#Thomas Jeffe
adaki · 2 months
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Sry I’m late, I was being held in a maximum security prison on a secluded island and they had no wifi.
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rroastbeeff · 3 months
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yeah alright, laugh it up wise guy
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gh0st0o · 2 months
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my creepypasta redesigns and marble hornets too(hoodie is saying hi yall :D)
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hugecarls · 5 months
my friends gave me sum doodle ideas using expression memes for the creeps + mh chars so here they are :-3 links to the templates r at the bottom
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bambiimutt · 1 year
He makes you cry during an Argument.
Arguments with these boys? What could possibly go wrong..
Headcannons and short stories under the cut!
TW!! talk of Hoodie stalking, but not major! I think that’s it!!
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Jeffrey Hodex:
- you’d think an argument with your boyfriend who loves you oh so dearly would hopefully end in him apologizing. Wanting to make sure he didn’t say anything to you to hurt you.. but you sometimes forget he’s not the normal person.
-Jeff has anger issues and it’s not a surprise to anyone when it’s brought up. So typically with any argument he has, his anger tends to get the better of him.
-which means if the argument is small it’s bound to be blown out of proportion, if it’s a pretty bad argument it’s about to be even worse.
-he doesn’t like to listen. To him he’s always right. He’s never wrong even if deep down he knows he actually fucked up he doesn’t want to admit it because he doesn’t want to look “weak” or too “soft”
-he typically doesn’t feel bad if you end up getting hurt emotionally, you’ll get a good ol scoff and roll of the eyes while he tells you “it’s not that big of a fucking deal, you don’t need to be so emotional.” Along the lines of that.
-but… you might just tug a few heart strings when he realized he’s made you cry. It’s when he sees that he’s scared you that he breaks a little. He’s got a habit of punching walls, breaking shit around the house when you both argue, screaming in your face.. and if it all leads to you finally breaking down and shaking that’s where he finally draws his line.
-he didn’t mean to scare you.. not like that at least. The last thing he wants is for you to be scared of him. He loves you.. even if he shows it in odd ways. He’s an asshole yes but he’s your asshole.
“Would you just fucking Listen!” Jeff screamed out. His hands were immediately gripping onto his pants, trying his damned hardest to not punch the closest thing to him. But he can’t help himself the moment you cross your arms and give him that fucking look. “Jeffrey. Cut it out, I’ve listened to you for the past 40 fucking minutes.. you need to listen to me-“ you’re cut off quickly hearing his hand collide with the wall and a loud grunt leaving his lips. He’s slightly heaving, breathing heavily and hair a bit messy in front of his face. You jumped a bit, backing up quickly when he immediately whipped around to trudge towards you, black combat boots making him taller then he already was. His large hand was quick to grab your jaw and squish your cheeks together just slightly. “No you fucking listen to me. Stop being a fucking bitch. Why do you have to pick at everything I fucking do, huh?! Huh?!” If he was a scrawny guy you’d say you’d be able to at least get free but no.. no he was a big guy, tall. Muscular, broad shoulders.. built chest. His biceps twitched slightly as his grip grew harder. There was no way you were escaping this. Not with him. Your small hands pushed at his arm and your eyes watered, a tear falling onto his fingers. Oh.. Jeff’s grip softened as he slowly let go. His form lowering himself so he was at your level. “Oh baby.. oh..” his hands hesitated before cupping your cheeks and his lips are kissing at the corners of your lips, trailing towards your ear. “I didn’t mean it..” his voice is deep, gruff and low in your ear as you immediately wrap your arms around his waist. “I’m sorry..” really it’s the only time you’ll get a sorry out of him, a genuine one at that.
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Tobias Rogers
- he’s one of the ones who’s a bit more understanding. He can’t exactly understand physical pain or frustration but he can completely understand emotional pain and anger.. and how fucking awful it can be to handle. So when he’s stood, tall and lanky in front of you, hands swinging in the air and his voice raising he can suddenly feel the room shift to a hurt.. deep cut feeling.
- he tries not to yell he tries to hear you out when you both have an argument, but having BPD can be an issue when it comes to that.. you say one thing in a slight tone and he’s set off. Oh? So this is his fault suddenly? Why did you have to say it like that? You could have said it this way. Why do you have to be such a fucking asshole?
