#theyve taken us for complete fools
runedscope · 1 year
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leggerefiore · 2 years
Emmet actually attempting to cuff Ingo to himself chasing him around their shared home because he threatened to go back to Hisui after a petty fight so Emmet dialed it up a notch in part fear and went to his room and came back out with them before clicking them on his own wrist and coming for Ingo and Ingo's screaming so loud the neighbors hear "DONT TOUCH ME WITH THOSE I DONT KNOW WHAT THEYVE BEEN USED FOR"
Emmet watched as his older brother backed away toward their front door with an aggressive sneer on his face, while his gaze remained steadfast on the pair of cuffs attached on the younger's wrist. Careful steps were taken towards the older brother, who seemed to grow ever closer to the door.
Now, don't think badly of Emmet. He had good reason for trying to cuff his older twin to him. Ingo and he were having an argument over whose turn it was to do the dishes. Ingo had claimed it was his turn, despite Emmet literally doing them last night. The younger snapped that the older should do it, as he had a long day at work with commuters on him about things completely out of his control. Ingo yelled that he would be glad to help if he would let him return to the station. Emmet hesitated with the best of intentions; his brother still hadn't recalled everything of his Unovan existence and often had these moments of intense panic whenever he saw larger, aggressive pokemon.
"I don't think it's safe still," Emmet tried to explain, "You still forget things and you get distressed verrry easily. I don't want you to hurt someone or yourself."
"Emmet, you are infantilizing me! I am a grown adult man, the same as you," Ingo bellowed, taking an aggressive stance, "Had I known returning here would arrive at the destination of being viewed as a useless fool, I would have stayed in Hisui! In fact, I will go ahead and return. I'm certain Lady Irida will accept me once more."
Emmet froze. Pure terror coursed through his veins as he considered his brother's words. Return to... Hisui... No! If Ingo went back to Hisui then Emmet would be alone! He'd spend countless nights awake without the comfort of his twin connection to reassure him that he was not alone; that Ingo was alive and well. Tears pricked his eyes as he ran off to his bedroom to retrieve the item he required.
Ingo shoved him away while screeching in disgust as Emmet tried to lock the other cuff around his wrist, "DON'T YOU DARE TOUCH ME WITH THOSE! I KNOW WHAT YOU USE THEM FOR, EMMET!" His voice boomed at a level that would, without a doubt, get them another noise complaint. The older hissed and tried to duck under him as Emmet finally got a hold of his wrist and clicked the locking mechanism into place. "Now you can't leave without me," Emmet blew a raspberry at him.
"Great. Lady Irida gets to meet the demon I'm related to, I'm positive she'll love that," Ingo sassed with a huff. Shivers racked down his spine as he considered the metal around his wrist.
Why did Ingo have to be brothers with such a creature?
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gray-autumn-sky · 5 years
Sleepless in Seattle, Chapter 9
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March 6, 1993- Seattle, Washington:
Belle carries a bologna and cheese sandwich that’s cut up in quarters over to Roland, grinning as he grins up at her to accept it.
“So, she begins, sitting down across from him. “Your dad said you were having a friend over today after school. Did something happen?”
“No,” Roland says easily as he bites into the sandwich. “I ride the bus, but Gus doesn't, so his mom had to pick him up like she always does and bring him over.”
“He said he had to make a stop.”
“He did,” Belle says, her brow arching. “Not his mum?”
“Nope. Him.”
Roland nods as he chews  the bread’s crust. “We have a project we need to work on and we needed paper.”
“I’m sure you have paper here. You’ve got a whole bin of construction paper and—“
“No,” Roland says, cutting in and shaking his head. “We need nice paper for this.”
“Oh. Okay then.”
Roland grins and nods, then takes a bigger bite of the danish. “It’s really important that we have nice paper.”
“Oh…” Belle shifts and straws in a breath. “So your dad has been seeing my friend, Emma.”
“Emma is your friend?”
“Yes, mine and Ruby’s.”
“Oh, I… I didn’t know that.”
“Your dad says you don't like her.”
Roland shrugs. “I don’t really know her.”
“That’s fair,” Belle says slowly. “I just… I just want you to understand that just because they go on dates sometimes, that… that doesn't mean he’s going to marry her.”
Roland’s brow furrows as he looks back at her. “Then, what's the point of dating her?”
