#theyre gonna beat my ass for this but i simply understand more than you guys do
[show about stupid horny teenage assholes doing bad things has a stupid horny teenage asshole doing a bad thing]
fandom: wow! i cant believe anyone likes stupid horny teenage asshole! and they ship him with stupid horny teenage asshole #2! he's an abuser! this is why nobody ships stupid horny teenage asshole #3 x less stupid horny teenager anymore
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rainbowcicada · 7 years
My SNS Imaginary Movie Continues
Here’s the first part incase you missed it
And the story continues!
YinYang- Welcome Indra and Ashura! We’ve been waiting for you.
Deja vu! Both Naruto and Sasuke are annoyed to be called those names again. But its too much effort to correct the glowing beings.
YinYang- You’ve opened the temple, which means that both of you are now ready to embody Yin and Yang on earth. Would you like to do this now?
Naruto- What?
Sasuke- Explain yourselves, are you talking about the same Yin Yang release the sage of six paths once gave us?
The glowing beings seemed just as confused the two boys.
YinYang- Ah..your father Hagoromo. No. Yin Yang relase that shinobis use is still only a fraction of what Yin Yang actually is. Yin and Yang is a connection that creates.
Sasuke- Connection that creates?
YinYang- Yes, without Yin and Yang nothing would exist. Galaxies would rip a part into oblivion or collapse into nothing!! Its their connection to each other that allows anything to exist.
Naruto- Hmm….Now they’re talking about galaxies. Listen, we just want to know if what you’re gonna do to us is put a sun symbol on my palm and a moon on his.
Sasuke-  What do you really want from us? What did you mean embody Yin and Yang? What then?
YinYang- That’s simply our mission that we were given. You will take our energies into your bodies and become the avatars of Yin and Yang on earth. What you create is none of our concern and it will depend on your connection together….For humans…a connection lasting a minute is fair. (We don’t expect much)
Sasuke thinks for a moment before turning to Naruto.
Sasuke- If it can create, then its still like Yin Yang release. We can use it to recreate my eyes and rinnegan. But other than that, they could be aliens like the Otsutsuki. We can’t trust them.
Naruto furrows his brow- But what are we gonna do when we get back to Earth? That asshole Otsutsuki almost killed me! None of our attacks were working…We gotta try something new! Hmm. Let’s try it! Let’s try using them. We can create a whole new type of ninjutsu that jerk face has never seen before. We’ll catch him by surprise and beat his ass!
Sasuke- Heh…
There were times Sasuke can’t deny Naruto’s creative genius.
Sasuke- Fine. Let’s do that.
YinYang- You understand that what we offer is not ninjutsu. This is Ninshu that your father Hagoromo tried to teach you once. Ninshu will bind your energies and allow you to understand one another without communication.
Sasuke- Hn…. We’ll decide what to do with it! Were ready now.
Naruto- Yosh!
The beings enter their bodies and Naruto and Sasuke’s appearances change. Naruto grew buffer, his hair was wild and he glowed like a sun. Sasukes hair grew longer, his skin became a pale indigo. Although he was still a man, he was arguably even more beautiful. Other than their appearances the boys didn’t feel any different.
Naruto takes one look at Sasuke and internally screams- OH MY GOD HE’S EVEN MORE BEAUTIFUL THAN EVER. I COULD STARE AT HIM FOREVER! BOY, HOW DO I MAKE YOU MINE?
Sasuke’s striken with fear, stares into Narutos eyes and blushes, and thinks- WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY?
The connection instantly breaks and Yin and Yang leave their bodies.
YinYang- Your connection lasted seconds….We’d hope it would last longer.
Naruto and Sasuke blush and both boys awkwardly look at the floor.
Naruto- Did we just read each others minds?
Well it wouldn’t be the first time, but somehow this time it was more intense? The beings explain..
YinYang- Of course. Yin and Yang exist within each other. Therefore, as our avatars, the two of you will also exist within the other. That includes your thoughts, feelings and each others chakras.
Sasuke’s face was still red- USURATONKACHI!…Don’t look at me like that!! Its distracting!!
Naruto- Yeah it is distracting! How do you think I feel! And I can’t help it you know…those are kinda my subconscious thoughts…Well I guess theres no point in lying now. You were kinda hot!
