#like we were never supposed to make playoffs
nicohischier · 1 year
do you ever think about how maybe getting swept by the c*nes wouldn't even be that embarrassing if we were putting up our game 7 performance and still losing? it's only embarrassing because we've just rolled over and let them kill us two games in a row.
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homerforsure · 3 months
Saw the episode. Ascended to a higher plane. Wrote a small Coda that is as messy as my brain is right now. Bone Apple Tea.
"Heyyyyyy Buck!" Eddie answers the phone with a drawn out salutation that proves Tommy was not lying about him being sent away from the hospital with the good drugs. Or, not lying about the prescription, but about Eddie actually taking them. It wasn't so long ago that Eddie would take enough medicine to avoid being in agony, but never quite enough to actually feel relief. He wouldn't do that for Tommy, however close they are. It's something that Eddie's doing for himself. Buck's stomach was a swarm of butterflies three seconds ago, but that and the floaty happy way Eddie still says his name, has him smiling again in his kitchen.
"Hey Eddie. I, um, I'm sorry to call so late. I just wanted to see how- how you were doing."
"Eh, I'll miss a shift or two. But Doc says I'll be ready to go for playoffs," Eddie answers.
Guilt twists through him, harsh and acidic and Buck says, "Well I'm glad to hear that. They say the team doesn't have a chance without you and your, um, sky dunk." Eddie laughs, giggles really, in reply and Buck says, "I'm sorry, Eddie. I don't know why I did that. I mean- I- I know why. I was jealous of you and- and Tommy-" Buck's heart flips as he says his name and he's afraid the kiss is going to come flying out of his mouth and down the phone line- "But I never wanted you to get hurt like that."
"You wanted me to get hurt different?" Eddie asks, still laughing, but Buck feels stricken.
"No! I- maybe. I don't know what I wanted. I lost my mind for a little bit."
"You were jealous," Eddie repeats.
"Yeah, I was."
A long sigh and Eddie says, "I'm sorry."
"You don't have anything to be sorry for. I was the asshole. I could have- I knocked you out of your shoe."
"Do you have my shoe?" Eddie asks, more focused than he has been the rest of the conversation. Buck can hear him sitting up on the couch.
"Uh, no. No, I gave it to Chim. He's gonna give it to you when he sees you. And probably make about 50 Cinderella jokes."
"Right. He texted me. I remember."
"I'm sure he'll bring it by sooner if you need it. Or he could give it to Tommy." The flush is there again, hot down the back of his neck. Buck doesn't know how he's supposed to do this. Where is he supposed to keep all of this heat and possibility while he waits for Saturday.
"You don't like him."
"Who? Chim? He's growing on me."
"Tommy," Eddie answers in a tone that says duh. "You can't even say his name normal."
Of course Eddie can hear that. Of course he assumes that's the problem after the way Buck has acted since the moment they met the man. He thanks god that he decided to call instead of driving across town and checking on Eddie in person. His cheeks and his ears are burning like fire.
"He can tell, you know. We both can. He said he's going to come talk to you. Gave him your address. Wants to apologize." Eddie must have settled back down on the couch. He sounds sleepier, his sentences getting shorter and more breathy.
"He did. He um. He came by. We talked it out. I told him you guys didn't have anything to apologize for. I was the one who made it weird."
"So weird," Eddie agrees and Buck laughs. "You guys should be friends. He's awesome and you're awesome and we can all hang out together and it would be..."
"Awesome," Buck finishes. He thinks it might be.
"I forgot you don't know that."
"Know what?" Buck asks, when Eddie's mumble doesn't come with any additional clarification. "Eddie?"
"Never mind. Hey, you should get up and go to your bed. Sleeping on that couch is not going to help your ankle heal any faster."
"Tommy said that."
"Tommy's right. Come on."
Eddie groans as he sits up, cursing at Buck in what he thinks is under his breath, and asks, "You talked to Tommy?"
"Yeah, he just left."
"And we're okay? You like him now?"
Buck's blood roars through his ears and he wants to throw up and start laughing all at the same time. "Yeah, I think I do."
He breathes through the sudden headrush as Eddie grumbles and hops his way off the couch and down the hall. Buck knows where he's finding his handholds by the echo off the walls and he winces when Eddie takes a misstep and swears again. He thinks for a second that he should be there, that he should help Eddie to bed, but Eddie would never let him. Buck wonders if Tommy would let him. He's wondering about so much now and he never did before.
"Hey, Eds?" The question is out before Buck realizes he's asking it, small and vulnerable, and he wants to claw it back and swallow it down before Eddie notices, but he doesn't have a chance.
Tommy kissed me. I want him to do it again.
"No, nothing. Just. I'm sorry. I was out of line."
"You were," Eddie answers. "And I forgive you."
Something settles in Buck then. A piece that had still been sitting off kilter and jamming painfully under his ribs. He takes a deep breath, and joy washes fully over him, calming and centering. He doesn't ask the question again though. He thinks he wants to keep this tiny, glowing treasure to himself. At least for a little while.
"Bring me my shoe back and we'll call it even."
Buck laughs, letting the sound ring out through his apartment and he can hear Eddie smiling on the other end of the phone.
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happeehippie · 3 months
instagram j.b.
summary: follow along with joe and his fiance evie as they go through joes football career.
*face claim is yasmin quintana*
series masterlist.
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liked by millyg, lahjay10_, and 629,937 others
evie: 🤍🤍🤍
view all 5,829 comments…
user: did you notice that you made top 10 hottest NFL wags?
> evie: the peak of my existence
user: OK! This is so freaking cute
user: and what happens when i have to go to therapy over this?
> evie: we love therapy?
joeyb_9: all of my favorite things in just a few photos.
> evie: lots of happy moments..
user: how did you get a photo with my in laws?
user: you’re all so happy together i’m obsessed!
user: not momma and papa burrow!!
> evie: truly the best people ever. 🧡
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liked by lahjay10_, evie, and 736,828 others
joeyb_9: Jon Snow
view all 8,626 comments…
user: kiss me now
user: Joe sucks
millyg: joe burrow is cool.
user: trashhhhhh
user: mr. can’t win a superbowl
evie: winter is coming 😉
user: goat frfr
user: they know nothing about jon snow
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liked by joeyb_9, millyg, and 976,629 others
evie: onto the next..
view all 6,839 comments…
user: can i say ur the cutest ever
> evie: pls do
user: go bengies
> evie: bengies all dey!
user: the fact you never miss a game? get a life.
> evie: in the wise words of dani rojas.. Football is Life
joeyb_9: babe in the jungle. 😍
> evie: 🥰
user: love the fit!
user: Ev are you back to hanging out in the comments??
> evie: i’m always hanging in the comments
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liked by bengals, evie, and 742,096 others
joeyb_9: Uninvited Guests
view all 11,836 comments…
user: you are HIM joe burrow
user: Joe you the best
user: snow shiesty
user: sad sorry qb
evie: my favorite/least favorite time of the year. i need a new coat.
> joeyb_9: don’t be a baby, you’re supposed to be the queen of the north. 🥶🥶🥶
user: proud of you joe!
user: jealous of the snowflakes
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liked by joeyb_9, lahjay10_, and 974,140 others
evie: mills said it’s getting too cold for this shit
view all 4,829 comments…
user: i played against joe in fantasy this week 😭
> evie: rip
user: isn’t this fit kind of basic?
> evie: ouch
joeyb_9: you can have my hand warmer
> evie: the sacrifices you make 🥰
user: i will never understand your relationship, he’s famous he can have anyone he wants.
> evie: it’s the people who know the least that always have the most to say..
millyg: i am never going to a playoff game again. not in this weather my guy.
> evie: you’re kind of lying dude
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liked by bengals, lahjay10_, and 960,002 others
joeyb_9: The journey continues
view all 6,728 comments…
user: does joey b reply?
> evie: our text messages are proof that he doesn’t
user: keep moving forward
lahjay10_: we be back brother
evie: boo kc
> joeyb_9: what do they say? tomato tomato?
user: somebody stop KC
user: joe shiesty for president
> evie: i support this
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liked by joeyb_9, bengals, and 827,017 others
evie: *gasp* she’s not wearing a joe burrow jersey!
view all 8,600 comments…
user: congratulations to the Bengals! what a great season!
> evie: 🧡🧡🧡
user: i’m sorry but can i marry ur bf?
> evie: not if i get there first 😉
user: who dey no matter what
joeyb_9: is this what it feels like to be cheated on?
> evie: it’s not what it looks like…
user: not me being behind you while you pounded back these ultras! you’re the best!
> evie: i was totally sober. 🥴
lahjay10_: nah if you gon wear anybody jersey number shoulda been mine!
> evie: i can see this was a major mistake
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liked by joeyb_9, millyg, and 639,927 others
evie: goodbye goodbye goodbye.. you were bigger than the whole sky. (what a season joey, i luv u).
view all 7,510 comments…
user: it broke my heart they lost..
user: who dey nation is proud of this team
> evie: forever..
user: leave joe and date me instead.
> evie: omg, usually it’s the other way around. i’m glad someone loves me!
joeyb_9: i can’t get enough of you.. thank you for being so supportive. 🤍
> evie: it’s a wonderful life with you.
user: i want you and mama burrow to post together more often.. i love her
> evie: my game partner for life and one of my best friends. we love mama burrow.. 🧡
evies ig stories
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formosusiniquis · 10 days
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my @steddiesummerexchange gift fic for @oh-stars! I was so excited to work on this prompt: penpals through childhood until they both graduate -- road trip to meet one another in person. Epistolary fics are always a favorite of mine. oh-stars is such a brilliant writer and bright spot in the fandom, I was excited to be able to write a little something for her, I hope you like it!
October 13, 1976 Dear Eddie,
Mrs. Simpson says I’m supposed to thank you for volunteering to be my partner even though you’re a fifth grader. I don’t know why I should though since now I actually have to do this stupid pen pal project. I know she only paired me with an older kid cause she thinks I’m dumb. But thanks for the extra work I guess.
She said she wasn’t gonna read these before she sent them off, just that she was gonna make sure they were a page front and back like they were supposed to be. But I don’t really believe her. So I guess I should actually write this right.