“Well, to… get out and get back in the swing of things and…”
“I don’t have a problem with my dad dating.”
“So, it’s...just Emma you don’t like?”
“I just don't think she’s right for him.”
“That’s why people date. To find someone who is right for them, and that’s a decision that no one else can make for another person.”
Roland nods, considering it. “Then why did you and Aunt Ruby set him up with Emma?”
“Because he’s a really good guy and she's nice and… we thought they might be good together.”
“I like Regina better.”
“Regina,” he says, as if she should know. “The lady who wrote the letter on the pretty paper.” He grins. “She likes Hemingway just like dad does, she has a son who is in Boy Scouts and I’ll be in Boy Scouts next year, and she makes great lasagna, dad’s favorite.” Roland grins as he considers it, and then his grin fades away. “Emma makes Shepherd’s pie. It was not good.”
“Not everyone is gifted in the kitchen.”
“I know, that’s why dad needs someone who is.”
At that, Belle laughs. “So where is this Regina person from?”
“Roland, that’s really far away. It’s all the way on the other side of the country.”
“I know where Connecticut is. I looked it up on the big map at school.” He pauses and takes another bite of the sandwich. “But Gus says a long distance relationship can be a good thing because abstinence makes the heart grow fonder.”
“Um, I think you mean absence, Roland.”
“Yeah. That. That’s what Gus said.”
Belle’s eyes narrow. “Gus as in the little boy that’s coming over to play?”
“To work on a project.”
“Oh, are you not friends with Gus that way?”
“He’s my best friend.”
“Oh, I just…” Belle stops. “Never mind.”
“Well, that may or may not be true, but who am I to argue with the sage advice of a six year old?”
“Gus is seven. He had a late birthday, so he could have been in second grade.”
A grin twists on to Belle’s lips. “That explains it then.”
The doorbell rings just as Roland is finishing his sandwich, and as soon as it does, he stuffs the rest of the sandwich into his mouth and runs to the door. And Belle can’t help but laugh as he pulls open the front door, grabs a hold of his friend’s wrist and drags him up the stairs without a word…
“You should see this letter,” Roland says, closing the door behind him.
“Is the paper nice? My mom says that’s how you know someone cares—when they send you something nice.” Gus nods with a serious expression on his round face. “It’s all about the effort, ya know.?”
Roland nods in agreement. “It’s very nice.”
“Then she really likes your dad.”
“Yeah,” Roland says, grabbing the letter from his night stand. “And she included so many of the things my dad likes, without even knowing it.”
“I know,” Roland says handing his friend the letter. “Look.”
He watches as Gus looks at the envelope, examining it carefully as if looking for clues, then he unfolds the letter, his eyes slowly moving over the words. “You read this?”
“Well… not.. not all of it,” Roland admits. “Just the words I know. But I can tell it’s a really good letter.” He grins. “She quoted Hemingway, and one of the quotes she uses, my dad has a journal that says that same thing on the front.”
“Right? She is a good cook, too.”
“My dad says that’s super important.”
“Her best meals are my dad’s favorite which is lasagna and then my favorite, apple pie.”
“That’s amazing,” Gus says, his eyes widening a little. “Why did your dad say?”
Roland frowns. “He didn’t read it.”
“Why not?”
“He’s got a girlfriend.”
“Does she make apple pie?”
“No, she makes Shepherd's pie.”
Roland nods. “It had peas in it.”
“Gross. She’s gotta go.”
“Yeah,” Roland frowns. “She’s… not that bad, really. She rollerblades, I guess.”
“Has she taken you?”
“Oh. Then what good is that?”
“I don't know,” Roland admits, “Maybe she will someday.”
“But maybe your Dad’ll dump her before that.”
“I hope so,” Roland says, a little grin pulling onto his lip. “That’s why I invited you over, actually.”
“Need me to throw a fire and scare her of? My dad says I’m ‘specially skilled at making people wanna leave when I get upset about stuff.” He giggles. “Have you ever seen Parent Trap?”
“No. “What’s that?”
“Only the best movie ever. Twins scare off their dad’s terrible girlfriend.”
“Well, I’m not a twin, so I don’t think that would work,” Roland says, considering it as he shifts a bit uncomfortably. “Plus, not actually terrible. I don’t want to scare her,” he says. “I just want her to break up with my dad ‘cause there’s someone better for him.”
