#theyre getting ready for round two
nicohischier · 1 year
do you ever think about how maybe getting swept by the c*nes wouldn't even be that embarrassing if we were putting up our game 7 performance and still losing? it's only embarrassing because we've just rolled over and let them kill us two games in a row.
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jinnie-ret · 11 months
9th member whos family is extremely unsupportive of their career choices, skz do their best to cheer them up after a loud argument that the boys overhear. their family is rude and downright mean to their 9th member and they cant let them be put down by their family so they remind her that theyre her family. love your writing.
family is complicated
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stray kids x ninth member!reader (platonic)
genre: angst, fluff
content warnings: emotionally abusive parents
word count: 1.6k
summary: after your troubling phone call is overhead by all of the boys, they comfort you and reassure you that they are your true family
Thank you sm for your request!! I hope you enjoy this one too :)))
"Y/Nnie! Lunch is ready," Chan called the maknae into the kitchen, plating up some food for her. Although they lived in different dorms now, Y/N staying with 3RACHA and Hyunjin, and Lee Know and Felix staying with VocalRACHA, they decided to do a whole group meal today.
Everyone was sat waiting at the table, before a sluggish looking Y/N padded into the kitchen, wiping sleep away from her eyes.
"Aw bless her, she looks exhausted," Felix whispered and frowned to Han, who nodded along.
"It's her mum and dad again, don't mention them yeah?" Han quietly replied, offering a light smile to Y/N when she plonked herself down into the chair opposite him.
"Mmm, what's for breakfast?" Y/N blinked her eyes rapidly, where redness could be seen around the lids. After an endless streams of texts from her parents last night, she cried herself to sleep, the boys doing their best to comfort her before she allowed herself to break down.
"It's lunch time, silly," Hyunjin fondly giggled as he ruffled her hair and placed a cup of tea down in front of her. "Here, peppermint tea, I know it's your favourite."
"Thanks Jinnie," Y/N tilted her head upwards and he smiled and scrunched his nose at her in response.
"It's nice having lunch together like this, I feel like we haven't done it in a while," Jeongin commented, twirling some ramen with his chopsticks.
"We had fried chicken at the company like two days ago," Changbin pointed out and laughed.
"Yeah but it's different being sat around the table with a home cooked meal," Lee Know nodded and agreed with Jeongin.
"It's different now, like sometimes I get a facetime and just have Seungmin staring at me whilst he eats like," Han starts laughing, and mimics the face the puppy like member of the group would pull.
"What do you think about eating on your own, Seungmin? Now that we've split into different dorms," Chan asked curiously from one end of the table.
"I love it so much," Seungmin genuinely and joyfully says, causing everyone to break out into laugh, Hyunjin's iconic cackle sticking out amongst them all. Even Y/N, in a tired quiet mood, broke out into a smile.
But that happy mood, was torn in half by the ringtone that blared from Y/N's phone. She picked up her phone and sighed when she saw the contact name, pinching the bridge of her nose.
"Are you ok, Y/N?" Minho queried gently from next to her, making his tone more caring and comforting like he always did when he spoke to her. She was similar to Felix in that she had a sensitive heart.
"I'm f-fine, umm, I've got to take this," Y/N scoots out of her chair from the dining table, and walks round the corner from the kitchen into the hallway that followed down to their individual bedrooms.
"I'm worried about her," Jeongin spoke up, a frown tugging on his features, the corners of his mouth pulled downwards.
"I swear if that's her parents-" Changbin gritted his teeth.
"When will you come home and leave that useless job behind you?"
"Mum, why do you always do this to me? I'm doing something that I truly love and you always dismiss it!"
"I don't care about what you enjoy doing. You're not thinking about your family. How could you leave us like this? It's disrespectful. You've betrayed us!"
"I send money to you every month! I support you! I do everything I can, mum!"
"Your everything isn't good enough, Y/N. You're an embarrassment to the whole family."
"Mum don't say that!"
Then there was the sound of the phone call being hung up on, and Y/N quickly dashed past the opening of the hallway to rush into the bathroom.
"Don't tell me what I can and cannot do, girl. I thought you may have changed your mind after my wise words last night, but I can see you're still as stupid and ignorant as ever."
"Y/N-" Han stood up to stop her and grab her attention, but she had already slammed the door.
"Have they always been that bad?" Seungmin questioned, appalled at the phone call they all overheard.
In her tired state, Y/N must have put the call on loudspeaker, and not realised that the boys had heard it too.
"I knew they were bad but... hearing her own mother yell at her like that... I thought the texts were bad," Chan sighed and shook his head. His hands rested on the table and he cracked his knuckles together.
"Why, what happened with the texts? Hannie said just to act normal but..." Felix brought up what he had said earlier.
"Yesterday she got some threatening texts from her dad, telling her he'd fly over to Seoul and personally drag her back home, and if she didn't 'comply and obey him' he'd make sure that she'd 'pay for it'," Hyunjin sighed, quoting the exact words he read from Y/N's phone himself.
"That bastard threatened violence?!" Lee Know exclaimed in disbelief, his fist clenched tightly around the edge of the table.
"We should check on her," Jeongin got up as he shook his head, walking round to the bathroom and knocking on the door. "Y/Nnie? Do you want to talk about what happened, love? We all heard," he added onto the end.
"No, it's fine, Innie. I'm ok, please don't come in," Y/N's voice cracked. "I just want some time to myself," she whimpered from the cold bathroom floor, rocking back and forth as she tried to process the words her own mother threw at her once more. Her mind was frantically pulling her in all sorts of different directions, saying 'what if' a thousand times.
"Sweetheart, please talk to us, we're worried about you," Felix's deep voice came from the other side of the door.
"I'm fine," Y/N sniffled, shakily standing up as her head pounded from all of the stress.
"You're not, we can hear it in your voice, Y/Nnie," Lee Know said firmly, a hint of frustration in his voice but only because he cared about her so much.
"Please open the door, Y/N," Jeongin tried again, hand resting against the door.
"She's not going to, mate," Bang Chan sighed, slumping down into the sofa, stretching out his neck and body. "She said she wants to be alone."
But then, the lock to the bathroom door clicked, revealing an exhausted looking Y/N who had tear streams down her face, as well as red eyes and a red nose.
"I don't want to talk about it," Y/N could barely look up at the three members that had been stood outside of the bathroom waiting for her.
"That's fine, just come sit with us, yeah?" Felix grabbed her hand gently.
"Don't shut us out, please," Lee Know ducked his head down to look into her eyes, and the girl nodded, still looking down at her feet. He rested his hand on her lower back as they encouraged her to head through to the lounge.
"Come here," Hyunjin opened his arms immediately as soon as she entered the room and just like that she was glued to his side.
"Y/N, I know you won't want to talk about it, but let us talk to you, ok?" Changbin started, "The way you have been treated by your parents, is by all means, not ok."
"And we want you to know, because we heard what your mum said, you are enough for us," Seungmin added on.
Their kind words caused her to let out a sob, and she heard coos and hushes around her of 'oh, Y/N!'.
"Darling, please don't get upset," Han crouched down in front of Y/N and wiped her tears away, and Hyunjin's arms tightened around her.
"I-it's just, it's-" Y/N couldn't get her words out before another sob ripped from her throat.
"Y/Nnie, breathe, it's ok love, take your time," Chan gently spoke up, causing her to listen to his words and actively take some deep breaths.
"We won't let you feel down ever again from the things they had said or done to you," Lee Know promised.
"We're your family, Y/Nnie," Jeongin cracked a small smile, eyes glistening with tears of his own.
"I wish you had been my family from the start. I feel like I've wasted so much of my life already," Y/N cried out, her hands digging into her legs.
"Oh, if we could have been a group from the start I'm sure we would have. Just think this, you've got us now. I know it's easier said then done, but don't worry about the past. Let's just think about our future, ok?" Changbin said from next to her on the sofa, gently pulling her hands away from her lap to prevent her from causing more harm.
"But what if-" Y/N stuttered and stopped herself from continuing once more.
"There are no what ifs with us, Y/N," Hyunjin rubbed circles into her shoulders.
"Yeah, you're stuck with us now," Han joked, trying to lighten the mood, and it worked.
For a few more moments you revelled in the comfort of being with your members, your family before going on with the rest of your day. And if anyone asked Chan if he blocked your mum and dad's phone numbers, he'd say no, of course. If they were really worried, they had other ways of getting in contact. It wouldn't hurt anyone. Just make your lives easier as a family.
tagged: @skz-streamer @kiraisastay @hannahhbahng @backintomykpopphaseagain @sakufilms @hanjiquokkaaa @arloo00 @dunno-wut-to-do @splat00z @cheesemonky
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serejae · 2 months
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pairing : idol!bnd x idol!reader
genre : fluff
WHAT ! - isac love with bnd (i apologize if the sports make no sense…im not athletic.)
ty anon !!
w.c: 1134
@onedoornet @miidorei @sol3chu @loserlvrss
(please dont ask me why sungho always gets hit with a basketball)
sungho swore his members had favorites, why when riwoo ask them to go front row with them to see his crush they go but when sungho ask they dont?? anyways, he sat front row ready to watch you play basketball
the match was intense, no sides have made a shot yet and everyone was anticipating for the first team to shoot. sungho held the edge of his seat as he leaned in watching you closely to see if youd make it, he wished on every star he knew and said every affirmation he could think of to hope youd make a shot. he watched you try to get the ball, chase the ball, dribble it, he just needed you to shoot the ball. just then you managed to get the ball in your hand and as you were about to shoot it you made eye contact with sungho and accidentally threw it towards him. but before he could react you managed to run out the court and grab it mid air as it was about to hit him. (you ladies alright?) sungho just stared at you as you apologized profusely and checked his face for any scars or damage. you were eliminated from the round but sungho took advantage of that. “i think i need ice for my face, can you show me where the ice is?”