Naruto blushes. Tomato Sasuke still couldn’t bring himself to look Naruto in the eyes. He’s used to fan girls crushing on him and it never affected him before. But Naruto? Naruto found him attractive? For some reason this makes his heart race.
Sasuke calms down, places his hand on his hip and smirks.
Sasuke- It can’t be helped…its because I’m Uchiha. I get it, I have an affect on guys too.
Naruto- Hmmmm?? I don’t think that was why…..
Sasuke- But if were gonna battle with Yin and Yang we need to keep our thoughts focused! Right now, focus on rinnegan!
Naruto- R-right! I can stay focused! Rinnegan….Rinnegan….Rinnegan….OKAY GLOWY BEINGS. Please enter our bodies while I’m focused. RINNEGAN.
Yin and Yang re-enter their bodies. Their eyes met again. Like SO MANY TIMES BEFORE, Sasuke felt stupidly warm and fuzzy when he gazed into Naruto’s eyes. Meanwhile, Naruto felt exactly the same as he gazed into Sasuke’s eyes, even if they were still frog eyes… And even though right now they can feel each others emotions, they were each oblivious to it. Becaue their feelings were so mutual, they simply mistook each other’s feelings as their own.
Naruto only focused on Sasuke’s eyes, if he looked anywhere else he’d get distracted again!!
Naruto- RINNEGAN!! Wait…what are we supposed to do now?
(pssst….theyre communicating in their heads)
Sasuke-….I have no idea…..But Rinnegan comes from Sharingan mixed with the chakra of Senju??
Naruto- Right! Let’s first start with just giving you back your original eyes?
Naruto wasn’t sure what he was doing, his hands just started moving on their own. He placed his warm fuzzy hands over Sasuke’s eyes. A strange power transformed Sasuke’s frog eyes back into their original form. Sasuke can sense the power of his sharingan again, and Naruto’s senju chakra. Within moments, his Rinnegan awakened. He was content to only have it in his left eye.
Naruto- It worked!!
Sasuke- We can leave any time now. But now that we have time, we should learn more how to use this Ninshu and form a battle strategy.
Naruto- Alright..
In that moment, Naruto couldn’t help but think that Sasuke would come up with some fancy technical brilliant plan, half of which he would be too dumb to remember…And thats how he felt…dumb. Meanwhile, Sasuke couldn’t help but think that Naruto would be a creative genius and have a sponteneity that always leaves Sasuke feeling….a little envious. And with that their connection broke!!
Naruto- What happened? I was admiring that you’re really smart, and you felt I was really creative. We were complimenting each other right? So, thats a good thing? Im confused.
Sasuke- Hn…
YinYang- …..You’re connection has nothing to do with complimenting each other. But accepting the others thoughts and emotions as your own.
Naruto- Wait..you mean, accept Sasuke’s thoughts as mine? I can’t do that! HUMANS DON’T WORK THAT WAY!!
Sasuke enoys the privacy of his own thoughts- Tch…Naruto probably has perverted thoughts all the time, there’s no way I could ever accept that as my own.
YinYang- You already have. You’ve already felt each other’s pain and lonliness as if it was your own. You’ve already smiled when the other smiled as if that smile was always yours. You have been accepting each other’s thoughts and emotions since you were children.
Naruto and Sasuke felt silent. Each of them felt their faces flushed and wondered if the other was blushing too, but neither turned their heads to look.
Sasuke sighs- How obnoxious. Of course there’s a catch. I understand now why we lost our connection.
Naruto- Hmm, why?
Sasuke- Naruto, when you were thinking that I’m smart, you felt like a dumbass. I was the one who couldn’t accept those thoughts.
Naruto- What do you mean?
Sasuke- ……..I don’t think of you as a dumbass, dumbass!
Naruto didn’t know whether to cry, scream or burst out laughing at Sasuke’s compliment. So he did a combination of all three.
Naruto- Eeee..!!! Hahhahaha!! So you’re saying, you think I’m brilliant and smart too?
Sasuke- Heh. No one else would have had that stupid idea of using Reverse Harem jutsu on a demi goddess. That kind of stupidity is its own brilliance.
Naruto- Yeah well, you’re not exactly Shikamaru you know. Once you start fighting, you’re body just kinda moves on its own! You can be a real beast!
The two boys smile and have renewed confidence.
Naruto- Let’s go beat some Otsutsuki alien freak ass!
Sasuke- Hn!
To be continued.
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