.
Same with a group of people becoming a monolith which affects public opinion.
Like, There a difference between being annoyed by what the kardashians stand for and do to american society - while also refusing to watch their show or give a fuck about what they do in their day to day lives.
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hobgayblin · 4 years
Oh well I meant mostly fo related because of the blogs theme but you can join in with anything else. For example I cannot stand most Jhin pairs specially the straight ones
YEAH. YEAH MY THOUGHTS EXACTLY. every ship thats jhin/a woman is a bad ship actually. while I’m not smart enough to say if he’s explicitly coded or not he reads as SO SO gay from him mannerisms and how he talks in my professional homosexual opinion. Even if I wasnt in love w/ him I still think he reads as gay tbqh
Plus the basis for every jhin/woman ship I’ve seen is SO boring. like w/ s*na its bc of that one throwaway line she has abt the autographs which is supposed to be HaHa Funny Joke About Jhin and 4, and also bc he has lines abt her and stuff but he also VERY explicitly wants to kill her so I’m... :/ w/ j*nx its bc theyre both batshit insane (in different and very conflicting ways). also jhin is a lot older than her which isnt like a problem, bc shes an adult, but I’m still like.... :/ this man is almost 40 and very mature hes NOT gonna be interested in an annoying 21 year old. and w/ n*mi its because..............???????? idk i think shes a good support for him but otherwise i have NO idea where that one came from but its SO popular.
I honestly don’t like any of the m/m ships with jhin either. I don’t rly mind any of them except jhin/k*yn which I don’t like. jhin/z*d im fine with seeing but also their backstories are both about them actively trying to kill each other so its not like. great. but they also have the most basis for a ship so i understand why ppl ship them. I’ve also seen some jhin/thresh which I THINK comes from their rivalry w/ the dark cosmic skins and thats the only one I’m like. ok cool nice thats neat. two awful men I love together. I don’t hate it but i still dont particularly ship it
god I rly spent 3 paragraphs on jhin huh. anyway heres a sparknotes of my thoughts w/ my other boys:
Every Sylas ship I’ve seen sucks except Sylas/S*tt which is like. out of nowhere and while I hate shipping men just bc theyre both conventionally attractive.... I just think theyre neat :) Sylas/L*x is the bane of my existence tho and I could go on forever abt why I hate it but this post is already gonna be long as hell sdghfkds
I haven’t seen a lot of Thresh ships aside from thresh/l*cian(and/or s*nna) and thresh/k*lista both of which I hate. I HAVE seen thresh/k*rthus and thresh/h*carim (or all 3 of them together) and I ADORE that shit whether its ship or not its so good honestly. death husbands ! w8 also I forgot abt thresh/ahr* which I also fucking hate fuck you spirit blossom for making that a thing
Pyke ships are almost NONEXISTANT from what I’ve seen which is both good for me and >:/ why arent yall shipping him w/ people hes sexy. except from maybe pyke/ill*oi which I love them being friends but I dont like the ship simply bc that giant woman belongs to the lesbians. TBF theres not a lot of people To ship him with tho except like. g*ngplank and MF but they’re absolutely on his Hit List and also MF isnt an option actually bc he only likes dude ass :/ MAYBE could throw him into the Graves/TF mix but Idk how well that would work out.... WOULD be sexy tho. 3 husbands in one :) WAIT HOLD ON I LIED I FORGOT ABT PYKE/N*UTILUS I LOVE THAT SHIP SO MUCH. scary revenants in love :)
Luckily for me 90% of the TF/Graves ship stuff is between them which obviously I love..... I love seein my two boys in love they rly should just be a canon couple already riot come on. Other ships I’ve seen include: TF/Y*suo for some reason but honestly its cute ! I like it :) sometimes graves is also thrown in there which is good too. Also TF/Ev*lynn which I DESPISE bc it just came out of their tango skins. smh its not romantic tango its gay/lesbian solidarity. Graves I never see shipped w/ anyone but TF unless its like. porn gsfghhkkskd
Also he’s not a real f/o but I’ve seen so much draven/darius it makes me wanna vomit <3 anyone that ships that needs help yall are fucking nasty and I hate you personally
TL;DR: I hate most canon/canon ships with my f/os aside from like. a couple sgdfghhksdf
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maplekeene · 6 years
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[image id: Tags from @jumpboy-rembrandt​ saying “#but theyre cute so like?? fck off #(i can delete this if youd like btw!! i just. like indruck.) #indruck” end id]
You’re good you don’t have to delete this!! It’s totally okay to be reblogged. Also: your first tag is SO IMPORTANT. Just let people have harmless fun!