(i actually cannot)
riwoo always loved dance but especially loved watching others dance. so when he heard that his idol crush was competing in dancesport he convinced bnd to move to the front for the stage so he can get a better view
as you walked past him to get on stage, riwoo pulled his knees to his chest and rested his chin and his knees smiling slightly excited to see your performance. so the music started and you and your partner got into formation, although he wished that one day you two would dance together he can work with this for now. he watched you move to the beats and melody of the music elegantly distinguishing the sounds of the crowd and just focusing on you. he was just wowed by your performance, how could someone be so perfect or do it all? when your dance ended and you walked to the exit of the stage, riwoo put his hand out for a high five with smile not expecting you to reciprocate it. but to his suprise as you walked past him he felt your hand on his
i feel like this mofo would think hes slick
boynextdoor came in late (ofc.). as jaehyun walk into the gym with his sunglasses on looking cool as he model walks until taesan taps his shoulder and tilts his head towards your direction letting jaehyun know youre there. and he’d get his act right so quick.
the glasses are off and hes serious leader mode. the whole isac hes acting so tough using his leader card to move the members around and make sure theyre not goofing off but secretly giggles to himself when he gets a glimpse of you. when jaehyun is finally up for archery hes so ready to impress you. he stretches his back a bit before holding up the bow and arrow aiming to shoot before completely missing. his ears goes red as he turns to peep at your reaction hoping youre not laughing at him (you are). jaehyun sat back down and started complaining to sungho about what just happened embarrassed, but when he felt a tap on his shoulder he expected it to be taesan but it was you giving him a water bottle as you let out a “you did great” with a smile that made him jelly. after a bit of courage hes gonna go off vibes and not logic anymore, hes walking up to you and talking to you.
(and as soon as you bring up how he held his bow and arrow upside down hes gonna start tweaking knowing he embarrassed himself like that infront of you)
my nonchalant king
taesan walked in clearly embarrassed at his group being late and especially knowing youre there. taesan finds a seat on the ground with boynextdoor and hides behind sungho while trying to spot you. he sees you about the run for the relay and gets nervous as if hes running (??) but he had no doubt that youd win (even if you didnt youre still the best in his eyes)
as he sees you cross the finish line he cheers loudly in his head but claps in real life. taesan sess you sit down with your group and peeks over sunghos shoulder slightly to get these sight of you smiling with your members making him subconsciously smile. what he didnt know is that his shield, sungho. moved from being infront of taesan to go do his sport giving you a full view of smiling taesan. you waved at him making him get out of his mind and realize what was going on, he looked around to make sure you were waving at him and once it clicks hes so embarrassed but waves back. you smile slightly before walking away causing him to put his head in his hands as jaehyun shakes him laughing at the situation
(lets pretend he was there)
leehan sat on the bleachers watching jaehyun about to compete, leehan wasnt competing in isac but was still invited to watch, and it just so happened that you had a small injury in your leg a while ago causing you to be unable to compete but like leehan you were still invited
he sat directly right next to you (yes there were other seats) deciding to keep you company. you both talked about the most randomest things before isac even started or when the crowd came in. when leehan found out about your injury he furrowed his brows and scolded you slightly that you should be at home resting insteaf of out here. just then jaehyuns name was called to start the archery match. leehan refocused his attention from you to jaehyun about to shoot until he heard you slightly move. he looked back over to you making you laugh a bit “my foot is just sore from sitting in this small area” you said making him laugh a bit. he helped you elevate your foot completely missing watching jaehyun shoot the arrow.
“wait! you didnt see jaehyun shoot the arrow” you realized he wasnt watching his member do their sport
“he missed didnt he?” leehan said calmly as he moved your foot up to help it relax
he really could care less about jaehyun and that arrow when youre next to him (yes he knows jaehyuns gonna complain when he sees the clip of leehan not gaf)
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81folklore · 11 months
call it what you want- LS18
pairings: lance stroll x streamer!reader (fc: sagemommy69)
summary: streamer yn gets on gossip sites for supposedly dating a driver, due to her being close friends with max fewtrell people assume shes dating lando, she shuts that rumor down pretty quickly
authors note: this was based on this request. i honestly wasnt sure where this was going so i hope its alright, didnt really have any motivation but knew i needed to get it done so🤷 also incase you dont know ‘bob’ is the name lando goes by on max’s and friends streams
authors note 2: kinda short, kinda sweet idk. i did this in about an hour and ive already found a few mistakes in the stream highlights but i deleted everything so you will have to make do! reminder that requests are open but currently only working on social media au requests or any that i can turn into smaus (also if you have a song/artistin mind please put that in your request along with a faceclaim if you have one!!)
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duexmoi added to their story
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liked by max_fewtrell, tokibbi and 1,263,719 others
teaching max_fewtrell valo and then 5 stack w/ max, jollz, toki + josh!! live on twitch 💐
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user7 ahh ive missed the streams!!
max_fewtrell i feel underprepared
yourusername you better hope your not we need you to carry
user88 excited for max to play valo
yourusername get ready for some wonderful reyna gameplay
user6 only recently started following, who are they from?
user26 honestly no idea, shes never posted them before😭
tokibbi 🩵🩵
your stream highlights
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liked by lance_stroll, landonorris, joshseki and 1,729,179 others
i want to wear his initial on a chain round my neck not because he owns me, but because he really knows me💐
tagged: lance_stroll
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user7 she really saw the lando rumors still flying and said ‘no.’
user12 theyre both 3 apples tall🤏
max_fewtrell why are you kissing on my timeline
yourusername this is what happens when people think i’d date bob
lance_stroll my babys fly like a jet stream
lance_stroll i love you!!
yourusername i love YOU!!
landonorris which is more than they can say🎶
yourusername 🚨swiftie alert🚨
landonorris reputation and 1989 are bangers
yourusername so real and true lando norris
user60 i love how we’re all pretending these two make sense and we arent shocked😭😭
user27 RIGHT?? why are we pretending we were expecting it??
joshseki tell max im never playing valorant with him again
yourusername max_fewtrell hes basically saying you sucked
max_fewtrell not fair..reyna was harder than i expected
user8 this is literally the most insane post, we have yn + lance, lance being a swiftie, LANDO?? being a swiftie and loving 1989 and rep (TASTE) and then max and yn arguing😭
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nyoomerr · 10 months
For the drabble request, I can never get enough shixiong!SY bingqiu. But only if you're up to it :)
ok it turns out i'm fundamentally unable to write a drabble as short as theyre meant to be, so here's over 4k words of shixiong!sy for your perusal 🤡 (+ a decent helping of cranky peak lord sqq and his wayward head disciple sy)
Shen Yuan… has possibly let himself become a bit too relaxed, since he first transmigrated. He used to spend every day on high alert: every cute little kid might be the protagonist, every mistake he made might have been logged somewhere for a petty revenge side plot later. He wouldn’t dare miss anything plot relevant, not when it might cause his doom. After all, ‘Shen Yuan’ wasn’t even a named character within PIDW - he was well and truly canon fodder!
But then, ah… Then Shen Yuan was accepted as a disciple on Qing Jing, and then he was a personal disciple of the notorious Shen Qingqiu, and then - 
Well, not even Shen Yuan can keep up that sort of hyper vigilance all the time, okay!! He’s the scum villain’s head disciple - basically a henchman! If he lived in fear for every moment he might be condemned, he’d never have a second to rest!
It isn’t Shen Yuan’s fault that the best way to relax in this world is to go on years-long expeditions off peak! 
…It might, maybe, be just a tiny bit my fault, Shen Yuan thinks, staring at Luo Binghe with horror. How does he manage to take such a long vacation that he misses the protagonist’s arrival onto Qing Jing? What kind of fake fan is he, ah?!
Luo Binghe has not introduced himself as such, but there is no way he can be anyone but Luo Binghe. His hair falls into perfect curls around a face so cute and round Shen Yuan wants to squish his cheeks until they turn pink, and he’s wearing an expression so determined and focused that it puts Shen Yuan to shame as the head disciple.
And he’s chopping wood. That’s the most recognizable part, obviously. 
Shen Yuan forces himself to step forward into the small glade he found Luo Binghe in, clearing his throat awkwardly. Luo Binghe whips around, and Shen Yuan nearly cringes at the nervous apprehension on the boy’s face.
“Ah, I didn’t mean to startle you…” Shen Yuan trails off. Luo Binghe stares at him and says nothing. Shen Yuan’s perfectly nice and friendly smile starts to slip. “I don’t think I’ve seen you around before…?”
“Apologies to Shixiong, this one will be sure to cut wood further away from the main peak buildings, so Shixiong doesn’t have to see me again.”
“Wha - wait, wait, that’s not what I meant!” Shen Yuan cries, becoming increasingly concerned about just how long he’s been away from Qing Jing. 
For Luo Binghe to already be this wary of any Shixiong who looks his way… ah, Shen Yuan has basically already failed every single one of his loose plans to keep Luo Binghe from blackening! He wasn’t even there to witness Luo Binghe’s initial perfect white sheep days, let alone keep him out of the warpath of bullies and bitter Shizuns!
“This Shixiong is Shen Yuan,” he says, taking a few slow steps closer to Luo Binghe. Somehow, he gets the feeling that he has to be ready to catch Luo Binghe by the scruff if he tries to run off or start a fight while Shen Yuan is just trying to introduce himself, ah!
“This one is Luo Binghe,” Luo Binghe replies, dipping into a perfunctory bow.
“Yes!” Shen Yuan says. “I mean - well, it’s a good name.”
Luo Binghe’s expression only grows more wary. 
“And ah, how long has Luo Binghe been on the peak?” Shen Yuan asks, even though the look Luo Binghe is giving him makes him want to slink back off into the bamboo forest. He has to know - if he’s lucky, it’ll only have been a year or two, and Shen Yuan can -
“This one has been a disciple of Qing Jing for over three years, now,” Luo Binghe says.
“Hm!” Shen Yuan says, because what he really wants to do is yell but he can’t do that with this customer service smile plastered on his face. 