“That’s the point,” Gus says. “To make Emma go away.”
“I have a better idea, though,” Roland says, sitting up a little straighter and smiling at his own cleverness. “We are going to write her.”
“Regina,” Roland says. “We are going to write back to her.”
“We’re in first grade, Roland.”
“But we’re the best writers in our class. Our teacher is always saying that.”
Gus nods. “That’s true.”
“So, together, I think we could probably write a pretty good one.”
For a moment, Gus considers it. “We did get an A on that Halloween story was wrote together.”
“Exactly.” Taking a breath, Gus looks down at the letter. “I have some ideas. I started yesterday.”
“Let’s see.”
Reaching back into the nightstand, Roland pulls a lined piece of paper from the drawer. “It’s, just a draft, obviously.” He says, handing the paper over to Gus, watching as Gus reads it to himself then clears his throat to read aloud.
“Dear Regina,” he begins.”You sound really neat—“ Gus grins up at him. “That's a good line.”
“I thought so,” Roland beams.
“You should tell her how much you like lasagna next.”
“Yeah! And why!”
“Good,” Gus nods, looking down at the rest of the letter. “That's good. She is going to love this!”
March 6, 1993- Greenwich, Connecticut:
That evening she and Daniel went out on a date—dinner while Henry was at a friend’s working on a project for school. Daniel suggested the little place in Hartford where they’d gone on their first date, and she’d easily agreed—Henry didn't have to be picked up until nearly eight that evening and it’d have nice to eat in a restaurant that didn’t have children’s section on the menu.
They took her car and when they got into the freeway, Daniel flicked on the radio, and almost immediately her cheeks flushed at the sound of Doctor Hopper’s voice.
“Isn’t this that show you like so much?”
Regina shrugs. “I’m, um… I’m actually doing a story for work on this show.”
“Yeah, it’s... it’s about its emotional appeal.”
“Ohh, that's… that’s actually really interesting. I’d like to hear about it sometime,” Daniel tells her, offering a quick little grin. “When did you start this?”
“Um, a couple of weeks ago.”
“Is it—“
“Can we… not talk about it right now? I’ve spent the whole day thinking about the angle I wasn’t to take for this story and what my argument is going to be, and I just… I just want to focus on something else.”
“Yeah, sure,” Daniel says easily, not seeming to pick up any any of her discomfort over this particular topic. “Do you want to change the station?”
“No,” she murmurs. “I do like this show. It’s… it’s oddly calming.”
“Alright then,” Daniel says, grinning as he looks over at her. “We’ll listen, but not discuss.”
“Perfect,” she says, grinning back.
Daniel tuns up the sound just as Doctor Hopper comes back informing listeners  that he’s talking to couples who are sure they’ve found the key to a long-lasting and healthy marriage. And then, they listen to a string of callers explain to Doctor Hopper and his listeners how they married someone they felt was their best friend.
When they arrive at the restaurant, the host leads them to the same table they’d ate at on their first date and she and Daniel had both laugh at the coincidence—and then something glitters in Daniel’s eyes.
And again, she found herself with an uneasy feeling that has become commonplace whenever she thinks he might be considering a proposal.
They get through an appetizer and dinner—and then, after their desert arrives, she watches Daniel reach into the breast pocket of his jacket and pull out a ring box.
She masks her discomfort with surprise and suddenly when the box opens, revealing to her a gorgeous antique ring that he tells her was his mother’s, the entire restaurant is staring that them.
She’s not even sure what he says when he asks because she can’t hear him over the beating of her heart and the voice in her head that tells her this is too soon—but he smiles and the crowded restaurant aww’s and she finds herself nodding, reminding herself that Daniel is, by far, the sweetest, kindest man she’s ever met, that he loves her son and that he loves her, and she reminds herself that she would be a complete fool not to want to marry him.
And as she stares at him with a hundred conflicting thoughts going through her head, she couldn’t help but think there were far worse things than marrying a man like Daniel Colter; and while she and Daniel might not have had passion, but perhaps they had something better.
She comfort and ease, understanding and trust and the sort of love that came from what seemed to be rekindled friendship.
So, she says yes.
The restaurant claps and Daniel pulls her into a warm hug—and she sort of melts into him as she feels a burst of contentment that lasts for the rest of the evening.
And then, she gets home.