I have some THOUGHTS about indruck and Duck shipping under the cut because I really do have a LOT to say and I’m somewhat using this tag as an excuse.
i know I didn’t really give “real reasons” on the first post but like. Shipping gay couples that are older or middle-aged makes me, a gay person, feel so good. Like. It helps me see that when I’m older, when I’m less conventionally attractive and wrinkly and getting “out of my prime”, I can still have love.
There’s so much media that just denies the idea that people who’re older than their 30s can find or be in love, and so having characters that I can see together makes me feel like I, too, can still find love at that age, that I can still be happy.
Older gay couples never get enough representation in media and to make our own makes me feel like I won’t be alone the instant I get old, because there’s still a chance for me to find love. Gay couples are so often shown as only young and attractive people and so its wonderful to have something to look forward to instead of thinking now is my only chance.
This is one of the reasons I get... a little angry when I see people headcanon Duck as aromantic or asexual. I can completely understand someone wanting to project onto a character they like, but at the same time, older people are never allowed to have fun and be in love. In media they’re always shown as either unhappily trapped in a marriage, or not even looking for love.
Labeling all older characters as unable to feel romantic attraction is a bad habit that a lot of younger people fall into. Especially when said character has quite a bit to suggest they might be gay (re: Duck calling himself a bear, Justin knowing that bear is a term used by gay men). Some people don’t flirt with the women around them, some people are socially anxious, some people are middle aged, and it doesn’t mean they’re aromantic.
Aromantic people definitely need more representation in media, but not when that representation would take away from older gay people. I wish I had a link to that campaign all about how our love does not fade as we get older. Our love tends to get stronger! Older people are just as capable of love, and labeling an older character as aromantic and asexual is always going to set off alarm bells for me. Older people are just as capable of love and sexual relationships as anyone else.
I also get alarm bells set off whenever anyone needs an “explanation” for where something, like a ship or popular headcanon, came from. Sometimes it’s just born from joy. To me, I saw Duck and Indrid interact for the first time, and I thought there was potential there. I loved the potential behind someone who could see the future, and someone who was burdened with it. Seer and Chosen One. They fit together so well in my head!
And even now, that Duck is mundane, I still see it there. The many times Indrid asked specifically to talk to Duck over the phone, the riff about whether or not Duck wanted eggnog when offered, Duck saving Indrid at the tree and reassuring him that no matter what, they would stop the horrible futures from occurring. It’s soft, and sweet, and so natural. It feels like a real relationship blooming. Those all came without Duck needing to be Chosen.
It’s a wonderful idea, too! Duck didn’t want being Chosen to define him, but it did, and when that was taken away from him, he was scared. He’s still scared. He’s cowardly, he runs from fate, he runs from danger. So does Indrid. They both love the Earth, they love the nature and the people, they want to protect others but they’re cowardly and fear for their own safety. They have so much in common, it’s incredible. Their personalities play off each other flawlessly. They have fantastic potential as a couple!
I also see a lot of work that shows them together in very out of character ways, partially due to people wanting to see certain aspects of a relationship and simply choosing the nearest pairing to put it on, but I won’t get into that now, because I could go on forever and make a whole separate post about that. 
Anyways. I love indruck! I try to be modest, and I’d love to give the credit of indruck to other people as well, but they’ve all pushed the credit back onto me? So I guess I invented this ship, technically. I have a lot of love for it in my heart. Its very good! It’s got potential, it’s got good canon interactions already, and it’s just very sweet and nice. It’s something that I can always look at and it warms my heart, and it’s so very nice to have that.