-when in reality that’s not how you meant it at all.. and yes Toby does feel bad for it afterwards he shouldn’t have lashed out that way, he should have sat and listened and maybe asked why you said it that way.. but sometimes things get the better of us.
-he’s not always the one to apologize afterwards but he does when he knows he really fucked up. He can’t lose you not to something so fucking stupid. “I-I’m sorry.. you didn’t deserve to hear that.. to e-endure any of that..” with a sniffle you look up at him teary eyed. Oh that really hurts. “It’s okay Toby” he’s immediately at your side, hands brushing your hair back and placing gentle kisses to your jaw. It kills him when you cry.
“I don’t know Toby I’m just tired..” this is what set him off. The way you said it. You were tired? of this? Of him? Of this relationship? “Are you fucking serious?” He speaks with his teeth clenched together, his head resting in his hands before he’s looking up at your slowly. His body slightly twitches from time to time, though when he was angry it usually became an issue for him, twitching far too often, clearing his throat more aggressively. His tics would normally become more violent in some ways. “Are we just d-done then? That’s it just b-because you’re tired yo-you can’t fucking walk away-“ his arm flys up in the air as he stands, his hands coming to rub at his face and the patch of hair on his chin. His tired droopy eyes dart towards you. You didn’t necessarily start crying because he scared you it was more of the the stress of the situation. “Toby please that’s not what I meant.” He still hasn’t noticed as his tall figure is rambling on, tics making his occasional grip and smack to his leg but he of course can’t feel it. When he finally looks at you he realizes you’ve been crying and it stops. The room becomes quiet and he twitches a few more times before softly kneeling on the floor where you sat. “I shouldn’t have assumed like that.. I’m sorry..” he’s softly laying you down on the floor as his lips trail your neck, his hands placing your arms around his neck. “I’m so sorry.” He mumbles against your neck.
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-Ben Lawman/drowned
- to be honest he’s probably not the one who started it. He’s usually pretty calm, and quiet…. Except for when he wants to act like a child and become ignorant and downright inappropriate.
-he can be perverted.. gross and this is usually where the arguments start, not that you don’t like him nor the way he acts it’s more when he says things he shouldn’t be saying. So you typically end up yelling at him and he will normally sit embarrassed and feeling a bit guilty.. he didn’t think you’d get so upset.
- on occasion if the argument isn’t about that and about something else he still is usually the one to just take it but there are rare moments where he snaps back. And when he does. Oh boy.
-constant pacing back and forth, hands in his hair, sharp glares at you and laughing in disbelief. He’ll sometimes say things he doesn’t mean. He’s usually not one to yell but when he does you aren’t really expecting it. So it scares you.. and the tears finally break.
- ben only stares for a moment. “Shit.” Yeah he fucked up big time. He immediately feels guilty and he immediately rushes towards you to pull you into a tight embrace. He didn’t mean to take it that far.. he really didn’t, knowing it was him who made you cry makes him want to break down himself.
“You can hate me yknow, I won’t blame you, or be angry..” Ben mumbled against your hair, your sniffling shattering his dead heart even further. You look up at the blonde, your fingers lacing their way into his hair as you force a bit of a smile “I just.. I hate when we argue like that..” your voice breaks causing Ben to swallow. Oh no. There’s that lump in his throat. His hands rub at your back before feeling his way towards your lower half, squeezing gently. “I know babe. Don’t listen to me when I get like that yeah?” You give a gentle smile as he softly lifts you up, bringing you closer as he grabs his controller, getting ready to play his game and have you relax against him. Occasionally he’ll presses kisses to your forehead. He doesn’t like to talk about the arguments, maybe because he doesn’t know how to handle his emotions and yours at the same time or maybe he’s just scared it’ll lead to another argument, but he apologized like he always does and makes sure your comfy against him while he games. As long as you’re content with it, he’s content.
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-Masky/ Tim Wright
- a bit like Jeff I just think he’s a bit more mellow, he won’t ever apologize unless he knows he’s actually in the wrong. Which ends up being majority of the time. You know he has his episodes, where he blacks out and doesn’t remember a lot of the things he ends up doing.