Hi Eddie. My name is Steve Harrington. I’m 10 years old because I got put in Kindergarten late cause my parents were too busy in wherever my dad does his business stuff and my au pair -- that’s fancy for babysitter who lives in your house -- couldn’t do it. My birthday is in September, almost at the end (the 27th), so I guess that’s why it was okay. When’s your birthday (Mrs. Simpson says a friendly letter is supposed to ask questions.)
My favorite things are yellow and sports. I’m the best at red rover and kickball, Tommy says it's cause I’m the oldest and biggest in our class but he’s a sore loser and couldn’t even break through the girl side of the red rover line. Do you play games? Mrs. Simpson talks about your Hawkins like it’s on a different planet but you’re just in Kentucky. It’s right across the river. I’ve been there a couple times when Dad likes me and we’ll go watch Louisville play basketball. Basketball is my favorite sport but the only outside court is at the park and the big teenagers are always on it.
When you write back you can tell me what sports and games you like. Does your Dad ever bring you to Indiana to watch stuff? The Pacers only played okay last season and they lost to Kentucky in the playoffs. Is that who you root for?
Oh and I’m supposed to ask you about school since this is like homework. I kinda already did that at the beginning, remember. Do you like English or something? Is that why you asked for extra work? Or was your pen pal last year just a super dud?
That’s front and back now.
Sincerely (cause we aren’t friends), Steve Harrington
October 25, 1976 Dear Steve,
First of all I didn’t ask to have to write a letter to some fourth grader. I was told because I’m the only kid who didn’t do it last year that I had to be your partner. I do like English but extra work isn’t fun for anybody. I’ve never had a pen pal before so you’re the best and the worst one I’ve ever had. Are teachers allowed to call people dumb at your school? Mine just look at me like a really weird bug on the road or something.
Your teacher sounds like a real pain in the side, that’s what my Uncle Wayne would say. I think it’s cause he’s pretending he doesn’t know the word bitch. She talks about this Hawkins like it’s on another planet because it’s in the Appalachian Mountains and people think everyone here is stupid and marries their cousins.
Some of them are stupid but they would be like that anywhere it’s not because they live out here.
I’m actually from Lexington though so it isn’t even my Hawkins, but my Uncle Wayne lives here and he has to watch me for a little while.
You didn’t really ask me anything good about myself. I’m Eddie Munson, I’m going to be 11 when it’s my birthday this year (Halloween the coolest birthday cause everyone gives you candy). Red and black are my favorite colors. I don’t like any sports at all, they’re all stupid but everyone knows about basketball here, it's more important than church. Everywhere has games but when you get to fifth grade you learn which ones are for babies.
I like imagination games the best cause then I don’t have to worry about anyone else playing with me. There’s lots of woods here so I can go in them and hunt monsters or dragons or be an elf like in my favorite books.
Wayne’s looking over my shoulder and says I’m supposed to ask you a question. So what’s your favorite book? Do you like fantasy, that’s my favorite but the science fiction stuff with aliens is cool too.
I know you asked about my dad but since I live with Wayne I’m gonna use him instead. He hasn’t ever taken me to Indiana cause “his truck weren’t meant to leave these hills” whatever that means. He said he roots for The Colonels but he wishes your Pacers luck this season. What’s a Pacer anyway?
Do I have to ask you about school too? I don’t think this is homework for me more like extra credit. If you don’t like English what do you like? Don’t say recess or lunch those are cheating answers.
Not your friend either, Eddie Munson
Continue on AO3
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drysdaleknieslee · 4 months
kindly begging for barzy smut, maybe like him coming back from a rough game??? idk you can decide the plot 🥰
Coming right up! I've never written for Mat but I'm excited! He's become one of my bookies so this is something i've thought about before 👀
Mat and the team haven't been having the best of luck since getting a new coach. It was supposed to be a new start for them but they've been going through a rough patch. Mat bas been coming home more frustrated than usual and you give him his space, but this last game loss was the straw that broke the camels back.
Islanders had lost to the Tampa Bay Lightning in a shut out. You could tell from the stands that Mat was not happy. Not being able to generate any points this game looked bad for the team. But Mat especially as he holds the teams responsibilities on his shoulders.
You wait in the family area with the other wives and girlfriends, chatting about other events and what plans we had for the rest of the week.
When the guys finished showering and getting everything together, they each came one by one to head home. Mat came in last, face red either from the shower or his emotions bubbling over.
He sees me and his face and shoulders relax for a bit before walking over and engulfing you in a hug. "You ok?" I ask cautiously.
"Could be better. Let's just go home."
You bid good night to the staff members ad you both make your way to Mat's car. His hand is securely on your thigh while the other grips the steering wheel. His face set in a frown. You don't say anything. Just rub his knuckles lightly and he relaxes a little.
You both pull up to your shared house still in stiff silence. You enter quietly before heading into your bedroom most likely to digress. You enter behind him just to change into one of his sweatshirts that you usually sleep in and head back downstairs to make the both of you some tea. You set the kettle up and wait for the water to boil. While you lean against the counter, Mat makes his way into the kitchen and just stands by you. Avoiding your eyes.
"You want to say something. When your ready I'll listen."
He sighs before starting. "I feel like this is gonna be another year we fall short of the playoffs. And I don't know what to do."
You turn to look at his face and it's still got that red hue over his cheeks. You reach out to run your fingers through his hair making his eyes close momentarily.
"You win some and lose some. Does that make you a bad player? Not by any means. Your a good player for a good team Mat."
He turns to kiss your wrist before finally locking eyes with you. You turn momentarily to stop the kettle before turning back to your boyfriend and grabbing his hands. "I know how I can make you feel better."
You lead him upstairs to the bedroom and he closed the door behind him before facing you.
After he faces you, you start to take his sweatshirt off. You didn't wear a bra to the game.
"Tell me what you want me to do. Anything that will help you release some steam."
He quirks his eyebrow up at this and a slight smirk creeps up on his face as he eyes you up and down, trying to see where to start first.
"Take your panties off." You do as he says and slowly remove your last piece of under garment and now your bare in front of him. He walks till he's directly in front of you and he gets on his knees. He places his hands behind your knees for support. He starts light feather kisses below your belly button to tease you.
"I regret telling you-" your airways get choked out as he inserts a index finger without warning. Your knees buckle a bit but you regain composure as you get used to the stretch.
"You were saying?" he said looking up at you as your face contorts in pleasure before he adds another finger and now his mouth.
"Oh my goodness Mat!" you moan as he hits your spot with fingers and tongue. He could tell you were close as the grip on his hair became tighter and you were clinching around his fingers. Your breaths also became more labored and shallow.
"Just a little more honey, not yet" he coaxes. With a long lick and three fingers now you let out a small scream of his name before he finally said, "Let go."
Your vision blurred as your climax hit you like a train. Moisture coating the inside of your thighs. Mat licks the remaining excess moisture before fully standing in front of you.
"Bed. Ass up."
You walk to the bed with wobbling legs and assume the position.
"Grab the headboard."
You reach and put both hands on the headboard of your shared bed before you feel his presence behind you. He spreads your legs with his knee and lightly kneads your thighs then your ass.
"Who does this belong to?" he asks before slapping your vagina making you jump.
"Yours Mat." you rasp.
You feel him line himself at your entrance before gently inserting himself into you. Both of you holding back moans as you both have to readjust to each other.
"Your so tight eaxh time." he says through clenched teeth. You spread your legs wider for a better angle and he finally bottoms out. He gains a slow pace with each thrust which is doing it's job but you know he's holding back.
"Faster. Please?"
"Since you asked so nicely," with that, he grabs your waist with one hand and makes a makeshift ponytail with the other and starts going faster and harder. He's knocking the wind out of you with each thrust and he pulls your hair forcing your head back and making your back arch.
"Let the neighbors and all of Long Island know who's number you wear and who you belong to."
"Mat!"He's hitting each spot with each thrust. You feel him everywhere. Your eyes are rolling in the back of your head as he literally fucks you dumb. Your words aren't words anymore and more like forced mumbles. You feel your climax start to build again, hotter than before and Mat knows it.
The hand that was on your waist is now towards your front. He pushes his hand down on your stomach eliciting a new type of sensation making you clench.
"Do that again and I won't last."
"Please Mat, I'm close."
He pushes on your stomach again, feeling his imprint making you clench harder this time as you both moan together and climax one after the other.
You collapse on the bed. Arms too weak and legs shaking. Mat collapses next to you and pulls you close before kissing your forehead.
"I love you," he says breathlessly, "I love having you here with me."
You kiss his nose as your eyes become droopy. "I love you too. Forever and always."
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tripleyeeet-archive · 8 months
SUMMARY: Astarion and you compete for the camp's best lockpicker.
PAIRING: Astarion & Gender Neutral Reader
AUTHOR'S NOTE: @leighsartworks216 is a genius and wrote the hilarious text post this little fic is based off of, so thank Leigh for their perfect brain! Also, no editing because I'm supposed to be on vacay.
“Are you two always this competitive?” 
The question originally had come from Wyll. After a particularly heated argument over the most effective way to distract and pickpocket, the answer quickly became obvious and the topic was dropped, knowing that forevermore, you and Astarion would always be seen as two opposing sides, competing for the ultimate prize of best rogue within the camp. 
At first, it was civil. At least to some degree. Discussions between the two of you would always rise to a boiling point but would never overflow the pot. Oftentimes both of you would just laugh at the other’s supposed perfected tactics, claiming to be the best before deciding a test would inevitably occur once the time was right. 
No testing ever followed through though. Considering you were far too busy with the threat of the Absolute and the fact that none of your discussions were ever that serious. Each time a competition was promised it was slowly forgotten and neither of you had a problem with it. 
Well, until now. Until Lae’zel absentmindedly makes some comment about how long Astarion’s taking to pick the lock of the chest in front of him.
All of you are back at camp for the night. After a particularly rough day of looting through an overflowing camp of Absolute cultists, the majority of you are lounging by the fire, drinking ale or wine, staring at the flames in silence as you all settle down. 