Inwardly, he allows himself to monologue out a list of swears that would’ve gotten his old online accounts temporarily locked. Over three years is too long!! The blackening has already started!! Luo Binghe has already started damaging his meridians by following that cursed fake manual, has already started training under Meng Mo, and most importantly has already given up hope of being accepted here and started farming resentment instead!
Shen Yuan is fucked!! What sort of half-assed blackening prevention plan starts this late!?
“Ah, so Luo-shidi must already be 15, or nearly there,” Shen Yuan says aloud, laughing nervously. “Are you, um, sure?”
Please, please tell this pitiful Shixiong of yours that you just misspoke!!
Luo Binghe looks at him like he’s an idiot. Shen Yuan can feel nervous sweat beading along his forehead.
“It’s just - well, Luo-shidi is quite small, for being 15,” Shen Yuan says, and then nearly bites his tongue in an attempt to correct himself. Who is he to call the protagonist ‘small,’ ah!! “Not quite small! Only a bit! Only - uh, only slightly smaller than I’d expect! It’s only that I’m already 19, and Luo-shidi is much - I mean only a little! - shorter than I am, so -”
Shen Yuan makes himself shut up. You’re making a fool of yourself in front of the protagonist, you idiot!
“This one will be sure to train more to get bigger,” Luo Binghe says, though it sounds a bit like he’s talking through gritted teeth.
“No, no, you’re training plenty!” Shen Yuan rushes to say. “Uh, that is - admittedly, I’ve been off peak for some time now, but when I was Luo-shidi’s age, things like chopping wood were a group chore, so if you’re managing it all by yourself, surely you’re… big and strong…”
Shen Yuan shuts up again. Luo Binghe stares at him some more, but there’s something in his expression that seems more considering that it had been just a moment ago.
After a long stretch of awkward silence, he seems to come to some sort of resolution, and takes a hesitant step towards Shen Yuan.
“Forgive this one’s ignorance,” he says, slow and careful. “The other Shixiong said it was a chore best done alone to build strength. Is that wrong?”
“Very wrong,” Shen Yuan says, nearly beside himself with relief. 
Good, very good! Luo Binghe hasn’t lost all hope for his time on Qing Jing Peak just yet, after all! Given the chance, he’ll still try to carefully raise the issue of his bullying to a responsible Shixiong to take care of!
Shen Yuan can so be a responsible Shixiong that takes care of reports of bullying for Luo Binghe!!
“Oh,” Luo Binghe says, edging even closer to Shen Yuan. “Then what does Shen-shixiong think I should do?”
“Luo-shidi doesn’t have to do anything about this,” Shen Yuan says firmly. “This Shixiong will take care of finding out who’s meant to be sharing this chore with you and make them do the rest of it.”
“There might be multiple people,” Luo Binghe offers, still speaking with a caution that makes it quite clear how likely he thinks it is that Shen Yuan’s assistance will vanish as soon as Luo Binghe complains too much. 
“Because Luo-shidi has been made to do this chore alone for many days, now?” Shen Yuan asks. 
Still looking a bit wary, Luo Binghe nods. Shen Yuan sighs, having expected that answer, and takes the final steps needed to get within arm’s reach of Luo Binghe. Luo Binghe watches him closely, his hands curling tighter around the ax he’d been using to chop the wood. 
Moving slowly so as not to spook him, Shen Yuan raises one hand to place gently on Luo Binghe’s head. He really is too short for 15, but Shen Yuan knows all the details of ‘why’ - having to work too hard with not enough rest, having meals withheld from him or being served with spoilt ingredients - any kid would be a bit small, when under those conditions.
Luo Binghe had gone stiff under Shen Yuan’s touch, and Shen Yuan takes a moment to pet the top of his head for a moment before saying anything else, hoping to get Luo Binghe to relax again. 
Ah, I really did mean to try and keep you safe, Shen Yuan thinks to himself, feeling regretful. He’d come to Cang Qiong with the intention of finding Luo Binghe early, after all, and had worked as hard as he had in order to be ready for Luo Binghe when he came.
But then he had worked too hard, and Shen Qingqiu had promoted him to head disciple, and suddenly Shen Yuan thought he might go insane if he wasn’t able to get off Qing Jing Peak and stay off for as long as he could possibly get away with, and - 
How stupid of him. Luo Binghe must have been taken in during the disciple selection the very same year that Shen Yuan had taken off on his extended field trip. How very, very stupid of Shen Yuan, to think that things wouldn’t go upside down the second he looked away - this is Luo Binghe’s story, after all, and it’s always been a bit of a tragedy.
“Then this Shixiong can only apologize to you,” Shen Yuan says softly, with perhaps just a bit too much sincerity. “And in the future, if you’re given this sort of work again, I’ll chop wood in your place.”
Under his hand, Luo Binghe peers up at Shen Yuan with wide, hungry eyes. Shen Yuan gives him a final pat before withdrawing his hand, and plasters his friendly smile back on his face. 
“Now, why don’t you get cleaned up, hm? I’ll meet you again later - this Shixiong of yours still needs to report back to Shizun that I’ve returned from my trip.”
Luo Binghe nods, still watching Shen Yuan with an intensity that would feel more at home on an emperor than a scrawny 15 year old, and Shen Yuan beats a hasty retreat.
Despite all the pretty promises he made to Luo Binghe, he’s going to have to think of something clever to actually be able to fulfill them.
After all, not even all of his meta knowledge combined would be able to save Shen Yuan from his Shizun.
Shen Yuan has been pacing outside Shen Qingqiu’s bamboo house for ten minutes now. Nothing he can think of is good enough to convince someone as petty and stubborn as Shen Qingqiu. 
Once, at the start of his time on Qing Jing Peak, Shen Yuan had tied his disciple robes wrong, unused to wearing anything quite so complex. Shen Qingqiu had sneered at his mistake in the moment, and then for every major event in the next five years straight he’d made a point to comment snidely on how well Shen Yuan has managed to dress himself.
That’s the sort of mean streak this man has!! If he doesn’t like something, he’ll keep harping on that one thing for years, even after that thing isn’t around to bother him anymore! How is Shen Yuan supposed to coax Luo Binghe out of the jaws of a man like that?
Ah, forget it, forget it! Shen Yuan would just - he’d come back another day! Greeting Shen Qingqiu wasn’t really necessary, Shen Yuan could just -
“I was under the impression that Shen Yuan was a head disciple returning from field work, not a child trying to avoid bedtime.”
Shen Yuan whips around, the hair on the back of his neck standing on end like a spooked cat. There, kneeling elegantly on his front porch not ten meters from Shen Yuan, is Shen Qingqiu.
“Shizun!” Shen Yuan cries, trying to force his grimace into a nice, polite smile. “When did - I mean - this disciple means -”
Shen Qingqiu closes his fan with a harsh snap, and Shen Yuan shuts his mouth so fast he almost bites his tongue.
“Well?” Shen Qingqiu asks dryly, and Shen Yuan hurriedly drops into a bow. 
“This disciple greets Shizun!” Shen Yuan shouts, his ears burning with embarrassment. 
Shen Qingqiu hums, and Shen Yuan risks peeking out from his bow to look at him. 
He does not look especially pleased.
With all the elegance of a wild cat, Shen Qingqiu unfolds himself from his kneeling position on the porch and glides over to Shen Yuan. 
“Too low,” he says, slapping at Shen Yuan’s wrists with his fan. “Or was Shen Yuan hoping there would be a replacement head disciple waiting for him by the time he came back from his trip?”
“Ahahaha,” Shen Yuan wheezes, carefully correcting himself into a bow of a slightly higher ranked disciple than the one he’d originally slipped into. “Of course this disciple is honored by the position and very very grateful for Shizun’s benevolence in leaving it to him even during his absence…”
“What advice does Shen Yuan think his Shizun has for him?” Shen Qingqiu asks sharply, and Shen Yuan winces.
“‘Talk less,’ Shizun,” he recites dutifully. It is advice that Shen Qingqiu has given him many, many times.
Shen Qingqiu sniffs haughtily and walks a slow circle around Shen Yuan, inspecting him. Shen Yuan tries not to sweat too profusely. He really had been hoping that Shen Qingqiu may have forgotten about Shen Yuan in his years away, ah!
Finally, Shen Qingqiu completes his inspection, stopping once more in front of Shen Yuan. 
“What sort of pathetic creature has Shen Yuan carved the bones of to make his hairpiece?” He asks, using his fan to prod at Shen Yuan’s hairpin.
“A Hundred Year Crystal Tortoise, Shizun,” Shen Yuan answers.
“And the leather of your belt?”
“A Golden-Footed Acidic Bear, Shizun.”
“And did you even bother to remove the -”
“- the needle hairs beneath the Bear’s skin before treating the pelt,” Shen Yuan interrupts. “Yes, Shizun.”
Shen Qingqiu scoffs. “How bold you’ve gotten, interrupting your Shizun.”
“...Sorry, Shizun,” Shen Yuan mumbles, deflating a bit.
“Still,” Shen Qingqiu sighs, and Shen Yuan peeks back up at him again. “You did decent enough, I suppose.”
Shen Yuan perks up, half-standing up out of his bow. “Thanking Shizun -!”
Shen Qingqiu whacks him over the head with his fan. “If Shen Yuan’s trip had been only a single year, instead of nearly four!”
Shen Yuan very quickly gets back into the proper deferential position. 
“Fleeing so quickly after being promoted, only to stay away for this long - I hope Shen Yuan is comfortable sleeping on the ground, because I’ve long since given up keeping the side room in my house for an absent head disciple. I filled it with cursed artifacts and dusty books two years ago.”
“Shizun -!” Shen Yuan protests, starting to stand up again. He’d liked that little room, damn it! It was the one decent part of being promoted to head disciple in the first place, even if it meant sharing a roof with this asshole!!
Shen Qingqiu whacks him again, and Shen Yuan obediently shuts up.
“Foolish boy,” he scolds, before promptly turning on his heel to stalk back to the bamboo house. “Hurry up, then,” he calls behind him, “I want to see if you still make tea as dreadfully as you did before.”