- he will sometimes black out during an argument. It’s not often but when he does it’s like arguing with a brick wall. Like Jeff he won’t listen. He refuses to listen to anything you say because In the moment he’s the one who’s right. But he’ll never go as far to say mean things like Jeff does. No Tim tends to stop himself before he does.
-he storms off frequently. I think he more or so hates the emotions that comes with this. He hates the yelling, the way you look at him with disbelief and anger.. Its more so he doesn’t feel like fucking shit up for being an asshole to someone who genuinely cares about him. So he leaves you to your emotions to figure out, and if they aren’t figured out by the time he gets back he tries his best to help. Even if he does seem annoyed.
- typically your arguments are more him being snarky, sarcastic and being too logical, he can raise his voice from time to time but he’s only ever yelled at you once, and he still beats him self up for it to this day. Seeing you cry at how angry he got, how you still reached out for him in your meltdown caused by him.. and you still reached for him.
“They’re pills y/n, prescription pills. I’ll be fine you know I need to take them. Why do I need to keep telling you thi-“ you cut him off quickly your voice already laced with concern as it shook. “Because you take more then you should be taking Tim. I don’t like it I don’t want you to hurt yourself..” he understood where you came from yes but what you needed to do was stop it. Just stop worrying about him. “Please for the love of god, I’m fine! I’m fucking fine! I’ll be fine! Please just stop it. I hate how much you worry and stress yourself over me. They’re fucking pills, I take them when needed. So just stop!” Now he didn’t scream super loud, but it was loud enough for you to feel the lumpy tingly feeling in your throat bubble, your hands softly twisting together “s-sorry..” you squeaked out. Tears brimmed your eyes as your bottom lip quivered. He watched you carefully for a moment, grimacing a bit as he watched your face twist with sadness.. and you slowly making your way towards him. Tim opens his arms and quietly pulls you in, one hand rubbing at the back of your head and the other gripping your back. “I’m an asshole. I know you’re just worried.” He mumbled quietly, lips pressed to your forehead as you hide your face in his chest. “You’re okay..” he continues to mumble, awkwardly trying to find a way to comfort you further.
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Hoodie/ Brian Thomas
-he’s quiet. Very quiet. I think he’s the most gentle when it comes to arguments with his S/O. He’s scared to hurt you, always in any circumstances. He’s more observant, he knows when the argument gets too much for you just by a single movement.
-though he does have his moments where he does get angry back, he can normally control his temper. Usually the argument starts by something he’s done so he can handle it, he can deal with it. He tells you “I promise I’ll change, just give me some time” and you believe him because he does change but then he falls back into his habits, leaving for weeks on end, taking too many pills, his stalker tendencies.
-the argument this time is unclear, you probably don’t even remember by the Time Brian starts yelling back at you. His hair is messy from running his hands through it one too many times, he’s clenching his fists and trying to breathe as he shakily keeps his voice down.
-even in moments like this he still thinks of you. Not wanting to hurt you nor scare you.. he just lets you have your outburst and then you both move on. But tonight was different.
-he tends to ignore you when he gets worked up in an argument. If he’s not yelling back then majority of the time he’s just silent. His back towards you. But only when he’s angry right back at you. He’ll give you that silent treatment for hours.
-but this time. He made you cry. And he’s stopped dead in his tracks, eyes softening, getting down on his knees and resting his head against your stomach,his hands holding onto your waist. Sigh… he just had to fuck shit up again didn’t he.
“Brian you can’t just leave me for weeks on end.. you can’t just.. disappear then show up like nothings happened. Where do you go..? Is there someone else” at this point he’s just been listening to you, letting you vent out but when you suddenly accuse him of cheating on you.. he snaps. You really think HE would cheat on you?! It’s not like he didn’t spend months watching you, becoming so infatuated with you to the point that it would make anybody so fucking sick to their stomach. But he couldn’t tell you that he couldn’t tell you he’s loved you far longer. So he stands, looks at you with anger in his eyes, a hint of sadness flashing on his face “don’t fucking accuse me of cheating on you.” He points a shaky finger in your face “don’t you ever. You don’t understand the shit I’d do for you, the shit I DO for you.” He’s close now, watching as you look up at him shakily. “This S-still doesn’t explain where you go Brian.. you-“ he’s grabbing your wrist and pulling you close “no listen to me. I want to tell you I want to tell you so badly but I can’t. I can’t. I just can’t.” His eyes are averting he’s becoming shaky himself, he’s panicking. Trust him. Is what he wants to tell you, that It’ll all be okay, he’ll be okay in a couple of days, he’ll change just give him time.. but he can’t lie to you.. not now. It would only make shit worse for you in this moment. When he finally looks back at you he sees you staring up at him, not a word spoken but tears streaming down your face, and your wrists still held tight in his large hands. “I..” he softly brings your hand down, lowering himself to the ground as he watches you still stare straight ahead. He scared you. Brian goes silent and lets himself sit on his knees, his hands running up under your shirt to hold onto your waist and burying his head into your stomach. “I’m sorry” he whispered gently, shivering when he feels your hands curl into his hair and finally look down at him. You know he feels guilty. He’s only trying to protect you.