Towards the tents though, Astarion kneels in front of a large chest, brows pushed towards the centre of his face in deep concentration while Lae’zel stands above him, arms crossed angrily over her chest.  Both you and Karlach spare a glance, watching the inevitable argument that breaks out, noticing the exhaustion in Astarion’s eyes as he turns towards the Gith and yells. 
“If you’re so keen on rushing my craft then I’ll just piss off and let the second best rogue do it!” 
He motions to you with an open hand as he says it, catching the annoyed look you give him in the process. How your jaw all but sets into a stiff position, your lips pressing together in an attempt to surpass the insults you wish to throw his way. 
“Yes, perhaps such a suggestion is best.”
Stealing your attention, you watch as Lae’zel motions to the chest with her chin, giving you the kind of nod that has you jumping to your feet and readying your tools, watching as Astarion merely rolls his eyes. 
“Second best rogue —are you kidding me, Star?” You huff and shake your head, angrily shoving him aside before he can even react. Then, you shove the short hook into the hole, feeling three successful shifts before pulling open the lock. 
When you do you narrow your eyes at Astarion before faking a yawn, patting the palm of your hand to your lips in the most dramatic way possible. 
“You were watching me do it,” he immediately argues, pointing to the tools in your hands, glaring at them like they’re the most evil instruments in the world. 
“From across camp?” You raise your brow and smirk. “Sweetie, you and I both know my eyesight isn’t that good.” 
“It’s good enough to recognize technique, darling.”
Somehow this time the argument of who’s better than who doesn’t die down like it usually does. Instead, it merely escalates to the point of interruption, causing both Gale and Wyll to step in, suggesting you all go to bed. Neither of you relents though, knowing what’s at stake. Knowing that whoever gives in will always be referred to as the lesser rogue. 
“How about we settle this fair and square then?” Astarion says.
You look at him like he’s just lost his head. “Wait, you’re capable of fairness?” you ask sarcastically, watching him roll his eyes before changing the subject, asking the camp for their finest padlocks.
It’s decided then that your semi-consistent call for competition is finally answered. That after countless weeks of rivalry amongst varying tactics, you’ll finally get to decide on at least one of them. 
The camp reluctantly wanders to their tents then, allowing you and Astarion a few moments to stare the other down with newfound skepticism until the party all returns with various locks, holding them out for both of you to survey. 
“Forgive me for questioning, but are competitions like this common amongst thieves?” 
Gale looks at you as you lower your head to his hands, narrowing your eyes at the lock’s design. It’s intricate on the outside, displaying an ornate pattern that wraps around the opening in two mirrored filigrees. 
“Very,” you reply, snatching the lock from his hand with a grin, turning to Astarion afterward. “Basic rules? I pick your lock, you pick mine, any means necessary?” 
Astarion nods, holding out the lock inside his palm to you, prompting you to do the same. 
Once switched you both immediately get to work, running your eyes and fingers over the mechanisms, trying to form the best course of action. Next to you, Astarion looks at his with great attention, mumbling to himself as he picks apart all the padlock’s quirks, quickly discovering your choice is unfortunately smart.
Hailing from a specific locksmith who works with magic users exclusively, you know he can tell the lock inside is enchanted. That once you stick your hook inside it’s essentially a free-for-all in regards to what happens next. 
Based on the filigree design it’s obvious to those who know that it’s laced with illusionary magic. Something you’re certain Astarion’s at least somewhat familiar with, allowing you to take your time.
Not that you need it. Not with the lock he so foolishly chose. 
As soon as it was placed into your open hand you recognized the model. An old faulty lock that had been giving rogues like you grief for years. Back when it was first developed it was quickly run off the shelves once people found it was impossible to open without destroying them completely, prompting a surge of collectors to adopt most for display. 
Knowing this, you also know a bit of brute force in the right spot can remedy such a fault.
Smirking to yourself, you twirl the lock on your finger and wander over to Karlach, eyeing her competition offering before holding out your hand. 
“May I?”
She and the rest of the party look at you confused, watching as the tiefling hands it over almost immediately. 
You thank her kindly with a dramatic bow before glancing at your competitor, noticing how he’s finally found the right hook to ensure his success. 
“I’m surprised, didn’t think you’d get that far,” you tell him then, earning his attention long enough to hit the butt of Karlach’s lock against the other, triggering a loud click to signify its opening.
At which point, Astarion all but stares. With eyes so wide you swear they might fall out, you toss the lock in his direction, watching him fumble with the one in his hand before ultimately catching yours against the base of his forearm, looking up to glare as you blow him a cheeky kiss.
@poohxlove @gaiasmight @sassy-stupid @novarex @v-gremlin @sapphiccloud @lipstickghoulie @kuroitsukyo@jjfchk@idiotsatan@bluestuesday@bloopthebat@art-by-greenie@heneralmoon@sukunababe@dreamingaboutyousworld@ranfithegood@haniscrying@liadamerondjarin@the-lake-is-calling@marina-and-the-memes@rookieoftheyear@zraloci-cpr@kaetmo@snickerdoodle-daydream@wowowwild@d1anna@raswiet@conniesbbymama@venus-wrts@demonicthorns@kihten@deadglamsheep@sanscas@spammypasta@leighsartworks216@rose-gold-blue@p1ssmagg0t@hellish-writes@ghostinvenus@otayz@sexysquatch@sleepyeclair@colorful-anxieties@alina-exe@ilana-the-lasagna@lillifer@girlwiththepapatattoo@y2cade@acelin-ginsberg@pinkuranium@catrad0rable@scarletrosesposts@qwnamidala@itsrosebabe@bunnyperi@queenofcarrotflowers-s@tatumadams20@spkyxszn@chlort@f3v3rs@awkwardwookie@joy-the-reader@warm-milk-with-honey-blog@vertigocrime@iyis@wildpiper@pebblethestone@tillywasneverhere@bex-03@kaetmo@revemiya@staticspouse@itzagothamcitysiren@djarinsmixtape@when-the-night-came@epicy0n@bababahannah@sleepyred1703@lotus-99@lofcompass@r4d10h34d5@vampninjaz@itsmekalou@offbrandhand@yikes-buddy@konenichi@rainonarden@oceanbluesixeyes@bodtyworship@maydayitsjay@greasyslimebucket@yeeteth-the-raven@fantasyfairysworld@allexthakatt@flowersaretheshit@morglyne@thespectacularspaceace@cephiss0@use-your-telescope@furblrwurblr@kloverfield@angelofthorr@writervaul-t@starved-kitten@minixluvr@crowley--aziraphale@sapphicwren@alionera-blog@jennithejester@dezedrol@thisisew@saladalpaca@applepiewithbacon@httpbiohazard@aurasyn@nerdoodles@kingpinthedevil@itzkawaiix@domainoflostsouls@silverskylan@uminootome@helpidkwhatimdoingwrong@deadlyinfernos@blackbirdswhispers@sarahskywalker-amadala@writingmysanity@f3v3rs@jayjones03@quietlyebbie@optimisticprime3@eyes-for-daze@sunnytalia3@megoshh@maddiedott@cappsikle@mostbeautifulnightmare@lynnlovesloki@simpytheshrimpy69@astarion-archive@smaranshakthi@autistic-deer@shadowfeart@freckled-petals@candied-lavender@hp-art-studio@ghouligan@satelliteapotheosis@waywardwitch-hel@pandimoostuff@mythoughtsofinsanity@ilovelovelylove@oneandonlyizabelle
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tatsumessy · 10 months
The Plane Crash - {Rin Itoshi}
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“What’s that supposed to mean?” You shouted walking behind your husband of two years who was ignoring any sort of confrontation with you right now. “I don’t want to talk about this right now, he said tossing his duffel bag by the foot of the bed and unzipping his jacket. “What? Saving our marriage? You can’t talk about saving a marriage we both wanted! Stop making it seem like I’m forcing you to do your fucking part when all I ask is that you love me.”
“WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME?!” He screamed grabbing his head in frustration, “I can’t be everything and perfect at the same time. I have a life beside being Y/n L/n’s husband.” You scoffed and slowly wiped away the tears that were falling from your eyes. With Rin being a pro football player you knew all you had to do was support him, he’s everything and more for you and you know that. But you never knew he’d use being your husband as a form of feeling trapped.
Maybe that’s why he’s been spending more time on the field rather than coming home in time for the two of you to eat dinner together. When did the two of you stop feeling like a couple? When was the last time you went to sleep without crying?
“I’m sorry that I had to try for you but it was so hard and impossible for you to do the same for me.” You said walking over to the closet and grabbing your big travel luggage, opening it you started grabbing a bunch of clothes from the hangers and from the dresser. “What are you doing?” He asked looking up at you, fear struck his eyes slightly seeing you move as quick as you did. “I’m going to stay with my parents for a while, it looks like we both need space from each other. I’ll come back for the playoff game.” Rin stayed silent and chose to listen.
“I’ll send you my plane information and when I make it there safely but I really just think we need to spend some time apart from each other.”
“Yes mom, I’ll be fine I promise. He knows I’ll be late to the game. He just wants me there no matter what time I show up.” You say trying to reassure your mother who was worried about literally anything. She pulls you in for a hug and then kisses your cheeks watching as you disappeared into the gate. Your flight had already been delayed three times and at this rate you were going to miss your husband’s first play off game which you promised you’d be there for him.
It was a five hour flight and you were more nervous to see Rin. Since the fight you two had only talked twice in the time span of three months. The two of you agreed that it was better if you talked in person rather than over the phone. “Excuse me passangers, this is your flight attendant. We will be landing shortly, please fasten your seatbelts and stow away all trays. I’ll be coming around shortly to collect trash. Thank you.” She put the phone down and started walking down the aisle, once getting to you she paused.
“You look familiar.” She said taking the empty water bottle from you, “were you on the blue lock award ceremony or something?” “With my husband yes.” “You’re Itoshi Rin’s wife!” You nodded nervously while blushing slightly, this is the first time you’ve actually been noticed. “I’m sorry you aren’t able to make-” she was interrupted by the plane shaking aggressively, the plane then again started shaking but this time more rougher. The flight attendant’s body flew up hitting the top of the roof then landing back on the floor. Everything was happening so fast the next thing you knew was the oxygen mask were coming down.