Shen Yuan makes a face at Shen Qingqiu’s back. Without looking behind him, Shen Qingqiu uses his qi to send a single leaf flying to Shen Yuan’s head, slapping him on the forehead right over where Shen Yuan’s brows had bunched together.
Shen Yuan smooths his face out into a perfectly polite smile once more. This asshole, he curses inwardly, he really is scum!! The lowest of the low!! A bully!!!
“Tea, Shen Yuan,” Shen Qingqiu calls once more, and Shen Yuan hurries to catch up.
Later, after Shen Yuan has dutifully given a retelling of his adventures over the last few years, and after Shen Qingqiu has grilled him on every mistake he made and how stupid that was of him and how shitty his tea still tastes, Shen Yuan finally manages to bring up Luo Binghe.
“This disciple met someone new this morning,” he says, pouring Shen Qingqiu more of his apparently awful tea. 
“Was Shen Yuan sure they were new? Perhaps it’s been so many years your brain has started to forget the faces of the idiots here in favor of whatever foolish beasts you’ve been studying.”
“Someone new,” Shen Yuan confirms, pretending to ignore Shen Qingqiu’s very pointed glare. “He was a disciple even younger than Ning-shimei, and you only picked her out the year before I left.”
“Ah,” Shen Qingqiu says, and all of a sudden Shen Yuan thinks that perhaps his Shizun has never been truly irritated with him in the past, because this expression is far more acidic than anything Shen Yuan has seen before.
“A-ah…?” Shen Yuan says, stupidly.
Shen Jiu sets his cup down with a harsh clink. “Shen Yuan should ignore that little beast. He won’t bring you any good news.”
“Shizun, this disciple likes beasts best,” Shen Yuan says. “Is he so bad?”
“Ignore him,” Shen Qingqiu repeats frostily. 
Shen Yuan swallows. This… there’s no way that he’ll be able to convince Shen Qingqiu to give Luo Binghe an honest shot in this one conversation. He can’t bet on being able to eventually wear him down, though, either - even if he does eventually convince him, if it takes a year to do it, that’s also not any good. Shen Yuan needs to be able to help Luo Binghe now.
Okay. This is fine. Shen Yuan has - he has so many very good ideas, all of them very well thought out and full of strategic benefits. He can use any one of these very good and smart ideas.
“I understand, Shizun,” Shen Yuan says, “That beast won’t be a shidi of mine, then.”
“Good, now -”
“But what about as a pet?”
Shen Qingqiu stares at him. Shen Yuan stares back.
“A pet,” Shen Qingqiu repeats. 
“A pet,” Shen Yuan agrees. “Shizun, I already said that I like beasts best - if I can’t raise Luo Binghe to be my shidi, can’t I raise him as my pet instead?”
“Don’t be foolish,” Shen Qingqiu snaps. “Beasts aren’t for keeping.”
“Sometimes they are - Cang Qiong has a whole peak dedicated to such a thing,” Shen Yuan points out. Shen Qingqiu’s scowl grows more fierce. 
“Qing Jing is above such dirty work,” he spits.
Shen Yuan swallows again, his hands clenched tightly in his lap. He’s already started down this path; he may as well place all his bets on making it through.
“Then perhaps Qing Jing is not for this disciple after all,” Shen Yuan says, trying to keep his voice steady. It still comes out a bit reedy, but at the very least, his voice doesn’t crack over the words. 
Shen Qingqiu’s eye twitches. “Speak plainly - Shen Yuan has already spent several years neglecting his duties. How much farther do you intend to stray?”
“Shizun so graciously held the position of head disciple open for this one,” Shen Yuan hedges. “On that topic, isn’t it possible for head disciples to choose to spend a decade or so on a different peak of their choice, to encourage diversity in education and cross-peak relationships before the head disciple becomes beholden to their peak as a lord? Perhaps I could take in a pet on a different peak, with such a method.”
“That’s a custom reserved for older disciples,” Shen Qingqiu spits, “intended to benefit them in the years directly leading up to their ascension as a peak lord, not when the head disciple is just a little whelp with a century ahead of them before they can wear a lord’s crown.”
“No such rule is written anywhere, Shizun.”
“Then I’ll write it,” Shen Qingqiu hisses. “Shen Yuan, you’ve had your fun these past years - now you are to stay on this peak.”
“Then I want a pet,” Shen Yuan says, tilting his head up defiantly. “It’ll benefit Shizun, too: you won’t have to feed or clothe him anymore, nor train him to be a cultivator.”
Not that you were doing any of those things for Luo Binghe before, ah!! Shen Yuan thinks, trying to focus on that feeling of indignation. If he just thinks about that - about the horror of coming across Luo Binghe in that clearing earlier, too scrawny to be 15 and yet wary enough of the world he may as well have been an adult - then Shen Yuan can hold his ground. 
If he just thinks about Luo Binghe as a neglected kid, and he just thinks of Shen Qingqiu as that child’s abuser -
If he just thinks about that, then Shen Yuan can meet the eyes of the man who has taught him and promoted him and housed him in the side room of his house, and he can demand this one thing.
“With what funds would Shen Yuan be able to feed and clothe his pet?” Shen Qingqiu asks sharply. “With what free time would he train him not to bite?”
“This one is the head disciple of Qing Jing Peak,” Shen Yuan says. “If a head disciple couldn’t manage that much, they certainly couldn’t deserve to ascend as a peak lord in the future.”
Shen Qingqiu falls silent, unfurling his fan and raising it high up his face until only his eyes peered out the top of it, watching Shen Yuan. Shen Yuan’s hands twist in his lap, but he keeps his gaze steady.
“A head disciple does not run away from the position,” Shen Qingqiu says. 
“Nor does a master run off from their pet,” Shen Yuan agrees.
There’s another moment of quiet as they both watch each other. When Shen Qingqiu speaks again, his voice is firm, like someone reciting basic peak rules and not the terms of the most batshit insane agreement Shen Yuan has ever brokered.
“You will stay on Qing Jing,” Shen Qingqiu says, “and you will accept the head discipleship position without fuss.”
“Yes, Shizun.”
“No more trips. No more pretending to forget to introduce yourself as my head disciple. No more pushing your pathetic disciple brothers at me with paperwork that you clearly filled out in some sort of foolish scheme to have me consider them over you.”
Shen Yuan winces. “Yes, Shizun.”
“You will not receive any additional allowance, for any reason, outside of the funds normally provided to a head disciple. Any pests you pick up will not sleep in my house, nor will you be allowed to request room in the dormitories for any such creature. Those resources are for disciples, not beasts.”
Shen Yuan hesitates. Luo Binghe can’t sleep in the rundown woodshed forever, and he wants to protest the idea that the dorms are for disciples, as if Luo Binghe was ever allowed in there in the first place.
Shen Qingqiu taps one finger on the table. “Answer, Shen Yuan.”
“This disciple agrees under one condition,” Shen Yuan says. “Using his personal funds, this disciple would like to request permission to make moderate renovations to a peak structure in order to improve the quality of kept wood.”
Shen Qingqiu scoffs. “Disciple Shen Yuan’s personal funds will be drained by feeding an animal - you will not be able to afford the standards that Qing Jing exacts for renovation projects.”
“This disciple has been collecting favors from An Ding. They will be repaid, and this disciple will be able to afford the project.”
“Shen Yuan had best not be caught collecting any such favors forcibly,” Shen Qingqiu warns, which is very distinctly a ‘don’t get caught blackmailing people��� warning and not a blanket ‘don’t blackmail people’ one.
“Of course,” Shen Yuan agrees. “This one is the personal disciple of Peak Lord Shen Qingqiu - how could I get caught in such a way?”
Read: you’ve made sure I understand how to not get caught when doing something shady, at the very least!!
Shen Qingqiu waves his fan once, twice - he’s irritated, but doesn’t necessarily disagree.
“Fine,” he says at last. “Permission for a renovation to that ugly woodshed is granted. And Shen Yuan’s answer to all other stipulations?”
“This disciple agrees.”
Shen Qingqiu slaps his fan closed in one palm. “Then Shen Yuan is allowed a pet. I won’t interfere further.”
Shen Yuan nods. He expected as much; Shen Qingqiu won’t egg on any further bullying, nor will he stop Shen Yuan from taking any measures he pleases when it comes to Luo Binghe, but he won’t help Shen Yuan dissuade the current bullying.
That’s fine - already, this is enough to help Luo Binghe.
“Thanking Shizun,” Shen Yuan says, bowing his head slightly. “This disciple will not disappoint.”
After all, how hard could raising the protagonist be? This world revolves around Luo Binghe; all Shen Yuan needs to do is make Luo Binghe’s everyday life a bit less miserable, give him just one person he can trust. Luo Binghe will manage the rest himself, by nature of being who he is - what he is. 
Yes, this - this is the best way.
Outside the bamboo house, crouched beneath a window so still his muscles ache and his head feels woozy from how shallow he’s kept his breathing, Luo Binghe listens to his Shizun and Shixiong move on to discuss cleaning out the side room now that Shen Yuan has returned to the peak.
A pet, he thinks, his eyes blown wide, his fingers digging deep into the ground beneath his knees. He can feel dirt caking the underside of his fingernails, and the scars he leaves in the ground are very much like an animal, indeed.
A pet, he thinks again, over and over on loop in his mind, his pretty Shixiong’s voice fading to background noise. He thinks of Shen Yuan gently patting his head like one might coax a dog, and he thinks -
Yes, a pet.
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thegettingbyp2 · 9 months
Babesss, i have been binge reading Coriolanus Snow x reader fic and i need therapy 😭
But i have a request if you’re up for it! You can just ignore if you don’t feel like it.
Can you write where reader is just as powerful and possessive as Corio is? And thats how he feel in love w her?
Theyre both possessive and obsessive to one another that they are always needing each other.
