#theyre rotting my brain atm
leviiackrman · 1 year
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RIN KYUTOKU + DABI (TOYA TODOROKI) - “run, and when you come back... burn this place to the ground”
template by my beloved @marivenah
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masqueradeoftheguilty · 10 months
we all know lynettes the catgirl but i just think itd be neat if lyney also had some (more) latent cat traits
by which i mean i think he purrs
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rumourzz · 1 month
intro post cuz i havent done one yet lol hi! im michael, or rumourz (he/him)
i draw a lot (#my art), mainly whatever is rotting my brain atm and my silly ocs!
my asks are open for drawing requests and/or general questions if ur interested! (im not guaranteed to do ur requests btw, but i will try! esp if theyre related to my current fixations or general interests)
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hystixia · 8 months
Babe.. how the hell did you fracture your jaw!??!
did you fall down the stairs or smth?
I'll beat up the staircase for you, doll❤️❤️
🍯 nonnie
(P.S: Feeling silly and obsessing over COD men atm🤭🤷‍♀️)
YES I DID FALL DOWN STAIRS LIKE A IDIOT ! ! im okay just in pain most of the time and bed ridden half the time cause im unable to handle pain LMFAOAO ALSO COD MEN ? ? SOOOO TRUE OH MY LANTA THEYRE ROTTING IN MY BRAIN TOO
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today 17-7-22
today was a very average day, but i like days like this. i slept until around 11 and got up out of bed. i had a dream where i had different parents and told my mum i thought i had an eating disorder. it was really therapeutic.
once i was up, i snapped my gf cole, and then made some coco pops and apple juice. then, i headed upstairs to get dressed. im starting to try more good habits at the minute, so i brushed my teeth and did morning skicare (wash my face, moisturise, bio oil and sunscreen). then i got dressed into a shirt and jeans and went downstairs. me and my sisters erin and naomh made lunch (toasties and fruit and crisps). i had pineapple!! i love pineapple so much.
then, my granny picked us up to go to her house. we had tea and biscuits when we got there even though its really warm- 23 degrees. after, we played ludo, continuing out game from yesterday. granny won.
after that, mummy came up to see us. we talked a little and then went to her house. we havent been there in a while because shes recovering from an alcohol addiction. she has changed around our bedrooms so that im in erin and naomhs old bedroom and theyre in mine. i really like the room except one thing- the walls are pink :0.
granda picked us up after a bit and we had dinner, which was chicken and bacon wraps and chips, and of course more tea and biscuits after.
daddy picked us up a bit after 6, and we went home. i went to my room and edited my friends robin and cora for fun. theyre siblings and our families have been friends forever, but we met when i was 8. theyre some of my best frieds but we dont live that near and dont see each other that much :(
when i was done my edit, i drew me in stranger things because i have such brain rot atm <3. my fav characters are joyce, will, robin and dustin, but honestly i love them all. then i went downstairs and watched tiktok.
naomh went to bed, so then me and erin watched the good place. i love the good place so much omg. i am in love with tahani !!! i went to bed then and decided to watch disney plus because our subscription runs out on tuesday. i watched a movie called crush, its so good and cute and gay <33 it warms my heart. now im watching gravity falls, im on episode 11.
anyways thats all,
signing off,
roo :)
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northern-passage · 3 years
Are there any vel monsters you have that you think are neat but won’t be able to fit into the story?
ohhhh hmm. there are a couple monsters i really wish i could fit in the story but i don't think it will ever be relevant enough to force it in hahaha.
i'm actually working on a codex for the twine version and i plan to have a bit more info about the creatures you run into in game & that are mentioned in passing (like the lycan) which i'm excited about.
the wraith is a pretty common vel monster and is formed when really bad people die violent deaths. they essentially are blocked from passing through the vel and forced to rot in the human realm as punishment. we might see more of them eventually.
they typically are more.. incorporeal and ghost-like but if theyre really old they tend to be stronger and more physical. the wraith in the prologue was also getting a bit of a boost from the other side...
lycans likely won't come up in game again at all. they're a bit different from wraiths in that they are more... of this world than the wraiths are, though they are influenced by the vel and the moon in tandem. the other monsters (that i have planned atm) we'll see in game are more like this than the wraith.
i really wish i could include vampires but i don't think i will be able to, either. vampires are actually humans that have made a pact with a specific god through the vel & a part of their pact requires human blood.... it's a bit of lore i have sitting in my brain but i don't think it will ever be relevant in game.
sirens are another creature i really wanted to include but the way the story has changed it just doesn't seem likely anymore. they'll definitely show up in siren's call, though, whenever i get around to it... kelpies are also one of my favorite creatures but again i don't think they'll show up.
giants will get mentioned in passing eventually. i also really wanted to have a leshy creature show up but my game gets compared enough to the witcher as it is lmfao... so i cut that out.
there are draugar, hellhounds and barghests, nokken, selkies & kelpies. krakens, harpies, wargs/vargs, and dragons, too, though at the time of the game dragons are considered extinct. blood mages & blood alchemists are the more human threats that hunters handle and they'll summon demons & other creatures through the vel. quite a few vel creatures are just a fucked up animal, hahaha, typically something that is born in an area where the vel is weak and dark/outsider magic is influencing it (think like a horse with extra legs, massive wolves, freakish birds with too many eyes, etc). nymphs/fairies/fauns (i kinda combine them into a specific creature but i can't come up with a name lmao) are a kind of more friendly vel creature, though they can play tricks on you.
there are also spirits/ghosts which, depending on your choices, you may get to see one.
we'll see some manifestations of the various gods as well, like the messenger having swarms of crows & many eyes, the stormbringer causing storms (lol), and the traveler, too.