Rin had just finished scoring the winning goal and instead of hearing the normal loud cheering all he hear was chaos. The people in the crowd were either trying to leave or were freaking out about the game. Rin walked over to his coach with his fully decorated water bottle thanks to you. “What’s going on?” He asked and the coach was in his own world on the phone with someone while anxiously trying to get his shit together.
“One of the planes crashed into xxx pier”. Rin felt his heart t drop to his stomach, “do you know the flight number?” Rin asked, before the game he had briefly glanced at your flight plans but he couldn’t remember exactly what flight number you were on. “Flight 717, sorry good game today guys but I gotta go. My kids are on that flight.” Rin felt his stomach tightening, for some odd reason that number just didn’t sit right with him.
The moment he entered the locker room he pulled out his phone and went straight to his messages.
Wife 💚: hey my flight was delayed once again, so I won’t be able to make it. Good luck you know you’re the best. Oh and my flight number is 717.
He immediately grabbed all of his stuff and started heading towards- he didn’t even know. He just knew he needed to get to you.
Opening your eyes you looked around seeing most of the passengers either dismembered, trying to get out, or just dead. Slowly turning you undid the seatbelt and started to panic even more seeing the water fill up the plane. Using the armrest you tried to get out of your seat but your legs were lodged under something. “Help!” You shouted crying a bit as the water was quickly rising up your legs.
The fireman walked slowly up to you and started to check for further injuries. You didn’t even notice the large gash on your forehead, “alright, are you okay ma’am?” You nodded your head yes not being able to speak out of pure shock. The fireman tried to push against the metal pole stuck on top of your legs but it wasn’t budging. The water pressure was pushing against it too hard.
“AHH!!” You screamed out feeling the pole dig further into your legs. Biting your bottom lip a crippling crying erupted from your mouth. “C-Can you do me a favor?” You asked feeling the water reach up to your chest. “Can you give a message to my husband, Itoshi Rin.” The fireman shook his head no and kept trying to pull the pole up, “look, we both know this plane is about to go down and it’d be more beneficial if you lived rather than me.” You said taking slow deep breaths.
You were the only one left on the plane, besides dead bodies, everyone else was saved. “I’m saving the both of us, if you go down, I go down. Simple.” He said and tears started to form once again. Reaching over you grabbed his walkie and held it up to your mouth. “Whoever is hearing this people get this message out to my husband. My name is Itoshi Y/n. Baby, I’m sorry for our fight. I never meant to make you feel like you were trapped. I love you and I’m sorry if I ever failed you as a wife and as your best friend.” Letting go of the walkie the water was reaching up to your neck and it was really getting hard for you to talk let alone breathe.
“Okay this is what we’re going to do, I’m going to tie this rope around it and the speedboat is going to pull it off of you long enough for you to swim out.” He said and you nodded slowly not fully believing that this plan would actually work. The water was rising even higher and he was still tying the rope off. Once he finally got it he swam out the way a bit and signaled the man to go, it was suffering a bit but the pole lifted slightly giving you enough room to wiggle out of your seat. The problem was you couldn’t swim, your legs were most likely fractured.
Rin arrived at the crash sight and was led towards a big area that held two different sections. The survivors and the deceased. After searching all throughout the survivors section for you he hesitantly walked towards the deceased section to make his worst nightmare possibly come true. He stood there staring at all the covered up bodies in shock. He flinched feeling a small dainty hand tap him in his shoulder, “excuse me. Are you looking for a specific someone?” The responder asked holding up her clipboard filled with names.
“Um-y-yes my wife. Itoshi Y/n.” It was silent for a moment as she looked over the list, she clicked her tongue before bringing the clipboard down and giving Rin a sympathetic smile. “She isn’t on the list, this may be a good thing…or her body hasn’t been discovered yet. I’m sorry.” She said and walked away leaving Rin lost and confused. “WE HAVE ANOTHER ONE!” A group shouted from the water, one of the fireman was holding an unconscious heavily injured body.
The one thing that caught Rin’s attention was the 13 charmed bracelet, that was hanging from the wrist of the woman. It was you, he started running over towards the stretcher heart racing with each step he took. Your legs were bruised and bloodied and the gash on your forehead was alarming for many reasons but the main one was the amount of complaining he was going to hear when you wake up. He gently caressed the top of your head noticing you stirring around, your eyes opened slowly and the moment you saw Rin you almost fell off the stretcher trying to hug him.
He kissed the crook of your neck and cheek while whispering small praises for you being so strong. “I was so scared…I-I-I thought I was going to die!” you whispered and whined while clutching tightly onto his shoulders. “You’re okay baby. You’re okay now.” He rubbed the back of your head then let go of you briefly so that the both of you could ride in the ambulance together.
“Be honest with me. How bad is it? I could practically feel the blood running down my face.” You laughed awkwardly while rubbing something out of your eye, “you’re beautiful y/n.” He said leaning down and kissing your forehead then giving you a fake smile that you were all too familiar with but the two of you just laughed then sat in silence. “Rin, I’m sorry, I never meant to make you feel stuck.” “I’m not stuck. I never felt stuck. I just didn’t want to disappoint you and with the playoffs happening I was just stressed and took it out on you. I’m sorry.”
You sat there in shock at his statement. “Rin. You are a freaking all star. No matter what happens I’ll always be proud of you. I’m your wife, I support you in everything you do. I love you.” He leaned down and pressed a debtor kiss on your lips then one on your forehead. He whispered an I love you back then kissed you again.
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starshine-hockey-girl · 2 months
Change of Plan - Never Ever Have I - 2024 Post Season Blurb
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Just a blurb to ease the pain of the Pens not making the playoffs.
On Exit Interview day, Sidney and Evie find that sometimes plans change.
Warning- contains spoilers of Sidney and Evie's 2024 life; Sidney and Evie smut- semi-public sex, talks of breeding
The chapter that started it all-
Thursday - April 18th - Crosby house - Sewickley, PA 
Sidney laid on his belly in the living room and meticulously stacked blocks in a tower while his daughter watched. When he placed the last block on the top of the tower, he would grin and say, “Cat-Cat, do you like my tower? Isn’t it so tall?” 
She would clap her hand and nod her head, “Tall Daddy…. Tall”. Then she would proceed to knock the tower down much to Sidney’s feigned shock and sadness. Sidney would put his head down and pretend to cry while looking sideways at the brunette beauty who was the perfect combination of her parents. “Daddy build,” his daughter would instruct, “Daddy build.” 
He would grin at her before sighing dramatically, “Okay, but don’t knock it down again.” She would smile and clap as he rebuilt the tower. They were currently in round twelve of the game when the front door opened. Trina and Troy stepped into the house and Catherine abandoned Sidney in his place. She waddled over to her grandmother and held up her arms. Trina scooped her up and swung her around. 
Sidney stood up and looked at his parents in confusion. “I wasn’t expecting you two this morning,” he smiled. 
Trina began to speak before Evie cut her off.. “Beso, I asked them to come over to stay with Catherine,” she explained as she descended the stairs. Sidney turned to her with a look of confusion. Evie stopped at the bottom of the stairs, hugged her in-laws, and kissed Catherine on the cheek. “I have some errands to run before the party tomorrow night,” she said as she turned to Sidney, “I thought I would drop you off for your exit stuff and then pick you up afterwards so we could have some lunch together.” The Crosbys were hosting a combination party that night. They were celebrating the end of the season, and Jeff Carter’s just announced retirement. 
Sidney processed the information quickly. While he couldn’t produce a logical objection to her plan, something seemed amiss. Evie was far too dressed up for simple errands. For errands, she defaulted to yoga pants. Instead she wore a short red dress which she paired with sparkly flats. However, he dismissed the thought and they proceeded to get ready to leave. 
THREE HOURS LATER- UPMC Lemieux Sports Complex
“Geno!” Evie yelled at the tall Russian. 
He turned to her with a smile. “Evie- you sight for hurt eyes.”
“Sore eyes - sight for sore eyes,” Evie corrected. 
Geno rolled his eyes. Evie was the only person who had enough audacity to correct his English. He pretended to be annoyed but he appreciated her concern. “Sore eyes,” he repeated, “Nice to see my friend. It has been too long.”
“It was last week,” she laughed as she hugged him. “How is our boy?” she asked quietly. They shared a look. They both knew the results of the season had the capability to bring out the worst in Sidney.
“He’s good,” Geno spoke, the relief evident in his voice. “He's in the locker room,” he said as he kissed the top of her head. “Nikita is waiting for me. I will see you tomorrow night. He can't wait to see his Evie,” Geno joked as he walked away from her.
“Give him hugs from me!” She called to him before she turned to walk to the locker room.
Sidney sat alone at his locker. His personal effects were packed neatly in his duffle bag along with the additional bag of swag that that equipment team put together for Catherine. The Penguins staff had left the room to allow him time to gather his thoughts. “So another year of missing the playoffs,” he thought to himself. The thought ruminated in his brain as he tried to summon any sort of emotion. In the past, he would have imagined that there would be feelings of disappointment, even anger, but today he felt nothing.”Well, that’s not true,” he corrected himself. He felt a sort of resigned acceptance of the season's outcome. The acceptance was married with a feeling of anticipation and dare he say-happiness? 
He looked forward to spending the next few months with Catherine and Evie. His daughter was such a happy toddler and spending time with her filled him with a peace that he didn’t quite understand. His thoughts turned to Evie who also brought him peace. She also lit a fire in his soul and he looked forward to relishing every minute he could. He needed to reconnect with her in a way that was simply impossible to do during the season. 
He was so lost in thought that he barely heard Evie’s knock on the door. “Beso?” she said as she poked her head into the locker room, “Is there anyone else in here? I don’t want to intrude.” He shook his head no and she walked in gracefully. She looked around the room then turned to him with a smile on her face. 
“You look happy, Mon Etoile,” he remarked, “How did you errands go?” 
“Mission accomplished,” she said as she walked towards him, “Everything is set for tomorrow. Deliveries begin at 4 pm.” He nodded in understanding. Then he smiled and held out his hand to her, a silent invitation. She sat down next to him and rested her head on his shoulder. “You know Beso,” she drawled, “I don’t know how you do it.”
“Do what?” he asked. 