Told you i need therapy 😭😂
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You and Coriolanus were so similar, no one thought that you were going to be a good fit for each other. Actually, you both think that the fact you are so similar is the reason why you work so well together; you understand each other in a way that no one else would be able to. You didn’t know how to explain it, you just had this need to constantly be around him and he felt the exact same way towards you.
The two of you were currently at a party, celebrating the reaping of the first Hunger Games since Coriolanus had been sworn in as President. You’d been separated for the past hour or so, both of you being dragged away by others to either talk or dance so the moment you could get away, you went in search of him.
When you rounded a corner to see Coriolanus sitting with a girl on his lap, you saw red. Coriolanus was yours. You were the only one that could touch him. Not thinking, you stormed over to them, failing to notice Coriolanus’ eyes light up slightly when he saw you.
‘Well, it looks like you’re having a lovely time,’ you said in a sickly sweet voice as you smiled down at Coriolanus.
‘I’ve just been waiting for you to finish up your little dance, darling,’ Coriolanus replied smoothly, a smirk working its way onto his lips as he realised that your eyes were practically trained on where the girl had her hand wrapped around his arm. ‘I take it you’re ready to go?’ he asked, making to move the girl away from him and stand up.
‘Oh, not at all! I was just making sure that you were okay, I’m actually going to go and see if I can have another dance with Flickerman.’ You leaned down to press a kiss to his cheek, grinning when you heard his breath hitch slightly before standing back up and walking away.
You were about halfway through your third dance with the News Reporter and you could feel Coriolanus’s eyes on you the whole time. Deciding to rile him up and give him a taste of his own medicine, you stepped even closer to Lucreatius, smiling up at him charmingly.
‘Can we expect you and the President at the opening of the games this year?’ he asked, unaware of the fact you were both being watched like a hawk.
‘Of course, you’d have to tie us both down to keep us away,’ you replied, laughing lightly. The sound of your laughter across the room had the hairs on the nape of Coriolanus’ neck pricking up. That was the moment he knew he needed to intervene.
‘Sorry to interrupt but we really need to be going.’ You felt Coriolanus’s arm wrap around your waist from behind as he subtly yanked you into his chest, away from Flickerman. His voice sounded tight and you couldn’t help but smirk at how he was trying to control himself.
‘But, we’re having so much fun!’ you exclaimed, turning around to face him, batting your eyelashes at him. Coriolanus’s arm tightened around you before looking back up at Lucreatius.
‘Thank you for keeping her entertained but we really do need to go,’ he excused you both before practically dragging you out of the party.
The second you were both home and the door was closed behind you, Coriolanus pulled you into a bruising kiss, his hands keeping you pressed up against him. Your hands slid up his back until they were fisted in the hair at the nape of his neck before breaking the kiss, tugging at his hair.
‘I didn’t like seeing you with that girl on your lap,’ you said, your grip tightening when you thought back to the party. ‘You’re mine, Corio.’
‘And I think you need to remember, my love, that you’re mine as well,’ he replied, pulling your own hair back, causing you to lose your grip on him. ‘I didn’t ask for that girl to approach me, you sought out Flickerman, giggling whenever he’d say the slightest thing, pressing this body, that belongs to me, up against him, all for the sole purpose of making a point.’ Coriolanus dipped his head down to press open-mouthed kisses to your neck, scraping your skin with his teeth when he heard your breath hitch.
You were quick to pull his lips back up to yours, pushing him backwards until he was seated on the couch, pulling you down with him until you were straddling his hips. His hands made their way down your body, pushing your dress up around your hips, groaning when he saw you had no underwear on. ‘You’re really pushing it tonight, my love.’
‘I’m only pushing it because you pushed me,’ you said, your hands going straight for his trousers, pushing them down far enough to free his cock. You pumped him up and down a couple of times before raising up on your knees, lining his cock up at your entrance and sinking down on him. You kept your eyes trained on him, almost daring him to lose his composure, only to be met with his cool eyes staring back at you.
Your arms wrapped around his neck as he began to move your hips, making you bounce up and down on him. He tilted his head forward until his forehead was pressed against yours and he was staring deep into your eyes.
‘You’re mine, (Y/N), aren’t you?’ he said lowly, not one breaking eye contact as he bucked his hips up against yours, making a whine escape your throat, your eyes closing involuntarily. All of a sudden, you felt one of his hands wrap around your neck, forcing your eyes to snap back open. ‘Answer me, my love,’ his voice turned almost sinisterly sweet and you found yourself nodding.
‘All yours.’
‘Good.’ He pressed his lips back to yours as his hips started thrusting into your roughly from underneath you. Pressing your hands against his chest, you leaned in close, skin tingling at the feeling of his breaths coming out in pants against your shoulder.
‘Though you know you’re mine too, Corio, right?’ When he refused to answer, you slowed the movements of your hips down, feeing smug when he let out a quiet whimper. ‘Answer me, Coriolanus.’ You said, copying his earlier words and pressing a single kiss to his jawline.
‘Yes, I’m all yours.’
‘That’s what I thought,’ you whispered into his ear before picking your pace up.
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princessbrunette · 8 months
pls do rafe and reader hooking up in a bathroom at the country club cus theyre like on the dl and thats the most convenient place hehee -👛
you actually wait for him outside the bathrooms, brushing down your white mini skirt clutching onto the last remaining crumbs of decorum you had left knowing it would be gone within a few moments. it was the skirt that had gotten you into this position in the first place, flouncing around the country club with your ass cheeks practically hanging out. you couldn’t exactly blame rafe for taking the chance the moment everyone’s back turned to grab a handful of it roughly and tell you to meet him at the bathrooms.
he comes storming round the corner, quick and intense just like he always was. upon reaching you, he doesn’t stop— wrapping a hand round your arm and pulling you inside the men’s bathroom coming face to face with a random country club patron washing his hands.
“get the hell out of here, okay? hurry up.” rafe gives the man a slap on the back before shamelessly ushering you towards him, the two of you watching the door swing shut as the man scurries out. “cubicle, go. get those panties off.”
he walks to the sink, washing his hands— and now you really feel sick and twisted because your first thought was ‘how thoughtful of him!’
inside the cubicle you do as he says, removing the thin useless panties you’ve soaked through, standing there with them hanging off your finger, giggling when he opens the door again.
“you wont be needing those.” he closes in on you, snatching the fabric from your hand and stuffing them in his pocket as he pulls you in for a kiss with the other hand— rough and sloppy against the wall.
“missed you.” you breathe against his lips, sucking in air when you can despite his brutal attack on your mouth.
“yeah? how ‘bout this dick— you missed this dick?” he mutters, pushing his hard on against your thigh as he reaches down, fingers sliding through your wetness making your back arch off the cubicle wall with a pathetic mewl. “aw.” he chuckles.
“yeah, missed your dick.” you admit shyly and you can feel him smiling against your mouth, sinking his fingers in but only to make sure you were ready for him.
“i’d make you get down and show me how much you missed it but uh— dont wanna make you get on your knees in the men’s restroom.” he wraps one arm around you and hoists you up the wall, letting you wrap your legs around his waist for support. “i’mma gentleman, you know?” he tilts his head, muttering against your lips as his spared hand works at his belt.
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weebsinstash · 1 year
I've talked about romantic/sexual yandere Miguel being goaded on by an alternate of himself or another you, but, I'm also thinking about platonic yandere parental/guardian Miguel getting a little 'push' to realize he wants you to play a more central role in his life, either from being in competition with an alternate of his or outright being told by his alternate that it's what he should do
You're just in the Spider Society minding your own business and you see Miguel talking to, Another Miguel, but this one has glasses or a beauty mark or some distinguishing feature. The two of them are discussing anomalies and "the fate of the multiverse" and other such serious topics when you stroll by, giving a wave and such as hello when the second Miguel actually pauses their conversation to greet you, actually being, well, much like YOUR Miguel with his occasional sarcastic snark but, friendlier, introducing himself to you, shaking your hand, asking you questions like how old you are, how long have you been a Spider, etc, amd you're ready to start cracking jokes about how, maybe you'll start spending time with this new Miguel instead since 'yours' is suddenly so grumpy, when. Oh dear, the awkward thing happens. Here comes the other you, bounding right up to the other Miguel, "Papá, there you are 🥰 this place is like a maze and I got lost looking for you, dont leave me behind again 🥺"
Both you and Miguel are watching your alternates interact, actually silently internally in some weird sort of agreement with "this is kind of weird but also oddly wholesome... what the fuck, why do I want what they have..." but it's just. It's also just a little weird. You're literally watching another you cuddle up to another version of your boss, calling the man their dad, acting like they're legitimately his child, with the other man actually being genuinely caring and considerate back. Eventually in private Dad!Miguel asks Miguel about his relationship with you and is basically met with "what relationship. That's just my coworker" as Dad!Miguel rolls his eyes at his emotionally constipated alternate who's apparently going to need a little encouragement
Part of me is like, what if some bullshit happens like, Dad!Miguel is all "oh yeah well if you have such a handle on things and think they can take care of themself without any support or guidance, what are they doing right now" and Miguel is all huffy and all FINE LETS SEE, IM SURE THEYRE FINE and goes to, use his monitors or whatever to spy on you and, you're having like a mental episode, a real crying session, some real boo hoo sobbing and maybe even cutting yourself as Miguel is "coincidentally" having an epiphany that, hey, maybe you DO need an extra mentor figure in your life... maybe he can... ask you about your day and stuff? Dad!Miguel over here ready to rip his hair out as he realizes your Miguel went through all the second universe stuff and is now an emotionally bottled mess and, in a way needs you as much as you need him
Whether to encourage his alternate or help you since you resemble 'his child', despite all awkward differences, Dad!Miguel sees that you're lonely and struggling and, kinda partially adopts you, becoming something of a mentor, checking in on you, scolding you to est something when his advanced hearing picks up on your stomach growling, making small talk, little things like that, but routinely, becoming a bit of a fixture in your life
Months down the line your Miguel is minding his own business having a pretty ok day and he rounds the corner and. It's Dad! Miguel, convincing you to let him comb your hair because you ran out of the house without doing anything with it first and you've been kind of stressed and tired. Miguel just starting to kind of feel what can only be identified as envy and jealousy as he watches Dad!Miguel spending time with you, "so, are you graduated by now? My child (the other you) is still in university right now" "oh no, I'm not really doing college" "what, but you're so smart! I think you can do anything you put your mind to--"
Miguel turns his back and next time he turns around, Dad!Miguel is getting you gifts for your birthday and it turns out he regularly visits you. The original man's strolling through the lobby and suddenly he sees you with his alternate that he's really starting to hate and, are you speaking Spanish? Since when did you learn Spanish? Did he TEACH you? Have you been spending so much time together that the other him even had that opportunity?