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sentofight · 3 years
faty i lov u so much im SO eternally glad we met & that we still are mutuals & write & all that, because knowing u has been an absolute blast and i ADORE the way u come into ppls(my!) ask boxes with random stuff or just to expand on some other post, i think its all soooo endearing and each time u pick up a muse im always HEART EYES and im so happy for each dynamic...like gran&chrom??? leaders who can be so childish?? i think its EXCELLENT and is so needed for gran... hinata&machina are SO funny, and im rly glad theyre (somewhat) hitting it off, cuz i think at the end of the day hinata would kind of understand machina (WHICH i also love how eights like "dude its ok if ure not feeling good, but u should get help & not just disappear", i love eight. thank u for also loving eight). AND IM LOSING MY TRAIN OF THOUGHT but. thank u for all of this, its such a delight to know u and im always so so grateful...u make writing SO fun and i appreciate that everyday
im legit confusion atm. this is so sweet my brain dysfunction and unresponsive. 
uh im not crying. ninja cutting onions are back at it. god who to pay to get rid of them haha ...
uuuh ... this is really ...sweat. really. and honestly i needed it ;u; it blows my mind that we know each other for that long and just you didnt give up on me because time and different fandom we got into. i’m happy u got me into writing ch/rom, you and arph tbh. i still think about how i only wrote chrom for the risen king shenanigans then he is forever rotting in my brain now. so thank you for this curse lmao seriously thank you for always being the one to watch my shitty posts and press the like button to them and supporting my ted talk endeavors even though they are 90% me crying about one thing or another.  type0... type0 dude is a fandom i thought i would give up on when everyone just disappeared but welp. rent free class zero in my brain weee. i did give up for a bit but then eight came back like henlo i require attention yes bring me back. then i added machina for the sole purpose of shenanigans then ..hahaha here comes the boooy~ hello boy~ welcome~ he’s never gonna give anyone up haha before them our ocs ... i love them so much. i love how einar, hinata and arph’s oc..im sorry i cant remember his name because einar refused to remember his name and kept calling him suzaka’s rat ...im sorry arph. but he is suzaku’s rat so where is the lie. hinata being the smol boy among them lmao. lays on the ground...final fantasy type 0 ocs..i will love them as if they were my own flesh and blood hand them all over to me. might frick up and work on more if it weren’t for the dead sign over the fandom but haha when did that ever....stopped me hohoh ....aaaaaaaaaa words words...words...i really dont know what to write????????/how to write??????? to express how much i want to squish your face and give you all the love you rightfully deserves???????????? ????? 2022 virtual hugs when??? i really really appreciate you sticking with me on every blog, on every whim i make and just roll with it and provide me with chef kiss asks when i need them. thank you so much for existing and love THE poteighto.
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calpalsworld · 3 years
Favorite Ninjago character?
PANDORAS BOX QUESTION KSJFSKDLJGKDMh ....... short answer: Dareth. Of course. Hands down. Long answer:  I love every single character so. so. much -- IF we are talking about MY interpretations. Honestly some characters are pretty bad/bland in the show. ie. (get ready for some controversial takes) Wu, Lloyd, Kai, Cyrus, Skales, and like EVERY girl because the writers are sexist and cannot write women (especially misako and skylor.) Ninjago writers will spin in their alive-graves when I make half the ninja girls. But I love those bland bitches under MY circumstances. Today I almost cried just thinking about Wu...😭🥺 Wu my bitch beloved. I really love him and REALLY hate him. I’m so passionate about Wu. I love picking at his brain. But I could take him or leave him in the show. Hes sooooooo boring. He has gotten a little better recently.... but Overall, FUCK this old man! And OFC Zane is OBVIOUSLY the best character in Ninjago. Objectively. Such a lovely lego. 🥺🥺🥺 Yet I don’t really care about him that much atm because hes already perfect! My favorite ninja is actually Cole atm, but I really don’t care for him that much in the show. Yeah. Love Cole. Cole is such a good person. I care him. 🥺🥺🥺 I almost cried about him last night.😭 He will get the love he deserves in my version.... though that might take a while. I am writing him really standoffish at first, but I can’t wait for him to let his emotions show... and then become standoffish again 😳😳😳 (wotd rewrite REAL??) Due to how I reinterpret them I also REALLY love Skales, Cyrus, and Ronin. I love writing Skales as a tragic girlboss. And Cyrus. Fucking Cyrus. They’re like the most crucial figure in the entire history of Ninjago and I’ve written down a ton of history involving them. Theyre FUCKING SILLY. I also made a completely rewritten plot outline of Shadow of Ronin. And. I CANNOT wait for that. Ronin. Rrrrrrroninnn... hnnghhhhhh🥺 gayronin.... sadronin... bitch longcon supreme.... ANYWAY YEA my fave is Dareth, but I have a really complicated love for every character... Except Clutch Powers (no hate if u like clutch tho. thats epic.) I hope that bitch rots in hell. Clutch Powers deserves a fate worse than death. Fuck.
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