Mal is there, curled up one he armchair with a glass of wine, her brow arched skeptically.
“Thank you, for, um,... for picking Henry up.”
“He’s never any trouble.”
Regina smiles. “Is he already asleep.”
“Yeah, He went to bed about a half an hour ago. You just—“ Mal stops and sits up a little straighter as her eyes fall to Regina’s hand. “Oh, so that’s why you were detained.”
Smiling Regina nods. “We… um… we had some unexpected celebrating to do.”
“I’ll say, Mal says, getting up and cross the room toward her. “He finally did it.”
“He finally did.”
“And, you obviously said yes.”
I did,” Regina says smiling a bit shyly. “I… wasn’t sure, but then there he was with the ring and—“
“I love him. I do. And what we have might not be perfect, but it’s incredible and I’m happy and I’ve never been as happy as I am with him.”
“What about Sleepless in Seattle?”
“Sleepless in Seattle doesn't even know that I exist.”
Mal nods, biting down on her lip. “What happened to not being able to get him out of your head?”
“He’s a fantasy Mal. He’s not real… not… not to me anyway.” She shakes her head. “And Daniel is very real and when I’m with him I feel—“
“Please don’t do this, Mal,” Regina says, pressing her eyes closed as she sighs. “Please just let me have this.”
“What about your story?”
“What’s about it? Regina asks, stepping away from Mal. “I can still write it.”
“Really? Because I got the impression the story was an excuse.”
“The story isn’t an excuse. It’s… it’s just something I’m interested in.” She shakes her head. “I… I think I was going down a really unhealthy road, and… and tonight sort of… snapped me back and put me down a different path.”
“A better one?”
“A healthier one. One that’s based on something real, not… not some obsession.” Something about that makes Mal soften. “For so long I was so unhappy, and I spent years building up this idea of what love is supposed to be.”
“You deserve a fairytale.”
“Fairytales aren't real, Mal. They’re not and what I have with Daniel is very real.”
“Do you love him?”
“Yes, of course I do.”
“Are you in love with him?”
“I love him, Mal, and when I envision what our life together would be like, I really like what I see.” She smiles gently. “We’ll be happy.”
“You don’t seem excited.”
“I am, and for the first time in my life, I feel like… like I’m finally in a good place. Please, Just… let me have that.”
Mal sighs and nods,m and then a warm smile pulls onto her lips. “Okay, fine,” Mal says, take a few steps in and pulling her into a hug. “If you're happy, then I’m happy.”
“Thank you,” Regina murmurs as Mal pulls back.
“Okay, so I want you to tell me everything, Mal says, her smile brightening as she takes Regina by the hand. “Don’t leave anything out!”
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patriotsnet · 3 years
Who Created Social Security Democrats Or Republicans
New Post has been published on https://www.patriotsnet.com/who-created-social-security-democrats-or-republicans/
Who Created Social Security Democrats Or Republicans
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The Philosophy Behind Democratic Economic Policy
Special Ops TV: Social Security: Which Political Party Drained it Dry?
Democrats gear their economic policies to benefit low-income and middle-income families. They argue that reducing income inequality is the best way to foster economic growth. Low-income families are more likely to spend any extra money on necessities instead of saving or investing it. That directly increases demand and spurs economic growth. Democrats also support a Keynesian economic theory, which says that the government should spend its way out of a recession.
One dollar spent on increased food stamp benefits generates $1.73 in economic output.
President Franklin D. Roosevelt first outlined the Economic Bill of Rights in his 1944 State of the Union address. It included taxes on war profiteering and price controls on food costs. President Harry Trumans 1949 Fair Deal proposed an increase in the minimum wage, civil rights legislation, and national health care. President Barack Obama expanded Medicaid with the 2010 Affordable Care Act.
Social Security Fixes That Democrats And Republicans Agree On
This article originally appeared on The Motley Fool.
Social Security income is vital to the well-being of our nation’s retireesdata from the Social Security Administration shows that 61 percent of retirees currently receiving Social Security rely on their benefits for at least half of their monthly income. But seniors’ benefits could be in trouble less than a generation from now.
According to the Social Security Trustees Report from 2016, the program is on track to deplete its more than $2.8 trillion in spare cash by the year 2034. If this cash is exhausted and Congress passes no new laws to boost revenue collection, benefit cuts of up to 21 percent could be needed across the board to sustain benefit payouts through 2090. This isn’t a comforting outlook for those seniors counting on Social Security income to make ends meet.