He's just standing there watching Dad!Miguel like, braid your hair or help clean your glasses or do something that's like, platonic but personal, caring, affectionate, and suddenly your Miguel is having the realization, "did this bitch just steal you right under my nose. Did he just baby code MY baby 😤"
Miguel overhears you happily call his alternate Tío and, that's it, he gets so mad he confronts the other him about it in private basically then and there, the other man basically just like "well clearly YOU weren't giving them the support they needed--" and proceeding to give advice on how to get close to you, things you're stressed about and struggling with, things you were too shy and scared to open up about to the original Miguel or anyone who isn't a trusted friend
An alternate version of the YouTwo disaster where YouTwo wants to steal your life because you "stole their dad" when Dad!Miguel spends time with you and they assume they're being replaced out of jealousy, or maybe he even outright wants you for himself, or maybe Dad!Miguel outright meets his unfortunate end in an unrelated villain thing and YouTwo comes to steal YOUR "dad". YouTwo who's more unhinged than ever because their Miguel kind of "broke them in" to be their loving little child and doesn't handle either being replaced or losing the only loved one and source of support they cared about
Of course this is to say, it would DEFINITELY be "unfortunate" if you and Dad!Miguel got so, so close and, then suddenly the man dies and is violently ripped from your life just when you're starting to heal and be happy again and, suddenly you're so heartbroken and vulnerable and, THIS is the moment when your Miguel finally steps up to the plate to truly take care of you amd fully assimilate into your life. You're breaking down sobbing, literally the kind of crying where you can't even stand, you just collapse, and, here he is to pick you up and hold you, embrace you, shoosh you gently and rub your back and let you cry while he helps you feel safe again. He's sorry he's late, but he's here now, so let Papá give you nice big hugs while you cry and then take you back home, ok? His home. Technically YOUR home now, that the two of you share. You'll get served all your favorite foods and made sure you're looked after and, when its time for bed and you get those violent nightmares and images of how your beloved Tío was killed right in front of you and can't manage to sleep, your Papá is there to help hold you and comfort you until you're finally softly snoring in his arms. he looks at you, how heartbroken and, in his eyes, helpless you are, and vows that if anyone ever tries to hurt, or wrong you, or some punk who doesn't deserve you tries to taint your purity, that he'll rip them apart like a wild animal
After all, that's just what good fathers do
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insomniakisses · 2 years
Our Cute Puppy
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Requested? yes. 
Reader type;  Puppy!Hybrid Reader, GN!reader
Warnings/Notes; Hybrid au, Polyamorous Twice, Member x Member x Reader, Fluff
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Being an idol was hard on its own, but being one of the very few hybrid idols was even harder. You battled with hate from people who didn’t understand hybrids, or care enough about the difference of hybrids and animals. In addition to that you put so much extra pressure on yourself in order to hopefully avoid extra attention that your anatomy didn’t already do.
The girls always worried that you would overwork yourself, so much so that they always mad sure to baby you a little extra. Not because they see you as less than then but simply because they found you so cute and they loved you just like they love each other as partners.
Today was just like any other day for you, practically passing out in the practice room after staying hours longer than the rest of the group. It was almost 4 am when you got back, shuffling through the dorm as quiet as possibly halting when you say the TV on ears flicking on your head at the low noise yet still audible with your ears.
“Hello~” you whisper into the darkness of the living room, your yelp being muffled into Chaeyoung’s shoulder as she hugged you.
“Shhhh Y/n, Nayeon needs her beauty sleep” she winks while you both giggle quietly.
“C’mere!” She cheers quietly, well as quietly as the baby beast can, while pulling you into her lap. You cant help but stare at her while she wraps a blanket round you smiling when she changes the channel to your favourite movie, rubbing your ears and lulling you to sleep.
When you woke up there were hands on your ears and tail and a pair of arms wrapped tightly around your waist. Lifting your ear up you heard the giggles of Nayeon and Sana, opening your eyes you were met with Sana brushing your tail out while Nayeon rugged at your ear. Chaeyoung still fast asleep you knew you couldn’t move yet, so with a sleepy smile you nuzzled back into her arms.
“Morning you two” you smiled at them both, ears perking up as the smell from the kitchen finally met your nose. Tail wagging uncontrollably, you felt chae wake up all three giggling at your love for food.
Jumping up you rushed into the kitchen where Jeong was making you a coffee, passing it to you with a kiss to the ear and scratch to the other. Sitting next to Tzu you leaned your head on her shoulder kissing it as she began to rub and scratch your ears.
After a breakfast you all went to go get ready, climbing out of the shower and throwing on your sweats you called in Jihyo to help comb out your tail. Coming inside she smiled softly at you, sitting behind you to softly comb your tail out knowing how painful it sometimes can be. Once it was all over she’d give you a kiss for each cheek and hug you while playing with your ears to calm you down.
Practice long and hard as usual, the girls making sure to take regular breaks. About half way through Momo and Mina made sure you sat in between them for a break knowing you wouldn’t take one yourself. You still squirmed around and tried to cut your break short so you ended up in Momo’s lap her placing kisses on your neck to distract you, your tail wagging softly. Hitting Mina knee with every wag causing her to giggle lean over to kiss your cheek.
After practice you all opted on a movie night, having tomorrow off there was no need for an early night. Dahyun had claimed you, pulling you into her arms and demanding cuddles and stealing kisses now and then not that the others minded as they were all doing the same with each other.
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a/n; T^T theyre so cute
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princeanxious · 1 month
✨️Moondrop progress update #1✨️
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Picture 1 desc/info: knowing that I'd want to make Moondrop once I finished Sundrop, I made sure that(when I remembered to, as I'm learning that i wasn't quite as 100% consistent as I hoped I was) to make traced out references of each finished carved piece so that I wouldn't waste time struggling matching both of their proportions, considering nearly every piece required a duplicate piece to help achieve the eventual 'hollow skeleton' method that I use. Also, this is what I mean when I state that theyre carved from popsicle sticks. If it works, it works. lol
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Picture 2 desc/info: here's the full lineup of every carved piece I have ready for Moondrop so far, and roughly how it will fit together. Every arm piece, leg piece, and even knee joint and the head piece have a duplicate(sans for the detail on the head's piece, obviously, though the headpiece is more complex than that as well). To further expand on why I did this, instead of just having one piece each, I need to point out the arm, hand, and ankle joint pieces. They will not be connected in two places, only one, to achieve full range of movement for the limb that they are attached to.
To achieve this, whilst still trying to keep this project's weight light, I'll create a hollowed skeleton. Essentially where the insides of the limbs(and body) are made hollow via smaller pieces of wood/popsickle stick scraps glued in-between the base pieces, but leaving enough empty space on either side to add two things. One side will have a rolled cylinder of a reinforced cardboard/paper mache combo, to provide a hollowed slot for the long joint piece side to slot into, and the other side, two hollowed holes to slot a dowel through with the joint piece inbetween. (If this doesn't make sense, dw, I plan on taking pictures when I get to that stage to show how I do it)
I also just end up stuffing the remaining 'dead-space' between the carved pieces with paper before i add clay, to further sheer off any unnecessary internal weight. Now, what you couldn't see with my Sundrop, is that by the time I finished adding clay and test stringing him together and started looking at reference photos again for color references, I hadn't realized up until that point that I'd entirely forgotten to add the dca standard wire-hook on his back. Not even superficially. So this will be where project Moondrop(whom at least uses the wire far more than sundrop, lol) will deviate from my original Sundrop design. I might use paper and cardboard to flesh out his limb shapes further before adding clay to make his body even lighter than suns, I've reinforced his torso pieces to account for the hole I'll carve into the back for my goal of a Functional wire-hook, I've made adjustments to his thigh shape for better ease of movement/posability(which might coincidentally make him just a smidgen shorter than Sun by design, shhh) because sundrops leg slots and the actual part of the leg that's supposed to slot in ended up quite a bit out of alignment due to the leg shape lacking a taper at the top to allow for a rounder end. Sundrop's legs are just a little janky bc of it.
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Picture 3 desc/info: this is a look at the inbetween stage that the hip piece goes through, and you'll find that it's not reinforced with wood anywhere simply because of the completely curved surface. There were attempts made with sundrop to do this but they proved to be way too hard to bother with and less than affective with just popsickle sticks. Hense I use cardboard from a soda can box(aka cardboard that's compact and can carry a heavy capacity if the design is balanced and re-attachment points are reinforced properly) and then have so far gone over certain points with paper and glue(using the papermache method) to base reinforce places and also provide more adhesable texture internally. Because, that round piece(also cardboard) is going to sit in the main juncture of the top of the hips. A hole will be cut into it to maintain the ability to string the limbs and body together, and it will be further reinforced further with paper and glue, and later covered in clay- along with the rest of the hips inside and out, thus entirely made smaller than intended to account for the eventual bulk up of the piece. This cover provides a supportive divot in the hips that the middle torso piece can sit in that will give it the range of movement intended but also aid it in allowing the body to sit up straight otherwise(something that was discovered to be needed when working on finetuning sundrop whilst test-stringing, adding yet more weight due to the fix having been made solidly out of clay. Probably provides more support to Sundrop this way, but Moon needs to be as light as possible to prevent stress cracks/damage/balance issues/ect. If I want him to be able to have a functional hook to be used to be displayed with.
