#theyre all kind of terrified that returning to the lake right now will kill him
tangledinink · 10 months
So, I understand this may be a stylistic choice, but as the unofficial coloring person for your comic, something in your recent swannie update.... concerns me
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His eyes are SO dull. All of his line art is dull. Especially when in comparison with leo....
And you keep making magical girl jokes...
Is this like... a madoka magika situation?
Is he too far away from his soul?
He looks like he's barely.... there. He's normally at least responcive... he.... hes not there.... he's not.... present... I feel like there isn't anything there. No soul, no magic... just running on muscle memory and whatever magic remains in his body.
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of course, his family is aware that, currently, donnie is physically separated from his soul, and that that's probably not good. but they're also aware that donnie was beat to hell and back and just barely skated through by the skin of his teeth-- and that the lake literally drains his life force out of his body.
swanatello. ->
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