The unanswered question at this time is how best to fix Social Security. Lawmakers have no less than 15 solutions on the table, but political gridlock in Congress has halted any progress. However, the American public has a pretty clear picture of what it’d like to see happen.
Based on responses from nearly 8,700 registered voters across eight states, the Voice of the People Citizens Cabinet Survey conducted by the Program for Public Consultation, School of Public Policy, University of Maryland, found that Americans from both the Democratic and Republican parties agree on a four-step solution to fix Social Security.
Two additional observations
The Reach Of Entitlement Programs
More than half of Americans have personally received benefits from at least one of the six major entitlement programs tested in the survey.
The survey finds that 16% of those who have not personally received benefits also say a member of their household has gotten help. Taken together, these results indicate that about seven-in-ten households contain at least one member who has benefited at some point in his or her life from an entitlement program.
If veteran benefits and federal college loans and grants are added to the mix, the proportion of Americans who personally have ever received entitlement benefits rises to 70% and the share of households with at least one recipient grows to 86%.
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A Bipartisan Nation Of Beneficiaries
As President Barack Obama negotiates with Republicans in Congress over federal entitlement spending, a new national survey by the Pew Research Center finds that a majority of Americans have received government benefits from at least one of the six best-known federal entitlement programs.
The survey also finds that most Democrats and Republicans say they have benefited from a major entitlement program at some point in their lives. So have nearly equal shares of self-identifying conservatives , liberals and moderates .
The issue of entitlements moved to center stage during the 2012 presidential campaign. The survey finds that among those who voted for President Obama last month, 59% say theyve benefited from a major entitlement program. It also finds that 53% of those who supported Mitt Romney have benefited from a major entitlement program.
The survey, which was conducted by telephone from Nov. 28 to Dec. 5, 2012, among a nationally representative sample of 2,511 adults, asked respondents if they or a member of their household had ever received Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, food stamps, welfare or unemployment benefits. Margin of sampling error for the overall results is plus or minus 2.2 percentage points.
The use of entitlement begins at an early age for many Americans, the survey finds. A third of all adults ages 18 to 29 say they have received at least one major entitlement payment or service in their lives.2
Social Security Is 15 Years Away From Kissing Its Asset Reserves Goodbye
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This past June, the Social Security Board of Trustees released its newest annual report detailing the short-term and long-term outlook for the program. Arguably the biggest change in the recent forecast from previous years is that Social Security was expected to expend more than it collects in 2018 for the first time since 1982. Mind you, the net cash outflow created from this event will be very small compared to the nearly $2.9 trillion currently in Social Security’s asset reserves. The problem is that this net cash outflow is indicative of the payout schedule being unsustainable.
According to the report, as ongoing demographic changes weigh on the program, it’ll quickly diminish its excess cash. By the year 2034, Social Security’s asset reserves are projected to be completely exhausted. Should this happen, Social Security wouldn’t be bankrupt or insolvent. However, it would pave the way for an across-the-board cut in benefits of up to 21% in order to sustain payouts through the year 2092, without the need for any further cuts. Considering that more than three out of five retired workers is reliant on Social Security for at least half of their monthly income, such a cut could prove devastating.
The only resolution to the estimated $13.2 trillion shortfall Social Security is facing between 2034 and 2092 is to either raise additional revenue, cut expenditures, or implement some combination of the two. And the only way that’s happening is if Congress tackles the problem.
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Democrats And The Gop Are Polar Opposites When It Comes To Fixing Social Security
Now, the question you’re probably asking yourself is this: “Why the heck isn’t Congress doing anything about Social Security’s issues?” And the answer is also simple: Democrats and Republicans can’t agree on much when it comes to fixing Social Security.
Democrats have long favored raising additional revenue for the program by raising or eliminating the cap associated with the payroll tax . The Social Security Administration found that $1.2 trillion in earnings escaped the payroll tax in 2016 because the well-to-do had earned income above the maximum cap. Democrats believe that raising or eliminating this cap, and requiring the wealthy to pay more, will resolve the program’s problems.