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rainrot4me · 15 days
TW: Size difference, vaginal, riding, feral
EJ, your rabid demon boyfriend, who has no restraint… except for you.
He’s much larger than you, easily swallowing you whole as you lay under him, cunt stretched and aching as he snaps his hips into you. He was brutal, jagged teeth clenched and aching to tear into your skin as you pant underneath him.
But you wanted a change a pace, a different position than the usual missionary mating press Jack preferred to watch you fall apart in.
It was hard to get the angle right, to slide your knees further apart to press the head of his twitching cock up against your fluttering cunt. Jack just watched, hands tucked behind his head as he smiled sweetly up at you, your back arching as your palms pressed into the softness of his chest.
“Easy, now…” Jack grins, the edge of his tongue gliding over his bottom lip as you whine. He lets his claws slink down, scraping against the top of your thighs as you finally push down, his girth stretching you.
Jack groaned as he sunk into your gooey warmth, plush walls constricting on every vein running up his cock and hugging him so nicely. It was all he could do not to flip you over again. He wanted to go at his usual pace, to sink in as far as he could go before tugging back out, just to snap right back in again.
But when your jaw hung open, whines and aching moans slipping as you bounced on his cock: he couldn’t bring himself to move. It was like every primal urge to overtake you paused for just this moment.
“Is this what you wanted?” the demon grunted, digging his heels to keep his body from interrupting you. He loved how blissed out you looked. The way your head dangled between your shoulders, hair falling in front of your eyes. The sound of your ass bouncing against his thighs; every movement of your body complimented with a sweet little noise.
But especially, he loved how you were enjoying it.
It was your desire, your want to get off on his cock that made the brunette reach a claw up to cup your cheek. He admired your lazy expression, the sweat dripping down your skin, and the hazy glass-eyed way you stared at him. He could barely take it when you leaned into his touch, panting against his palm and whining as you rut your hips down. Your back arched so beautifully, contorting to fit against his large stature and find the best feeling of him.
“C’mon, go ahead and finish, pet.” Jack huffed, slinking his claw back into your hair and taking a firm grip, loving the way your body instantly reacted.
You gasped, knees digging to bounce yourself faster, his cock angled just right to knock against your g-spot. The pleasure was suffocating, your clit fluttering with every bump against the demon’s warm skin. He was just reaching so deep… so full… so… good…
Jack hissed when your walls clamped down onto his cock, thighs shaking under his grasp as you rode out your intense orgasm. You cried out, a hand shooting off of his chest to clamp over your mouth, muffling the pretty noises.
“I can’t hear you…” Jack whined, wrapping a claw around your wrist and tugging it back down, your desperate cries now clear and beautifully displayed.
The demon let you settle out, restraining himself until your breathing had become normal again before he flipped you both.
With ankles hooked onto his shoulders, he pressed your knees back until they nestled under your arms, settling himself back into his favorite position. There was only so much he was willing to let you control, anyway.