On a less technical note, there isn't much to show in the skeleton stage for the middle torso piece bc it's just a hollow cylinder of cardboard, thin enough to escape the bulk, but wide enough to still be strung through. It's just a lil tube for Sundrops frame anyway lol. Though, tbf, I might bulk Moondrops middle with paper/cardboard/whatever I decide, for the, once again, lightweight intention. I use air dry clay but even still it do be solid af when dry and sealed lol
Off camera just inches out of shot of each picture is sundrop, whom has slowly become disrobed and carefully disassembled in places to give me size references for things, but also one of these updates I'll show you how I made his head/face/ ray settup- why? Because it broke. Cuz my dumbass should've used wire and not a wooden dowel to support it all. (Further more, I'm using it as an opportunity to eventually redo Suns rays, because when I did the first set, I went for accuracy in the ray count, but still wanted them to spin freely. But I realized I HATE the gap that's left anywhere if his rays arent perfectly positioned and honestly this mechanism breaking is my sign and chance to fix it now that the rays aren't locked in anymore lol.)
I've decided to give this progress update log the tag '#projectdcadoll' from now on, so any posts I make abt this in the future will have that tag!
And if anyone has any questions about any specifics of the project, I'll also answer them/respond to them under this tag, so please feel free to ask away! I'm excited to share this process with ya'll!
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amsgrey · 25 days
I judt found this draft/idea thing in my drafts from over two years ago (written before Little Sister Hugs) and i genuinely cracked up so much rereading it bc it would be really funny.
would anyone be interested in this?
Jay and hailey are busy with a case involving drug trafficking with military dudes or smth
you and will go out for dinner bc you get like n A+ in science or some shit and Will is all proud older brother
you get a call from Jay that the case is ramping up so he wont be home tonight and then ur like lit ill stay at wills i just gotta grab some stuff
you and will walk in and the house is like a mess and your like uh wtf
and will is like ok let me call jay or the cops or whatever
before he can he gets like smacked from behind like all those stupid movies
ur like o shit what the actual fuck
these big old dudes are in all black and holding like riffles bc intimidating and ur like :o
and ur standing in the kitchen so you do that really funny grab for the closest weapon and its like a pan that was waiting to dry or something entirely useless
theyre like yeah ok sure put it down u dimwit
u like stand over will being like feck off my brothers a cop
theyre like ha lol yeah we know we tryna find him where he at
ur like ha what i dont know? wouldn't have a clue
and theyre like ok then u come with us and ur like uh no sir
omg what if they chloroformed them that would be the funniest trope ever
jay is like workin the case being all undercover n shit and then he gets a call and its wills phone and hes like oh what did y/n do
will is like silent
jay is like yo whats up u alg
Jay immediately looses his mind and tries calling u like wheres will tf
obvi u dont answer and hes like this aint right
the team go to jays house and its all like torn apart but nothign like bad?
they call in the lab and the labs were like oh hey there's blood but they cleaned it? or smth
jay is spiralling and then they get anoter video of u? idk something else angsty
theyre like release our dude and give us back all the idk like guns and shit and voight is like ok well no way they let us do that
jay almost going cowboy cop
everyones like well this is great
you are like locked up by zipties bc criminals are stupid and you manage to like breakfree like a real mvp
u like find a gun or smth bc thats fun and free will
your all like well theres enough warehouses n creepy buildings in chicago for u to be anywhere so tf where we at
wills all leave me bc thats a funny trope and ur like shut the fuck up u dumbass
some military dude comes round the corner with his gun and sees u tryna walk with dead weight will and hes like? what are-
you shoot him bc badass bitch
he like fall down is all bloody and ur like o shit i just killed a man
will is like ya we gotta go ok like this shit serious fam
you walk around a corner and they all be sitting around in the big room and u and will are like oh hi guys
they all like point guns and ur like ah man we dead
but then!! intellegence is all out ur guns on the ground now! police things!
one of them like aims his gun but someone shoots his gUN bc i think thats the badassest thing ever and then he like has a bleeding hand and grabs u and knife to the throat thing bc trope central over here
no one has a clean shot so they all like omg dude let her go
do u get like seriously hurt? lowkey imagine like them dying and jay and will being like a mess ok thats way too dark but i like?
you either
get seriously maimed like idk loose a limb or smth idk
or ur unharmed and are like omg how am i not even bruised tf is this
depends on the level of angst idk
if anyone wants to ready this lmk i might actually write it
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honakito · 8 months
Heya! Just stumbled upon this account and I just wanted to say that I already adore your writings!!(even if it's just two(?) so far-) So I decided to make a request:D It's a bit of a silly one, but Kanade and Mizuki(separate please!) x reader hcs playing UNO with them, like, the card game wahahjsha This is mostly random, but I'll be glad if you'll be able to do it! Just don't rush yourself, please..(^^;)
⠀⠀ ͏͏͏ ͏͏͏ ͏͏͏ ͏͏͏ ͏͏͏⠀⠀ ͏͏͏ ͏͏͏ ͏͏͏ ͏͏͏ ͏͏͏⠀⠀ ͏͏͏ ͏͏͏ ͏͏͏uno. . ? like the card deck game ? ?
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UNO! - prod. honakito
posted as : request
chars. : a. mizuki , y. kanade
type : x g/n ! reader
scenario : playing uno with them ( headcanons )
taglist : @finanah ( ask to be added )
notes : first of all ignore the header second of all i love this idea so much i had to immediately do it since my brain was like a tornado of ideas what the hell,,, and i still have a request to do that is probably older than my account (not really its from 2 days ago i just like taking my sweet time) + a recent one ,, still, thank you for requesting a different character! enjoyy ^_^
notes 2 : i was thinking of, once im done with the requests, posting analysis of different pjsk characters and card sets? i already have two ideas of this type of posts, and i think i have enough time, since i skipped school today, will skip tomorrow and wednesday is a free day thats awesome
date : 21 / 01 / 24 - 22 / 01 / 24
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a. mizuki
literal uno expert.
they get competitive so quickly. i can feel it.
theyre also the definition of a ‘ its only okay when i do it ‘ person. like , for example , if you played a +4 card , they’d mockingly let out a loud whine for giggles. but if they have a +4 or +2 too , get ready to see a mischievous grin paint their face. theyd take this as a competition they have to win.
i feel like theyd trick you with their facial expressions and actions. lets say , you switch the color to one they have lots of cards of. theyd let out a surprised gasp while laying down on you a reverse card, two skip cards and a +4 card. 
half of it , they’re determined to win. if theyre feeling nice tho , mizuki will play easy for you. that lasts the total of maximum 2 rounds tho , they have a streak to maintain.
most of the time , you cant win for your dear life. if you do get lucky tho , they will jokingly get upset , but is actually pleasantly surprised! guess their talent sticked off to you.
i kind of imagine mizuki remaking the whole decks design when bored. like your own version of uno. the jirai keified version. like those making [thing] coquette.
about how frequently you’ll play tho? i think atleast once a month. even more , if you ask. they mostly play whenever theyre feeling sad tho , one game of uno with you lifts their spirits up and boosts their ego for the day higher than an americans appetite.
‘ heh heh heh… i won again! ‘ , , , ‘ i get it mizuki , i get it. ‘
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y. kanade
genuinely never played uno before.
ok , that’s exaggerating now , isnt it?
kanade surely played uno before with nightcord in empty sekai. it being , ofcourse , mizukis idea. its not like shes an absolute pro at it tho.
but shes not incapable of not understanding the rules , either. she’d take a strategy and maximum beat you 3 times. maximum. i feel like you’d be the better one.
i feel like you wouldnt play so frequently , only when you so happen to be over while kanades taking a break from composing. so things wouldnt get awkward , you always bring a card deck of uno with you.
if your relationship is established after the ‘ saying goodbye to my masked self ‘ event , mafuyu would oftenly join your game by kanades invitation. if youre lucky enough to catch honami unoccupied , dont be shy to call her too! the more the merrier.
even so , she does not care about the winner at all. kanades just happy to spend some quality time with you, even if its over uno. which leads me to think you’d let her win on purpose sometimes. her eyes sparkle a bit whenever she does get the victory over you , it is a scenery you cannot get enough of.
‘ hm? i won… ‘ , , , ‘ great job, kanade! ‘
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i love hashtag skipping school ALSO please read notes 2 ok thanks ,,
dividers arent mine ; credits to the rightful owners on TUMBLR
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kroosluvr · 21 days
"an inside look into shujin academy's famed 'royal trio'" fic notes
link to the fic / link to tumblr post / link to tumblr ART!! post
this is going to be LONGGGG just all of my rambles/easter eggs(??) AND ETC. Not mandatory reading i kinda just want to write this for me to refer back to in like a few years or whatever hehehe
it is def confusing that i called shujin tennis academy that instead of giving it a diff name but i wanted to be a little tongue-in-cheek
mishima is a wannabe sports reporter, but maya amano (+ yukino mayuzumi) r already established sports reporters @ coolest magazine! :3 small cameo(sorta) at the end
goro does not want mishima out of a job he just hates interviews. he knows he HAS to do them though, and generally he's only featured alongside akira or sumire or both bc otherwise he doesnt wanna do em. for reasons i will elaborate on in futchure fics or art
i wanted to keep the mishima-using-akira-(SORTA)-for-popularity that canon has bc i always thought that was funny!!! since akira is so popular everyone's gotta read mishima's articles for info abt him....