Meanwhile, Republicans have often approached a fix by suggesting an increase in the full retirement age — i.e., the age at which you become eligible to receive 100 percent of your retirement benefit. Since longevity has increased at a much faster pace than the full retirement age, increasing the full retirement age would coerce workers to wait longer to receive their full payout, or to accept a steeper permanent reduction if claiming early. In easy-to-understand terms, it would reduce long-term expenditures by cutting lifetime payouts.
To be clear, both of these fixes work to resolve Social Security’s cash shortfall between 2034 and 2092, albeit they achieve their goal from opposite ends of the spectrum.
Mitt Romney On Social Security
Mitt Romney sees a need to reform Social Security in order to make it functional long-term. He supports price indexing that is tied to a lower inflation growth model, as well as reducing Social Security benefits for top bracket earners. In terms of what his plans would be for the system, he stated Now, my own view is, that we have to make it very, very clear that Social Security is a responsibility of the federal government, not the state governments, that were going to have one plan, and were going to make sure that its fiscally sound and stable. And Im absolutely committed to keeping Social Security working. I put in my book that I wrote a couple of years ago a plan for how we can do that and to make sure Social Security stable not just for the next 25 years, but for the next 75.
Mitt Romney is a strong supporter of the idea to partially privatize Social Security, by giving individual workers the choice to divert part of their benefits into a private account. During his campaign for President, Romney said One thing that President Bush proposed, and its a good idea, is to take some of that money, or all of that surplus money and allow people to have a personal account, so they can invest in things that have a higher rate of return than just government debt. They can invest in things like our stock market or the worlds stock marketso that they can get a better return, and maybe that would make up for some of the shortfall. Thats a good idea.
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They Haven’t Taken A Dime From The Social Security Program That Isn’t Accounted For
Another misconception is that the Republican Party stole money from the Social Security Trust and used it to fund wars. More specifically, Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush, and George W. Bush have come under intense scrutiny for borrowing from Social Security and “not putting the money back.”
However, the truth of the matter is that Congress has been able to “borrow” Social Security’s excess cash for five decades, and it’s happened under every single president over that stretch. In fact, the Social Security Administration is required by law to purchase special-issue bonds and certificates of indebtedness with this excess cash. Please note the emphasis on “required by law” that I’ve added above. The federal government isn’t simply going to sit on this excess cash it borrows from Social Security. It’s spending this cash on various line items, which may be wars and the defense budget, as well as education, healthcare, and pretty much any other expenditure you can think of.
This setup is actually a win-win for both parties. The federal government has a relatively liquid source of borrowing with the Social Security Trust, and the Trust is able to generate significant annual income from the interest it earns on its loans. Last year, $85.1 billion of the $996.6 billion that was generated by the program came from interest income.
Democratic Views On Social Security
David Dayen: How Dems Are Repeating FAILED Stimulus Strategy, Getting Rolled By GOP
May 31, 2015 By RepublicanViews.org
Social security is a tremulous issue. As Americans live longer and longer, the sustainability of social security as a system is being questioned. Democratic views on social security revive around reinstating the systems sustainability without privatizing or cutting back benefits, stating Democrats believe that after a life of hard work, you earn a secure retirement. Our commitment to protecting the promise of Social Security is absolute. Democrats believe that maintaining an income after retirement is the fundamental right of any American that paid into Social Security during their working years. Democrats strongly oppose Republican efforts to privatize social security, believing that this puts peoples retirement income at the mercy of the stock market. In fact, they wish to forbid employers from locking retirement savings into a companys stock. They also oppose reducing social security benefits for those that are part of other retirement plan options. Democrats do not believe that raising retirement age is a reasonable solution to the problem. They believe that the institution of social security is one that needs protecting, stating, In 1935, Democrats and President Franklin Roosevelt created Social Security. In 1965, Democrats and President Lyndon Johnson created Medicare. Ever since, Democrats have continually fought to defend these cornerstones of the American Dream in the face of attempts to dismantle or undermine both.
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Democrats Oppose Relief For Essential Workers Just Because Of Politics
Payroll taxes are the largest taxes most workers pay, and during the economic lockdown, many families have gone from earning two incomes to earning just one. Thats why Congress ought to provide an instant payraise for the frontline workers who are keeping this economy running by supporting Rep. Kevin Bradys Support for Workers, Families, and Social Security Act. The bill forgives employee …
Republicans Aren’t Going To Take Away Social Security
Without beating around the bush, the Republican Party is often associated as being the party of the well-to-do — and the rich typically aren’t reliant in any way on Social Security income. There’s, therefore, been a long-running belief that Republicans would aim to do away with Social Security sometime in the future. This is nothing more than another in a long line of pervasive Social Security myths.