TLDR; Older gay couples need more representation in media, aromantics need representation too but not by pinning it on gay characters, and Indrid and Duck are just really good together and have a lot that works well between them!
I have other reasons why I ship them but this post has gotten way long already so I’ll cut it here. If you read all of this! Hell yea! You’re awesome!
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12/6/18 12:49
I want to write but i dont know what to say.
i feel so much but im not doing anything. i have feelings that i want to talk through but i cant grasp them yet. 
im so tired and my eyes hurt and my heart wants to love so much more than im being given opportunity for. i have so much love to give but nowhere to put it where it will be received in the way i really want. i’ll never admit it, but i just want someone who will mirror that love. i just want to feel like im appreciated and that those efforts are seen and appreciated. 
I just want to love and be loved in an enthusiastic way. And i feel like this a lot more when spencer and i are apart and i have to rely on his text voice to fill that little space in my head where i overthink about our relationship standing. That’s not to say that i never get my feelings hurt when we’re together in person, because yeah it happens, he’s a boy and he says dumb shit sometimes. But it’s so much less.
When we’re together in person, at least i can guage a little more where we stand. I can feel that he’s happy and i excite him. Sex is always good so i don’t really worry about that domain. I’m a very sexual person and i usually initiate things and will be more verbal about what i want or complimenting him and making it feel very explicit that I’m attracted to him and enjoying things, etc. so i feel like sex is coming easy to him. Like we don’t have any sexual inhibitions other than just like timing or if I’m on my period. But whenever I’m on my period, like today, i just go down on him anyway because it’s fun for both of us, and i think a little bit subconsciously it’s because i want to make sure he stays satisfied with me.. like i don’t want him to feel like he needs to go anywhere else for that kind of satisfaction because he can always get off with me and that i do things enthusiastically, which i do. I genuinely have a good time being sexual with him in any context because i do feel so attracted to him and so like.. into it.. like even on my period when i usually feel the least sexy, he comes over and makes me feel like such a queen.. like we’realways touching each other and so close and it’s always pretty high attraction energy between us which keeps me pretty enticed all the time..
it’s weird but it’s not. Cuz like i know that I’m a very sexual person. I like sex. I enjoy having sex for me, and i like the physical feeling and the connection to people. I like being intimate and i love being intimate with spencer for a lot of reasons.
I think a big part of it is his aloofness most of the time keeps me pushing for it. Like he’s so precious and beautiful and giggly and all that. Like he’s adorable and he looks at me sometimes like I’m so gorgeous.. like today he came over for like 2 hours and we just cuddled and teased each other.. the entire first hour was a standoff of who could hold out longer, which is funny because if i weren’t on my period, 100% i would lose first. But since he didn’t know i was on my period, i just ran with it and played this game with him. It’s so fun to tease each other and taunt the other person to make moves..
i just like messing with him cuz theres an innocence to him that i really like.. and part of that is that he is just objectively attractive, like conventionally but also just like to me, he is so perfect.. like his bone structure and his cute little features, and he’s tall and thin and i just think he’s crazy attractive. It’s honestly kind of annoying tho because i can’t ever keep my hands to myself. Like i just want to touch him constantly and have my arms around him..
Now i miss him..
Ugh wait i want to talk about jealousy. Because this is something i got back and forth on a lot in my head but overarching isnt an issue, because i don’t bring it up. Like i have insecurities, who doesn’t. And something i worry about is just him finding someone else that he likes better, and in reality, i feel like that would come from a friend confessing to him, and he’ll either be in love with that person or he’ll be a pushover and be with them cuz he cares about people and wants to make them happy. I worry that i won’t have as strong of a hold on him as id like to think that i do. And i mainly worry about this with his friend Ali, because they are super close and I’ve seen a couple times now where she like needs to talk to him and talks about anxiety and needing him.. so when i hear about it theres a twinge of jealousy because i imagine her like confessing that she loves him and that seeing him with another girl was too much and he should dump me amd be with her..