“Come into this room and not remember that night almost six years ago,” she laughed, “How do you not picture me bent over this bench when you come to work every day?”
“Ohhh,” he responded as he deftly wrapped his arm around her and lifted her onto his lap, “I do remember it. I remember it every day.” His voice trailed off and he blinked his eyes that suddenly filled with tears. 
“On a good day, it is a reminder of how much life can change with a single decision,” he spoke softly. “On a bad day, it is a reminder that I have someone waiting for me at home who loves me unconditionally. That all of this…..” He waved his hand around and continued, “All of this is nothing compared to the life that we made together.” He put his hand on her cheek, “So yes, I think about it every time I enter this room- even after all this time.”
 “You do know how to woo a lady,” she leaned forward and kissed him gently, “Speaking of wooing, come with me, Beso.” She hopped up and held out her hand. He looked at her hand and then her face before grabbing onto it.
“Evie, where are we going? Should I be scared?” he joked as they exited the locker room and walked along the hall toward the rink. Sidney noticed that the hall was suspiciously empty. Evie led them to the bench. On the bench, there were two plastic bottles - one yellow and one black with Penguins logos on each.
“Evie…..” he groaned, ”What are we doing?” The lights to the rink were off. Only light from the hallway illuminated the bench. 
“Take a seat in your office, Mr. Crosby,” she directed him to sit. 
“Technically this isn't my actual official since it's the practice rink,” he corrected her.
“Take a seat, Beso,” she repeated. Once he was on the bench, she handed him the black bottle while taking the yellow one in her hand. Then she hiked her dress slightly and straddled his body, wrapping her legs behind his back. Then she smiled brightly at him as his eyes adjusted to the low light. “Beso, I am challenging you, “ she started to speak before he interjected.
“To what?” He moaned as lifted his hips to press into her. 
“Wait, wait, wait…” She shook her head, “I have a whole plan.” His hands went under her skirt and grabbed her bare ass, pulling her into his crotch. “Beso, seriously - I have a plan,” she moaned as he grinned into her. 
“Well, now I have a plan,” he kissed her neck. “Did you arrange privacy, Mon Etoile? Was that part of your plan?” The friction between their bodies filled her with pleasure that it was difficult to think. 
“Yes,” she moaned, “The rink is ours.”
“Good,” he pushed her off his lap, spun her around and lifted her skirt in one smooth motion. “Oh no panties, Mon Etoile? Such a naughty woman, but i am changing the plan. Want to know the new plan, Evie?”
“I am pretty sure I can figure it out,“ she teased before she swatted his hand away. However she made no other movement. Instead she leaned forward and placed her elbows on the bench railing.
“Evie,” he groaned as he stood and unbuttoned his pants, “You will like my plan. I promise. Want to hear it?” He leaned over her back and pressed his erection against her slick folds. She nodded yes, afraid she might not be able to control the volume of her moans.
He slid into her effortlessly. “My new plan is to put another baby into you,” he moaned as his cock was enveloped into her warmth. Evie smiled. This was her favorite of Sidney’s kinks. He got so turned on imagining impregnating her like he was a prized stallion in need to continue his bloodline. He pulled her up to kiss her neck before he reached around to use his fingers to enhance her pleasure. “We have all summer, Evie,” he whispered into her ear, “All summer for me to fill you every morning and night with my seed. You’ll be pregnant by the time the season starts.” 
“Do it, Beso,” she moaned, “Fill me up right now.”
“Yes, I'm going to put a boy in you,” he hissed as his thrusting sped up, “My son.” The idea of his second child being conceived in an ice rink fueled his passion. It wasn’t long before they both collapsed from their mutual orgasms. He had a momentary panic when he noticed the drips slowly going down her thighs. His eyes darted around the bench as he pulled up his pants.
Evie shook her head, adjusted her dress then pulled a small hand towel from her purse. Sidney smiled, “Oh so you planned on me making a mess out of you today.” He took the towel from her hand, bent down and gently cleaned her thighs. He followed with kisses as he guided her back to the bench.
Evie leaned her head back and moaned softly, “Something like that. I knew that it was a distinctly possibility, which is why they shut down the rink for us,” she teased as she pulled out panties from here , “Knowing our past, it seemed like a safe bet.”
“What was your plan?” he as scooped her and placed her on his lap. He nodded his head toward the black and yellow bottles. “We're those involved” he asked with a twinkle in his eyes.
“Yes, before you so rudely interrupted me, I was going to challenge you to a game of “Never Ever Have I - married edition,” she joked.
“We can still play,” he kissed her cheek, “I just got caught up in the moment.” His hand instinctively went to her stomach. “Maybe the ice will bring us luck,” he grinned, “Just like with Catherine.”
“Not so sure about that, Beso,” she grinned.
“You don't think it worked? Why?”  he did some mental math, “Shouldn't you be ovulating now?” Evie opened her mouth to speak but nothing came out. “What? Am I wrong?”
“I should be surprised that you know when I ovulate, but I am not, “ she softly kissed his lips. “But to answer your question, no- I am not ovulating,” she sighed, “Definitely not. All that work was unproductive.”
“You don’t think we conceived just now?” He whispered. It started a joke- a way to engage in their favorite kinks but the idea took root in his mind. The more he thought about it, the stronger the desire became. “You don't think we conceived or you are not ready for another child?” he asked.
“No, Beso- I don't think we just conceived a baby,” she kissed his nose, “and I hope to God that we are ready.” His eyes searched her face in question. She sighed and reached for her purse. “Close your eyes,” she ordered. His face scrunched up as she put her hands behind her back. 
“I am sorry to disappoint you, Beso, but you didn't put a baby inside of me today,” she said with a soft smile. His face dropped and her hand went to his cheek. “See, you can't put a baby inside of me,” she kissed him gently, “because there is already one there.”
Confusion spread across this face. “What do you mean there is a baby inside you?” he asked in a small voice.
“I mean that I am pregnant,” she grinned, “Surprise!”
She watched as the realization sunk into his brain. “I can't put a baby into you because there is already a baby inside of you. There is a baby inside of you,” he spoke to himself. “There is a baby inside of you, which means you’re pregnant, which means that you are going to have a baby,” he uttered. Suddenly all of the dots connected and exclaimed,”WE ARE HAVING ANOTHER BABY!!! A BABY!!! EVIE….EVIE….A BABY!!!”
“Are you sure?” he asked. She pulled the sonogram picture from behind her back and handed it to him. He studied it silently. Evie wiped his tears. A million questions flooded his brain. He opened his mouth, and they flew out. She patiently listened.
“I took a test on last week when you were on the road. The OB confirmed it today, “ she explained, “He is due the second week of December.”
“He?” he grinned, “You think the baby is a boy, or do you know yet?”
“Too soon to tell,” she answered, “but this one feels different than Catherine. Maybe it's because we weren't planning on it. Are you sure you're happy? I know you like things planned, and having a baby during the season isn't ideal…..”
“Evie,” he pulled her into a hug and squeezed her tight. “You taught me that the best things are unplanned. You are the best thing to ever happen to me, and you were a complete surprise. I wasn't looking for you, but one game of Never Ever Have I later, here we are.”
He glanced at the bottles, “Sorry for ruining your plans, Evie.”
“It's okay,” she laughed, “it worked out.”
“Wait,” he announced, “I have one.”
“One what?” she asked.
“One Never Ever Have I,” he answered as he hand instinctively went to her belly.
“What is it?” she placed her hand on top of his.
“Never Ever Have I been so happy,” he beamed.
Evie reached for bottles of water and took a drink, “Me too, Beso, me too.”
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hvghes · 1 year
Wildest Dreams - N.Hischier x Schneider!reader
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Nico Hischier. Captain of the New Jersey Devils, never in a million years did the twin sister of Braden Schnieder think she would be in bed with a man on her brother's rival team. But here she is tangled up with the Swiss man in the bed of her hotel room. It was the first game of playoffs, they had met on March 30th when the rangers last played njd. She didn’t mean to run into him, quite literally she ran into him. She was looking for her brother after the game since he was her ride back to their hotel but being in a new area she was lost and panicking. She ran into the 6’1 man and nearly fell but he caught her. “Hey woah, I don’t think you’re supposed to be down here.” He said while helping her stand up straight noticing the Rangers jersey, but gosh was she the most beautiful girl he’s ever seen. “I’m sorry, I was looking for my brother. He's supposed to be somewhere down here but I got lost. I've never been here before..” She said, staring down at the ground, embarrassed that she got lost and ran into the rival team's captain. He placed a finger under her chin to lift her face up to look at him. “That’s alright but why would your brother be down here that would mean-” “He’s on the other team yeah, uh well you see my brother is Braden, im his twin sister y/n.” She said face partly flushed, he had the most beautiful eyes she’s ever seen. “Well you’re on the wrong side angel but I'll take you to where your brother should be, that sound alright?” She nodded and he hummed in response leading her to where the Rangers locker rooms were located. Once they arrived he bid her a farewell and began to head back to his side. “Wait!” She yelled while trying to catch up to the brunette. “I never got your name.. Or your number.” She said semi-confidently, but a little shaky from regret of what she just said. “Woah bold now aren’t we darling.” He said smirking and took her phone from her hand and put in his number. “I’m Nico. Nico Hischier, it was a pleasure to meet you until next time.” He said and moved the hair that fell in front of her face from running out the way and pulled her hand up to leave a soft kiss on her knuckles. “Until next time Nico.” She said before heading back to her brother.
Now back to them intertwined in bed two weeks later after their first interaction. They’ve been on a few dates but nothing more. still no title. “Remember the day we met, how confident you tried to be, it was adorable honestly.” Nico said, facing her in bed, tucking her hair behind her ear. “Someone had to make the first move you left, what else was I gonna do.” She playfully scoffed and he let out a soft laugh. “You know I would’ve just went on Instagram to search you up. Dm you like, ‘oh hey remember me I saved you from falling wanna go on a date.’” He said while she playfully shoved him. “You’re an idiot, Hischier.” She said before he pulled her in for a kiss, it was a slow soft sweet kiss that couldn’t turn into anything else as Nico’s alarm went off signaling he would now have to leave for the game and she groaned. “Do you have to go, can’t you just wait 5 more minutes? I mean my hotel isn’t even that far from the arena.” She said, trying to pull him back to bed. “I wish I could stay angel but I’ll see you after the game I promise. Text me when you leave and when you get to the arena. Drive safe, I'll see you later.” He said before placing a soft kiss on her forehead then her lips a little tradition Nico started doing before leaving or when greeting her.