Both Democrat and Republican lawmakers on Capitol Hill have an understanding of the importance that Social Security plays in keeping some 22 million people currently receiving benefits above the federal poverty line. Though both parties may have suggested tweaking how revenue is generated for the program, neither party would remove or replace any of the three funding sources: the payroll tax on earned income, the taxation of benefits, and interest income on the program’s asset reserves.
In other words, no Republican is going to advocate scraping Social Security. And even if they did, the idea would have no chance of gaining traction in Congress.
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The Primary Funding Mechanisms For Social Security Should Remain Intact
Americans can collectively breathe a sigh of relief in knowing that neither Democrats nor Republicans have any intention of changing how the Social Security program generates income. That means less uncertainty about the future.
Social Security is currently funded three ways:
Payroll tax: The 12.4 percent payroll tax on earned income is by far the program’s workhorse, supplying it with $873.6 billion of the $996.6 billion in revenue collected last year.
Interest income: Social Security’s $2.89 trillion in excess cash is required by law to be invested in special-issue bonds and, to a lesser extent, certificates of indebtedness. The average yield on these assets is about 2.9 percent, and it led to $85.1 billion in interest being generated for the program in 2017.
Taxation of benefits: Passed in 1983 and introduced in 1984, the taxation of benefits becomes applicable when adjusted gross income, plus one-half of benefits, exceeds $25,000 for an individual or $32,000 for a couple filing jointly. The taxation of benefits led to $37.9 billion being collected last year.
In 2017, a GOP lobbyist tossed around the idea of eliminating the payroll tax and replacing it with a value-added tax on consumption. The idea didn’t get anywhere near the legislative floor, confirming Republicans’ and Democrats’ steadfastness in leaving these funding mechanisms as is.
Happy 86th Birthday Social Security It’s Time To Expand Benefits
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This year, Social Securitys birthday, Aug. 14, comes at an exciting time. Congress is on the verge of greatly expanding our economic security through its upcoming reconciliation bill.;
Because Social Security cannot be addressed through budget reconciliation, it is not part of that legislation. But given the overwhelming consensus among the American people in support of expanding Social Securitys modest benefits, Congress should make it the next priority immediately after the Build Back Better legislation passes. ;
Enacting legislation that expands Social Security builds on the strong foundation laid down by President Franklin D. Roosevelt and his colleagues eighty-six years ago, on Aug. 14, 1935. On that August day, when President Roosevelt signed Social Security into law, he described the new law as a cornerstone in a structure which is being built but is by no means complete.;
President Roosevelt was determined that Social Security would be a success. In his Jan. 17, 1935 message transmitting the proposed legislation to Congress, he cautioned:
A further expansion of Social Security is long overdue. This year, President Joe BidenJoe BidenMilley says civil war ‘likely’ in AfghanistanSoutheastern parts of Louisiana could have power restored as late as Sept. 29It’s time to transform our unemployment systemMORE and Congress have the opportunity to follow President Roosevelts directive and take a large step forward.
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Type Of Entitlement And Demographics
The survey finds that, overall, more Americans have received entitlements from programs primarily designed for the poor orunemployed than from those that mainly target older adults , while 17% have received benefits from both program types. Not surprisingly, the biggest difference in the demographic profiles of the two groups is the age of recipients.
Adults 65 and older are nearly eight times as likely as adults younger than 30 to receive assistance targeting older Americans .4 But among those who received poverty entitlements, the generation gap narrows to 13 percentage points . While adults 65 and older are still more likely than young people to have benefited from these programs, those 30 to 49 are about as likely as those 65 and older to have received this type of entitlement. Fully half of all 50- to 64-year-olds, the largest share of any age group, have received a poverty entitlement.
On other demographic comparisons, the differences are less dramatic and the patterns less consistent. In fact, despite the very different goals of these two classes of entitlement programs, the demographic patterns in one class of entitlement programs often are roughly mirrored in the other. For example, women are more likely than men to say they have received help from programs that benefited the poor as well as from those that target older adults .
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runedscope · 10 months
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Thats not how air conditioners work they're just heat pumps like its just going to make whatever room you're in hotter over time.
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