'Ran donuts around ‘em' -> donuts is slang for straight sets (winning 6-0 6-0). incidentally, i've heard 'donut' used mostly in the PNW area while 'bagel' is used more in PNE. could be wrong. source: californian and i played college tennis in boston
generally, akira is always first seed while goro is second seed. sometimes the ranking is a littleeee inexplicable but it usually turns out this way when theyre in the same tournament
in general i wanted to emphasize the weird codependency needy attached-at-the-hip but we also hate eachother sort of "teammates"/friends(???) relationship that you develop in competitive sports... so all the "romantic" gestures throughout the fic can kinda just be boiled down to that. like, in a Normal context, maybe it'd be considered romantic, but in a "im fucking fiending for my life on a tennis court" context then it's just tuesday
sumire IS a walking ITF (international tennis federation) handbook. for reasons i will elaborate on in futchure fic/art! but she takes tennis very VERY seriously. (goro also takes it VERY seriously and akira takes it seriously.)
goro lets sumire call him by his first name abt 3 months into training w her at the academy (with him and akira its like within the first match bc theyre already at eachothers throats LMAO) after her landslide victory! thats when he kinda acknowledges her as a teammate i guess? beforehand they were just hitting partners
anyway the idea of "teammate" in competitive, individual, professional tennis is very fun and interesting to me as u can tell. LMAO. and like "what makes a Friend" versus A Teammate in terms of pro athletics
goro gets embarrassed when akira lets sumire sleep in their room not because of the actual fact of her sleeping there but because he doesn't WANT her to see him with his guard down. she always sees him on the court, ready to conquer his opponents, top-notch quality tennis, etc so he's mortified that she saw him Like that (just woken up LOL) though ofc she doesnt think anythign of it bc shes just like yayyyy tennis yayyy
Yup whenever u see a ping pong table u gotta round up all ur tennis oomfs and duel it out (i suck at ping pong....)
sumire being hard on akira and goro's tennis is kinda peak to me LOL she takes this sport so serious
AKIRA MISHIMA FRIENDSHIP MEANS THE WORLD TO ME. aside i read a few akira x mishima fics lately so theyve been buzzing in my head... important ...
dats a real club that i played at... one of my fav tournaments even though i played at like 8:30am or smth and it sucked. but it was reallyyy pretty and quite a drive
sumire + kasumi one-sided rivalry drives me insane ESP in tennis au, they're literally in two different fucken universes when it comes to athletics yet sumire is still deathly intimidated by her
goro picking fights w akira and sumire YAYYYYYYYYYY <3 and sumire boiling "friendship" down to "we play tennis well together" is so peak. yeahhh angst
"why do you play tennis" / "do you love tennis" / "what do you like about tennis" r such difficult questions. i read up on some pro interviews and they hurt me physically broooo like... it seems like a rarely asked question and you get a lot of common answers but u also get stuff that just breaks ur heart
aside, this convo btwn goro and sumire is very accomplice violetcrow to me. they're complicit in their hatred and their violence and their self-destruction except its very very very self contained to a couple of lines on a hard court (and sometimes grass if we're feeling special.) they truly hunger for number 1!!!!
i really like this section LMAO its probably my favorite.
woahhh shido mention. wonder what thats abt. TO BE CONTINUED
usual jokercrow scare tactics. mating dance type situation (sumire is used to this and doesnt think anything of it) like i said its like stuff that'd be DEFINITELY romantic and flirty in a normal context but in sports when things are highly charged and emotional and you're neck to neck it's less so. (obviously it still kinda is but this is what i mean in that u could totally read this whole fic platonically all the way around if u wanted to)
"Sumire hadn’t responded to that. She had practice to get to, after all." yupppp why would sumire spend time on anything thats not tennis? shes not number 1 yet, so how can she afford to waste time? 8)
akira/mishima playing basketball at the end IMPORTANCE!! also had to include akira stealing shit obviously. BUT YEAH i think its so important that akira finally gathers the idea that like... woah.. my life extends beyond the tennis court.. i can have HOBBIES.. and FRIENDS.... and hes the first of the 3 to realize that. sumire takes ages and goro also does (but quicker than sumire.) and also callback to when mishima said he missed him!!
Q6. Do you love tennis? Haha. haha. haha. yeah mishima ur not asking that one. that's hell ur walking into
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Mechs Ships Tournament: Resurrection Round Part 1!
Hi! The winner of this poll will proceed into the final poll to face off against the other Resurrection Round poll winner, Polymechs And Lyf, and the HNOC trio. This will only run for one day. Hope you all are ready!
link to the other poll
Propaganda under cut:
So perfect and immaculate that they’re **canon** and I love them so much <3333
them <3
lesbian machines. thats it.
They're girlfriends!!!!
Funniest line in OUAT(IS)
what if your girlfriend was the ship of theseus and you were a princess who got revolutioned and love just wasn't enough in the end. what then.
them <3
https://themechanisms.com/fiction/ghost-in-the-machine/ (via @wormsontoast)
women in stem no further questions.
A.K.A. Two of Hearts. They're inversions of each other - one driven by a moral compass he doesn't quite have any control over, oscillating wildly between atrocities and regret as the last shreds of his humanity demand a conscience out of him; the other without any morality at all, committing any crime he finds amusing for the hell of it with no regret at all, yet with a kind of external fascination for stories with love in them, even (and especially) though they all end badly. They can fill in each others' gaps and provide what they lack. By their powers combined they make one barely functional human being.
they complete each other. anatomically.
Brian/Lyf QPR:
Look, them as a queer platonic partners just does something to me. They both spend a lot of time isolated in space and very likely have some form of trauma from it. Just think about them sitting together looking out at space trying to do exposure therapy n all that, or hell even them sharing about how being alone in space effected them and being there for each other because they /get it/. It does something to me every time. Like they could be romantic but also the idea they are qpp's makes me happy too.
My loves <333333 (sorry for being gay on your form it may happen again)
Guys please just imagine it. Lyf makes it a habit to join Brian when he has to pilot Aroura and then they get to just, sit in each other's company because they aren't alone. And they're safe together. Like come on chat please it's so good. It's so sweet and fidgekdbjr #again PLEASE VOTE THEM!!#i will be more motivated to write the fic sooner rather then later#i will put off the other prison mechs + lyf fic i have in the works for this PLEASE (via @moons-br)
gay people
#they played tsuru+spouse and hatter+hare (tags via @majorshatterandhare)
my propaganda for raph and Marius is one of my fav fics ever “make me mended” on ao3. Raphaella picks up Marius and mechanizes him. both are starved from human contact. you can imagine the rest
#the prettiest most insane intelligent woman and man who falsely calls himself a doctor#theyre hilarious to me and i adore them (tags via @l3monbunny)
#please please please vote marius/raphaella they mean so much to me#it’s about the vivisection the malpractice the constant violations of scientific and medical ethics (tags via @asthe-crow-flies)
#please vote marius and raph#i think they do cute couple things like removing other people’s organs together and testing poisons on each other (tags again via @asthe-crow-flies)
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oxygenbefore1775 · 1 year
continuation of the list to this post
tldr: supposedly unauthorized translation and publication of some aot works
@kojinnie (why you should not date aot boys)
@todoroki-sweetheart (waking them up to ask if theyre sleeping prank; asking them if they would punch you in the face for 1 million dollars; sex with the aot boys after a high risk mission)
@gangrenados (how he sleeps)
@lunaslovelyrambles (they love...)
@ackerman-supremecy (what aot men would be thinking as you're getting ready to pegg them)
@annashittyglasses (how they say goodnight)
@jaegershots (aot characters in a horror movie)
@fischltao (aot squirting headcanons)
@thezeninclan (protecting your drink at a party)
@sleepysnk (erwin teaching the 104th about sex)
@cherryskyies (messaging aot characters random things)
@papijean (habits they picked up with you; thigh riding)
@onyxoverride (aot characters taking nudes; aot character and a reader with tattoos)
@killerbananas (caught masturbating)
@marsandsaturn (aot boys and what they do when you are upset after a bad day; aot characters + instruments)
@mvrtaiswriting (are you afraid of spiders?; teaching you how to fight)
@cookiefics (if we broke up; what they love about you; which kiss is their favorite)
@alrightberries (when they wake up in the middle of the night and realize you drifted off to the other side of the bed)
@pumpkinpot (first time giving them head)
@arminsumi (holding hands for the first time; crushing on you + their confessions; eren and armin both liking you: accidentally walking in on you)
@daniet (aot (snk) headcanons)
@depressing-debbie (squad dad levi headcanons pt 5; aot characters at the pool; aot characters babysitting)
@feralaot (aot characters in the morning after a night with their s/o; what are their biggest per peeves; their mcdonalds orders)
@armeeen-loverblog (beautiful boy's)
@sweetdreamlandstuff (favorite sex position)
@peachigutz (aot men as fathers)
@dr4kenlvr (little things the aot men do)
@urmother-official (asking them for help in math)
@bokutokoutarou (dating the aot characters)
@akicult (aot trios babysitting)
@romantichomicide95 (what turns attack on titan men on; crush that doesn't like kissing)
@hangeslefteye (aot characters as tarots major arcana)
@suy4lvr (put your hand around my throat, please)
@ohimsummer (what it's like to date them)
@russic (a taste of you)
@crisalidaseason (what if nobody died?; which subjects in school would be aot characters favorite; aot characters in a zombie apocalypse)
@medli-komali (aot characters as babies headcanons)
@aizawa-s-wife (are they top, bottom, switch?)
@aetheternity (what leads them to want a round two; stop ip im on the phone)
@apollostears (nasty)
@ittojean (friendship headcanons; aot boys! and a partner who likes their muscles)
@wyvernslovecake (aot characters talking in their sleep)
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puppygrldrool2 · 10 months
imagine if you will a kinky trans party where you’re the group puppy, getting passed from lap to lap and petted and having your holes used over and over, constantly praised and appreciated and shared by the whole group…
HHHHH😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 DONT DO THIS TO ME RIGHT BEFOEW WORKKKK (tgis is a bluff this is .so hot)
puppy wants this soooo so bad this is like one eof my fav fantasiesss just gettin passed around by a group of peopleee so they can use me to feel good however they wanntttt,, god id be soso good....such a good puppy for them hhhh and when theyre all done they can slide a knotted toy into my hole to keep me nice n full while theyget me comfortsble in a kennel full of pillows n blankets til theyre ready for round two 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫
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