“I’m not done yet, little thing…”
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snoozingrabbits · 6 months
Ugghgghhhh somone get me testosterone please PLEASEEEE I need to look like these guys
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creepy-friday · 1 year
More Creepypasta Mansion Headcanons
Warnings: dark content,violence,
blood,mental illness and drugs mentions,suggestive content
if your room is close to Jeff or Ben,you're not getting any sleep.Both of them would play loud obnoxious music;Jeff would blast metal while the blonde would play hours of techno music while gaming sounds would be heard plus inappropriate loud sounds from whatever he's watching/playing/enjoying himself to
The calmest and safest times are during breakfast or when the others eat in general,everytime someone is in the kitchen they just do their own thing and leave
EJ doesn't need sleep,so if you happen to wander the hallways at night you might bump into him
Slenderman doesn't care about anything that doesn't directly affect him,he would actually be pissed if a resident would complain about something that he doesn't care about,that's why all the creeps can be unhinged at times
One violent fight has to happen at least once per month we all know the violent motherfuckers who start it and an argument has to happen at least once per day
If you're a shy and an empathetic person then your stay in the mansion can be hell,that's why you should stick with the ones who can make your life a little bearable
Even lone wolves like EJ and Bloody Painter don't stay alone for long periods of time.If you're isolated for a long period of time you might hear the static again..some say it's Slenderman who doesn't want his creeps to be alone because the eldritch might care about them,some say that it's because their loneliness can get into their quality of work and it would piss him off
Besides the blood and the desperation,most creeps keep themselves clean,but you might see some residents like Jeff who can wear the same pair of sweatpants for 7 days in a row
If you need money you can simply go to Ben,he will either order what you need for you or make himself useful and get you some cash,altough he is a little fuck and wants something in return even if it's HIS JOB to provide the residents what they need.Maybe a blowjob under the desk will do
Drugs are easy to obtain,even Nina has a bottle of something hidden inside her room,you just have to know what you want
One of the top unspoken rules between the residents is to never,in under any circumstances,never enter another creep's room without permision,the only keys that are provided are to proxies rooms.
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crushedsweets · 8 months
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Close ups! Took some liberties with heights and designs, of course
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timothy-yeta · 1 year
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figcatlists · 1 year
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Contemporary weird fiction reading list
A chart of New Weird books and other bizarre, unsettling, and uncanny literature published in the last 30 years or so. This is a follow-up to my previous chart of classic weird fiction and another selection from my list of over 200 works of weird literature.
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raven0usravi0lii · 2 months
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a few proxy scribbles which was originally just supposed to be hoodie but .yk . & jeff
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br0k3nb0n3zz · 3 months
more art!! the jeff and sully ones r from a while back n i had a style change so :D
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the toby ones were from a trend on tt soo
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kisielzmozgu · 4 months
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hugecarls · 5 months
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i've been busy with finals but here are some silly sketches Hooray!!!
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j0eyj0rdis0n · 4 months
Pastas finding out their s/o is pregnant? like jeff, ej, toby and whoever else pretty please 🥺🙏
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Absolutely my love! Some of them are more family oriented than others!
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Probably tells you to get an abortion...
If you don't do so then he won't talk to you for MONTHS. Like right up until the moment your kid is born he'll be absent
But as soon as he hears from another creep that you're finally going into labor, he's right by your side
100% cries when your kid is born
He was just nervous in the beginning! He doesn't know how to be a dad and he didn't reaaaally mean that you should get an abortion
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He knew before you did
You know how dogs and cats start laying on your stomach? He'll start getting closer and more lovey
He didn't know exactly why he was acting this way he just knew something was different
When you told him he was ecstatic. Well for the first couple minutes...
Then he started into the whole "what if it's a monster like me?" talk
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He's pretty torn...
Half of him is so fucking happy that he can have some sense of normalcy in his life. He's been wanting a white picket fence lifestyle since... Welll... Since forever.
But the other half... He's not as excited about it...
Firstly, how do we know he's going to be a good father with the amount of time he just suddenly loses or blacks out for? Or what about the operator? What if he's dragged away for whatever the mysterious entity wants?
You'll have to assure him lots but remind him that this is exactly what the both of you want
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Praying it's a little girl! We all know he'd be such an amazing girl dad. Don't get me started.
Either way he's so damn happy.
Doesn't give a shit about his time loss or the operator. His family will come first no matter what.
Starts setting things up for the baby almost immediately
Talks to your stomach allllll the time.
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Nervous. So damn nervous.
He has so much family trauma that he's almost not up for it
But he loves you so he'll try his hardest to step up and be as good of a father as he can possibly be
Starts reading books and shit even though he can only sit long enough to read five pages at a time
Another one who needs constant reassurance that it's all going to work out
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