Yes i know i sound crazy, I’m aware. But that’s why i write this shit on tumblr so these thoughts never see the light of day. Because of course i would never bring this up to him, because expressing these insecurities does nothing but put tensions on his friendships, and i would hate if he did that with my friendships with guys, or girls (don’t bi erase me) and it would be annoying if i wanted to hang out with someone that he was jealous of because of course i would want to make sure he was super comfortable and that would probably cause me to see them less, and that’s not what i want for him because frankly i like his girl friends more than his guy friends, and theyre better influences on him anyway.
Still, theres something about this girl that makes me nervous sometimes. I think it’s just that she seems affectionate with him and expresses needing him, which seems like the way you treat a boyfriend or a guy you are affectionate with because he likes you but you’re friendzoning?
That too, i don’t know how these girls friendzone him. Like he is so gorgeous it makes me angry. He is so gorgeous, how do people look at rhis gorgeous man and go ya he’s just a friend. Like what?
Anyway, idk what to do about my feelings about ali. Part of it too is that i find her attractive, and someone i was low key crushing on last year, so now i see her super close with my partner and I’m like silently growling because i know shems attractive, and she would know what a prize spencer is, so that’s the insecurity.
The reason i don’t say anything is because i feel like at our age, theres a level of maturity and understanding. Enough to where if you are in a relationship, but develope feelings for someone else, and those feelings suddenly have an outlet and that person wants you back, you should be honest and breakup with your partner and pursue that other thing. Like ya being cheated on would suck, and getting dumped would suck, but at the end of the day, we’re all just people and romance is messy and i feel like if this girl confessed to him and he wanted to be with her, he should be. Cuz like theyre friends for a while and must know each other pretty well, and if he had strong feelings like that for someone else, who am i to hold him back?
But the point i was making is that even if this girl or any other girl expressed interest in him, that doesn’t mean he instantly sleeps with them and dumps me. Because id like to think that he and i are doing pretty well at the moment and id like to think he’s happy with me and wants to be with me.
When i get insecure about this stuff, i like to think about this thing he said a while ago. He said that he was single for 2 years, and just wasnt dating, and that when he saw me, he was like “her”.
I like to think about it in a serious way that like he’s known these females for those 2 years, and that if he wanted things to happen with them, they probably would have already happened. And i like to think that he was immediately attracted to me, and that first night when we met and kissed and he asked me about italian food because he wanted to take me on dates when we got back to school.
Those two things he said mean a lot to me and keep me relatively grounded when dumb insecurities want to carry me out and get lost in the sky.. i want to believe that he chose to be single for a while, or just didn’t hard pursue anyone for a while, but then with me he just wanted to date me or knew i was girlfriend material. And honestly that’s so fucking cute..
And i feel good about us now in that sense too when we talk about being friends. We’re both pretty adamantly like i think of you as much more than a friend and when i was jokingly like oh so you want to be just friends? And he was so sad like i mean.. if that’s what you want.. but I’m very happy with this” and just hugged me so tight..
Like i know I’ve got him, ya know? Maybe that sounds confident, but i feel like i got him.. i feel like i suit him pretty well and that I have the qualities he wants in a girlfriend. Or at least id like to think so.
So when i get insecure, i remind myself of these things and remind myself of when we were both complaining about exes who got jealous of our opposite sex friends and how annoying it is to be accused of sleeping with your platonic friends. So i know how dumb it would be to ask if he likes Ali, or if he ever has liked her in the past, because what if he has? I used to like Patrick, and he used to like me, but that doesn’t make us incapable of being just friends right now, so it would only hurt me to know that. And if he did currently like her, maybe he’ll say something. Or it’s not a big enough deal to him to mention it.
I just gotta trust him. I gotta let myself trust him and trust that we’re both adults and that he is capable of having platonic female friends, the same way i am capable of having platonic friends with anyone.
I think that’s as much as i can write for tonight. Gotta get sleep and get work done tomorrow.
Xoxo gossipgirl
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