She soon began to get ready and eventually arrived at the arena and texted Nico before making her way to her spot in the sea of blue. She watched as her brother skated onto the ice for warm ups and she couldn’t help but feel a little guilty. Her brother had a specific rule that she was to stay away from members of rival teams. Even when they were in high school, any rivals were off limits. No one knew of their secret getting together even if they weren’t officially dating she still felt guilt. It was left in the shadows. It was better off that way for now. The game ended and it ended awfully for the devils. Rangers won 5-1 leading the series 1-0 and she knew Nico was going to be extremely upset. She sent him a text that she was on her way to him. Although she forgot she was placed in her brother's Rangers jersey and as soon as she arrived she saw him and he quickly ran up to her. “You shouldn't be here right now. I’ll see you later.” He said before attempting to leave but she quickly pulled him back. “Look I know I shouldn’t be here but I just wanted to tell you that you did good and don’t doubt yourself, you’re amazing Nico I’ll see you later, cap.” She said quickly before placing a kiss on his cheek before heading off to her brother. He couldn’t help but smile to himself. Maybe whatever this relationship is with a girl who’s brother is on their rival team wasn’t so bad afterall.
- @drysdalesv @jhughesl0v3r
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sergeifyodorov · 7 months
Why is Mitch always the whipping boy for a lot of fans??
There's always been this pretty consistent characterization of him as hyper-emotional/soft while also designating him as lazy or not caring. A few reasons I can think of that this might be
The Contract: makes a pretty significant chunk of the cap and had a long, drawn-out and exhausting road to signing; never mind that it was a) signed before the Covid flat-cap, b) his father was known to be meddling in the process, c) he thought he was going to have to deal with Babcock for the next five years at least, and d) unlike Willie had performed extremely well on his ELC, meriting pretty much an immediate raise to ~11 mil
Publicly presents this kind of goofy, dorky attitude that rubs people the wrong way (the Leafs are "supposed" to be this super-serious, hard-working, nose-to-the-grindstone type of ultra-professional team, and lovey-dovey silly Mitchelly is not what One Might Expect compared to more historic players like Mats Sundin, or, god forbid, Doug Gilmour or Wendel Clark)
Not the most well-media-trained or eloquent guy in the world and accidentally says a lot of things that you could misinterpret as whiny emotionality if you were already the sort of person to be ill-disposed towards him
Lack of playoff luck
(This one has faded somewhat over time) Far too skinny and a pushover and doesn't hit (people who say this don't know puck but there are people who say it)
...etc. Also worth noting that ~the fansphere~ tends to be either Team Mitch or Team Willy at any given time, pretty much exclusively based on who's been hotter of late -- when Mitch is hot, trade Nylander; when Nylander's hot, why did we give Marner that money in the first place (you can see this now if you look). Why must they pit two bad bitches against each other?
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naanima · 1 year
Oh dudes. I sometimes forget how not many of you remember or witnessed the whole Tyler Seguin as a Boston Bruins phase of hockey history. I gotta be honest I witnessed the whole thing from a distance because I was fully committed to the Flyers back then (all the heartbreak). The only thing I knew about him was that he was Bruins' hot young superstar who won the 2011 Stanley Cup with the team in his rookie year, and that he liked to party.
Dudes, the pics of him & Brad Marchand drunk & dancing on tables were legendary & amazing (below, you can Google for more on your own). Gods they were both so young.
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But yes, from afar I couldn't help but like him bcos Tyler Seguin have personality in spades, and he just seemed so damn honest (so dumb). A young, talented, self aware himbo fuckboi ticked all my boxes, but I was starting to ease back from hockey due to some heartbreak. So I watched from afar, watched as his post rookie season didn't live up to the hype, watched him get skewered by the Boston media for being uncontrollable & a party animal, watched the rumours spread about how management had to post guards in front of his hotel room to stop him from making a run to get drunk & party.
It was a complete & utter shitshow bcos it was so public & must have been so humiliating for him. The Bruins organisation did nothing to protect him, they fucking let the rumours run rampant, let him be crucified. When the news came out that Boston traded him for Dallas I was shocked & angry, which took me aback bcos I wasn't even a Bruins fan or even really a Seguin fan. But the way everything went down, how front office decided on his trade (FOREVER curated on YouTube) , how the supposed last straw was him turning up to team breakfast late (I'm not even kidding - fucking breakfast? That fucking story kept on getting retold) left such a bitter taste in my mouth.
Despite all the shit that was said about him, despite the way the Boston Bruins handled everything, Tyler Seguin, the himbo has never publicly said one bad thing about the Bruins. My himbo prince might not be the smartest person, but he has always been receptive to feedback and is self aware enough not to be an asshole, in public at the least.
But honestly after Tyler's trade I only did a cursory look of his life there - he seemed happy, but didn't do further digging because I was on my way out of hockey completely.
A decade later I return to hockey, and I'm shocked that Seguin is still around, and still part of Dallas Stars. Looking back I'm fucking glad he got traded to Dallas. Bcos Dallas hockey fans fucking love him, and Seguin finally got a team of bros he can love & ho with proper. There will still be shits but Tyler Seguin went to Dallas as their superstar, as their great hope, they fucking love him. And in return he did everything he could - played the best hockey he could, broke his body, changed his playing style both physically & mentally - to get that team the Stanley Cup.
I don't know if Dallas Stars will win the Cup this year (🪵🪵🪵🪵🪵🪵), but the Stars are in the second round of the 2023 playoffs (be ashamed that Pavs got a Dick Trick and you fucks still COULDN'T win). And it has been almost exactly ten years since the Bruins traded Seguin to the Stars - 4 July 2013. Hockey & I love its narrative.
So, dear hockey gods, I don't even know if you all exists, and I know exactly how it is all superstitious bullshit. However, it has been almost exactly a decade since the fucking trade, the Bruins has been knocked out of the playoff, and in Tyler Seguin you have the perfect narrative. Are you gonna fucking deliver for me & my himbo prince?
Dallas Stars, are you going to show them all?
(Or we get fucked over, and hockey proves once again that there is NO god, superstition is bullshit, and the team who can effectively exploit the opposing team's weakness, and you know, play actually good hockey wins.)
I AM PREPARED. WILL I BE JOYOUS and roll around in the NARRATIVE, or is this gonna be my Villain Origin Story? (I'm gonna fucking support the fucking Leafs or the Oilers if these fucks lose).
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puckmaidens · 1 year
If you are taking requests.....can I request anything soft and fluffy with Oleksiak or Seguin helping the reader with depressive episode?
Better Days - Jamie Oleksiak x fem!reader x Tyler Seguin
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WC: .7k
Y/N was exhausted, and both Jamie and Tyler being gone didn't help. Sleep was difficult to come by since the playoffs started but definitely with Seattle and Dallas playing each other for a Western Conference Final spot.
Y/N was torn for a multitude of reasons but the biggest one was leaving the house. Her meltdowns and random irritations made being there for both boys hard.
Why am I not strong enough to get up and go see them at the game? None of the other Better Halves struggle like this, they show up and out. Their minds didn't hate them so much that getting out of bed was the hardest thing all day.
She hadn't slept or left the house in weeks, and basic things like bathing and eating were Herculean efforts, and more times then not getting in the shower didn't happen.
She missed them both, but she couldn't call them. Too much was at stake for them, Jamie on a new team making it to playoffs and Tyler making a deep run with the Stars.
I’m only one call away, Superman got nothing on me
Her phone basically stayed attached to the charger unless Y/N was listening to music to fall asleep to. Her laundry was reaching a critical mass and the smell was overwhelming. Even being awake was too overwhelming some days.
Maybe I'll feel better tomorrow...
Y/N let the phone ring, body finally shutting down for sleep.
The door opens and Jamie walks in to find his (and Tyler's) girlfriend fast asleep and distraught in her sleep.
"You take care of us, so let us take care of you, baby. I'll call Tyler and do your laundry. Don't worry, we'll make up for lost time."
"Segs. She's not doing good, found her asleep in her apartment and everything is a mess. I need your help."
"Rig, I'm on my way. Anything for both of you. I'll grab food too. How did we miss this? Y/N, baby we're gonna make sure you're ok. Ok?" Tyler's voice gets soft as he hangs up the phone.
Jamie starts doing Y/N's laundry, sorting out clothes and in-between loads finding out what food was there.
The door swings open and Jamie hears Tyler's footsteps before feeling him bump into Jamie.
"Is babydoll still sleeping? I've got food and some stuff. Soap, laundry detergent, new pjs."
"Out cold, couldn't even get her blanket off her. I checked her temperature and it seems normal. You can go and try to wake her. Ty?"
"Yeah, Jame?"
"You have a plan? I don't think she's going to without a fight. Or without help." Tyler nods, setting his haul down.
"I'll carry her to the bathroom and you'll start the bath. She needs both of us right now. You think the laundry will finish by then?" Jamie drops the last load of laundry in, adds detergent and gets it running.
"Let's go take care of her."
Y/N wakes up to the smell of lavender and arms around her.
"Mmm hi? Aren't y'all supposed to be with the team?"
"Baby, you weren't picking up. Nobody could reach you. We had to use our keys, why didn't you tell us things were getting bad?"
"You both were so busy and I didn't want to be a burden or too much. You both have been working so hard and I didn't want to bog you down with my problems."
Tyler presses a kiss to Y/N's forehead and Jamie pulls her into his chest.
"You are our baby, our partner. Taking care of you is never a burden. We will love you even when things feel hard. Ty and I will make sure you know we love you every day."
The night wanes on with both boys helping you finish your bath, Tyler scrubbing Y/N's arms and Jamie washing her hair.
The bed is heavy with Tyler pressing your neck to his shoulders and Jamie spooning you from the back.
Everyday isn't perfect, but with both of them loving you, it's at least better even when the dark days arrive.
