#thin ass jeffershit
tox-city · 4 years
Interlinking Paths
Chapter title: French Over Late
A/N  Yo, I promise the chapters will get longer. I'll try posting two a day. If not, I'll do one.
Y/N = Your name 
N/N = Nickname
P/N = Petname  
***Y/N's POV***
  "LAF! HURRY YOUR ASS UP!" My older brother, Thomas, yelled up the stairs. Thomas was addressing Lafayette, who was taking his damn sweet time to get ready. I couldn't help but snort at his inpatient rehabilitation-ish behavior, Thomas Jefferson was never known to be patient--Or at least from the persona that he displays.   "Je veins! Je veins!" Thomas and I exchanged a glance at the sudden burst of French; Laf only spoke French when excited, NeRvOuS or stressed out. Before either of us could question or even formulate a thought on the European language, the home phone rang.
  "I'll get it N/N," Thomas quickly pecked me on the cheek before disappearing into the living room.     I quickly pull out my phone only to realise that we still have about Twenty -ish minutes to get to school.   'Or I could take the bus' A faint, tired voice suggests in the the back of my head. Yeah, though that would take ten minutes. Then I'd have ten to get to my locker and make it to Homeroom before Mr. Washington.
  Now the more that I think about it, the better the idea seems. With a swift text to the group chat between me and my brothers, I grabbed my Mickey Mouse-styled keys and walk out the door.
***John's POV***
~~Time skip--We are now on the bus~~
 Turning to my head towards the right of the public transit bus, I stole a quick glance at from one of my best friends, Y/N Jefferson. She was just so funny, smart and attractive. With a winning smile that stole the hearts of everyone she meet. I shouldn't be thinking these thoughts, she's my friend.   "Dude, just tell her how you feel," A cocky voice stated from my left. I was faced with Alexander Hamilton, one of my other best friends.   Alongside his grey sweater, jeans and well worn sneakers, he also wore a wry smile on his face. I felt heat spread vaguely on my freckled character; "I'm not sure what you mean by that," I finally managed to spit out, "N/N's just a friend. Just like you, Alex.".
  "Mm," He shook his head as he slipped an arm around the waist of a petit girl clad in pastel blue; One of the Schuyler sisters, Eliza. "Keep telling yourself that, Johnathan. You're not that convincing.". After a series of giggles supplied by his girlfriend Eliza Schuyler, Y/N turned her head out of sheer curiosity and boredom, made eye contact with me and then proceeded to shoot me a beautiful smile. I nearly melted right then and there.   Why did I let Y/N do this to me?
I barely felt my phone buzz in my pocket until Alex told me so by holding up his own. It was a text. I squinted at the somewhat medium-sized screen of the Iphone and read the contact name.
I caught my breath as my brown eyes slowly trailed their way across the bus to where Y/N Jefferson was standing. Then, I feel the sensation again. Another buzz; Another text.
I've probably read and re-read the small paragraph that she sent about 4 times. Something about a musical. I could of gone a 5th if Alexander hadn't sent me a text as well;
'I don't know what you're reading/watching, but whatever it is, you're blushing like a drunk corndog.'.
A drunk corndog? Where the fuck did you get that from, Alex?
I look over to where he was standing. And as I guessed his thumbs were skimming through the onscreen keyboard like there was no tomorrow; And the way that Alex wrote, you might as well believe that.
Aaron once even confronted to slow down: "You're not running out of Time, Alexander.".
In annoyance I read the second message that Alex had sent me. 'I hope you're not watching porn or reading smut fanfictions, John.'.
After reading that, with utter disgust I replied with a sensible answer;
'Sure...' He later sent. Moments later an emoji popped up on my screen. '😘'.
With a quick glare sent his way, the bus pulled up at the stop that most of the students onboard got off, including Y/N and I. I shook my head, as if doing that would physically clear my head, and started my walk towards the high school.
A/N Welp, I don't really have a tag list, but if you wanna be a part of it, ask.
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