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msmargaretmurry · 7 months
ooh becky msmargaretmurry i have to ask about your rnh thoughts here because while i have never been in the oiler trenches and do not (Do Not!!!) intend to start now, i have been watching on the sidelines since the hall and eberle days and i LOVE to hear your opinions
oh thank you for asking anon!! for context i started watching the oilers on purpose in like 2010ish (i had a friend who was super into hall/eberle and i was NOT immune to that) — i do not claim to be an expert on any of this at all, this is just based on my own experiences and thoughts and ponderings. also for the record i think rnh is great. he is an oiler i am extremely fond of, and i'm glad he seems to have found a solid role there that he's content with and has found success in.
so to me the ryan nugent-hopkins of it all goes something like this:
when the oilers drafted taylor hall first overall in 2010, HE was supposed to be the savior of the franchise. the oilers had lost in the scf in 2006 and then immediately not made the playoffs for four straight years and no one was happy. they drafted taylor, hyped him up SO hard — this era was kind of the the advent of current Online Content era and they were making little videos of him arriving in edmonton, showing him around, fans recognizing him on the street. i feel like nowadays thall's stock as a player is like "good but not GREAT" but you must understand that when he was drafted first overall they were expecting him to be GREAT. him, plus hot young swedes linus omark and magnus pääjärvi, plus canadian world juniors hero jordan eberle had the oilers faithful (and the oilers front office) CONVINCED they were going to be turning things around. people were making t-shirts that said
HALL Omark Paajarvi Eberle
— HOPE, you see???
anyway obviously that season did not actually go that great. they finished last in the league. i think they won something like 25 games all season. and they wound up with another first overall pick, which was our boy, the nuge.
and the thing is, ryan was expected to be very good, but he was NOT expected to be the savior of the franchise. that was already taylor hall's job. there was a lot of concern his rookie season about him being too skinny and not strong enough to really make an impact at the nhl level yet (and to be fair, he DID look like a baby deer out there). the people and the powers that be were very much like, we're glad to have him, we think he'll be a great piece of this rebuild, but there was much more willingness to be like, okay well he might need a few years to finish baking.
rnh's rookie season was better than the season before, but it was still not good. they did not come close to making the playoffs. they were still very bad. the blue jackets were also very bad, and a friend and i drove to columbus and got seats on the glass for oilers/jackets for like $50. extremely funny experience, 10/10, do recommend.
(not relevant to this narrative but a very fun fact imo is that despite the oilers but godawful that season, 2011–12 had two of my favorite oilers games i ever watched: sam gagner's 8-point night against chicago, and a 9-2 win ALSO against chicago, who was one of the best teams in the league at the time. as a bl*ckhawks hater then and now, watching this clown car oilers team run roughshod over chicago brought me immeasurable joy.)
however, the only one of the young stars who was REALLY living up to expectations at this point was jordan eberle? iirc he lead the team in goals AND assists that year. the masses were starting to get impatient with the performances of the other young stars, especially first overall franchise savior taylor hall.
and the oilers won another draft lottery. (you can imagine at this point the rest of the league was already pretty sick of the oilers winning draft lotteries.) they drafted nail yakupov first overall. i am not going to dive deeply into the yakupov saga, because we would be here all night, but suffice to say that, no, he did not live up to first overall expectations, but also, yes, he was very much punished for Being Russian In Edmonton, and those two things cannot be untangled from each other. however, in the context of the nuge of it all, this leaves rnh in an interesting and particular spot: he is still not expected to be taylor hall, and wow he looks like such a nice pick compared to yakupov. rnh is playing pretty well! not all-star numbers or anything, but again, he's not the cornerstone of the franchise rebuild. he is an important brick, but not the foundation.
not like the rebuild is working anyway. with their arsenal of three straight first overall draft picks (and canadian world juniors hero jordan eberle), edmonton misses the playoffs for the seventh straight season. and then they miss them again. and then they miss them again. and it's not even like assigned franchise savior taylor hall is playing poorly — other than one slump of a season he is consistently putting up 50+ point seasons, including one 80 point season! but the oilers as a team are still a laughingstock in the league. it's not just that they're missing the playoffs. they are consistently near the bottom of the league.
to be clear, i don't think this was the fault of the players. i think the oilers were (are) pretty shit at management and were (are) pretty shit at prospect development. i think that when you have a team with that many decent-to-good players and you can't get out of the basement that the problem is systemic. but god forbid the front office take a good long look inward to diagnose the problem within themselves. no, the problem was that assigned franchise savior taylor hall was not doing his job (saving the franchise).
not that there wasn't any frustration toward other players, including rnh. there was frustration toward the team as a whole, but hall often bore the brunt of it. omark and pääjärvi were gone by around 2014. eberle was still well-liked but it was kind of accepted that he wasn't going to change the fate of the organization. the idea that the oilers needed to ship hall out becaue HE was the problem was in the air before the 2015 draft lottery.
and then the oilers won the 2015 draft lottery, and with it, connor mcdavid. people were not happy. (please click on this link it's so funny.) the oilers were so bad at this point that it was just generally accepted that connor going to the oilers meant the prime of his generational-talent career would be wasted by an incompetent team. honestly not really feeling like we've been proven wrong at this exact point in time!
however: connor mcdavid? brand new savior! way better savior than taylor hall ever would have been! the last five years of rebuild weren't REALLY a rebuild, the real rebuild was going to start with mcdavid!
and where is the nuge in all this? he has been pretty quietly plugging away, turning into a very good and reliable nhl player. a consistent 40–50 ish point player, not bad! fast forward a few seasons into the mcdavid era and he's putting up 80 points, 100 points! he's the longest-tenured oiler. the edmonton people and powers that be seem to really value him! which is really awesome.
this is not to say that there was never any "nuge should be better" discourse or any frustration with him when the team was doing so badly, because there was absolutely frustration with the whole team, including him. i do distinctly remember hearing the phrase "the oilers need more from ryan nugent-hopkins" more than once on the broadcasts. nuge finding his role on the team and the notable success he's had in more recent seasons has been a process, even though he hasn't ever been ~bad at the nhl level. however, imo, his positioning between noted disappointments hall and yakupov and also assigned saviors hall and mcdavid did put him in a unique position where people had a little more patience with him and blamed him less for the team's struggles than his fellow first overalls.
i do still miss the kid line sometimes though.
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ladylooch · 11 months
Every Time with Timo Meier
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A/N: Feeling a lil angsty, sweet, sensitive T & Em today.
Word Count: 1.2k
Warnings: Implied smut, swearing.
“My life has changed a lot since I became a husband and father, so these days the pre-game nap is shorter and yeah, I think it can be a challenge to focus on hockey all the time, but it is one of those things I have worked through and I’m more adaptable because of it.”
I bite my lip at the interview posted on TikTok from NHL Europe asking Timo about how his off-ice rituals has evolved over his career. I glance up to where he is with Lio, sleeping in the reclining chair because Lio was fighting nap time and wanted daddy snuggles. Normally, Timo takes his pre-game nap in the bedroom with the blinds drawn and a mask on his face to block out everything. 
One of those things he’s had to work through and adapt. Because of you. 
A darkness in my mind begins to whisper. I lock my phone, looking at Lio’s fat cheek squished into Timo’s chest. Normally, I love these moments. But in two hours, Timo will need to be heading to the rink and none of his pre-game rituals have been done today. What if he plays bad and the team loses and they fall out of the division lead this close to the playoffs? Then all the fans will be crying out on social media at how overrate and overpaid Timo is.
And it will be your fault. You’re the reason his life is so much harder now. 
I can’t ignore the mean voice in my head telling me I’ve ruined his life. Panic begins to bubble in my chest. Maybe he never wanted any of this and felt obligated. Maybe he secretly doesn’t love me and wakes up every morning hating how his life has turned out. 
Tears fall down my cheeks unexpectedly. I get up quietly, going to the powder room to wipe them away. But now that I am alone, the tears fall faster. It’s clear this wave is going to consume me, so I go upstairs for some distance. I crawl onto the bed, curling up into a ball on the comforter and crying until I fall asleep in mental exhaustion. 
I wake up to Timo’s hands on me. One runs through my hair and the other smooths over my butt and thigh. I startle then relax when I see him. My hand cups his bicep, gripping at his sweatshirt as my eyes close again.
“You okay, baby?” I can feel how puffy my eyes are. I imagine my cheeks are red too. I nod, then turn my face into the comforter more. “Em.” The bed dips a bit under me as Timo sits down. He presses his face into my thigh, giving me a soft kiss. I put my hand on his head, starting down at where my knees are bent together. Timo is patient, knowing I am fighting like hell to break my walls down to be vulnerable. 
“Do you ever wish things were different?”
“How so?” He asks, hand rubbing along my arm, then tangling our fingers together.
“With us.”
“Like…?” I sigh and he chuckles. “You’re not giving me much to work with here.”
“Like if you could go back, would you do something different that night? Would you make a different choice knowing how it would end?” He starts to respond but I cup his cheek, turning to look him in the eye. “Be honest with me.” He maintains eye contact for a moment, pausing so I know he is speaking from the heart.
“No. I would do the same thing. Every time. I would still rail you on that table and the bed and finish on the floor.” 
“I’m not talking about the sex.”
“I know you’re not. You’re talking about the fact that we made a baby together that night. Who is now asleep in the room down the hall and is our entire world.”
“Maybe we messed everything up.”
“Or maybe that was supposed to happen. Em, I wouldn’t have you if you didn’t get pregnant. And you were all that I wanted. This life is what I wanted. With you.” 
“I feel like I took something from you.”
“What if those girls on TikTok from last season are right? I took the best moments of your career from you by making you a father.”
“Ugh.” He groans. “I knew this was coming from social media.” He rolls me onto my back then straddles me, squeezing my hips with his knees. 
“You gave me a life that matters. That isn’t just about how many points I score or how much money I make. I wouldn’t have that without you and Lio.” He laces our hands together, putting them next to my head. His mouth hovers over mine as he continues. “I come home every day knowing I have someone who loves me for who I am, not what I do on the ice. I wasn’t sure I could find this, babe.” He searches my eyes, then finishes. “And what would be the point of living my dream without you to share it with?”
“Okay, I’m sorry. I…” I trail off, not sure what else to say.
“It’s okay. You get to have moments of doubt. I have them too. I usually toss you over my shoulder and bring you up here, but.. if you wanna cry instead, I’ll wipe your tears.”
“Kiss me. For like five minutes.” I murmur. He grins then leans down to softly make out with me. By the time our five minutes is up, we are naked, loving each other with our bodies in sweet, sensual thrusts.
When we are done, I lay on his chest while he strokes my spine. 
“Show me what made you feel this way. I’ll get it taken down.”
I hand him my phone which is still open to the TikTok. I rest my chin on his sternum to watch him look at it. He is taken aback by it, eyebrows furrowed as he scrolls through the comments too. He was clearly expecting a fan-made slanderous TikTok. Not him in an interview. He tosses my phone to the side again, squeezing me tight to his chest.
“I love you. What I was talking about is nothing negative about you and Lio. Things are different now, that’s it. They aren’t harder. They aren’t easier. Just different than what it was. That is all I meant.”
“I know. I don’t know why it made me feel bad.”
“There is nothing to feel bad about. Our story is ours and it’s perfect.” He pulls me up his body, so he can kiss me. “You are everything. Lio is everything. Our family is everything. If I lost hockey tomorrow I would survive because I have us.”
“I know.” He kisses me softly again.
“I have to start getting ready. Are you okay?”
“I’m great, babe.” I assure him. “I should get Lio up or he is going to be cranky the rest of the night.” 
“Okay.” He gives me one last kiss, then watches as I roll off of him and start putting my clothes back on. “Em.” His soft tone makes me pause. “Would you still pick this?”
“Yes. Every time.” 
Timo smiles in relief, then heads to the bathroom to shower. 
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frogmanfae · 10 months
Newsies as things that have happened in school (first day edition)
Medda: Yeah when I was in high school orchestra we had very competitive seating so like if you were a fifth chair and you wanted to be a third chair you would have to challenge whoever was in the third chair and you would have a playoff- it was very intense. And then if you won the chair challenge you got the chair closer to the conductor, it was a real thing
Crutchie: What in the high school musical-
Denton: It falls around Thanksgiving-
Mike: *very quietly* gobble gobble...
Denton: ... What was that?
Medda: The sophomores are in a meeting right now so they aren't with us today-
Race: *a sophomore, currently sitting in Medda's class* ...The sophomores are what
Albert: I'm an 11th grader in a freshman class they're gonna know I'm dumb!
Finch: Lie about your grade
Race: Put on a fake accent and say you're from Russia
Albert: Guten tag!
Finch: ...That's the wrong language
Race: This is why you're in a freshman class as a junior
Race: Smell me
Spot: I'll pass
Race: No I smell good
Albert: He smells like cookies
Spot: I... I am not going to smell you
Davey: *walks into a class that's only for juniors to see a bunch of underclassmen but also other juniors (Jack, Mike, Ike, and Oscar)* uhhhh... Is this the right-
Jack: Yeah somethin's fucked up
Davey, Jack, Mike, Ike, and Oscar: *currently supposed to be in a class meeting in another room*
Race: My social Security number is 735. 814-
Elmer: I still can't drive
Buttons: his mom lost his social Security card
Crutchie: She what-
Wiesel: Come on, hurry up
Hotshot: We're goin!
Spot: Oh my god you guys are strolling! Aren't you on the football team? You gonna take us to states?? Do you move this slow on the field??
Race: You know they do
Denton: Welcome good morning I know you're all excited to be back- don't answer that
An inspirational video they were forced to watch: "He taught his whole team how to say I love you in sign language!"
Race: *slowly leans forward and makes the I love you sign at Albert*
Albert: *flips him off*
Race: :(
Davey: Oh god the sophomore hallway REEKS of Axe Body Spray
Jack: *joking* I know this is your doing, Elmer
Elmer: :(
Denton: Welcome to creative writing your teacher is crying it's a great first day
Race: damnit I have a scrimmage after school
Denton: What sportsball do you play?
Race: Soccer
Denton: And who are you sportsballing against?
Race: Brooklyn
Denton: Crush em
The message: "I want to choke you with my cock"
*in creative writing class with the gay teacher*
Davey: uh, hi. My name is David, he/him. My favorite book is Salt to the Sea and my favorite author is Ruta Sepetys, who wrote it. My main genres I like to write are realistic fiction and sci fi or fantasy. I write because I have a lot of ideas and if I don't put them somewhere I won't be able to function.
Romeo: wassup, I'm Romeo, he/they but I don't mind the occasional she/her. My favorite book is the Hunger Games and my favorite author is Rick Riordan. My primary genre I like to write is fanfiction and I write because media consumes me and if I like something it's all I can think about for weeks at a time.
Davey, in his head: shit man I mean me too but I'd never have the guts to say that out loud in front of a class-
Jack: Dress code! Dress code violation! Dress code!
Sarah: What does my turtleneck show too much?
Race: I didn't have my protein shake this morning I am lacking!
Crutchie: Didn't you drink your first one a couple weeks ago- if even??
Race: Actually, Jack's mom gave me like $100 worth of coupons-
Davey: *about Spot* He sings both baritone and tenor.
Jack: He's bivocal
Race: I hate it when he calls me white man because then I can't say anything back or I'll sound unintentionally racist!!!
Jack: Fuckin white man
Race: Stoppp!
Wiesel: We're programmed as human beings to respond with care to things in need. Which is a good thing because otherwise we would probably drown all of our babies-
Crutchie: HUH???
Wiesel: You've programmed your brain to think like that about your phones- *continues like normal*
Crutchie: *20 minutes later* did he not say something about drowning babies???
Race: Fuck I have to take my makeup off before soccer but I don't have any makeup wipes!!
Spot: *jokingly* If you didn't wear makeup to school we wouldn't be having this issue
Albert: Did you just call him an ugly whore??
Spot: Yeah, actually
Romeo: *with nobody paying attention to them* Y'all ready? Y'all ready? *moves backwards and promptly trips over Specs's feet*
Specs: *literally in the middle of a conversation with Finch* ... You good?
Romeo: You tripped me! I was moon walkin!
TW Under the cut jokes about sewerslide and the f slur by someone who can claim it
Race: *jokingly at Smalls* Ewwwww! Freshman!
Jack: :0
Race: :0
Jack: did she just-
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jamiesfootball · 10 months
a drabble for #7?
“Can you feel this?”
Light glinted off metal.
'Only the phantom sensation of pressure at a distance.' That's how Beard would have liked to respond, if Dr. Buddy's hand wasn't pressed up against the roof of his mouth.
The situation being what it was, he settled for a cordial, "Uh-uh."
"Good. Good. That's what I love to hear," said Dr. Buddy, smiling with eyes and likely a mouth underneath the face mask. He handed the dental pick to his assistant. His thumb stayed hooked on Beard's mouth. "Now you just let me know if we need a break, you hear? Any discomfort that comes up, let me know straight away. Raise your hand up if you need me to stop."
Prison had reset Beard's tolerance for discomfort, but sitting in the leaned-back dental chair, a precipitously high wave a nausea threatened to make landfall. Accompanying it were persistent tremors in his fingers and a dry mouth, and tunneling vision to round out the quartet. Had Ted told him ahead of time where they were going, Beard would have jumped out of the moving vehicle to join the errant cows of the field who didn't yet know that they were livestock.
All things considered, Willis Beard was experiencing a typical level of comfort, solidly below the baseline of what he could endure.
He offered the dentist a thumbs up, and the hand that hitched Beard's arm to the chair gave him a reassuring squeeze.
The dental assistant handed Buddy a corded instrument.
While Beard's ears began ringing like a tornado siren on a clear day, Buddy picked up on their prior conversation with, "I'm not sure, Ted. I still think Vermeil screwed the pooch last year. Should'a stayed retired if you asked me."
"Oh ye' of little faith," Ted responded. Beard didn't need eyes or mouth to know when Ted was smiling. "I thought he whipped them boys into pretty good shape last year. It's rough starting out fresh, these things take time."
College may have been a life left behind in the rearview mirror, but Beard could swear that once upon a time Ted's Ted-isms didn't clock overtime carrying the weight of all the baggage booked between them. Or maybe they had. Maybe every one of their elbowing, crushed conversations under stadiums of lights, kicking heels at each other while they waited for second string to get its call, maybe all of those moments had always been a guise for the gentle hand reaching out underneath, and Beard had been too tone-deaf to notice.
He'd been experimenting with a lot of MDMA at the time so he supposed he'd never know. Too bad no one had ever made a future in fixing maybes.
Ted tried to lasso the dentist onto his side. "C'mon, pal. You ain't ever heard of second chances?"
Finally the thumb prying him open let go of his mouth. Beard stretched his jaw out, making a show of it while he bid his time. He'd need every deep inhale for this next part.
Buddy fiddled with his glove, pulling the rubber tight over a bulky status watch, the kind that made a regular man feel wealthy but wouldn't fetch much in a pinch.
The dental assistant placed a stacked tray before him, all sharps and gauze. Dr. Buddy picked up another poker. "How about you, Beard? Who do you favor for the playoffs?"
"The Buccaneers."
"Hah!" Buddy scoffed. "Now that's a longshot. I'll give you that one, Ted; the Chiefs have a better shot of making it to the playoffs than the Bucs ever will. Those bookies down in Vegas, they're printing money saying otherwise. No siree, it doesn't matter how good the odds are. They've got no experience keeping their heads up under pressure."
Ted hummed thoughtfully. "Maybe. Everybody loves a longshot, though. And hell, who doesn't love a pirate?"
"Captain Fear," Beard added.
"You're both nuts," lamented Buddy, shaking his head.
"I don't know about that, Buddy," said Ted with a smile as wide as the sign out front. "After all, the game's not over 'til it's over. Chiefs, pirates—as long as the team keeps trying, we'll keep rooting, and sooner or later all that effort's going to pay off. Might take a little time and a little luck, but it'll happen."
"We'll see about that. Alright, gentlemen, enough of the small talk. Time to let her fly."
Beard white-knuckled his grip on the chair. Ted's hand tightened on his forearm, holding him steady. He was ready. Ready steady.
Loosely based on this post
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